
www.ocd.cymru Domain Name For Sale.

OCD Cymru would be ideal as a personal blog for someone suffering from OCD, a charity, or a business.

I bought this domain a few years ago in the hope of turning it into a site dedicated to Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), however, as times move on I decided to develop a site for general disabilities, so this domain www.ocd.cymru is for sale. I do use the domain to promote my articles but I also have a sub-directory.

OCD is very personal to me because I suffer from this disability. If you follow my online journal you will be able to read how I manage my OCD and how people can affect my illness day to day.

You can read all about the articles I have written on OCD here.

#ocd #obsessivescompulsivedisorder #mentalhealth #mentalhealthdisabilities #domainforsale #ocdcymru