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This Article At A Glance:

  • Challenging DWP on Discrimination
  • Steps To Challenge Discrimination
  • Seeking Support
  • Editors Experience
  • Steps To Take DWP To Court
  • Make A Claim In The County Court

Challenging the DWP on Discrimination Against Personal Independence Payments (PIP)

Personal Independence Payment (PIP) is a vital benefit for individuals in the UK living with long-term health conditions or disabilities. Administered by the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP), PIP aims to provide financial support to cover extra costs associated with disability. However, many claimants have faced issues of discrimination and unfair treatment during the assessment and decision-making processes.

This guide aims to help individuals challenge the DWP effectively if they believe they have been discriminated against in their PIP claims.

Understanding Discrimination in PIP Assessments

Discrimination in the context of PIP assessments can take various forms, including:

  1. Unfair Assessment Process: Inaccurate or biased assessments by health professionals who may not fully understand the claimant’s condition.
  2. Inadequate Consideration of Evidence: Failure to consider all medical evidence or disregard for supporting documentation.
  3. Prejudice and Bias: Discriminatory attitudes or stereotypes influencing the decision-making process.
  4. Inconsistent Decisions: Decisions that do not align with the evidence presented or are inconsistent with other similar cases.

Steps to Challenge Discrimination

1. Gather Evidence

Before making a formal challenge, it is crucial to gather all relevant evidence. This includes:

  • Medical Records: Detailed reports from healthcare providers outlining the nature and impact of your condition.
  • Assessment Reports: Copies of the PIP assessment report provided by the DWP.
  • Personal Statements: Written accounts of how your condition affects your daily life and mobility.
  • Witness Statements: Statements from family members, friends, or carers who can attest to your situation.

2. Request a Mandatory Reconsideration

If you believe the PIP decision was influenced by discrimination, you should first request a Mandatory Reconsideration. This is an internal DWP review of the decision. When requesting a reconsideration:

  • Be Specific: Clearly state why you believe discrimination has occurred and provide examples.
  • Submit Additional Evidence: Include any new or previously unconsidered evidence that supports your case.
  • Deadline: You must request a reconsideration within one month of the original decision.

3. Appeal to a Tribunal

If the Mandatory Reconsideration does not resolve the issue, you can appeal to an independent tribunal. The process involves:

  • Submitting an Appeal: Complete the SSCS1 form or use the online service to lodge your appeal.
  • Detailed Grounds: Outline the grounds of your appeal, focusing on how discrimination affected the decision.
  • Representation: Consider seeking legal representation or support from advocacy groups specializing in disability rights.

4. Lodge a Complaint

Parallel to the appeal process, you can file a formal complaint about discriminatory treatment with the DWP. This can highlight systemic issues and ensure your concerns are recorded. To lodge a complaint:

  • Write to the DWP: Clearly state the nature of the discrimination and provide supporting evidence.
  • Escalate if Necessary: If unsatisfied with the response, escalate the complaint to the Independent Case Examiner or the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman.

Seeking Support

1. Advocacy Groups

Organizations such as Citizens Advice, Disability Rights UK, and Scope offer support and advice on challenging PIP decisions and discrimination.

2. Legal Aid

For those eligible, legal aid can provide access to legal representation and advice. Check if you qualify for legal aid through the government’s website or local legal aid offices.

3. Support Networks

Engage with support networks and forums where others share their experiences and strategies for challenging PIP decisions. Online communities can provide valuable insights and emotional support.

Editor’s Experience of Discrimination by the DWP: A Firsthand Account

The journey through the Personal Independence Payment (PIP) system can be fraught with challenges, especially when faced with discrimination. The editor of recently encountered this firsthand when her PIP assessment was declined, and a DWP representative attempted to overturn a prior decision despite substantial medical evidence. Her battle for justice through the tribunal resulted in a favorable outcome, yet her complaint to the DWP about discriminatory treatment was met with denial, further exacerbating her condition and emotional distress.

A Case for Ableism and Indirect Discrimination

In the Editor’s experience with the DWP, there is a strong case for both ableism and indirect discrimination.


Ableism refers to discrimination and social prejudice against people with disabilities based on the belief that typical abilities are superior. The Editor’s encounter with the DWP demonstrates clear ableism in several ways:

  • Dismissal of Medical Evidence: The DWP’s initial claim that she was not disabled enough to warrant PIP, despite substantial medical evidence, reflects an ableist attitude that minimizes and invalidates the lived experiences of people with disabilities.
  • Contradictory Statements: The assertion that she was too disabled to be a carer despite living with her condition for over 30 years, raising he daughter single handily since birth, and continuing to care 23 years later, further perpetuates ableist stereotypes, as it suggests a rigid and prejudiced view of what people with disabilities can or cannot do.

Indirect Discrimination

Indirect discrimination occurs when a policy, practice, or rule that applies to everyone puts people with a particular protected characteristic at a disadvantage. In this case, the Editor faced indirect discrimination in the following ways:

  • Assessment Procedures: The PIP assessment process, which often fails to adequately consider the nuances of different disabilities, indirectly discriminates against individuals with complex or less visible conditions. This systemic flaw disproportionately impacts people like the Editor, who have substantial medical evidence but still face denial of benefits.
  • Inconsistent Decision-Making: The DWP’s contradictory statements about her disability status and her competence as a carer reveal a systemic issue where policies are applied inconsistently, indirectly disadvantaging those with disabilities by subjecting them to unpredictable and biased decision-making processes.

The Editor’s ordeal with the DWP exemplifies both ableism and indirect discrimination. The systemic flaws and prejudiced attitudes within the DWP’s assessment and decision-making processes have not only caused her significant stress and health deterioration but also temporarily forced her to step back from her business on the front end. Addressing these issues requires systemic change and a commitment to fair and equitable treatment for all individuals with disabilities.

Steps to Take the DWP to Court

When the DWP denies a complaint about disability discrimination and emotional distress, legal recourse becomes necessary.

The most straightforward way to complain is by emailing the DWP’s Operations Correspondence at The official overseeing DWP services to claimants is the Operations Director, currently Susan Park. You can learn more about her here. Consider directing any complaints about disability discrimination directly to her (unfortunately, I cannot find an email for her), but I have found this link: Contact the Department for Work and Pensions about its policies – GOV.UK (

If the DWP does not resolve the situation through its complaints procedure, the next step is to:

Write to the Government Legal Department, formerly known as the Treasury Solicitor, stating that if reasonable adjustments are not made, you will issue a claim in the County Court. The Government Legal Department acts as the solicitor for the DWP and the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions, handling claims from citizens considering legal action against either or both. You can find more information here. Email:

Here are the steps to pursue court action:

1. Consult Legal Advice

  • Specialized Solicitors: Contact solicitors who specialize in disability discrimination and welfare benefits. They can provide tailored advice and represent you in court.
  • Legal Aid: If eligible, apply for legal aid to cover legal costs. Check eligibility criteria on the government’s website or through local legal aid offices.

2. Gather Evidence

  • Medical Documentation: Compile comprehensive medical records and reports that detail your condition and the impact on your daily life.
  • Assessment and Tribunal Records: Include copies of PIP assessment reports, tribunal decisions, and any correspondence with the DWP.
  • Personal Statements: Write a detailed account of your experience, highlighting instances of discrimination and emotional distress.
  • Witness Statements: Collect statements from family members, friends, or carers who can attest to the emotional and physical toll the process has taken.

3. File a Claim with the Employment Tribunal

Disability discrimination claims can be filed with the Employment Tribunal, even though they are typically associated with employment disputes. The tribunal can hear cases related to discrimination under the Equality Act 2010.

  • Claim Form (ET1): Complete the ET1 form, outlining the details of your discrimination case.
  • Submission Deadline: Ensure you file your claim within three months of the discriminatory act or the DWP’s final decision on your complaint.

4. Submit a Claim for Emotional Distress

In addition to discrimination, you can seek damages for emotional distress. This requires:

  • Detailed Evidence: Provide medical evidence of the emotional distress caused by the DWP’s actions, including any increased medication or therapy required.
  • Legal Grounds: Establish the legal basis for your claim, often under personal injury law or human rights violations.

5. Independent Case Examiner (ICE)

While pursuing legal action, consider escalating your complaint to the Independent Case Examiner. Although this is not a legal step, ICE can provide an independent review of your case and potentially support your court claim.

  • Contact ICE: File a complaint with ICE, providing all relevant documentation and a detailed account of your experience.
  • Outcome: ICE’s findings can be instrumental in strengthening your case against the DWP.

Make a Claim in the County Court

Taking legal action can be daunting, as civil courts have increasingly become complex and challenging for non-lawyers to navigate. This perception stems from the proliferation of intricate rules, procedures, and forms, making the process difficult for laypersons. Moreover, court officials, as government employees, are not always inclined to assist those bringing cases against the government.

However, these challenges do not negate your right to seek justice. Article 13 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities mandates:

“States parties shall ensure effective access to justice for persons with disabilities on an equal basis with others, including through the provision of procedural and age-appropriate accommodations, in order to facilitate their effective role as direct and indirect participants, including as witnesses, in all legal proceedings, including at investigative and other preliminary stages.”

Additionally, the Equality Act’s duty of reasonable adjustments applies to the courts, although not to judicial acts. The UN Convention imposes similar obligations on the courts, reflected in their “Equal Treatment Bench Book” here.

If you find it challenging to meet the usual court requirements, such as producing multiple hard copies of claim forms, the court must accept a single emailed copy. If attending hearings is difficult, the court must provide accommodations like video-link options or accepting paper witness statements instead of in-person testimony. These provisions ensure that courts function as they should—serving the people and upholding their rights.


The editor’s ordeal underscores the critical need for fairness and accountability in the PIP assessment process. Despite facing significant challenges, her persistence led to a favorable tribunal outcome for PIP reinstatement, illustrating that justice can prevail. For those facing similar discrimination and emotional distress, taking the DWP to court is a viable path to seek redress and ensure their rights are upheld. By consulting legal experts, gathering robust evidence, and navigating the tribunal process, claimants can challenge discriminatory practices and achieve the support they deserve.

Challenging the DWP on discrimination in PIP assessments can be daunting and will take several months for your case to be heard, but understanding your rights and the proper procedures can empower you to take effective action. By gathering robust evidence, utilizing the reconsideration and appeal processes, lodging complaints, and seeking support, you can stand up against unfair treatment and ensure that your needs are adequately recognized and addressed.

As a result of the DWP’s actions, the Editor’s health has significantly deteriorated, forcing her to step back from the front end of her business temporarily. The considerable stress inflicted by the DWP has not only exacerbated her medical condition but also disrupted her professional life, impacting the very foundation of her business, which undoubtedly caused her work to suffer. This undue stress and its subsequent toll on her health and responsibilities highlight the profound and far-reaching consequences of the DWP’s discriminatory treatment.