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Month: December 2023 (Page 1 of 2)

Multiple Sclerosis FAQ

Multiple Sclerosis FAQ

  1. What is Multiple Sclerosis (MS): MS is a chronic, autoimmune disease that affects the central nervous system (CNS), including the brain and spinal cord. It occurs when the immune system mistakenly attacks the protective covering of nerve fibers (myelin), leading to communication problems between the brain and the rest of the body.
  2. What are the Symptoms of MS: Common symptoms include fatigue, difficulty walking, numbness or tingling, muscle weakness, problems with coordination and balance, vision problems, and cognitive impairment.
  3. How is MS Diagnosed: Diagnosis often involves a combination of medical history, neurological exams, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans, and sometimes lumbar puncture (spinal tap) to analyze cerebrospinal fluid.
  4. What Causes MS: The exact cause is unknown, but it is believed to involve a combination of genetic and environmental factors. There may be a link to viral infections and other triggers that lead to an abnormal immune response.
  5. Is MS Hereditary: While there is a genetic component, MS is not directly inherited. Having a family member with MS may increase the risk, but the majority of people with MS have no family history of the disease.
  6. Can MS be Cured: There is no cure for MS, but there are various treatments available to manage symptoms, slow disease progression, and improve quality of life. Treatment plans are individualized based on the type and severity of MS.
  7. What are the Different Types of MS: MS can be categorized into relapsing-remitting MS (RRMS), secondary progressive MS (SPMS), primary progressive MS (PPMS), and progressive-relapsing MS (PRMS). RRMS is the most common form.
  8. How does MS Progress Over Time: MS progression varies among individuals. Some people may experience periodic relapses followed by periods of remission, while others may have a gradual progression of symptoms without distinct relapses.
  9. Can MS Affect Pregnancy: Many women with MS experience a reduction in symptoms during pregnancy, but there may be an increased risk of relapse in the postpartum period. Most disease-modifying treatments are not recommended during pregnancy.
  10. What Lifestyle Changes Can Help Manage MS: Regular exercise, a balanced diet, stress management, and adequate rest can contribute to overall well-being for individuals with MS. Avoiding smoking and excessive alcohol consumption is also advisable.
  11. Are There Support Groups for People with MS: Yes, there are numerous support groups and organizations that provide resources, information, and emotional support for individuals with MS and their families.
  12. Can MS Cause Mental Health Issues: MS can be associated with depression, anxiety, and other mental health issues. Individuals with MS need to discuss any mental health concerns with their healthcare team.
  13. How Does MS Affect Vision: Optic neuritis, inflammation of the optic nerve, is a common symptom of MS that can cause blurred vision, eye pain, and even temporary vision loss. Visual disturbances often improve over time.
  14. Is MS Fatal: MS itself is usually not fatal, and most individuals with MS have a normal life expectancy. However, complications and secondary conditions can impact overall health.
  15. What Research is Being Done for MS: Ongoing research is focused on understanding the causes of MS, developing new treatments, and improving the quality of life for individuals with the disease. Advances in immunology and neurology continue to inform MS research.
  16. What is the Definition of a Relapse: A relapse, also known as an exacerbation, flare-up, or attack, in the context of multiple sclerosis (MS), refers to the sudden appearance of new symptoms or the worsening of existing symptoms. These episodes are typically temporary and can last for varying durations, ranging from days to weeks. A relapse is indicative of an inflammatory process occurring in the central nervous system (CNS), which includes the brain and spinal cord.
  17. What is an MS Hug: An “MS hug” is a term used in the multiple sclerosis (MS) community to describe a sensory symptom that feels like a tight band or girdle around the chest or torso. This sensation is caused by spasms or contractions of the muscles between the ribs, which can result from the impact of demyelination on nerve signals. The MS hug can vary in intensity, from a mild squeezing sensation to more severe discomfort. While the name may sound benign, the experience can be distressing for individuals with MS. Treatments for the MS hug may include muscle relaxants or other medications aimed at managing neuropathic pain. As with any symptom of MS, individuals need to discuss their experiences with healthcare professionals to determine the most appropriate management strategies for their specific situation.
  18. Can MS Sufferers Work and Maintain Employment: The ability to work with MS varies widely among individuals and depends on factors such as the type and severity of symptoms, the nature of the job, and the individual’s overall health and wellness. Some people with MS experience periods of relapse and remission, and during periods of remission, they may be fully capable of working.
  19. Can an MS Sufferer Have a Caregiver and Be Able To Go To Work: Individuals with multiple sclerosis (MS) can have a caregiver and still be able to work. The ability to work with MS varies greatly among individuals, and having a caregiver can provide valuable support in managing daily activities and tasks. Caregivers may assist with various aspects of daily living, such as transportation, meal preparation, and personal care, allowing the person with MS to focus on work. Individuals with MS and their caregivers need to work closely with healthcare professionals and, if applicable, human resources departments to create a supportive environment that allows for both employment and caregiving responsibilities.
  20. Is Numbness in the Toes and Thighs Classed as a Relapse? Numbness in the toes and thighs can be a symptom of multiple sclerosis (MS), and it may or may not indicate a relapse. A relapse, also known as an exacerbation or flare-up, is typically defined as the appearance of new symptoms or the worsening of existing symptoms lasting for at least 24 hours and occurring in the absence of fever or other identifiable causes. If the numbness in the toes and thighs is a new or worsening symptom that lasts for a significant period and meets the criteria for a relapse, it may be considered as such.
  21. Can You Suffer From Incontinence If You Have MS: Yes, urinary incontinence can be a symptom of multiple sclerosis (MS). MS can affect the nerves that control the bladder and the muscles involved in urinary function. As a result, individuals with MS may experience various urinary issues, including incontinence.
  22. Can You Suffer From Cognitive Impairment, If You Suffer From MS: Yes, cognitive impairment is a common symptom of multiple sclerosis (MS). While MS is often associated with physical symptoms such as numbness, weakness, and difficulty walking, it can also affect cognitive functions. Cognitive impairment in MS can manifest as difficulties with memory, attention, information processing speed, problem-solving, and other aspects of cognitive function.
  23. Is OCD Associated With MS: The relationship between MS and psychiatric conditions is complex and may involve various factors, including the impact of neurological changes, the stress of coping with a chronic illness, and the influence of immune system dysfunction. MS can affect the central nervous system, leading to both physical and psychological symptoms. Some studies suggest that individuals with MS may be at an increased risk of developing anxiety disorders, including OCD-like symptoms. However, the exact nature of this relationship is still an area of ongoing research, and not everyone with MS will experience psychiatric symptoms. Frequency of obsessive-compulsive disorder in patients with multiple sclerosis: A cross-sectional study – PMC (nih.gov)

The specific criteria for defining an MS relapse include:

  1. Duration: Symptoms must persist for at least 24 hours, and there should be a noticeable change in neurological function.
  2. Absence of Fever: The symptoms should not be associated with a fever or any other illness that could mimic an MS relapse.
  3. Exclusion of Other Causes: Other potential causes of symptoms, such as infections or medication side effects, should be ruled out.

Relapses can vary widely in terms of severity and the specific symptoms experienced. Common symptoms during a relapse may include increased fatigue, difficulty walking, numbness or tingling, muscle weakness, vision problems, and problems with coordination.

Individuals with MS need to communicate any new or worsening symptoms to their healthcare team promptly. The management of relapses often involves treatment with corticosteroids to reduce inflammation and speed up recovery. Additionally, disease-modifying therapies may be prescribed to help prevent future relapses and slow the progression of the disease.

Factors such as stress, fatigue, and other health conditions can contribute to temporary symptom exacerbations. Regular communication with a healthcare team is crucial for individuals with MS to monitor and manage their symptoms effectively. If you experience new or worsening symptoms, it’s recommended to discuss them with your healthcare provider to determine the appropriate course of action.


Different types of urinary incontinence can occur in people with MS:

  1. Stress incontinence: This occurs when there is increased pressure on the bladder, such as during coughing, sneezing, or laughing.
  2. Urge incontinence: This involves a sudden, strong urge to urinate that is difficult to control.
  3. Overflow incontinence: In this type, the bladder doesn’t empty properly, leading to constant dribbling or leakage.
  4. Mixed incontinence: Some individuals may experience a combination of stress and urge incontinence.

It’s important for individuals with MS who are experiencing urinary symptoms, including incontinence, to discuss these issues with their healthcare provider. There are various management strategies and treatments available to help address urinary symptoms in people with MS, including medications, pelvic floor exercises, and lifestyle modifications. A healthcare professional can provide guidance and tailor interventions to the specific needs of the individual.

Cognitive Impairment

The severity and specific cognitive challenges can vary widely among individuals with MS. Some people may experience mild cognitive changes that do not significantly impact their daily lives, while others may face more pronounced difficulties that affect work, relationships, and overall quality of life.

Cognitive impairment in MS is thought to be related to the impact of demyelination and damage to nerve fibers in the central nervous system, particularly in areas of the brain responsible for cognitive functions.

Individuals with MS need to communicate any cognitive changes they experience to their healthcare team. Neuropsychological assessments may be used to evaluate cognitive function, and interventions such as cognitive rehabilitation, medications, and lifestyle modifications may be recommended to help manage cognitive symptoms. Early detection and intervention can contribute to better outcomes in managing cognitive challenges associated with MS.


In such cases, it’s important to contact a healthcare professional, such as a neurologist, who can assess the situation, conduct appropriate tests, and determine whether intervention, such as corticosteroid treatment, is necessary.

Further Reading

#ms #multiplesclerosis #autoimmunedisorder #mssupport #msfaq #neurologist #neurology #msrelapse #corticosteroids #modifyingtherapy #lemtrada #listeriadiet #immunesuppress





Blue Butterfly

The Vicious Cycle Of Financial Hardship


The Vicious Cycle: How Financial Hardship Exacerbates Illness for Disabled Individuals

Financial hardship is a harsh reality that affects millions of people worldwide, and when it comes to individuals with disabilities, the impact can be particularly devastating. The intricate relationship between financial struggles and health outcomes is a critical aspect often overlooked. Furthermore, we also have to dig deeper and see who controls us and how we can prosper. Although some will call it a conspiracy theory because it is a closely guarded secret with no proof of its existence does not mean it is not real. We live in a world where we are controlled by puppeteers and the ones who cannot bring something to the table are collateral damage. One needs to look at the bigger picture to understand disabled and low-income people are a hindrance to society and the powers that be. Whilst we strive for inclusivity there are the entities at the top controlling what we do and do not have a conscience if people are killed in war. War is a business that makes the entities at the top wealthier.

Impact of Financial Hardship

  • Limited Access to Healthcare: One of the most direct consequences of financial hardship for disabled individuals is limited access to healthcare. Medical treatments, prescription medications, and specialized therapies often come with high costs, and when financial resources are constrained, disabled individuals may find it challenging to afford the care they desperately need. The inability to access timely and appropriate medical interventions can lead to a deterioration of their health conditions.
  • Stress and Mental Health: Financial strain is a significant source of stress for anyone, but for disabled individuals, the burden can be even more substantial. Chronic stress has been linked to a myriad of health problems, including exacerbated symptoms of existing illnesses. The constant worry about meeting basic needs, such as housing, food, and utilities, can take a toll on mental well-being, potentially worsening the physical health conditions of disabled individuals.
  • Limited Opportunities for Physical Activity: Physical activity is crucial for maintaining and improving health, especially for individuals with disabilities. However, financial constraints may limit access to adaptive equipment, assistive devices, or suitable facilities for physical activity. The lack of resources can contribute to a sedentary lifestyle, which, in turn, can exacerbate the progression of various health conditions.
  • Nutrition Challenges: Healthy eating is a fundamental aspect of managing chronic illnesses, but financial hardship may force disabled individuals to compromise on the quality and variety of their diets. Limited financial resources may lead to reliance on cheaper, less nutritious food options, which can contribute to the exacerbation of health issues.
  • Barriers to Social Participation: Participation in social activities and community engagement is vital for mental and emotional well-being. Financial hardship can restrict the ability of disabled individuals to partake in social events or access transportation services. This isolation may lead to increased feelings of loneliness and depression, further impacting their overall health.

The intersection of financial hardship and health outcomes for disabled individuals creates a vicious cycle that is challenging to break. Addressing this complex issue requires a multifaceted approach involving social support systems, healthcare accessibility reforms, and increased awareness of the unique challenges disabled individuals face. By recognizing the impact of financial struggles on health and working towards inclusive solutions, we can strive to break the cycle and create a more equitable and supportive environment for everyone, regardless of their abilities.

Unmasking Dr. Shiva and the Alleged Swarm: Navigating Economic Realities

  • Power
  • Profit
  • Control

Conspiracy theories often weave intricate narratives that captivate the imagination of individuals seeking explanations for the complexities of the world. One such theory revolves around Dr. Shiva and the supposed “swarm” controlling people like puppeteers. This narrative alleges that the only way to survive and prosper is to borrow money and become a debt slave to the system. To decide if something is true or false we need to research and delve into the bible for answers.

The Alleged Swarm and Dr. Shiva

The concept of a controlling “swarm” often emerges from conspiracy theories that suggest secret organizations or influential individuals manipulate global events. Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, a scientist, entrepreneur, and political activist, has found himself at the center of such theories. Some claim that Dr. Shiva is part of a clandestine group orchestrating events to control the masses.

It’s crucial to approach these allegations with a critical mindset, as conspiracy theories can lack credible evidence and often rely on speculation. Dr. Shiva, known for his work in bioinformatics and his involvement in politics, vehemently denies any involvement in a global conspiracy.

Understanding Economic Realities

The claim that the only way to survive and prosper is by becoming a debt slave to the system oversimplifies the complex dynamics of the global economy. While it is true that debt plays a significant role in modern financial systems, portraying it as a form of enslavement overlooks the nuanced realities.

Debt, when managed responsibly, can be a tool for economic growth and personal advancement. Individuals often take loans to invest in education, start businesses, or purchase homes. These financial instruments enable economic activity and contribute to overall societal progress.

However, it is crucial to acknowledge that irresponsible borrowing and systemic issues can lead to financial hardships for individuals. The focus should be on fostering financial literacy, responsible lending practices, and addressing structural issues within the economic system.

Surviving and Prospering Responsibly

Rather than succumbing to the idea of becoming a debt slave, individuals can take proactive steps to navigate the economic landscape responsibly. This includes:

  1. Financial Education: Empowering individuals with financial literacy can help them make informed decisions about borrowing, investing, and managing money.
  2. Responsible Borrowing: Understanding the terms and conditions of loans, managing debt wisely, and avoiding predatory lending practices are essential for financial well-being.
  3. Diversification: Investing in diverse assets and income streams can mitigate financial risks and enhance overall economic resilience.
  4. Advocacy for Systemic Change: Addressing systemic issues within the economic system, such as income inequality and unequal access to opportunities, can contribute to a fairer and more inclusive society.

Who Owns the Federal Reserve?

Bank Crisis & Inflation: The Biggest Scam In The History Of Mankind

The Federal Reserve System is a quasi-public institution, meaning it has both public and private components. It was created by an act of Congress and operates under the authority of the U.S. government. The system is composed of 12 regional Federal Reserve Banks, each of which is responsible for a specific geographic area in the U.S.

The ownership structure of the Federal Reserve includes member banks and a Board of Governors, as well as stockholders. Member banks are required to hold stock in their regional Federal Reserve Bank, but ownership of these shares does not confer control or give the banks a claim on the assets of the Federal Reserve Banks. The stock is non-transferable and dividends are limited by law.

The Board of Governors, based in Washington, D.C., is a federal government agency and plays a central role in the governance and policy-making of the Federal Reserve System. Members of the Board of Governors are appointed by the President of the United States and confirmed by the Senate.

The Federal Reserve is not privately owned in the traditional sense; it is a complex system with public and private components, ultimately accountable to the U.S. government.

The Vital Link: How Acquisition of Funding Catalyzes Survival and Prosperity for Individuals and Businesses

In finance and entrepreneurship, the acquisition of funding stands out as a fundamental catalyst for survival and prosperity. Whether it’s an individual striving to achieve personal goals or a business aiming for growth and innovation, securing financial resources is often the linchpin that enables survival and propels prosperity.

  • Entrepreneurial Ventures and Business Growth: For businesses, regardless of their size or industry, the quest for funding is a common thread that runs through the entrepreneurial journey. Securing capital allows businesses to invest in infrastructure, technology, research and development, marketing, and talent acquisition. These financial injections empower businesses to expand their operations, stay competitive, and navigate the inevitable challenges of the marketplace.
  • Innovation and Research: Funding is the lifeblood of innovation. Whether in the tech sector, healthcare, or any other industry, businesses that secure funding can allocate resources to research and development initiatives. This not only fosters creativity and problem-solving but also positions companies to create cutting-edge products and services that can disrupt markets and drive growth.
  • Education and Personal Development: On an individual level, the acquisition of funding can be a pivotal factor in pursuing education and personal development. Scholarships, grants, and student loans enable individuals to access higher education, acquire skills, and enhance their employability. This, in turn, contributes to personal growth and the ability to thrive in an ever-evolving job market.
  • Realizing Entrepreneurial Dreams: Individuals with entrepreneurial aspirations often require funding to transform their ideas into viable businesses. Whether through loans, angel investors, or crowdfunding, securing initial capital allows these visionaries to bring their concepts to life, fostering economic growth and job creation.
  • Crisis Mitigation: Funding serves as a safety net during challenging times. Whether it’s a personal financial crisis or a business facing economic downturns, having access to funding provides the means to weather the storm. This resilience ensures survival and positions entities to emerge stronger on the other side.
  • Market Adaptation: Business environment, adaptability is key and access to funding allows businesses to pivot, innovate, and respond to changing market dynamics. This agility is essential for survival in industries characterized by rapid technological advancements and shifting consumer preferences.

The symbiotic relationship between funding and the survival and prosperity of individuals and businesses is undeniable. Whether through traditional banking channels, venture capital, angel investors, or innovative crowdfunding platforms, the infusion of financial resources empowers entities to grow, innovate, and navigate the complexities of the modern world. Recognizing the pivotal role of funding in fueling success can inspire strategic planning and proactive efforts to secure the necessary financial backing for individuals and businesses alike.

Conspiracy Theories

While conspiracy theories may capture the imagination, it is crucial to approach such narratives with a critical and discerning mindset. Dr. Shiva and the alleged swarm controlling people as puppeteers may be intriguing concepts, but without concrete evidence, they remain speculative.

The Bible

As the Editor of Disabled Entrepreneur Disability UK Online Journal, I have my own opinion of who the puppeteers are and all I will say is I have renewed my faith. I was a nonpracticing Roman Catholic, but since doing research I have restored my beliefs and have asked the lord for his forgiveness. I now practice praying and being grateful for what I have. I also forgive the ones that have done me wrong.

  • Luke 6.37 “Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven.
  • Acts 2.38 Peter replied, “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.
  • Romans 12:14  We should bless those who persecute us, bless and not curse them. We are to pray for them and ask God to bless them because they need His mercy just as much as we do. When you pray for those who hurt you or mistreat you, God will give you the grace to forgive them, and in so doing, you will heap burning coals of fire upon their heads (Proverbs 25:22).
  • Romans 12:19  Says that revenge belongs to God and He will repay those who hurt us when the time is right and it’s not for us to seek revenge on people who have hurt us in one way or the other.

How God Will Repay Those Who Hurt You? [+ Examples] – SaintlyLiving

Fallen Angel

In the New Testament, Jesus refers to Satan as the “ruler of this world” in John 12:31 and John 14:30 The Bible also describes Satan as the “god of this age” who has blinded the minds of unbelievers in Corinthians 4:4

Who is Dr. Shiva

Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai is an American scientist, inventor, entrepreneur, and political activist. He holds a Ph.D. in biological engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Dr. Shiva is known for his work in bioinformatics and for creating an early email system in the late 1970s while still a student at MIT.

In addition to his scientific and technological achievements, Dr. Shiva has been involved in politics. He has run for public office in Massachusetts and has been an outspoken critic of certain public health measures, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Investors Opportunity

Where inclusivity and equal opportunities are at the forefront of societal values, organizations like Disabled Entrepreneur Disability UK are playing a pivotal role in bridging the gap for disabled individuals seeking employment and entrepreneurial success. This initiative not only aims to reintegrate disabled individuals into the workforce but also empowers them to become entrepreneurs through mentorship and support.

  • Government Collaboration and Return-to-Work Programs: Disabled Entrepreneur Disability UK has been actively working to develop and implement effective return-to-work programs for disabled individuals. These initiatives focus on creating an inclusive work environment, providing necessary accommodations, and offering vocational training to enhance employability.
  • Mentorship Programs for Disabled Individuals: One of the key components of Disabled Entrepreneur Disability UK’s strategy is the implementation of mentorship programs. Recognizing the importance of guidance and support, the organization pairs disabled individuals with experienced mentors who can provide insights, advice, and encouragement. This mentorship not only boosts confidence but also equips disabled individuals with the knowledge and skills necessary to thrive in various professional settings.
  • Empowering Disabled Entrepreneurs: Beyond traditional employment, Disabled Entrepreneur Disability UK is actively fostering entrepreneurship within the disabled community. The organization understands that some individuals may face unique challenges in the workplace and, as a result, encourages and supports them in starting their businesses. By providing resources, training, and mentorship specific to entrepreneurship, Disabled Entrepreneur Disability UK empowers disabled individuals to become self-reliant and create their opportunities.
  • Investment for Development and Employment: To amplify its impact, Disabled Entrepreneur Disability UK is seeking investment to expand its initiatives. With additional funding, the organization plans to employ more developers to build accessible websites, ensuring that digital platforms are inclusive and user-friendly for disabled individuals. Moreover, investments will be directed towards hiring digital marketers to spread brand awareness and promote the initiatives of Disabled Entrepreneur Disability UK, attracting more disabled individuals to participate in their programs.
  • The Role of Developers and Digital Marketers: Employing more developers serves a dual purpose. Firstly, it enhances the technical infrastructure of Disabled Entrepreneur Disability UK, allowing for the creation of innovative platforms and tools that cater to the needs of disabled individuals. Secondly, the employment of digital marketers helps raise awareness about the organization’s mission, encouraging more disabled individuals to seek support, participate in programs, and explore entrepreneurial opportunities.


Disabled Entrepreneur Disability UK stands as a beacon of empowerment, advocating for the inclusion of disabled individuals in the workforce and the entrepreneurial dimension. Through collaboration with the government, mentorship programs, and a commitment to fostering entrepreneurship, the organization is creating a positive impact on the lives of disabled individuals. With the infusion of investment to expand its team of developers and digital marketers, Disabled Entrepreneur Disability UK aims to reach even greater heights, ensuring a more inclusive and prosperous future for the disabled community. Disabled Entrepreneur – Disability UK will consider becoming a charity if it finds reliable trustworthy trustees, alternatively, we can be bought out for the right price. Although I started this site with the view of self-help therapy for myself it has expanded as a go-to resource portal for people with illnesses and disabilities.

Our Mission:

Our mission is to prosper and not be a debt slave to the money system!

#financialhardship #borrowing #investors #angelinvestors #backtowork #disabledentrepreneur #entrepreneurs #startups #investing #investmentopportunities #charity




Blue Butterfly Logo

The Struggle for MS Support


The Struggle for Support: Cardiff NHS and the Neglected Calls for Multiple Sclerosis Patients

Living with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is challenging enough without having to navigate a healthcare system that seems unresponsive and neglectful. Unfortunately, this appears to be the experience of some MS patients in Cardiff, where reports suggest, limited or a lack of support from the National Health Service (NHS). The failure to answer calls, initiate callbacks, and respond to emails raises serious concerns about the quality of care and support for individuals facing the complexities of MS.

Patients should have an emergency number they should be able to call or chat (chat should be with a human) where there is an MS nurse on standby. There should also be a link to frequently asked questions and a resources page, describing in-depth what a patient should do if they believe they are relapsing. There should be an email autoresponder to reassure patients that they will be dealt with promptly.

The Impact of MS Relapses:

For those living with MS, relapses are a common occurrence, marked by the sudden onset or worsening of symptoms. These relapses can be frightening and debilitating, requiring prompt attention and intervention from healthcare professionals. The reported lack of support exacerbates the challenges that MS patients already face, potentially leading to delayed treatment and prolonged suffering.

What to Do If You Suspect an MS Relapse:

  1. Document Your Symptoms: Keep a detailed record of your symptoms, noting their onset, duration, and severity. This information can be crucial when communicating with healthcare providers.
  2. Contact Your Neurologist or MS Nurse: If you suspect you are experiencing an MS relapse, reach out to your neurologist or MS nurse as soon as possible. Provide them with documented information about your symptoms and emphasize the urgency of the situation.
  3. Persist with Communication: In cases where calls go unanswered, callbacks are not initiated, or emails remain unresponded to, persist with your attempts to communicate. Escalate your concerns to higher levels of authority within the healthcare system if necessary.
  4. Seek Alternative Channels: Explore alternative channels of communication, such as contacting your GP or visiting urgent care if the situation warrants immediate attention. Advocate for yourself and make it clear that you need prompt assistance.
  5. Engage Patient Advocacy Groups: Connect with MS patient advocacy groups that may have resources and guidance for navigating healthcare challenges. They can offer support, share experiences, and potentially assist in resolving communication issues with healthcare providers.

Accountability and Advocacy:

The reported lack of support for MS patients is a matter of great concern, raising questions about accountability within the healthcare system. Patients have a right to timely and responsive care, especially when dealing with conditions as complex as MS.

  1. Raise Official Complaints: If you have experienced difficulties in obtaining support, consider raising an official complaint with the healthcare provider. This can help bring attention to systemic issues and contribute to improvements in the delivery of care.
  2. Contact Health Ombudsman: If your concerns are not adequately addressed, you have the option to contact the Health Ombudsman. They can independently investigate complaints about public services, including those related to healthcare.
  3. Advocate for Systemic Change: Collaborate with patient advocacy groups and engage in efforts to bring about systemic change. Advocate for increased resources, better training for healthcare staff, and improved communication processes within the NHS.


Living with Multiple Sclerosis is undoubtedly challenging, and patients rely on a responsive and supportive healthcare system to manage their condition effectively. The reported lack of support for MS patients is a cause for serious concern. Individuals need to advocate for themselves, document their experiences, and engage with advocacy groups to bring attention to systemic issues that may be compromising the quality of care. Accountability within the healthcare system is crucial to ensuring that MS patients receive the timely and effective support they need.

It used to be that the NHS had a dedicated MS team to answer calls but with all the public spending cuts this has been abolished and according to the MS Cardiff Website MS (Multiple Sclerosis) – Cardiff and Vale University Health Board (nhs.wales) the only way to contact them is as follows:

  1. For prescription/MRI inquiries: please ring either Lesley at 029 20748161, Gaynor at 029 21847104, or Hadiza at 029 20745735
  2. Day Unit admission or infusions/treatments: please contact our Day Unit on 029 20743280;   
  3. Other queries: please ring your Consultant’s Secretary who can either help with your query or speak to one of the Clinical Team:
  4. Carole (Dr Tallantyre / Dr Pickersgill) on 029 20745564
  5. Relina (Secretary for Professor Robertson) on 029 20745403 (works limited hours and passes you on to other people, as cited by a patient)
  6. Kate (Dr Willis) on 029 21847624

Every patient has a consultant and MS team and if the said people are out of the office who do you call?

** Disclaimer: Since publishing this article on 29th December 2023 there has been an update on the CAVUHB website and they have reinstated the MS Support Team, coincidence or what?

Please search the NHS website or your local hospital for other regions.


If you have a prescription/MRI inquiry, please ring either Lesley at 029 20748161, Gaynor at 029 21847104, or Hadiza (MS Nurse) at 029 20745735

If you have a query relating to Day Unit admission or infusions/treatments, please contact our Day Unit on 029 20743280;   

If you have any other queries, please ring your Consultant’s Secretary who can either help with your query or speak to one of the Clinical Team:

  • Carole (Dr Tallantyre / Dr Pickersgill) on 029 20745564
  • Relina (Professor Robertson) on 029 20745403
  •  Kate (Dr Willis) on 029 21847624

Citation: https://cavuhb.nhs.wales/our-services/ms-multiple-sclerosis/

Note From The Editor:

In my opinion, they should have an autoresponder email message telling you what to do if they are out of the office. Simply stonewalling does nothing for someone’s mental health. https://disabledentrepreneur.uk/what-if-your-gp-stonewalls-you/ They should have someone to answer calls 24/7 who could be on standby and pay the person by the length of time the call takes to get resolved. A patient who worries is at risk of having an MS relapse from stress. There should be someone on call even through the holidays, yet this was not the case when we tried reaching out today.

#multiplesclerosis #ms #msrelapse #neurologist #msteam #cardiffnhs #nhs #cav #uhw ##mssupport #msteam #autoimmune #autoimmunedisorder




Blue Butterfly Logo

Veteran Chef Andre Rush’s Story


This article has trigger self-harming words that may be very sensitive to some readers.

Chef Andre Rush: A Culinary Warrior Advocating for Veterans’ Mental Health

Introducing, Chef Andre Rush, not only stands out for his exceptional culinary skills but also for his dedication to a cause close to his heart – supporting veterans with mental health disorders. Beyond the kitchen, Rush has become a prominent advocate for mental health awareness and suicide prevention, drawing from his personal experiences to inspire and uplift his fellow veterans.

The Culinary Journey:

Chef Andre Rush’s journey to becoming an award-winning chef has been a testament to his resilience and determination. Born in Columbus, Georgia, Rush enlisted in the United States Army at a young age, where he served for over two decades. Throughout his military career, he faced numerous challenges, including combat deployments and the stresses inherent in military life.

Despite the hardships, Chef Rush discovered his passion for cooking while serving in the military. His love for creating delicious and nutritious meals for his fellow soldiers became a therapeutic outlet, providing him with a sense of purpose and joy amid the difficulties of military service.

Overcoming PTSD:

Like many veterans, Chef Rush battled post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) after leaving the military. The transition to civilian life brought its own set of challenges, and coping with the invisible wounds of war became a central part of his journey. However, instead of succumbing to the hardships, Chef Rush decided to use his experiences to raise awareness about mental health issues affecting veterans.

Advocacy for Veterans’ Mental Health:

Chef Rush’s advocacy for veterans’ mental health goes beyond the confines of the kitchen. Through various platforms, including his website (chefrush.com), social media, and public appearances, he shares his story and encourages open conversations about mental health. By doing so, he aims to break the stigma surrounding mental health issues within the veteran community and society at large.

Chef Rush actively collaborates with organizations dedicated to supporting veterans, participating in events and initiatives that raise funds and awareness for mental health programs. His commitment to giving back to those who have served is evident in his tireless efforts to make a positive impact on the lives of veterans struggling with mental health disorders.

Awards and Achievements:

Chef Andre Rush’s culinary prowess has not gone unnoticed. His dedication to the craft has earned him accolades and awards in the culinary world. These achievements serve as a testament to his skill, creativity, and the perseverance that defines his character.

Addressing the Silent Crisis: Veterans Suicide Rates in the USA and UK

The alarming rates of veterans taking their own lives in both the United States and the United Kingdom have brought to light a silent crisis that demands urgent attention. While these individuals have bravely served their countries, they often face unique challenges upon returning to civilian life. We examine the sobering statistics surrounding veterans’ suicides in the USA and the UK and explore the support mechanisms available to address this pressing issue.

Statistics in the USA:

In the United States, the issue of veteran suicides has reached epidemic proportions. According to data from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, an average of 17 veterans die by suicide every day. This staggering statistic underscores the critical need for comprehensive mental health support for those who have served in the military.

Factors contributing to the high suicide rates among veterans include the challenges of transitioning to civilian life, PTSD, depression, substance abuse, and a lack of access to timely and effective mental health care. The urgency to address these issues is further highlighted by the fact that veterans account for a disproportionately high percentage of suicides compared to the general population.

Department of Defense Releases Annual Report on Suicide in the Military: Calendar Year 2022 > U.S. Department of Defense > Release

Statistics in the UK:

Similarly, the United Kingdom is grappling with a concerning rise in veteran suicides. According to a report by the Ministry of Defence, the suicide rate among veterans in the UK is higher than that of the general population. While exact figures vary, the need for targeted interventions to support veterans’ mental health is evident.

The transition from military to civilian life, the impact of combat experiences, and difficulties in accessing timely mental health care contribute to the vulnerability of veterans in the UK. Recognizing the complex nature of these challenges is crucial in developing effective strategies to reduce the incidence of suicides among this demographic.

Suicide Support for Veterans:

Addressing the mental health needs of veterans requires a multifaceted approach that combines awareness, destigmatization, and accessible support services. Fortunately, several organizations in both the USA and the UK are dedicated to providing assistance to veterans in crisis:

  1. Veterans Crisis Line (USA): The Veterans Crisis Line offers confidential support through a toll-free hotline, online chat, and text messaging. Trained responders provide immediate assistance to veterans in distress, connecting them with resources and counseling.
  2. VA Mental Health Services (USA): The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs provides comprehensive mental health services, including counseling, therapy, and support groups, to veterans. The VA is committed to ensuring that veterans receive the care they need to address mental health challenges.
  3. Combat Stress (UK): Combat Stress is a leading mental health charity in the UK, specializing in supporting veterans dealing with PTSD, depression, and anxiety. They offer a range of services, including counseling, therapy, and residential treatment programs.
  4. Veterans’ Gateway (UK): Veterans’ Gateway is a one-stop resource for veterans in the UK, providing access to a network of organizations offering support services, including mental health care, housing assistance, and employment support.

Further Reading:


Chef Andre Rush’s journey from a military career to becoming an award-winning chef is an inspiring tale of resilience and triumph. Through his advocacy for veterans’ mental health, he has become a beacon of hope for those struggling with the invisible wounds of war. Chef Rush’s commitment to raising awareness and supporting his fellow veterans reflects not only his culinary talent but also his dedication to making a meaningful difference in the lives of those who have served our nation.

Start by sharing your story and show the world you can win your mental health battles, by helping others going through what you are going through.

The high rates of veterans’ suicides in the USA and the UK are a somber reminder of the urgent need for increased mental health awareness and accessible support services. As a society, it is our collective responsibility to ensure that those who have served their countries are not left to grapple with mental health challenges alone. By promoting awareness, breaking down stigmas, and strengthening support systems, we can work towards a future where veterans receive the care and assistance they deserve.

If you have suicidal thoughts, talk to someone about them. If you do not have any friends or family reach out to the Samaritans on 116 123 For Free in the UK or phone emergency services 911 if you are in the USA. Sometimes talking to a stranger can help you put things into perspective and help you tackle daily challenges. Arrange an appointment with your local doctor and explain how you are feeling. Do not drink alcohol or take recreational drugs as this may make the matter worse. Seek professional help ASAP.

#veterans #veteransupport #veteransuicide #suicidesupport #suicideprevention #alcoholabuse #drugaddiction #ptsd #mentalhealth #mentalhealthsupport #depression #clinicaldepression #bipolar




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Overcoming Obstacles

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Overcoming Obstacles: Career Advice For Disabled Individuals

Individuals with physical disabilities now have access to a diverse range of expanding career opportunities, particularly with the increased prevalence of remote work. Before the COVID-19 pandemic, only a quarter of the workforce operated from home, but this statistic has increased dramatically.

Nevertheless, people with disabilities can explore many roles beyond remote employment. Management, education, business, technology, and healthcare careers provide opportunities with minimal physical agility, stamina, or mobility prerequisites. These professions also extend opportunities to individuals with visual or hearing impairments.

Under the Disabilities Act, employers must provide reasonable accommodation for job candidates and disabled employees. In numerous well-paying careers in office environments, these accommodations can be as simple as ensuring an accessible workplace, incorporating assistive technologies, and offering flexible scheduling.

Explore the rapidly growing careers in business, information technology, medicine, education, and social work — all highly suitable for professionals with disabilities. Additionally, we delve into the educational requirements and typical salaries associated with these roles. Uncover these possibilities with insights from Career Assessment Australia, an organization committed to empowering individuals, including those with disabilities, to pursue fulfilling careers.

The Power of Pause in the Face of Disability:

The experience of living with a disability is deeply personal, and those in your vicinity may not always grasp how their actions or words impact you. If you find yourself in an interaction that makes you uneasy, consider taking a moment to center yourself. Whether stepping outside for fresh air, going for a short walk, or enjoying a cup of tea, these small breaks can be grounding. This isn’t about dismissing or condoning inappropriate behavior; accountability may be necessary. The suggestion here is to pause, allowing yourself to regain composure. By taking this time, you can think more clearly about the most effective and professional course of action moving forward. It’s a moment to prioritize your well-being and navigate situations with thoughtfulness and resilience.

Empowering Change: Turning Challenges into Teachable Moments

When the time is right, transform challenging situations into teachable moments. Explore potential solutions to minimize recurring issues and prevent them from happening again. Clearly and respectfully articulate your needs by communicating the problem and proposing actionable steps for resolution. This may involve explaining to managers how a specific process puts you at a disadvantage or educating your team on the best way to communicate with you, especially if you have a hearing impairment.

Presenting your insights in the spirit of education rather than admonishment often garners respect and appreciation. By guiding others on how to collaborate with you effectively, you contribute to positive interactions and outcomes. This approach addresses immediate concerns and fosters a collaborative environment that values diversity and inclusion.

Leveraging Support Services for Professional Success

Unlocking your full potential often involves tapping into the myriad of support services tailored for individuals with disabilities in the workplace. Don’t hesitate to seek additional training to master new systems, undergo a workplace assessment to identify necessary adjustments, or confidentially seek advice on employment disputes. Take charge of your needs by being your advocate and adopting a proactive approach. These support services are designed to empower you, providing the tools and guidance necessary for a successful and fulfilling professional journey.

The Power of Communication in Navigating Disability Challenges:

Regardless of your preferred mode of communication, sharing your concerns with someone is crucial in addressing the challenges associated with disability. Whether venting to a friend, having a direct conversation with your boss, or seeking professional guidance from a therapist or social worker, talking about your experiences can be immensely beneficial.

Living with a disability can bring about a range of challenges, and at times, it may feel isolating. Addressing these concerns openly provides an outlet for expression and fosters understanding and support. If you find yourself in crisis or in need of mental health support, remember that resources like Lifeline are available to lend a helping hand. Opening up and talking about your experiences is a decisive step towards creating a supportive environment for yourself and those around you.

The Essential Role of Self-Care in Your Professional Journey:

Maintaining a healthy work-life balance is instrumental in preserving mental health and contributing to increased happiness and productivity in the workplace. Regardless of your self-care practices, it’s crucial to incorporate them into your routine consistently, not just during challenging times.

Whether listening to your favorite music, indulging in a good book, socializing with friends, enjoying a massage, engaging in exercise, sharing a hearty laugh, practicing meditation, savoring a relaxing drink, or taking a weekend getaway—these activities contribute to your overall well-being. Make self-care a priority, recognizing that by nurturing yourself, you enhance your ability to navigate personal and professional life aspects. Remember, if you don’t prioritize your well-being, who will?

Highest-Paying Careers: Diverse Opportunities for Individuals with Disabilities

The landscape of high-paying careers has expanded significantly for individuals with disabilities, with numerous options requiring minimal physical demands. Professions in management, business, and information technology, many of which mandate only a bachelor’s degree, exemplify this inclusivity.

While the list provided is not exhaustive, it serves as a starting point for research. People with disabilities can explore lucrative career paths in various fields and industries, showcasing the growing range of available opportunities. The evolving professional landscape and a commitment to inclusivity ensure that individuals with disabilities can thrive in high-paying roles across diverse sectors.

Training and Development Managers: Shaping Organizational Growth

Training and Development Managers are pivotal in enhancing internal effectiveness within organizations. Typically found in office settings across various industries, including professional services, manufacturing, and enterprise management, these professionals require a minimum of a bachelor’s degree in business administration or a related field. Educational backgrounds may vary, with some holding degrees in education or MBAs focusing on training and development management.

HR Managers: Steering Administrative Functions

Human resource managers lead administrative functions across various industries, typically in office settings. A bachelor’s degree in business administration or human resource management is essential, with some employers showing a preference for candidates holding MBAs specializing in human resource management.

Sales Managers: Setting Goals and Driving Success

Sales managers play a crucial role in organizations by establishing sales objectives through sales data analysis. Typically found in office settings, they are commonly employed in wholesale trade, retail trade, or professional services companies. While many sales managers possess bachelor’s degrees in sales management or business administration, accompanied by substantial sales experience, some employers seek candidates with MBAs.


In conclusion, while we’ve explored strategies to overcome challenges, we must recognize that overcoming every hurdle doesn’t solely rest on your shoulders. Instances of deviant behavior should be addressed, sometimes necessitating the intervention of managers or policy changes. Some challenges extend beyond work and are part of the broader process of accepting and navigating disability, and that’s perfectly acceptable. Furthermore, it’s essential to acknowledge that bad days are a natural part of life. For additional guidance and support, consider contacting organizations like Career Assessment Australia. Their expertise can provide valuable insights and assistance as you navigate your professional journey.

#obstacles #overcomingobstacles #careerdvice #careeradviceaustralia #careerassestmentaustralia #hrmanagers #training #salesmanagers #communication #selfcare #disabilitychallenges


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The Government’s £10bn Spending Spree Row, whilst punishing the Disabled

The Michelle Mone PPE Row: Unraveling the Government’s £10bn Spending Spree and the Penalties Faced by Disabled People

The controversy surrounding the allocation of government funds during the COVID-19 pandemic has once again come to the forefront with the recent Michelle Mone PPE row. Nigel Farage, a prominent political figure, has argued that the real scandal lies in the government’s alleged waste of £10 billion of public money. Amidst this financial scrutiny, disabled individuals are facing another crisis as the government introduces penalties by halting their Personal Independence Payment (PIP).

The Michelle Mone PPE Row:

Michelle Mone, a prominent businesswoman, found herself in the middle of a public storm when questions were raised about her involvement in the government’s procurement of personal protective equipment (PPE). Nigel Farage, known for his outspoken views, pointed fingers at the government’s handling of the situation, emphasizing the alleged wasteful expenditure of £10 billion.

Farage contends that the government should be held accountable for its spending decisions, especially when it comes to crucial matters like public health. The PPE procurement process has been under scrutiny since the early days of the pandemic, with concerns about transparency, efficiency, and value for money. The revelation of substantial sums allegedly being wasted adds fuel to the fire of public discontent.

Government’s Priorities Questioned:

The debate around the Michelle Mone PPE row raises important questions about the government’s priorities during a national crisis. Critics argue that while substantial amounts are being spent on PPE contracts, other essential services are being neglected. One such area of concern is the welfare of disabled individuals.

Penalizing Disabled People through PIP:

As the government grapples with the economic fallout of the pandemic, austerity measures are being implemented across various sectors. One of the most contentious decisions has been the suspension or reduction of Personal Independence Payment (PIP) for disabled individuals. PIP is a vital financial support mechanism for people with disabilities, helping them meet the additional costs associated with their conditions.

The decision to penalize disabled people through changes to PIP has been met with widespread criticism. Advocates argue that it is a regressive step, disproportionately affecting vulnerable individuals who are already grappling with the challenges posed by their disabilities. The timing of such decisions, amid a public health crisis, adds to the sense of injustice felt by disabled communities.

Calls for Accountability and Transparency:

In the midst of the Michelle Mone PPE row and the repercussions for disabled individuals, there is a growing demand for accountability and transparency in government spending. Critics argue that the government must prioritize the needs of its citizens over potentially wasteful expenditures, ensuring that public funds are allocated efficiently and responsibly.


The Michelle Mone PPE row serves as a stark reminder of the need for robust oversight and accountability in government spending, particularly during times of crisis. As the government faces scrutiny for alleged wastefulness, it must also address the concerns of marginalized communities, including disabled individuals penalized by changes to PIP. Striking a balance between fiscal responsibility and social justice is crucial for maintaining public trust and ensuring the well-being of all citizens.

#ppe #ppescandal #disabilitydiscrimination #nigelfarage #michellemone #pip #disabiledentrepreneur #disabilityuk #wastingmoney #costofliving


If you found our article insightful and would like to support us, please consider donating to keep this site running. We are a small business NOT a non-profit and with the PIP sanctions and the cost of living we are struggling to make ends meet.

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Inclusive Hiring Practices

Inclusive Hiring Practices: Building a Diverse Team in Disability Entrepreneurship

In disability entrepreneurship, building a diverse team is not just a noble goal – it’s a strategic imperative. The pursuit of inclusive hiring practices is essential for fostering innovation, enhancing problem-solving abilities, and creating a more adaptable and resilient business environment. So, let’s explore the significance of building a diverse team in disability entrepreneurship and get into the best practices that can help you achieve this vital objective.

Understanding Disability in the Workplace

To effectively build a diverse team in disability entrepreneurship, you should first understand the various aspects of disability in the workplace. Disabilities can take many forms, from physical impairments to cognitive differences, and it’s essential to dispel common misconceptions and stereotypes that often surround individuals with disabilities. Additionally, familiarity with legal requirements and regulations related to disability inclusion is essential for creating an inclusive environment.

Benefits of a Diverse Team in Disability Entrepreneurship

Improved Creativity and Innovation

A diverse team brings together individuals with unique perspectives, experiences, and problem-solving approaches. In disability entrepreneurship, this diversity can fuel creativity and innovation, leading to the development of groundbreaking products and services that cater to a broader market.

Increased Adaptability and Resilience

Building a diverse team in disability entrepreneurship fosters adaptability and resilience within your organization. Individuals with disabilities have often learned to navigate a world that may not be fully accommodating, honing their ability to overcome obstacles. This skill set can be invaluable in the fast-paced world of entrepreneurship.

Better Representation and Market Understanding

A diverse team in disability entrepreneurship ensures that your company is better equipped to understand and address the needs of a diverse customer base. This enhanced market understanding can lead to increased customer loyalty and market share.

Enhanced Problem-Solving Abilities

Diverse teams excel at tackling complex challenges. Individuals with disabilities often possess strong problem-solving skills acquired through their life experiences. By including them, disability entrepreneurship can develop effective solutions to both everyday problems and industry-specific ones. For instance, if you need to manage an office move on a deadline, everyone on the team must know their responsibilities. This is where the strengths of individuals with disabilities typically shine, as they are often excellent at time management, especially when collaborating as part of a team.

Positive Impact on Company Culture and Reputation

Demonstrating a commitment to diversity and inclusion can profoundly impact your company’s culture and reputation. Prospective employees, partners, and customers are more likely to engage with organizations that actively promote diversity and inclusivity.

Challenges in Inclusive Hiring Practices

While the benefits of building a diverse team in disability entrepreneurship are clear, there are several challenges to overcome in the pursuit of inclusive hiring practices:

1. Bias and Discrimination in the Hiring Process. Unconscious bias can influence hiring decisions, leading to the unintentional exclusion of qualified candidates with disabilities.

Addressing bias and discrimination requires ongoing education and training for all involved in the hiring process.

2. Accessibility Barriers in the Workplace. Physical and digital accessibility barriers can pose significant challenges for employees with disabilities. Ensuring that your workplace is accessible is not only a legal requirement but also a moral obligation.

3. Lack of Awareness and Understanding about Disabilities. Many people lack awareness and understanding of disabilities and the accommodations required to support individuals effectively. Education and awareness campaigns within your organization can help bridge this gap.

4. Addressing Concerns and Misconceptions Among Existing Employees. Introducing diversity and inclusion initiatives may raise concerns or misconceptions among current employees. Effective communication and transparent discussions can help alleviate these concerns and foster a more inclusive culture.

Best Practices for Inclusive Hiring in Disability Entrepreneurship

Creating an inclusive workforce in disability entrepreneurship involves a proactive approach. Consider the following best practices:

  • Begin by crafting job postings and recruitment processes that emphasize your commitment to diversity and inclusion. Encourage individuals with disabilities to apply by explicitly stating your dedication to providing reasonable accommodations.
  • Ensure that interviews and assessments are accessible to all candidates, including those with disabilities. This may involve providing alternative formats or arranging for accommodations such as sign language interpreters.
  • Be prepared to provide reasonable accommodations for employees with disabilities. Recognize that these accommodations can vary widely, and they may include flexible work arrangements, assistive technology, or physical modifications to the workplace.
  • Foster a culture of inclusion and diversity within your organization. Celebrate differences and promote open dialogue among employees, encouraging them to share their experiences and perspectives. · Ensure that all employees receive training and education on disability inclusion. This can help reduce bias, increase awareness, and create a more inclusive environment where everyone feels valued and respected.

Case Studies of Successful Disability-Inclusive Companies

Several companies have excelled in disability inclusion, serving as inspiring examples for disability entrepreneurship:

1. Microsoft: Microsoft has a long history of promoting accessibility and disability inclusion. They offer a range of accessible products and actively hire individuals with disabilities.

2. Starbucks: Starbucks is committed to hiring people with disabilities and provides accommodations to ensure they can perform their jobs effectively. They also have a dedicated “Inclusion Academy” program to support this initiative.

3. IBM: IBM has a global program called “ABLE” (Accessibility Business Leadership) that focuses on creating accessible technology and hiring people with disabilities.

Overcoming Resistance and Promoting Change

To successfully build a diverse team in disability entrepreneurship, it’s essential to address resistance and promote change:

1. Strategies for Addressing Resistance to Disability Inclusion. Identify and address specific sources of resistance within your organization. Create targeted strategies to change mindsets and foster inclusion.

2. Building Support and Buy-In from Leadership and Employees. Engage leadership and employees in building a diverse team in disability entrepreneurship. Encourage leaders to set an example and involve employees in diversity and inclusion initiatives.

3. Measuring and Tracking Progress in Disability Inclusion Efforts. Establish clear metrics and key performance indicators to track progress in disability inclusion. Regularly assess the impact of your initiatives and make adjustments as needed.

Final Thoughts

Building a diverse team in disability entrepreneurship is a journey that requires commitment, dedication, and ongoing effort. The benefits of diversity and inclusion are ethical and provide a competitive advantage in today’s business landscape. By understanding the significance of inclusive hiring practices and fostering a culture of inclusion, disability entrepreneurship can thrive while positively impacting society and the business world.

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Connecting Elderly Individuals with Disabilities

Breaking Barriers: Connecting Elderly Individuals with Disabilities to News and Resources 

Step into a realm where technology is progressing at an unparalleled speed, yet there exists a stark digital divide for our elderly population, particularly those grappling with disabilities. Picture navigating a landscape of information and resources that seems to evolve faster than we can adapt. In this rapidly changing scenario, it becomes crucial to consider those individuals who’ve dedicated a lifetime to society. 

Imagine, however, a formidable barrier standing in their way—the challenge of transportation for seniors. This hurdle limits their physical mobility and hinders their access to crucial news and essential resources. This is where our journey begins—a journey into the heart of Connecting Elderly Individuals with Disabilities to News and Resources. 

Numerous elderly individuals must adjust to disabilities like vision impairment caused by macular degeneration, glaucoma, or cataracts. Reduced mobility, inadequate nutrition, and the risk of falls are associated issues linked to low vision in seniors. The changes resulting from these disabilities often induce feelings of depression and isolation among older adults. Studies indicate The misuse of alcohol is correlated with depression—and prescription drugs in this demographic. Acquiring new disabilities also brings unexpected financial burdens, including costs for assisted living, home modifications, and increased medication expenses, all while dealing with fixed incomes. Furthermore, isolation and diminished cognitive abilities make older adults more susceptible to abuse and fraud. Coping with such challenges can be daunting for seniors and their caregivers alike. 

Join us as we explore the challenges faced by this often-overlooked demographic, discovering along the way the opportunities and innovative solutions that aim to ensure seamless connectivity to the wealth of information shaping our world. This is more than a conversation; it’s a commitment to empower and uplift. Together, let’s navigate the intersection of technology, accessibility, and the pressing need for inclusivity in news and resources for our senior community. 

Navigating Seniors’ Needs: Beyond Daily Assistance 

Apart from receiving support in their day-to-day activities, older adults face an increased vulnerability to specific health conditions, the threat of fraud, and the pervasive sense of isolation. 

Identifying areas where assistance is most crucial serves as a valuable beginning for ensuring the safety and well-being of seniors. What are the primary services that seniors require assistance with? Let’s explore. 

Essential Support for Seniors: Personal Care Services 

Personal care stands out as a vital and in-demand offering among the highly sought-after services for seniors. Individual care encompasses a spectrum of assistance, from light-touch support to more intensive daily care. Examples of personal care involve aid with fundamental daily activities, including: 

  • Bathing 
  • Dressing 
  • Mobility assistance 
  • Grooming 
  • Eating 
  • Walking 

Seniors at various life stages may require support with these personal activities. Changes in mobility, overall health, and prevalent health conditions, such as arthritis, can contribute to the necessity for personal care assistance. 

Supervising Medications for Seniors 

Seniors often juggle multiple medications daily, presenting a common challenge in adhering to a prescribed schedule and occasionally missing doses. Efficient medication management stands out as a vital service in senior care, preventing both under and overdosing. 

Within this context, caregivers play a pivotal role by collaborating with seniors and their physicians to establish a personalized plan and schedule. Caregivers are responsible for monitoring the medication regimen, ensuring seniors adhere to the prescribed doses and receive the necessary medications according to the agreed-upon schedule. 

Mobility and Transportation: 

Seniors commonly encounter difficulties associated with mobility, encompassing issues within their residence and hurdles related to driving or utilizing public transportation. A crucial and valuable service revolves around assistance with mobility and transportation for seniors. 

A caregiver plays a pivotal role in aiding seniors in navigating their living spaces mitigating the risks of falls and injuries. Furthermore, caregivers and specialized transportation services can facilitate seniors’ access to medical appointments, external events, and other essential destinations, contributing significantly to their overall well-being. 

Money Management:  

The scope of senior care extends beyond essential daily living support to include crucial aspects like financial management. Planning for retirement induces stress, even for those who diligently saved throughout their lives. Regular reassessment of their financial situation becomes essential. 

Furthermore, seniors face an increased vulnerability to financial scams, making assistance with money management crucial to avoid unnecessary expenditures. Seeking support from a trusted friend or family member for day-to-day financial tasks, such as bill payments and budgeting, can provide seniors with the help they need. 

Seniors are encouraged to consult with a financial advisor for a more comprehensive approach. These professionals can assist in planning for long-term care, ensuring a more secure and informed financial future. 

Navigating Life’s Obstacles: A Glimpse into the Daily Struggles of Elderly Individuals Confronting Age and Disability 

Embark on a mental journey into the daily existence of an elderly individual navigating the intricate terrain of both aging and disability. The once second-nature routines now pose challenges that extend beyond the ordinary effects of aging. Within this complex landscape, several notable challenges emerge, painting a vivid picture of the struggles faced by these individuals. 

Overseeing Medications for Seniors: A Human-Centered Approach 

Navigating a daily routine of multiple medications can be challenging for seniors, leading to occasional missed doses and difficulty adhering to prescribed schedules. The effective management of drugs emerges as a crucial aspect of senior care, acting as a safeguard against both under and overdosing. 

In this scenario, caregivers assume a central role, collaborating closely with seniors and their healthcare providers to establish a tailored plan and schedule. Taking on the responsibility of monitoring medication regimens, caregivers ensure seniors stick to prescribed doses and receive their medications per the agreed-upon schedule. 

Limited Accessibility to Information: 

Numerous elderly individuals with disabilities encounter difficulties in reaching pertinent news and resources customized to meet their specific needs. Information channels often need more designs considering their distinct requirements, isolating them from crucial updates and essential resources. 

Physical Constraints:  

Mobility and dexterity challenges hinder elderly individuals with disabilities from operating conventional devices such as keyboards and mice. This physical restriction poses a substantial hurdle to their online access to news and information. 

Pioneering Solutions: Crafting Inclusive Digital Spaces for Elderly Individuals with Disabilities 

Innovative Approaches to Accessibility:  

Revolutionizing the design of websites and applications by prioritizing accessibility is a pivotal stride in dismantling obstacles. Implementing features like text-to-speech functionality, larger font sizes, and high contrast options is a foundational enhancement, significantly improving the user experience for elderly individuals grappling with disabilities. 

Voice-Activated Assistants:  

In technology, voice-activated devices such as Amazon’s Alexa and Google Assistant emerge as invaluable tools, offering a hands-free solution for elderly individuals with disabilities to access news and information effortlessly. These devices go beyond mere convenience, as they can audibly narrate news articles, respond to queries, and even manage smart home devices, providing an accessible and seamless experience. 

Community Outreach Programs:  

Establishing community outreach programs that educate elderly individuals with disabilities about available resources and technology can be highly effective. Workshops and training sessions can empower them to navigate the digital landscape independently. 

Community Outreach Initiatives:  

Creating community outreach initiatives to educate elderly individuals with disabilities about accessible resources and technology can yield significant positive outcomes. Through workshops and training sessions, we can equip them with the skills and knowledge needed to confidently navigate the digital terrain independently. 

Collaboration with Assistive Technology Developers:  

Establishing partnerships with developers of assistive technologies plays a pivotal role in guaranteeing the compatibility of news platforms and resources with a diverse array of assistive devices. This encompasses screen readers, Braille displays, and other tools designed to amplify accessibility for disabled individuals. 


Breaking down barriers and facilitating access to news and resources for elderly individuals with disabilities is a shared responsibility. In the ever-advancing landscape of technology, it becomes crucial to prioritize inclusivity, ensuring that all members of society, including those with disabilities, have equal access to information and resources. By implementing innovative solutions, heightened awareness, and collaborative efforts, we can cultivate a more inclusive and interconnected world for our elderly with disabilities. This extends beyond digital accessibility to encompass crucial elements like transportation for seniors, empowering them to lead fulfilling lives, stay informed, and actively participate in the digital age. Together, let’s create a society where every individual can thrive regardless of age or ability. 

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Discrimination Against The Disabled

Disability Discrimination

Discrimination Against The Disabled – What MPs Think In The Houses Of Parliament

Having a disabilities minister sends a misguided message, implying that we perceive disabled individuals as having special needs or being fundamentally different. Rather than fostering a sense of inclusion, this approach may inadvertently convey an assumption that disabled people are somehow skiving or scrounging. A more constructive perspective would be to encourage them to make concerted efforts to integrate into mainstream society. This reflection extends to the opinions held within the Houses of Parliament regarding the role of a disability minister, emphasizing the importance of promoting inclusivity and understanding rather than reinforcing perceived differences.

By stating disabled people should work harder, it gives a message that perpetuates a harmful stereotype, reinforcing the misconception that individuals with disabilities are not putting in sufficient effort or contributing meaningfully to society. This viewpoint fails to recognize the diverse talents, capabilities, and potential within the disabled community, hindering efforts to promote inclusivity and equal opportunities for all. Instead, fostering an environment that embraces diversity and acknowledges the unique strengths of each individual, regardless of their abilities, is crucial for building a more inclusive and compassionate society.

Inclusion Of Disabled People

There has been an ongoing global conversation about the representation and inclusion of disabled individuals in all aspects of society. While the need for advocacy and support is undeniable, the question arises: do disabled people truly need a dedicated disability minister?

The Shifting Paradigm:

Traditionally, many countries have appointed ministers or government officials specifically tasked with addressing disability-related issues. While the intention behind such appointments is often noble – to advocate for the rights and well-being of disabled individuals – the effectiveness of this approach has been called into question. Rather than segregating disability-related matters, there is a growing consensus that an inclusive strategy is more beneficial.

  1. Breaking Down Silos: Creating a separate ministry for disabilities may inadvertently isolate the issues faced by disabled individuals, reinforcing the idea that these concerns are distinct from mainstream societal challenges. By integrating disability considerations across various government departments, the holistic needs of disabled individuals can be better addressed.
  2. Promoting Inclusive Policies: An all-encompassing approach ensures that disability considerations are integrated into the policymaking process from the outset. This integration fosters an environment where policies are naturally inclusive, rather than being retroactively adapted to accommodate the needs of disabled individuals.
  3. Changing the Narrative: Shifting away from the concept of a disability minister challenges societal perceptions of disability. Instead of framing disability as a niche issue, an integrated approach reinforces the idea that disability is a natural part of the human experience and should be acknowledged in all aspects of life.
  4. Fostering Collaboration: In an era of interconnected challenges, collaboration between various government departments and stakeholders is essential. An inclusive approach encourages collaboration on disability issues, drawing upon the expertise of diverse fields to create comprehensive and effective solutions.
  5. Empowering Disabled Individuals: The ultimate goal should be to empower disabled individuals to participate fully in society. Instead of relying solely on a dedicated minister, empowerment can be achieved by promoting accessible education, employment opportunities, and social inclusion.


While the intentions behind NOT appointing a disability minister are questionable, there is a growing recognition that a more inclusive approach is necessary to truly empower disabled individuals. Breaking down the silos, integrating disability considerations into mainstream policies, changing societal narratives, fostering collaboration, and empowering disabled individuals are key components of a more effective strategy.

By viewing disability not as a separate issue but as an integral part of the diverse fabric of society, we can work towards building a world where every individual, regardless of ability, can thrive and contribute meaningfully. The future of disability advocacy lies in embracing inclusion at every level, paving the way for a more equitable and accessible world for all.

Empowering disabled individuals to launch their businesses with government support can be a transformative step towards reintegrating them into the workforce. By offering tailored assistance, such as financial aid, training programs, and accessibility accommodations, the government can create an environment that nurtures entrepreneurship within the disabled community. This approach not only fosters economic independence but also promotes a sense of agency and self-reliance among disabled individuals. As entrepreneurs, they can contribute unique perspectives and skills to the marketplace, challenging stereotypes and enriching the business landscape. Ultimately, supporting disabled entrepreneurs aligns with the broader goal of creating an inclusive and diverse workforce, ensuring that everyone has the opportunity to thrive and contribute meaningfully to society.

If the government is not going to appoint a ‘Disability Minister’, then the Editor of Disability UK proposes to volunteer her services, just to prove that she is working harder even though she has disabilities.

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Understanding the Statistics of Depression At Christmas

Unwrapping the Reality: Understanding the Statistics of Christmas Depression

The holiday season is often portrayed as a time of joy, togetherness, and celebration. However, for a significant number of people, it can be a challenging period marked by feelings of sadness, loneliness, and increased stress. Christmas depression, or holiday blues, is a phenomenon that affects many individuals during this festive time.

Prevalence of Christmas Depression: Statistics reveal that a substantial portion of the population experiences heightened stress and depressive symptoms during the holiday season. According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), around 64% of people with mental health conditions report that the holidays make their symptoms worse. The pressure to conform to societal expectations of happiness and festive cheer can exacerbate existing mental health issues or trigger new ones.

Several factors contribute to the increased prevalence of depression during Christmas:

    • Social Isolation: The holidays can accentuate feelings of loneliness for those who are estranged from their families or lack a strong social support system.
    • Financial Strain: The pressure to buy gifts, host gatherings, and engage in festive activities can strain finances, leading to stress and anxiety.
    • Unrealistic Expectations: Society often sets unrealistic expectations for the holiday season, creating a sense of inadequacy in individuals who feel unable to meet these standards.
    • Grief and Loss: For those who have lost loved ones, the holidays can serve as a painful reminder of their absence, intensifying feelings of grief.
    • Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD): The decrease in sunlight during the winter months can contribute to Seasonal Affective Disorder, a form of depression that occurs seasonally, often peaking during the holidays.

    Demographic Variations: Research indicates that certain demographic groups are more susceptible to Christmas depression. The elderly, individuals living alone, and those with pre-existing mental health conditions may be particularly vulnerable. Additionally, people facing significant life changes, such as divorce or job loss, may experience heightened emotional distress during the holidays.

      • Coping Mechanisms: Recognizing the prevalence of Christmas depression is crucial, but so is understanding how to cope with it. Individuals can take several proactive steps to manage their mental health during the holiday season:
      • Seek Support: Reach out to friends, family, or support groups. Sharing feelings and experiences can provide emotional relief.
      • Set Realistic Expectations: Lowering the bar for holiday expectations can reduce stress. Focus on meaningful connections rather than materialistic aspects.
      • Create New Traditions: If traditions are a source of distress, consider creating new ones that align with your current circumstances and bring joy.
      • Practice Self-Care: Prioritize self-care activities such as exercise, adequate sleep, and relaxation techniques to alleviate stress.
      • Professional Help: If feelings of depression persist, seeking professional help from a mental health professional can be crucial. Therapy and counseling can provide valuable support and coping strategies.

      Who May Be Affected By Depression At Christmas

      1. Entrepreneurs and Business People: a. Increased Work Demands: Entrepreneurs and business professionals often experience heightened work demands during the holiday season. The pressure to meet year-end targets, close deals, or prepare for the upcoming year can lead to long working hours and increased stress. b. Financial Pressure: For business owners, the financial strain associated with year-end budgets, bonuses, and potential economic uncertainties can contribute to anxiety. The need to balance the financial health of the business and provide for employees can be overwhelming. c. Isolation: Entrepreneurs may find themselves isolated during the holidays, especially if they are managing a startup or small business. The absence of a large corporate structure with organized holiday events and social gatherings can exacerbate feelings of loneliness.d. Uncertainty and Risk: Entrepreneurs often face a high level of uncertainty and risk in their ventures. The holiday season may amplify concerns about the future, market trends, and competition, leading to increased stress and anxiety.
      2. Employees in High-Stress Industries: a. Retail Workers: Employees in the retail sector experience heightened stress during the holiday season due to increased customer traffic, longer working hours, and the pressure to meet sales targets. Dealing with demanding customers and managing inventory demands can contribute to emotional fatigue. b. Healthcare Professionals: The healthcare industry often sees an uptick in patients during the winter months. Healthcare professionals may face increased workloads, especially in emergency rooms and critical care units, which can lead to exhaustion and emotional strain. c. Hospitality and Service Industry Employees: Workers in the hospitality and service industries, such as restaurant staff and hotel employees, may find themselves working extra hours to accommodate holiday events and parties. This can disrupt work-life balance and contribute to fatigue.
      3. Parents and Caregivers: a. Increased Responsibilities: Parents and caregivers often face additional responsibilities during the holidays, including planning and organizing family events, buying gifts, and ensuring a festive atmosphere for children. The added workload can lead to stress and exhaustion. b. Financial Strain: The financial burden of providing a joyful holiday experience for children, coupled with societal expectations, can contribute to stress for parents. The pressure to meet children’s expectations for gifts and activities can be significant. c. Balancing Work and Family: Juggling work commitments with family obligations during the holiday season can be challenging. Parents may feel torn between career responsibilities and spending quality time with their families, leading to emotional strain.
      4. Individuals Experiencing Life Changes: a. Recently Divorced or Separated Individuals: Those who have recently gone through a divorce or separation may find the holidays particularly challenging, as it often involves adjusting to new family dynamics and navigating emotional pain. b. Individuals Facing Job Loss or Financial Hardship: The holiday season can be especially difficult for individuals facing unemployment or financial difficulties. The pressure to provide for the family and meet societal expectations can contribute to feelings of inadequacy and depression. c. Individuals Dealing with Grief: Those who have experienced the loss of a loved one may find the holidays a painful reminder of the absence. Coping with grief during a season focused on joy and togetherness can intensify feelings of sadness and isolation.
      5. Individuals Experiencing Financial Hardship: Due to the cost of living crisis and Department Of Work & Pensions DWP sanctions, face an overwhelming set of challenges during the holiday season. The rising cost of living can strain already tight budgets, making it difficult to afford necessities, let alone the additional expenses associated with festive celebrations. Moreover, those subjected to DWP sanctions may find themselves in a precarious financial position, further exacerbating stress and anxiety. The holiday season, which often comes with societal expectations of gift-giving and elaborate meals, can intensify feelings of inadequacy and exclusion for individuals grappling with financial difficulties. As the cost of living crisis persists, it underscores the importance of addressing systemic issues and supporting policies that alleviate financial burdens, ensuring that everyone can experience the joy of the holidays without the weight of economic hardship.


      Christmas depression can affect a broad spectrum of individuals, including entrepreneurs, business professionals, employees in high-stress industries, parents, caregivers, and those undergoing significant life changes. The specific challenges faced by each group can vary, but acknowledging and addressing these pressures is crucial for promoting mental well-being during the holiday season.

      While the holiday season is often synonymous with joy and merriment, it is essential to acknowledge and address the reality of Christmas depression. By understanding the statistics, identifying contributing factors, and implementing effective coping mechanisms, individuals can navigate the holiday season with greater resilience and mental well-being. It’s okay not to be okay, and seeking help is a sign of strength.

      Remember you should not be under pressure to be in the festive spirit or gift anyone. No one is going to judge you if you don’t. In this present climate with policymakers making life difficult, you are not the only one feeling financial hardship and people understand about the cost of living crisis. If you are compelled to give something try these free ideas: https://disabledentrepreneur.uk/coping-with-depression-at-christmas/

      The meaning of Christmas extends beyond the festive decorations and exchanging of gifts. It is a time when people come together to celebrate the spirit of love, compassion, and goodwill. Rooted in religious traditions for many, Christmas commemorates the birth of Jesus Christ, symbolizing hope and salvation. Beyond religious contexts, it serves as a universal occasion to express kindness, generosity, and a sense of community. Christmas encourages people to reflect on the values of empathy and selflessness, fostering connections with family, friends, and even strangers. Whether through religious observances or secular festivities, the essence of Christmas lies in spreading joy, creating cherished memories, and embracing the warmth of human connection.

      From Everyone At Disabled Entrepreneur – Disability UK Wishing You Happy Holidays”!

      Red Bauble


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