Finally, Christmas is nearly over, thank God for that…

I am fed up with seeing how happy people are flaunting their Christmas gatherings to the world that may make other people who find Christmas difficult this time of year, very daunting.

Don’t get me wrong, I am happy for everyone who can enjoy Christmas but to flaunt it around people who are not so fortunate to spend Christmas with their loved ones is sinful and conceited.

The same goes with people showing off how much money they have or being judgemental because they have a house but in reality, it is mortgaged up to the hilt. Nine times out of ten people wearing designer clothes are not as rich as they make out.

I for one own multiple digital real estate but for the ordinary person this may not be something they understand. Not everyone knows the value of domain names and the equity that may hold.

Regardless of whether it is a bricks-and-mortar property or a digital asset, it is still deemed to have value and people need to educate themselves before casting judgment.

As for Christmas, I am fed up with people asking me what I did and who I spent it with. I did “Jack Diddly Squat” for Christmas because I do not celebrate it anymore, what is there to celebrate when both my parents and my brother are no longer alive?

Christmas Day is just another day. For me, I stayed home alone over Christmas as my daughter stayed over with her boyfriend’s family but that was fine with me because I took advantage of the time to relax.

I must admit my Christmas did not go without a hitch and was stressful because of a couple of incidents with Amazon delivery and yesterday’s fiasco where my bath had sprung a leak and flooded my neighbor’s ceiling.

I ended up having a full-on panic attack and could not stop the water from pouring because my bath was not holding in the water and apparently as I found out today the silver part of the drain had come loose which caused water to not empty through the waste pipe but directly onto the floorboards and onto my neighbor’s ceiling, as you can see by the video.

Next Door Neighbours Flat Below Me!

So as you can imagine it took its toll on my health yesterday to the point that after the contractor left today, I ended up falling asleep for a good few hours during the day which is unusual for me as I never do that.

With this said, I spoke to someone today about my health and it seems that no matter what I say it goes over people’s heads.

I stated I have a problem with social disconnection and also problems walking because of my bad knee and it is as if they cannot comprehend that I cannot walk far because I am not on crutches or do not have a walking stick.

I stated, after a couple of times coming up and down my stairs, my knee gets painful and swells and this is what the person said to me and I quote “It will be nice to walk around the park and get some fresh air“. My response online to this is “did they not hear what I said I cannot walk far“, and how is walking around the park going to benefit me in any way?, what about the time I would have to take off from my work?

You would not expect any successful entrepreneur to put their businesses on hold for leisurely strolls.

I have four businesses, I am worth a lot of money on paper and no one is going to get in between.

Another thing people do not understand if they have never run a business before is that a self-employed person’s income is not guaranteed, they have to work ten times harder than an employee to find leads and keep them. An employee takes their wages for granted as it is a secure income for them for the duration they work for a company. However, with the uncertainty of the high street and hospitality sector and business closures because of the pandemic, an entrepreneur has to do everything they can to secure their business and make it run smoothly, never mind make sure their clients pay them on time. Running a business is not a walk in the park.

I also stated about social disconnection and also the fact I cannot walk very far, this did not comprehend with this person. Not only that, I picked up on some mockery when I laughed about something I said (and the person in the background thought they were being clever and funny by mimicking my laugh, repeating the tone of my laugh), which I purposely ignored but will not forget.

If I want to have fresh air I simply have to open my front door or buy oxygen in a can.

I do not take kindly to people being ignorant and pretending to be my friend just so that they can gossip about me after. I have never been bosom pals with this person even though I have known them for over 20 years, my gut feeling tells me they are false and think highly of themselves.

Furthermore, I know I do not live in a palace at the moment, granted, but trying to imply that they somehow are more superior to me because their property is a mortgaged new build and mine is falling apart rented Listed Georgian House, they do not have the right to be judgemental as they do not know my circumstances and I should not have to explain myself to them.

I was told I could phone them anytime for a chat. I understand they may have had good intentions when saying that but I have nothing in common with them, what exactly would we be chatting about, they are not on the same page as me and never will be? If I need mental health support I have my useful links page to fall back on.

With social disconnection, people like myself do not need other people in their lives and do not like socializing. It is not due entirely to the fact of mental health issues with me it is more so I chose who I wish to spend company with and I am 100% focused on my work. Granted I am wary of intermingling with people because of the pandemic, but I am much happier not being around people physically, I much rather connect with people online.

According to statistics social isolation or disconnection significantly increase a person’s risk of premature death from all causes, a risk that may rival those of smoking, obesity, and physical inactivity. Social isolation is associated with about a 50% percent increased risk of dementia because people’s brains are not as active if they stay at home, where loneliness and boredom kick in.

The above statement I agree to disagree. I choose the company I keep and I am extremely active online, so I am keeping my brain working. I do not smoke and will not say I am obese, perhaps slightly overweight. But again I can always do exercise at home if I really wanted to.

I am always learning and people seem to underestimate me by trying to be do-gooders. I would not have been able to build four businesses for myself and multiple businesses for other people if I was short of a shilling or two.

For me I find writing therapy and learning new things, I love reading and watching documentaries. I always keep myself busy. I am currently researching neuroplasticity, neuroscience, and quantum physics. I have recently completed a course on hypnotherapy and plan to take on more courses in the New Year.

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