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Month: November 2023 (Page 1 of 2)

Embracing Life’s Uncharted Path: A Young Warrior’s Journey with Multiple Sclerosis

Embracing Life’s Uncharted Path: A Young Warrior’s Journey with Multiple Sclerosis

Today, we embark on a poignant journey into the life of a remarkable young individual, whose path is illuminated not just by the exuberance of youth but also by the shadows cast by a challenging companion – Multiple Sclerosis (MS).

1. The Unseen Struggle

Zena is a vibrant soul in her early twenties, whose life took an unexpected turn when she was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. MS, a chronic autoimmune disease affecting the central nervous system, thrust Zena into uncharted territory. The initial shock and disbelief were palpable, yet in the midst of uncertainty, she discovered an inner strength that would become the guiding force in her journey.

2. Resilience Amidst Uncertainty

Living with MS meant facing daily battles, both seen and unseen. Fatigue, mobility challenges, and cognitive fluctuations became part of her daily tapestry. However, Zena’s resilience emerged as a beacon of light, guiding her through the unpredictable terrain. She embraced each day with courage, determined not to let MS define the boundaries of her aspirations.

3. The Support System

Central to Zena’s journey has been the unwavering support of family and friends. Their understanding, encouragement, and empathy created a cocoon of strength around her. Together, they shattered the misconceptions surrounding MS, fostering an environment where Zena could flourish despite the challenges.

4. Redefining Normalcy

For Zena, normalcy became a subjective concept. Everyday victories, whether big or small, took on a profound significance. From navigating the campus with assistive devices to adapting her study routines to accommodate the ebb and flow of symptoms, she redefined normalcy on her terms, refusing to let MS cast a shadow on her ambitions.

5. Advocacy and Awareness

In the face of adversity, Zena found a calling – advocating for MS awareness. She became a vocal proponent of dispelling myths, fostering understanding, and championing research. Through her advocacy, she aimed to create a world where individuals with MS are not defined by their condition but celebrated for their resilience and accomplishments.

6. Celebrating Triumphs

While MS brought its challenges, it also unveiled unexpected triumphs. Zena’s journey was punctuated by academic achievements, personal milestones, and moments of joy that underscored the triumph of the human spirit. Her story serves as an inspiration to others facing similar battles, reminding them that life’s beauty persists even in the face of adversity.

7. Symptoms

  • Back Pain
  • Extreme headaches (migraines, 3 occasions – head felt like it was going to explode)
  • Neuropathic itch in the right shoulder (can last for hours/days)
  • The altered sensation in my right bum cheek (tingling) lasted 1 day and has reoccurred occasionally and lasts for about an hour or until no longer noticed.
  • Pins and needles on the right foot (last 3 toes) when initially putting weight on my foot – lasted 2 weeks
  • Pain in the left arm feels the same as on the legs and spreads from the wrist up to the shoulder – on 2 occasions
  • Ms hug in the collarbone
  • Pitted nails

  • (Monday 6th November 23) ⁃ Altered sensation in right knee – felt wet/ cooling – end of the week, up my right thigh
  • Friday 10th)⁃ (Saturday 11th) spread down the right side of the calf, part of my bum, possibly into the ankle.
  • (Saturday 18th) reduced to just the side of the calf, maybe part of the knee but not as noticeable
  • (Sunday 19th) altered sensation is gone – extreme pain in the lower back, shooting pain, and extreme pressure when trying to turn/bend.


As we navigate the intricacies of Zena’s journey with Multiple Sclerosis, we find not a tale of defeat but a narrative of triumph over adversity. Her story exemplifies the resilience and courage that define the human spirit, showcasing that even in the face of unpredictable challenges, one can carve a path of hope, purpose, and fulfillment. Through Zena’s eyes, we glimpse the power of embracing life’s uncharted path, discovering strength in vulnerability, and rewriting the narrative of what it means to thrive with Multiple Sclerosis.

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Christmas Gift Ideas 2023

Christmas Gift Idea 2023

Empowering the Spirit of Entrepreneurship: Disabled Entrepreneurs Inspire Joyful Gift Giving this Christmas”

As the festive season envelops us in the warmth of twinkling lights and familiar carols, it’s important to recognize that not everyone experiences the holidays with unbridled joy. For many, Christmas can be a challenging time, marked by feelings of loneliness, anxiety, and depression. The pressures to conform to the societal expectations of merriment and togetherness can intensify pre-existing mental health struggles. In the midst of decking the halls and exchanging gifts, it’s crucial to prioritize your mental well-being.

This Christmas, consider giving yourself the most precious gift of all: the gift of self-care. Amidst the hustle and bustle, take a moment to acknowledge your emotions and recognize that it’s okay not to feel festive all the time. By fostering a mindful approach to your mental health during the holiday season, you can create a space for healing and self-discovery.

Join us on a journey to explore the importance of Christmas mental health, how to navigate the complexities of the season, and why gifting yourself moments of self-care can be the most meaningful present you unwrap this year.

In a celebration of diversity and inclusivity, Disability UK proudly presents a curated selection of products for your Christmas shopping list.

From bespoke artisanal goods to cutting-edge tech innovations, each item on our list represents not just a thoughtful gift for your loved ones but also an opportunity to contribute to a more inclusive and accessible world.

This Christmas, let’s celebrate the entrepreneurial spirit that knows no bounds, proving that innovation and talent flourish regardless of physical abilities. Join us in creating a holiday season that goes beyond the ordinary, filled with gifts that make a difference and bring smiles to both the recipient and the visionary individuals behind these remarkable products.

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DWP Confirms a 6.7% Rise in PIP and DLA

Disabilities are Physical, Mental & Invisible

DWP Confirms 6.7% Rise in PIP, Attendance Allowance, and DLA Rates from April

The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) has just announced and confirmed a significant increase of 6.7% in the rates for Personal Independence Payment (PIP), Attendance Allowance, and Disability Living Allowance (DLA) set to take effect from April. This news comes as a welcome relief for thousands of individuals across the UK who rely on these crucial financial aids to support their daily lives.

  • Personal Independence Payment (PIP) Increase: PIP is a vital financial support system designed to assist individuals with disabilities or long-term health conditions. The 6.7% rise in PIP rates is a reflection of the government’s commitment to providing fair and adequate support for those who need it most. This increase acknowledges the rising costs of living and aims to ensure that individuals receiving PIP can maintain their independence and cover essential expenses.
  • Attendance Allowance Boost: Attendance Allowance is a financial support system for individuals aged 65 and over who require assistance with personal care due to a disability or health condition. The confirmed 6.7% rise in Attendance Allowance rates demonstrates the government’s recognition of the specific challenges faced by elderly individuals and their increased need for support as they age. This boost will contribute to enhancing the quality of life for older citizens who rely on Attendance Allowance.
  • Disability Living Allowance (DLA) Adjustment: DLA is a benefit that provides financial support for children under 16 who have additional care or mobility needs due to a disability. The 6.7% increase in DLA rates reaffirms the government’s commitment to ensuring that families with disabled children receive the necessary support. This adjustment takes into account the unique challenges faced by families caring for children with disabilities and aims to alleviate the financial pressures associated with their care.

Impact on Recipients:

The rise in PIP, Attendance Allowance, and DLA rates will undoubtedly have a positive impact on the lives of those who depend on these benefits. It will provide recipients with increased financial security, allowing them to meet the rising costs of living, access necessary care and support, and participate more fully in their communities. This adjustment aligns with the government’s broader commitment to building a more inclusive and supportive society for individuals with disabilities.

Government’s Commitment to Social Inclusion:

The decision to increase PIP, Attendance Allowance, and DLA rates reflects the government’s ongoing dedication to fostering social inclusion and ensuring that individuals with disabilities have the resources they need to lead fulfilling lives. By addressing the financial aspects of disability support, the government is taking a crucial step towards reducing inequality and enhancing the well-being of vulnerable populations.


The confirmation of a 6.7% rise in PIP, Attendance Allowance, and DLA rates from April is a positive development for individuals with disabilities and their families. This adjustment not only recognizes the financial challenges faced by those in need but also underscores the government’s commitment to creating a more equitable and supportive society. As we move forward, it is essential to continue advocating for policies that prioritize the well-being of individuals with disabilities, ensuring that they receive the necessary support to lead independent and fulfilling lives.

Further Reading



If you have had problems with getting personal independence payments (PIP) you should read these articles, there are some useful resources and links to websites.

#pip #personalindependencepayments #dwp #departmentworkandpensions #dla #disabilitylivingallowance #mobilityallowance #attendanceallowance


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How to Use Neuroplasticity to Manifest Your Business Goals 

How to Use Neuroplasticity to Manifest Your Business Goals 

Adaptability and growth are the cornerstones of business success. But did you know your brain holds the key to achieving your most ambitious business goals? The reason for it is neuroplasticity—a fascinating concept that allows us to rewire our brains, fostering adaptability, creativity, and resilience. You can use neuroplasticity to manifest your business goals and make them more than just aspirations. So, let’s see how you can transform your business aspirations into tangible achievements.  

Understanding Neuroplasticity  

In business, challenges and opportunities often walk hand in hand. When you’re starting your business as a disabled person, you’ll face unique hurdles but also amazing possibilities and opportunities; because of that, understanding neuroplasticity becomes not just an advantage but a necessity. 

So, what is neuroplasticity? It refers to the brain’s remarkable ability to reorganize itself by forming new neural connections throughout life. In simple terms, neuroplasticity is like your brain’s ability to learn and adapt. When you learn something new or face a challenge, your brain creates new connections between its cells, allowing you to adjust, improve, and even recover from injuries. 

It’s like upgrading your brain’s software to become better at what you do, and this process continues throughout your life. Understanding neuroplasticity means realizing you can shape your brain’s abilities by practicing, learning, and embracing new experiences. 

For entrepreneurs, this means that how you think, perceive, and adapt to challenges is not fixed but malleable. So, although starting your business as a disabled person may present initial challenges, it also offers numerous benefits, such as enhanced problem-solving skills, creativity, and resilience.  

A woman playing chess. 
Neuroplasticity helps you rewire your mindset.
Image Credit

Setting Clear Business Goals 

When starting a business, particularly one that caters to the needs of individuals with disabilities, having crystal-clear goals is essential. You have to consider various resources as well as funding for your business idea. Investors and funding organizations look for entrepreneurs with a clear vision and a roadmap for achieving it. So, your goals should be SMART. 

SMART goals are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound objectives that provide a clear and structured framework for your business ambitions. When you set SMART goals, your brain responds by engaging in cognitive processes that enhance your problem-solving skills and adaptability. 

The specificity of SMART goals forces your brain to focus on precise outcomes and encourages it to create new neural connections related to those specific tasks. Measurability allows you to track progress, providing a sense of accomplishment that triggers the brain’s reward system. Achievability pushes your brain to explore innovative solutions. Relevance keeps your brain engaged by aligning goals with your business’s overall vision. Finally, time-bound goals create a sense of urgency and prompt your brain to prioritize and adapt efficiently. 

To set effective business goals, break them into smaller, actionable steps, regularly review progress, and adjust them as needed. This approach helps you to use neuroplasticity to manifest your business goals. 

Positive Visualization Techniques 

Visualization is one of the best strategies to use neuroplasticity to manifest your business goals. This technique allows your brain to create new neural pathways by vividly imagining the achievement of your entrepreneurial dreams. Here are some different visualization methods you can use: 

  • Guided Imagery: In guided imagery, you vividly imagine a scenario related to your business success. Picture the details: the sights, sounds, and emotions.  
  • Vision Boards: Create a vision board by collecting images, words, and symbols representing your business aspirations. This visual representation serves as a constant reminder of your goals. 
  • Mental Rehearsal: Like athletes mentally rehearse their performance, visualize your business success in advance. Imagine yourself confidently pitching your product, closing deals, or overcoming challenges. This rehearsal primes your brain for success when faced with real situations.  
  • Positive Self-Talk: Incorporate positive affirmations into your daily routine. Repeating phrases like “I am capable of achieving my business goals” can reshape your neural pathways, increasing self-confidence and resilience.  
  • Gratitude Journaling: Reflect on your business achievements and express gratitude for them. Acknowledging your successes, no matter how small, activates the brain’s reward system, motivating you to pursue more significant accomplishments.  
A woman journaling. 
Gratitude journaling is a good way to use neuroplasticity to manifest your business goals.
 Image Credit

To illustrate visualization effectiveness, consider the story of Number 1 Movers Canada, a moving company that used positive visualization to transform its business. They regularly practiced positive visualization, envisioning seamless moves, satisfied customers, and business expansion. This mental rehearsal significantly boosted team morale and problem-solving abilities. As a result, the company improved customer satisfaction ratings and expanded its operations, becoming a prominent player in the Canadian moving industry. 

Embracing Failure and Learning  

Embracing failure and learning from setbacks is vital to using neuroplasticity for business success. Instead of fearing failures, consider them as stepping stones toward growth. Neuroplasticity allows your brain to adapt, evolve, and overcome obstacles. 

By acknowledging that failures are not dead-ends but opportunities for improvement, you unlock your brain’s potential to rewire and innovate. For example, a tech startup faced initial product glitches but overcame fear, reevaluated its approach, and refined its offerings. They ultimately thrived by incorporating customer feedback and adapting swiftly. So, failure can help you overcome your fears and achieve your business goals. 

Consistent Mindfulness Practices 

Integrating consistent mindfulness practices can be a game-changer for leveraging neuroplasticity to achieve your goals. Mindfulness involves staying present, focused, and non-judgmental in your daily activities. As a result, it fosters a conducive environment for your brain’s adaptability. 

Mindfulness practices enhance your brain’s neuroplasticity by reducing stress and improving cognitive functions. For instance, a business leader faced with mounting pressure and deadlines decided to embrace mindfulness. Daily meditation and mindfulness exercises will reduce stress and sharpen their decision-making skills and creativity. Here are a few techniques you might benefit from: 

  • Morning Meditation: Begin your day with a brief meditation to clear your mind and set a positive tone. 
  • Mindful Breathing: Take short breaks throughout the day to focus on deep, mindful breaths, reducing stress and improving focus. 
  • Walking Meditation: Practice mindfulness while walking, paying attention to each step and your surroundings. 
  • Technology Breaks: Dedicate tech-free moments to recharge and stay present. 
A calming image of the ocean with stones stacked upon each other. 
Meditation and mindfulness help you clear your head and focus. 
Image Credit

Rewire Your Brain for Business Success 

As you may see, with a bit of effort and know-how, you can use neuroplasticity to manifest your business goals. By setting clear and SMART goals, practicing positive visualization, embracing mindfulness, and learning from setbacks, you can reshape your brain’s pathways for success. Nurture your adaptability and watch your entrepreneurial dreams become reality. 

#neuroplasticity #manifestation #goals #journalling #businesssuccess #meditation #gratitude #visualisation #visionboards #hypnosis

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Exploring Time Disparities, Comparative Analysis of Task Completion


Exploring Time Disparities: A Comparative Analysis of Task Completion for Disabled and Able-Bodied Individuals

Diversity and inclusion, it is crucial to examine the various challenges faced by individuals with disabilities. One aspect that often goes unnoticed is the time it takes for disabled individuals to complete tasks compared to their able-bodied counterparts.

The Complexity of Task Completion:

The time it takes to complete a task is influenced by numerous factors, including physical abilities, cognitive functions, environmental considerations, and the availability of assistive technologies. Disabled individuals may face additional hurdles such as mobility issues, pain, fatigue, or the need for adaptive tools, all of which can impact the efficiency of task completion.

Physical and Mobility Challenges:

  • Disabled individuals with mobility impairments may require more time to navigate spaces, access facilities, or travel from one point to another.
  • Daily activities like dressing, bathing, or cooking may take longer due to limited physical dexterity.

Cognitive Considerations:

  • Cognitive disabilities can affect information processing and decision-making, potentially elongating the time needed to comprehend and execute tasks.
  • Individuals with conditions like ADHD or dyslexia might require additional time for reading, understanding instructions, or organizing thoughts.

Environmental Factors:

  • The built environment often poses challenges. For instance, a building without ramps or elevators may significantly slow down a wheelchair user.
  • Lack of accessibility features, such as tactile signage or audio cues, can impede efficient navigation for individuals with visual impairments.

Assistive Technologies:

  • While assistive technologies enhance the independence of disabled individuals, learning to use them and incorporating them into daily tasks may initially increase the time required for completion.
  • Technological advancements continually improve efficiency, but access to these tools can be limited due to factors like cost or awareness.

The Importance of Perspective:

It is essential to approach this discussion without perpetuating stereotypes or making assumptions about the capabilities of disabled individuals. Each person’s experience is unique, and the impact of a disability on task completion varies widely. Furthermore, societal attitudes, workplace accommodations, and the availability of support networks play crucial roles in shaping the experiences of disabled individuals.

Promoting Inclusivity

Education and Awareness:

  • Increased awareness about the diverse nature of disabilities can break down stereotypes and foster empathy.
  • Educational programs and workshops can help promote understanding and inclusivity in both personal and professional settings.

Accessible Environments:

  • Designing environments with universal accessibility in mind can contribute significantly to reducing time disparities.
  • Governments, businesses, and communities should prioritize infrastructure modifications to ensure inclusivity for everyone.

Flexible Work Policies:

  • Employers can implement flexible work policies that accommodate the diverse needs of their workforce, including extra time allowances for certain tasks.
  • Recognizing and valuing the unique skills and perspectives of disabled individuals can contribute to a more inclusive workplace culture.

Navigating the Challenges: The Experience of Disabled Individuals Forced to Work from Home

The advent of remote work has transformed the employment landscape, offering flexibility and accessibility to many. However, for disabled individuals, the shift to working from home has brought both opportunities and unique challenges.

  1. The Promise of Inclusivity: Remote work initially held the promise of greater inclusivity for disabled individuals. The flexibility to work from home could potentially alleviate barriers associated with commuting and navigating physically inaccessible workspaces. Many saw this shift as an opportunity for a more level playing field in the employment arena.
  2. Physical Accessibility Challenges: Despite the potential benefits, the reality for disabled individuals working from home is complex. While the home environment is customizable, it may not always be conducive to the unique needs of individuals with disabilities. Physical accessibility issues persist, and adapting home spaces to accommodate specific mobility aids or ergonomic requirements can be challenging.
  3. Technological Barriers: The digital transformation accompanying remote work has presented its own set of challenges. Disabled individuals may face barriers in accessing or using certain technologies, from video conferencing tools lacking adequate accessibility features to document-sharing platforms that may not be screen-reader friendly. Ensuring that remote work technologies are inclusive is vital for an equitable work environment.
  4. Isolation and Mental Health: Working from home can lead to feelings of isolation and disconnect, and this impact is amplified for disabled individuals. The absence of in-person interactions may exacerbate feelings of loneliness and negatively impact mental health. It is crucial for employers to recognize and address the mental health aspects of remote work for all employees, with a special focus on the unique challenges faced by disabled individuals.
  5. Workplace Accommodations: Traditional workplaces often provide accommodations tailored to the needs of disabled employees. However, remote work may pose challenges in ensuring the continuation of these accommodations. Employers must actively engage with their disabled workforce to identify and implement necessary adjustments, ensuring a seamless transition to remote work without compromising accessibility.
  6. Advocacy and Inclusive Policies: To address the challenges faced by disabled individuals in the remote work landscape, there is a pressing need for advocacy and the implementation of inclusive policies. This includes fostering a culture of understanding, providing training on accessibility, and actively involving disabled employees in decision-making processes related to remote work.
  7. Flexibility and Customization: Recognizing the diverse needs of disabled individuals, employers should embrace flexibility and customization in remote work arrangements. This includes accommodating varied work hours, allowing for breaks when needed, and providing the necessary tools and technologies that cater to individual requirements.

The Unseen Hurdle: Landlords Unwilling to Accept Home-Based Work

The widespread adoption of remote work has ushered in a new era of flexibility and adaptability in the professional landscape. However, for some individuals seeking to work from home, a less visible yet significant obstacle has emerged – landlords unwilling to accept tenants conducting work within the confines of their rented space.

  1. Outdated Lease Agreements: Many lease agreements were crafted long before remote work became a mainstream practice. As a result, the language within these agreements may not account for the realities of a work-from-home lifestyle. Some landlords may interpret their lease terms as prohibiting commercial activities, inadvertently hindering tenants from engaging in remote work.
  2. Concerns Over Increased Wear and Tear: Landlords may express concerns about the potential wear and tear on the property associated with a home-based work setup. Increased foot traffic, the use of office equipment, and alterations to the property to accommodate a home office may be perceived as potential sources of damage, leading some landlords to resist the idea of tenants working from home.
  3. Zoning Restrictions: Zoning regulations in certain areas may restrict or prohibit specific types of commercial activities within residential spaces. Landlords, in an effort to comply with local laws, may resist tenants working from home to avoid potential legal complications or penalties associated with violating zoning regulations.
  4. Noise and Disturbance Concerns: Home-based work often involves regular video calls, conference meetings, and other audible activities. Landlords may worry about potential disturbances caused by increased noise levels, leading them to resist the idea of tenants conducting professional activities within the confines of their rented homes.
  5. Insurance and Liability Issues: Landlords may be concerned about potential liabilities associated with tenants working from home. Issues related to increased utility usage, the installation of office equipment, or potential accidents during work hours may be perceived as risks that landlords are unwilling to shoulder.
  6. Lack of Understanding: A lack of awareness and understanding about the changing nature of work can contribute to landlords being resistant to the idea of tenants working from home. Educating landlords about the prevalence of remote work and its benefits can be crucial in fostering a more receptive attitude.
  7. Negotiation Challenges: Tenants encountering resistance from landlords may face challenges in negotiating lease terms that accommodate remote work. Striking a balance between the needs of the tenant and the concerns of the landlord requires effective communication and a willingness to find mutually beneficial solutions.

The Perils of Compulsory Work Return for Disabled Individuals: Mental Health Risks and Discrimination Concerns

In the push for economic recovery and the normalization of workplace activities, the call to return to in-person work has grown louder. However, for disabled individuals, the prospect of being forced back into traditional work settings poses significant risks, ranging from mental health challenges to potential discrimination.

  1. Mental Health Implications: Disabled individuals may face unique mental health challenges that can be exacerbated by a return to the traditional workplace. The stress of commuting, navigating physically inaccessible environments, and conforming to rigid work schedules can contribute to heightened anxiety and depression, particularly for those with conditions that are sensitive to environmental stressors.
  2. Impact on Productivity and Well-Being: The push for a return to in-person work may lead to decreased productivity and diminished overall well-being for disabled individuals. The disruptions caused by transitioning from a home-based work environment, where accommodations are often tailored to individual needs, to a less flexible and potentially less accommodating workplace can significantly affect performance and job satisfaction.
  3. Disability Discrimination: Forcing disabled individuals back into a traditional office setting without considering their unique needs can be tantamount to disability discrimination. The failure to provide reasonable accommodations, such as accessible workspaces, flexible schedules, or assistive technologies, may infringe upon the rights of disabled employees and create a hostile work environment. Furthermore, employers may find disabled people at high risk and pose health and safety problems.
  4. Physical Barriers and Health Risks: Traditional workplaces may pose physical barriers that can compromise the health and safety of disabled individuals. From inaccessible facilities to crowded public transportation, returning to an in-person work environment may expose disabled individuals to heightened health risks, further contributing to stress and anxiety.
  5. Lack of Flexibility: Many disabled individuals require flexible work arrangements to manage their health effectively. The rigid structures of in-person work may not align with the diverse needs of disabled employees, leading to increased challenges in maintaining work-life balance and overall well-being.
  6. Strain on Support Systems: Disabled individuals often rely on support systems, whether it be personal caregivers or adaptive technologies, to navigate their daily lives. A return to the traditional workplace may strain these support systems, potentially hindering the ability of disabled individuals to perform their job responsibilities effectively.
  7. Legal and Ethical Considerations: Forcing disabled individuals back into the workplace without due consideration for their unique needs may have legal implications. Employers are obligated under various disability discrimination laws to provide reasonable accommodations, and failing to do so can result in legal consequences and damage to the employer’s reputation.
  8. Technological Barriers: While technology has facilitated remote work, it also presents a range of barriers for disabled individuals. The lack of accessibility features in certain platforms and tools can hinder their ability to fully engage in virtual meetings, collaborate on digital documents, or navigate online workspaces. Ensuring that remote work technologies are inclusive is crucial for breaking down these initial barriers.
  9. Home Workspace Adaptation: Creating an accessible home workspace can be a challenge for disabled individuals. Mobility constraints may require adjustments such as ergonomic furniture, accessible computer setups, or the installation of assistive technologies—all of which may come with associated costs. Not everyone has the financial means to create an ideal home office environment.
  10. Isolation and Mental Health: Remote work, while providing flexibility, can lead to increased feelings of isolation and loneliness, particularly for disabled individuals who may already face challenges in socializing. The absence of in-person interactions can impact mental health, emphasizing the need for employers to foster a supportive virtual work culture and encourage regular communication.
  11. Flexibility and Work-Life Balance: While remote work is often praised for its flexibility, disabled individuals may face challenges in establishing a clear boundary between work and personal life. The blurred lines between home and office can make it difficult to maintain a healthy work-life balance, potentially leading to burnout and increased stress.
  12. Communication and Collaboration: Remote work heavily relies on digital communication and collaboration tools, but these may not always cater to the diverse communication needs of disabled individuals. Hearing-impaired individuals, for example, may struggle with virtual meetings that lack real-time captioning. Employers must be attentive to these communication challenges and provide alternative solutions.
  13. Inclusive Policies and Accommodations: Establishing inclusive policies and providing necessary accommodations is essential for ensuring that remote work is accessible to all. Employers must actively engage with disabled employees to understand their specific needs and implement accommodations, such as flexible schedules, alternative communication methods, or customized assistive technologies.
  14. Access to Professional Development: Remote work can sometimes limit access to professional development opportunities that typically occur in a physical office setting. Disabled individuals may miss out on networking events, mentorship programs, or informal learning opportunities. Employers should actively seek ways to replicate these experiences in a virtual environment to ensure equitable professional growth for all employees.


Recognizing and addressing the time disparities between disabled and able-bodied individuals is a crucial step toward building a more inclusive society. By understanding the multifaceted nature of these challenges and actively working to eliminate barriers, we can create environments that empower all individuals to participate fully in every aspect of life. Through education, awareness, and thoughtful policies, we can foster a world where task completion is a matter of capability rather than a reflection of one’s physical or cognitive differences.

Disabled individuals forced to work from home face a unique set of challenges including landlords’ terms and conditions, that demand thoughtful consideration and proactive solutions. By fostering an inclusive and accommodating work environment, employers can contribute to a more equitable future where disabled individuals can thrive professionally, regardless of their physical or cognitive differences.

The reluctance of some landlords to accept tenants working from home highlights an often-overlooked dimension of the evolving work environment. As remote work continues to shape the way we live and work, it is essential for landlords, tenants, and policymakers to engage in open dialogue, update lease agreements where necessary, and foster an environment that accommodates the changing nature of work. Finding common ground is key to ensuring that individuals can pursue their professional aspirations without unnecessary barriers in the place they call home.

Compelling disabled individuals to return to traditional work settings without thoughtful consideration for their unique circumstances can lead to severe mental health complications and may amount to disability discrimination. It is essential for employers and policymakers to prioritize inclusivity, flexibility, and reasonable accommodations to ensure that all individuals, regardless of their abilities, can contribute to the workforce in a manner that promotes both professional success and personal well-being.

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Further Reading

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If You Can’t Find A Job, Start A Business

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In This Article:

  • If you can’t find a job, start a business
  • List of jobs you can do working from home being abled or disabled.
  • Things You Should Do to Start a Business
  • Further Reading
  • Conclusion
  • Contact Us

If you can’t find a job, start a business.

As the UK faces the impending challenges of sanctions, the traditional notions of employment are evolving, pushing individuals to seek alternative avenues for financial stability. The back-to-work policies, coupled with the uncertainties of finding conventional employment, have spurred a growing movement toward entrepreneurship. In these times of flux, the age-old adage takes on renewed significance: if you can’t find work, consider starting a business. This shift in perspective is not just a response to economic pressures but an opportunity for individuals to carve their paths, take control of their destinies, and contribute to economic resilience.

In the face of economic uncertainties and the looming impact of UK sanctions, the prospect of entrepreneurship has become a beacon of hope for those navigating the challenging job market. As the desire to start a business gains momentum, platforms like www.ukwebsitedesigners.co.uk emerge as invaluable allies, offering an all-in-one business in a box and extending a helping hand to those ready to embark on their entrepreneurial journey.

The All-in-One Business in a Box:

www.ukwebsitedesigners.co.uk understands that starting a business can be a daunting task, especially for those transitioning from conventional employment or venturing into entrepreneurship for the first time. Positioned as an all-in-one business solution, this sister site aims to simplify the complex process of launching and establishing a business.

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Establishing a brand identity is key to standing out in a competitive market. The site offers services for branding and logo design, ensuring that your business is visually distinctive and leaves a lasting impression on your target audience.

Digital Marketing Support:

Navigating the digital landscape can be overwhelming. The platform extends support in digital marketing, helping you create effective strategies to reach your audience through channels like social media, search engine optimization (SEO), and email marketing.

A Helping Hand to Start You Off:

Starting a business involves more than just setting up a website. It requires guidance, support, and a community that understands the challenges of entrepreneurship. www.ukwebsitedesigners.co.uk goes beyond providing services; it offers a helping hand to guide you through the initial phases of your business venture.

Consultative Approach:

The platform employs a consultative approach, understanding your business goals, and tailoring solutions to meet your unique needs. This personalized touch ensures that your business is set up for success from the start.

Educational Resources:

Recognizing that knowledge is a powerful tool, the platform provides educational resources to empower entrepreneurs. From articles on business strategies to guides on effective digital marketing, www.ukwebsitedesigners.co.uk equips you with the insights needed to make informed decisions.

Community Support:

Entrepreneurship can be a solitary journey, but it doesn’t have to be. The platform fosters a sense of community among its users, facilitating networking opportunities and the exchange of ideas. Connecting with like-minded individuals can be instrumental in overcoming challenges and celebrating successes.

In the face of economic uncertainties and shifting employment landscapes, www.ukwebsitedesigners.co.uk emerges as more than a service provider; it becomes a partner in your entrepreneurial journey. By offering an all-in-one business in a box and a helping hand to guide you through the initial stages, this sister site positions itself as a valuable resource for those ready to turn their business dreams into reality.

Embracing Entrepreneurship:

In a world where job markets can be competitive and opportunities elusive, the prospect of unemployment can be disheartening. However, rather than succumbing to the frustration of job hunting, there’s another avenue worth exploring entrepreneurship. Starting a business can be a transformative journey that not only provides financial independence but also allows individuals to pursue their passions and contribute to their communities. In this article, we’ll explore the benefits of starting a business when traditional employment seems out of reach.

Unleashing Creativity and Passion:

One of the most significant advantages of entrepreneurship is the opportunity to turn your passions and interests into a livelihood. When traditional job opportunities are scarce, starting a business allows you to create your path, turning a hobby or skill into a profitable venture. Whether it’s crafting handmade goods, providing a unique service, or developing innovative products, entrepreneurship empowers individuals to unleash their creativity in ways that traditional employment might not.

Taking Control of Your Destiny:

Finding a job often means navigating through a sea of applications and interviews, leaving much of your fate in the hands of others. In contrast, starting a business gives you control over your destiny. You become the decision-maker, shaping the direction of your enterprise and taking responsibility for its success. This autonomy can be incredibly empowering, fostering a sense of achievement and self-worth that may be elusive in the job market.

Building Transferable Skills:

Entrepreneurship is a crash course in various skills that extend beyond the realm of business. From marketing and finance to customer service and problem-solving, starting and running a business exposes you to a wide range of experiences. These skills are not only valuable for your business but are also highly transferable and can enhance your marketability in the long run, should you decide to return to traditional employment.

Creating Job Opportunities for Others:

When you start a business, you not only create a job for yourself but also have the potential to provide employment opportunities for others. Small businesses are the backbone of many economies, and by establishing your enterprise, you contribute to job creation, helping to stimulate economic growth in your community. This sense of giving back can be a powerful motivator and a source of personal fulfillment.

Adapting to Economic Changes:

The job market can be volatile, subject to economic downturns and industry shifts. In contrast, a well-established and adaptable business can weather these changes more effectively. By starting a business, you position yourself to adapt to economic fluctuations, diversify revenue streams, and pivot your offerings to meet emerging needs – a level of resilience that can be challenging to achieve in the corporate world.

While the job market may present challenges, it’s crucial to view these challenges as opportunities for growth and innovation. Starting a business, whether out of necessity or a desire for independence, can be a fulfilling and rewarding endeavor. The journey of entrepreneurship is not without its difficulties, but the lessons learned, and the satisfaction gained from building something of your own are invaluable. So, if you find yourself unable to secure traditional employment, consider taking the plunge into entrepreneurship – it might just be the key to unlocking your full potential.

List of jobs you can do working from home being abled or disabled.

Working from home offers a valuable option for individuals with disabilities, allowing them to participate in the workforce without the constraints of a traditional office environment. Here is a list of jobs that can be done remotely and are well-suited for individuals with disabilities:

  1. Freelance Writing: Content creation, blogging, and freelance writing can be done from the comfort of home.
  2. Graphic Design: Designing graphics, logos, and visual content for clients remotely.
  3. Web Development/Design: Creating and designing websites for clients from a home office.
  4. Virtual Assistance: Administrative tasks, scheduling, and email management for clients can be performed remotely.
  5. Online Tutoring: Teaching or tutoring various subjects online.
  6. Social Media Management: Managing social media accounts, creating content, and engaging with audiences remotely.
  7. Customer Service Representative: Handling customer inquiries and support through online platforms or over the phone.
  8. Transcription Services: Transcribing audio or video content into written form from home.
  9. Data Entry: Entering data, updating databases, and related tasks that can be done remotely.
  10. Virtual Accounting/Bookkeeping: Managing financial records and accounting tasks for clients from a home office.
  11. Online Counselling/Psychology Services: Providing counselling or therapy services through online platforms.
  12. Digital Marketing: Managing digital marketing campaigns, SEO, and online advertising remotely.
  13. E-commerce: Running an online store or selling products through e-commerce platforms.
  14. Online Survey Taker/Market Researcher: Participating in online surveys or conducting market research from home.
  15. Freelance Photography/Videography: Selling stock photos or offering freelance photography and videography services online. (Set up a studio in your home). Offer product photography to businesses.
  16. Online Health and Fitness Coaching: Providing fitness training, wellness coaching, or nutritional advice through virtual platforms.
  17. Remote Computer Support: Providing technical support and troubleshooting for computer-related issues from home. (People can drop off their computers)
  18. Accessibility Consulting: Offering consulting services to help companies improve digital accessibility.
  19. Online Retail: Selling handmade or unique products through platforms like Etsy.
  20. Software Testing/QA: Testing software applications for bugs and providing quality assurance remotely.
  21. Closed Captioning/Subtitling Services: Adding captions or subtitles to videos for accessibility.
  22. Online Language Translation: Providing language translation services online.
  23. Stock Trading/Investing: Engaging in stock trading and investment activities from home.
  24. Remote IT Support: Providing IT support services remotely for individuals or businesses.
  25. Accessibility Testing: Testing websites and applications for accessibility compliance.
  26. DIY Home Improvement Consultation: Providing advice and consultation on DIY home improvement projects.
  27. Virtual Reality (VR) Content Creation: Creating immersive experiences through virtual reality technology.
  28. Online Cooking Classes: Teaching cooking skills and techniques through virtual platforms.
  29. Baking and Cake Decorating: Offering custom cake and baked goods services.
  30. Pottery and Ceramics: Creating and selling handmade pottery items.
  31. Freelance Photography: Selling stock photos or offering photography services online.
  32. Virtual Event Planning: Planning and coordinating events through online platforms.
  33. Handmade Jewellery Crafting: Designing and selling handmade jewelry online.
  34. Freelance Illustration: Creating digital or traditional illustrations for clients.
  35. Customized Gift Creation: Offering personalized and custom-made gifts.
  36. E-book Author: Writing and self-publishing e-books on various topics.
  37. Online Music Lessons: Teaching music lessons or instrument tutorials through virtual platforms.
  38. Clothing Alterations/Design: Providing sewing and clothing design services online.
  39. Knitting/Crocheting/Embroidery: Knit, crochet or embroider custom clothes to order.
  40. Homemade Candle Making: Creating and selling handmade candles.
  41. Freelance Editing/Proofreading: Editing written content for clients.
  42. Virtual Interior Design: Providing virtual interior design services for clients.
  43. Online Art Classes: Teaching drawing, painting, or other art forms through virtual platforms.
  44. Gourmet Cooking Classes: Offering specialized cooking classes for gourmet or unique cuisines.
  45. Glass & Mosaic Art: Create Tiffany-style art and windows.
  46. Online Craft Workshops: Teaching various crafts through virtual workshops.
  47. Sell Your Art: Paint, Draw to Order. You could paint supercars or landscapes, you could paint realism art.
  48. Virtual Language Tutoring: Teaching language skills to individuals online.
  49. Bespoke Stationery Design: Designing custom stationery and invitations.
  50. T-shirt Business: Sell your custom-designed print t-shirts on demand.

There are plenty more ideas from bonsai art (real and artificial to woodwork and metalwork. You are only limited by your imagination.

When exploring remote job opportunities, individuals with disabilities need to consider their unique skills, interests, and any accommodations they may need. Many organizations are actively promoting inclusive remote work environments, providing a range of opportunities for diverse talents. Additionally, freelance platforms and remote job boards can be valuable resources for finding suitable opportunities.

Working from home has its upsides, however, if you are renting you must first get permission from your landlord, especially if you are running a physical business.

If your business is online and your landlord refuses you to use his/her address for Google, and Bing Pages, and Classified Ads you may have a reason to claim damages because he/she cannot have the cake and eat it, (how does a landlord expect you to pay the rent if you cannot earn money)? You also cannot be listed in the Business Wales Directory without a physical address.

Most search engines will suspend your listing if they find you are using a virtual address which you can buy for ££ per month.

Becoming self-employed can be daunting and some people do not want to go out of their comfort zones. As Rob Moore would say “If you don’t risk anything, you risk everything”.

Starting a business involves a series of strategic steps to ensure a strong foundation and long-term success. Here’s a comprehensive list of things you need to do to start a business:

Things You Should Do to Start a Business

  1. Research and Planning: Market Research: Identify your target market and assess the demand for your product or service.
  2. Business Plan: Develop a comprehensive business plan outlining your goals, target audience, competition analysis, and financial projections.
  3. Legal Structure and Registration: Contact HMRC and inform them you have started a business and let DWP know also. You will have to do a self-assessment once a year. Your housing benefit will not stop but you will have to provide evidence of your earnings. You may also be entitled to working tax credits (soon to be Universal Credits (UC)).
  4. Choose a Legal Structure: Decide on the legal structure of your business (sole proprietorship, partnership, LLC, corporation) based on your goals and circumstances.
  5. Register Your Business: Register your business name and structure with the appropriate government authorities.
  6. Finances: Create a Budget, Outline your startup costs, operational expenses, and projected revenue.
  7. Open a Business Bank Account: Keep your business finances separate from personal finances.
  8. Secure Funding: Explore funding options, such as personal savings, loans, investors, or grants.
  9. Brand Development: Choose a Business Name, Select a memorable and unique name for your business. Secure your domain name.
  10. Design a Logo: Create a distinctive and professional logo to represent your brand.
  11. Legal and Regulatory Compliance: Obtain Necessary Permits and Licenses. Check local regulations and obtain the required permits and licenses.
  12. Tax ID and Registration: Obtain a tax identification number and register for relevant taxes. This is normally your national insurance number if you are in the UK, if you are in the US you need to contact the IRS. If you wish to be VAT registered, you must earn over a certain amount before you can do this.
  13. Business Location and Setup: Choose a Location, select a physical location for your business, or establish a virtual presence.
  14. Set Up Your Workspace: Arrange the necessary equipment and infrastructure.
  15. Technology and Systems: Set Up Technology, and establish a website, email, and other essential technologies for your business.
  16. Implement Systems: Put in place operational systems for efficiency.
  17. Insurance: Get Business Insurance, consider insurance options to protect your business from potential risks.
  18. Hire and Train: Recruitment, hire necessary staff or partners. Training, provide training to ensure everyone is aligned with your business goals. (You could outsource your work, that way you are not tied down to paying wages).
  19. Marketing and Branding: Develop a Marketing Strategy and create a plan for promoting your business.
  20. Build an Online Presence: Network and utilize social media platforms, by joining groups and pages. Create your matching brand business page.
  21. Accounting and Bookkeeping: Set Up Accounting Systems, implement accounting software, or hire an accountant.
  22. Financial Tracking: Establish a system for tracking income and expenses.
  23. Customer Relationship Management (CRM): Choose a CRM System and implement a CRM system to manage customer interactions and relationships.
  24. Networking and Partnerships: LinkedIn is a great place to start and invite people to connect with you. Attend industry events and build a network of contacts. Partnerships, explore potential partnerships that could benefit your business.
  25. Launch: Plan and Execute a Launch Strategy, create a launch plan to introduce your business to the market.
  26. Evaluate and Adapt: Continuous Improvement, regularly evaluate your business performance and adapt strategies accordingly.

Further Reading




Starting a business is a multifaceted process that requires careful consideration of various aspects. While this list provides a comprehensive guide, each business is unique, and adjustments may be necessary based on your specific industry, goals, and market conditions. With this in mind and with the help of our sister site, we can give you a head start, we will guide you every step of the way, so you do not have to feel you are going alone. https://disabledentrepreneur.uk/helping-people-follow-their-dream/

**If you are afraid of being sanctioned, take the bull by the horns and start a business today. We will walk you through it. Take this opportunity and take the time to shine.

We will give you a head start:

  1. Free Mentorship
  2. Free Business Templates (Business Plan Template)
  3. Set up all Social Media Pages For Free To Match Branding
  4. Free Landing Page (worth £120)
  5. Free e-Commerce Website Design and Development (free hosting for the first 3 months worth £450) – (based on a 12-month contract).
  6. Free Domain Name (priceless)
  7. Free Logo Design
  8. Free Email Addresses
  9. Free Marketing & Advertising (for 12 months worth £1,560)
  10. Free Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)
  11. Free Social Media Management (inclusive of point no 3 & 10)
  12. Free Resources & Tools

Contact Us Today!


We offer website design, digital marketing, SEO, content writing, social media management, branding, logo design, and advertising services.

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Blue Butterfly Logo

Why The Disabled Should Start Businesses

Health Content Writing Banner Ad

Empowering Disabled Entrepreneurs: Breaking Barriers and Beating Sanctions

Entrepreneurship has long been heralded as a pathway to financial independence and empowerment. For disabled individuals, starting their businesses not only offers economic freedom but also provides a platform to overcome the challenges posed by sanctions. In the face of adversity, disabled entrepreneurs can leverage their unique perspectives and abilities to create successful ventures that defy limitations.

  1. Inclusive Entrepreneurship: Starting a business allows disabled individuals to create an inclusive work environment tailored to their specific needs. This inclusivity not only fosters a sense of belonging but also maximizes productivity by accommodating diverse abilities. By embracing adaptive technologies and flexible work arrangements, disabled entrepreneurs can build a workforce that thrives on diversity.
  2. Flexible Work Schedules: Entrepreneurship provides the flexibility needed for disabled individuals to manage their work schedules according to their health and personal needs. Unlike traditional employment, where rigid schedules may be challenging for those with disabilities, owning a business allows for customizing work hours and routines. This flexibility can significantly contribute to improved work-life balance and overall well-being.
  3. Leveraging Assistive Technologies: Advancements in assistive technologies have made it easier for disabled individuals to engage in various business activities. From voice recognition software to adaptive keyboards, these tools empower entrepreneurs to overcome physical limitations and efficiently manage their enterprises. Embracing these technologies can lead to increased productivity and competitiveness in the market.
  4. Unique Perspectives and Innovations: Disabled entrepreneurs bring a unique perspective to the business world. Their experiences often lead to innovative solutions that cater to a broader market. By tapping into their challenges and finding solutions, disabled business owners can create products and services that not only address their needs but also resonate with a larger audience.
  5. Community Support and Advocacy: Starting a business can provide disabled individuals with a platform to advocate for their community. Through their ventures, entrepreneurs can raise awareness about the challenges faced by people with disabilities and advocate for more inclusive policies. By becoming successful business owners, they can serve as role models, inspiring others to pursue their entrepreneurial dreams.
  6. Economic Independence: In regions affected by sanctions, disabled entrepreneurs can use their businesses as a means of achieving economic independence. By establishing ventures that are resilient to external economic pressures, they contribute to the economic growth of their communities and countries. This economic empowerment is a powerful tool for overcoming the adverse effects of sanctions.

The Government’s Back to Work Policy and Entrepreneurship Opportunities for All

Governments worldwide have been exploring strategies to rejuvenate their economies and bring people back into the workforce. One such initiative gaining momentum is the “Back to Work” policy, a multifaceted approach aimed at encouraging employment and entrepreneurial endeavors. This policy not only benefits the general population but also holds significant promise for marginalized groups, including people with disabilities.

Creating Opportunities for All

The back-to-work policy is designed to stimulate economic growth by incentivizing individuals to re-enter the job market or explore entrepreneurial ventures. For people with disabilities, this policy can be a game-changer. Often faced with barriers in traditional employment settings, individuals with disabilities can find new avenues for self-sufficiency and empowerment through entrepreneurship.

  1. Flexible Work Arrangements: One of the key components of the back-to-work policy is the promotion of flexible work arrangements. This not only accommodates individuals with disabilities who may require adaptive schedules but also creates an environment where diverse talents can thrive. Entrepreneurs, especially those with disabilities, can tailor their work settings to meet their unique needs, fostering a more inclusive and accommodating business landscape.
  2. Financial Incentives and Support: Governments are offering financial incentives and support to individuals who embark on entrepreneurial journeys. This can be particularly advantageous for people with disabilities, who may face additional financial challenges related to adaptive technologies or specialized equipment. The provision of grants, low-interest loans, and tax breaks can alleviate some of these barriers, making entrepreneurship a viable option for a broader range of individuals.
  3. Skill Development Programs: The back-to-work policy often includes initiatives for skill development and training. These programs are crucial for individuals with disabilities who may need to acquire new skills to enter the entrepreneurial arena. By investing in education and training, governments can empower people with disabilities to start and manage their businesses successfully.
  4. Promoting Inclusive Business Practices: Governments are increasingly recognizing the importance of promoting inclusive business practices. Entrepreneurs are encouraged to create workplaces that accommodate individuals with disabilities, fostering a culture of diversity and acceptance. This not only enhances the overall business environment but also sets a precedent for inclusivity across various industries.
  5. Access to Mentorship and Networking: The back-to-work policy often includes provisions for mentorship and networking opportunities. For individuals with disabilities, having access to experienced mentors and a supportive business network can be instrumental in overcoming challenges and achieving success in entrepreneurship.

The government’s back-to-work policy is a progressive step toward revitalizing economies and creating a more inclusive and diverse workforce. By specifically addressing the needs of individuals with disabilities and fostering entrepreneurship, governments can empower a segment of the population that may have been traditionally overlooked. Through flexible work arrangements, financial incentives, skill development programs, and a commitment to inclusive practices, the back-to-work policy sets the stage for a more accessible and equitable business landscape. As we move forward, it is essential to continue refining and expanding these policies to ensure that entrepreneurship becomes a viable and attractive option for people of all abilities.


Disabled individuals face unique challenges, but entrepreneurship offers a pathway to overcoming these obstacles and beating the constraints imposed by sanctions. By fostering inclusivity, leveraging assistive technologies, and embracing their unique perspectives, disabled entrepreneurs can build successful businesses that not only contribute to their personal growth but also create positive impacts on their communities and society at large. As disabled individuals step into the world of entrepreneurship, they have the opportunity to redefine the narrative, inspire others, and pave the way for a more inclusive and accessible business landscape.

For people worried their benefits will stop if they start working self-employed, you will still be entitled to tax credits (changing to universal credits by 2024), housing benefits, and PIP if you meet the criteria. You will have to register yourself as self-employed with HMRC and do self-assessment tax returns every year.

If book-keeping is daunting there are many free resources online or we can send you a template to use if you reach out to us free of charge.

Starting your own business today will stop all the job hunting face-to-face meetings and will allow you to prosper.

If you need any free advice we are only a message away.

Further Reading:

#backtoworkpolicy #backtowork #sanctions #univeralcredit #taxcredits #selfemployment #disabledentrepreneurs #disabledentreneur #disabilityuk


Be Aware of Copyright Trolls: Safeguard Your Content with Picdefence.io

Emotional Distress – Litigation – Copyright Infringement

Be Aware of Copyright Trolls: Safeguard Your Content with Picdefence.io

Content creation and distribution have become easier than ever. However, with the convenience of sharing information online comes the risk of copyright infringement and the rise of copyright trolls. These individuals or entities aggressively pursue alleged copyright violations, often through automated tools that scan the internet for potentially infringing content.

To protect your website from copyright trolls and ensure that your content remains secure, it’s crucial to be proactive and vigilant. One effective way to stay ahead of the game is by utilizing tools like picdefence.io, an app designed to scan your site in bulk for potential copyright infringements.

Understanding the Threat of Copyright Trolls

Copyright trolls are entities that exploit copyright laws for financial gain. They typically target website owners and content creators, sending legal threats and demanding settlement payments for alleged copyright infringements. These trolls often use automated systems to scan the internet for images and content that may violate copyright laws.

As a website owner, it’s essential to be aware of the potential risks and take proactive measures to protect your content and your business.

The Role of Picdefence.io in Bulk Scanning

Picdefence.io is a powerful tool that can help you proactively scan your website for potential copyright infringements. This app allows you to perform bulk scans, checking multiple pages and images simultaneously. By leveraging advanced algorithms, picdefence.io identifies images that may be subject to copyright claims, helping you take prompt action to address any issues.

The bulk scanning feature of picdefence.io is particularly useful for website owners with extensive content libraries. Instead of manually checking each image, which can be time-consuming and impractical, you can use picdefence.io to streamline the process and identify potential copyright violations efficiently.

Verifying Hyperlinks: A Crucial Step in Copyright Protection

While picdefence.io can help identify potential copyright infringements related to images, it’s equally important to check the hyperlinks on your website. Copyright trolls may exploit broken or inactive links to target website owners, claiming that the content linked to them was unauthorized.

Regularly check the hyperlinks on your site to ensure they are active and live on search engines. This proactive approach can help you identify and rectify any broken links before copyright trolls have the chance to exploit them.

How to Use Picdefence.io for Bulk Scanning

Using picdefence.io is a straightforward process:

  1. Sign up for an account: Create an account on the picdefence.io platform.
  2. Upload your content: Bulk uploads your images or provide the URLs of the pages you want to scan.
  3. Initiate the scan: Start the scanning process and let picdefence.io analyze your content.
  4. Review the results: Examine the scan results and identify potential copyright infringements.
  5. Take action: If any issues are detected, take prompt action to address them, whether it involves removing the content, obtaining proper licenses, or seeking legal advice.

Is Copyright Trolling Unethical and Illegal

The practice of copyright trolling is often considered unethical, and it can sometimes involve legal strategies that are controversial. Copyright trolling typically refers to the aggressive enforcement of copyright claims for financial gain rather than a genuine interest in protecting intellectual property rights.

Here are some reasons why copyright trolling is often viewed as unethical:

  1. Abuse of Legal System: Copyright trolls often send mass notices alleging copyright infringement without thoroughly investigating the circumstances. This can lead to the abuse of the legal system and result in unjust claims against individuals or businesses.
  2. Extortionate Tactics: In some cases, copyright trolls use the threat of legal action and the potential for hefty fines to coerce individuals or businesses into settling, even if the claims may lack merit. This can be seen as a form of extortion.
  3. Lack of Genuine Interest in Protection: Copyright trolls are typically not interested in protecting the integrity of creative works; instead, they focus on exploiting legal mechanisms to generate revenue through settlements.
  4. Automated Scanning and False Positives: Copyright trolls often use automated tools to scan the internet for potential infringements. This can lead to false positives, where legitimate uses of copyrighted material are flagged as infringements.

While copyright trolling may be considered unethical, its legality can vary depending on the jurisdiction and the specific actions taken by copyright trolls. In some cases, the legal system has intervened to curb abusive practices associated with copyright trolling.

However, it’s important to note that legitimate copyright enforcement, where creators or rights holders seek to protect their intellectual property, is a lawful and necessary aspect of intellectual property rights. The key distinction lies in the intent and methods employed. Legitimate copyright enforcement aims to protect creative works and maintain the rights granted to the copyright holder without engaging in exploitative or predatory practices.

As laws surrounding copyright and intellectual property can be complex and subject to change, seeking legal advice is advisable for anyone facing copyright claims or considering legal action in response to alleged infringement.

Understanding the Importance of Backlinking Images to the Source

In the dynamic landscape of digital content, the ethical use and proper attribution of images are integral aspects of responsible content creation. Backlinking images to their sources not only demonstrates a commitment to respecting intellectual property rights but also enhances transparency and credibility. In this article, we’ll delve into the significance of backlinking images and explore how this practice contributes to a more ethical and informed online environment.

Acknowledging the Source: A Mark of Respect

When you include images in your content, it’s crucial to recognize and acknowledge the original creators or rights holders. Backlinking an image to its source is a simple yet effective way to provide proper attribution. This not only shows respect for the work of others but also allows your audience to explore more content from the creators, fostering a sense of collaboration within the digital community.

Building Credibility and Trust

Credibility is a currency in the digital realm, and users are increasingly discerning about the sources of information they consume. When you backlink images to their sources, you add a layer of transparency to your content. This transparency, in turn, builds trust with your audience. By openly sharing where you’ve obtained images, you showcase a commitment to authenticity and responsible content practices.

Avoiding Copyright Issues

Backlinking images to their sources helps mitigate the risk of copyright infringement. It serves as evidence that you are not claiming ownership of the images and that you are providing proper attribution. In cases where images are licensed under specific terms, adhering to those terms and including appropriate backlinks ensures compliance and protects you from potential legal issues related to unauthorized use.

Enhancing User Experience

Incorporating backlinks to image sources contributes to a richer user experience. Interested readers can easily navigate to the original content, gaining access to additional context, related information, or more work from the creator. This creates a more engaging and informative experience for your audience, fostering a positive perception of your content.

How to Backlink Images to the Source

  1. Obtain the Image URL: Ensure you have the direct URL of the image you want to use.
  2. Create the Backlink: Use the following markdown code to backlink the image to its source. markdown Copy code[![Alt text](image-url)](source-url) Replace “Alt text” with a brief description of the image, “image-url” with the URL of the image, and “source-url” with the URL of the image source. For example:markdown Copy code[![Sunset Over Mountains](http://www.example.com/sunset-image.jpg)](http://www.photographer-portfolio.com)
  3. Test the Link: Before publishing your content, test the link to ensure it directs users to the intended source.

By consistently backlinking images to their sources, you contribute to a culture of ethical content sharing, support the creative community, and demonstrate a commitment to responsible digital practices. As the digital landscape continues to evolve, the importance of transparent and ethical content creation becomes increasingly pronounced, making backlinking an invaluable practice for creators and consumers alike.


For online content, protecting your intellectual property is paramount. Copyright trolls pose a real threat to website owners and content creators, making it essential to stay vigilant and proactive. By incorporating tools like picdefence.io into your content management strategy and regularly checking the hyperlinks on your site, you can significantly reduce the risk of falling victim to copyright trolls.

Remember, being aware of the potential risks and taking proactive measures are key to safeguarding your content and maintaining a strong online presence. Stay informed, stay protected, and keep creating valuable content for your audience.

Important Recommendations: If you have a site with multiple users and contributors you will need a disclaimer in your legal pages and also in the footer of your site. You must emphasize to all your contributors that they must do their due diligence and must backlink the image and page to the article.

Have a disclaimer on your site if you have multiple contributors

  • Do not claim liability
  • Do your research
  • Backlink all images and articles to the source
  • Check to see if the links are not made up URLS
  • Anyone can photoshop an article image and claim it came from your site

Further Reading:

#copyright #copyrightinfringement #copyrighttrolls #backlinking #imagecredit #imagesource #disclaimer #first4lawyers #picdefence


Emotional Distress – Litigation – Copyright Infringement

Blue Butterfly Logo

Feeling Depressed And Have No Support

Navigating Depression Alone: Finding Strength in Solitude

Depression is a formidable opponent that can cast a dark shadow over every aspect of life. The weight of despair and hopelessness can be particularly challenging when one feels isolated and lacking in support. In a world that often emphasizes the importance of connections, finding oneself in the depths of depression without a support system can be an incredibly isolating experience. However, it’s essential to recognize that even in solitude, there are ways to navigate the turbulent waters of depression and emerge stronger on the other side.

The Weight of Solitude

Depression is a complex and multifaceted mental health condition that can manifest in various ways. For those grappling with depression without a support system, the burden can feel even heavier. The absence of a strong support network can exacerbate feelings of loneliness, leading to a sense of isolation that permeates every aspect of life.

The Consequences of Isolation

Isolation and depression often form a vicious cycle, each exacerbating the other. When one is unable to share their struggles with others, it becomes challenging to break free from the clutches of despair. The absence of a support system can lead to a lack of motivation, self-doubt, and a sense of helplessness.

Coping Strategies

While navigating depression without support can be an arduous journey, there are coping strategies that individuals can employ to manage their mental health effectively:

  1. Self-Reflection: Take time for introspection and self-reflection. Understanding the root causes of depression can be a crucial step toward healing. Journaling or engaging in activities that encourage self-awareness can be helpful.
  2. Professional Help: Seek the assistance of mental health professionals. Therapists, counselors, and psychiatrists are trained to provide support and guidance. Online therapy platforms offer accessible options for those without immediate local resources.
  3. Establishing Routine: Creating a daily routine can provide a sense of structure and stability. Simple tasks, such as setting small goals or maintaining a regular sleep schedule, can contribute to a more positive mindset.
  4. Engaging in Creative Outlets: Expressing oneself through creative outlets, such as writing, art, or music, can be therapeutic. These activities offer a means of self-expression and can serve as a constructive outlet for emotions.
  5. Physical Activity: Incorporating regular physical activity into daily life has been shown to have positive effects on mental health. Whether it’s a short walk, yoga, or more intense exercise, movement can boost mood and alleviate symptoms of depression.

Building a Support System

While it may seem daunting, it is possible to cultivate a support system, even in the absence of close friends or family. Consider the following approaches:

  1. Online Communities: The internet provides a wealth of supportive communities where individuals can connect with others facing similar challenges. Forums, social media groups, and chat platforms can offer a sense of belonging.
  2. Supportive Helplines: Numerous helplines are available for individuals experiencing depression or emotional distress. Trained professionals are ready to provide a listening ear and offer support.
  3. Volunteering: Engaging in volunteer work can create opportunities to meet new people and build connections. Helping others can also foster a sense of purpose and fulfillment.

Further Reading Other People’s Stories


Depression can be a formidable foe, especially when faced alone. However, it’s important to recognize that healing is a journey that can be undertaken, even without a traditional support system. By employing coping strategies, seeking professional help, and actively building connections, individuals can find strength within themselves and gradually overcome the challenges of depression. Remember, reaching out for support is a sign of resilience, and it’s never too late to start the journey towards healing.

I also believe everyone experiences depression at some point in their lives. Depression, a pervasive and complex mental health condition, does not discriminate and knows no boundaries. It transcends age, gender, race, and socio-economic status, affecting individuals from all walks of life. It’s an invisible battle that can silently permeate the lives of anyone, regardless of outward appearances or apparent success. In its grasp, people may experience a profound sense of emptiness, hopelessness, and isolation, emphasizing that the impact of depression is not confined by societal norms or personal achievements. Recognizing the universality of this struggle underscores the importance of fostering empathy, understanding, and accessible mental health support for all those grappling with the challenges of depression.

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As someone who has suffered from clinical depression for many years, I do have my dark moments but always find a way of pulling through. I won’t say I sleep all day (a) because I can’t as I have obligations like running a business and also (b) being a carer, and most importantly I am determined that my depression will not get the better of me.

But things do get to me and there are moments when I physically have meltdowns and cry. I have tried reaching out in the past to my close network and they were shocked at what I said, promised to come back to me, and swept what I said under the carpet.

I guess people cannot handle other people’s problems especially if they have problems of their own.

Yes, there are support organizations out there but none of them can resolve your issues only give sound advice. For me personally, I can find all the resources in the world but none of them will resolve my problems. I know what the root cause of my depression is and until it is resolved my depression will not go away.

I try my hardest each day to stay positive and always try to keep myself busy. I avoid alcohol and drugs other than what I am prescribed. I do not smoke, although I have been contemplating vaping. I am not sure I should go down this route, to be honest. I have renewed my faith. I have noticed a little change since I started praying.

Somedays things become overwhelming to the point I shut off completely. Today was one of those days when I had a complete meltdown and started bawling my eyes. Presently I am feeling very low but hope and pray tomorrow will be a better day.

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In the face of inevitable challenges, maintaining a positive outlook becomes a powerful catalyst for resilience and personal growth. Embracing a positive mindset involves viewing obstacles not as insurmountable roadblocks, but as opportunities for learning and self-discovery.

#depression #clinicaldepression #mentalhealth #mentalheathsupport #mensmentalhealth #veteransmentalhealth #veteranssupport #ptsd #bipolar #selfhelptherapy #meditation #journaling


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Disability UK Editor Stonewalled By DWP

Image Credit
Disclaimer this article uses trigger words that some readers may find uncomfortable.

01/12/23 Update

After successfully logging my complaint on the 16th of November 2023 over the phone, I was told to wait 15 days to get a response. I have cognitive impairment and sometimes forget, so I phoned Monday 25th November 2023, and was told to wait 4 more days.

Four days came and went, I did not receive anything so phoned them again. This time I was put on hold for 50 minutes before being put through to a case manager, a lovely gentleman with a Liverpool accent (R) who made me feel at ease and was empathetic. This was a refreshing change from some of the gatekeepers I have dealt with in the past. We talked for an hour and ten minutes and I managed to say nearly everything in this article, however, I was told it was out of his hands and that my complaint had been passed to another team and I simply had to wait for them to get in touch.

I asked how long I should wait even though I found a citation that I quoted was 18 months which the agent was not aware of.


I do not open my mouth unless I have substantial evidence to back my claims.

I am not going to wait 18 months to get my complaint heard.

I was also told that the complaint I made, about the assessor should have been logged with the agency (Capita) and not with DWP, even though Capita told me they could not do anything and that I had to contact DWP.

DWP told me today to go back to Capita.

Today is my 8th phone call.

I was told that the emails on the GOV websites should have been updated two years ago as they stopped using (.gsi) in their emails, hence why emails have been bouncing. I have published the emails that work towards the end of this article.

Do they need a website designer as I am willing to take on the job?

This whole scenario is exhausting and I pity people who have not got a voice or a platform to vent. To think I am trying to help people get back to work to avoid sanctions and this is how DWP thank me.

I was told I should send another email with my attachment seeing I now have permission to email. This has purposely been done to make people give up, but I love a challenge. I am now going full-on Rambo, and I am NOT going to be accepting apologies or their £50 gestures of goodwill.



13/11/23 Disability UK Editor Stonewalled By The DWP (Timeline)

I am being stonewalled by the DWP. Regardless if I mentioned that stonewalling can impact someone’s mental health, they do not care and will purposely avoid dealing with the issue in the hope you will give up and go away. Unlike most people, I fight for my rights and do not give up easily. https://disabledentrepreneur.uk/the-impact-on-stonewalling-patients/ I have in total emailed 30 times, and phoned 6 times each call taking about an hour including waiting time getting through, trying to register a complaint.

Complaint: ‘How I Have Been Treated’.

My formal complaint:

  1. Disability Discrimination: (DWP) assumed that because I have mental health conditions, I am deemed to be able to do things of an abled body person, which is a contradiction as I suffer from OCD -germ contamination). My medical records were never accessed as the assessor was asking for dates of when I was diagnosed, she also did not know what one of the medications was and asked me to clarify. I believe I have been subject to discrimination based on my disability. Despite my entitlement to reasonable accommodations, I have faced consistent challenges in accessing services and support that are essential for my well-being. This treatment has left me feeling marginalized and disadvantaged due to my disability, which is not in line with the principles of equality and non-discrimination.
  2. Breach of the DWP’s Code of Conduct: (Trigger Questions – Questions about Suicidal Thoughts. The DWP’s Code of Conduct outlines the expected standards of behavior and service provision for its staff. I have experienced an incident where a PIP assessor on behalf of the DWP has acted in a manner that does not adhere to these standards. This includes a lack of empathy, respect, and professionalism when dealing with my specific needs and concerns. I was subjected to immense distress answering questions that were making me feel uncomfortable. I repeated serval times that the line of questioning was making me distressed, but the assessor persisted stating she was unaware the questions were a trigger and that she had to ask the questions. (A professional psychologist would ask on a scale of 1-10 how you are feeling and if have you ever felt low, NOT: (have you ever thought of self-harming or ever tried to commit suicide).
  3. Data Breach: I recently became aware of a data breach involving my personal information within the DWP. This breach has raised serious concerns about the security and confidentiality of my sensitive data, which has been mishandled, potentially exposing me to identity theft and other risks. (Lost Report sent by 2nd class Royal Mail on 12/10/23 not received– Someone has my personal information, I have also asked for a copy to be sent via email which the DWP has refused to do. This is very concerning. ​Data Protection Laws**The mishandling of my personal data not only constitutes a data breach but also raises concerns about the DWP’s compliance with data protection laws. The failure to protect my sensitive information infringes on my right to privacy and data security, which is protected under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Data Protection Act 2018 govern the processing of personal data in the UK and the EU (If the assessor recorded the call without telling me and then went on the share the recording with DWP, she would have breached data protection laws. She would also have to release the call recording if requested by law, which I have done, multiple times, yet DWP claims to not know of a phone recording). I have just received the report that has very sensitive information and mentions this website in the report I requested this report 4 times so that means 3 copies have gone astray and God knows who has read this report and the damage to my reputation. Furthermore, the report is incorrect as the assessor lied in the report. (I have addressed this in my addendum letter).
  4. Emotional Distress: The cumulative impact of the aforementioned issues has resulted in significant emotional distress. The discrimination, lack of support, and the data breach have taken a toll on my mental well-being, causing anxiety, stress, and emotional suffering. (Emotional distress caused by discrimination, humiliation, and data breach has had a significant impact on my mental health and well-being. I am now struggling with my mental health and find it hard to do any work (my business has now been affected because I am struggling to work), my mental health has deteriorated as I now have intrusive thoughts and paranoia, my OCD has shot through the roof). Where I was making progress with my mental health DWP successfully damaged my wellbeing.
  5. Request For Correction – Information rights complaint: I am concerned that my personal information was not handled properly. I understand that before reporting my complaint to the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) I should give you the chance to deal with it. If, when I receive a response, I would still like to report my complaint to the ICO, I will give them a copy of it to consider. You can find guidance on your obligations under information rights legislation on the ICO’s website (www.ico.org.uk) as well as information on their regulatory powers and the action they can take.

1. Disability Discrimination

For obvious reasons, I am not going to go into too much detail about this, however, DWP has assumed I can do things of an abled-bodied person even though I have OCD. https://disabledentrepreneur.uk/can-you-get-pip-if-you-have-ocd/

Not once in the conversation with the assessor did she ask how I manage my OCD or the length of time it takes me to do things.

I have written a letter that I have attempted to send to DWP and no one wants to pass it on ( Can you hear alarm bells).

2. Breach Of the DWP Code Of Conduct

The assessor failed to comply with the code of conduct relating to how the assessor did the assessment. I addressed my concerns in the letter that no one wants to pass on. I have the name of someone in DWP and will liaise with this individual by sending the link to this article. He already has the body content of the addendum letter dated 06/11/23 and he claims he could not open the PDF attachments because the system had flagged them. Worst-case scenario I will redact my address off all the letters from my doctor and the solicitor’s letter including sensitive data and post them here. Even the letters I have from my GP and Solicitor are not as sensitive as the content of the report. I do not hide the fact I have OCD and would not be the owner of www.ocd.cymru or www.germawareness.co.uk if I did not have a vested interest.

3. Data Breach (This Is Serious)

To date (cited 13/11/23), I have not had a response to my complaint from the DWP which is being passed from pillar to post (no pun intended), and the blame game of excuses and no concern for the seriousness of my complaint, stating “Royal Mail Have Had Delays“.

Data Breach Seriousness

The point is my sensitive data was sent in 2nd class post against ICO.org.uk guidelines, which I requested 4 times since the 23rd of October 2023 even though my assessment was on the 11th of September 2023, and according to DWP the first report was sent out 12/10/23 but did not arrive. Regardless if the reports were sent out or not it is the content of the report that is alarming to read and some of it is incorrect hence I have requested corrections but I am being stonewalled.

DWP Envelope Of Report
Evidence of DWP Envelope -Crumpled After Salvaging It.

I aim to take my complaint further and am sick to the back teeth of writing regurgitated information, hence have decided to write this in this post for everyone to read.

According to ICO.org.uk Risk-assessing data breaches

Recital 87 of the UK GDPR says that when a security incident takes place, you should quickly establish whether a personal data breach has occurred and, if so, promptly take steps to address it, including telling the ICO if required. DWP has a laid-back attitude it is only me so it does not matter. But what about the rest of the population whose reports have gone astray (Ironically, The DWP has a responsibility under the DPA 1998 not to lose your documents, yet they send 2nd class mail knowing the content has sensitive data).

“A personal data breach may, if not addressed in an appropriate and timely manner, result in physical, material or non-material damage to natural persons such as loss of control over their personal data or limitation of their rights, discrimination, identity theft or fraud, financial loss, unauthorised reversal of pseudonymisation, damage to reputation, loss of confidentiality of personal data protected by professional secrecy or any other significant economic or social disadvantage to the natural person concerned.

Personal data breaches: a guide | ICO

This means that a breach can have a range of adverse effects on individuals, which include emotional distress, and physical and material damage. Some personal data breaches will not lead to risks beyond possible inconvenience to those who need the data to do their job. Other breaches can significantly affect individuals whose personal data has been compromised. You need to assess this case by case, looking at all relevant factors. Make a complaint | ICO

This is a breach of confidence, misuse of private information, breach of duty under the Data Protection Act 1998, and breach of the Human Rights Act 1998.

Data Protection Act 2018:

The DPA 2018 complements the GDPR in the UK and provides additional details and specifications for data protection. It includes provisions specific to the UK context and outlines the powers and functions of the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO), which is the independent regulatory authority responsible for enforcing data protection laws.

  • Year Enacted: 2018
  • Key Provisions:
    • Outlines the framework for data protection in the UK.
    • Implements GDPR standards into UK law.
  • Website: Data Protection Act 2018

Human Rights Act 1998:

  • Year Enacted: 1998
  • Key Provisions:
    • Incorporates the European Convention on Human Rights into UK law.
  • Website: Human Rights Act 1998

Microsoft Word – FINAL Data Protection Report.doc (parliament.uk)

4. Emotional Distress

The amount of emotional distress this has caused me and my mental health to deteriorate is inconceivable. It therefore does not surprise me in the slightest that 82 people have taken their own lives because of the way DWP treated them.

I am worried about my data and who has got it and the lack of concern by the DWP. I could potentially have identity theft as there is enough information in this report to clone me.

The emotional distress this has caused me is inconceivable. (I am NOT feeling suicidal much to the disappointment of DWP). I am way stronger than this, but can you imagine people of the weaker mind and what this does to their mental health?

82 People Have Died Because Of DWP/PIP

5. Request For Correction

The details in the report are incorrect and I have cited all my points in the letter that no one wants to pass on.

Your right to get your data corrected | ICO (Your Rights To Have Data Corrected)

  • security@justice.gov.uk
  • itpolicycontent@digital.justice.gov.uk

Useful Links:

(These are some of the places I plan to contact, including the editors of the publications).

Latest News:

Further Reading:


I first contacted Capita which then told me to contact DWP which is now telling me to contact Capita. (You could not make this up).

I attempted to escalate the complaint to the emails on the government website which all bounced.

These contact details relate to PIP (all have bounced)

  • Direct Claimant: www.gov.uk/pip Email: pip.feedback@dwp.gsi.gov.uk (bounced)
  • Teo Cambeeiro: Complaints Resolution Manager: Email: correspondence@dwp.gsi.gov.uk (bounced)
  • Email: ministers@dwp.gsi.gov.uk Tel: 0800 731 7339 Tel: 0345 606 0265 (not tried)

These Emails Work!

  • correspondence@dwp.gov.uk
  • complaints@capita-pip.co.uk
  • smb-contact.us@capita.com
  • contactus@capita-pip.co.uk

Independent Case Examiner:

I also contacted the Independent Case Examiner:

Although I have gone back to the front I have emailed and phoned the Independent Case Examiner: PO Box 209 Bootle L20 7WA Email: ice@dwp.gov.uk Tel: 0800 414 8529 (email works and so does the telephone number) How to bring a complaint to the Independent Case Examiner – GOV.UK (www.gov.uk) They have responded, but because there is no record of my complaint from the DWP they cannot action my complaint. (Why does that not surprise me)? I am not holding my breath the get a response from the DWP and have given them a deadline of the 17th of November 2023 to respond.

If for one minute they think I will go away over this they have another thing coming. I have rights that have been violated and I will exercise them if I have to.

“I am not just doing this for me, I am doing this for everyone in the UK, who is being mistreated”.

My Argument

I have cited Sir Charles Walker MP who is very vocal about his OCD and he proves that people with OCD can be intellectual and have a mental health disorder:

According to DWP if you have a mental illness you cannot be a carer according to the report I received (this is discrimination) https://disabledentrepreneur.uk/carers-mental-health-discrimination/ Therefore Sir Charles Walker should not be an MP if that’s the case.

I also plan to contact my connections which are advocates of mental health. I have nearly 12k connections on LinkedIn and whilst I am at it why don’t I throw my GP surgery under the bus (metaphorically speaking) for their lack of duty of care after I wrote 3 separate letters to them that were put on the system and never actioned. I complained and the practice manager responded by saying “Doctors are too busy to respond to letters and if I did not like it I should find another GP“, further stating “They are under no obligation to give me care“. Meaning if I continued to complain they would throw me out. (I am dependent on my medication) so you can imagine if I had no doctor at all, hence that is why I have collaborated with online doctors should this ever happen.

What You Should Do

If you find yourself without a response from a complaint made to the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP), it is crucial to take proactive steps to address the issue. Begin by checking the communication channels you used to submit your complaint, such as emails, letters, or online forms, to ensure that your submission was properly received. If possible, follow up through the same channels, politely reiterating the details of your complaint and expressing your concern about the lack of response. Additionally, explore alternative contact methods, such as calling the DWP’s helpline or visiting a local office if applicable. If all else fails, consider escalating the matter by contacting relevant ombudsman services or seeking advice from advocacy organizations that specialize in social welfare issues. Persistence and clear communication are key when navigating bureaucratic processes to ensure your concerns are addressed.

UPDATE 15/11/23

I had a response to an email that I sent this week and the person I liaised with said there is no complaint registered (It makes you laugh when he is a decision-maker).

Considering I have phoned multiple times and complained, no one is logging my complaint furthermore the person I have been dealing with did no understand the context of my complaint even though he received the link to this page as well as several regurgitated emails complaining over and over again that I wish to make a complaint.

I have a screenshot shot his email I received today and also all the emails I have sent since September 2023 trying to make a complaint.

Are they purposely trying to push people over the edge to save public spending?

Email Correspondence Timeline & Evidence

** All the above emails are my email attempts to DWP, autoresponders, and bounced messages. I did have some emails from Capita saying they had logged my complaint (contrary to what the entity today has said) and passed on my evidence.

The rest of the emails from DWP state they would not communicate with me and that I should phone them instead. But each time I phone them they tell me they are not aware of any complaint or that that anything has been passed on to them via email. I feel deflated but I am not giving up.

“How many times do I need to phone them to register a complaint? They are purposely trying to drag this out in the hope I will give up”.

“I cannot wait for this to go to court”!

The Email Today! (15/11/23)

So this entity as I do not know what I am dealing with does not know the context of my complaint even though I sent him the body of my addendum letter and have copied and pasted my complaint at the beginning of this article which I forwarded the link to him is telling me no complaint was ever logged.

For all intent and purpose, I have copied and pasted the email I received today as the images do not reflect the writing very well.

My Complaint Is How I Have Been Treated.

It is not about the money anymore it is the way I have been treated. God help everyone else who has had to deal with these people, who seem to think they can play God with people’s lives.

Here is the email body:

  • Disability Discrimination – This is an assessment issue. Go directly to the assessment provider.
  • Breach of the DWP Code of Conduct – I am unsure what this is linked to. Please explain on your call.
  • Data Breach – We send everything second class post, this is a normal process. We are not responsible for lost mail. Please contact Royal Mail.
  • Emotional Distress – You have not formally made a complaint.
  • Request For Correction of Report – This can be dealt with by request on the telephone. You do not have access to email. We are not obliged to respond to any email requests.

My Defence

Considering the Independent Case Examiner gave me the email to the entity I have been dealing with who said I should not correspond by email and he will no longer be returning my messages it just shows what I am up against.

I have phoned five times and tomorrow will be the sixth and have also contacted Capita by email requesting a copy of my report so in total I requested my report 4 times once by email to Capita and three times over the phone to DWP, I have only received one report. In the five phone calls, I said I wished to raise complaints and tomorrow will be the sixth time.

(Talking over the phone is going to go through one ear and out with the other). Even if I phoned 100 times they would not respond to my complaint(s). This is stonewalling at its finest.

This is against my human rights and I exercise my rights not only for me but for the good of the nation.

I will update you in due course when I get to phone them again. I will also start contacting some journalists and Charity CEO’s.

UPDATE 16/11/23

One needs permission to communicate by email apparently as cited by my call that transpired today trying to register my complaint.

The first person I spoke to told me to tell him everything and said he could see notes but they were too long to read.

The second person claimed to have registered the complaint but did not ask in detail what the complaint was over, which tells me they have all my evidence and documentation. I asked for him to read the notes of the decision maker, but he avoided my request, hence I have just sent an online for my information. I will laugh my socks off (NOT) if they send it via Royal Mail.

When I asked how long before my complaint would be dealt with he was evasive and would not give me a timeframe so I gave him a deadline of 14 days as I always do. The 14 days keep repeating every 14 days.

Frustrated at the fact that I was being swept under the carpet I demanded to know who I was liaising with (title) and it transpires he is the ‘Decision Maker’ no wonder the country is in the state it is in when they employ people that cannot read emails properly or read complaints and understand them.

I have since requested my information again but this time on the Gov website: Request your personal information from the Department for Work and Pensions – GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)

Just to be clear I did ask for the call recording and assessor notes from Capita and they replied that I would get the information in 40 days, which was on the 20th of October 2023.

Making A Complaint

I have found also this source to register a complaint:

https://makeacomplaint.dwp.gov.uk/personal-details (this link is not for DWP/PIP).

This button is for Job Seekers Allowance and Universal Credit I could not find a direct online complaint for DWP/PIP

I did however find this link Complaints procedure – Department for Work and Pensions – GOV.UK (www.gov.uk) but it does not have a way to complain online, I guess it is because of the sheer volume of complaints it gets their website would most probably crash.

Contact the Department for Work and Pensions about its policies – GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)

Ministerial Correspondence Team
Caxton House
Tothill Street

Address legal documents to the DWP Litigation Division.

Email the ministerial correspondence team

Send your question using the online contact form (I may contact them using this form).

Write to the ministerial correspondence team

Do not send benefit applications to this address. They will not be dealt with. Find out how to apply for benefits.

Contact the DWP ministerial correspondence team


If I do not get a response from DWP I will start contacting the relevant organizations as cited in this article, plus contact all the Charity CEOs and Media to cover this. I will update you on here if I hear anything.

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