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Disgraced Chinese Scientist He Jiankui Resurfaces: A Controversial Figure Returns to Genetic Research

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Disgraced Chinese Scientist He Jiankui Resurfaces: A Controversial Figure Returns to Genetic Research

In 2018, the scientific community was rocked by the revelation that Chinese scientist He Jiankui had genetically edited human embryos, leading to the birth of twin girls with edited DNA. This unprecedented act of genetic manipulation sparked global outrage, and ethical debates, and raised profound concerns about the potential consequences of gene editing technology. He Jiankui’s actions were widely condemned, leading to his subsequent arrest and imprisonment in 2019. However, recent reports indicate that He Jiankui has resurfaced, re-entering the scientific arena and expressing pride in his past work, reigniting ethical and moral quandaries surrounding genetic research.

He Jiankui’s claim to fame—or infamy—came with his announcement at the Second International Summit on Human Genome Editing in November 2018. He revealed that he had used the CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing tool to modify the DNA of embryos, purportedly to confer resistance to HIV, before implanting them into their mother’s womb. This act dubbed the world’s first genetically edited babies, sparked intense backlash from the scientific community and beyond. Many argued that the experiment was reckless, ethically dubious, and lacked proper oversight and transparency.

The backlash against He Jiankui’s actions was swift and severe. The Chinese government condemned his work, labeling it illegal and unethical. He Jiankui was swiftly placed under house arrest, and subsequent investigations led to his imprisonment in late 2019. His experiments violated numerous ethical guidelines and international agreements, including the 2015 International Summit on Human Gene Editing statement, which cautioned against the modification of human embryos for reproductive purposes.

However, recent reports suggest that He Jiankui has returned to the scientific arena. According to sources close to him, He Jiankui has been working in a laboratory in China, delving once again into genetic research. Shockingly, he reportedly expressed pride in his past work, claiming that he feels “proud” of what he has accomplished. This brazen attitude has reignited the debate surrounding He Jiankui’s actions and the broader implications of genetic research.

The resurgence of He Jiankui raises several troubling questions. Firstly, it underscores the inadequacy of existing regulatory frameworks to govern rapidly advancing technologies such as gene editing. Despite the international condemnation of his actions, He Jiankui was able to resume his work, albeit under the radar. This highlights the need for more robust oversight and enforcement mechanisms to prevent the misuse of powerful technologies like CRISPR-Cas9.

Secondly, He Jiankui’s unrepentant stance raises concerns about the moral compass of scientists and the ethical implications of their research. By expressing pride in his past work, He Jiankui appears to be indifferent to the potential consequences of his actions and the ethical considerations inherent in genetic manipulation. This attitude undermines public trust in science and reinforces the perception of scientists as detached from societal concerns.

Furthermore, He Jiankui’s resurgence serves as a stark reminder of the ethical dilemmas posed by advances in genetic technology. While gene editing holds immense promise for treating genetic diseases and improving human health, it also raises profound ethical questions about the limits of scientific intervention in the human genome. The case of He Jiankui illustrates the delicate balance between scientific progress and ethical responsibility, highlighting the need for robust ethical frameworks to guide the responsible development and application of genetic technologies.

In conclusion, the re-emergence of He Jiankui, the disgraced Chinese scientist behind the world’s first genetically edited babies, raises significant ethical concerns and renews debates surrounding the regulation of genetic research. His unrepentant attitude and return to the lab underscore the pressing need for stronger oversight and ethical guidelines to govern the rapidly advancing field of genetic technology. As science continues to push the boundaries of what is possible, it is essential to ensure that ethical considerations remain at the forefront of scientific endeavors to safeguard the well-being of present and future generations.

Disgraced Chinese scientist He Jiankui who was jailed in 2019 for genetically editing human babies is back in the lab – and claims he’s ‘proud’ of his past work (msn.com)

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Unveiling the Startling Origins of Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple Sclerosis

Unveiling the Startling Origins of Multiple Sclerosis: A Genetic Journey Across Millennia

Multiple Sclerosis (MS), a chronic and often disabling neurodegenerative disease, has long puzzled scientists and researchers seeking to understand its origins. In a groundbreaking study, scientists have traced the roots of MS back 5,000 years, revealing a surprising connection to the migration of sheep and cattle herders from the east into north-western Europe. This research sheds new light on the genetic factors that contribute to the development of MS and provides a fascinating glimpse into the ancient history of this complex neurological disorder.

The Genetic Landscape:

The study, led by a team of geneticists and archaeologists, delved into the genetic landscape of individuals affected by MS across different populations. By analyzing ancient DNA samples and comparing them to contemporary genomes, researchers made a startling discovery: a significant genetic component associated with MS was introduced into north-western Europe around 5,000 years ago.

Migration of Herders:

The introduction of these MS-associated genes coincided with the migration of sheep and cattle herders from the east into the regions that now comprise modern-day north-western Europe. These herders, with their livestock, brought not only a new way of life but also a genetic predisposition for MS that has persisted through the centuries.

Researchers speculate that environmental factors, possibly related to changes in diet or exposure to infectious agents carried by the migrating herds, may have interacted with the genetic susceptibility, triggering the development of MS in certain individuals. This finding challenges previous assumptions about the disease’s origins and highlights the intricate interplay between genetics and environmental factors in complex disorders like MS.

Implications for Understanding MS:

Unraveling the genetic roots of MS opens up new avenues for understanding the disease and developing targeted therapies. By identifying the specific genetic markers associated with MS, researchers can gain insights into the mechanisms that lead to neurodegeneration. This knowledge is crucial for developing more effective treatments and interventions for individuals affected by MS.

Furthermore, the study’s findings emphasize the importance of considering both genetic and environmental factors in understanding the prevalence and distribution of diseases. While genetics plays a significant role, environmental triggers may be equally influential in determining whether an individual with a genetic predisposition will develop MS.

Public Health and Future Research:

The implications of this study extend beyond the scientific realm and have potential ramifications for public health initiatives. Understanding the historical context of MS could inform public health strategies, helping to identify populations at higher risk and tailoring interventions accordingly.

As researchers continue to explore the intricate relationship between genetics, environment, and MS, it is essential to foster collaborative efforts across disciplines. Future research endeavors may focus on unraveling the specific environmental factors that interact with the identified genetic markers, providing a more comprehensive understanding of MS development.


The revelation that the genes associated with MS were introduced into north-western Europe by migrating herders 5,000 years ago offers a captivating glimpse into the historical roots of this neurodegenerative disease. This study provides a valuable foundation for further research, offering hope for improved treatments and a deeper understanding of the complex interplay between genetics and environment in the development of MS.

Further Reading:

The ‘startling’ origin of MS: Genes behind the neurodegenerative disease were introduced into north-western Europe 5,000 years ago by sheep and cattle herders migrating from the east, study finds | Daily Mail Online

#ms #multiplesclerosis #autoimmunedisorder #degenerativedisorder #neurologicaldisorder #neurodegenerativedisease #genomes #dna


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