Veterans Support

Helping Veterans Learn New Skills: A Path to Post-Military Success

The transition from military service to civilian life can be a challenging and life-altering experience for veterans. While the skills acquired in the armed forces are invaluable, they may not always directly translate into the civilian job market. Therefore, it is essential to support veterans in their efforts to learn new skills that can open doors to fulfilling careers. In this article, we will explore the importance of helping veterans learn new skills and discuss various programs and resources available to assist them in this endeavor.

The Value of Learning New Skills

Veterans bring a wealth of unique attributes to the civilian workforce, such as discipline, leadership, teamwork, and problem-solving abilities. However, not all military skills have a straightforward application in the civilian sector. Learning new skills can bridge the gap and enable veterans to thrive in their post-military careers. Here are some reasons why this is so important:

  1. Adaptability: The ability to learn new skills demonstrates a veteran’s adaptability and willingness to grow, which are highly sought-after qualities in the workforce.
  2. Competitive Advantage: New skills can make veterans more competitive in the job market, increasing their chances of securing meaningful employment.
  3. Career Progression: Learning new skills can lead to career advancement and increased earning potential, helping veterans achieve their long-term goals.
  4. Improved Quality of Life: Skills can open doors to diverse job opportunities, enhancing a veteran’s quality of life and providing a sense of purpose.

Programs and Resources for Veterans

Numerous programs and resources are available to help veterans acquire new skills and ease their transition to civilian life. Here are some of the most prominent options:

  1. GI Bill: The GI Bill provides educational benefits to veterans, including the Post-9/11 GI Bill, which covers tuition, housing, and supplies for veterans pursuing higher education or vocational training. (USA)
  2. Veterans Affairs Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment (VR&E): VR&E offers eligible veterans personalized rehabilitation services, such as career counseling, education, and job training, to enhance their employability. (USA)
  3. Skill-Building Workshops: Many organizations, both public and private, offer workshops on resume-building, interview techniques, and job search strategies tailored to veterans.
  4. Nonprofit Organizations: Various nonprofit organizations, like Operation Homefront and Wounded Warrior Project, provide resources and support to veterans, including skill development programs.
  5. Apprenticeships and On-the-Job Training: These programs offer veterans the chance to gain hands-on experience while learning new skills. They often come with the added benefit of earning a competitive salary during training.
  6. Online Learning Platforms: There is an abundance of online resources, such as Coursera, LinkedIn Learning, and edX, that offer veterans a wide range of courses and certifications in diverse fields.
  7. State Workforce Agencies: State workforce agencies often provide job placement, training, and education services to veterans, assisting them in finding suitable employment.
  8. Military Transition Programs: The military itself has transition programs to help service members prepare for civilian life, offering valuable information and guidance for veterans.

Challenges and Solutions

Despite the availability of numerous programs and resources, some veterans may still face challenges when it comes to learning new skills:

  1. Psychological Barriers: Some veterans may experience mental health issues, including PTSD, which can hinder their ability to learn new skills. Addressing mental health concerns is crucial.
  2. Financial Constraints: Financial barriers can prevent veterans from pursuing education or training. Scholarships, grants, and financial aid can help alleviate this challenge.
  3. Misalignment of Skills: It can be challenging to identify which skills are most marketable in the civilian workforce. Career counseling and mentorship can guide veterans in making informed decisions.
  4. Lack of Information: Some veterans may be unaware of the available resources. Public awareness campaigns and outreach efforts are essential to inform veterans about their options.

What type of skills can a veteran learn that does not need too much physical work?

Veterans transitioning to civilian life often seek skills that do not require significant physical work due to injuries, disabilities, or a desire for less physically demanding careers. Fortunately, there are many non-physical skills that veterans can learn to build successful civilian careers. Here are some examples:

  1. Information Technology (IT) Skills:
    • Programming and coding: Learning languages like Python, Java, or C++ can open doors to software development careers.
    • Cybersecurity: Cybersecurity skills are in high demand, and veterans can become experts in protecting digital assets.
    • IT support and networking: Skills in troubleshooting and maintaining computer networks can lead to IT support roles.
  2. Data Analysis and Data Science:
    • Data analysis: Analyzing data and deriving insights can be valuable in various industries.
    • Machine learning and AI: Learning about machine learning and artificial intelligence can lead to jobs in data science and analytics.
  3. Digital Marketing:
    • Search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing, and content marketing are all skills that can be learned and applied in the digital marketing field.
  4. Project Management:
    • Project management skills are transferable to various industries and are highly sought after for overseeing tasks and teams efficiently.
  5. Customer Service and Sales:
    • Developing strong communication and negotiation skills can lead to roles in customer service, sales, and account management.
  6. Writing and Content Creation:
    • Writing skills can be applied in content creation, copywriting, technical writing, and freelance journalism.
  7. Graphic Design and Multimedia:
    • Learning graphic design software like Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator can lead to careers in web design, multimedia production, and branding.
  8. Financial and Accounting Skills:
    • Studying finance or accounting can lead to roles in financial planning, analysis, or accounting.
  9. Healthcare and Medical Fields:
    • Administrative and support roles in healthcare, such as medical billing and coding, medical office management, or healthcare administration, can be learned without extensive physical demands.
  10. Legal and Paralegal Skills:
    • Paralegal training can lead to roles in legal research and case management, which are typically office-based.
  11. Counseling and Social Work:
    • Pursuing a degree or certification in counseling or social work can lead to helping roles in mental health, family services, and rehabilitation.
  12. Project Management:
    • Developing project management skills can lead to roles in organizing and overseeing various projects in different industries.
  13. Teaching and Education:
    • Veterans can explore teaching and educational roles, including becoming teachers, trainers, or educational administrators.
  14. Logistics and Supply Chain Management:
    • Learning about logistics and supply chain management can lead to roles in planning and coordinating the movement of goods and services.
  15. Technical Writing:
    • Technical writing involves creating clear and concise documentation for complex technical processes, making it a valuable skill for various industries.

These skills typically require mental and analytical abilities more than physical exertion, making them accessible options for veterans looking to transition into less physically demanding careers. Veterans should consider their interests, aptitudes, and career goals when choosing the skills they want to acquire in their post-military careers. Additionally, there are numerous educational programs, online courses, and vocational training options available to help veterans acquire these skills and prepare for successful civilian careers.

List of colleges and universities in the UK that support veterans

In the United Kingdom, various colleges and universities support veterans through specific programs and initiatives. These institutions offer a range of services to help veterans transition to civilian life and access higher education.

Here are some universities and colleges in the UK that are known for their support of veterans:

  1. University of Stirling:
    • The University of Stirling has a dedicated Veterans Champion and offers a range of services and support for military veterans.
  2. Anglia Ruskin University:
    • Anglia Ruskin University has a strong commitment to supporting veterans and offers specialized services for them.
  3. University of Winchester:
    • The University of Winchester has a dedicated Armed Forces Hub, which provides support for service members and veterans in their academic journey.
  4. University of Chester:
    • The University of Chester has an Armed Forces Covenant and offers specific support for veterans and military personnel.
  5. University of Portsmouth:
    • The University of Portsmouth is recognized for its support of veterans and its participation in the Armed Forces Covenant.
  6. University of South Wales:
    • The University of South Wales has a dedicated Veterans’ Hub, which offers a range of services for veterans, including academic support and transition assistance.
  7. Manchester Metropolitan University:
    • Manchester Metropolitan University is known for its commitment to supporting veterans and its active engagement with the military community.
  8. University of Wolverhampton:
    • The University of Wolverhampton offers tailored support for veterans, including academic and personal support services.
  9. Liverpool John Moores University:
    • Liverpool John Moores University actively supports veterans and offers a range of services to assist them in their educational pursuits.
  10. Bournemouth University:
    • Bournemouth University is a signatory of the Armed Forces Covenant and provides dedicated support for veterans and military personnel.
  11. Heriot-Watt University:
    • Heriot-Watt University has a strong commitment to supporting veterans and offers services to assist them in their academic and professional development.
  12. The Open University:
    • The Open University, as a distance-learning institution, provides flexibility for veterans to pursue higher education while accommodating their unique needs and circumstances.

It’s important to note that the support services and programs for veterans may vary from one institution to another. Prospective students who are veterans should contact the universities directly to inquire about the specific support and resources they offer. Additionally, veterans can explore government programs, scholarships, and funding options that may be available to assist them in pursuing higher education in the UK.


Helping veterans learn new skills is a vital step in ensuring their successful transition to civilian life. By investing in their personal and professional development, we honor their service and provide them with the tools they need to thrive in the post-military world. The wealth of programs and resources available to veterans, along with support from the community, can make a significant difference in their lives, enabling them to continue serving our society as valuable contributors in various industries.

Further Reading:

  1. Ultimate College Guide for Veterans & Active Service Members
  2. How to Apply to College
  3. Guide to Trade and Vocational Schools
  4. High Demand Jobs in 2023 & Beyond

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