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Trusting & Standing & To People. Knowing your Boundaries.

Guide To Dealing with Non-Payment and Client Stonewalling

Brown and Cream Colored Image Depicting Wording 'Stonewalling' Typed on Typewriter Paper. Image Credit: PhotoFunia.com Category Vintage Typewriter.
Brown and Cream Colored Image Depicting Wording ‘Stonewalling’ Typed on Typewriter Paper.
Image Credit: PhotoFunia.com Category Vintage Typewriter.

Dealing with Non-Payment and Client Stonewalling: A Guide for Entrepreneurs

As an entrepreneur, one of the most challenging situations you may encounter is when a client abruptly stops making regular payments on a rolling contract without providing formal notice. This can be particularly frustrating when you have fulfilled your end of the bargain, such as getting their website on the first page of search engines, only to have the client claim they received no business from it and then stonewall your attempts to resolve the issue.

Stonewalling, the act of refusing to communicate or cooperate can significantly impact mental health, leading to heightened stress, anxiety, and feelings of helplessness. When individuals face stonewalling, especially in professional relationships, it creates an atmosphere of uncertainty and frustration, which can erode self-esteem and confidence. The continuous cycle of trying to engage with no response can lead to emotional exhaustion and even depression, as the lack of resolution or acknowledgment leaves the affected party feeling isolated and undervalued. Over time, this persistent stress can also manifest physically, contributing to headaches, sleep disturbances, and other stress-related health issues, emphasizing the importance of addressing and resolving stonewalling behaviors promptly.

When a client breaches a contract by not giving the required notice, they are guilty of violating the agreed-upon terms, which constitutes a contractual breach. This breach not only undermines the mutual trust and respect foundational to a professional relationship but also displays a lack of professionalism and integrity. Such unprofessional conduct can cause significant stress for the entrepreneur, who may face financial uncertainty and disruption to their business operations. The resulting stress from unresolved payments and disrupted cash flow can escalate into anxiety and depression, as the entrepreneur struggles to manage their commitments and maintain their business’s stability. This breach of contract thus has far-reaching implications, affecting both the business’s health and the entrepreneur’s well-being.

Here are steps you can take to address this problem effectively and professionally.

1. Review the Contract Terms

First and foremost, revisit the contract terms agreed upon with the client. Ensure that the contract includes:

  • Clear Payment Terms: Define when payments are due and the acceptable methods of payment.
  • Termination Clause: Specify the notice period required for terminating the contract.
  • Dispute Resolution: Outline the steps to be taken in the event of a disagreement.

Understanding your legal standing will help you navigate the situation more confidently.

2. Document Your Communication Efforts

Keep a detailed record of all your attempts to communicate with the client, including:

  • Emails: Save copies of all emails sent and received.
  • Phone Calls: Note the date, time, and summary of phone conversations.
  • Messages: Include any text messages or other forms of written communication.

This documentation can be crucial if you need to escalate the issue.

3. Send a Formal Notice

Send a formal notice to the client regarding their missed payments. This notice should:

  • State the Amount Owed: Clearly mention the overdue amount and the services rendered.
  • Provide a Deadline: Give a reasonable deadline for the payment to be made.
  • Include Consequences: Explain the potential consequences of non-payment, such as late fees, suspension of services, or legal action.

Use certified mail or another traceable method to ensure the client receives this notice.

4. Attempt Mediation

If the client continues to stonewall, propose mediation as a way to resolve the dispute amicably. Mediation involves a neutral third party who can help both sides come to an agreement. This approach can be less costly and time-consuming than legal proceedings.

5. Highlight the Distinction Between Services

In your communication, reiterate the distinction between marketing services and website design:

  • Website Design: Your responsibility was to design a website and optimize it for search engines, which you have successfully done.
  • Marketing Services: Explain that driving business requires ongoing marketing efforts, which may not have been included in your initial agreement.

Offer additional services or referrals to marketing experts if the client is interested in further assistance.

6. Consider Legal Action

If all else fails and the client refuses to pay or communicate, you may need to consider legal action. Before doing so, consult with a legal professional to understand your options and the likelihood of success. Small claims court may be an appropriate venue if the amount owed falls within its limits.

7. Evaluate and Improve Your Processes

Reflect on the situation to improve your business practices:

  • Enhanced Contracts: Strengthen your contracts to prevent similar issues in the future.
  • Client Screening: Implement a more thorough client screening process to identify potential red flags early.
  • Clear Communication: Ensure that clients fully understand the scope of work and the distinction between different services you offer.

8. Seek Support

Engage with professional networks or industry groups for support and advice. Other entrepreneurs may have faced similar issues and can offer valuable insights or recommendations for legal services.


Dealing with non-payment and a stonewalling client is a complex challenge, but by following these steps, you can address the issue professionally and assertively. Reviewing your contract, documenting communication, sending formal notices, attempting mediation, clarifying service distinctions, considering legal action, improving processes, and seeking support are all essential strategies to manage this situation effectively. By taking these actions, you can protect your business interests and maintain your professional integrity.

Stonewalling, whether in a business context or personal life, erodes trust and can lead to a myriad of mental health issues. When one party consistently refuses to communicate or engage, it fosters an environment of frustration, confusion, and resentment. This breakdown in communication undermines relationships, making the affected individuals feel devalued and ignored. The prolonged stress from such interactions can trigger anxiety, depression, and emotional exhaustion. Therefore, it’s crucial for people to be mindful of how they treat others, recognizing that respectful and open communication is fundamental to maintaining healthy, trusting relationships and supporting everyone’s mental well-being.

Further Reading:

Disabled Entrepreneur Business Card.

When OCD Boundaries Are Not Respected

OCD Cymru Logo - Domain Name For Sale!
Domain Name For Sale:
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When OCD Boundaries Are Not Respected: The Contamination of a Quarantined Area

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a mental health condition characterized by persistent, intrusive thoughts (obsessions) and repetitive behaviors (compulsions). One common manifestation of OCD is the fear of contamination, where sufferers may go to great lengths to avoid germs and keep their environment meticulously clean. For these individuals, the sanctity of a quarantined area is paramount. It serves as a safe haven where they can feel secure from contamination.

The Consequences of Boundary Violations

When a quarantined area is contaminated, either intentionally or inadvertently, it can have profound psychological and emotional effects on the individual with OCD. This violation can trigger intense anxiety, panic attacks, and even depressive episodes. The person may feel as though their safe space has been violated, leading to a heightened sense of vulnerability and loss of control. This breach can also result in an exacerbation of OCD symptoms, making it difficult for the sufferer to manage their condition effectively.

From a practical standpoint, the contamination of a quarantined area can also disrupt the individual’s daily life. They may feel compelled to engage in extensive cleaning rituals, which can be time-consuming and exhausting. In severe cases, the person might avoid the contaminated area altogether, leading to further isolation and a decrease in their quality of life.

Solutions for Preventing and Addressing Contamination

  1. Clear Communication:
    • Before any work begins, it is crucial for the person with OCD to communicate their needs and boundaries clearly to the contractor or third party. This can include specifying areas that are off-limits, explaining the importance of these boundaries, and outlining the procedures for maintaining cleanliness.
  2. Written Agreements:
    • Having a written agreement that details the expectations and requirements for maintaining a contamination-free environment can help ensure that everyone is on the same page. This document can serve as a reference for both parties and provide a sense of security for the person with OCD.
  3. Use of Protective Measures:
    • Contractors and third parties should use protective measures such as disposable shoe covers, gloves, and masks to minimize the risk of contamination. Additionally, they should be mindful of the materials they bring into the quarantined area, ensuring that they are clean and sanitized.
  4. Supervision:
    • If possible, the person with OCD or a trusted individual should supervise the work to ensure that their boundaries are respected. This presence can help prevent accidental contamination and provide immediate feedback if issues arise.
  5. Professional Cleaning Services:
    • In the event of contamination, professional cleaning services that specialize in OCD-related cleaning can be employed. These services understand the unique needs of individuals with OCD and can help restore the environment to its original state.

Risks of Disinfectants on Electrical Items

While maintaining cleanliness is essential, it is also important to recognize that certain disinfectants can damage electrical items. Cleaning electronic devices with the wrong type of disinfectant can lead to malfunction or permanent damage.

Here are some guidelines to ensure safe cleaning:

  1. Avoid Liquid Disinfectants:
    • Liquids can seep into the internal components of electronic devices, causing short circuits and corrosion. Instead, use disinfectant wipes that are specifically designed for electronics.
  2. Use Isopropyl Alcohol:
    • A solution of 70% isopropyl alcohol is generally safe for cleaning electronics. It evaporates quickly and does not leave residue. Apply it sparingly using a microfiber cloth.
  3. Power Down and Unplug:
    • Always turn off and unplug electronic devices before cleaning. This reduces the risk of electric shock and prevents damage to the device.
  4. Avoid Harsh Chemicals:
    • Bleach, ammonia, and other harsh chemicals can damage screens and plastic components. Stick to mild disinfectants recommended by the device manufacturer.
  5. Regular Maintenance:
    • Regularly dust and clean electronic devices to prevent the buildup of dirt and germs, reducing the need for more intensive cleaning that could pose a risk.


For individuals with OCD, particularly those who struggle with contamination fears, maintaining a clean and safe environment is crucial for their well-being. Respecting their boundaries and taking appropriate measures to prevent contamination can significantly reduce their anxiety and improve their quality of life. From a personal perspective, considering I suffer from OCD germ contamination, I have been known to throw things out that I have not been able to disinfect. For me it is not just a matter of cleaning things with soap and water, things need to be disinfected.

Disabled Entrepreneur Business Card.

Navigating Toxic Family Dynamics

Brown & Cream Image Depicting Mental Health Awareness Text On Typewriter Paper. Image Created by PhotoFunia.com
Brown & Cream Image Depicting Mental Health Awareness Text On Typewriter Paper.
Image Created by PhotoFunia.com Category Vintage Typewriter.

Navigating Toxic Family Dynamics: Empowering Yourself in the Face of Undermining Behavior

Family relationships are often complex and emotionally charged, shaped by deep-rooted expectations, past experiences, and unspoken assumptions. When a family member consistently fails to empower or motivate you, assumes you are not successful, insinuates laziness, and undermines everything you do, it can be profoundly disheartening. It is important to explore the emotional impact of such behavior, the underlying issues, and practical steps you can take to protect your well-being and self-worth.

Emotional Impact

The negative behavior of a family member who continuously doubts and belittles you can trigger a range of emotions:

  • Frustration and Anger: It’s natural to feel frustrated when someone you care about constantly questions your capabilities and intentions. Anger can also arise from the unfairness of their assumptions and accusations.
  • Sadness and Hurt: Being labeled as lazy or unsuccessful by a family member can be deeply hurtful, especially when you are striving hard to achieve your goals.
  • Self-Doubt and Insecurity: Persistent negative feedback from a family member can lead to self-doubt, making you question your abilities and worth.
  • Isolation: When someone close to you talks behind your back or invades your privacy to probe into your financial affairs, it can make you feel isolated and mistrustful.

Understanding Their Behavior

To effectively deal with such a situation, it’s crucial to understand why the family member behaves this way:

  • Projection: Sometimes, people project their insecurities and failures onto others. The family members might be dealing with their issues of inadequacy.
  • Control: Undermining others can be a way for some people to exert control and maintain a sense of superiority.
  • Lack of Awareness: The family members might not realize the impact of their words and actions, thinking they are being helpful or realistic.

Practical Steps to Protect Yourself

  1. Set Boundaries: Clearly define what behavior is unacceptable and communicate this to the family member. Boundaries are essential for maintaining your mental health.
    • Example: “I appreciate your concern, but I need you to trust my judgment and respect my decisions.”
  2. Limit Interactions: If the behavior persists despite setting boundaries, consider limiting your interactions with the family member.
    • Example: Reducing the frequency of visits or conversations can minimize exposure to negative comments.
  3. Seek Support: Surround yourself with people who believe in you and uplift you. This can include friends, mentors, or support groups.
    • Example: Engage in communities or forums where you can share your experiences and gain encouragement.
  4. Focus on Self-Improvement: Concentrate on your goals and achievements, and celebrate your successes, no matter how small.
    • Example: Keep a journal of your accomplishments to remind yourself of your progress and strengths.
  5. Communicate Effectively: Address the issue directly but calmly. Express how their behavior affects you and what changes you would like to see.
    • Example: “When you call me lazy or unsuccessful, it makes me feel unsupported. I need your encouragement rather than criticism.”
  6. Consider Professional Help: If the situation significantly impacts your mental health, seeking advice from a therapist or counselor can provide coping strategies and emotional support.

When to Consider Cutting Ties

In some cases, despite your best efforts, the family member’s behavior may remain unchanged and continue to harm your self-esteem and mental health. Deciding to cut ties with a family member is a deeply personal and often difficult choice, but it may be necessary in certain situations:

  • Chronic Negativity: If their behavior is persistently negative and shows no sign of improvement, it might be healthier to distance yourself.
  • Mental Health Impact: When the relationship severely impacts your mental and emotional well-being, protecting yourself becomes a priority.
  • Lack of Respect: If there is a fundamental lack of respect for you and your life choices, and if every interaction leaves you feeling belittled and unworthy, stepping away might be the best option.


Dealing with a family member who undermines and belittles you is undoubtedly challenging. While maintaining family relationships is important, your mental health and self-worth should always come first. By setting boundaries, seeking support, and focusing on your growth, you can navigate this difficult dynamic. If necessary, don’t be afraid to distance yourself from toxic influences to create a more positive and empowering environment for yourself. Remember, you deserve to be surrounded by people who uplift and believe in you.

Disabled Entrepreneur Business Card.

Energy Providers and Consumer Rights

Brown & Cream Image, depicting wording typed on a typewriter mentioning 'Consumer Rights'. Image Credit: PhotoFunia.com Category Vintage Typewriter.
Brown & Cream Image, depicting wording typed on a typewriter mentioning ‘Consumer Rights’.
Image Credit: PhotoFunia.com Category Vintage Typewriter.

Energy Providers and Consumer Rights: Navigating Billing Harassment and Forced Smart Meters

Managing household expenses is a critical aspect of financial well-being, among these expenses, energy bills can be particularly burdensome, especially when energy providers make it challenging for consumers to manage their payments. Instances where providers pressure customers to pay bills in full rather than allowing installments, or where they force the installation of smart meters, can lead to significant legal and psychological ramifications. Understanding your rights and the laws that protect you is crucial in addressing these issues.

When energy providers ask numerous personal questions after you have proposed a comfortable monthly payment amount, and they base their payment demands on your personal circumstances rather than considering your offer, this could constitute an invasion of privacy and potential harassment. Such practices may violate consumer protection laws and regulations that require energy providers to respect reasonable payment proposals and to handle personal information appropriately. This intrusive questioning can also lead to undue stress and anxiety, exacerbating an already challenging financial situation. In many jurisdictions, consumers are protected from such unfair treatment, and providers are obligated to work with customers to find mutually acceptable payment solutions without overstepping privacy boundaries.

Some energy providers engage in frustrating practices such as passing customers from pillar to post, where multiple agents handle a single query without effectively updating one another. This lack of coordination can lead to confusion, delays, and unresolved issues, leaving consumers exasperated. Additionally, providers may employ stonewalling tactics, deliberately stalling responses to buy enough time to push customers into arrears, thereby exacerbating their financial difficulties. In more severe cases, customers might encounter hostile, aggressive, or even ableist behavior from representatives, designed to intimidate and pressure them into compliance. Such actions are not only unethical but also potentially unlawful, as they violate consumer protection laws and can contribute to significant emotional and mental distress.

Legal Protections Against Unfair Billing Practices

Energy providers are subject to strict regulations designed to protect consumers from unfair practices. In many jurisdictions, these protections are enshrined in consumer protection laws and regulations specific to utility companies. Key protections include:

  1. Right to Fair Billing and Installment Payments: Many regions, such as the UK and EU, have regulations that mandate energy providers to offer fair billing practices. This includes the option for consumers to pay their bills in installments. Forcing customers to pay the entire bill upfront can violate these regulations.
  2. Protection from Harassment: Harassment by debt collectors or utility companies is illegal. Under laws such as the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) in the United States, consumers are protected from aggressive or harassing collection practices. This includes repeated calls, threats, or other forms of intimidation.
  3. Consent for Smart Meters: In many areas, the installation of smart meters must be done with the consent of the customer. Forcing the installation of these devices without consent can breach consumer rights. For example, the UK’s Smart Metering Installation Code of Practice stipulates that customers have the right to refuse a smart meter.

Addressing Unfair Practices

If you find yourself pressured by your energy provider, several steps can help resolve the issue:

  1. Document Everything: Keep records of all communications with your energy provider. This includes emails, letters, and notes from phone conversations. Documentation is crucial if you need to escalate the issue.
  2. Formal Complaint: File a formal complaint with your energy provider. Most companies have a complaints process, and they are required to respond within a certain timeframe.
  3. Seek Regulatory Help: If the issue remains unresolved, contact the regulatory body overseeing energy providers in your region. In the UK, this would be Ofgem, while in the US, it could be the Public Utility Commission of your state.
  4. Legal Action: If harassment continues, consider legal action in the UK (First4Lawyers). Laws such as the FDCPA (USA) allow consumers to sue for harassment and seek damages for emotional distress.

Impact on Mental Health

The pressure and harassment from energy providers can have a profound impact on mental health. Constant stress and anxiety from dealing with aggressive billing practices can lead to:

  • Anxiety and Depression: The continuous pressure to settle bills or accept unwanted services can contribute to severe anxiety and depression.
  • Emotional Distress: The fear of disconnection or legal action can cause significant emotional distress, affecting overall well-being and quality of life.

Potential for Legal Recourse

Consumers experiencing significant emotional distress due to harassment from energy providers may have grounds to sue for damages. Emotional distress claims require demonstrating the extent of psychological impact and linking it directly to the actions of the provider. Legal precedents have shown that companies can be held liable for causing undue stress and anxiety.


Consumers have robust legal protections against unfair billing practices and harassment by energy providers. Understanding these rights and knowing the steps to address such issues can mitigate the impact on mental health and ensure fair treatment. If you face pressure or harassment from your energy provider, taking documented, informed actions can protect your rights and well-being. Always seek legal advice if you believe your rights have been violated, as there are avenues for recourse and compensation for undue distress.

It is not uncommon for consumers to perceive the ombudsman as biased in favor of energy suppliers, often feeling that their grievances are not given due weight. This perception is reinforced by cases where compensation awarded to consumers has been minimal, sometimes as little as £200, which many believe does not adequately reflect the distress and inconvenience experienced.

If you are considering legal action due to dissatisfaction with the ombudsman’s decision, it is advisable to take your case to a tribunal or small claims court, where a more impartial hearing can be expected. Alternatively, writing directly to the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) can be an effective step, particularly if your complaint involves issues of unfair treatment or discrimination.

Disabled Entrepreneur Business Card.

Respecting Boundaries During Time Off Work

Respecting Boundaries On Typewriter Paper. Image Credit: PhotoFunia.com

Navigating Employee and Employer Etiquette: Respecting Boundaries During Time Off

In the modern workplace, maintaining professional etiquette is crucial for fostering a healthy and productive environment. One important aspect of this etiquette is understanding the boundaries between work and personal time, especially concerning contacting employees when they are on holiday or on their days off.

The Importance of Boundaries

Work-Life Balance: Maintaining a healthy work-life balance is essential for both mental and physical health. Employees who can disconnect from work during their time off are generally more refreshed and productive when they return.

Respecting Personal Time: Respecting an employee’s personal time is a sign of respect and consideration. It shows that the employer values the employee’s need for rest and rejuvenation, which is crucial for long-term job satisfaction and performance.

Employer Etiquette: Contacting Employees During Time Off

Emergencies Only: Employers should generally refrain from contacting employees during their holidays or days off unless it is an emergency. What constitutes an emergency should be clearly defined within the company policies. For example, situations that threaten the safety of the workplace or require immediate attention to prevent significant financial loss could be considered emergencies.

Plan Ahead: To minimize the need for contacting employees during their time off, employers should plan ahead. This includes ensuring that all necessary information and resources are available to those who are working and delegating responsibilities appropriately before an employee goes on leave.

Respecting Designated Contact Times: If it is absolutely necessary to contact an employee, it is important to respect designated contact times agreed upon in advance. This approach shows respect for the employee’s time and avoids unnecessary disruptions.

Clear Communication Policies: Having clear policies regarding communication during time off can help manage expectations. These policies should be part of the employee handbook and discussed during onboarding.

Employee Etiquette: Being Contacted During Time Off

Setting Boundaries: Employees should feel empowered to set and communicate their boundaries regarding work-related contacts during their personal time. This might include specifying times when they are available in case of emergencies and times when they should not be contacted at all.

Out-of-Office Notifications: When going on holiday or taking days off, employees should set up out-of-office notifications on their email and other communication platforms. This helps manage expectations and directs colleagues to alternative contacts.

Emergency Contacts: Employees can provide an emergency contact method if they are comfortable doing so. This should be used strictly for urgent matters that cannot wait until they return.

The Reciprocal Nature of Etiquette

Two-Way Street: Just as employers should respect employees’ time off, employees should also respect the boundaries of their employers and colleagues. This means avoiding contacting managers or coworkers during their time off unless it is an absolute emergency.

Professionalism and Courtesy: Both parties should approach any necessary contact with professionalism and courtesy. Acknowledge the intrusion and keep communications brief and to the point.

When Is It Wrong to Contact Someone Not at Work?

Non-Urgent Matters: Contacting employees or employers for non-urgent matters during their personal time is generally considered inappropriate. Such actions can contribute to burnout, depression, and resentment, ultimately affecting job performance and morale.

Ignoring Policies: Disregarding established communication policies is also inappropriate. If a company has specific guidelines for contacting employees during their time off, these should be followed meticulously.


Respecting the boundaries between work time and personal time is essential for fostering a healthy and productive work environment. Employers should minimize contact with employees during their holidays and days off, reserving communication for true emergencies and respecting agreed-upon contact times. Similarly, employees should communicate their availability clearly and respect their colleagues’ time off. By adhering to these guidelines, both employees and employers can maintain a respectful and balanced professional relationship.

The same principle of respecting boundaries applies to employees contacting their employers on their days off. Just as employers should avoid reaching out to employees during their personal time, employees should also refrain from contacting their employers outside of work hours unless it is an urgent matter. This mutual respect for personal time helps maintain a healthy work-life balance, reduces stress, and promotes a more positive and productive workplace culture. By adhering to these boundaries, employees demonstrate professionalism and respect for their employers’ personal time, fostering a reciprocal relationship built on consideration and mutual respect.

Disabled Entrepreneur Business Card.

Why Some Disabled Individuals Are Perceived as Arrogant

The Misunderstood Reality: Why Some Disabled Individuals Are Perceived as Arrogant

Individuals with disabilities often face a myriad of challenges, both tangible and intangible, one such intangible challenge is the perception that some disabled people are arrogant. This perception can be damaging, leading to misunderstandings, social isolation, and barriers to inclusion. However, it is crucial to delve deeper into the root causes of this perception and understand the complex dynamics at play.

First and foremost, it’s essential to recognize that disability does not equate to a single, homogeneous experience. Disabilities encompass a broad spectrum of conditions, each with its unique challenges and coping mechanisms. Within this diversity, some individuals may adopt behaviors or attitudes that are mistakenly interpreted as arrogance.

One reason behind the perception of arrogance among some disabled individuals lies in societal attitudes and stereotypes. Historically, people with disabilities have been marginalized and underestimated, often relegated to roles of dependence and pity. In response to this marginalization, some individuals may develop a defensive demeanor or assertiveness as a means of asserting their autonomy and challenging societal stereotypes.

Moreover, navigating a world designed primarily for able-bodied individuals can be immensely frustrating and exhausting. Simple tasks that others take for granted may require meticulous planning, assistance, or adaptive equipment for someone with a disability. This constant need for adaptation and accommodation can lead to feelings of frustration and impatience, which may manifest as perceived arrogance in interactions with others.

Furthermore, the experience of living with a disability can shape one’s self-perception and interpersonal skills. Many disabled individuals face a lifetime of discrimination, ableism, and microaggressions, which can erode self-esteem and confidence. In response, some individuals may develop a defensive posture or a guarded demeanor as a means of self-protection. This self-defense mechanism can inadvertently be interpreted as arrogance by those unfamiliar with the nuances of living with a disability.

Additionally, it’s essential to recognize the impact of internalized ableism on individuals with disabilities. Internalized ableism refers to the process by which people with disabilities internalize societal prejudices and stereotypes, leading to negative self-perception and internalized shame. As a result, some individuals may overcompensate for perceived shortcomings by adopting behaviors that come across as overly confident or arrogant.

However, it is crucial to emphasize that the perception of arrogance among some disabled individuals is not inherent to disability itself but rather a complex interplay of societal attitudes, personal experiences, and coping mechanisms. Addressing this perception requires a shift in societal attitudes towards disability, fostering greater empathy, understanding, and inclusivity.

One way to combat this perception is through education and awareness-raising initiatives that challenge stereotypes and promote a more nuanced understanding of disability. By highlighting the diverse experiences and perspectives within the disabled community, we can break down stereotypes and foster empathy and understanding.

Furthermore, fostering inclusive environments that prioritize accessibility and accommodation is crucial. When disabled individuals feel valued, respected, and included, they are less likely to adopt defensive behaviors that may be misinterpreted as arrogance.

Understanding Arrogance: Exploring the Depths of an Elusive Trait

Arrogance, a trait often condemned yet not always fully understood, permeates human interactions in various spheres of life. Defined as an attitude of superiority, disdain, or self-importance towards others, arrogance is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon that can manifest in subtle or overt ways. To truly grasp its essence, one must delve into its intricacies, exploring its origins, manifestations, and consequences.

At its core, arrogance stems from an inflated sense of self-worth or entitlement. Those who exhibit arrogance often perceive themselves as superior to others, whether intellectually, socially, or in some other aspect. This sense of superiority may be grounded in genuine accomplishments or talents, but it can also be fueled by insecurity, fear, or a need for validation.

One of the defining characteristics of arrogance is the tendency to belittle or dismiss others. Arrogant individuals may exhibit condescending behavior, speak disparagingly about others, or disregard opposing viewpoints. This behavior serves to reinforce their sense of superiority while diminishing the value of others in their eyes.

Moreover, arrogance often manifests in a lack of humility or willingness to acknowledge one’s own limitations or mistakes. Arrogant individuals may resist criticism, deflect blame onto others, or refuse to admit when they are wrong. This reluctance to accept feedback or learn from experience can hinder personal growth and strain relationships.

List Of Reasons Why Someone Maybe Arrogant

  1. Insecurity: Arrogance can sometimes stem from deep-seated feelings of insecurity. Individuals may overcompensate for their insecurities by projecting an air of superiority.
  2. Need for Validation: Some people seek validation and approval from others, and they may adopt arrogant behavior as a means of gaining recognition or attention.
  3. Upbringing: A person’s upbringing and environment can influence their behavior. Those raised in environments that prioritize competitiveness, success, or elitism may develop arrogant tendencies as a result.
  4. Past Experiences: Negative past experiences, such as being bullied or marginalized, can contribute to the development of defensive mechanisms, including arrogance, as a means of self-protection.
  5. Social Status or Power: Individuals in positions of authority or influence may exhibit arrogance due to their perceived superiority or entitlement stemming from their status or power.
  6. Intellectual or Academic Achievements: Individuals with high levels of intellect or academic achievement may develop arrogance as a result of feeling intellectually superior to others.
  7. Cultural or Societal Norms: Cultural or societal norms that place value on traits such as confidence, assertiveness, or dominance may contribute to the prevalence of arrogance in certain contexts.
  8. Lack of Self-awareness: Some people may lack self-awareness or insight into their own behavior, leading them to exhibit arrogant tendencies without realizing the impact of their actions on others.
  9. Fear of Failure or Rejection: Fear of failure or rejection can drive individuals to adopt arrogant behavior as a defense mechanism to avoid vulnerability or perceived weakness.
  10. Negative Reinforcement: In some cases, arrogant behavior may be reinforced by positive feedback or rewards from others, further perpetuating the cycle of arrogance.
  11. Cognitive Biases: Cognitive biases such as the superiority bias, where individuals overestimate their own abilities relative to others, can contribute to the development of arrogance.
  12. Lack of Empathy: A lack of empathy or consideration for others’ perspectives and feelings can lead individuals to exhibit arrogant behavior without regard for its impact on those around them.
  13. Personality Traits: Certain personality traits, such as narcissism or entitlement, are closely associated with arrogance and may predispose individuals to exhibit arrogant behavior.
  14. Coping Mechanism: Arrogance can sometimes serve as a coping mechanism for dealing with feelings of inadequacy, rejection, or powerlessness.
  15. Unconscious Bias: Unconscious biases based on factors such as race, gender, or socioeconomic status can influence perceptions of superiority and contribute to the manifestation of arrogance.

It’s important to note that arrogance is not solely a trait of the wealthy, powerful, or successful. While individuals in positions of authority or influence may be more prone to arrogance due to their status, arrogance can be found across all walks of life. It can manifest in the form of intellectual snobbery, social elitism, or even within interpersonal relationships.

Furthermore, arrogance is not always overtly displayed; it can also be subtle and insidious. Passive-aggressive behavior, subtle put-downs, or a patronizing tone can all be indicative of underlying arrogance. In some cases, individuals may mask their arrogance behind a facade of charm or confidence, making it all the more difficult to detect.

The consequences of arrogance can be far-reaching, both for the individual and those around them. In personal relationships, arrogance can erode trust, breed resentment, and create barriers to genuine connection. In professional settings, it can hinder collaboration, stifle innovation, and undermine teamwork. Moreover, arrogance can contribute to a toxic organizational culture characterized by competition, distrust, and hostility.

Despite its negative connotations, arrogance is not an immutable trait. Like any aspect of personality, it can be influenced by self-awareness, introspection, and personal growth. Cultivating empathy, and a willingness to learn can help counteract the tendencies towards arrogance and foster healthier relationships and interactions.


Arrogance is a complex and multifaceted trait characterized by a sense of superiority, disdain towards others. While it can manifest in various forms and contexts, its underlying dynamics remain consistent. By understanding the origins, manifestations, and consequences of arrogance, we can strive to cultivate a culture of humility, empathy, and mutual respect in our interactions with others. The perception of arrogance among some disabled individuals is a complex issue rooted in societal attitudes, personal experiences, and coping mechanisms. Rather than rushing to judgment, it is essential to approach interactions with empathy, understanding, and an open mind. By challenging stereotypes, fostering inclusivity, and promoting awareness, we can work towards a more inclusive society where all individuals, regardless of disability, are valued and respected.

If someone exhibits arrogance, it’s important to approach the situation with empathy and understanding, recognizing that arrogance often stems from deep-seated insecurities or other underlying factors. However, while forgiveness is a noble pursuit, it’s equally crucial to set boundaries and not enable or reinforce arrogant behavior through dialogue or acquiescence. Instead, it’s essential to address the behavior directly and assertively, stopping them in their tracks when necessary. Moreover, if you find yourself hurt by someone’s arrogant remarks, it’s perfectly valid to prioritize your mental health and well-being by disengaging from interactions with them. Protecting yourself from further harm is paramount, and sometimes, stepping away from toxic dynamics is the healthiest choice you can make.

#arrogance #negativity #toxicrelationships #selfcare #mentalhealth #dialogue #boundaries #empathy #fear #failure #rejection #selfawareness #insecurity #validation #bitterness #superioritycomplex

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Ableism: Understanding Discrimination

Disability Discrimination

Breaking Down Ableism: Understanding and Addressing Discrimination

Ableism is a form of discrimination or prejudice against individuals with disabilities, whether visible or invisible, based on the belief that they are inferior to non-disabled people. This discriminatory attitude manifests in various aspects of life, including employment, education, healthcare, and social interactions. Understanding and addressing ableism is crucial for promoting inclusivity and equality for all individuals regardless of their abilities.

Understanding Ableism

Ableism operates on the assumption that people with disabilities are less capable, competent, or valuable than those without disabilities. This belief system leads to discriminatory behaviors and practices that marginalize individuals with disabilities, hindering their full participation in society. It can take many forms, ranging from outright exclusion to subtle microaggressions.

One common example of ableism is the inaccessible physical environment. Buildings without ramps or elevators, lack of designated parking for people with disabilities, or public transportation systems without accommodations for mobility aids can prevent individuals with physical disabilities from accessing essential services and participating fully in their communities.

Another example of ableism is the underrepresentation of people with disabilities in the media, literature, and other forms of cultural representation. When people with disabilities are portrayed, they are often depicted as objects of pity or inspiration rather than as fully realized individuals with agency and diverse experiences. This perpetuates harmful stereotypes and reinforces the idea that disability is something to be overcome rather than accepted as a natural part of human diversity.

OCD as an Example of Ableism

Consider a scenario where an individual with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is working as a caregiver for a relative. This individual may face discrimination due to misconceptions about OCD and its impact on their ability to provide care. This may also relate to caregivers with other mental health issues not just OCD.

The caregiver’s OCD symptoms may include intrusive thoughts related to cleanliness and hygiene, as well as compulsive behaviors such as excessive handwashing or checking. These symptoms can lead others to question the caregiver’s ability to perform their duties effectively, particularly in a role that requires close physical contact and assistance with personal care tasks.

As a result, the caregiver may encounter skepticism or resistance who doubt their capacity to provide adequate care due to their OCD. They may face unwarranted scrutiny or criticism, with others questioning whether their condition makes them unfit for caregiving responsibilities.

This discrimination can have significant consequences, not only for the caregiver’s sense of self-worth and confidence but also for the well-being of the person they are caring for. If the caregiver’s abilities are unfairly doubted or undermined, it may lead to increased stress and anxiety, further exacerbating their OCD symptoms and potentially compromising the quality of care they are able to provide.

Furthermore, the caregiver may be denied opportunities for support or accommodations that could help them manage their condition while fulfilling their caregiving duties. For example, they may encounter resistance when requesting flexibility in their work schedule to attend therapy sessions or seeking assistance with certain tasks to alleviate the impact of their OCD symptoms.

In this way, discrimination against individuals with OCD and other mental health disorders, who are also caregivers can perpetuate harmful stereotypes and misconceptions about the condition, further marginalizing those who are already facing significant challenges in balancing their caregiving responsibilities with their mental health needs. It underscores the importance of raising awareness about OCD and promoting understanding and empathy towards individuals living with this condition, as well as advocating for policies and practices that support their right to equal treatment and opportunities in all aspects of life.

Addressing Ableism

To combat ableism, it is essential to raise awareness about the experiences of people with disabilities and challenge societal attitudes and practices that perpetuate discrimination. Education plays a crucial role in dispelling myths and misconceptions about disabilities, fostering empathy, and promoting inclusion.

Creating accessible environments is another important step in addressing ableism. This includes not only physical accommodations but also ensuring that information and communication are accessible to individuals with diverse needs, such as providing alternative formats for written materials or using inclusive language.

Advocating for policies and legislation that protect the rights of people with disabilities is also vital. This includes enforcing anti-discrimination laws, promoting equal employment opportunities, and ensuring access to healthcare and social services.

Additionally, amplifying the voices of individuals with disabilities and centering their experiences in discussions about ableism is crucial for promoting meaningful change. By listening to and valuing the perspectives of people with disabilities, we can work towards building a more inclusive and equitable society for all.


Ableism is a pervasive form of discrimination that negatively impacts the lives of individuals with disabilities. By recognizing and addressing ableism in all its forms, we can strive towards a more just and inclusive world where everyone has the opportunity to thrive regardless of their abilities.

Further Reading

#ableism #disabilitydiscrimination #intrusivethoughts #mentalhealth #caregiving #carer #harmfulsterotypes #marginalizing #ocd #ocdcaregiver #knowyourrights #antidiscriminationcampaigns #advocationdiscrimination

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Forcing Chronically Ill and Disabled People into Work

In social welfare and employment, there exists a contentious issue that often flies under the radar: the coercion of chronically ill and disabled individuals into the workforce by governmental bodies such as the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP). While the intention may be to promote economic participation and reduce dependency on benefits, the reality is far grimmer. Such policies often neglect the unique challenges faced by these individuals, leading to dire consequences. With mounting evidence and statistics, it becomes increasingly clear that the DWP’s approach is not only flawed but also morally questionable, with devastating implications for those affected.

Statistics paint a stark picture of the situation. According to a report by the Disability Benefits Consortium, an estimated 130,000 people living with debilitating conditions were declared ‘fit for work’ between 2013 and 2018, following controversial Work Capability Assessments (WCAs) administered by the DWP. These assessments have been widely criticized for their inadequacy in accurately capturing the complexities of individuals’ health conditions, often resulting in erroneous decisions that force vulnerable individuals into unsuitable work environments.

Furthermore, research conducted by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation revealed that approximately 53% of households with a disabled member were living in poverty in 2019-2020, compared to 21% of households without a disabled member. This staggering disparity underscores the systemic barriers faced by disabled individuals in accessing employment opportunities that adequately accommodate their needs. The DWP’s insistence on pushing individuals into work without addressing these structural inequalities exacerbates their financial hardship and perpetuates cycles of poverty and marginalization.

Beyond economic repercussions, there are profound implications for individuals’ health and well-being. Studies have shown that the stress and anxiety induced by the prospect of forced employment can exacerbate existing health conditions, leading to deterioration in physical and mental health. A report by the Mental Health Foundation highlighted that the stigma and pressure associated with welfare-to-work programs can contribute to feelings of worthlessness and isolation among disabled individuals, further undermining their resilience and coping mechanisms.

In the most tragic cases, the consequences of these policies are fatal. The Work and Pensions Committee found that between 2013 and 2018, over 17,000 sick and disabled individuals died while waiting for a decision on their eligibility for benefits. While not all of these deaths can be directly attributed to the DWP’s actions, there is a disturbing correlation between the stress of undergoing assessments and the deterioration of individuals’ health.

Critics argue that the DWP’s approach reflects a fundamental disregard for the dignity and rights of disabled individuals. By prioritizing cost-cutting measures and arbitrary targets over the well-being of those it is meant to support, the DWP perpetuates systemic injustices that disproportionately affect the most vulnerable members of society.

In response to mounting pressure, there have been calls for reform within the DWP. Advocacy groups such as Disabled People Against Cuts (DPAC) have long campaigned for an overhaul of the welfare system to prioritize the needs and rights of disabled individuals. Proposed measures include conducting fair and thorough assessments that take into account the complex and fluctuating nature of disabilities, as well as providing adequate financial support to ensure individuals can meet their basic needs without fear of destitution.

Ultimately, the issue of forcing chronically ill and disabled people into work goes beyond mere statistics – it speaks to the moral compass of a society and its commitment to upholding the rights and dignity of all its citizens. Until substantive changes are made within the DWP and broader welfare policies, the blood of those who suffer as a result of these misguided measures will continue to stain the hands of those in power. It is incumbent upon us as a society to demand accountability and justice for the most marginalized among us.

#dwp #disabled #disabilities #chronicillness #backtowork #universalcredit #backtowork #humanrights #disabilitydiscrimination #equality #pip #medicalevidence


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25 Signs Your Family Do Not Care

25 Signs Your Family Do Not Care

Family is often considered the cornerstone of support and love in our lives. It’s where we turn to in times of need, seeking comfort, understanding, and care. However, not all families live up to this ideal. There are situations where individuals find themselves in families that do not provide the love and care they deserve.

However, in some cases, individuals find themselves facing a disheartening reality: their family may not seem to care about them. While this can be emotionally challenging, it’s essential to understand that there can be various reasons behind this apparent lack of care. In this article, we’ll explore some of the common factors that might explain why your family may not seem as invested in your well-being as you’d hope.

  1. Communication Breakdown: One of the primary reasons behind a family’s seeming lack of care is a breakdown in communication. Effective communication is the bedrock of any healthy relationship, and when it falters, misunderstandings and feelings of indifference can arise. Lack of open dialogue, or poor listening skills can lead to a sense that your family doesn’t care, even when they may genuinely want to be supportive. One of the most apparent signs is a lack of communication. If your family members rarely engage in meaningful conversations with you, it can be a sign that they don’t care about your thoughts and feelings. If they are more interested in another member of the family and completely disregard your health or your goals and never ask how you are doing this means they have no interest in you or your aspirations. When an individual flaunts their wealth with little regard for another family member who may not have the financial stability to do the same, it reflects a lack of empathy and sensitivity within the family dynamic. Such behavior can create feelings of inadequacy and resentment, deepening the divide between family members. It’s important for family members to support one another and prioritize empathy and understanding, rather than exacerbating disparities in financial status. True familial bonds are built on compassion, cooperation, and the recognition that everyone’s circumstances are unique, warranting a more considerate approach to wealth and privilege.
  2. Personal Struggles: Sometimes, family members have their own personal struggles that can preoccupy them. These could include financial problems, health issues, or emotional challenges. When they are dealing with their own difficulties, such as grief, depression, anxiety, and stress, they may not have the emotional capacity or energy to fully support you, leading to the perception that they don’t care.
  3. Different Priorities: Families are made up of diverse individuals with varying priorities and interests. What is important to you might not align with what is essential to other family members. For instance, if you prioritize a creative career while your family values financial stability, they may not seem to care about your pursuits. Understanding these differences in priorities can help bridge the gap in perceptions.
  4. Emotional Distance: Sometimes, emotional distance can develop between family members due to past conflicts, unresolved issues, or growing apart. This emotional gap can lead to a sense of indifference. Family dynamics can change over time, and it’s essential to work on mending relationships when needed. When your family members actively avoid spending time with you or isolate themselves from you, it can be a heartbreaking sign that they do not care about your presence in their lives.
  5. Unresolved Issues: Unresolved issues from the past can linger and create a barrier to a caring relationship within the family. These issues might include unresolved conflicts, resentments, or deep-seated disagreements. Addressing these issues through open and honest conversations can help rebuild the bonds of care within the family. If they threaten legal action, in your pursuits to make your life better, this should raise a red flag.
  6. Different Love Languages: People express love and care in different ways, often referred to as “love languages.” While some individuals show love through acts of service or words of affirmation, others may express it through quality time or physical touch. If your family members have different love languages than you, it can lead to a misperception that they don’t care, even if they do love you deeply in their own way.
  7. Cultural and Generational Differences: Cultural and generational differences can also play a significant role in how family members express care and concern. What may be considered a sign of affection in one culture might not hold the same meaning in another. Similarly, older generations might have different values and ways of showing love compared to younger ones.
  8. Ignoring your achievements: When your accomplishments go unnoticed or are met with indifference by your family, it can be disheartening. A caring family should celebrate your successes, big or small. When you are a small business that relies on spreading brand awareness and you have sent multiple invites to, like, and share your posts and pages and you get nothing, this means they do not value you or your business.
  9. Neglecting your needs: If your basic needs for food, shelter, or emotional support are consistently overlooked or dismissed, it’s a strong indicator that your family is not prioritizing your well-being.
  10. No emotional support: A lack of emotional support during difficult times can make you feel isolated and unloved. Your family should be there to provide comfort and understanding during challenging moments. If you have reached out to them and they promised they would respond but never have, this could mean they find it difficult and would rather avoid rather than help.
  11. Constant criticism: Families should offer constructive feedback and encouragement, not constant criticism and judgment. If your family is overly critical, it can erode your self-esteem.
  12. They are dismissive: If your family dismisses your concerns, opinions, or emotions without a second thought, it’s a clear sign that they are not valuing your perspective.
  13. Motivation and Empowerment: If your family does not show interest in what you do and does not support, motivate, or empower you, this means they simply do not want you to succeed. There could be a range of reasons why, but one of them could be jealousy.
  14. You’re the black sheep: Being constantly singled out or ostracized within your family is a strong sign of a lack of care. In a loving family, everyone should feel included and accepted.
  15. No interest in your life: If your family shows no genuine interest in your hobbies, passions, or life events, it can be hurtful and isolating.
  16. Inconsistent support: Your family should be consistently supportive, but if they only show care when it’s convenient for them or when they need something, it’s a red flag.
  17. Lack of boundaries: A family that doesn’t respect your personal boundaries may not be genuinely concerned about your comfort and well-being.
    Dealing with family members who expect you to drop everything without regard for your existing commitments or business responsibilities can be incredibly challenging. Such expectations can strain relationships and disrupt your life, often without consideration for the consequences of abandoning your obligations. It’s essential to communicate your boundaries and priorities clearly, balancing your love and support for your family with the need to maintain your own responsibilities and well-being.
  18. They gaslight you: Gaslighting involves manipulating someone into questioning their reality. If your family frequently employs this tactic, it can indicate a lack of empathy and care.
  19. Neglecting your health: Your family should be concerned about your physical and mental health but should keep a safe space and respect boundaries. Neglecting your well-being is a clear sign of indifference. However, this can also be a double-edged sword, where your family may criticize you for your non-existent exercise or eating habits. Whilst they may mean well they can come across as know-it-alls and be condescending.
  20. Lack of Understanding: When your family demonstrates a lack of understanding regarding your health disabilities, life choices, and business endeavors, it can be disheartening and isolating. It’s essential to remember that everyone’s journey is unique, and empathy and support from loved ones are crucial. Open and honest communication can help bridge the gap, fostering a more compassionate environment where your choices and challenges are acknowledged and respected. Your health, choices, and business aspirations deserve recognition and understanding, just like anyone else’s, as you navigate your own path in life.
  21. They exclude you: If your family consistently excludes you from important family events or gatherings, it can be a sign that they don’t want you to be a part of their lives. Exclusion from family events can stem from various reasons, often tied to interpersonal conflicts, misunderstandings, or differences in values and beliefs. It might be due to unresolved disputes, jealousy, or even a desire to protect family members from potential disagreements. Sometimes, it could also be a result of personal choices or lifestyles that family members may find difficult to accept. Effective communication and efforts to address underlying issues are crucial for healing and potentially reestablishing a sense of belonging within the family circle.
  22. No financial support: While financial support may not always be possible, a complete lack of assistance during times of need can be a sign that your family does not prioritize your welfare.
  23. Manipulation and control: A controlling or manipulative family dynamic can be emotionally damaging. Caring families respect individual autonomy.
  24. They belittle you: Constant belittling and undermining of your self-esteem is a sign of emotional abuse and a lack of care. They judge you about every little thing from your finances to how you live your life, or go behind your back to try and find out things about you, rather than asking you outright.
  25. Emotional or physical abuse: Any form of abuse within a family is a severe sign that your well-being is not a priority. Seek help and support if you are in this situation.

The Weight of Family’s Lack of Support: Impact on Mental Health

It can have a profound impact on an individual’s mental health if your family gives you a lack of support in your well-being and finances. The absence of familial backing can manifest in various ways, affecting emotional well-being, self-esteem, and overall mental stability.

  1. Emotional Strain and Isolation: When family members fail to provide the needed support, individuals can experience feelings of isolation and loneliness. The sense of being disconnected from one’s own family can be emotionally devastating. This isolation can lead to depression, anxiety, and a host of other mental health issues as individuals struggle to cope with the void created by the absence of familial support.
  2. Self-Esteem and Self-Worth: Family is often where we derive our sense of self-worth and identity. When family members do not show support or appreciation for an individual’s goals, choices, or achievements, it can erode self-esteem. Constant criticism or indifference can lead to a negative self-image and hinder personal growth and development.
  3. Stress and Anxiety: Family conflict or a lack of support can lead to chronic stress and anxiety. The constant tension and emotional turmoil associated with strained familial relationships can take a toll on an individual’s mental health, often resulting in a state of heightened anxiety and persistent stress.
  4. Impacts on Decision-Making: The absence of family support can also affect an individual’s decision-making process. Fear of judgment or disapproval from family members can lead to self-doubt and hesitancy in pursuing one’s goals or aspirations. This, in turn, can stifle personal growth and lead to feelings of regret or unfulfillment.
  5. Seeking Professional Help: When faced with a lack of familial support and its adverse effects on mental health, seeking professional help is a crucial step. Therapists and counselors can provide valuable guidance and strategies to cope with emotional distress, rebuild self-esteem, and develop healthy coping mechanisms.
  6. Building Support Networks: While family support is invaluable, it’s essential to remember that support can come from various sources. Building a strong network of friends, mentors, or support groups can help mitigate the effects of a family’s lack of support. These individuals can offer the understanding, validation, and encouragement that may be missing within the family circle.


Recognizing that your family may not care about you can be a painful and difficult realization. It’s essential to remember that you deserve love, care, and support in your life. If you identify with several of the signs mentioned above, consider seeking professional help or reaching out to friends and support networks to create a more nurturing and caring environment for yourself.

When your family blows you off and cancels meetings/appointments at the last minute or makes snide innuendos about but life, finances, and health you have to decide do you need to have toxic people in your life.

When your family brags about their achievements, and their material expenditures, their world adventures, whilst you may be struggling to make ends meet and they give you no support in terms of liking and sharing your social media posts and connection requests, you have to decide if is it worth you having them in your life. When you share good news and they ignore you, you have to ask yourself why they are behaving the way they do. Don’t hold grudges, just move on, one day they will live to regret their actions.

Understanding the reasons behind this perception can help you navigate these complex dynamics and work towards building healthier, more supportive relationships within your family. Effective communication, empathy, and a willingness to address underlying issues can go a long way in bridging the gap and fostering a stronger sense of care and connection among family members.

The absence of family support can have a profound and lasting impact on an individual’s mental health. It’s crucial to recognize the signs of this issue and seek professional help when needed. Additionally, cultivating alternative support networks can provide the emotional reinforcement necessary to navigate the challenges created by a family’s lack of understanding and support. Ultimately, taking care of one’s mental health is a deeply personal and essential journey, even when family support is not readily available.

Further Reading







#mentalhealth #support #empathy #lackofempathy #selfesteem #empowerment #motivation #respect #lackofrespect #boundaries #negligence #gaslighting #stress #anxiety

Support & Encouragement

Support & Encouragement

If you can follow like and share complete strangers’ content and worship celebrities then why can you not be supportive to your family, friends, and their businesses?

I will give you an example I did a social experiment yesterday to see how many members of my family would, like, comment, share, or even respond to a text message and Facebook post I had made, even though they are active online.

You will be surprised to know that I had ZERO interaction from them, yet they want me to sit at the same table as them and have dinner with them.

If you can gawk at a TV show for half an hour idolizing celebs you have never met or spend time on social media platforms, why can you not be supportive of friends and family that may rely on likes, shares, and comments to generate more traffic to their businesses?

According to the latest statistics an average person spends 145 minutes every day on social media, or 2 hours and 25 minutes every day. One of the most surprising things is that the figure has gone up by almost a full hour since 2012, so if every person with a smartphone checks their phone for messages and emails to then say they are not connected with the main social media platforms may be telling a white lie. Our brains are wired to release a chemical called dopamine which is a neurotransmitter to make us feel happy, it prompts us to connect online and can be addictive.

It is therefore disappointing to know that these members of my family have totally ignored the message I sent yesterday, in fact, total strangers over 9.5K on LinkedIn alone and I have never met before are more supportive of me online than my own family, which basically says a lot.

Therefore I have to analyse why that could be and this is what I have found.

  1. People are so consumed in their own beliefs and lifestyles and may not understand yours, hence will not be supportive of you.
  2. Others may be insecure about their own dead-end lives and may not want you to succeed for the fear that you might actually make something of yourself and leave them standing. This for all intent and purposes it is jealousy, as they can see you are turning your life around whilst they are stuck in their mundane lives, eating, sleeping, and working with no purpose and most cases up to their eyeballs in debt (mortgages, car loans credit cards, etc). Your life is more exciting than theirs, especially if you are debt-free.
  3. Most people are batteries in the matrix and are programmed and will not support or encourage you because they do not know-how.
  4. Sometimes entrepreneurs may act a little crazy, weird, different, outrageous, and maybe dreamers, believers, trailblazers. This is nothing to be shunned upon in fact it should be celebrated. Yet people do not like anything that is different, they like normal and may label you as eccentric and have reservations and fear that your craziness may rub off on them so they do not comment or interact.
  5. They may think very highly of themselves even going as far as believing they are better than you, so will not be supportive of anything you put your hands to, (which I believe is true). A true friend or sincere family member will reach out to you at least once a month and not a couple of times a year.
  6. Often in entrepreneurship CEOs may make decisions that others would not consider doing as they want to play safely in their mundane lives. They may not support you because they see what you do is a gamble.
  7. If your family or friends see no change in your lifestyle, they may think you are not succeeding and without you proving you have assets they will never believe in you until they see it for themselves, hence will not give you the encouragement as they will assume and presume you are failing.
  8. People may not support you because they do not believe in your values.
  9. They may not understand the concept that the more likes, shares, and comments you have the more traffic it will attract as their friends will see your content also and the cycle continues.

I wrote a post on Linkedin asking if a domain broker does not interact with you on your posts, should you like, share and comment on their posts? I believe everyone that wants exposure should interact with one another, a bit like “I will scratch your back if you scratch mine”. It does not have to be business orientated it could be you as an individual wanting more connections, friend requests, and liked to your posts.

“When someone does not support or encourage you, do what you do twice and take pictures”.

My social experiment was a disaster but my family got the message I was advertising, even though they may deny ever receiving anything from me and not realize the aftermath and consequences of their unresponsive reactions.

There is always a domino effect to everything we do in life. If they are not interested in my life, only when it suits them, then why should I be interested in theirs?

“Their beliefs are not your beliefs”.

“Never tell people your problems, 80% don’t care and the other 20% are glad you have them”.

“Don’t feel bad when people reject you. People usually reject things because they can’t afford them”.

“Never ignore someone who cares about you because someday you’ll realize you lost a diamond when you were busy collecting stones”.

For me, I am trying to not be resentful because the members of my family that have not been supportive in what I do could have helped me by spreading awareness which essentially costs nothing. I do not need empowerment from them, they have had plenty of chances, but it would have been nice to have had a like, comment, and share rather than nothing at all.

In turn, they could have inadvertently helped others like myself that suffer from disabilities to encourage them with kind comments. It is not as if they never received my message as I sent them all a text message which was delivered.

Giving support and encouragement can be uplifting and can change a person’s mood and help with mental health issues. Always be kind and considerate and do think twice before scrolling past a post or completely ignoring a text message, especially if they are friends or family.

My family’s time will come when they will learn the truth of how I actually have felt and how their lack of support has affected my mental health.

I do not dwell on things, just record certain memories for reference. I am learning to disassociate myself from negativity and judgemental people, who are just watching and waiting for you to fail. Never let anyone’s negativity alter your mental state it is their opinion it is no the rest of the world’s opinion and who are they at the end of the day if they are judgemental and unsupportive.

I suppose you live and learn and you carry on.


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