British Gas Have Pushed An Editor Of ‘Disability UK’ To Breaking Point.

The Editor Has Been Subjected To And Is Suffering From The Following:

  • Humiliation
  • Patronization
  • Torment
  • Emotional Distress
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Stress
  • Panic Attacks
  • PTSD

I wrote previously about how British Gas treats its customers. Today with a heavy heart I am writing about them again.

Emotional Distress Compensation | DISABLED ENTREPRENEUR – DISABILITY UK

British Gas Customer Intimidation & Treating Customers Badly. | DISABLED ENTREPRENEUR – DISABILITY UK

So to recap on the 27th of July 2022 I was put on a payment plan.

You have to bear in mind when the price rose earlier this year I tried to move my payment date and that is when the problems started in February although I did have a payment plan in place at the time but was told the only way I could move the date was if I set up a Direct Debit with the increased tariff. I wanted to move the date inline when my inbound payments were coming in. (The original payment plan which was at the time £65 and then rose to £90). Soon after I canceled the direct debit because I was not comfortable giving British Gas access to my bank account, this is when they refused to put me on a payment plan where I manually could pay by bank transfer, standing order, or directly on their website.

This has been going on for the best part of six months (Feb -August 2022).

I eventually was put on a payment plan after several phone calls and meter readings proving I was not using much Gas, somewhat five months later.

On the 4th of August 2022, some bright spark (woman) stopped my payment plan because she said I would not be able to pay online if I had a magnetic card, I told her I would pay by bank transfer and she said it was not possible even though I have the bank details to do that or simply pay on their website. There have been many agents that have said this causing contradictions to what other agents say, that I am able to pay online.

I phoned back on the 5th of August and was put back on the payment plan yet AGAIN.

I then got a letter yesterday dated 6th August that British Gas has not heard from me even though I am phoning practically every day.

In the letter, British Gas states my account has been passed to the debt collection team, threatening me with a smart meter which I refuse to have installed. Smart Meters | DISABLED ENTREPRENEUR – DISABILITY UK

I proceeded yesterday to go on their chat and set the transcript to email me at the end of the chat. You can guess I never received an email.

So today I phone up and I was met with a hostile agent who spoke to me in a very controlling manner. I told her about the letter and I said that I did not cancel the payment plan on the 4th, no sooner I had said this she put the phone down on me.

I then decided to have another go with the chat and not trusting British Gas as far as I can throw them, I started the chat again but remembered what my daughter said and that was to screenshot the chat just in case I did not get a copy of the transcript. The agent assured me I would get an email (as per the screenshot)…wrong I had no such email but I did do the screenshots that confirmed I am on a payment plan and that my account has not been passed to debt collections.

When the agent asked me if I have happy with British Gas I was not going to go into an in-depth conversation about why I was not happy with British Gas, so I simply said yes to end the chat.

Technically speaking I should be working but this company has made me so unwell I barely respond to emails and do the occasional update. The amount of time I have wasted with this company is beyond unbelievable.

Moving Forward and My Usage.

I eat sandwiches and salads maybe use the cooker 10 times a month. Come winter I am going to buy oil-filled radiators.

I would rather pay a little bit extra to the electricity supplier EON Next than give a penny more to British Gas.

“British Gas needs to have empathetic agents, not people that think they are so high and mighty and above you. They should be held accountable for their actions”.

This has been going on for six months and the number of calls I have had to make, emails I have sent, and chats are enough to test anyone’s mental health strength and state of mind.

I have reported this to the ombudsman and will be sending them another update today.

In my opinion it absolutely disgusting how they treat people.

#britishgas #humilation #emotionaldistress #anxiety #panicattacks #depression