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The Cost of Worry: Struggling to Concentrate at Work Due to Money Worries

Empty Wallet
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Disclaimer – If someone is feeling overwhelmed and believes they cannot cope with their mental health, it’s crucial for them to seek support and assistance. The first step should involve reaching out to a mental health professional, such as a therapist, counselor, or psychiatrist, who can provide guidance, therapy, or medication if necessary. Additionally, confiding in a trusted friend or family member can offer emotional support. Remember, seeking help is a sign of strength, and there are numerous resources available to help individuals manage their mental health effectively.

The Cost of Worry: Struggling to Concentrate at Work Due to Money Worries

Money worries are a common source of stress and anxiety for many people, and the workplace is no exception. Struggling to concentrate at work because of financial concerns can be a challenging and disheartening experience. As the pressure of financial instability looms over your head, it can affect your productivity, job satisfaction, and overall well-being.

The Impact of Money Worries on Workplace Concentration

  1. Distraction and Mental Noise: When financial concerns occupy your thoughts, they act as a mental distraction. You may find yourself constantly thinking about bills, debts, and the need to make ends meet. These intrusive thoughts can create mental noise, making it difficult to focus on your tasks. This distraction can lead to a decrease in productivity and a sense of restlessness.
  2. Anxiety and Stress: Money worries often trigger feelings of anxiety and stress. These emotional responses can take a significant toll on your mental and physical well-being, making it challenging to maintain concentration and a sense of calm at work. Chronic stress can lead to a host of health issues, further hindering your ability to perform effectively in your job.
  3. Reduced Productivity: The inability to concentrate due to money worries can lead to a decrease in productivity. You may find yourself making more mistakes, taking longer to complete tasks, and having a generally reduced work output. This can be detrimental to your professional performance and, ultimately, your job security.
  4. Impact on Decision-Making: Money worries can also impair your decision-making abilities. It can lead to hasty, impulsive decisions driven by the need for quick financial relief, rather than well-thought-out choices that benefit your long-term financial health and career prospects.
  5. Emotional Exhaustion: The constant preoccupation with financial concerns can result in emotional exhaustion. This exhaustion can be mentally draining and, in turn, make it more challenging to maintain the energy and enthusiasm required to excel at work.

Strategies to Overcome Money-Related Concentration Issues

  1. Create a Budget: One of the first steps to alleviating money worries is to create a realistic budget. This will help you gain a clear understanding of your financial situation and allow you to identify areas where you can cut back or save. A budget can provide a sense of control and reduce anxiety.
  2. Seek Financial Advice: Consider seeking the advice of a financial professional. They can help you develop a strategy for managing your money more effectively, setting goals, and finding ways to alleviate your financial concerns.
  3. Build an Emergency Fund: Having an emergency fund can provide a financial safety net, reducing the stress associated with unexpected expenses. It can also help you feel more secure in your financial future, allowing you to concentrate better at work.
  4. Practice Mindfulness: Mindfulness techniques can help you stay present in the moment and reduce the mental noise caused by money worries. Meditation, deep breathing exercises, and other relaxation methods can be helpful in regaining focus and reducing anxiety.
  5. Communicate with your employer: If your money worries are severely impacting your work, consider talking to your employer or human resources department. They may be able to offer support or resources, such as employee assistance programs or flexible scheduling.
  6. Seek Emotional Support: Money worries can be isolating, but you’re not alone. Talk to friends or family members you trust about your concerns. Sharing your worries can provide emotional support and help you feel less alone in your struggles.

The Connection Between Mental Health Deterioration and Financial Difficulty

Mental health and financial well-being are intimately connected, with each influencing the other in a complex and often cyclical relationship. While it’s essential to recognize that financial difficulty alone doesn’t directly cause mental health issues, it can exacerbate pre-existing conditions or act as a significant stressor that can contribute to mental health deterioration. Likewise, poor mental health can lead to financial struggles due to decreased productivity and decision-making challenges.

  1. Stress and Anxiety: Financial difficulties can be a significant source of stress and anxiety. The constant worry about bills, debt, and the ability to make ends meet can lead to a persistent state of stress, which, over time, can take a severe toll on mental health. Chronic stress can contribute to the development or exacerbation of conditions such as anxiety disorders and depression.
  2. Reduced Productivity: Mental health issues can lead to decreased productivity at work. Feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and difficulty concentrating can hinder job performance. As productivity diminishes, there may be a risk of reduced income or even job loss, further exacerbating financial troubles.
  3. Impaired Decision-Making: Financial difficulties can impair decision-making abilities. The stress associated with money problems can lead to impulsive, short-term financial decisions aimed at providing immediate relief. Such decisions, often based on emotions rather than rational thinking, can worsen financial struggles, creating a harmful cycle.
  4. Social Isolation: Mental health issues can lead to social isolation, as individuals may withdraw from social activities or relationships due to feelings of sadness, worthlessness, or anxiety. This social isolation can further impact financial well-being, as it can limit access to emotional support, job opportunities, and helpful resources.
  5. Self-Esteem and Self-Worth: Financial difficulties can erode self-esteem and self-worth. A sense of failure or inadequacy may develop, which can contribute to feelings of depression and anxiety. These negative self-perceptions can hinder individuals from seeking help, making healthy financial decisions, or pursuing opportunities for improvement.
  6. Escalation of Debt: The relationship between mental health and finances is often a two-way street. As mental health deteriorates, individuals may be less equipped to manage their finances effectively. This can lead to increased debt, compounding the financial difficulties they are already facing.
  7. Barriers to Seeking Help: Mental health stigma can prevent individuals from seeking help when they are struggling emotionally. Similarly, there can be a stigma associated with seeking financial assistance or counseling. This dual stigma can create barriers to getting the necessary support to address both mental health issues and financial difficulties.
  8. Physical Health Impact: The connection between mental health and financial difficulty can also manifest in physical health problems. Chronic stress, anxiety, and depression can lead to health issues like cardiovascular problems and weakened immune systems, and even exacerbate pre-existing health conditions, which can result in increased medical expenses.

Breaking the Cycle

Breaking the cycle of mental health deterioration and financial difficulty requires a holistic approach that addresses both aspects of well-being. Some key steps to consider include:

  1. Seek Professional Help: If you are struggling with mental health issues, reach out to a mental health professional for support and treatment.
  2. Financial Counseling: Consider financial counseling or advice to help you develop a budget, manage debt, and create a plan for improving your financial situation.
  3. Build a Support Network: Engage with friends and family for emotional support. Sharing your struggles can help alleviate feelings of isolation.
  4. Self-Care: Prioritize self-care practices, such as exercise, meditation, and mindfulness, to help reduce stress and anxiety.
  5. Address Financial Stressors: Identify and address specific financial stressors by setting realistic goals and working toward a more stable financial situation.

Remember that you are not alone in facing the challenges of mental health and financial difficulties. Seeking help and support is the first step toward breaking the cycle and achieving improved well-being in both areas of your life.

The Mental Health Impact on Business Owners Trying to Keep Their Businesses Afloat

Running a business can be an incredibly rewarding endeavor, but it also comes with its own set of challenges and stressors. For business owners trying to keep their enterprises afloat, the pressure and uncertainty can take a significant toll on their mental health. The relentless demands, financial worries, and the weight of responsibility can lead to a range of mental health issues.

  1. Stress and Anxiety: Business owners often grapple with high levels of stress and anxiety as they navigate the day-to-day challenges of running a company. The constant worry about cash flow, meeting payroll, and handling operational issues can lead to chronic stress. This prolonged stress can contribute to anxiety disorders, making it difficult for business owners to relax, even during their limited downtime.
  2. Depression: The fear of failure and the relentless pressure of trying to keep a business afloat can lead to depression. The sense of hopelessness, a pervasive feeling of inadequacy, and the emotional burden of maintaining the company’s survival can take a severe toll on a business owner’s mental well-being.
  3. Sleep Disturbances: The stress and anxiety associated with running a struggling business can disrupt sleep patterns. Insomnia and poor sleep quality can further exacerbate mental health issues, creating a vicious cycle that hinders the business owner’s ability to think clearly and make sound decisions.
  4. Isolation: Business owners often bear the responsibility of making tough decisions and may feel isolated in their roles. The loneliness and lack of emotional support can contribute to feelings of isolation and loneliness, which can worsen mental health issues.
  5. Burnout: Business owners are susceptible to burnout, a state of emotional and physical exhaustion caused by excessive stress. Burnout can result in decreased productivity, reduced creativity, and a loss of enthusiasm for their work.
  6. Physical Health Impact: The toll on mental health can also manifest in physical health problems. Long hours, unhealthy eating habits, and the neglect of self-care can lead to issues such as weight gain, cardiovascular problems, and weakened immune systems.
  7. Impact on Personal Relationships: The stress and time commitment of keeping a business afloat can strain personal relationships. Business owners may find it challenging to maintain a work-life balance, leading to conflicts with family and friends.
  8. Financial Stress: The financial strain of trying to keep the business running can create a substantial burden. Mounting debt, potential bankruptcy, or the inability to pay bills can contribute to financial stress that further exacerbates mental health issues.

Coping Strategies for Business Owners

  1. Seek Professional Help: If you’re a business owner struggling with your mental health, don’t hesitate to seek help from a mental health professional. They can provide the support and strategies to manage your stress, anxiety, and depression.
  2. Delegate Responsibility: If possible, delegate some of your responsibilities to trusted employees or consider outsourcing certain tasks to reduce your workload.
  3. Set Realistic Goals: Avoid setting overly ambitious or unattainable goals for your business. Focus on small, achievable steps to alleviate the pressure and fear of failure.
  4. Establish a Support Network: Connect with other business owners or mentors who have experienced similar challenges. Sharing your concerns and seeking advice from those who understand can be beneficial.
  5. Self-Care: Prioritize self-care practices such as exercise, meditation, and mindfulness to manage stress and maintain a healthy work-life balance.
  6. Financial Planning: Work with a financial advisor to develop a solid financial plan and navigate your business through financial challenges.
  7. Celebrate Small Wins: Recognize and celebrate even small accomplishments to maintain motivation and reduce the overwhelming sense of struggle.

Business owners play a critical role in the economy, but they also face unique mental health challenges. Recognizing and addressing the mental health impact of trying to keep a business afloat is crucial for both their personal well-being and the success of their enterprises.


Struggling to concentrate at work due to money worries is a common and challenging issue. The impact of financial concerns on your professional life can be significant, affecting your productivity, job satisfaction, and overall well-being. However, by implementing strategies to alleviate your money worries and seeking support when needed, you can regain control over your focus and concentration, ultimately improving your performance and reducing workplace stress. Remember that financial challenges are a common part of life, and with the right approach, you can overcome them.

Further Reading

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The Role of Mentorship in Empowering Disabled Entrepreneurs 

The Role of Mentorship in Empowering Disabled Entrepreneurs 

When it comes to entrepreneurship for disabled individuals, hurdles often outnumber milestones. However, mentorship offers numerous ways to overcome these limitations. The ultimate role of mentorship in empowering disabled entrepreneurs is to pave the way toward success. Beyond the scope of traditional business advice, mentorship becomes a lifeline, offering guidance, confidence, and the tools needed to overcome adversity. So, let’s discover how mentorship can transform entrepreneurship. 

Breaking Barriers: Empowering Disabled Entrepreneurs 

Breaking barriers and following your dreams are pursuits that demand unwavering determination. Disabled entrepreneurs often face additional hurdles, from accessibility challenges to societal biases. However, mentorship is a powerful catalyst in their journey to overcome these obstacles and realize their entrepreneurial aspirations. 

Disabled entrepreneurs are not defined by their disabilities; rather, they are defined by their ambition and resilience. They dare to dream, envisioning businesses that can create positive change in their communities and the world. 

Through mentorship, disabled entrepreneurs access a wealth of knowledge and experience. Mentors provide valuable insights, share their stories of triumph over adversity, and help foster a mindset that believes in the attainability of dreams. 

A mentor discussing goals with mentees.
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Finding a mentor compatible with you and your goals is vital.

Finding the Right Mentor 

The role of mentorship in empowering disabled entrepreneurs is tremendous, and finding the right mentor is the first step. The right mentor will help you transform your disability into a business advantage and help you navigate the unique challenges faced by disabled entrepreneurs. 

Here are some valuable tips to assist you in finding the right person: 

Define Your Goals 

Before seeking a mentor, clarify your business goals first. This will help you define what you want to achieve through mentorship. A clear vision will help you find a mentor perfect for your needs and objectives. 

Leverage Your Network 

Tap into your existing network, both online and offline. Attend networking events, join relevant forums, and connect with professionals who share your entrepreneurial interests. Don’t hesitate to ask colleagues, friends, or fellow entrepreneurs for recommendations. 

Research Potential Mentors 

Look for mentors who have experience in your industry or a related field. Investigate their background, track record, and whether they have experience mentoring disabled entrepreneurs. 

Consider Compatibility 

Building a strong mentor-mentee relationship often depends on compatibility. Assess whether your communication styles, values, and personalities align with potential mentors. 

Approach Mentors Thoughtfully 

When reaching out to potential mentors, respect their time and clearly communicate your expectations. Explain why you believe they are the right mentor for you and how their guidance can benefit your entrepreneurial journey. 

Stay Open-Minded 

Be receptive to feedback and advice. Mentors may challenge your perspectives and push you out of your comfort zone, but this is where growth happens. 

Two women discussing business.
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The role of mentorship in empowering disabled entrepreneurs is to instill confidence.

Building Confidence and Skill 

Mentors provide a safe space for disabled entrepreneurs to explore their potential, offer constructive feedback, and encourage them to embrace challenges as opportunities for growth. Through personalized guidance, they help entrepreneurs develop crucial business acumen, leadership abilities, and problem-solving skills. 

As mentorship relationships evolve, mentees often step out of their comfort zones, take calculated risks, and gain the self-assurance needed to tackle even the most formidable obstacles. 

Exploring different places can be a transformative experience for disabled entrepreneurs, helping them gain confidence and expertise beyond their comfort zones. Whether it’s attending networking events, trade shows, or conferences related to their industry, these journeys offer invaluable learning opportunities. 

Additionally, moving to new locales, even temporarily, can foster personal growth and broaden horizons. Of course, when considering such transitions, it’s essential to explore some moving tips for people with disabilities, from strategic packing to paratransit services. This approach will ensure a smooth and empowering relocation experience. 

Overcoming Entrepreneurial Challenges 

Entrepreneurship has abundant challenges, and fear can often be a constant companion. Disabled entrepreneurs face unique obstacles, such as accessibility issues and potential discrimination, which can amplify their fears. However, the role of mentorship in empowering disabled entrepreneurs is to provide a vital support system that enables them to overcome these challenges and face their fears head-on. 

Mentors offer guidance in problem-solving, helping entrepreneurs develop strategies to navigate complex situations. By sharing their experiences of triumph over adversity, mentors inspire confidence in mentees, reminding them that challenges can be conquered. Moreover, mentorship fosters a sense of accountability, encouraging disabled entrepreneurs to take bold steps in the face of fear, ultimately propelling them toward success in the entrepreneurial world. 

A woman with her hand on the laptop, drinking coffee
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Don’t hesitate to access different resources and find mentorship that suits your needs.

Accessing Mentorship Resources 

Accessing mentorship resources is a crucial step for disabled entrepreneurs. Fortunately, nowadays, many opportunities and platforms exist to connect with mentors who can provide invaluable guidance. Online mentorship programs, industry-specific forums, and social networking platforms are readily available resources. 

In addition, organizations dedicated to supporting disabled entrepreneurs offer mentorship initiatives tailored to their unique needs. These resources facilitate mentor-mentee connections and provide a structured framework for ongoing support and learning. 

Nurturing Long-Term Relationships 

Nurturing long-term mentor-mentee relationships is essential for disabled entrepreneurs. These relationships extend far beyond initial guidance, providing ongoing support and personal growth opportunities. In fact, long-term mentorship not only ensures continued guidance but also allows for adjustments as the entrepreneurial journey evolves. 

Effective communication with mentors is key. Regular check-ins, open dialogue, and active listening enable mentees to benefit from the wealth of knowledge their mentors offer. Maintaining professionalism and respect in these relationships fosters trust and mutual respect. 

Measuring Success 

Measuring success in the context of mentorship is pivotal for disabled entrepreneurs. It allows them to gauge the impact of guidance and support on their entrepreneurial journey. Success metrics extend beyond financial gains, encompassing personal growth, skill development, and goal achievement. 

By setting clear, achievable goals in collaboration with their mentors, disabled entrepreneurs can track progress and celebrate milestones. These metrics indicate the effectiveness of mentorship in empowering them to overcome challenges and flourish in the entrepreneurial world. 

Empowering Disabled Entrepreneurs: Mentorship Redefining Success 

The role of mentorship in empowering disabled entrepreneurs is tremendous. It includes helping them to break barriers, build confidence and skills, overcome challenges, access mentorship resources, nurture long-term relationships, and measure their success. With the right mentors by their side, disabled entrepreneurs can truly thrive and redefine success on their own terms. 

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Helping People Follow Their Dream

Helping People Follow Their Dream

Empowering Dreams: A Guide to Helping People Follow Their Dreams

Dreams are the compass of our souls, guiding us towards our true potential and purpose in life. They ignite our passion, fuel our determination, and push us beyond our limits. However, pursuing one’s dreams is often easier said than done. Life’s challenges, fear of failure, and societal pressures can deter individuals from chasing their aspirations. As friends, family members, mentors, or supporters, we play a crucial role in helping people follow their dreams. In this article, we’ll explore effective ways to empower and encourage others to pursue their passions and make their dreams a reality.

  1. Listen Actively: One of the most fundamental ways to support someone in their pursuit of their dreams is by being an active and empathetic listener. Allow them to share their dreams, goals, and aspirations without judgment or interruption. This not only helps them clarify their thoughts but also validates their feelings and desires.
  2. Offer Encouragement: Encouragement is a powerful motivator. Offer words of affirmation and positivity. Share stories of people who have overcome similar obstacles to achieve their dreams. Let them know that you believe in their abilities and that they have what it takes to succeed.
  3. Provide Practical Support: Sometimes, following one’s dreams requires practical assistance. This could involve helping them research their chosen field, connecting them with relevant contacts, or even providing financial support if feasible. Your tangible support can alleviate some of the stress and challenges that come with pursuing a dream.
  4. Share Knowledge and Resources: If you possess knowledge or resources that could benefit their journey, share them generously. This could be books, online courses, workshops, or even your personal experiences. Your guidance can significantly shorten their learning curve and boost their confidence.
  5. Be a Source of Accountability: Accountability is vital when pursuing dreams. Offer to be their accountability partner, checking in on their progress and helping them stay on track. A shared commitment to their goals can be incredibly motivating.
  6. Foster a Growth Mindset: Encourage a growth mindset in those you’re helping. Help them understand that failures and setbacks are part of the journey and opportunities for learning and growth. Emphasize that the path to success is rarely linear and that persistence is key.
  7. Create a Supportive Environment: Surrounding themselves with a supportive environment is essential for individuals to follow their dreams. Be mindful of your role in their life and ensure that your presence promotes positivity and encourages their pursuit of passion.
  8. Celebrate Milestones: Small wins are significant steps towards achieving dreams. Celebrate their accomplishments, no matter how minor they may seem. Acknowledging progress helps boost their confidence and keeps their motivation alive.
  9. Encourage Self-Care: Pursuing dreams can be demanding, both mentally and physically. Remind them to prioritize self-care and well-being. Encourage them to maintain a healthy work-life balance and take breaks when necessary.
  10. Be Patient: Lastly, remember that pursuing dreams is a journey that takes time. Be patient and understanding when they face setbacks or moments of doubt. Your unwavering support during these times can be the difference between giving up and pushing through.


Helping people follow their dreams is a noble endeavor that can have a profound impact on their lives. By actively listening, offering encouragement, providing practical support, and fostering a growth mindset, you can be a guiding light on their path to success. Remember that your role as a supporter is not just about cheering from the sidelines but actively participating in their journey, making their dreams more attainable and their pursuit more fulfilling. As you empower others to chase their dreams, you also contribute to creating a world where passion, determination, and self-discovery thrive.

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From Passion to Profit: Transforming Your Disability into a Business Advantage  

From Passion to Profit: Transforming Your Disability into a Business Advantage  

Most disabled people have the potential in the ever-changing world of business to bring their own special qualities to the table. If you happen to be disabled harnessing entrepreneurship around your disability to gain a competitive edge may be possible and could be entirely within your grasp. With that in mind, this article aims to lead you through a journey of steps and inspiring success stories, demonstrating how your unique perspective can truly set your business apart and become its defining factor.

Disabled Entrepreneurs Making Waves 

Disabilities are not always hindrances; in fact, for many, they’ve proven to be unique assets in the business world. Many successful individuals globally have leveraged their perceived challenges as distinctive business advantages. 

With that in mind, here are just some of the world’s most famous entrepreneurs with disabilities: 

  • Richard Branson (Virgin Group) – With dyslexia, Branson confronted educational setbacks, but this only sharpened his skills in delegation and broadened his focus on overarching business strategies. 
  • Max Ash (Max’is Creations) – Another brilliant mind with dyslexia, young Max Ash channeled his love for food and play into the innovative ‘Mug with a Hoop.’ A portion of his profits supports charities, amplifying his commitment to community upliftment. 
  • Bram Cohen (BitTorrent Inc.) – Asperger’s Syndrome may have posed social challenges for Cohen. Still, it granted him a unique analytical approach, aiding him in crafting digital solutions that have transformed peer-to-peer sharing. 
  • Daymond John (FUBU & Shark Tank) – Despite battling dyslexia, John carved out a name for himself with his iconic FUBU brand and as a critical thinker on the renowned ‘Shark Tank.’ 
  • David Neeleman (JetBlue Airways) – Neeleman’s journey with Attention Deficit Disorder did not inhibit his ambition; instead, it fueled the creation of JetBlue and groundbreaking ticketing systems that many airlines use today. 

These particular individuals showcase how a disability can elevate entrepreneurial ambitions. As you read on, discover invaluable tips to harness your distinct stance and help you when transforming your disability into a business advantage. 

#1 Harnessing Personal Experience in Authentic Brand Storytelling 

When navigating the world of entrepreneurship, there’s an undeniable power in personal experience. Living with a disability often provides firsthand insights into specific challenges faced by many within that community. These experiences, rich with one-of-a-kind struggles and triumphs, can unveil opportunities others might overlook. Such personal pain points can form the foundation of innovative solutions that address genuine needs. 

However, recognizing these opportunities is just one facet of the equation. The art of authentic storytelling amplifies their impact. By weaving these personal narratives into the fabric of your brand’s identity, you create an authentic connection with your audience. 

An authentic brand story that captures the essence of your journey and the lessons learned strikes a chord with its audience. It fosters trust, elevates your brand’s relatability, and positions your business as a service or product provider and an entity that understands and empathizes. In a saturated marketplace, this type of narrative rooted in personal experience can be the differentiator that propels your brand to new heights. 

# 2 Overcoming External Doubts and Internal Limitations 

The journey to entrepreneurship is fraught with hurdles, and for someone with a disability, these challenges might sometimes seem impossible to overcome. External skepticism often arises from misconceptions about what a person with impairment can achieve. 

However, the internal battles, the nagging voices of self-doubt, can be even more challenging to overcome. To navigate these challenges effectively, one must set up a productive space. This doesn’t merely refer to a physical environment but also a mental one. A dedicated workspace, such as a home office, provides a tangible space for work and a mental zone where ideas can flourish and grow, separated from external noise. 

This sanctuary can serve as a foundation, providing structure and stability against external doubts and internal limitations. It’s a reminder that the potential to succeed lies within, waiting to be harnessed. 

#3 Tapping into Support Systems and Communities 

The path of entrepreneurship can be a solitary one. However, nobody truly walks it alone. For those with disabilities, tapping into supportive communities is paramount. These networks, comprising fellow entrepreneurs and advocates, provide more than just emotional support; they offer tools, resources, and shared experiences that can be invaluable. 

Such communities can offer strategies to balance your work and private life, a challenge many entrepreneurs grapple with. The solidarity derived from these networks reminds individuals that they’re part of a larger narrative, a collective striving to transform ailments into strengths. 

#4 Integrating Accessibility into Digital Business Strategies 

Crafting a business strategy demands market insights and a deep understanding of accessibility. Entrepreneurs with disabilities possess a unique advantage here, having firsthand knowledge of what true accessibility entails. By integrating these insights into business planning, one can develop inclusive strategies that resonate with a broader audience. 

Technologies can help you advance your career. From voice-activated tools to screen readers, advancements in tech are constantly bridging gaps and breaking barriers. When accessibility is at the core of digital business strategies, powered by the latest technology, the resulting model is robust and empathetic, catering to diverse needs and setting a gold standard in inclusivity. 

The Power of Perspective 

Every journey is dotted with challenges, but it’s our perspective towards these challenges that shapes the outcome. Disabilities can indeed pose hurdles. However, these can be transformed into stepping stones with the right mindset. 

The world is replete with stories of individuals who did not let their differences define them; instead, they chose to see them as unique assets. With determination, innovation, and the right tools, transforming your disability into a business advantage is more than a possibility, proving that no obstacle is truly insurmountable. 

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How Disability Can Fuel Entrepreneurial Ambitions 

How Disability Can Fuel Entrepreneurial Ambitions 

Embarking on an entrepreneurial journey is a path filled with challenges and triumphs, but for individuals with disabilities, it can also be a journey of unique empowerment. This post delves into a perspective often unnoticed: how disability can fuel entrepreneurial ambitions. Contrary to conventional wisdom, disabilities can serve as powerful catalysts for innovation, resilience, and success in the business world. So, if you’re ready to discover how challenges can be transformed into competitive advantages, read on – because disability can fuel entrepreneurial ambitions. 

The Unique Perspective 

Entrepreneurs with disabilities possess unparalleled insight into the pain points of their peers. That can often lead to innovation, novel solutions, and a stronger bond with their customer base. Their unique perspective brings to light opportunities that traditional market research might overlook. 

Uncovering Unmet Needs 

Entrepreneurs with disabilities possess an innate ability to identify unmet needs within their communities. A mobility impairment, for instance, can unveil a world of inaccessible spaces and products, leading to innovative solutions that benefit the entrepreneur and an entire demographic. 

For instance, due to their own experiences with limited mobility, they are more likely to recognize the need for user-friendly transportation apps tailored for people with disabilities. This realization may have inspired them to create a groundbreaking app that will transform the daily commute for countless individuals. 

Innovation Born from Necessity 

The saying “necessity is the mother of invention” resonates deeply with entrepreneurs who have disabilities. The daily challenges ignite a spark of innovation, propelling them to craft ingenious solutions. A visually impaired entrepreneur, for example, could revolutionize assistive technologies by designing a device that seamlessly converts visual information into tactile or auditory cues. These solutions not only cater to the needs of their creators but also have the potential to revolutionize industries, shaping a more inclusive world. 

Building Authentic Relationships 

Empathy, a cornerstone of effective entrepreneurship, comes naturally to those navigating life with a disability. Entrepreneurs who understand firsthand the struggles of their target audience can build authentic relationships based on shared experiences. This connection drives customer loyalty and positions the entrepreneur as a trusted advocate within the community. 

Turning Obstacles into Opportunities 

Individuals with disabilities show another way disability can fuel entrepreneurial ambitions by transforming obstacles into opportunities, exemplifying this spirit, and reshaping challenges into innovative business ventures. 

Creative Problem Solving 

Limitations often breed creativity, driving entrepreneurs with disabilities to devise inventive solutions that resonate with a broad audience. A dyslexic entrepreneur, for instance, could launch a language learning app that harnesses visual and auditory techniques, catering to diverse learning styles while enhancing accessibility for all. By thinking out of the box, these entrepreneurs redefine industries and inspire a new wave of problem-solving. 

Pioneering Assistive Technologies 

Entrepreneurs with disabilities have an uncanny knack for identifying gaps in assistive and other technologies that can help them advance their careers or perform everyday tasks. Through personal experience, they deeply understand what’s lacking in the market. These bold endeavors empower the entrepreneur and uplift the quality of life for countless others. 

Resilience and Determination 

Resilience and determination are the cornerstones of entrepreneurial success, and no group exemplifies these traits better than individuals with disabilities. Their unwavering resolve in facing challenges propels them to remarkable heights in business. 

Turning Setbacks into Comebacks 

Entrepreneurs with disabilities often view hurdles as opportunities to learn, adapt, and emerge stronger. A blind entrepreneur, for instance, might face initial resistance when pitching groundbreaking software, but their tenacity in refining their pitch and product secures them a pivotal investment. 

Embracing Adaptability 

Adaptability in the business world is a survival tool and a means of thriving. Living with a disability necessitates a high level of adaptability. So, entrepreneurs who have honed this skill in their personal lives seamlessly apply it to their businesses. Their ability to navigate change with finesse becomes an advantage. 

Building a Support Network 

The entrepreneurship journey is often daunting, but individuals with disabilities have a unique knack for building robust support networks. These networks, comprising mentors, peers, and advocates, bolster their journey by providing guidance, motivation, and a sense of belonging. The power of the community sustains them through the highs and lows of entrepreneurship. 

The Benefits of Running Your Own Business with a Disability 

For individuals with disabilities, running their businesses becomes a means to defy the odds and forge a path toward a better quality of life. Here are some benefits you can expect: 

  • Working From Home  

The ability to work from home and how you set up your workspace can enhance comfort and productivity. It enables you to create an environment and build a home office tailored to your requirements. 

  • Creating Inclusive Workspaces 

Entrepreneurs with disabilities have the power to shape their work environment, ensuring inclusivity for everyone. By incorporating accessible design elements, they create spaces that cater to diverse abilities. That sets an example for other businesses and creates a sense of belonging for employees and clients. 

  • Breaking Down Barriers 

Running a business allows individuals with disabilities to challenge misconceptions and prejudices about their capabilities. By showcasing your skills and accomplishments, you inspire societal change and pave the way for a more inclusive world. 

  • Flexibility and Work-Life Balance 

Entrepreneurship offers individuals with disabilities the freedom to create a work-life balance by setting their schedules and accommodating their unique needs. This flexibility isn’t limited to business hours; it extends to managing health-related appointments and self-care routines. 

  • Financial Independence 

Entrepreneurship provides a pathway to financial independence, offering stability and control over one’s economic future. That reduces reliance on external support systems and fosters a sense of self-sufficiency. 

  • Personal Growth and Confidence 

The entrepreneurship journey is transformative, cultivating personal growth and boosting confidence. Overcoming challenges and achieving milestones instills a profound sense of accomplishment, reinforcing the belief that limitations are merely opportunities in disguise. 

Embracing Entrepreneurship: Empowering Disability-Led Businesses 

In business, disabilities emerge as catalysts for innovation, forging unique perspectives that uncover unmet needs and pioneering groundbreaking solutions. Through resilience, adaptability, and determination, entrepreneurs with disabilities propel industries forward, demonstrating how disability can fuel entrepreneurial ambitions. Entrepreneurship becomes a vehicle for empowerment, inclusivity, and personal triumph, creating a promising and transformative landscape for all. 

Meta description: Discover how disability can fuel entrepreneurial ambitions and success! Learn how challenges become opportunities on your business journey. 

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Coping With Rejection

Coping With Rejection

I suffer from cognitive impairment and when I received an email from a famous mental health magazine at first, I thought they had accepted my submission, however, in reality, they said they had received my pitch, not that they had accepted it.

A couple of hours go by and I get a second email saying they had declined my submission, my heart sank as I read the email although I should be flattered that they think my proposal was aimed at professionals rather than the general public. I do not sway much with my writing, so I believe my writing is of a high standard.

I did not actually give a proposal I just cited three articles I have published on this site.

Rejection Email

Remove Negativity

I have proceeded to remove any backlinks I have for this magazine, because if they do not support me why should I support them? I have redacted their name so that I do not give them any publicity.

Coping with rejection as an entrepreneur

Being an entrepreneur can be a rollercoaster ride of highs and lows. One of the most challenging aspects of being an entrepreneur is coping with rejection. Whether it’s a pitch to an investor that falls flat, a sales call that doesn’t lead to a sale or a product launch that doesn’t go as planned, rejection can be difficult to handle. However, rejection is a natural part of the entrepreneurial journey, and it’s important to learn how to cope with it in a healthy way. In this article, we’ll explore some tips for coping with rejection as an entrepreneur.

  1. Reframe rejection as a learning opportunity

The first step in coping with rejection is to reframe it as a learning opportunity. Instead of seeing rejection as a personal failure, try to view it as a chance to learn and improve. Ask yourself questions like, “What could I have done differently?” or “What can I learn from this experience?” By approaching rejection with a growth mindset, you can turn it into a positive experience that helps you grow as an entrepreneur.

  1. Practice self-compassion

Entrepreneurship can be a tough and lonely road, and rejection can take a toll on your self-esteem. It’s important to practice self-compassion and treat yourself with kindness and understanding. Recognize that rejection is a normal part of the entrepreneurial journey and that it doesn’t define your worth as a person or an entrepreneur. Be gentle with yourself and take time to do things that make you feel good, like exercise, spend time with loved ones, or engage in a hobby.

  1. Seek support from others

Don’t be afraid to reach out for support from others when coping with rejection. Whether it’s a trusted mentor, a supportive friend, or a business coach, having someone to talk to can help you process your emotions and gain perspective. Surround yourself with people who believe in you and your vision, and who can offer encouragement and support during challenging times.

  1. Take action

After experiencing rejection, it’s important to take action and keep moving forward. Don’t dwell on the rejection or let it hold you back. Instead, use it as motivation to improve and keep pushing forward. Take action on the feedback you received and use it to make improvements to your pitch, product, or approach. Remember that rejection is not the end of the road, but rather a bump in the road on your entrepreneurial journey.

  1. Keep things in perspective

Finally, it’s important to keep things in perspective when coping with rejection. Remember that rejection is a natural part of the entrepreneurial journey and that it doesn’t define your success or your future as an entrepreneur. Keep your eye on the big picture and focus on your long-term goals, rather than getting bogged down by short-term setbacks.


Coping with rejection as an entrepreneur is never easy, but it’s an important skill to develop. By reframing rejection as a learning opportunity, practicing self-compassion, seeking support from others, taking action, and keeping things in perspective, you can navigate the ups and downs of entrepreneurship with resilience and grace. Remember that rejection is not a reflection of your worth as a person or an entrepreneur, but rather an opportunity to grow and improve. Keep pushing forward and stay focused on your vision, and success will follow.

Rejection can cause anxiety and depression and can lead to procrastination as well as imposter syndrome. In order to combat this one needs to rewire our thoughts into positive thinking. Never let anything get to you. Do not dwell on why it happened, instead move quickly on to something else, the lesson learned is (in my case) that it is their loss because now they have lost a whole bunch of backlinks, which are like gold dust in the digital marketing world of search engine optimization.

Build your own kingdom and be the king/queen of your own castle”.


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Cost Of Living And The Impact On Struggling Low Income Families & Entrepreneurs.

Cost of Living And The Impact On Struggling Low-Income Families & Entrepreneurs.


  • In The News.
  • Average UK Salary & Overheads.
  • Self Employed On A Low Income.
  • Reasons Why Rachel Mclean Minister Does Not Have A Clue.
  • Mental Health & Low-Income Families.
  • Mental Health.
  • Suicide Due to Cost Of Living.
  • The Government, Brexit, Deficit Spending and Debt Ceiling.
  • The Hidden Secrets Of Money – Mike Maloney.
  • Financial Difficulty.
  • Useful Links.
  • Final Thoughts From The Editor.
  • About The Author.
  • Possible Solutions – Start A Business.
  • Start A Second Income – Start a Business.
  • Disability Support.

In The News.

According to Rachel Mclean Minister stated people struggling with bills should ‘work more hours or move to better-paid job’.

Ms. Maclean said: “Over the long term we need to have a plan to grow the economy and make sure that people are able to protect themselves better – whether that is by taking on more hours or moving to a better-paid job and these are long-term actions but that’s what we’re focused on as a government.”



Firstly not all employers have the budgets to give extra hours.

Secondly, if it was so easy to get a job everyone would be doing it and we would not have so many people unemployed.

Thirdly the average salary for the average U.K. full-time worker as reported by the ONS equates to £31,772 over the year. However this may be an average yet there are many jobs that pay the National Minimum Wage based on 40 hours working week at the national minimum wage of for example £9.18, which equates to £17,625 before tax and NI.


23 and over21 to 2218 to 20Under 18Apprentice
April 2022£9.50£9.18£6.83£4.81£4.81
National Minimum Wage.


🏠Rent/mortgage payment – £1,060

⚡️The average energy bill in 2021 was £95 per month but, based on our average family using an average amount of energy, this will rise to £153 per month.

📈Council tax payment – £189

💧 £56 for water.

💻Broadband inc television and landline average £80 per month.

📱Phone bills are £45.00 per month each.

🚝 Average commute would cost them £288 per month.

👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Childcare costs have risen to £1303 with one child in nursery full time and the other in breakfast club.

🥘Feeding the family costs on average £424 a month.

Total Overheads: £3,598 x 12 month = £43,176.

Credit: Claire Wilson Recruitment and Careers Qualified Journalist | Early careers expert at Prospects, the UK’s No 1 graduate careers website|


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The Self-Employed With a Handful of Jobs With Zero Profit:

Incomings (Excluding Business Overheads) Per Month:

£00.00 Business Profit

£590 Housing Benefit

£400 Working Tax Credits

£240 Personal Independence Payment

Total £1230

Outgoings Per Month:

£655 Rent

£262 Utility Bills (Water. Gas Elec)

£80 Telephone & Broadband (Without Broadband I cannot work)

£200 Food

£91 Insurance

Total Per Month £1288 (Do The Maths).

Reasons Why Rachel Mclean Minister Does Not Have A Clue:

  • Getting another job may be in breach of the contract of the current employer.
  • Tax Implications.
  • The unemployed who cannot find work (so how is someone in employment going to find work so easily?
  • People with disabilities who cannot work? How are they supposed to live?
  • Disabled People in Employment? Disabled people find it more difficult to get work because even though we are supposed to live in a non-discrimination society, a person for example with OCD who has to wear latex gloves to touch things won’t be hired to represent a brand on a high street shop or may feel uncomfortable working in an office environment being the odd one out. Ask yourself this question how many people do you see working who have wheelchairs? Businesses with no wheelchair access are not going to go out of their way to build ramps and fit disability equipment unless that person they were hiring was worth more than his/her weight in gold.
  • Self Employed on low incomes as they struggle to get more business?
  • People with children, so are you supposed to get a second job so that you can pay for childcare to look after your kids whilst you are at work? (getting a stranger to bring your child up, I have never got my head around this unless you earn a lot of money and your career is very important to you).
  • Not all households have two incomes some people live on their own and only have one income.

Mental Health and Low-Income Families.

This affects people’s mental health with the Governments and the Banks playing God with your prosperity? Lee Anderson, Conservative MP for Ashfield, said in the House of Commons that meals could be cooked for as little as 30p a day. (You can’t even buy ramen noodles for 30p) I suppose if you had eggs and toast or jam sandwiches every day that may bring the shopping bill down, but who wants to eat toast and eggs every day?

Let’s be hypothetical here:

2 Dozen Eggs: £4.00

2 Loaves of Bread £2.40

Butter or Spread £2.00

Total Price of Groceries: £8.40 divided by 7 days = £1.20 a day

I suppose if you ate one egg a day (after all we can’t be greedy) it would bring the cost down by £2.00 which would mean your daily food bill would be 91p per day.

I am sure health professionals would be falling over themselves saying how unhealthy this would be.

But who on earth wants to live like this? This affects a person’s quality of life never mind their mental state. It’s humiliating and downright cruel. No one should be made to starve to fit in with the Government agenda.

The government needs to get its house in order before palming off its problems on the public.



Mental Health

The cost of living crisis is affecting the nation’s mental health and the already vulnerable mind.

Sarb Bajwa, CEO of the BPS (The British Psychology Society) said:

“The absence of measures to support the most vulnerable is glaring, and many families will be swept into poverty over the coming months, as they struggle to pay their bills and put food on the table. The mental health impacts of this are severe – we know that the stress of raising a family in poverty can have huge ramifications on parents’ and children’s mental health and that poverty is one of the major risk factors for the development of mental and physical health problems“.


Suicide Due To Cost Of Living.

A Sheffield Labour MP said some people in his constituency have attempted suicide in response to the rising cost of living. Paul Blomfield, MP for Sheffield Central, said: “I spent yesterday morning at a crisis meeting in a part of my constituency where incomes are lowest. And we were looking at the way in which the cost-of-living crisis we’re facing was impacting people”.


Approximately 75% of suicides occur in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) where rates of poverty are high.


The Government, Brexit, Debt Ceiling & Deficit Spending.

Debt Ceiling

The debt ceiling is the maximum amount that the U.S. government can borrow by issuing bonds. When the debt ceiling is reached, the Treasury Department must find other ways to pay expenses. Otherwise, there is a risk the U.S. will default on its debt.


Deficit Spending

Deficit spending occurs when purchases exceed income. It happens to individuals and businesses, but it usually refers to governments.



In other words, because the UK left the EU, the Brexit Divorce Bill in July 2021, was estimated at £40.8bn but Downing Street insisted the figure was between £35bn and £39bn. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/51110096 we now have a crisis on our hands. The Government needs to find the money to pay the EU. Goods and services are now subject to tariffs, increasing the cost of raw materials into Britain and finished products out.


Therefore who is paying for this if not the British Public?

You would not allow the public to make decisions about what goes on in your business especially if they had no clue about accounting and budgets?

The same should be said how can you allow a country to vote if they have no clue about economics and have not got an ounce of politics in their body?

If I was in power I would make everyone do an IQ Test and the ones that scored higher could only vote.


You allow uneducated people to vote just so you can win the game of numbers and now look at the state of the country which is now left in turmoil.

The Hidden Secrets of Money – Mike Maloney


Financial Difficulty

Depending on your location Country/Town/City there may be emergency grants available. For Cardiff for example if are experiencing severe financial hardship you may wish to claim the Discretionary Assistance Fund (DAF) Discretionary Assistance Fund (DAF) | GOV.WALES

Useful Links

Final Thoughts From The Editor.

The governments have overspent and people and businesses too. So what does that mean in the long run for the British Public? For starters, the cost of living has to be increased to pay back the debts that have accumulated and forces people to borrow even more money. For every pound/dollar borrowed you have to pay interest which is fiat currency to the banks and that is how the monetary system revolves.

If the Government and Politicians are so quick to give advice why don’t they swap places with people living on the poverty line, if one is born with silver spoons in their mouths they will never grasp how the other half lives and it is easy to dish out advice if you have never experienced life, where you have to worry where your next meal is going to come from.

It is easy to pass judgment whilst hosting wine and cheese parties and decorating walls with gold wallpaper at a cost of £840 per roll?

It’s easy to say find a job when businesses are not hiring and do not want to spend.

All businesses are tightening their reigns on their spending, so the chances of a pay rise or an increase in hours are going to be slim.

What happened to all the money that was confiscated from the Oligarchs and all their assets? (is it all just smoke and mirrors simply to confuse everyone so that they do not find out what is really going on?). Why can’t the assets be sold off to pay off the national debt?

  • Why are the owners at the Federal Reserve getting a 6% commission, why can’t they reduce their cut to 1%; and the rest of the money sent back into the system? (It’s not as if they can take all the money with them when they die).
  • Why are they hoarding this wealth?
  • Why can’t the Millionaires, Billionaires have a wage cap on how much they own, and the rest gets put back to help pay off the national debt.
  • Why do low-income families have to be punished at the expense of the privileged and wealthy politicians?
  • Why can’t we all live in harmony and stop being so God Damm Greedy?
  • What about the people who are disabled are they just thrown to the dogs?
  • Why are people suffering to the point it affects their mental health?
  • How many people have to die at the expense of the powers that be?
  • People who have got themselves into debt due to price hikes of utility bills should have the debt spread over a term of 3-5 years.
  • Utility companies should not make people feel like 💩 and be belittling and humiliating.
  • Creditors should not hound the vulnerable, by phoning or texting several times a day (it is called harassment). If a person has admitted hardship the creditor should put a halt on payments overdue and even come to some arrangement to pay back in affordable monthly payments rather than making a person feel emotionally and mentally unwell. (£40 x 60 months = £2,400) It is better to get something back than nothing at all. The same goes with Utility companies do not force people into corners as you never know what they might do.

About The Author.

  • I am an advocate for mental health and poverty. I write about Disabilities, Business, Politics, and Finance.
  • I have Disabilities.
  • I write in my Online Journals where I share my articles with my network of nearly 11K connections on LinkedIn and on Social Media Platforms, Groups, and Pages.

If I can help just one person, I know I am making a difference one step at a time.

The more people stand up and express their dissatisfaction with how they are being treated eventually something will change.

Possible Solutions – Start a Business.

The Governments instead of throwing spanners in the work with their lame solutions; instead they should encourage people to set up their own businesses and start a second income. Anyone and everyone can start a business and the possibilities are endless.

I can help you start up a second income and offer free advice and support.

domain names IONOS - Official Partner Generate Instant Publicity! 24-7PressRelease.com

Disability Support.

The other thing that has been brought to my attention is how cost-cutting the government is with benefits, robbing Peter to pay Paul so to speak, by taking away simple necessities from the already high risk and vulnerable people to pay for their spending on Wars and their own agendas, they are doing the classic “Daniel Blake” scenario.

My daughter has MS (Multiple Sclerosis) and has a Cardiff Bus Concessionary Travel Card, have now said she will not renew her card even though she already was awarded the card; unless she gets the new updated PIP award letter that is still being processed. She has been given a deadline to produce the letter within the next eight weeks which PIP have said they will not be able to do. If people have a long-term illness they should not be expected to jump through hoops to prove they are ill. They should have evidence from health care professionals and should not be expected to perform like performing seals.

As it happens my daughter is going to have treatment again in the next few weeks because she has relapsed and her MRI scan showed new lesions. The powers that be should not be adding more stress to people who are ill that have corroborating evidence.




If you found this article interesting and useful please take the time to share it with your friends, families, and colleagues. Don’t forget to use the links throughout this article and last but not least please consider buying me a cup of coffee. Some of the National newspapers are using paywalls which is annoying so we will continue providing free content, without forcing people to subscribe to read the full articles.


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Blue Butterfly

Starting a Business With A Disability & Deciding On A Domain Name.

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Starting a Business With A Disability & Deciding On A Domain Name.

If you are starting out or already established you should get domains that are an exact match of searchable keywords or phrases. The reason for this is people will more likely to click on an exact match keyword than an acronym or brandable site (made up word) furthermore it is far easier to index and rank using keywords. If you are set on a brandable or acronym you must take into account that it will take you a lot longer to be visible on the first pages of search engines unless you do extensive, advertising. marketing and pr.

If you already have one website you should consider setting up an SEO link wheel and drive traffic from different directions especially if you offer more than one service. A person looking for marketing may not think to check your web design website. Or if you are a hairdresser but also offer beauty therapy, a customer may search for a beauty therapist rather than hairdressers, you could capture traffic using another site linked to yours.

I will keep this post short but we have listed some domain names which are at auction on Godaddy. You can also find them on Afternic.

Obviously, if you are starting out you have to decide if you are going to be a sole trade, partnership, or limited company. You have to make a business plan and work out your finances. You have to decide on the products and services you will be selling and you have to learn all the legal stuff, such as licenses, permits, and trademarks. You have to sort out branding and marketing. For the full spec of things to do the following link will give you a low down: https://www.gov.uk/set-up-business If you are unemployed or disabled you must contact HMRC, they may even give you tax credits. Remember PIP is not means-tested so regardless if you are working or not it makes no difference but you still have to mention it in your tax returns.

The list of the featured domains can be found here:

If you are interested in another niche industry location just shoot us an email and we will send you some recommendations, if your domain is available on the registrar’s marketplaces we will not buy them and then cyber-squat them. We will just tell you what is available and our recommendations including what we also may have on our books that may help you. We won’t find a domain name, buy it for $10 and slap a hefty price tag on it unless we are using a domain for our own purposes such as affiliate marketing and advertising. In some cases, we may point domain names to articles we have written such as www.germawareness.co.uk and www.ocd.cymru.

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If you are looking for a domain and it is not available we also offer an acquisition service.

Further Reading:


Just drop us a line using the form below:

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Rich & Depressed

Rich, Disabled & Depressed.

Did you know that rich people get depressed just like the disabled, working-class, and poor? In fact, in our current climate, everyone gets depressed at some point in their lives regardless, of gender, ethnicity, job title, social status, wealth, or physical and mental disabilities?

There is no such thing as a perfect world or perfect lifestyle that most of us try to strive for. The higher we climb the harder we fall and with more wealth, there will be more problems.

There is not one person on this planet that cannot say they have never been depressed. Even babies can be born depressed.

Rich people are prone to depression because a lot of money of their net worth exists in untouchable assets such as home equity and retirement accounts, not only pressures of work can take their toll on a person’s mental state. For rich people some of the time their wealth only exists on paper and they cannot spend it and run the risk of disappearing due to market conditions.

Rich people spend less time with their families and more time at work, this then puts strain on relationships.

Where the working class person can allocate time to spend with their families in the evenings and weekends and middle to high-class entrepreneurs will prioritize their business in order to run a tight ship. with no time wasted and every day is one day closer to striking gold and more gold. Not everyone is born privileged.

However, saying this person is born privileged or is famous and in the public arena may find it difficult to live normal lives. They cannot just pop down to a local cafe or supermarket their every move is documented so they live in a secluded place away from prying eyes.

The upper class and born privileged person may not understand about other classes and with money flowing may take their wealth for granted but again a wealthy person may also experience depression as they cannot walk on Gods earth freely without being followed by paparazzi and may have to have an entourage of security guarding them. They cannot walk into a store or go anywhere public. They are imprisoned in their own surroundings. They may not have the freedom to do things randomly unlike the rest of the world.

Most CEOs, founders, the innovators are prone to depression more so than the average person, possessing subtle psychopathic traits and be more prone to addiction.

Their addiction and obsession with work only fuel the fire to not fail. Rich people may also turn to alcohol and recreational drugs to self-medicate. These tendencies may even help the individual rise to such heights through their insecurities.

Research suggests that CEOs may be depressed at more than double the rate of the general public (which is already about 20%).

It is also suggested that even privileged rich kids are, counter-intuitively, more depressed and anxious than their middle- or low-income peers. This could be because a social group trap is so tight-knit that it would be virtually impossible to make friends out of their social circle, giving rich kids less freedom. Rich kids do not mix with poor kids or vice versa.

People on low incomes have lower expectations and working-class families learn to cope with the bare minimums and are truly grateful for what they have, which high class have more expectations and are not grateful of what they have because they always want more and better things than the Jones’s. Low-class families are more humble and can show more empathy and understand that a less privileged person will be eternally grateful for any help that is given to them.

Hence a lower class family will be eternally grateful compared to a wealthy family. Whilst a wealthy family will expect the best of the best and if they do not get what they desire they may experience anxiety and depression. There is currently not enough research about the prevalence of depression in the upper vs. the lower socioeconomic classes within a country.

Psychologists who have treated the very high-functioning C-suite types over the years have collected data consensus that tells them that people of high social status and enormous wealth are prone to major depression for a variety of reasons than people of other socioeconomic strata.

Todd Essig, a Forbes writer, and psychologist in New York City said “Uber-success can be depressogenic”. “Many C-suite executives are prone to depression, despite their success, maybe even because of it.”

Depression can affect the lives of everyone, in any stratum.

Regardless if you are rich, poor, or with a disability, no one is immune to anxiety and depression.

However, people who have extreme success are more prone to depression because a person who is successful has chased their own dream and is more protective of it causing isolation and the pressures to keep it a success and not to fail can cause a person to isolate.

People of extreme successes are more prone to criticism there will always be competitors and haters and people just watching and waiting for them to fail.

A person in the public eye may not always have people who will believe in their success.

In this not-so-perfect world where most of us want a perfect life, this is virtually impossible as money cannot buy you happiness. It is a constant battle to please people to have people on the same page as you and there will always be people that are jealous and will say things out of context just to hurt you. It is a constant battle to stay on top which triggers depression in those you’d least expect it. People who are successful, wealthy, and with a disability may find even more pressure to not fail and have to work even harder to get around obstacles. In fact, some of the most successful people in history have suffered from relentless, incapacitating depression – some have won their battles, or, at least, continued to battle, yet some, sadly, succumb to them.

Comparing yourself to the Joneses

People who are extremely successful and very wealthy will always want the best of the best and will always compete with one another to have something grander. This could be the best-hosted party in which mingling with other wealthy people only puts more pressure to make their event even more spectacular. Their competitors, neighbor, or friends dripping with jewels then their jewels would have to be bigger and more expensive, this could also be designer clothes, accessories, cars, properties, etc. They constantly compare themselves to the Joneses. Countries that are low-income, on the other hand, have low depression rates. However even countries with low wealth still like to compete, you should see the graves in Poland the bigger and grander reflects the wealth of the family.

Some people habitually measure their self-worth by materialistic items that they own. Even people of low wealth try to portray they are rich by wearing designer clothes and accessories but in reality, they do not have two pennies to rub together. Not everything that glistens is gold.

Quality Time

People of working or low class have time to delegate their free time whilst a person who is an entrepreneur will be more driven in making their business succeed and may neglect family in order to concentrate on making their business a success. Once at the top of the ladder they will constantly be overprotective to make their business stay in the number one spot. This adds further stress and anxiety and eventually depression.

People of the lower class do not have the same expectations and those of the working or middle or higher class. They may be complacent to what they have and will not be driven to improve their lives they will not have the same pressure as working or middle-class people. Entrepreneurs are on the spectrum of the lower, working, middle and upper class but they have a key goal to succeed. They will battle to climb the ladder. To achieve extreme success, a person needs to dedicate an extraordinary amount of time and effort to get there, which can make for a life that feels precipitous and lonely.

People climbing the ladder may find everyday things that people take for granted like spending time with family mundane and not proactive. Going for leisurely walks or taking time out to exercise may be an ordeal and you will be surprised that many successful people have their own Gyms or exercise bikes in their offices. Also engaging in meaningless conversations and socializing with people that do not have the same vision adds even more pressure to socially disconnect.

Privilege People

People who have been born wealthy and do not have to ever worry about putting food on the table may find it hard to cope if they find themselves in uncharted territory. People born into wealth do not understand and may find it harder to cope with life problems as they have always been shielded from it. Arnold Washton, a psychologist at Compass Health Group said that depression may also be more common in people who have only known wealth, since they may not be familiar with bootstrapping themselves through difficult times. However, people who self-made millionaires or billionaires may be more resilient as they have experienced the struggles of getting to the top and they know what to expect. A self-made millionaire, a billionaire has more authority to teach people about wealth than someone who was born with a silver spoon in their mouth.

The higher you rise the harder you fall.

To be always vigilant and be prepared for disasters and knowing from all the mistakes and failures you have had will give you a building block to start again. Having a stepping stone if things go belly up and being able to reinvent yourself is one key factor to making sure you succeed. If something is not working quite right create another building block. When business is bad, it goes without saying that depression would be more likely. In good economic times, even if every milestone is hit at exactly the right point, some may find that they feel they have failed. Rather than let everything come tumbling down have strategies in place for every economic disaster.

Just because someone is super-wealthy does not mean you have to be less empathetic towards them. By helping them get through their depression will encourage them to help you. The super-rich also have bills to pay and have obligations just like you and I. Obviously our bills are nothing compared to the magnitude of theirs but it’s bills all the same. Unless a person is a ruler of the land or oil tycoon even then the laws of the land may forbid their relatives to live normal lives. Even princesses have attempted to escape certain countries because they want to live normal lives. Knowing a person is depressed regardless of their stature one can only offer a helping hand this could be just an anonymous talk or perhaps advice and links to organizations.

Rich Person Insecurities.

  1. Keeping up with the Jones
  2. Health Issues, Mental Health, Physical and Mental Disabilities
  3. Sealing the Next Deal
  4. Finding Funds for the Next Investment
  5. Shopaholic, Wife, Girlfriend, Partner, Mistress (Over Spending)
  6. Infidelity (Not being satisfied)
  7. Balancing Work and Family Life
  8. Pressures to Succeed and maintain No1 spot
  9. Market Conditions
  10. Untouchable Assets

Wealth/Money cannot buy you health or happiness. Wealth? Money is a tool and a monetary exchange for something you desire. Wealth can satisfy your needs and fill in an empty void, it can help secure your future and your family’s future but it cannot buy you health or happiness. Having material things and assets may make you feel more superior but it will never make you happy.

The key to happiness is knowing that what you do helps others. However to be happy you need to be healthy and you have to treat your body like a temple. If you look after your body it will look after you the spiritual being in the physical body.

If someone is suffering from depression and recognizes they have a problem this does not make them weak. By reaching out to someone is the first step to healing.

Sharing your pain, your worries, and anxieties are the first step to alleviating the problem. A person who is suffering should not suffer alone and needs to reach out to someone or seek professional help.

Regardless of the person’s title or wealth status, we are all human at the end of the day.

Regardless of who you are you can drop us a line you do not have to give your real name and you can set up a Gmail email if you simply feel life is unbearable we are here to lend an ear and we can offer suggestions.

Whatever you are going through you do not have to go through it alone. You are not the first or the last person to suffer and you should not suffer in silence.

#stress #depression #clinicaldepression #ocd #mental health #obsessivecompultivedisorder #bipolar #anxiety #worry #worries #loneliness #therapy #hypnosis #talking #chatting #reachingout #suicideprevention #prescriptiondrugs #antidepressants #famouspeoplewithdepression #richanddepressed

Coping With Mental Health As An Entrepreneur

I have not been on this site for a while now as I have been working mainly on my other sites www.ukwebsitedesigners.co.uk and https://marketingagency.cymrumarketing.com/#home I have forwarded the domain name www.cymrumarketing.co.uk to this sub domain but it does not always work with Norton or Firewalls for some reason.

I have also updated the Disclaimer Page & added a Networking Page under the heading Legal Pages, this is to let viewers know that the owner of this site uses a SEO Link Wheels to generate traffic and that all the Websites and Blogs are all under one umbrella belonging to Renata M Barnes (UK Website Designers) You will see the credit in the footer of all the websites I own and also manage for other clients.

Moving on I have also started to intergrate video marketing into my services. This is a useful tool to attract business and I am now offering it to my clients. You can view a the portfolio of Videos here.

As for my health it is starting to deteriorate as the pressures and daily stresses of life can sometimes be overwhelming. I am fighting hard for it not to beat me but when my own health professionals are working against me rather than for me it can be too much to bear…….I will explain.

Not only am I disabled I also have a disabled daughter that I am officially a carer for, so when I see red flags I tend to question things as in the case of my GP who threatens you if you make waves. Read the latest on this Surgery that has brought me to breaking point: https://marketingagency.cymrumarketing.com/category/bayer-pharmaceutical/ All I was doing was voicing my concerns as my daughter is classed as a vulnerable person and I was told I lack respect to the highly qualified pharmacist and clinician at the surgery and was told that seeing there is a breakdown of doctor/patient relationship it would be in my best interest to find another surgery.

I am really struggling with my health and have developed social disconnection disorder and have a fear of venturing out. The less face to face human interaction I have, the happier I feel”. I have been hurt too many times to care to mention and the people I trusted the most betrayed me. In my lifetime I have experienced discrimination, racial attacks, have been abused physically and mentally and have been physically assaulted, disrespected, undermined, critised, judged, belittled, robbed, have felt sadness, dispair and dealt with grief. All these things are contributing factors to my mental disability, which has been caused by other people and entities. There is no denying my mental health is due to a domino effect caused by direct consequences to other peoples actions.

My Richter Mental Health Scale.

It is because of certain individuals and certain events that I am this way. I am 58 yrs old and have met my fair share of people over the years and I can count on my one hand how many people I can trust. I can also name each and every single person and entity responsible for my ill health and the reasons why.

Some cope by turning to drinking alcohol or taking recreational drugs. People smoke cigarettes claiming it calms their nerves, I do not smoke cigarettes, do not drink alcohol or take recreational drugs but depend on the prescription medication that are prescribed for me. Everyone has different ways with coping with stress, trauma and life events, mine is documenting everything (therapeutic) and adapting around my disabilities aswell as trying to help others.

Anaphylaxis Allergy.

I also cancelled my Covid-19 Vaccine appointment as I have a severe anaphylaxis allergy to PEG where I was vaccinated with steriod in the past which had polythylene glycol in fact over the years I have had many anaphlaxis allergies including severe breathing difficulties from penicillin and severe skin allergy where my face looked reptilian and I was in excrutiating pain, all of which is on my medical records. https://marketingagency.cymrumarketing.com/2021/03/19/polyethylene-glycol-peg-allergy-as-a-cause-of-anaphylaxis/ I am not prepared to take any risks with my life or become more ill than I already am. At least with my OCD, Depression I can manage my life to a certain degree and can work around my disabilities. But being off work fully is inconceivable and is something I cannot do as I have obligations to my clients.

I have to be online every single day, imagine being too ill to work what would happen to your business if you had no one to help you? Your clients are not going to say “ok call us when you feel better”, the food chain still has to carry on. I have heard the second vaccine is worse the the first but I am waiting on herd immunity to kick in as I do not plan venturing out any time soon.

I would not describe myself as a hypochondriac as all my disabilities are medically documented. I try not to think about illnesses unless it is affecting me directly and at any given time. I try to actually block out my disabilities and try to live a relatively normal life to a certain degree (although there is nothing normal about me). The world on the internet is not going to know about my disabilities unless they bother to do some research about me, so me sitting in front of a computer screen I am as normal as the next person.

I cannot be critised for having no empathy. I will help people in need but will never make it personal. If someone needs me to lend them my ear or a shoulder I will try and help.

To be frank I have coped better than most during the Covid-19 Lockdown. My business has improved as people have turned to the internet for a second income stream. Where I had issues about people bumping into you and not looking where they where going in the past, it is as if the heavens have opened up and had everyone stay 2 metres apart (not that I go out anywhere though).

Wearing disposable latex gloves is no longer questionable and I do not feel the odd one out anymore.

I do miss going out once a month with my daughter when she and I used to go up to the hospital for her to have her monthly blood done and then we would go to a restaurant in the city centre. I won’t say I will never go again as they say “never say never”, but it is going to take me a long time to adjust to the new surroundings and facing people at the moment is really causing me distress. I am fine with the grocery and courier drivers but that is as far as I am willing to interact physically with other people other than my family.

“I do have a goal and that is to make enough money for me to retire comfortably and for my daughter to have a head start in life. My priority is my family and my business and nothing else”.

I won’t let this general practice surgery beat me. I have a long list of people I can complain to.

Coping With Mental Health in General.

  1. Take time out to have some TLC. Do something that will make you happy and relaxed. Try to occupy you mond with something else other than what is worrying you.
  2. If you work for a company see if they have an HR department that deals with mental health. If not suggest that they do have a department and volunteer to be a spokesperson, you will no longer be seen as a follower and more so as a leader. Every business no matter how big or small should have some sort of department to air your worries and anxieties and perhaps meet up once a week to just chat. However if you find that there is no such option and you have had no alternative to tell your employer, he/she has a responsibility under Equalities Act to be obliging and to accommodate you and your condition if it is considered a long term affliction. You may not be the only one that is suffering so considering starting a club even after work can make all the difference.
  3. Stay focused it is easy to just to clock watch until the hour hand hits 5 o’clock but that does not help you or your employer hence you need to set goals and try to make some progress on a daily basis. You should concentrate on the work in hand but at the same time consider starting a second income stream and do research and learn. Reading helps people to stay motivated and empowers them to learn a new skill. This skill could help your employer or can help you to break away and go it alone.
  4. Do not over critisie yourself, if things are not going your way, tomorrow is another day. Accepting the fact that we all experience good days and bad days is just a way of life and we need to learn to overcome obstacles that come our way. For me venting my anxiety, anger and frustration online is therapeutical. I know some one will read it and will relate. I also think that what I write could actually help someone other than myself.
  5. The impact of problems such as depression and anxiety are unique and individual to each and every one of us and how we cope with them and different situations of life is equally as individual. Above I have merely mentioned some advice on dealing with issues of mental health in the workplace, but speaking to your GP and building a network of support are arguably the most important steps you can take in your recovery. For me I personally will not be relating my anxieties any time soon to my GP if I still have one, as it is practice management that you tell the reception first what is wrong with you, what ever happend to GDPR and not sharing the information with anyone other than your doctor. According to an inspection report that I downloaded on another post I made https://marketingagency.cymrumarketing.com/2021/03/30/gp-surgeries-are-small-businesses/ the receptionists have to sign a non disclosure agreement. This is hog wash if they wish to talk about you without actually mentioning you name.

Super Power.

Disabled Entrepreneur Super Power!

Just because I have a mental health disability does not make me less of a person. My disability does not define me and make me less intelligent, in fact on the contrary my disability is my ‘Super Power’ and although it comes with challenges it gives me strength and purpose to carry on and help motivate and empower others that having a disability is not the end of the world and you can still achieve your aspirations and all you need is a gentle push. Never let some tell you it cannot be done or it is impossible for you to achieve, listen to your heart and not what others tell you. Do not listen to naysayers.

My Super Power is everytime anyone disrespects me, tries to undermined me or do other atrocities I will write about them. Anyone throwing obstactles in my way, making my life difficult or miserable, I will document. Everytime anyone tries to do anything to hurt me I will hit the keyboard. The same goes if I see anyone being treated unfairly, the perpetrator will feel my Super Power.

Whats your super power? Mine is exercising my journalist skills!

Reaching Out.

If you want to talk to just drop me a line, I am happy to chat to you online or send emails. Although I do not do face to face meetings I am happy to help anyone who is feeling distressed. Just because I have difficulty interacting physically does not mean I have a problem interacting virtually. Remember a problem shared is a problem halved. If you have a network of people you can rely on then that is fine, but if you don’t there are many organisation out there that can help and I also can lend an ear or shoulder to cry on or send virtual hugs.

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