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Day: 14 September 2023

Breaking Down Mental Health Stigma: Understanding the Statistics

Breaking Down Mental Health Stigma: Understanding the Statistics

Mental health stigma continues to be a pervasive issue in society, hindering the well-being of countless individuals worldwide. While progress has been made in recent years to raise awareness and reduce the stigma surrounding mental health, there is still much work to be done. Understanding the statistics behind mental health stigma is essential in order to address this issue effectively and promote a more compassionate and inclusive society.

Prevalence of Mental Health Issues

To understand the depth of mental health stigma, it’s crucial to first acknowledge the prevalence of mental health issues. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), more than 264 million people suffer from depression globally, and around 20 million individuals are diagnosed with schizophrenia. Additionally, anxiety disorders affect an estimated 284 million people worldwide. These statistics illustrate that mental health conditions are far from rare and impact a significant portion of the global population.

Stigma-Related Statistics

Underreporting: One significant aspect of mental health stigma is underreporting. Many individuals hesitate to seek help or disclose their mental health issues due to fear of judgment or discrimination. Research from the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) suggests that approximately 60% of people with mental health disorders do not receive treatment. Stigma plays a substantial role in this underutilization of mental health services.

Workplace Stigma: Mental health stigma also affects workplaces. According to a study conducted by the Center for Workplace Mental Health, approximately 83% of employees feel that mental health issues are stigmatized in their workplace. Fear of potential repercussions or damage to their professional reputation often prevents employees from seeking the help they need.

Stereotypes and Discrimination: Stereotypes and discrimination related to mental health conditions persist in society. The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) reports that around 46% of people believe that those with mental illnesses are prone to violence. This unfounded belief contributes to the perpetuation of stereotypes and further stigmatization.

Impact on Youth: Mental health stigma has severe consequences for young people. Half of all lifetime cases of mental health conditions begin by the age of 14, according to WHO. Stigmatization can discourage young individuals from seeking help, potentially leading to worsened mental health outcomes.

Consequences of Stigma: Mental health stigma doesn’t just affect individuals; it has far-reaching consequences for society as a whole. Some of the notable consequences include:

Delayed Treatment: Stigma often leads to delays in seeking treatment, which can worsen the severity of mental health conditions.

Isolation: People who experience stigma may become socially isolated, leading to feelings of loneliness and depression.

Reduced Quality of Life: Stigma can hinder individuals from fully participating in daily activities and enjoying a high quality of life.

Economic Costs: Mental health stigma results in lost productivity in the workplace and increased healthcare costs.

Lower Self-Esteem: Stigmatized individuals may internalize negative beliefs about themselves, leading to lower self-esteem.

Efforts to Combat Stigma: While the statistics surrounding mental health stigma are concerning, there is hope. Numerous organizations, campaigns, and individuals are working tirelessly to combat stigma and create a more accepting society. Initiatives like Mental Health Awareness Month and anti-stigma campaigns encourage open conversations about mental health and reduce misconceptions.

The Damaging Effects of Stigmatizing Individuals with Mental Health Disorders

Stigmatizing individuals with mental health disorders can have profoundly detrimental effects on their mental and emotional well-being. While the consequences of such stigmatization may not be immediately apparent, they can lead to a worsening of symptoms and a reluctance to seek help, exacerbating the challenges faced by those already grappling with mental health issues.

  1. Increased Isolation: One of the most immediate consequences of stigmatization is social isolation. When individuals with mental health disorders experience negative judgment or ridicule, they often withdraw from social interactions out of fear of further rejection. This isolation can intensify feelings of loneliness and contribute to the deterioration of their mental health.
  2. Reduced Self-Esteem: Stigmatizing individuals with mental health disorders reinforces negative self-perceptions. The derogatory remarks and attitudes they encounter can lead to a decrease in self-esteem, causing them to believe that they are somehow “less than” or “broken.” Such beliefs can become deeply ingrained and further erode their sense of self-worth.
  3. Reluctance to Seek Help: Stigmatization also discourages individuals from seeking the help they desperately need. The fear of judgment or discrimination can prevent people from opening up about their struggles or seeking professional treatment. This reluctance to seek help can result in delayed or inadequate care, leading to the worsening of their mental health condition over time.
  4. Self-Stigma: In some cases, individuals with mental health disorders may internalize the negative stereotypes and prejudices they encounter, a phenomenon known as self-stigma. They may begin to believe that they are solely responsible for their condition or that they should be able to “snap out of it.” This self-blame can intensify their suffering and create additional barriers to recovery. This can also lead to imposter syndrome.
  5. Escalation of Symptoms: Stigmatization can exacerbate the symptoms of mental health disorders. The stress and anxiety caused by social rejection and discrimination can trigger or worsen conditions such as depression and anxiety disorders. This, in turn, can lead to a vicious cycle where deteriorating mental health leads to more stigmatization and vice versa.
  6. Barriers to Employment and Education: Stigmatization can have practical consequences as well. People with mental health disorders may face discrimination in the workplace or educational institutions, limiting their opportunities for growth and financial stability. This added stressor can contribute to the deterioration of their mental health.

Further Reading

‘OCD paralysed my life for 20 years – but now I am finally happy’ (msn.com)

Stigma and discrimination | Mental Health Foundation

Stigma around mental health – Mind

Mental Health Act Statistics, Annual Figures – 2020-21 – GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)

Overwhelming majority of people severely affected by mental illness report discrimination still widespread (rethink.org)

The stigma of mental disorders – PMC (nih.gov)



The statistics surrounding mental health stigma are a stark reminder that there is much work to be done in creating a more inclusive and compassionate society. As we continue to raise awareness, challenge stereotypes, and advocate for policy changes, we can reduce the stigma surrounding mental health. By doing so, we can ensure that more individuals seek the help they need and ultimately lead healthier, happier lives.

It is crucial to recognize that degrading or stigmatizing individuals with mental health disorders does not help them in any way; instead, it harms them and exacerbates their struggles. Promoting understanding, empathy, and acceptance is essential in creating a supportive environment where those with mental health issues can seek help without fear of judgment or discrimination.

Addressing mental health stigma through education, awareness campaigns, and inclusive policies is essential in ensuring that individuals feel comfortable seeking the help they need. By fostering a more compassionate and accepting society, we can reduce the damaging effects of stigmatization and support those facing mental health challenges on their path to recovery.


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Nipah Virus More Deadlier Than Covid-19

Nipah Virus More Deadlier Than Covid-19

In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, the world’s attention was understandably focused on this highly contagious and deadly virus. However, another virus, known as Nipah, has been lurking in the background, and its potential threat is raising concerns among global health experts. Nipah virus, while less widespread than COVID-19, possesses unique characteristics that make it potentially deadlier.

Understanding Nipah Virus

Nipah virus (NiV) is a zoonotic virus, meaning it can be transmitted from animals to humans. It was first identified in Malaysia in 1999 when it caused an outbreak of severe respiratory illness and encephalitis among pig farmers and those in close contact with infected pigs. Since then, sporadic outbreaks have occurred in various countries, including Bangladesh, India, and the Philippines. While Nipah outbreaks are less frequent than COVID-19, they are associated with a significantly higher mortality rate.

  1. Deadlier Fatality Rate: One of the most alarming aspects of Nipah virus is its high case fatality rate (CFR). While the CFR for COVID-19 has varied from country to country, it generally hovers around 1-3%. In contrast, Nipah virus has recorded CFRs ranging from 40% to 100% in different outbreaks. This means that Nipah virus has the potential to be far deadlier on an individual level.
  2. Limited Treatment Options: Unlike COVID-19, which has multiple vaccines and several treatments, Nipah virus has no approved vaccines or specific antiviral drugs. Patients primarily receive supportive care to manage their symptoms, but the lack of targeted treatments is a significant concern. This limited arsenal against the virus makes it more challenging to control outbreaks and reduce fatalities.
  3. Efficient Human-to-Human Transmission: Nipah virus is primarily transmitted from animals (usually fruit bats) to humans and can also spread through human-to-human contact. It is a respiratory virus, making it highly contagious in close-knit communities or healthcare settings. Although COVID-19 is more contagious overall, Nipah virus’s efficient human-to-human transmission in certain settings can lead to rapid and severe outbreaks.
  4. Potential for Asymptomatic Spread: Another factor that sets Nipah virus apart is its potential for asymptomatic transmission. Some individuals infected with Nipah may not show any symptoms but can still transmit the virus to others, which makes it harder to detect and control the spread.
  5. Limited Global Awareness: Compared to COVID-19, Nipah virus has not received as much global attention or research funding. This relative obscurity could result in slower responses and inadequate preparedness when outbreaks occur.

Mitigating the Threat

Given the unique challenges posed by Nipah virus, it is crucial to take proactive measures to mitigate its risks:

  1. Research and Development: Investing in research to develop vaccines and treatments specifically for Nipah virus is essential. Governments and international organizations should prioritize funding for Nipah research.
  2. Surveillance and Early Detection: Enhanced surveillance systems in areas at high risk for Nipah outbreaks can help detect cases early, enabling rapid containment measures.
  3. Public Awareness: Raising public awareness about Nipah virus, its symptoms, and preventive measures can help communities protect themselves.
  4. Infection Control: Implementing strict infection control measures in healthcare settings and promoting safe practices among caregivers can reduce the risk of human-to-human transmission.
  5. Collaboration: International cooperation and information sharing are vital for effectively managing Nipah outbreaks, as the virus knows no borders.

Further Reading

Fears over bat virus deadlier than Covid as cases soar – 10 symptoms to look out for (msn.com)

Nipah virus (who.int)

Nipah virus: epidemiology, outbreaks and guidance – GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)

Nipah Virus (NiV) | CDC

Factsheet on Nipah virus disease (europa.eu)

Nipah: India’s Kerala state tests hundreds after fifth case – BBC News

Nipah: What do we know about virus spreading in India’s Kerala? | Reuters


While COVID-19 has dominated headlines and disrupted lives worldwide, Nipah virus remains a lurking threat with the potential to be deadlier on an individual level. Its high fatality rate, lack of specific treatments, efficient human-to-human transmission, potential for asymptomatic spread, and limited global awareness make it a cause for concern. To mitigate the threat posed by Nipah virus, it is crucial to invest in research, strengthen surveillance systems, raise public awareness, and promote international collaboration. Only through these concerted efforts can we hope to prevent future Nipah outbreaks from becoming public health catastrophes.


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MPs With Mental Health Disorders

MPs With Mental Health Disorders

Breaking the Stigma: Mental Health Challenges Among MPs

The conversation surrounding mental health has gained significant momentum worldwide, gradually breaking down the barriers of stigma and encouraging individuals to speak openly about their struggles. This shift has not been limited to society at large; it has also permeated the corridors of power, where even elected officials are sharing their experiences with mental health disorders.

Kevan Jones: Challenging the Notion of Weakness

Labour MP Kevan Jones made headlines when he delivered a heartfelt speech in the House of Commons, revealing his battle with deep depression. In a powerful moment, Jones broke down emotional barriers and shattered the stereotype that mental illness should be seen as a weakness in politics.

Jones’s story resonates with many who have faced the burden of mental health issues. His courage in sharing his journey not only highlights the prevalence of mental health challenges but also advocates for a more compassionate and understanding approach within the political arena.

Dr. Sarah Wollaston: A Tory MP and Former GP’s Struggle

Dr. Sarah Wollaston, a former GP, and Conservative MP, shared her own harrowing experience with mental health issues. In a poignant revelation, she disclosed that she had felt suicidal after the birth of her child. Dr. Wollaston’s story serves as a stark reminder that mental health challenges can affect anyone, regardless of their background or profession.

Her courageous admission brings attention to the often-overlooked issue of postpartum depression, showing that even those with medical expertise can grapple with the complexities of mental health. By speaking out, Dr. Wollaston has paved the way for a more open dialogue surrounding mental health issues faced by mothers and parents everywhere.

Charles Walker: A 31-Year Battle with OCD

Tory backbencher Charles Walker revealed his battle with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD), which has persisted for an astonishing 31 years. His condition manifests as a compulsive need to do everything four times. Walker’s candor about his ongoing struggle serves as a testament to the persistence required when managing a mental health disorder.

Walker’s story highlights the importance of long-term mental health care and support. By sharing his experience, he helps to destigmatize OCD and other persistent conditions, making it easier for individuals to seek the assistance they need.

Winston Churchill: Depression

Winston Churchill, the renowned British statesman and Prime Minister during World War II did suffer from bouts of depression throughout his life. Churchill’s struggle with depression is well-documented, and he often referred to it as the “Black Dog” that haunted him.

His depressive episodes were characterized by periods of profound sadness, pessimism, and a sense of hopelessness. Churchill’s depression was not a constant state but rather came and went over the years. It is believed that his bouts of depression were linked to personal and political setbacks, as well as the immense stress and pressure he faced during his long and tumultuous career.

Despite his struggles with depression, Winston Churchill is celebrated for his leadership during World War II and his unwavering determination in the face of adversity. His ability to overcome personal challenges and lead his country through one of its most challenging times is a testament to his resilience and strength of character. Churchill’s openness about his mental health challenges has also contributed to reducing the stigma surrounding mental illness and has inspired others to seek help and support when facing similar issues.

Breaking the Stigma

The stories of MPs like Kevan Jones, Dr. Sarah Wollaston, and Charles Walker have an enduring impact on society. They demonstrate that mental health disorders do not discriminate, affecting individuals from various backgrounds, professions, and political affiliations. Moreover, these MPs challenge the perception that mental illness equates to weakness, emphasizing that courage can be found in sharing one’s vulnerabilities.

Their experiences also underscore the necessity of creating a supportive environment within the political sphere and society as a whole. Acknowledging the prevalence of mental health challenges and fostering empathy are crucial steps toward a more compassionate and inclusive society.


The bravery shown by MPs like Kevan Jones, Dr. Sarah Wollaston, and Charles Walker in sharing their mental health journeys is an essential part of the ongoing effort to destigmatize mental illness. These individuals remind us that mental health issues can affect anyone, regardless of their stature or profession. By breaking the silence and challenging stereotypes, they contribute to a society that is more understanding, empathetic, and compassionate toward those facing mental health challenges. Their stories serve as a beacon of hope, encouraging others to seek help, share their experiences, and work toward a world where mental health is treated with the same gravity as physical health.

This article serves as a lesson for DWP & Personal Independence Payments (PIP) that people with mental health disorders can be intellectual and also have disabilities.


Further Reading:


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Invictus Games For Disabled Veterans: Triumph Through Sport

Invictus Games For Disabled Veterans: Triumph Through Sport

Where the world often focuses on adversity and challenges, the Invictus Games shine as a beacon of hope and inspiration. These extraordinary sporting events have been instrumental in empowering disabled veterans, helping them overcome physical and emotional obstacles, and showcasing their indomitable spirit. Created by Prince Harry, the Duke of Sussex, the Invictus Games have become a symbol of resilience, determination, and unity among disabled veterans worldwide.

The Genesis of the Invictus Games

The concept of the Invictus Games took shape in 2013 when Prince Harry visited the Warrior Games in the United States, an event for wounded, ill, and injured service members and veterans. Inspired by the spirit and courage he witnessed among the participants, Prince Harry decided to bring a similar event to the United Kingdom, thus giving birth to the first Invictus Games in 2014. The name “Invictus” itself holds a deep meaning, inspired by the famous poem by William Ernest Henley, which speaks of the unconquerable human spirit.

Empowering Disabled Veterans Through Sport

The primary goal of the Invictus Games is to empower disabled veterans by providing them with an opportunity to participate in competitive sports. These games cater to a wide range of disabilities, including physical injuries, PTSD, and mental health challenges. By engaging in sports like wheelchair rugby, archery, swimming, and cycling, participants not only improve their physical health but also build mental resilience.

Sports plays a crucial role in the rehabilitation and recovery of disabled veterans. The camaraderie, discipline, and focus required in sports can aid in the healing process, both physically and mentally. It instills a sense of purpose and achievement, helping veterans regain their self-esteem and confidence. The Invictus Games provide a platform for veterans to showcase their abilities and redefine their identities beyond their injuries.

Global Impact and Unity

The Invictus Games have expanded their reach far beyond the United Kingdom, with subsequent editions hosted in cities such as Orlando, Toronto, and Sydney. The international nature of these games fosters unity and camaraderie among veterans from different countries. It breaks down borders and demonstrates that the challenges faced by disabled veterans are universal.

Through friendly competition and shared experiences, veterans from around the world forge lasting bonds, providing vital emotional support and understanding that can be challenging to find elsewhere. This sense of global unity reinforces the idea that they are not alone in their journey to recovery.

Raising Awareness and Reducing Stigma

Another vital aspect of the Invictus Games is their ability to raise awareness about the challenges faced by disabled veterans and the importance of supporting their rehabilitation. By showcasing the determination and achievements of participants, these games help reduce the stigma associated with disability and mental health issues.

The athletes who participated in the Invictus Games are living proof that disability does not define a person’s capabilities. Their stories of triumph over adversity inspire others to seek help, embrace rehabilitation, and pursue their dreams. It encourages society to focus on abilities rather than limitations.

Legacy Beyond the Games

While the Invictus Games are a biennial event, their impact extends far beyond the competition itself. The Invictus Games Foundation continues to support veterans’ recovery and rehabilitation efforts through various programs and initiatives. These programs address not only physical health but also mental well-being, education, and employment opportunities for disabled veterans.


The Invictus Games for disabled veterans have become an emblem of triumph over adversity, a testament to the indomitable human spirit. Through sports, camaraderie, and global unity, these games empower veterans to overcome physical and emotional obstacles and inspire others to do the same. They raise awareness, reduce stigma, and leave a lasting legacy of hope, resilience, and the belief that no challenge is insurmountable. The Invictus Games remind us all that we are truly unconquerable.

Further Reading

Invictus Games (invictusgamesfoundation.org)

Invictus Games: ‘It’s like a true rebirth,’ says Ukrainian army medic who was captured and tortured | World News | Sky News

Prince Harry snapped with Mark Ormrod at Invictus Games (msn.com)

Meghan Markle’s appearance at the Invictus Games reminds fans of Princess Diana | The Independent

Invictus Games 2023 on TV | Schedule, channel and times | Radio Times


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