Wills, Probate, Insurance Text On Typewriter Paper. Image Credit: PhotoFunia.com

Alleviating Funeral Poverty: A Case for Funeral Insurance

The term “funeral poverty” has gained significant attention as many families struggle with the high costs associated with funerals. The emotional toll of losing a loved one is compounded by the financial burden of arranging a dignified farewell. To mitigate these costs, taking out insurance to cover funeral expenses presents a practical solution.

Funeral costs can be surprisingly high, with services such as burial or cremation, caskets, flowers, and other arrangements easily running into thousands of dollars. For many families, these expenses are unexpected and can create significant financial strain. Funeral insurance offers a safety net, ensuring that when the inevitable happens, the financial burden does not fall on the grieving family.

While some people turn to crowdfunding platforms like GoFundMe to raise money for funeral expenses, this approach can be unreliable and stressful. There’s no guarantee that the campaign will raise the necessary funds in time. In contrast, funeral insurance provides a guaranteed payout to cover these costs. For a relatively small monthly premium, policyholders can ensure that their loved ones are financially protected and can focus on mourning and celebrating the life of the deceased, rather than worrying about how to pay for the funeral.

A small monthly subscription to a funeral insurance plan is a manageable expense for most, offering peace of mind and financial security. These plans vary, with options to suit different budgets and needs. The earlier you take out a policy, the more affordable it can be, locking in lower premiums and ensuring coverage well in advance of need.

There is no time like the present to consider funeral insurance. Death is a certainty, yet it is often an uncomfortable topic that many prefer to avoid. However, planning ahead can alleviate the stress and financial burden on those we leave behind. By taking action now, you ensure that your loved ones are covered, sparing them from the added worry of funeral expenses during an already challenging time.

The Importance of Writing a Will: A Crucial Step for All Ages

When we think of writing a will, it often conjures images of older individuals contemplating their legacies. However, the importance of having a will is universal, and even young people should consider this critical step. Ensuring that your affairs are in order, regardless of your age, is a responsible and thoughtful act that can provide peace of mind and clarity for your loved ones.

Why Young People Should Write a Will

  1. Unexpected Circumstances: Life is unpredictable. Accidents and unforeseen illnesses can happen to anyone, regardless of age. Having a will ensures that your wishes are known and can be executed, providing clear instructions for the distribution of your assets and the care of any dependents.
  2. Digital Assets: In today’s digital age, young people often have substantial online footprints and digital assets, including social media accounts, digital currencies, online businesses, and more. A will can specify how these assets should be managed or distributed.
  3. Personal Belongings: Even if you don’t own property or have significant financial assets, personal belongings can hold sentimental value. A will allows you to designate who should receive cherished items, ensuring they are given to those who will appreciate and remember you by them.
  4. Guardianship of Dependents: For young parents, a will is crucial to name guardians for their children. This ensures that your children are cared for by the people you trust most if you are no longer able to do so.

The Role of Professionals in Will Writing

While there are DIY will kits available, it is highly advisable to have your will drafted by a professional entity, such as a lawyer or solicitor. Here’s why:

  1. Legal Expertise: Professionals understand the legal requirements and complexities involved in will writing. They ensure that your will is valid and legally binding, reducing the risk of it being contested or invalidated.
  2. Personalized Advice: A lawyer or solicitor can provide personalized advice tailored to your unique situation. They can help you understand the implications of your decisions and suggest options you might not have considered.
  3. Comprehensive Planning: Professionals can assist with more than just the will itself. They can offer guidance on estate planning, tax implications, and other important aspects to ensure your overall plan is thorough and effective.
  4. Updates and Revisions: As life circumstances change, your will may need to be updated. A professional can help you make necessary revisions to reflect new relationships, acquisitions, or other significant life events.

No Time Like the Present

Writing a will is not just about planning for death; it’s about taking control of your future and providing security for those you care about. There is no time like the present to take this important step. By drafting a will, you take a proactive stance in safeguarding your wishes and easing the potential burden on your loved ones.

The importance of writing a will cannot be overstated, regardless of your age. Engaging a professional to draft your will ensures that it is comprehensive, legally sound, and reflective of your true intentions. This small investment of time and resources can provide immeasurable peace of mind, knowing that your affairs are in order and your loved ones are protected.


While funeral poverty remains a real issue, proactive steps like securing funeral insurance can make a significant difference. This small investment can protect your family from unexpected costs and allow them to focus on what truly matters in the aftermath of a loss—honoring your memory and finding solace together.

Further Reading:

Disabled Entrepreneur Business Card.