A domino effect is a sequence of events that you have no control over and by setting off one thing you will set off a series of events caused by the consequences of your actions known as a chain reaction.

The term is best known as a mechanical movement and is used as an analogy to a falling row of dominoes. It is best described as a linked sequence of events where the scenario plays out and is caused by one direct incident causing another incident in a short space of time.

It can be used literally or metaphorically. The term domino effect is used both to imply that an event is inevitable or highly likely (as it has already started to happen), and conversely to imply that an event is impossible or highly unlikely (the one domino left standing).

Demonstration of the effect

The domino effect can easily be visualized by placing a row of dominoes upright, each separated by a small distance. Upon pushing the first domino, the next domino in line will be knocked over, and so on, thus firing a linear chain in which each domino’s fall is triggered by the domino immediately preceding it.

The effect is the same regardless of the length of the chain. The energy used in this chain reaction is the potential energy of the dominoes due to them being in a meta-stable state; when the first domino is toppled, the energy transferred by the fall is greater than the energy needed to knock over the following domino, and so on.

The domino effect is exploited in Rube Goldberg machines.

The domino effect amongst people who suffer from fear, anxiety, depression, and mental health can make the individual spiral out of control. This can in some cases be life threatening. A consequence of someone else’s reaction to a decision one person made can lead to mental health problems.

The domino effect regardless of the circumstances is the direct cause of one person.

One person can cause a catastrophic chain of events just by their actions.

Seeing as Covid-19 is soaring out of control we need to break things down. If everything was sterile and sanitized before the person (a) gave something to person (b) this would start to slow down the virus. But people like sharing. People lick envelopes and stamps and spread their saliva DNA from their fingers to the paper which then gets handled by several people before it reaches its final destination.

But imagine the scenario person (a) unaware they are the carrier of the virus touched something and then passed it on to the person (b) you have potentially started a domino effect.

Not everyone is going to sterilize their homes before connecting with another person.

Here is another scenario and you cannot drum this enough into young people that they will not listen or take note, just because you have a set of rules there is an element of risk that these rules will be broken. Just because you say do not socialize or meet other people from outside your household does not mean this is set in concrete. People who want to meet others will, “Catch me if you can” will be their excuse.

If on the other hand, you showed something that would shock the world only then would they start sterilizing and staying at home. If you showed people dying from the virus people would be less likely to take risks. However, people take risks all the time and unless you police tag everyone there is no way of keeping people in if they do not want to stay in.

In my post, I mention the domino effect from personal experiences.

Consider the consequences of your actions next time you offend or upset someone.