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Category: Psychosis

Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) and the Evaluation of Children

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Brown & Cream Image Depicting Mental Health Awareness Text On Typewriter Paper. Image Created by PhotoFunia.com Category Vintage Typewriter

Mental Health Challenges in Youth: BPD and Government Policies

Balancing Early Diagnosis with Developmental Considerations and Navigating Fiscal Responsibility and Accurate Support for Youth Mental Health

The rise in mental health diagnoses among young people in the UK, including conditions like Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD), has prompted a debate over appropriate diagnostic practices and government spending. Health experts caution against diagnosing children with BPD due to developmental changes, while the government implements stricter Personal Independence Payment (PIP) assessments to control public expenditure. Ensuring accurate diagnoses and appropriate care while managing fiscal responsibility remains a complex challenge for policymakers and healthcare providers.

Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) is a complex mental health condition characterized by instability in moods, behavior, self-image, and functioning. Individuals with BPD may experience intense episodes of anger, depression, and anxiety that can last from a few hours to days. This disorder can significantly impair daily functioning and relationships.

Diagnosis Challenges

Diagnosing BPD typically involves a comprehensive evaluation by mental health professionals, including a detailed history and assessment of symptoms according to criteria set by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5). However, diagnosing BPD is particularly challenging due to the overlap of its symptoms with other mental health disorders and the subjective nature of the symptoms.

  • For the DSM-5, you can visit the American Psychiatric Association’s page: DSM-5
  • For the ICD-11, you can visit the World Health Organization’s page: ICD-11

Controversy Over Diagnosing Children

Recently, there has been significant debate among health experts regarding the appropriateness of diagnosing children with BPD. According to an article from MSN, health experts are calling for a ban on diagnosing children with BPD due to concerns over the accuracy and implications of such diagnoses at a young age. They argue that a child’s brain is still developing, and symptoms may change as they grow, making early diagnosis potentially harmful and premature.

Arguments Against Diagnosing Children with BPD

  1. Developmental Changes: Children’s personalities and coping mechanisms are still forming. What might appear as BPD symptoms could be temporary developmental phases.
  2. Stigmatization: Early diagnosis could lead to stigmatization, affecting a child’s self-esteem and social interactions.
  3. Misdiagnosis: Symptoms of BPD can overlap with other conditions such as ADHD, depression, and anxiety disorders, leading to potential misdiagnosis.
  4. Lack of Specialized Treatment: Treatments effective for adults with BPD may not be appropriate or effective for children.

Expert Recommendations

Health experts recommend focusing on providing supportive environments and addressing behavioral issues in children without labeling them with BPD. They advocate for a more cautious approach, emphasizing the importance of monitoring and supporting children’s mental health over time rather than rushing to a diagnosis.

Government Concerns Over Mental Health Diagnoses and Spending in the UK

Rising Mental Health Diagnoses Among Youth

The UK government has expressed growing concern over the increasing number of young people being diagnosed with mental disorders. There is apprehension that many of these diagnoses may be premature or incorrect, which not only impacts the affected individuals but also strains public healthcare resources.

Political and Economic Measures

In an effort to manage public spending and ensure that resources are allocated efficiently, the government is implementing stricter assessments for Personal Independence Payments (PIP). These assessments aim to verify the validity of mental health diagnoses and ensure that only those who genuinely need financial support receive it. The intention is to reduce unnecessary public expenditure while maintaining support for those truly in need.

Misdiagnosis Issues

However, this approach has sparked debate and concern among mental health professionals and advocates. There is a risk that young people may be misdiagnosed due to the complexities of mental health conditions, leading to either under-treatment or over-treatment. Misdiagnosis can have long-term consequences, affecting the mental well-being, development, and future opportunities of young individuals.

Balancing Efficiency with Compassion

The government’s challenge is to balance fiscal responsibility with the compassionate care required for mental health issues. It is essential to ensure that stringent measures do not inadvertently harm those they aim to protect. Accurate diagnosis and appropriate support are crucial for the effective treatment and well-being of young people with mental health disorders.


While the government’s efforts to streamline mental health support and manage public spending are understandable, it is vital to proceed with caution. Ensuring that young people receive accurate diagnoses and appropriate care should remain a priority to prevent long-term negative impacts on their lives and mental health. Collaboration between policymakers, healthcare providers, and mental health advocates is key to achieving a balanced and effective approach.

The debate over diagnosing children with BPD highlights the need for careful consideration of the developmental stages of children and the potential consequences of early labeling. While it is crucial to address mental health issues in children promptly, ensuring that they receive appropriate care without the risk of misdiagnosis or stigmatization is equally important. Health professionals and caregivers must work together to create a balanced approach that prioritizes the well-being and future development of children.

Further Reading:

Mums: Understanding Postpartum Depression

Brown & Cream Image Depicting Mental Health Awareness Text On Typewriter Paper. Image Created by PhotoFunia.com
Brown & Cream Image Depicting Mental Health Awareness Text On Typewriter Paper. Image Created by PhotoFunia.com Category Vintage Typewriter

Understanding Postpartum Depression: A Comprehensive Overview

Postpartum depression (PPD) is a serious mental health condition affecting new mothers, characterized by persistent sadness, anxiety, and fatigue. It can significantly impact a mother’s ability to care for her newborn and herself.

Common symptoms include:

  • Severe mood swings
  • Intense irritability and anger
  • Feelings of guilt and worthlessness
  • Difficulty bonding with the baby
  • Withdrawal from family and friends
  • Thoughts of harming oneself or the baby

Causes and Risk Factors PPD is influenced by various factors, including hormonal changes, emotional stress, and physical exhaustion. Risk factors include:

  • History of depression or mental illness
  • Lack of social support
  • Complications during childbirth
  • Financial or marital stress

Diagnosis and Treatment PPD is diagnosed through medical evaluation, including psychological assessments. Effective treatments include:

  • Therapy: Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and counseling can help manage symptoms.
  • Medication: Antidepressants may be prescribed to alleviate severe symptoms.
  • Support Groups: Connecting with other mothers experiencing PPD can provide emotional support and practical advice.

Prevention and Coping Strategies

  • Prenatal Education: Learning about PPD during pregnancy can prepare mothers for potential challenges.
  • Support Network: Building a strong support system of family and friends.
  • Self-Care: Prioritizing rest, nutrition, and exercise.

Impact on Families PPD not only affects the mother but also the entire family dynamic. Fathers and partners may also experience depression, and the parent-child bond can be strained.

Understanding the Link Between Postpartum Depression and Severe Actions

Postpartum depression (PPD) is a serious mental health condition affecting new mothers. While most women with PPD do not exhibit violent behavior, severe cases can lead to tragic outcomes, including infanticide.

The Psychological Pathway

  1. Intense Emotional Distress: Severe PPD can cause overwhelming feelings of hopelessness, worthlessness, and an inability to cope.
  2. Psychosis: In rare cases, PPD can lead to postpartum psychosis, characterized by hallucinations, delusions, and severe disorientation.
  3. Impaired Judgement: Psychosis can severely impair a mother’s ability to distinguish reality from delusion, leading to irrational and dangerous actions.

Risk Factors

  • History of Mental Illness: Previous episodes of depression, bipolar disorder, or other mental illnesses increase the risk.
  • Lack of Support: Isolation and lack of emotional or practical support can exacerbate feelings of despair.
  • Stressful Life Events: Significant stressors, such as financial difficulties or relationship problems, can worsen PPD symptoms.

Prevention and Intervention

  • Early Detection: Routine screening for PPD symptoms during and after pregnancy.
  • Comprehensive Support: Providing robust support systems, including therapy, medication, and family support.
  • Education and Awareness: Increasing awareness about the signs of severe PPD and psychosis can help in early intervention.

The Tragic Case of Lauren Dickason and Postpartum Depression

Lauren Dickason (a former doctor), 41, was found guilty in August 2023 of murdering her twin daughters, Maya and Karla, aged two, and their six-year-old sister, Lianè, at their home in Timaru, New Zealand, on September 16, 2021. This tragic event has brought to light the severe and sometimes fatal consequences of untreated postpartum depression (PPD).

Lauren Dickason’s Struggle with PPD

Lauren Dickason suffered from severe postpartum depression, a condition that can drastically alter a mother’s mental state, leading to overwhelming feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and anxiety. In extreme cases, PPD can evolve into postpartum psychosis, a rare but severe condition marked by hallucinations, delusions, and impaired judgment.

Understanding Postpartum Depression

PPD can affect a mother’s ability to bond with her children and function in daily life. Symptoms include severe mood swings, exhaustion, and a persistent sense of failure. Factors contributing to PPD include hormonal changes, previous mental health issues, lack of support, and stressful life events.

The Importance of Support and Treatment

Lauren Dickason’s case underscores the critical need for early detection, comprehensive support, and effective treatment for postpartum depression. Addressing PPD involves medical intervention, including therapy and medication, and support from family and friends.


The tragic deaths of Maya, Karla, and Lianè highlight the devastating impact of postpartum depression when left untreated. Raising awareness, providing robust support systems, and ensuring timely medical intervention are crucial steps in preventing similar tragedies in the future.

Postpartum depression (PPD) can be effectively treated with Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). CBT is a form of psychotherapy that helps individuals identify and change negative thought patterns and behaviors. For new mothers suffering from PPD, CBT can provide tools to manage stress, improve mood, and develop healthier coping mechanisms. By addressing the underlying cognitive distortions and behavioral issues, CBT can significantly reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety, promoting better emotional well-being and overall mental health

Postpartum depression is a serious mental illness that is a manageable condition with the right support and treatment. Raising awareness and reducing stigma, is crucial for encouraging mothers to seek help.

Further Reading:

Guest Writers Needed – On Health!

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Awaiting Content On Health!

It is vital to have platforms that champion inclusivity and diversity, bringing stories and experiences from all walks of life to the forefront. The Disabled Entrepreneur – Disability UK Online Journal is one such platform dedicated to representing the experiences, insights, and accomplishments of disabled individuals. However, like an empty canvas waiting for an artist’s brush, our pages are currently awaiting content. We’re excited to invite guest writers to share their knowledge and perspectives on all health topics, from A to Z. If you have landed on this page that means the category needs content.

A Platform for the Disabled Community

The Disabled Entrepreneur – Disability UK Online Journal is more than just a publication; it’s a celebration of resilience, innovation, and success in the face of adversity. Disabled entrepreneurs, activists, healthcare professionals, and advocates have a valuable platform to share their insights and experiences. This journal is a space where stories and knowledge intersect to form a resource-rich hub for the entire disabled community.

Why Your Contribution Matters

Sharing your expertise and experiences on this platform can have a profound impact in several ways:

  1. Inspiration and Representation: Your stories and knowledge can inspire others in the disabled community. Representation matters, and your contribution can pave the way for others to follow in your footsteps.
  2. Education: The world of disabilities is vast and diverse. By contributing to the journal, you can educate the public and offer insights into topics such as disability rights, accessible technology, healthcare, adaptive sports, and more.
  3. Fostering Inclusivity: By sharing your perspective, you help break down barriers and stigmas surrounding disabilities. The more we understand each other, the more inclusive our society can become.
  4. Professional Growth: Becoming a guest writer for a reputable platform like this can enhance your professional profile and provide valuable networking opportunities.

Topics We’re Looking For

At the Disabled Entrepreneur – Disability UK Online Journal, we aim to cover a wide range of health topics and disability-related subjects. Our pages are open to contributions that span the A to Z of health and disability, including but not limited to:

  • Accessible Technology: Innovations in assistive devices and technology.
  • Mental Health: Strategies for managing mental health while navigating life with a disability.
  • Policy and Advocacy: Insights into disability rights and policy changes.
  • Entrepreneurship and Business: Stories of successful disabled entrepreneurs and startup guidance.
  • Inclusive Education: Strategies for creating inclusive learning environments.
  • Wellness and Healthcare: Tips on maintaining physical and mental health.

Browse our categories to see what content we need.

If you’re interested in sharing your knowledge, experiences, or insights on disability-related topics, we invite you to become a guest writer for the Disabled Entrepreneur – Disability UK Online Journal. To get started, simply follow these steps:

  1. Pitch Your Idea: Send us a brief pitch outlining your proposed topic to [email address]. Ensure that it aligns with our vision and mission.
  2. Write Your Article: Once your pitch is approved, start working on your article. Our editorial team will be available to provide guidance and feedback.
  3. Submit Your Article: When your article is ready, submit it for review.
  4. Engage with Our Community: We encourage our guest writers to engage with our readers through comments and discussions, offering valuable insights and answering questions.


The Disabled Entrepreneur – Disability UK Online Journal is not just a publication; it’s a collective voice that celebrates the achievements and experiences of the disabled community. We believe in the power of collective knowledge, and we invite you to be a part of our mission. Your contribution can be a stepping stone for others and an invaluable resource for the world. Join us in filling our pages with content that resonates, educates, and inspires.

As a guest writer, you’ll gain exposure and the chance to build a portfolio of content. We also offer backlinks to your personal or professional website, enhancing your online presence. By sharing your knowledge with our community, you’re not only enriching our journal but also empowering individuals within the disabled community and beyond.

At Disabled Entrepreneur – Disability UK, we are committed to supporting our talented writers. Our goal is to create a platform that compensates contributors once we reach a level of traffic that sustains such payments. As we grow, we are exploring the possibility of introducing a paywall system. This approach will help us continue to provide quality content while rewarding our dedicated writers for their valuable contributions. Your words and expertise are an essential part of our journey, and we look forward to a future where we can reciprocate your efforts more substantially.

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