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Tips for Finding Accessible Accommodation When Relocating for Business

Relocating for business can be both exciting and challenging. Among the many things to consider when moving to a new location is finding accessible accommodation. Whether you have specific accessibility needs or are simply looking for a comfortable and convenient place to stay, it’s essential to plan ahead and research your options thoroughly. Let’s explore some valuable tips to help you find accessible accommodation that meets your requirements and ensures a smooth transition to your new business location. 

Understand Your Needs 

Before beginning your search for accommodation, take some time to assess your accessibility needs. Consider factors such as mobility requirements, dietary restrictions, sensory sensitivities, and any other specific needs you may have. By understanding your needs upfront, you can narrow down your search and focus on properties that can effectively accommodate them. 

Research Your Destination 

Each city or region may have different standards and regulations regarding accessibility. Before finalizing your accommodation, research the accessibility features and amenities available in your destination area. Look for information about accessible transportation options, nearby medical facilities, and the availability of accessible restaurants, shops, and entertainment venues.  

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When relocating for business, consider that each city or region may have different standards and regulations regarding accessibility.

Utilise Accessible Accommodation Websites 

Several websites and online platforms are dedicated to listing accessible accommodation options. Websites like AccessibleGO, Accomable, and Airbnb’s accessibility filters allow you to search specifically for properties that meet your accessibility criteria. These platforms often provide detailed information about accessibility features, such as wheelchair ramps, grab bars, and accessible bathrooms, helping you make informed decisions. 

Contact Accommodation Providers Directly 

While online platforms can be useful for initial research, it’s often beneficial to contact accommodation providers directly to inquire about their accessibility features. Speaking with a representative or manager, you can discuss your specific needs in detail and ensure that the property can adequately accommodate them. Additionally, direct communication allows you to ask questions and address any concerns you may have upfront. 

Request Accessibility Certifications 

Many hotels, resorts, and rental properties undergo accessibility certifications or assessments to ensure compliance with accessibility standards. When researching accommodation options, inquire about any certifications or accessibility ratings the property may have obtained. Certifications such as the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliance in the United States or similar standards in other countries can provide assurance of accessibility. 

Consider Alternative Accommodation Types 

In addition to traditional hotels and rental properties, consider alternative accommodation types that may better suit your needs. Bed and breakfasts, serviced apartments, and extended-stay hotels often offer more personalized service and flexibility in accommodating specific requirements. Explore different options to fit your preferences and accessibility needs best. 

Read Reviews and Testimonials 

Before booking accommodation, take the time to read reviews and testimonials from previous guests, especially those with accessibility needs similar to yours. Reviews can provide valuable insights into the property’s accessibility features, cleanliness, customer service, and overall experience. Pay attention to both positive and negative feedback to make an informed decision. 

A person holding newspapers in their hands.
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Take the time to read reviews and testimonials from previous customers, especially those with accessibility needs similar to yours.

Plan for Accessibility During Transit 

In addition to finding accessible accommodation, consider the accessibility of transportation options to and from your accommodation. Research reliable moving services on websites such as Best Movers NYC, as they have a database of proven and reliable moving companies and are experts in helping you find the right fit for your needs. Planning your transit options in advance can help ensure a smooth and stress-free journey to your accommodation. 

Relocating for Business: Ask About Accessibility Assistance 

When contacting accommodation providers or making reservations, don’t hesitate to inquire about accessibility assistance services they may offer. Many hotels and rental properties provide services such as wheelchair rental, assistance with luggage, or arrangements for accessible transportation. By discussing your needs upfront, you can ensure that necessary assistance is available during your stay. 

Explore Local Accessibility Resources 

In addition to researching accommodation options, take advantage of local accessibility resources and support networks in your destination area. Contact local disability advocacy groups, community centres, or government agencies for information and assistance. These organisations can provide valuable insights into accessibility standards, accessible attractions, and community services available in the area. 

Communicate Your Needs Clearly 

Effective communication is key to ensuring that your accommodation meets your accessibility needs. When discussing your requirements with accommodation providers or making reservations, be clear and specific about your needs and preferences. Provide detailed information about mobility aids, dietary restrictions, and any other accommodations you may require. Communicating openly and proactively facilitates a smooth and accommodating experience and minimises potential misunderstandings or issues during your stay. 

Prepare for Unexpected Challenges 

Despite thorough research and planning, it’s essential to be prepared for unexpected challenges that may arise during your stay. Familiarise yourself with emergency procedures, alternative routes, and backup accommodation options in case of unforeseen accessibility issues. A contingency plan can help mitigate stress and ensure a positive experience, even in challenging situations. 

Plan Accessible Activities and Excursions 

While finding accessible accommodation is essential, don’t forget to plan accessible activities and excursions during your stay: research accessible attractions, parks, museums, and restaurants in your destination area. Many cities offer accessible tours, cultural events, and recreational activities designed to accommodate visitors with diverse needs. By planning ahead and incorporating accessible activities into your itinerary, you can make the most of your business trip and enjoy memorable experiences while ensuring accessibility for all participants. 


Finding accessible accommodation when relocating for business requires careful planning, research, and communication. By understanding your needs, researching your destination, and utilizing available resources, you can find accommodation that meets your accessibility requirements and ensures a comfortable stay. Whether booking through online platforms, contacting accommodation providers directly, or considering alternative accommodation types, prioritize accessibility and ensure a smooth transition to your new business location. With careful preparation and consideration, you can enjoy a successful and hassle-free relocation experience. 

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