Showing 11 Result(s)

The Emotional Impact of Dementia on Families

The emotional impact of dementia on families is profound and multifaceted. It is essential for family members to recognise and address their own emotional needs while providing support for their loved ones. By navigating the journey with compassion, understanding, and open communication, families can find ways to cope with the challenges of dementia and cherish meaningful moments with their loved ones.

Why Do Insurance Brokers Insist on Phoning You

If you’ve ever requested a quote from an insurance broker, you’ve likely experienced the frustration of brokers insisting on calling you rather than emailing the information. This can feel intrusive, especially when you receive unscheduled calls during busy or inconvenient times.

A Guide On How To Recover Payments

Running a business as a disabled entrepreneur comes with its unique set of challenges. One of the most frustrating situations is when a client breaches the terms of an agreement and fails to make payments.

What If Your GP Stonewalls You

Your health is of utmost importance, and you should feel comfortable and supported when seeking medical care. While most GPs are dedicated professionals, there may be instances when you encounter stonewalling or resistance to addressing your health concerns.