Anxiety Phoning your GP!

Anxiety Phoning Your GP.

Many of us worry about speaking to our GP at the best of times and it is more difficult especially if we have mental health and anxiety issues.

However, doing nothing about your ailments and bottling things up can make things worse. It’s better to seek help early rather than let it fester into something worse. That way you can start receiving the treatment you need to set you on the road to recovery.

“GPs are normally the first port of call for physical and mental health concerns. However, for someone like myself who suffers from anxiety, it can be overwhelming physically having a conversation about what you are thinking or feeling with your GP or practice nurse, someone you may hardly know.

Whatever way you decide about communicating with your GP they will want to speak with you even if you appoint a friend or family member to speak on your behalf (data protection), they will still want to speak with you.

Mind Charity has put together a guide with some tips on how to prepare for your appointment and make the most of the short time you get with them. Find out more at”

Speaking to your GP or practice nurse should be your first step to getting help. However, if you are anxious it might be an idea to contact your GP via email or snail mail. However, this can be passed to the practice manager, for everyone to see and read. In fact, I wrote such an email to my GP last May 2021 and the practice manager and cluster pharmacist both confirmed they read my letter which was not addressed to them yet my GP has not bothered to respond to my letter at all.

Navigating Anxiety When Phoning Your GP: Seeking Help Amidst the Struggle”

For many individuals, the simple act of picking up the phone to make a doctor’s appointment can be a daunting task. This anxiety can stem from various sources, including the fear of the unknown, concerns about health, or the anticipation of discussing personal medical issues. While it’s normal to feel a bit nervous about contacting your GP, it’s essential to recognize and manage this anxiety to ensure you receive the care and support you need. In this article, we’ll explore the common causes of anxiety when phoning your GP and provide practical strategies to overcome these obstacles.

Understanding the Causes of Anxiety

  1. Fear of Judgment: One of the most common reasons people experience anxiety when phoning their GP is the fear of being judged. Many individuals worry that their symptoms or concerns might be dismissed, or they might be perceived as overreacting.
  2. Uncertainty: Not knowing what to expect during the call or at the doctor’s appointment can be anxiety-inducing. You may be concerned about what questions will be asked, what tests might be ordered, or what the diagnosis might be.
  3. Health Anxiety: If you’re already struggling with health-related anxiety, contacting your GP can exacerbate your worries. You might fear the worst-case scenario or anticipate bad news.
  4. Communication Worries: Some people find it challenging to communicate their symptoms or concerns effectively. They worry about stumbling over their words or not being able to convey their feelings accurately.
  5. Phone Anxiety: In today’s digital age, many individuals experience anxiety when making phone calls, known as telephonophobia. The fear of talking to someone over the phone can be overwhelming, especially when discussing personal health matters.

Strategies to Overcome Anxiety When Phoning Your GP

  1. Prepare in Advance: Write down your symptoms, concerns, and any questions you have before calling your GP. Having a list can help you stay organized and ensure you don’t forget anything during the call.
  2. Choose a Calm Environment: Find a quiet and comfortable space to make the call where you can concentrate without distractions.
  3. Practice Deep Breathing: Deep breathing exercises can help calm your nerves. Take a few deep breaths before and during the call to relax.
  4. Focus on the Facts: Remember that your GP is a medical professional whose primary goal is to help you. Stick to the facts, describe your symptoms clearly, and avoid making assumptions about your condition.
  5. Seek Support: If you’re struggling with anxiety, consider asking a friend or family member to make the call on your behalf or be present during the conversation for emotional support.
  6. Discuss Your Anxiety: Don’t hesitate to let the receptionist or nurse know that you’re feeling anxious when you call. They are likely trained to handle these situations with care and can offer guidance.
  7. Consider Telehealth: Many healthcare providers now offer telehealth appointments, which allow you to consult with your GP via video call or chat. This can be a more comfortable option if you have phone anxiety.
  8. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT): If your anxiety is persistent and debilitating, consider seeking therapy, such as CBT, to address the underlying causes and develop coping strategies.


Anxiety when phoning your GP is a common experience, (especially if you are met with rude, insensitive receptionists, who are judgemental and unprofessional), however, it shouldn’t prevent you from seeking the healthcare you need.

By understanding the causes of your anxiety and implementing practical strategies, you can navigate the process more smoothly. Remember that your GP is there to help you, and addressing your health concerns is essential for your well-being.

Don’t let anxiety hold you back from taking the first step toward better health. The only time I will be speaking to my GP once I muster the courage to phone them to raise my complaint will be through court and suing them for negligence.

If you are not successful after complaining to the practice manager you should contact the NHS Ombudsman: Failing that you should contact editors and journalists that are willing to write your story.

Editors Personal Perspective.

What is concerning is I do need medical attention as some of my symptoms have escalated, but I cannot bring myself to phone the GP Surgery as I feel I will lose my rag with them. Furthermore, I have social disconnection issues and cannot interact with anyone other than my family and online.

Further Reading

#gpdutyofcare #gp #doctorsurgery #gpnegligence #anxiety #anxietyphoning #anxietyphoningyourgp #dutyofcare #nhscomplaints

Renata MB Selfie
Disabled Entrepreneur - Disability UK

Renata The Owner & Editor of and Online Journals, suffers From OCD, Cerebellar Atrophy & Rheumatoid Arthritis. She is an Entrepreneur & Published Author, she writes content on a range of topics, including politics, current affairs, health and business. She is an advocate for Mental Health, Human Rights & Disability Discrimination.

Whilst her disabilities can be challenging she has adapted her life around her health and documents her journey online.

Disabled Entrepreneur - Disability UK Online Journal Offers Digital Marketing, Content Writing, Website Creation, SEO, and Domain Brokering. Disabled Entrepreneur - Disability UK is an open platform that invites contributors to write articles and serves as a dynamic marketplace where a diverse range of talents and offerings can converge. This platform acts as a collaborative space where individuals or businesses can share their expertise, creativity, and products with a broader audience.

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