How to cope with anxiety.

I do not know about you but somedays I feel like I am going to blow a gasket.

The number of times I hear people saying ‘SORRY’ when I tell them they are making me feel anxious is disgraceful. People, in general, may show kindness in the spur of the moment but caring is another ball game altogether. People only care if it directly affects them. Saying ‘SORRY is only sugar coating something or attempting to brush it off. Saying ‘SORRY’ has no meaning at all if there is no genuine gesture made. The other thing I have noticed with people is they use the blame game, “it is not us” it is them or you, and this can cause people to have emotional distress.

Anxiety is a very unpleasant feeling of unease, which escalates into panic attacks, worry, or fear, that can be mild or severe. Everyone at some point in their lives experiences feelings of anxiety. Anxiety is a lingering feeling of perhaps worrying about sitting for an exam or having a medical test or job interview.

However, anxiety can manifest into panic attacks where one may feel light-headed, nauseous, heart-racing, and breathless (hyperventilating). Other symptoms can be restlessness, insomnia, lethargy, tearfulness, sweating, trembling, lack of concentration, nervousness, and gastrointestinal (GI) problems.

Saying sorry is not going to cut it. If you make someone unwell through your actions you should compensate them and make them feel better again. Simply saying sorry is just a waste of energy, yours and theirs. (In other words, think before you speak). If you cause a person unnecessary anxiety because you have said something that can cause a person to feel distressed then you have to be responsible for your actions.

My Anxiety

Coping Strategy.

  • Keep busy.
  • Use breathing techniques.
  • Use hypnosis.
  • Count to ten.
  • Go into another room, and remove yourself from the negativity.
  • Distract yourself from the cause that is making you anxious.
  • Avoid looking at social media and news sites as much as possible.
  • Avoid watching movies with violence.
  • Avoid negative people.
  • Avoid alcohol and drugs.
  • Turn your phone off or set your calls to not disturb (silence calls).
  • Focus on something positive, a hobby, a goal, etc.
  • Keep a diary or use an online journal (we can give you space to write down your thoughts, just message us using the form below).
  • Learn something new, there are plenty of courses you can do (Udemy).

My favorite way to vent my anger and frustration is to voice my opinions online.

If you use social media the powers that be may reprimand you if they do not like what you write, but on my websites, I have free reign. I am my own boss and I can write pretty much anything I wish.

LinkedIn as an example the other day sent me a warning notification that I had breached the policy yet they did not explain what I had done exactly. I tried to reach out to a faceless company that has simply ignored my plea and am none the wiser about what I did wrong. This has caused me anxiety because at the flick of a switch they can suspend you with no regard to your livelihood and how it would affect your business. they can suspend you simply just because they can.

I try to use my own channels to voice my opinion because the only entities left that can penalize you are the search engines and the governments if they thought you were saying something out of turn. I wrote about online censorship on my other site.

Further Reading:

Anyway if you want free online space where you can vent or share your stories just message us using the form below and remember to distract yourself from the issue that is causing you distress:

#anxiety #panicattacks #hyperventilation #stress #emotionaldistress