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72 Percent of Grocery Carts Are Contaminated with Fecal Matter: A Public Health Concern – Germ Awareness

Recent studies have highlighted a significant public health concern: 72 percent of grocery carts are contaminated with fecal matter, commonly referred to as poo particles. This alarming statistic underscores the importance of maintaining hygiene standards in public spaces, especially in places where food is handled. The research findings, the implications for public health, and ways to mitigate this issue are of grave concern, and we must act now to educate ourselves and others.

Research Findings

A study conducted by the University of Arizona found that grocery carts are teeming with bacteria, many of which are linked to fecal matter. The study, led by Dr. Charles Gerba, a renowned microbiologist, revealed that 72 percent of the grocery cart handles tested were contaminated with fecal bacteria. This contamination can come from a variety of sources, including inadequate hand washing, handling raw meat, and children sitting in carts with soiled nappies/ diapers.

Another study published in the “Journal of Medical Microbiology” supported these findings, showing that grocery carts can harbor various pathogenic bacteria. These bacteria can easily be transferred to food items, potentially causing foodborne illnesses.

Public Health Implications

The presence of fecal bacteria on grocery carts poses significant risks to public health. Bacteria such as E. coli and Salmonella can cause severe gastrointestinal illnesses, particularly in vulnerable populations like young children, the elderly, and those with compromised immune systems. Symptoms of these infections range from mild discomfort to severe dehydration and even death in extreme cases.

Moreover, the widespread contamination indicates a broader issue of hygiene in public spaces. Grocery stores are high-traffic areas where cross-contamination can occur easily, leading to the spread of infectious agents not just through food, but via other surfaces and personal contact.

Mitigation Strategies

To address this issue, both grocery stores and customers can take proactive measures:

  1. Store Practices:
    • Regular Sanitization: Grocery stores should implement routine cleaning schedules for carts, especially handles and child seats. Using disinfectant wipes or sprays can significantly reduce bacterial load.
    • Hand Sanitizer Stations: Placing hand sanitizer stations at the entrance and throughout the store encourages customers to clean their hands regularly.
    • Protective Barriers: Some stores have introduced disposable cart covers or protective barriers for cart handles to minimize direct contact.
  2. Customer Practices:
    • Use Disinfectant Wipes: Many stores provide disinfectant wipes for customers to clean cart handles before use. It’s a simple yet effective way to reduce contamination.
    • Hand Hygiene: Regular hand washing or use of hand sanitizer after handling grocery carts can prevent the transfer of bacteria to one’s face or food items.
    • Avoiding Direct Contact: Placing items like purses or reusable bags in the cart rather than on the floor can minimize contamination. Additionally, using cart covers can provide an extra layer of protection.

Raising Germ Awareness: Now More Critical Than Ever

The importance of hygiene and public health has never been more pronounced, there has never been a better time to campaign and educate people about germ awareness. This initiative is not just about promoting cleanliness; it’s about safeguarding our communities from preventable illnesses. The necessity for such awareness is underscored by real-life experiences and scientific research, shedding light on the unseen dangers lurking on everyday surfaces and packaging.

The Editor’s Perspective: A Personal Battle with OCD

As the editor of &, who suffers from Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) related to germ contamination, I have a heightened awareness of the perils posed by inadequate hygiene. My personal experiences provide a unique and profound understanding of the invisible threats present in our environment. I am more vigilant than the average person regarding germs and a daily battle with OCD, which drives me to be exceptionally cautious about the germs that can inhabit surfaces, especially in public spaces ( I avoid going out) and on food packaging. For me, I use disposable vinyl gloves to do everything around the home and my caregiving duties. All surfaces have to be disinfected and I only use antibacterial washing-up liquid and hand soap. I go through 2-3 litres of Dettol Antiseptic Disinfectant Liquid weekly. I will never drink straight from cans and all fruit and veg gets washed before consumption. I always discard the outer packaging of food and decant into my own containers. I have to be more aware not just because of my disabilities but because of an immune suppressant person I care for. Listeria is the main factor in people suffering from Multiple Sclerosis or Autoimmune Disease. My home smells of a combination of air fresheners and disinfectant. My main red flags are the kitchen and bathroom to be immaculately clean.

The Dangers of Cross-Contamination

Cross-contamination is a significant public health issue that often goes unnoticed. It occurs when harmful bacteria and viruses are transferred from one surface to another, typically from raw or unprotected food items to ready-to-eat foods or surfaces. This transfer can lead to severe foodborne illnesses.

Raw Meat Handling: When raw meat is improperly handled, the bacteria it harbors, such as Listeria, Salmonella or E. coli, can spread to other foods, utensils, and surfaces. For instance, if a cutting board used for raw chicken is not adequately cleaned before slicing vegetables, the vegetables can become contaminated, posing a serious health risk.

Unprotected Foods: Foods that are not sealed or stored correctly are vulnerable to contamination. Bacteria can easily spread from contaminated surfaces or packaging to these foods, increasing the risk of ingestion and subsequent illness.

Grocery Packaging: Grocery stores are hotspots for germ transmission. Items on shelves and in freezers are frequently touched by multiple customers. Without proper hygiene practices, the bacteria and viruses on these surfaces can transfer to food packaging, leading to potential contamination.

Mitigation Strategies for Germ Awareness

Promoting germ awareness involves educating the public on proper hygiene practices and the importance of preventing cross-contamination. Here are some effective strategies:

  1. Hand Hygiene:
    • Regular hand washing with soap and water for at least 20 seconds is crucial, especially after handling raw meat or touching commonly used surfaces in public spaces.
    • Use hand sanitizers when hand washing is not feasible, particularly after shopping or handling food packaging.
  2. Proper Food Handling:
    • Separate raw meat from other groceries in the cart and at home to prevent cross-contamination.
    • Use different cutting boards for raw meat and other foods, and sanitize them thoroughly after use.
    • Ensure that food packaging is clean before storing it in the refrigerator or pantry.
  3. Disinfecting Surfaces:
    • Regularly disinfect kitchen surfaces, including countertops, cutting boards, and utensils.
    • Clean grocery cart handles and other frequently touched surfaces in public spaces with disinfectant wipes.
  4. Public Education Campaigns:
    • Launch public awareness campaigns highlighting the importance of germ prevention and proper hygiene practices.
    • Distribute educational materials in grocery stores, schools, and community centers to inform people about the risks of cross-contamination and how to avoid it.


The current global health issue underscores the critical need for heightened germ awareness. By educating the public and implementing stringent hygiene practices, we can reduce the risk of cross-contamination and protect ourselves from preventable illnesses. Renata the editor has her own experiences with OCD-related germ contamination, which serves as a powerful reminder of the unseen dangers that can lurk on everyday surfaces and food packaging.

The contamination of grocery carts with fecal matter is a widespread issue with serious public health implications. Through combined efforts from grocery store management and customers, it is possible to significantly reduce the risk of bacterial transmission. Awareness and proactive hygiene practices are crucial in creating safer shopping environments.

By adopting better hygiene practices and encouraging cleaner public environments, we can protect ourselves and our communities from the unseen dangers lurking in everyday places. Let us take proactive steps to promote a cleaner, healthier environment for all.

Further Reading:


  1. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). “Preventing Cross-Contamination.” CDC Food Safety.
  2. Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS). “Safe Food Handling: Prevent Cross-Contamination.” FSIS.
  3. Journal of Food Protection. “Cross-Contamination in Food Processing Environments: The Role of Surfaces.” Journal of Food Protection.
  4. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention:
  5. Food Safety and Inspection Service:
  6. Gerba, C. (2011). “Bacterial contamination of shopping carts and approaches to their mitigation.” University of Arizona Study.
  7. “Grocery Carts: A public health concern.” Journal of Medical Microbiology, 2020. Search Results | Microbiology Society (
  8. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). “Guidelines for the prevention of foodborne illnesses.” CDC Food Safety.
  9. University of Arizona:
  10. Journal of Medical Microbiology:
  11. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention:

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