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In This Article:

  • If you can’t find a job, start a business
  • List of jobs you can do working from home being abled or disabled.
  • Things You Should Do to Start a Business
  • Further Reading
  • Conclusion
  • Contact Us

If you can’t find a job, start a business.

As the UK faces the impending challenges of sanctions, the traditional notions of employment are evolving, pushing individuals to seek alternative avenues for financial stability. The back-to-work policies, coupled with the uncertainties of finding conventional employment, have spurred a growing movement toward entrepreneurship. In these times of flux, the age-old adage takes on renewed significance: if you can’t find work, consider starting a business. This shift in perspective is not just a response to economic pressures but an opportunity for individuals to carve their paths, take control of their destinies, and contribute to economic resilience.

In the face of economic uncertainties and the looming impact of UK sanctions, the prospect of entrepreneurship has become a beacon of hope for those navigating the challenging job market. As the desire to start a business gains momentum, platforms like emerge as invaluable allies, offering an all-in-one business in a box and extending a helping hand to those ready to embark on their entrepreneurial journey.

The All-in-One Business in a Box: understands that starting a business can be a daunting task, especially for those transitioning from conventional employment or venturing into entrepreneurship for the first time. Positioned as an all-in-one business solution, this sister site aims to simplify the complex process of launching and establishing a business.

Professional Website Design:

A strong online presence is crucial for any business. UK Website Designers offers professional website design services tailored to your business needs. From visually appealing layouts to user-friendly navigation, your business’s digital storefront will be crafted with precision and expertise.

E-commerce Integration:

For those entering the realm of online sales, the platform provides seamless e-commerce integration. Whether you’re selling products or services, ensures that your online store is secure, user-friendly, and equipped with essential features for smooth transactions.

Branding and Logo Design:

Establishing a brand identity is key to standing out in a competitive market. The site offers services for branding and logo design, ensuring that your business is visually distinctive and leaves a lasting impression on your target audience.

Digital Marketing Support:

Navigating the digital landscape can be overwhelming. The platform extends support in digital marketing, helping you create effective strategies to reach your audience through channels like social media, search engine optimization (SEO), and email marketing.

A Helping Hand to Start You Off:

Starting a business involves more than just setting up a website. It requires guidance, support, and a community that understands the challenges of entrepreneurship. goes beyond providing services; it offers a helping hand to guide you through the initial phases of your business venture.

Consultative Approach:

The platform employs a consultative approach, understanding your business goals, and tailoring solutions to meet your unique needs. This personalized touch ensures that your business is set up for success from the start.

Educational Resources:

Recognizing that knowledge is a powerful tool, the platform provides educational resources to empower entrepreneurs. From articles on business strategies to guides on effective digital marketing, equips you with the insights needed to make informed decisions.

Community Support:

Entrepreneurship can be a solitary journey, but it doesn’t have to be. The platform fosters a sense of community among its users, facilitating networking opportunities and the exchange of ideas. Connecting with like-minded individuals can be instrumental in overcoming challenges and celebrating successes.

In the face of economic uncertainties and shifting employment landscapes, emerges as more than a service provider; it becomes a partner in your entrepreneurial journey. By offering an all-in-one business in a box and a helping hand to guide you through the initial stages, this sister site positions itself as a valuable resource for those ready to turn their business dreams into reality.

Embracing Entrepreneurship:

In a world where job markets can be competitive and opportunities elusive, the prospect of unemployment can be disheartening. However, rather than succumbing to the frustration of job hunting, there’s another avenue worth exploring entrepreneurship. Starting a business can be a transformative journey that not only provides financial independence but also allows individuals to pursue their passions and contribute to their communities. In this article, we’ll explore the benefits of starting a business when traditional employment seems out of reach.

Unleashing Creativity and Passion:

One of the most significant advantages of entrepreneurship is the opportunity to turn your passions and interests into a livelihood. When traditional job opportunities are scarce, starting a business allows you to create your path, turning a hobby or skill into a profitable venture. Whether it’s crafting handmade goods, providing a unique service, or developing innovative products, entrepreneurship empowers individuals to unleash their creativity in ways that traditional employment might not.

Taking Control of Your Destiny:

Finding a job often means navigating through a sea of applications and interviews, leaving much of your fate in the hands of others. In contrast, starting a business gives you control over your destiny. You become the decision-maker, shaping the direction of your enterprise and taking responsibility for its success. This autonomy can be incredibly empowering, fostering a sense of achievement and self-worth that may be elusive in the job market.

Building Transferable Skills:

Entrepreneurship is a crash course in various skills that extend beyond the realm of business. From marketing and finance to customer service and problem-solving, starting and running a business exposes you to a wide range of experiences. These skills are not only valuable for your business but are also highly transferable and can enhance your marketability in the long run, should you decide to return to traditional employment.

Creating Job Opportunities for Others:

When you start a business, you not only create a job for yourself but also have the potential to provide employment opportunities for others. Small businesses are the backbone of many economies, and by establishing your enterprise, you contribute to job creation, helping to stimulate economic growth in your community. This sense of giving back can be a powerful motivator and a source of personal fulfillment.

Adapting to Economic Changes:

The job market can be volatile, subject to economic downturns and industry shifts. In contrast, a well-established and adaptable business can weather these changes more effectively. By starting a business, you position yourself to adapt to economic fluctuations, diversify revenue streams, and pivot your offerings to meet emerging needs – a level of resilience that can be challenging to achieve in the corporate world.

While the job market may present challenges, it’s crucial to view these challenges as opportunities for growth and innovation. Starting a business, whether out of necessity or a desire for independence, can be a fulfilling and rewarding endeavor. The journey of entrepreneurship is not without its difficulties, but the lessons learned, and the satisfaction gained from building something of your own are invaluable. So, if you find yourself unable to secure traditional employment, consider taking the plunge into entrepreneurship – it might just be the key to unlocking your full potential.

List of jobs you can do working from home being abled or disabled.

Working from home offers a valuable option for individuals with disabilities, allowing them to participate in the workforce without the constraints of a traditional office environment. Here is a list of jobs that can be done remotely and are well-suited for individuals with disabilities:

  1. Freelance Writing: Content creation, blogging, and freelance writing can be done from the comfort of home.
  2. Graphic Design: Designing graphics, logos, and visual content for clients remotely.
  3. Web Development/Design: Creating and designing websites for clients from a home office.
  4. Virtual Assistance: Administrative tasks, scheduling, and email management for clients can be performed remotely.
  5. Online Tutoring: Teaching or tutoring various subjects online.
  6. Social Media Management: Managing social media accounts, creating content, and engaging with audiences remotely.
  7. Customer Service Representative: Handling customer inquiries and support through online platforms or over the phone.
  8. Transcription Services: Transcribing audio or video content into written form from home.
  9. Data Entry: Entering data, updating databases, and related tasks that can be done remotely.
  10. Virtual Accounting/Bookkeeping: Managing financial records and accounting tasks for clients from a home office.
  11. Online Counselling/Psychology Services: Providing counselling or therapy services through online platforms.
  12. Digital Marketing: Managing digital marketing campaigns, SEO, and online advertising remotely.
  13. E-commerce: Running an online store or selling products through e-commerce platforms.
  14. Online Survey Taker/Market Researcher: Participating in online surveys or conducting market research from home.
  15. Freelance Photography/Videography: Selling stock photos or offering freelance photography and videography services online. (Set up a studio in your home). Offer product photography to businesses.
  16. Online Health and Fitness Coaching: Providing fitness training, wellness coaching, or nutritional advice through virtual platforms.
  17. Remote Computer Support: Providing technical support and troubleshooting for computer-related issues from home. (People can drop off their computers)
  18. Accessibility Consulting: Offering consulting services to help companies improve digital accessibility.
  19. Online Retail: Selling handmade or unique products through platforms like Etsy.
  20. Software Testing/QA: Testing software applications for bugs and providing quality assurance remotely.
  21. Closed Captioning/Subtitling Services: Adding captions or subtitles to videos for accessibility.
  22. Online Language Translation: Providing language translation services online.
  23. Stock Trading/Investing: Engaging in stock trading and investment activities from home.
  24. Remote IT Support: Providing IT support services remotely for individuals or businesses.
  25. Accessibility Testing: Testing websites and applications for accessibility compliance.
  26. DIY Home Improvement Consultation: Providing advice and consultation on DIY home improvement projects.
  27. Virtual Reality (VR) Content Creation: Creating immersive experiences through virtual reality technology.
  28. Online Cooking Classes: Teaching cooking skills and techniques through virtual platforms.
  29. Baking and Cake Decorating: Offering custom cake and baked goods services.
  30. Pottery and Ceramics: Creating and selling handmade pottery items.
  31. Freelance Photography: Selling stock photos or offering photography services online.
  32. Virtual Event Planning: Planning and coordinating events through online platforms.
  33. Handmade Jewellery Crafting: Designing and selling handmade jewelry online.
  34. Freelance Illustration: Creating digital or traditional illustrations for clients.
  35. Customized Gift Creation: Offering personalized and custom-made gifts.
  36. E-book Author: Writing and self-publishing e-books on various topics.
  37. Online Music Lessons: Teaching music lessons or instrument tutorials through virtual platforms.
  38. Clothing Alterations/Design: Providing sewing and clothing design services online.
  39. Knitting/Crocheting/Embroidery: Knit, crochet or embroider custom clothes to order.
  40. Homemade Candle Making: Creating and selling handmade candles.
  41. Freelance Editing/Proofreading: Editing written content for clients.
  42. Virtual Interior Design: Providing virtual interior design services for clients.
  43. Online Art Classes: Teaching drawing, painting, or other art forms through virtual platforms.
  44. Gourmet Cooking Classes: Offering specialized cooking classes for gourmet or unique cuisines.
  45. Glass & Mosaic Art: Create Tiffany-style art and windows.
  46. Online Craft Workshops: Teaching various crafts through virtual workshops.
  47. Sell Your Art: Paint, Draw to Order. You could paint supercars or landscapes, you could paint realism art.
  48. Virtual Language Tutoring: Teaching language skills to individuals online.
  49. Bespoke Stationery Design: Designing custom stationery and invitations.
  50. T-shirt Business: Sell your custom-designed print t-shirts on demand.

There are plenty more ideas from bonsai art (real and artificial to woodwork and metalwork. You are only limited by your imagination.

When exploring remote job opportunities, individuals with disabilities need to consider their unique skills, interests, and any accommodations they may need. Many organizations are actively promoting inclusive remote work environments, providing a range of opportunities for diverse talents. Additionally, freelance platforms and remote job boards can be valuable resources for finding suitable opportunities.

Working from home has its upsides, however, if you are renting you must first get permission from your landlord, especially if you are running a physical business.

If your business is online and your landlord refuses you to use his/her address for Google, and Bing Pages, and Classified Ads you may have a reason to claim damages because he/she cannot have the cake and eat it, (how does a landlord expect you to pay the rent if you cannot earn money)? You also cannot be listed in the Business Wales Directory without a physical address.

Most search engines will suspend your listing if they find you are using a virtual address which you can buy for ££ per month.

Becoming self-employed can be daunting and some people do not want to go out of their comfort zones. As Rob Moore would say “If you don’t risk anything, you risk everything”.

Starting a business involves a series of strategic steps to ensure a strong foundation and long-term success. Here’s a comprehensive list of things you need to do to start a business:

Things You Should Do to Start a Business

  1. Research and Planning: Market Research: Identify your target market and assess the demand for your product or service.
  2. Business Plan: Develop a comprehensive business plan outlining your goals, target audience, competition analysis, and financial projections.
  3. Legal Structure and Registration: Contact HMRC and inform them you have started a business and let DWP know also. You will have to do a self-assessment once a year. Your housing benefit will not stop but you will have to provide evidence of your earnings. You may also be entitled to working tax credits (soon to be Universal Credits (UC)).
  4. Choose a Legal Structure: Decide on the legal structure of your business (sole proprietorship, partnership, LLC, corporation) based on your goals and circumstances.
  5. Register Your Business: Register your business name and structure with the appropriate government authorities.
  6. Finances: Create a Budget, Outline your startup costs, operational expenses, and projected revenue.
  7. Open a Business Bank Account: Keep your business finances separate from personal finances.
  8. Secure Funding: Explore funding options, such as personal savings, loans, investors, or grants.
  9. Brand Development: Choose a Business Name, Select a memorable and unique name for your business. Secure your domain name.
  10. Design a Logo: Create a distinctive and professional logo to represent your brand.
  11. Legal and Regulatory Compliance: Obtain Necessary Permits and Licenses. Check local regulations and obtain the required permits and licenses.
  12. Tax ID and Registration: Obtain a tax identification number and register for relevant taxes. This is normally your national insurance number if you are in the UK, if you are in the US you need to contact the IRS. If you wish to be VAT registered, you must earn over a certain amount before you can do this.
  13. Business Location and Setup: Choose a Location, select a physical location for your business, or establish a virtual presence.
  14. Set Up Your Workspace: Arrange the necessary equipment and infrastructure.
  15. Technology and Systems: Set Up Technology, and establish a website, email, and other essential technologies for your business.
  16. Implement Systems: Put in place operational systems for efficiency.
  17. Insurance: Get Business Insurance, consider insurance options to protect your business from potential risks.
  18. Hire and Train: Recruitment, hire necessary staff or partners. Training, provide training to ensure everyone is aligned with your business goals. (You could outsource your work, that way you are not tied down to paying wages).
  19. Marketing and Branding: Develop a Marketing Strategy and create a plan for promoting your business.
  20. Build an Online Presence: Network and utilize social media platforms, by joining groups and pages. Create your matching brand business page.
  21. Accounting and Bookkeeping: Set Up Accounting Systems, implement accounting software, or hire an accountant.
  22. Financial Tracking: Establish a system for tracking income and expenses.
  23. Customer Relationship Management (CRM): Choose a CRM System and implement a CRM system to manage customer interactions and relationships.
  24. Networking and Partnerships: LinkedIn is a great place to start and invite people to connect with you. Attend industry events and build a network of contacts. Partnerships, explore potential partnerships that could benefit your business.
  25. Launch: Plan and Execute a Launch Strategy, create a launch plan to introduce your business to the market.
  26. Evaluate and Adapt: Continuous Improvement, regularly evaluate your business performance and adapt strategies accordingly.

Further Reading



Starting a business is a multifaceted process that requires careful consideration of various aspects. While this list provides a comprehensive guide, each business is unique, and adjustments may be necessary based on your specific industry, goals, and market conditions. With this in mind and with the help of our sister site, we can give you a head start, we will guide you every step of the way, so you do not have to feel you are going alone.

**If you are afraid of being sanctioned, take the bull by the horns and start a business today. We will walk you through it. Take this opportunity and take the time to shine.

We will give you a head start:

  1. Free Mentorship
  2. Free Business Templates (Business Plan Template)
  3. Set up all Social Media Pages For Free To Match Branding
  4. Free Landing Page (worth £120)
  5. Free e-Commerce Website Design and Development (free hosting for the first 3 months worth £450) – (based on a 12-month contract).
  6. Free Domain Name (priceless)
  7. Free Logo Design
  8. Free Email Addresses
  9. Free Marketing & Advertising (for 12 months worth £1,560)
  10. Free Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)
  11. Free Social Media Management (inclusive of point no 3 & 10)
  12. Free Resources & Tools

Contact Us Today!


We offer website design, digital marketing, SEO, content writing, social media management, branding, logo design, and advertising services.

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Renata MB Selfie
Disabled Entrepreneur - Disability UK

Renata The Owner & Editor of and Online Journals, suffers From OCD, Cerebellar Atrophy & Rheumatoid Arthritis. She is an Entrepreneur & Published Author, she writes content on a range of topics, including politics, current affairs, health and business. She is an advocate for Mental Health, Human Rights & Disability Discrimination.

Whilst her disabilities can be challenging she has adapted her life around her health and documents her journey online.

Disabled Entrepreneur - Disability UK Online Journal Offers Digital Marketing, Content Writing, Website Creation, SEO, and Domain Brokering. Disabled Entrepreneur - Disability UK is an open platform that invites contributors to write articles and serves as a dynamic marketplace where a diverse range of talents and offerings can converge. This platform acts as a collaborative space where individuals or businesses can share their expertise, creativity, and products with a broader audience.

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