Stress, Anxiety, and Headaches.
Stress is the body’s way of reacting to a situation whereby you may feel threatened or under pressure. It may cause a domino effect of anxiety, headaches, or even depression. Depending on how well we cope under pressure will determine the final outcome of the end result.
Anxiety is your body’s natural defense against stress. Anxiety is caused by overthinking, being worried, or fear of the outcome of a situation whereby the feeling of uncertainty or apprehension makes us feel vulnerable.
Headaches are symptoms of pain in the eyes, face, head, or neck. They cause brain fog and irritability. They may intensify as migraine, tension-type headache, or cluster headache left untreated. Headaches are linked with an increased risk of depression to those with severe headaches. Causes of headaches may vary although they can include dehydration, fatigue, sleep deprivation, stress, the effects of medications (overuse) and recreational drugs, including withdrawal, viral infections, loud noises, common colds, head injury, rapid ingestion of very cold food or beverage, dental or sinus issues, and Covid Virus.
Stress, Anxiety, and Headaches.
We all experience from time to time issues that cause us to feel stressed. These can be because of on onset of certain events that happen in our lives where we feel we are losing control. As a consequence, we may become anxious due to fear or uncertainty making us feel vulnerable, which then can lead to symptoms of headaches and even depression.
My Online Health Journal.
Today, I am feeling unwell, and is one of those days whereby have mentioned before I use this portal to vent my frustrations, talk about my disabilities, my coping strategies, and writing as a form of therapy by letting it all out for anyone that is interested in the drama that occasionally happens in my life.
Because I am connected with a lot of international people on LinkedIn I find that some people do not take into account time zones and if left unmonitored I would be called all hours of the night so at some point, I either turn my phone on “do not disturb” or “airplane mode”.
So you can imagine my horror when I turned my phone on this morning to multiple missed calls and several text messages saying the flat below had sprung another leak.
If you recall Christmas Day I had drama when the bathwater was emptying on its own with the bath plug still in the hole, causing the flat below me to flood. So approximately 04.40 hours this morning there was another leak. Now I am no expert but the people my landlord sends half the time are cowboys. I have written some horror stories I have encountered over the last two decades of living here which are well documented as it has caused me no end of emotional distress.
Now because I have OCD I cannot feel the dampness on my carpets, yet I think I have detected what is wrong with my sink pedestal leaking water when one washes one’s hands, The contractor has already gone today and did not spot the suspected problem. Well, at least I have a “Brucey Bonus” I am having new bathroom flooring next week and a new shower door.
The only problem is because I have social disconnection issues I am finding it hard to interact with people physically. The less drama I have in my life the better and the quicker I can heal.
Furthermore, I would prefer, anyone that entered my property to show proof of a lateral flow test. But making waves can land me in hot water as people do not like to be told what to do. I could refuse people entry but what that would cause is animosity for certain.

Trust me the people I deal with are judgemental and opinionated and have little empathy. People are only caring if it involves them personally or they are passionate about a cause, otherwise, they may say they care but in reality, do not give two flying monkeys.
Gas Engineer Callout & Business.
I will just have to ride the wave and ironically a domain name that I am brokering by coincidence was up for renewal today which I will offer to the “Cardiff Gas Engineers” that are coming next week to check my Combi boilers and Radiators. The domain name www.cardiffgasengineers.co.uk was originally a WordPress site in which I was going to make into a directory of Cardiff Gas Engineers and perhaps a Trustpilot type review site. I still may develop it for my own use, good health permitting. But as it stands I am feeling unwell, do not have my GP support system and because I simply do not have the time to build on this project at present and my health is not too good I have decided to drop the hosting until I find a buyer or my circumstances change.
Of course, I will still do some marketing and SEO to get the domain noticed and even tag the engineers free of charge to give them a free marketing boost.
So today I have not been able to do half the work I had planned because my day was interrupted by the drama that unfolded. Just because I am unwell I cannot stop working or take time off work, no one is going to do the work for me and someone needs to continue turning the cogs.
My headache has subsided, my anxiety has settled and tomorrow is another day.
The way I cope with stress and anxiety is to release all my tension by writing online. If I can write something that not only is educational but with a personal twist I am in fact making my posts original. I find expressing my thoughts to whoever wants to listen is a form of therapy.

#stress #anxiety #headaches #ocd #vulnerability #depression #socialdisconnection #lateralflowtests
Renata The Editor of DisabledEntrepreneur.uk - DisabilityUK.co.uk - DisabilityUK.org - CMJUK.com Online Journals, suffers From OCD, Cerebellar Atrophy & Rheumatoid Arthritis. She is an Entrepreneur & Published Author, she writes content on a range of topics, including politics, current affairs, health and business. She is an advocate for Mental Health, Human Rights & Disability Discrimination.
She has embarked on studying a Bachelor of Law Degree with the goal of being a human rights lawyer.
Whilst her disabilities can be challenging she has adapted her life around her health and documents her journey online.
Disabled Entrepreneur - Disability UK Online Journal Working in Conjunction With CMJUK.com Offers Digital Marketing, Content Writing, Website Creation, SEO, and Domain Brokering.
Disabled Entrepreneur - Disability UK is an open platform that invites contributors to write articles and serves as a dynamic marketplace where a diverse range of talents and offerings can converge. This platform acts as a collaborative space where individuals or businesses can share their expertise, creativity, and products with a broader audience.