My GP Surgery Negligence & My Mental Health.

I tried downloading the NHS app the other day to make an appointment with a doctor. I did not want to phone my own surgery as they have the policy to phone 8 am on the dot to essentially jam the phone lines on a first-come-first-served basis.

I wrote to my GP in May 2021 and spoke with the practice manager in December and got nowhere.

The NHS app (not the Covid App) checked my postcode and said sorry but the app was not available in Wales and prompted me to the website NHS Wales website to phone 111.

So I let my failed attempt go on the back burner until today where I surprisingly get a call from my GP.

You can imagine I am excited at the prospect of speaking with my GP at long last and promptly answering the call. The person on the other did not introduce herself asked if they were speaking with me without actually saying who they were.

A thought crossed my mind perhaps they had read my previous posts and were going to demand I take them down, but no, it was over another matter altogether.

The woman proceeded to ask do I want to book an appointment for the flu jab. I replied “no thank you” and the woman grunted something inaudible. I continued to ask “are you a Doctor” and she said “no”, that she was a practice nurse.

So they can phone you at random times when they feel like it, but cannot reply to a letter?

I continued to say I wrote a letter in May 2021 and also spoke with the practice manager and the response from the practice nurse was “yes I know”. I said “WOW, so I am a topic of conversation” and she said that she was reading off my notes. If you believe that you believe anything. She said if I want to book a consultation with the doctor, I should phone at 8 am.

I replied but I have 5 things that need addressing and she said they can only discuss one thing because of their time.

I have written previous articles about my experiences and also doctor-patient confidentiality and anxiety phoning GP’s.

I have given plenty of opportunities for the GP to address the issues in the letter and have spoken five times over this letter and still, the GP will not respond.

Even today the practice manager said the GP is too busy to respond to letters.

Imagine if in the letter it said I was feeling suicidal, I’m not, but just imagine if I was and the letter was ignored?

I am trying to make a point that my letter was read by multiple people and they admitted to it and I suspect I am the highlight of their tea/coffee breaks and jolly good banter.

My Mental Health Today.


I won’t say that I feel ok today because I am not.

My mental health is being tested and I am doing everything I can not blow a gasket.


My birthday is in two days’ time, it’s another day for me and nothing to celebrate.

If I had my parents and brother around then that would be a different story. My other brother lives in the USA, so what have I got to celebrate?


I do not mean to sound ungrateful but Birthday cards sent in the post cause carbon emissions transporting from A-B never mind chopping down trees to make the cards and paper envelopes and is absolute sacrilege to the environment… I would much rather have had a Facebook like to my Business page and share, which I have hinted on multiple occasions and tested social experiments to see if my close network would support me and they don’t, yet they send me birthday cards which I find very strange.

Am I supposed to get excited over a piece of card and half-hearted thought? it is going to go in the bin anyway, yet you want to save the planet save the rainforests, but you are happy to buy a card and send it in the post causing more pollution. I would much rather prefer an e-book. In fact, some e-books are free, so I am saving you money.

It has also been brought to my attention that a meetup is being planned for springtime. Good luck with that…


I have multiple businesses to take care of and am not taking a day off to chit-chat at a restaurant somewhere and most certainly do not want people visiting me.

In fact, some countries are banning unvaccinated people from all eating establishments. No skin off my nose I am happy being a recluse until what I desire manifests into my life.

I have issues intermingling with physical beings. I have no problem online but do not wish to interact physically. This is my choice and people should not take it personally.

Just because I do not want to see someone face to face, that is my own personal preference, obviously, I have to let workmen in and engineers but I stay well away from them, do not socialize and if I could I would make sure they showed a lateral flow test before coming in but that would not go down well with some people and I do not want to be seen as making waves.

Why do people not respect my wishes?

If they wish to support me give me, like to my business page and share my business with their connections. Helping my business prosper will be something I would be very grateful for, not a card that will get binned.


You can read all the articles I write from a personal perspective here:

I find letting off steam by journaling online is a form of therapy, I find by the time I have finished editing the initial pent-up anger inside me has weathered away.

I have also started practicing meditation, hypnotherapy, and scripting into a physical journal.

I follow and find his videos on Facebook and YouTube enlightening.

Today I am behind with my work from faffing about with a couple of domain registrars:

Rejestrator domen polskich -(Polish Domain Registrar)


As well as waiting for the gas engineer which was a no-show.

I find it very disrespectful if a person or company says they will turn up on a certain day and do not update you or apologize for not turning up.

I do not believe that everyone I know, knows about my websites or my illnesses, hence may be oblivious of what I do. Who’s to say I never took time off work to meet and greet these engineers which did not have the audacity to even phone or text me or who is to say I never re-arranged my scheduled meetings online to align with the appointment.

I think this is very disrespectful. I am not going to chase them, seeing as I am not paying for their callout. Had they bothered to check the pressure gauge last time they visited they would have seen the pressure was low and should have adjusted it but didn’t. They are the same engineers that did not know what a hotspot in the kitchen was until I sent them a link, and people wonder why my mental health is not good?


I have also on the marketing website mentioned the GP Surgery I am referring to today:

Let’s see what tomorrow brings…

#mentalhealth #gpsurgeriesandmentalhealth #gpnegligence #doctornegligence