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Category: Skin cancer (non-melanoma)

Understanding the Difference Between a Skin Tag and a Mole

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Brown and Cream Image Depicting a Typewriter With The Wording ‘How To Guide’ Typed On Paper. Image Credit Photofunia.com Category Vintage Typewriter.

Recognizing Common Skin Growths: Skin Tags vs. Moles

Identifying the difference between a skin tag and a mole is crucial for proper skin health management. Skin tags and moles are common skin growths, but they have distinct characteristics that can help in their identification:

  1. Skin Tags:
    • Appearance: Small, soft, flesh-colored growths that hang off the skin. They are usually painless and can be moved around easily.
    • Location: Commonly found in areas where skin rubs against skin or clothing, such as the neck, armpits, groin, and under the breasts.
    • Cause: Often result from friction, skin rubbing, and hormonal changes.
  2. Moles:
    • Appearance: Can be flat or raised, and may vary in color from pink, brown, black, or blue. Moles are usually symmetrical with even borders.
    • Location: Can appear anywhere on the body.
    • Cause: Result from clusters of pigmented cells (melanocytes). Sun exposure and genetic factors can influence their development.

Characteristics of Concerning Skin Moles

Image of a Female Face and Collar Bone With Skin Tags and a Mole.
Image of a Female Face and Collar Bone With Skin Tags and a Mole. Image Credit: Bing Copilot AI.- Created by Designer Powered By DALL E:3

Recognizing the characteristics of concerning skin moles is essential for early detection of potential skin cancers, such as melanoma. While many moles are benign, certain features can indicate a need for closer examination by a healthcare professional. The ABCDE rule is a helpful guide in identifying suspicious moles:

The ABCDE Characteristics Warning Signs. Do Not Ignore!

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  1. Asymmetry: One half of the mole does not match the other half in shape, indicating irregularity.
  2. Border: The edges of the mole are ragged, notched, or blurred, rather than smooth and even.
  3. Color: The mole contains multiple colors or an uneven distribution of color, including shades of black, brown, tan, red, white, or blue.
  4. Diameter: The mole is larger than 6 millimeters (about the size of a pencil eraser), although some melanomas can be smaller.
  5. Evolving: The mole changes in size, shape, color, or elevation, or develops new symptoms such as bleeding, itching, or crusting.

Other warning signs include a mole that stands out as looking different from other moles on the body (known as the “ugly duckling” sign), or a mole that appears after the age of 30. If any of these characteristics are present, it is crucial to seek evaluation from a dermatologist, who can use tools like a dermatoscope to examine the mole more closely and determine whether further testing or removal is necessary. Early detection and treatment are vital for the best possible outcomes in managing skin cancer.

Skin Mole Risk Factors to Keep in Mind

  1. Genetics:
    • Family history of skin cancer or atypical moles.
  2. Skin Type:
    • Fair skin, light hair, and light eyes.
    • Skin that burns or freckles easily.
  3. Sun Exposure:
    • History of frequent sunburns, especially in childhood.
    • High cumulative exposure to UV radiation from the sun or tanning beds.
  4. Number of Moles:
    • Having a large number of moles (more than 50).
    • Presence of atypical or dysplastic moles.
  5. Age:
    • Older age increases the risk of skin cancer.
  6. Immune System:
    • Weakened immune system due to conditions such as HIV/AIDS or immunosuppressive medications.
  7. Skin Injuries:
    • Chronic irritation or trauma to a mole.
  8. Hormonal Changes:
    • Hormonal changes during puberty or pregnancy can affect moles.
  9. Personal History:
    • Previous history of skin cancer increases the risk of new melanomas.
  10. Geographic Location:
    • Living in areas with high UV radiation levels (closer to the equator or at high altitudes).
  11. Chemical Exposure:
    • Exposure to certain chemicals that may increase the risk of skin cancer.
  12. Gender:
    • Men have a higher risk of developing melanoma on the trunk, head, or neck, while women are more likely to develop it on the legs.

The Role of Dermatoscopes in Diagnosis

A definitive diagnosis cannot be made through a photograph or a phone consultation. A dermatoscope is an essential tool used by dermatologists to examine skin lesions closely. This instrument allows healthcare providers to observe the intricate details of the skin, such as color patterns and microstructures, which are not visible to the naked eye.

What is a Dematoscope

A dermatoscope is a specialized medical instrument used by dermatologists to examine skin lesions with greater clarity and detail than what is possible with the naked eye. It consists of a magnifying lens, a light source, and often a digital interface to capture and analyze images. The dermatoscope illuminates and magnifies the skin, allowing the observer to see structures and patterns beneath the surface, which are crucial for distinguishing between benign and malignant lesions. This tool is essential for accurate diagnosis and treatment planning, providing a more comprehensive assessment of moles, skin tags, and other skin abnormalities.

Concerns for Patients Treated with Alemtuzumab

Alemtuzumab, a medication used primarily in the treatment of multiple sclerosis and certain types of leukemia, has been associated with an increased risk of malignancies. Patients treated with alemtuzumab need to be monitored closely for any new or changing skin lesions, as they may be at a higher risk for developing skin cancer.

Importance of Qualified Healthcare Professionals

In the UK, there has been ongoing controversy regarding the qualification and training of nurses in diagnosing skin conditions. While nurses play a crucial role in the healthcare system, it is imperative that patients with potential skin malignancies are evaluated by a properly trained and qualified healthcare professional, such as a dermatologist. Failing to do so can lead to misdiagnosis and delayed treatment, increasing the risk of adverse outcomes.

Medical Negligence and Patient Advocacy

Medical negligence occurs when a healthcare provider fails to deliver the standard of care that a reasonably competent provider would have delivered under similar circumstances. If a patient feels that their concerns have been undermined or not taken seriously, particularly in cases where there is a risk of cancer, this can be a significant issue. Practices that do not thoroughly investigate and address patient concerns should be scrutinized and, if necessary, investigated for their practices.

Addressing Concerns and Seeking Proper Care

Patients should feel empowered to seek second opinions if they feel their concerns are not being adequately addressed. It is essential to advocate for one’s health, especially when dealing with potential malignancies. Trust in the healthcare system is built on thorough, compassionate, and competent care. Any deviations from this standard should be taken seriously and reported to relevant regulatory bodies to ensure patient safety and trust in the healthcare system.

Editorial Note: Concerns Over Patient Care at Cardiff GP Surgery

It has recently come to the editor’s attention that a general practitioner surgery in Cardiff UK dismissed a patient’s concerns with an undermining and condescending tone. The patient, who requires regular monitoring for skin abnormalities, reported that a nurse over the phone appeared oblivious to the seriousness of her condition. The patient had legitimate concerns, but the nurse made a diagnosis over the phone and only looked at an image, without referring the patient to a specialist. The nurse asserted that only she could decide whether to investigate further, giving the patient the choice of either coming in immediately or waiting until the nurse returned from holiday.

The editor strongly believes that a General Practitioner (GP) is more qualified to make such decisions and that it should not be left to a nurse to determine the need for specialist referral. This is not the first time this particular surgery has come onto the editor’s radar. The editor has begun to compile evidence on these incidents. It is particularly concerning that, amidst a broader scandal involving nurses, this particular nurse exhibited a complacent attitude.

In the patient’s defense, she could not come into the surgery for a physical examination today, as she had already made plans that could not be broken on such short notice.

The healthcare sector has a fundamental duty of care to work collaboratively with patients, ensuring their well-being and addressing their concerns with professionalism and empathy. This involves listening attentively to patient needs, providing accurate and timely diagnoses, and referring to specialists when necessary. Healthcare providers must strive to make the patient experience as stress-free as possible, avoiding unnecessary difficulties or dismissive attitudes that can exacerbate a patient’s anxiety and potentially compromise their health outcomes. A compassionate and patient-centered approach is essential for maintaining trust and delivering high-quality care.

Such practices raise significant issues regarding patient safety and professional competence and warrant thorough investigation.


Distinguishing between skin tags and moles is vital for managing skin health, especially for individuals with a higher risk of cancer due to treatments like alemtuzumab. Proper diagnosis requires the use of dermatoscopes and evaluation by qualified healthcare professionals. Patients must be heard and their concerns addressed with the seriousness they deserve. Medical practices that fail to do so should be investigated to uphold the standards of patient care and trust.

Healthcare workers who exhibit condescension and a lack of empathy towards patients must undergo retraining to improve their communication and patient care skills. When healthcare professionals dismiss or undermine a patient’s concerns, especially regarding potential skin cancers, the consequences can be dire. If a patient’s mole, initially dismissed, later turns out to be cancerous, the healthcare provider could face serious legal repercussions, including lawsuits for medical negligence. Ensuring that healthcare workers listen attentively, validate patient concerns, and take appropriate actions is not only essential for patient safety and trust but also for protecting medical practices from legal liabilities. This underscores the importance of continuous professional development and empathy training in healthcare settings.

Further Reading:

NHS Refuse To Offer Drug Because Of Costs

Brown & Cream Image Depicting 'NHS' wording on typewriter paper. Image Credit: PhotoFunia.com
Brown & Cream Image Depicting ‘NHS’ wording on typewriter paper. Image Credit: PhotoFunia.com

Welsh Women Denied ‘Life-Changing’ Breast Cancer Drug: A Human Rights Perspective

In a disheartening development, women in Wales are being denied access to a potentially life-saving breast cancer drug, which can halt the spread of the disease. This decision has sparked outrage and concerns about the implications for human rights and equality under the law.

The Drug in Question

The drug, known for its efficacy in preventing the progression of advanced breast cancer, has been hailed as a “game-changer” by oncologists and patients alike. It works by targeting specific cancer cells, reducing the chance of metastasis, and thereby significantly improving the quality of life and survival rates for patients.

The Situation in Wales

Unlike in other parts of the UK, where this drug is available through the National Health Service (NHS), Welsh health authorities have yet to approve its routine use. This disparity has left many Welsh women feeling abandoned and desperate, forced to either seek expensive private treatment or forego the medication altogether.

Human Rights Concerns

The denial of this drug raises serious human rights issues. According to the European Convention on Human Rights, to which the UK is a signatory, everyone has the right to life and access to healthcare. By withholding a proven and effective treatment, the Welsh health system is potentially violating these rights.

Furthermore, Article 2 of the Human Rights Act 1998 enshrines the right to life, placing a duty on public authorities to take appropriate steps to safeguard lives. Denying access to this drug could be seen as a failure to uphold this duty, especially when the treatment is readily available elsewhere in the UK.

Equality Act 2010

The Equality Act 2010 aims to eliminate discrimination and promote equality of opportunity. The current situation may contravene this act, as it results in unequal access to essential healthcare based on geographic location. Women in Wales are at a distinct disadvantage compared to their counterparts in England, Scotland, and Northern Ireland, leading to health inequalities that are both unjust and avoidable.

The Way Forward

Campaigners are calling for immediate action to rectify this inequality. They argue that Welsh health authorities must prioritize the approval and funding of this drug to ensure that all women, regardless of where they live, have equal access to potentially life-saving treatments.

The NHS is Breaching Human Rights and Dignity:

  • Denying life-saving treatment may violate a patient’s right to life and dignity.
  • The European Convention on Human Rights recognizes the right to life (Article 2) and prohibits inhuman or degrading treatment (Article 3)

Patients and advocacy groups are urging the Welsh government to:

  1. Expedite Approval: Accelerate the review and approval process for this drug to ensure it becomes available without further delay.
  2. Ensure Funding: Allocate necessary funds to make this treatment accessible through the NHS in Wales.
  3. Promote Awareness: Increase awareness among healthcare providers and patients about the availability and benefits of this drug.


The denial of a life-changing breast cancer drug to Welsh women highlights significant gaps in the healthcare system, raising critical issues related to human rights and equality. Addressing these concerns promptly is not only a matter of fairness but also a legal and moral imperative. Ensuring equal access to essential healthcare treatments is fundamental to upholding the principles of justice and human dignity.

Thousands of women in England and Wales are being denied access to a potentially life-saving breast cancer drug, which has been shown to reduce the risk of advanced cancer spreading by over a third. This revolutionary medication, Enhertu, is available to patients with HER2-low breast cancer in Scotland and Northern Ireland. However, in a contentious decision, the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) has not approved its use in England or Wales. There is compelling evidence indicating that trastuzumab deruxtecan, the drug’s full name, can prolong life and delay disease progression.

When the NHS denies any treatment proven to be effective due to cost, whether it is for breast cancer or other forms of cancer, it must consider the broader financial implications. While the immediate expense of providing such treatments may seem prohibitive, the long-term costs of potential legal actions could be far greater. Patients denied access to life-saving medications may pursue legal claims, leading to substantial payouts that could run into millions. Therefore, investing in these treatments upfront might not only save lives but also prevent significant legal and financial repercussions for the NHS in the future.

Further Reading:

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Princess of Wales Announces Cancer Diagnosis: A Royal Family in Crisis

In a deeply shocking revelation, Buckingham Palace has disclosed that Princess of Wales, Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge, is undergoing treatment for cancer. The news has sent shockwaves through the royal family and beyond, prompting an outpouring of support and concern from people around the world.

The announcement, made through official channels, has stunned many who have admired Princess Catherine for her grace, poise, and dedication to her royal duties. While specific details about the type and stage of her cancer have not been disclosed, the seriousness of the diagnosis has underscored the indiscriminate nature of the disease and its ability to affect individuals from all walks of life.

Princess Catherine, known for her philanthropic work, commitment to mental health advocacy, and role as a devoted wife and mother, has long been regarded as a pillar of strength within the royal family. Her battle with cancer represents a new and formidable challenge, one that will undoubtedly test her resilience and courage.

Adding to the gravity of the situation is the revelation that King Charles, the heir to the throne and Princess Catherine’s father-in-law, has also been diagnosed with cancer. The dual diagnoses have cast a shadow over the royal family, raising questions about the future of the monarchy and the health of its key members.

As Princess Catherine and King Charles embark on their respective journeys of treatment and recovery, the royal family finds itself facing an unprecedented period of uncertainty and concern. The health of two of its most prominent members has brought into sharp focus the fragility of life and the importance of cherishing each moment.

Despite the challenges they face, both Princess Catherine and King Charles have shown remarkable resilience and determination in confronting their diagnoses. Their courage in the face of adversity serves as an inspiration to millions, offering hope and encouragement to those who may find themselves in similar circumstances.

As the royal family rallies around Princess Catherine and King Charles, offering their unwavering support and love, the world watches with bated breath, hoping for positive outcomes and a swift recovery for both individuals. In times of crisis, it is the strength of community and the bonds of family that provide solace and support, and nowhere is this more evident than within the close-knit circle of the monarchy.

In the days and weeks ahead, the focus will remain on supporting Princess Catherine and King Charles as they navigate the challenges of their respective treatments. The outpouring of support and well-wishes from around the world is a testament to the enduring respect and admiration that both individuals command, and a reminder of the power of unity and compassion in the face of adversity.

Cancer Support Groups and Charities

Support groups and charities play a crucial role in providing assistance, guidance, and solace to individuals and families affected by cancer in the UK. These organizations offer a wide range of services, including emotional support, practical advice, financial assistance, and access to resources for treatment and recovery. Here are some prominent support groups and charities dedicated to supporting those affected by cancer:

  1. Macmillan Cancer Support: Website: https://www.macmillan.org.uk/ Macmillan Cancer Support is one of the largest cancer support charities in the UK. They offer a comprehensive range of services, including information and support centers, financial guidance, counseling services, and practical assistance such as help at home and transport to appointments.
  2. Cancer Research UK: Website: https://www.cancerresearchuk.org/ Cancer Research UK is a leading charity dedicated to funding research, providing information, and offering support to those affected by cancer. Their website provides valuable resources on cancer prevention, diagnosis, and treatment, as well as information on how to get involved in fundraising and volunteering.
  3. Maggie’s: Website: https://www.maggies.org/ Maggie’s offers practical, emotional, and social support to people with cancer and their families and friends. They provide a network of centers across the UK where people can access support from healthcare professionals, join support groups, and take part in various activities and workshops.
  4. Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation: Website: https://www.roycastle.org/ The Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation is dedicated to supporting those affected by lung cancer. They offer information and support services, fund research into the disease, and campaign for better awareness and treatment options for lung cancer patients.
  5. Breast Cancer Now: Website: https://breastcancernow.org/ Breast Cancer Now is the UK’s largest breast cancer charity, providing support services, funding research, and campaigning for improved care and treatment for breast cancer patients. They offer a range of support services, including a helpline, online community, and information resources.
  6. Teenage Cancer Trust: Website: https://www.teenagecancertrust.org/ The Teenage Cancer Trust is dedicated to improving the lives of young people with cancer aged 13 to 24. They provide specialist cancer units within hospitals, support services tailored to young people’s needs, and opportunities for social interaction and peer support.

These organizations, along with many others across the UK, work tirelessly to provide vital support and assistance to individuals and families affected by cancer. Whether through fundraising, volunteering, or accessing their services, those facing cancer can find comfort and guidance in the compassionate care provided by these charities.

Further Reading:

#princessofwales #princesscatherine #kingcharles #cancer #cancersupport #chemotheraphy

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Awaiting Content On Health!

It is vital to have platforms that champion inclusivity and diversity, bringing stories and experiences from all walks of life to the forefront. The Disabled Entrepreneur – Disability UK Online Journal is one such platform dedicated to representing the experiences, insights, and accomplishments of disabled individuals. However, like an empty canvas waiting for an artist’s brush, our pages are currently awaiting content. We’re excited to invite guest writers to share their knowledge and perspectives on all health topics, from A to Z. If you have landed on this page that means the category needs content.

A Platform for the Disabled Community

The Disabled Entrepreneur – Disability UK Online Journal is more than just a publication; it’s a celebration of resilience, innovation, and success in the face of adversity. Disabled entrepreneurs, activists, healthcare professionals, and advocates have a valuable platform to share their insights and experiences. This journal is a space where stories and knowledge intersect to form a resource-rich hub for the entire disabled community.

Why Your Contribution Matters

Sharing your expertise and experiences on this platform can have a profound impact in several ways:

  1. Inspiration and Representation: Your stories and knowledge can inspire others in the disabled community. Representation matters, and your contribution can pave the way for others to follow in your footsteps.
  2. Education: The world of disabilities is vast and diverse. By contributing to the journal, you can educate the public and offer insights into topics such as disability rights, accessible technology, healthcare, adaptive sports, and more.
  3. Fostering Inclusivity: By sharing your perspective, you help break down barriers and stigmas surrounding disabilities. The more we understand each other, the more inclusive our society can become.
  4. Professional Growth: Becoming a guest writer for a reputable platform like this can enhance your professional profile and provide valuable networking opportunities.

Topics We’re Looking For

At the Disabled Entrepreneur – Disability UK Online Journal, we aim to cover a wide range of health topics and disability-related subjects. Our pages are open to contributions that span the A to Z of health and disability, including but not limited to:

  • Accessible Technology: Innovations in assistive devices and technology.
  • Mental Health: Strategies for managing mental health while navigating life with a disability.
  • Policy and Advocacy: Insights into disability rights and policy changes.
  • Entrepreneurship and Business: Stories of successful disabled entrepreneurs and startup guidance.
  • Inclusive Education: Strategies for creating inclusive learning environments.
  • Wellness and Healthcare: Tips on maintaining physical and mental health.

Browse our categories to see what content we need.

If you’re interested in sharing your knowledge, experiences, or insights on disability-related topics, we invite you to become a guest writer for the Disabled Entrepreneur – Disability UK Online Journal. To get started, simply follow these steps:

  1. Pitch Your Idea: Send us a brief pitch outlining your proposed topic to [email address]. Ensure that it aligns with our vision and mission.
  2. Write Your Article: Once your pitch is approved, start working on your article. Our editorial team will be available to provide guidance and feedback.
  3. Submit Your Article: When your article is ready, submit it for review.
  4. Engage with Our Community: We encourage our guest writers to engage with our readers through comments and discussions, offering valuable insights and answering questions.


The Disabled Entrepreneur – Disability UK Online Journal is not just a publication; it’s a collective voice that celebrates the achievements and experiences of the disabled community. We believe in the power of collective knowledge, and we invite you to be a part of our mission. Your contribution can be a stepping stone for others and an invaluable resource for the world. Join us in filling our pages with content that resonates, educates, and inspires.

As a guest writer, you’ll gain exposure and the chance to build a portfolio of content. We also offer backlinks to your personal or professional website, enhancing your online presence. By sharing your knowledge with our community, you’re not only enriching our journal but also empowering individuals within the disabled community and beyond.

At Disabled Entrepreneur – Disability UK, we are committed to supporting our talented writers. Our goal is to create a platform that compensates contributors once we reach a level of traffic that sustains such payments. As we grow, we are exploring the possibility of introducing a paywall system. This approach will help us continue to provide quality content while rewarding our dedicated writers for their valuable contributions. Your words and expertise are an essential part of our journey, and we look forward to a future where we can reciprocate your efforts more substantially.

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