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Category: Harassment

Energy Providers and Consumer Rights

Brown & Cream Image, depicting wording typed on a typewriter mentioning 'Consumer Rights'. Image Credit: PhotoFunia.com Category Vintage Typewriter.
Brown & Cream Image, depicting wording typed on a typewriter mentioning ‘Consumer Rights’.
Image Credit: PhotoFunia.com Category Vintage Typewriter.

Energy Providers and Consumer Rights: Navigating Billing Harassment and Forced Smart Meters

Managing household expenses is a critical aspect of financial well-being, among these expenses, energy bills can be particularly burdensome, especially when energy providers make it challenging for consumers to manage their payments. Instances where providers pressure customers to pay bills in full rather than allowing installments, or where they force the installation of smart meters, can lead to significant legal and psychological ramifications. Understanding your rights and the laws that protect you is crucial in addressing these issues.

When energy providers ask numerous personal questions after you have proposed a comfortable monthly payment amount, and they base their payment demands on your personal circumstances rather than considering your offer, this could constitute an invasion of privacy and potential harassment. Such practices may violate consumer protection laws and regulations that require energy providers to respect reasonable payment proposals and to handle personal information appropriately. This intrusive questioning can also lead to undue stress and anxiety, exacerbating an already challenging financial situation. In many jurisdictions, consumers are protected from such unfair treatment, and providers are obligated to work with customers to find mutually acceptable payment solutions without overstepping privacy boundaries.

Some energy providers engage in frustrating practices such as passing customers from pillar to post, where multiple agents handle a single query without effectively updating one another. This lack of coordination can lead to confusion, delays, and unresolved issues, leaving consumers exasperated. Additionally, providers may employ stonewalling tactics, deliberately stalling responses to buy enough time to push customers into arrears, thereby exacerbating their financial difficulties. In more severe cases, customers might encounter hostile, aggressive, or even ableist behavior from representatives, designed to intimidate and pressure them into compliance. Such actions are not only unethical but also potentially unlawful, as they violate consumer protection laws and can contribute to significant emotional and mental distress.

Legal Protections Against Unfair Billing Practices

Energy providers are subject to strict regulations designed to protect consumers from unfair practices. In many jurisdictions, these protections are enshrined in consumer protection laws and regulations specific to utility companies. Key protections include:

  1. Right to Fair Billing and Installment Payments: Many regions, such as the UK and EU, have regulations that mandate energy providers to offer fair billing practices. This includes the option for consumers to pay their bills in installments. Forcing customers to pay the entire bill upfront can violate these regulations.
  2. Protection from Harassment: Harassment by debt collectors or utility companies is illegal. Under laws such as the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) in the United States, consumers are protected from aggressive or harassing collection practices. This includes repeated calls, threats, or other forms of intimidation.
  3. Consent for Smart Meters: In many areas, the installation of smart meters must be done with the consent of the customer. Forcing the installation of these devices without consent can breach consumer rights. For example, the UK’s Smart Metering Installation Code of Practice stipulates that customers have the right to refuse a smart meter.

Addressing Unfair Practices

If you find yourself pressured by your energy provider, several steps can help resolve the issue:

  1. Document Everything: Keep records of all communications with your energy provider. This includes emails, letters, and notes from phone conversations. Documentation is crucial if you need to escalate the issue.
  2. Formal Complaint: File a formal complaint with your energy provider. Most companies have a complaints process, and they are required to respond within a certain timeframe.
  3. Seek Regulatory Help: If the issue remains unresolved, contact the regulatory body overseeing energy providers in your region. In the UK, this would be Ofgem, while in the US, it could be the Public Utility Commission of your state.
  4. Legal Action: If harassment continues, consider legal action in the UK (First4Lawyers). Laws such as the FDCPA (USA) allow consumers to sue for harassment and seek damages for emotional distress.

Impact on Mental Health

The pressure and harassment from energy providers can have a profound impact on mental health. Constant stress and anxiety from dealing with aggressive billing practices can lead to:

  • Anxiety and Depression: The continuous pressure to settle bills or accept unwanted services can contribute to severe anxiety and depression.
  • Emotional Distress: The fear of disconnection or legal action can cause significant emotional distress, affecting overall well-being and quality of life.

Potential for Legal Recourse

Consumers experiencing significant emotional distress due to harassment from energy providers may have grounds to sue for damages. Emotional distress claims require demonstrating the extent of psychological impact and linking it directly to the actions of the provider. Legal precedents have shown that companies can be held liable for causing undue stress and anxiety.


Consumers have robust legal protections against unfair billing practices and harassment by energy providers. Understanding these rights and knowing the steps to address such issues can mitigate the impact on mental health and ensure fair treatment. If you face pressure or harassment from your energy provider, taking documented, informed actions can protect your rights and well-being. Always seek legal advice if you believe your rights have been violated, as there are avenues for recourse and compensation for undue distress.

It is not uncommon for consumers to perceive the ombudsman as biased in favor of energy suppliers, often feeling that their grievances are not given due weight. This perception is reinforced by cases where compensation awarded to consumers has been minimal, sometimes as little as £200, which many believe does not adequately reflect the distress and inconvenience experienced.

If you are considering legal action due to dissatisfaction with the ombudsman’s decision, it is advisable to take your case to a tribunal or small claims court, where a more impartial hearing can be expected. Alternatively, writing directly to the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) can be an effective step, particularly if your complaint involves issues of unfair treatment or discrimination.

Disabled Entrepreneur Business Card.

DWP Treating People Like Criminals

PIP Eligibility Text on Typewriter Paper. Image Credit: PhotoFunia.com
A brown and cream image of the wording “PIP Eligibility” text typed on typewriter paper on a typewriter

DWP Treating People Like Criminals For Having PIP Reinstated

In legal contexts, implying that someone is not telling the truth can involve a variety of terms and concepts beyond the straightforward accusation of “lying.” These terms encompass a range of behaviors and implications, each with specific legal connotations and consequences.

When someone with an incurable illness or disability is subjected to a review by the DWP for their PIP award, it can be perceived as a form of discrimination and may be classed as ableism or indirect discrimination.

Ableism refers to discrimination and social prejudice against people with disabilities, rooted in the belief that typical abilities are superior. Indirect discrimination occurs when a seemingly neutral policy disproportionately affects individuals with disabilities. These reviews, particularly for those with lifelong conditions, can reflect underlying biases that question the legitimacy of their disabilities and impose unnecessary stress and bureaucratic burdens, reinforcing the societal marginalization and stigmatization of disabled individuals.

Scrutiny of DWP’s PIP Review Process for Incurable Illnesses: Legal and Ethical Implications

When the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) reviews a Personal Independence Payment (PIP) award for someone with an incurable illness or disability, it raises significant ethical and legal concerns. Despite having comprehensive medical evidence that confirms the permanence and severity of a claimant’s condition, the DWP’s continued scrutiny can be perceived as a form of discrimination, potentially classifiable as ableism or indirect discrimination.

Legal Implications of Persistent Reviews

Discrimination and Ableism

Ableism involves discrimination and social prejudice against individuals with disabilities. It manifests in policies and practices that assume people without disabilities are more capable and deserving of fair treatment. Persistent reviews of individuals with incurable conditions, despite clear medical evidence, can imply that their word or the word of their medical professionals is not trusted. This undermines their lived experiences and abilities, reinforcing ableist attitudes.

Indirect discrimination occurs when a seemingly neutral policy or practice disproportionately disadvantages people with disabilities. Regular reviews of those with permanent disabilities could be seen as such, as these policies do not account for the immutable nature of their conditions, placing undue stress and bureaucratic burdens on individuals who should otherwise be receiving stable support.

The DWP’s Response and Terminology

In their correspondence, the DWP often uses carefully crafted language that can add to the stress and uncertainty experienced by claimants. A typical PIP award letter might include statements such as:

“We have the right to take back any money we pay that you are not entitled to. This may be because of the way the payment system works. For example, you may give us some information, which means you are entitled to less money. Sometimes we may not be able to change the amount we have already paid you. This means we will have paid you money that you are not entitled to. We will contact you before we take back any money. We need to know if your condition, the amount of help you need, or your circumstances change. This is because it may change how much Personal Independence Payment you can get.

PIP Award Letter

The Purpose and Impact of This Terminology

The DWP’s use of such terminology is intended to inform claimants about their responsibilities and the conditions under which their payments might be adjusted. However, for individuals with permanent and incurable conditions, this language can be particularly distressing and discriminating. It implies that the claimant could be at fault for overpayments, which may not be relevant given the unchanging nature of their disability. This can make claimants feel criminalized and under suspicion, despite their transparent and documented medical conditions.

Potential Legal and Ethical Violations

  1. Harassment and Intimidation: Repeated and unnecessary reviews, coupled with the threatening language regarding the recovery of overpayments, can be construed as a form of harassment. This can create a hostile environment for claimants, contributing to mental distress and a feeling of being unjustly targeted.
  2. Breach of Trust: By continuing to question the legitimacy of a claimant’s condition, the DWP risks breaching the trust that should exist between a government body and the individuals it serves. This can erode confidence in the social security system.
  3. Violation of Human Rights: Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights protects the right to respect for private and family life. Persistent reviews of a claimant’s incurable condition could be argued to violate this right by causing unnecessary interference in their lives.

What Claimants Can Do

Challenge the Review Process

Claimants can challenge the review process by:

  • Filing a formal complaint: Outlining the unnecessary stress and providing evidence of their incurable condition.
  • Seeking support from advocacy groups: Organizations like Citizens Advice can provide guidance and support.
  • Consulting legal advice: A solicitor specializing in disability rights can offer tailored advice and potential legal recourse.

Document All Interactions

Keep detailed records of all communications with the DWP, including copies of letters, emails, and notes from phone calls. This documentation can be crucial if a formal complaint or legal action becomes necessary.

Engage with Medical Professionals

Continuously update and provide the DWP with medical evidence that supports the permanence of the condition. Clear and consistent medical documentation can strengthen the case against unnecessary reviews.

Legal Terminology for Implying Falsehoods Beyond “Lying”. If someone suggests or implies you are not telling the truth what are they guilty of?

When someone suggests or implies that you are not telling the truth, they are not necessarily guilty of any specific legal offense. However, their actions might fall into one of the following categories:

Defamation: If the suggestion or implication is made publicly and harms your reputation, it could be considered defamation. Defamation includes both slander (spoken false statements) and libel (written false statements). To prove defamation, you would need to show that the statement was false, damaging, and made with malicious intent.

False Accusation: If the suggestion is more direct and accuses you of a specific wrongdoing, it might be considered a false accusation. False accusations can have serious consequences, especially if they lead to legal proceedings or damage your reputation.

Bad Faith: While not a legal term per se, accusing someone of lying without evidence or in bad faith can be harmful. It reflects poorly on the accuser’s integrity and may damage relationships or trust.

Here are some key terms:

1. Perjury

Perjury is a severe legal offense that occurs when an individual intentionally makes false statements under oath in a judicial proceeding. It is not merely lying but doing so in a context where the law requires the truth. Perjury is considered a serious crime because it undermines the integrity of the legal system. Perjury is the act of lying or giving deliberately misleading information while under oath. For example, during a trial or criminal proceeding, witnesses are sworn in and asked to be completely honest in their statements. If someone intentionally provides false information in such a situation, it constitutes perjury.

2. False Testimony

False testimony is similar to perjury but may not always rise to the same level of legal severity. It involves providing untrue statements in a legal context, such as in court or in sworn affidavits. While all perjury is false testimony, not all false testimony constitutes perjury, depending on the intent and circumstances.

3. Misrepresentation

Misrepresentation involves presenting false or misleading information. In legal terms, it often relates to contracts or transactions where one party provides incorrect details that the other party relies upon. Misrepresentation can be classified into three types: innocent, negligent, and fraudulent, with fraudulent misrepresentation being the most severe.

4. Fraud

Fraud is a broad legal term that encompasses intentional deception to secure unfair or unlawful gain. It involves deliberate actions to mislead others, often for financial benefit. Fraud can occur in various contexts, including contracts, insurance claims, and financial transactions.

5. Defamation

Defamation involves making false statements about someone that harm their reputation. It can be classified into two types: libel (written defamation) and slander (spoken defamation). While defamation primarily concerns false statements about others, accusations of lying that are not true themselves can lead to defamation claims.

6. Deception

Deception is a general term used to describe the act of misleading or tricking someone. In legal contexts, deception can lead to charges of fraud, misrepresentation, or other forms of dishonest behavior. Deception often implies a calculated and intentional act to cause someone to believe something that is not true.

7. Concealment

Concealment involves hiding or withholding information that one is legally obliged to disclose. It is a form of dishonesty that can be just as damaging as lying, particularly in legal and contractual settings. Concealment can lead to charges of fraud or misrepresentation if it results in harm or loss to another party.

8. Breach of Trust

Breach of trust occurs when someone violates the trust placed in them, particularly in fiduciary relationships. This can include situations where a person entrusted with certain responsibilities or information acts dishonestly or fails to act in the best interest of the party to whom they owe a duty.

9. Mendacious:

While not exclusive to legal contexts, the term “mendacious” is more formal and objective than simply saying “lying.” It can be used to accuse someone of intentionally not telling the truth.

10. Prevaricate

This word means to avoid telling the truth or to be deliberately vague or evasive in order to mislead or deceive. When someone chooses their words carefully to avoid giving a direct answer, they might be prevaricating

Navigating Accusations of Dishonesty in DWP/PIP Reviews: Legal Terms and Remedies

This can be especially disheartening when you have had your PIP reinstated by a tribunal court, yet the DWP continues to question your eligibility.

Understanding the legal terms for such accusations and knowing your rights can help you navigate this challenging situation.

Legal Terminology for Accusations of Dishonesty

  1. Maladministration Maladministration refers to inefficient or improper management by a public body, such as the DWP. If the DWP handles your case in a way that is unfair, biased, or incorrect, this can constitute maladministration. This term covers a range of issues including delay, failure to follow procedures, and giving incorrect or misleading advice.
  2. Defamation Defamation involves making false statements that harm your reputation. While defamation typically refers to public statements, if the DWP’s communications or actions suggest dishonesty on your part without evidence, and this harms your reputation, you may have grounds to claim defamation.
  3. Harassment If the DWP’s actions are excessively persistent or aggressive, causing you distress, this could be considered harassment. Harassment involves unwanted behavior that intimidates, humiliates, or degrades a person.
  4. Unreasonable Conduct The term “unreasonable conduct” can be used to describe actions by the DWP that are unfair or not based on evidence. This includes unsubstantiated accusations or persistent questioning of your integrity without basis.

What You Can Do About It

1. File a Complaint

You have the right to file a formal complaint if you believe the DWP is treating you unfairly. Start by following the DWP’s complaints procedure. Clearly outline the issues, provide any evidence you have, and explain how their actions have affected you.

2. Involve an Ombudsman

If you are not satisfied with the DWP’s response to your complaint, you can escalate the matter to the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman. The Ombudsman investigates complaints about maladministration and can make recommendations to resolve the issue.

3. Seek Legal Advice

Consulting with a solicitor who specializes in welfare benefits can provide you with tailored advice. A solicitor can help you understand your rights, represent you in disputes, and potentially take legal action against the DWP for defamation, harassment, or unreasonable conduct.

4. Tribunal Decisions

If a tribunal court has reinstated your PIP indefinitely, this decision is legally binding. The DWP can review your case in the future, but they must have substantial grounds to change the tribunal’s decision. Keep copies of all tribunal decisions and medical evidence to support your case.

5. Document Everything

Maintain a detailed record of all interactions with the DWP, including letters, emails, phone calls, and notes from meetings. This documentation can be crucial if you need to challenge the DWP’s actions or decisions.

6. Use Medical Evidence

Continuously gather and update medical evidence to support your disability claim. This includes letters from doctors, medical reports, and any other relevant documentation. Presenting this evidence can strengthen your case and counter any accusations of dishonesty.

7. Support from Advocacy Groups

Various advocacy groups and charities provide support for individuals dealing with PIP claims. These organizations can offer advice, help with paperwork, and support you during appeals and reviews.

Addressing the 10-Year Review

If the tribunal court has stated that your PIP is indefinite but the DWP intends to review it in 10 years, this can be a point of contention (argument). The DWP is allowed to review cases periodically to ensure continued eligibility, but an indefinite award from a tribunal should be respected.

Steps to Take:

  1. Confirm the Tribunal Decision Ensure that you have a clear, written copy of the tribunal’s decision stating that your PIP is indefinite.
  2. Request Clarification Write to the DWP asking for clarification on why they are planning a review despite the tribunal’s indefinite award. Request a written response.
  3. Seek Legal Recourse If the DWP insists on a review without substantial grounds, seek legal advice. A solicitor can help you challenge the review process if it contradicts the tribunal’s decision.


Dealing with accusations of dishonesty from the DWP when managing your PIP claim can be distressing, but understanding the legal terms and your rights can empower you to take appropriate action. Whether it’s filing a complaint, seeking legal advice, or ensuring that a tribunal’s decision is respected, there are several steps you can take to protect yourself and ensure fair treatment. Always document your interactions, gather medical evidence, and don’t hesitate to seek support from advocacy groups to navigate this complex process.

In legal terms, implying that someone is not telling the truth can be expressed through various concepts depending on the context and severity of the behavior. Understanding these terms is crucial in navigating legal disputes and ensuring that accusations are appropriately addressed. Whether it is perjury, misrepresentation, or fraud, each term carries specific legal implications and potential consequences, reflecting the complexity of how the law views and handles dishonesty.

Remember that context matters, and the legal implications depend on the specific circumstances and jurisdiction. 🕵️‍♂️

Further Reading:

Disabled Entrepreneur Business Card.

Renata’s Online Health Journal Update 2022!

Renata’s Online Health Journal Update 2022!

People who shy away from people with mental health disorders or disabilities and label people as damaged goods usually have their own demons to contend with”.

I need to vent and let off steam before I blow a gasket.

The last few months have taken a toll on my health. As most of you know I am the Editor of ‘Disability UK – Disabled Entrepreneur Online Journal’ and have come to near enough a standstill with my business because of my health.

My Disabilities are Invisible.

I sometimes am so depressed it takes a lot of effort to do anything, these days.

Renata’s Online Journal Health Report

The following is a snippet of what I am going through.

I am disabled, I suffer from Cerebellar Atrophy, OCD, and Depression so it is no surprise that I have highs and lows. Yet most recently I have been experiencing very bad lows.

I do not have a support system and my GP is as useful as a chocolate fire guard. https://disabledentrepreneur.uk/gp-doctor-negligence-evidence/ To understand my health you will have to understand how the last few months have been for me and what I have gone through and am still going through.

Events 2022.

  1. I have been through war and back with ‘British Gas’, which I have reported to ‘Ombudsman’ who in turn report to ‘OFGEM’. ‘British Gas’ caused me humiliation, intimidation, harassment, and emotional distress.
  2. In another incident I had 40 emails from a credit card issuer (situation now under control), again I have experienced, humiliation, intimidation, harassment, and emotional distress. (They gave me £100 as a gesture of goodwill, with the understanding that if I endure more harassment I will report them to the Ombudsman). I know what they will say but she accepted the £100, which is just a band-aid on a gaping wound.
  3. Most recently my laptop started having a blue screen and eventually died, I have not been able to do anything online for about a week. I have simply used my phone to read and reply to emails and do research. This started making me sink into a very dark place.
  4. I then had a brand new computer and not even a week old I ended up with a BSOD, you just can’t make this stuff up. https://marketingagency.cymrumarketing.com/2022/08/24/lenovo-or-windows-fault-blue-screen-of-death-bsod-2022/
  5. My internet is intermittent, and I am getting the blame game excuse (it’s not us it must be you), this is an ongoing issue in which they gave 3 months of free broadband, but the issues are starting to happen again. Virgin Media Outage in Cardiff, Wales: Current Problems and Outages • Is The Service Down? UK
  6. I have lost clients due to the rise in the cost of living and them not being able to afford their websites. (No help for small businesses I hear your cry, and yes the rich get richer and the poor get poorer).

My health.

  • I am very depressed.
  • My OCD has spiraled off the ricker scale.
  • I have intrusive thoughts.
  • I have no patience.
  • I have panic attacks.
  • I hate noise, anything from traffic to car doors opening and closing.
  • The only way I will interact is online.
  • I do not answer my phone, which no doubt has cost me a lot of business.

So there is a knock-on domino effect when people are so robotic and irritating to the point if I could shove my fist down the other end of the line or across the computer screen, I would.

I am not in a good place right now because I am struggling to stay positive and optimistic. I have been studying neuroplasticity and I should stick with it because something I thought about, the next day materialized. Therefore I need to heal and start caring about myself rather than neglecting myself.

I plan to write a book about my life, this will no doubt open a can of worms, not only for me having to recall things that I would rather not remember but for the people that have done me wrong. My book will mention all the highs and lows and perhaps it may help people to avoid the same mistakes I made, in my relationships, and in my career, not only how everything over the years has affected my health and how I am trying to heal.

“I want to make a difference in this world and help people like me or worse off than me”.

I may not physically want to interact but a virtual connection I am fine with, although I won’t be doing anything for a few weeks because I need to recover from all the trauma I have had to endure over the last few months.

This all goes towards documenting my health so that it all gets put on the NHS database. There is a reason behind my madness.

It saddens me that the people I have reached out to on a personal level, who said they were going to get back in touch never have. I assume that they have reached their own conclusions and do not want to interact with someone that has disabilities. I suppose they see me as damaged goods, but labeling someone in such a way is not only hurtful but incorrect because we all have something going on in our lives thus we can all be labeled the same way. In fact, it will be hard to find a person that has not been screwed over in some way or another and how it affected them mentally. Usually, people who shy away from people with mental health disorders have their own demons to contend with and cannot handle yours. I do not see myself as damaged I see myself as someone who can overcome obstacles and then write about them. Just because I am having a bad day today does not mean I will be having a bad day tomorrow. No two days are the same. Yes, I have disabilities but there are millions of people in the same boat as me or worse off. You need to find the strength to make your story your superpower. Everyone has a book waiting to be written. There’s No Such Thing As Being “Damaged Goods” In A Relationship—Here’s Why (bolde.com)

I am like a bear with a sore head at the moment, as a consequence, I avoid talking over the phone as much as possible. When I do have to call people, as an example the other day, I nearly bit an IT engineer’s head off when I was having trouble accessing my site. I did apologize afterward about my outburst but I have a very short fuse and my temperament is not great, I can come off at times as being rude, (I try not to be, but cannot help it if people push my buttons). However, I also get very obnoxious, patronizing, and condescending individuals and all I want to do is punch their faces. I am no good at interacting physically, which is fortunate.

I have reported ‘British Gas’ to the Ombudsman and have to wait on an outcome. I feel very lethargic and am finding it hard to be optimistic right now. I should stay positive but is hard when I have to deal with some things that cause my health to worsen. It is as if I make one step forward and two steps back.

My OCD has gone through the roof and where I was making progress the last few months have basically thrown all my hard work away. Having a mental health disorder like depression which causes an onset of intrusive thoughts causing you to have compulsions to ease the anxiety. it is a vicious circle. and that is why I do not interact physically.

#onlinediary #onlinejournal #scripting #journalling #blogging #pip #depression #stress #anxiety #ocd #mental health #obsessivecompulsivedisorder

British Gas Have Pushed An Editor Of ‘Disability UK’ To Breaking Point.

British Gas Have Pushed An Editor Of ‘Disability UK’ To Breaking Point.

The Editor Has Been Subjected To And Is Suffering From The Following:

  • Humiliation
  • Patronization
  • Torment
  • Emotional Distress
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Stress
  • Panic Attacks
  • PTSD

I wrote previously about how British Gas treats its customers. Today with a heavy heart I am writing about them again.

Emotional Distress Compensation | DISABLED ENTREPRENEUR – DISABILITY UK

British Gas Customer Intimidation & Treating Customers Badly. | DISABLED ENTREPRENEUR – DISABILITY UK

So to recap on the 27th of July 2022 I was put on a payment plan.

You have to bear in mind when the price rose earlier this year I tried to move my payment date and that is when the problems started in February although I did have a payment plan in place at the time but was told the only way I could move the date was if I set up a Direct Debit with the increased tariff. I wanted to move the date inline when my inbound payments were coming in. (The original payment plan which was at the time £65 and then rose to £90). Soon after I canceled the direct debit because I was not comfortable giving British Gas access to my bank account, this is when they refused to put me on a payment plan where I manually could pay by bank transfer, standing order, or directly on their website.

This has been going on for the best part of six months (Feb -August 2022).

I eventually was put on a payment plan after several phone calls and meter readings proving I was not using much Gas, somewhat five months later.

On the 4th of August 2022, some bright spark (woman) stopped my payment plan because she said I would not be able to pay online if I had a magnetic card, I told her I would pay by bank transfer and she said it was not possible even though I have the bank details to do that or simply pay on their website. There have been many agents that have said this causing contradictions to what other agents say, that I am able to pay online.

I phoned back on the 5th of August and was put back on the payment plan yet AGAIN.

I then got a letter yesterday dated 6th August that British Gas has not heard from me even though I am phoning practically every day.

In the letter, British Gas states my account has been passed to the debt collection team, threatening me with a smart meter which I refuse to have installed. Smart Meters | DISABLED ENTREPRENEUR – DISABILITY UK

I proceeded yesterday to go on their chat and set the transcript to email me at the end of the chat. You can guess I never received an email.

So today I phone up and I was met with a hostile agent who spoke to me in a very controlling manner. I told her about the letter and I said that I did not cancel the payment plan on the 4th, no sooner I had said this she put the phone down on me.

I then decided to have another go with the chat and not trusting British Gas as far as I can throw them, I started the chat again but remembered what my daughter said and that was to screenshot the chat just in case I did not get a copy of the transcript. The agent assured me I would get an email (as per the screenshot)…wrong I had no such email but I did do the screenshots that confirmed I am on a payment plan and that my account has not been passed to debt collections.

When the agent asked me if I have happy with British Gas I was not going to go into an in-depth conversation about why I was not happy with British Gas, so I simply said yes to end the chat.

Technically speaking I should be working but this company has made me so unwell I barely respond to emails and do the occasional update. The amount of time I have wasted with this company is beyond unbelievable.

Moving Forward and My Usage.

I eat sandwiches and salads maybe use the cooker 10 times a month. Come winter I am going to buy oil-filled radiators.

I would rather pay a little bit extra to the electricity supplier EON Next than give a penny more to British Gas.

“British Gas needs to have empathetic agents, not people that think they are so high and mighty and above you. They should be held accountable for their actions”.

This has been going on for six months and the number of calls I have had to make, emails I have sent, and chats are enough to test anyone’s mental health strength and state of mind.

I have reported this to the ombudsman and will be sending them another update today.

In my opinion it absolutely disgusting how they treat people.

#britishgas #humilation #emotionaldistress #anxiety #panicattacks #depression

British Gas Customer Intimidation & Treating Customers Badly.

British Gas Intimidation and Disregard For Mental Health & Vulnerabilities.

Intimidation is intentional behavior that causes the victim emotional distress, panic, fear, anxiety, and depression. The instigator of intimidation tries to intimidate the victim by threatening a person into paying more than they can afford, not giving time to pay, and simply disregarding the person’s disabilities. Any entity that causes distress to another person should be made accountable, especially if they have no regard for the victims’ personal health and disabilities.

  • Type of harm to vulnerable adult – Emotional /Psychological
  • Meaning – Action or inaction by others that causes mental anguish.
  • Example – Action or inaction by others that causes mental anguish. Inflexible regimes and lack of choice. Mocking, coercing, denying privacy, threatening behaviour, bullying, intimidation, harassment, deliberate isolation, deprivation.

If British Gas denied or try to defend that they did not cause emotional distress then why would they have called the Police (Duty of Care) if that was not the case? British Gas could have pushed me over the edge, and they did cause me anguish, despair, and emotional distress.

Update To Ongoing Saga!

I wrote not so long about ‘British Gas’ and the problems I am having with this company and have decided to write a separate update to the continuation of my saga.

British Gas:

  • Failed to support me with mental health disabilities
  • Failed to offer an affordable payment plan even though I told them that I had contacted their charity and asked them to give me more time.
  • Tried to intimidate me to pay £190 per month even though all I owed at the time was £318.74 (according to the threatening letter date 16th July 2022) as seen below:
  • Caused me emotional distress and as a consequence, they called the Police. (A riot van rocked up on my street and I could see the twitching of net curtains from my neighbours whilst I was publically humiliated because of ‘British Gas’).
  • Sent out intimidating a threatening letter and email.
  • Finally agreed today (27/07/22) to £70 per month which I have been saying from day dot after 3 months of arguing, but then retracted on 04/08/22.
Letter – Address Redacted.
Email Received 27/07/22 With Different Amount To The letter.

Yet today 27/07/22 it has gone up to £328.38 (charging me an extra £9.64, not sure what for? they have overcharged twice) with average usage of £40 per month. I have been paying £70 per month as this is all I can afford and they are now trying to bully me by passing my debt to a debt collecting agency. I stated I would share this far and wide if they continue to use underhanded methods and I will be seeking compensation for the distress this has caused me. If you overcharge 1 million customers £10 you make a 10 million profit.

A quick recap:

  • In January I was paying £65 per month
  • In March it went up to £90 per month
  • In April it went up to £135.00 per month
  • In May it went up to £190 per month

As a consequence, I am now in arrears and have offered to pay £70 per month on the 6th of the month, including my own estimated Gas usage of £40 per month and my arrears spread over 12 months (I have reduced my usage purposely such as not cooking, washing up and am simply eating sandwiches and salads).

But British Gas are not having it, even going as far as to say “they do not support people with mental health or vulnerabilities“, (This was said on a recorded call). The customer rep I spoke with today 27/07/22 said that the previous customer rep was wrong in saying this and that British Gas does support people with mental health (but he would say).

Here are my meter readings which prove I use my own estimated usage of £40 worth of Gas on average a month.

“I Won’t Be Intimidated, I Know My Rights!”

Meter Reading 31st May 2022
Meter Reading 15th June 2022
(If I submitted a meter reading on the 15th, why would I have an estimated meter reading on the 22nd for £9.64 it makes no sense, furthermore I got charged
twice on the 22nd June 2022 & after the 16th July 2022 when the letter was sent out for the same amount, so in total, I was scammed £19.28).
Meter Reading 4th July 2022
Meter Reading 27th July – 4th August 2022
( I have used zero gas other than my charges of 33p per day).

I emailed them on 26/07/22 and have stated the above omitting the latest meter reading which I added on 27/07/22 that if they push my buttons I will contact mainstream media journalists and ask them to write about “British Gas”. This company like every other relies on business, customers, and investors for their charity. It won’t look good if I start singing like a canary. In fact, it won’t look good having the title of this article “British Gas Customer Intimidation”, or “British Gas Bullying Vulnerable People” on my other blog. I’m sure I am going to get some eyeballs.

It is not my fault that prices have gone up and if one does not have the money, to begin with, how are they supposed to find the money to pay for something that the 1% only benefit from?

I have also come across a website that an ex-police officer wrote about regarding harassment, the article is dated (old) but it only enforces how I have personally been treated by this company: https://www.peterloud.co.uk/britishgasfraud/harassment.html

Accenture System

There is obviously a fault with the billing system: “Accenture system could have performed at 101 percent efficiency. “British Gas uses bullying and is a threatening company whose call centre staff are among the most unpleasant and downright offensive, not to mention seemingly willfully ignorant and obtuse, in the market, and who wouldn’t know the meaning of customer management if you were to spell it out on their reply prompt screens“. Citation – https://www.mycustomer.com/marketing/technology/british-gas-what-difference-would-a-working-billing-system-have-made









Further Reading



Note From The Editor

Intimidation happens in all industries and workplaces. A person who has stated they have a disability for example at the time of their interview has their disability disregarded when they start work, especially if they look fine. Disabilities can be invisible and just because you look fine on the outside you may be in excruciating pain on the inside. I sit in front of a computer screen, you would not know I am disabled unless I told you and people like to make assumptions, so “if he/she can talk on the phone or turn up for work there must not be anything wrong with him/her“, …wrong to assume. An employee may not complain for fear of losing their job and this is where managers take advantage.

I believe my email to general enquiries will get ignored hence I am turning it up a notch and sending a second one to customer complaints, I will give them a few days to reply.

I have come across British Gas complaints contacts; https://www.britishgas.co.uk/complaints/make-a-complaint-credit.html

You can do one of the following:

  • Fill in an online form
  • Online Chat
  • Phone: 0333 202 9532
  • Email Customer Complaints at: customercomplaints@britishgas.co.uk (I sent an email to this email and never had a reply, just saying).

I will be forwarding the email I sent this morning to the above email address.

I won’t be intimidated and I will use my voice to be heard.

If I have any updates I will post them here, but as it stands they are trying to use bully tactics. I am also going to reach out to the mental health charity ‘MIND’ to tell them about this company.

The party is only just getting started…

UPDATE 27/07/22

After receiving the email today I decided to phone the complaints number. I guess people who phone the complaints number get treated differently. I did not go on my high horse ranting, I spoke calmly and I gave my latest meter reading and you will never guess the person with a South African accent said that my £190 prediction was totally wrong.

I had in fact since the 4th July 2022 only used £12 worth of gas including their standing charges, hence they would accept my £70 payment plan which was re-instated today 27/07/22.

So all this stress and distress was for nothing”.

I honestly feel really unwell because of this company and as a consequence am finding it hard to contemplate my workload. I do feel very depressed because of them and feel they should compensate me for the emotional distress I have endured, I will wait and see how they respond to me in the next few days…

I did dispute the £9.64 and the customer representative said the £9.64 was from a bill generated on 22nd June yet I disputed this because my threatening letter dated 16th July 2022 would have reflected the bill on 22/06/22 and I received the inflated. (My threatening letter and my email does not marry up with my payments in the screenshot below). They are obviously pulling numbers out of a hat because I never gave them a meter reading on the 22/06/22 as shown in the meter readings above so where did the £9.64 come from? I was charged twice once when the bill was raised and again in my balance summary. Please refer to the screenshot of all my bills and payments. (If each customer has an extra £10 for argument’s sake added to their account for no reason and there are a million customers that would be £10M in profit that the company would make.

I have now been given two reference numbers the first for the £19.28 (I know it is a small amount but why should British Gas have extra money for the hell of it)?

Complaint number 1
7022412508 – £19.28 – Discrepancy

Complaint number 2 – 8013977142 – Treated Badly

I was told I have to wait 5 days to get a response… (which never happened – updated 04/08/22).

I have since logged into my account and screenshot my payment history and none of the balances reflect the amounts on my threatening letter or email that I received today, but they do reflect the £9.64 as mentioned by the person I spoke to today (although I never submitted a meter reading on the 22/06/22). The mind boggles.

Bills and Payments Summary.

UPDATE 04/08/22

OMG is all I can say. I decided to phone British Gas today in relation to the two complaints I made on 27/07/22 and was told that one complaint had been closed (the one where I was treated badly), oh really… who closed it and why?, and the woman I spoke to said that the complaint was about the £70 payment that had been set up but did not include my outstanding debt and that a debt collection would still come after me for the outstanding amount, which was now £344. She completely disregarded the fact that British Gas phoned the Police on me and the amount of anguish and emotional distress this company put me under. She kept asking what the Police had said when they arrived. The Police told me to let the CEO know and publish far and wide as they are getting a lot of calls with distressed people finding it hard to cope with utility providers and their bullying tactics.

My previous call on the 27th was a contradiction because:

  1. When I phoned the complaints number today and after talking about my complaint I was told I had phoned the ‘Homecare Department’ and not complaints. I have the previous complaint number published in this article and programmed into my phone. (What I believe happens if they do not want to deal with you is they come up with a BS excuse that you dialed the wrong number).
  2. The person I spoke with on the 27th said I would not have a debt collection agency chasing me but wait for it, today the woman I spoke to said the contrary, that a debt collection agency will continue to chase me and include debt collecting charges on top. I said that was a kick in the teeth considering I arranged a payment plan. (I think they move the goal posts as and when they please).
  3. I received an email yesterday that I could choose to be on a variable or fixed tariff. I am currently on a variable which means if the prices go up, so will my bill. With a fixed tariff, it stays the same for 12 months. I did not understand what that meant other than if I switched to a different tariff I might be signing a contract that I could not move to another provider, (according to the woman I spoke to on 04/08/22 that is untrue, yet I have since found out this is a contract and there is a £100 transfer fee if you move to another provider. It is just as well I am not on a fixed tariff after all and do not believe the BS this company tries to feed me). The woman I spoke to today 04/08/22 said I was not eligible for a fixed tariff, so why send me an email giving me the option to switch? (Not that I want to be in any contract with this nightmare company).
  4. I reiterated I wanted to pay manually online and the person I spoke to on the 27th understood that but sent out a magnetic card which according to the woman today meant I would NOT be able to pay online. She then continued to say I needed to set up a Direct Debit (not likely). Direct Debits allows British Gas or any organisation to help themselves to your bank account. She said as long as I made a payment today (which I did) no one would come chasing me. She also said she would text me with my complaint (I am still waiting).
  5. I said I wanted British Gas to explain themselves how they have caused me ‘Emotional Distress’ and ‘how it has affected me’ and what they are going to do about it. I am now preparing to publish this article across all the social media platforms including LinkedIn where I have nearly 11K followers. Let’s see how much British Gas will lose in revenue and donations to their charity when my followers learn that British Gas has nearly pushed me to breaking point, with a header title I plan to use: ‘British Gas Phoned the Police On Me’, I wonder how many connections will take notice?. I also have Chris O’Shea’s email. To think I am advertising their charity as per the request of British Gas, yet they do not pay me for the backlinks.
  6. Because of British Gas, my OCD has got worse, I have anxiety and panic attacks, I stress over everything, and have spiraled into a deep state of depression. I cannot face my neighbours because of the humiliation I endured. I struggle with work (I am self-employed and the Editor of this site, if I do not work, bills do not get paid). I am procrastinating and simply lack energy. This is affecting my health and my business.
  7. Low and behold I phoned the second time today to double-check what the first agent had said and she basically told me (NO) payment plan has been set and the only way I can have a set price I can pay on a monthly basis is if I set up a Direct Debit (they are intimidating people to set up Direct Debits because what is wrong with setting up a standing order or paying manually, there is no difference other that they do not have access to your bank account) and that providing I pay in September I will not have anyone chasing me. I was told to phone back on 22/09/22. When I said how British Gas has been treating me because of the miscommunication she did not escalate a complaint and just said sorry and it won’t happen again (I DO NOT ACCEPT THE APOLOGY and I am going to take this further).

UPDATE 05/08/22

Trust No One. Even after speaking to two people yesterday both saying they have done a payment plan and checked up with a follow-up call no payment plans were set up. (What happened was on the 27th I had a magnetic card set up but the first agent I spoke to yesterday said I could not pay online and canceled the payment plan but then reinstated a cash plan. So the second agent I spoke to yesterday said the same, yet today I have a totally different explanation and eventually have a magnetic card re-instated with a fixed payment plan).

Lies after lies after lies. So today I phone up checking up on yesterday’s phone call and the guy says no payment plan was set up. (He went on to say with a magnetic payment card I do not have to use it and that I can also pay online which was a contradiction to what the agent said yesterday).

I am getting tired of the💩 because they keep insisting I need to set up a direct debit which would mean they could help themselves to my bank account when the prices get increased rather than stick to a set payment plan.

I then discussed both complaints I made on the 27th and basically I was offered £10.00 compensation for the two over charges of £9.64 each totaling £19.28 (they obviously cannot count), which I refused as this is all part of the one complaint and I am not accepting anything less than £xxxxx for the complaint about my ill-treatment and emotion distress and the scamming.

I told the guy I am finding it hard to work, I just about can make updates let alone anything else. If I cannot work I cannot pay my bills.

Not only am I an Editor of several publications, but I am also a website designer, content writer, and digital marketer www.irenata.com So if I cannot work because of ill health, how am I supposed to run my business (www.ukwebsitedesigners.co.uk)?

So regarding my complaint about the ill-treatment by this company the agent I spoke to today who had advice from his supervisor said that ‘British Gas’ do not offer compensation for emotional distress. So they can treat you like 💩 and get away with it. Absolutely disgusting company.

So after speaking to two agents today assuring me that my debt is included in my payment plan, you won’t believe what I have just received by email, only an email chasing me for the outstanding balance.

I have phoned this wretched company yet again (this is my 3rd call today) to sort this out. I am sick to the back teeth with the antics that are taking place. God forbid someone who is more vulnerable, like an elderly person or someone with worse mental health disabilities to me or anyone with cognitive impairment and cannot argue their case.

Despite two agents assuring me yesterday, that I would not be chased for my debt I get the email today chasing me for the debt, (you cannot make this up) screenshot below:

In the third and final call, I made today the woman told me to ignore the email I received today. But this is causing unnecessary stress which I could do without. I have contacted the charity for an update and they are just saying it may take another couple of weeks. If after all this my grievance goes on deaf ears I will share this on social media and make sure that investors think twice before donating to this company. This is a company that does not care about its customers and its workers. This is a company that can treat their customers badly and thinks they can get away with it, this is a company that is causing people to have mental health issues.

What about my ‘HEALTH’ and other vulnerable people’s health, who have been treated just like me?

British Gas should not be able to treat people like something they stepped in and should be held accountable for their actions. British Gas nearly pushed me to breaking point as per the Police callout and they claim they will not compensate for the emotional distress I have endured, we will see about that…




I am sick and tired of this company. I have now reported them to OFGEM.



Energy Ombudsman complaints form or call 0330 440 1624.

#britishgas #britishgasintimidation #intimidation #emotionaldistress #harrassment #chrisoshea #jessicatappin

Chris O’Shea CEO of Centrica & British Gas Earns £775K Whilst The Vulnerable Suffer.

Chris O’Shea CEO of Centrica & British Gas Earns £775K Whilst The Vulnerable Suffer.

Centrica CEO Chris O’Shea has a salary of £775,000 per year and waives a £1.1 Million Bonus. His decision came as gas and electricity prices are set to soar by more than 50% for 22 million households across the UK in April.

Centrica said British Gas Energy saw a 44% jump in profits to £118 million last year. Citation.

** (The following is just my opinion and not fact). However one needs to look at the bigger picture if there is a board of directors for argument’s sake there are 12 as the pdf below suggests, and some not all are on a payroll (Non-executive directors are not directly employed), but that is not to say they do not get commissions or donations) and if each one has received £250K (hypothesis) per annum, that would be £2.75M, you have to ask yourself this question who works for nothing... https://boardappointments.co.uk/uk-non-executive-director-remuneration/


How can you pay for increased prices if you do not have the money, to begin with?

I first would like to add I actually give this company free advertising space on my useful links page under the heading charities and on this page. (Backlinks Cost Money)!! Advertising was requested by British Gas in May.

I would like to introduce myself, I am the Editor of ‘Disability UK -Disabled Entrepreneur Journal’. I am a Businesswoman and Author. I suffer from Cerebellar Atrophy Cognitive Impairment, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD), and Depression. My Disabilities do not define me and I am not afraid to say I have them. I am also a carer for my daughter who has ‘Multiple Sclerosis’.

I have indeed contacted ‘The British Gas Charity’ which is a joke (application Number 1035904). I filled in the form and submitted my meter reading and documentation. They said it would take 10 days for someone to approve my application (that was on the 31st of May 2022) and it did not surprise me that they never responded.

It is all smoke and mirrors because if the majority of people in Britain with British Gas are in turmoil, I do not think they have endless amounts of money to give away. So their charity is not worth the web space.

I am a genuine case and for them to not even respond says a lot about them. (Try them out for yourself if you are a British Gas Customer, but do not get your hopes up).

In turn, I said I have a donation page on my site, I continued to say how about everyone in British Gas pays £1.00, and that would go to paying off my debt, the woman (Valencia I believe) I spoke to said that will never happen, yet I am supposed to advertise this company to my readers, and get nothing in return? Better still, how about the CEO Chris O’Shea pay off my debt seeing as I am advertising for free and they wasted two and half hours of time where I could have been working and caused me ‘Emotional Distress’!!!


(Help With Utility Bills)

Now if a company has profits into the millions then they should take into account vulnerable people which they do not.

After being prompted to phone British Gas because I was being spammed 6 times by this number: 03332029470, (this is harassment) I took it upon myself to phone and complain. The phone call today lasted 2hrs 18 mins (see screenshot).

The original number that phoned me was (03332029470) to set up a smart meter and I had to justify why I do not want one which I have written previously about: https://disabledentrepreneur.uk/how-safe-are-smart-meters-for-your-health/ The customer representative technical department went on to say they would send someone to my home to ask me why I do not want one. Good Luck to anyone visiting as I am not allowing anyone over my threshold. The woman I spoke to said that because I had submitted a meter reading my monthly bill which was at the beginning of the year £65 rose to £90 in April, then rose again to £138 in May, and wait for this rose again today to £190 per month.

£190 Per Month Gas Payments!

I started crying (no word of a lie), I told the operative that the most I can afford is £100 per month and she point blank refused to help spread the costs over 36 months.

She continued to say that my usage is a prediction….well before the meter reading I had my central heating on 24/7 as I have black mold and my daughter who has multiple sclerosis cannot be around the spores, so I need to keep the house warm.

I said my life is not important whilst my daughter is and I said it was unreasonable and unfair to make me pay £190 when I cannot afford to do so right now.

(Obviously, the woman does not know how to count because if I paid £100 already this month and I still owe £333 (1st quarter) and each quarter after that was £400 for argument’s sake that would be £1,600 per annum divided by 12 months = £133 per month and not £190). I am going to bring this up when I submit my new meter reading.

This woman simply did not care what I was saying.

I also said if I cannot afford to heat my home and the black mold spreads I can then sue British Gas if my daughter relapses again. She did not like what I said.

She gave me a complaint reference number: 8013807386

I said, “if I killed myself British Gas would not get a single penny from me”... My point was, do not push people over the edge, not that I was actually going to do it, there is a difference!

My Mental Health.

In my defense, I am NOT feeling suicidal just emotionally distressed, this is why I have an online journal where I can vent my anger and make my opinions known. I have a lot going for me and I feel for people who do not have a strong mind as I have, I see myself as their voice if they cannot defend themselves.

I use this platform to speak on behalf of people like myself or people worse off than me.

With social media, you may be restricted to what you can and can’t say. But on your own platform, you are in full control. Although I use social media to spread the articles I write.

I have a lot to live for, unbeknown to the people that are too ignorant to find out but are too quick to judge.

I mentioned this website multiple times “www.disabilityuk.co.uk” which forwards to “www.disabledentrepreneur.uk” in the phone call as I knew it was being recorded. I did it purposely so that people realize who I am. I will not stand for intimidation from anyone of any kind.

I just wanted British Gas to be empathic which they were not.

Duty Of Care.

What made me laugh was at the end of the call she said it was a duty of care for her to report me to the authorities because I mentioned the dreaded “If I kill myself”. She did not want any repercussions. It was not that she cared. People do not care unless it directly affects them. She did not want ‘British Gas’ to be in the news and I guess they are told if a customer says anything that is a red flag to report it. In other words, she has kicked the can down the road, so nothing happened on her watch.

Bring it on is all I can say because this will cause a domino effect and open up a can of worms.

In fact, I reached out to my GP in a letter over my mental health that was put on the system last year but was never actioned by any doctor.

According to the practice manager, Doctors are too busy to respond to emails or letters even though my daughter’s Neurologist who is also a Professor at Oxford University has the time and decency to respond to my daughter’s emails.

My time does not matter to anyone.

I have another day wasted rather than working, I have had to fart around having to waste nearly two and half hours of my precious time to get nowhere.

Let’s see what the media will say when I send this to every corner of the planet.

British Gas Has Caused Me Emotional & Psychological Distress!

Debt Recovery

Let the fun begin because if ‘British Gas’ decide to try and come after me and they use harassment tactics I am fully armed. Besides I plan to pay them off next month.

This would not be the first time they have been sued and I doubt it will be the last.


I mentioned the National Debt Line: https://www.nationaldebtline.org/fact-sheet-library/gas-and-electricity-arrears-ew/ and said that Utility Companies have to adhere to rules such as and the woman said my circumstances do not apply and it would be impossible to give me breathing space:


People can be vulnerable for a wide range of reasons. Vulnerability can be linked to age, physical health, mental health, or going through a difficult time in life. A vulnerability could be temporary or ongoing. You should let your supplier know if there is anything about your circumstances that makes you vulnerable as they may offer you more support if they know this.

You should also check if your supplier has signed up for the Energy UK Vulnerability Commitment. Energy UK is a trade association. Suppliers signed up to the Vulnerability Commitment have said they will provide extra support to vulnerable customers. This includes:

  • Make sure staff have an understanding of vulnerability and can identify that you might be in vulnerable circumstances;
  • Give you an alternative way of contacting them in addition to phone contact;
  • Provide a free phone number if you are in financial difficulty and they think it is appropriate; and
  • Make sure you have paper versions of your bill if this is what you need.

This is a B#ll Sh#t because the woman today did not provide any of the above.

Furthermore, she refused to co-operate by turning the onus on me that I am not co-operating by not agreeing to pay £190 per month.

British Gas is having a laugh.

I said if it means I do not use hot water to bathe and not cook as well as not heating my home although I cannot see it being cold for a few months then that is what I will have to do. (This is degrading and affecting one’s quality of life).

I reiterated that I would be writing about British Gas on this website and “I quote the woman saying “We do not have anything to do with disabilities”.

I had zero support for my daughter and me who both have mental and physical disabilities.

This is what is stated on their website say: https://www.britishgas.co.uk/energy/help-if-youre-struggling-to-pay.html

Zero Support.

They have clearly not helped and made matters worse by causing emotional distress which is (tort). Emotional distress can be taken to court. https://disabledentrepreneur.uk/emotional-distress-compensation/

The moment I can pay this company off I am going to switch providers and will never recommend this company to anyone. They have an affiliate program which means they want help with marketing, so any affiliate marketers should avoid this company. By coincidence ‘British Gas’ are advertisers on Awin who I use for my affiliate marketing projects. Saying this I will never promote this company actively even though I have them listed on my useful links page and mentioned them in my article indirectly.

May I add that they never responded to my letter attachment in the email which had an auto-responder come back that they had in fact received my correspondence on the 28th of May 2022 but chose to ignore it?

Condenscending and Intimidating.

People working for these large blue-chip companies should keep their tone neutral, and opinions to themselves they should not be biased.

The woman (Valencia) I spoke to said I should look at stepchange.org I explained I am fully aware of my rights and she became condescending demanding I tell her what they said.

I am not going to allow you to browbeat me as this woman was trying to do.

My gut feeling is they have calculated my meter reading of what I owed prior to the price hike to the new prices to make more money.

I will be posting my new meter reading on here tomorrow including the one on the 31st and will see if my reading goes up again.

**I have published this page but may update it with more information, as when I get any updates from British Gas who emailed me today and said they had deadlocked my complaint, according to ‘Valencia’. As far as I am concerned it is not over until ‘the fat lady sings, in other words, it is a colloquialism that is often used as a proverb. It means that one should not presume to know the outcome of an event that is still in progress. More specifically, the phrase is used when a situation is nearing its conclusion.

So please come back for more updates.

Meter Reading 31/05/22
Meter Reading 15th June 2022

I am now going to be a thorn in British Gas’s side and every month I will be doing a meter reading.

Will I be pursuing “Emotional Distress Compensation” of course I will, and this is what you should do if you too feel you have become unwell because of any company.

Did yesterday’s (14/06/22) fiasco cause me emotional distress, and did British Gas treat me badly of course they did and this is not over until I say it is regardless of their deadlock narcissistic letter.

If you are in a similar position to me, it is not the end of the world and there is a solution to every problem.

If you feel suicidal call the Samaritans 116 123 (UK) or visit A&E – (UK) / ER – (USA) or call the Emergency Services 999 (UK) / 911 (USA).

On that note, I did get a welfare check from the Police albeit it was seven hours after my initial phone call to British Gas had ended, and guess what the Police said they were on my side and agreed that the CEO needed to be aware of this as they are getting a lot of calls like the one they received about me.

Stay safe and do not let these companies bully you.

It is not your fault that the greedy people blue-chip companies, at the top of the food chain like P#tin, and the Banks, Governments, and Large Corporations want to milk every last penny out of you.

UPDATE 15/06/22

I have received two emails from British Gas and a letter regarding my complaint despite me saying I do not want letters in the post. (How to kill the planet with carbon emissions).

So they have disregarded my new meter reading which is calculated as follows and are not supporting people with mental health or disabilities, let the fun begin because I am going to be messaging the CEO directly:

Below is the email that was sent to me:

Total disregard for my new meter reading and disabilities.

Here are the calculations per unit as per the British Gas Website:


Ironically ‘British Gas’ will report you as “Duty of Care” if you happen to say something out of turn to make them look better but in the next breath disregard your disabilities and worst-case scenario cut off your supply.

People who are vulnerable especially old people may not turn on the heating or cook a hot meal to make sure their energy bills do not increase.

So although ‘British Gas’ may come across as they are helping it is all smoke and mirrors and they do not care about your well-being and would much rather pass the buck.

The other joke is why not reach out to organizations that specialize in financial difficulty? If you already know your financial circumstances and do not have the extra money, to begin with, no amount of juggling will pay off your debt and all you will be left with is to sell your assets if you have any or go bankrupt.

Maybe if everyone were to go bankrupt nationwide the Government would do something about it or maybe this is the end goal where no one owns anything (the great reset).

I am not sure what the hidden agenda is but if vulnerable people do not get the help then unfortunately there is going to become a bigger problem.

Nobody should live in poverty, not in the 21st Century, and not have a good quality of life. People should NOT be killed because of W#rs. W#ars are big business to the people on top of the food chain. If world leaders have no regard for human life by starting w#ars, what chances have the rest of us got? I am sorry but if any country starts a w#r where people will be killed it just shows they do not care about humans in general. Nobody should die to help the 1% richer.

If the cost of living is the cause of the increase in mental health then the powers that be that are responsible for the demise need to be made accountable.


How can you pay for increased prices if you do not have the money, to begin with?

Together we are strong and we can fight this!

#chrisoshea #ceocentrica #vulnerablepeople #mentalhealth #suicide #suicidalthoughts #costofliving #britishgas

Creditor Harassment & Mental Health.

domain names Generate Instant Publicity! 24-7PressRelease.com
Creditor Harassment and Mental Health!

Creditor Harassment & Mental Health

Disclaimer: This site primarily focuses on residents in the UK, however, it’s okay if you are from another part of the world as we try to help everyone. One thing you must take into consideration is this article has links to UK Government Official Bodies. Should you be reading this in the USA for example please contact your local legal office for advice. Furthermore, if you are experiencing financial difficulty and you are in debt, tell someone, you should not suffer in silence. Write down all your income and outgoings and let your creditors know you are finding things difficult. Ask them for extra time. They may give you an option to pay reasonable amounts without you losing sleep. No one should get themselves so worked up that it affects their mental health.

Who is a Creditor?

A creditor could be a bank, a credit card company, a business, a loan company, or a utility provider.

The creditor usually provides property, services, or lends out money, including but not limited to anything you have taken out on finance such as a car, white goods, or even phone/broadband providers.

A creditor is basically a person, a business, or an institution you own money to.

All creditors should give you the option to pay off the debt in installments even going as far as capping interest rates.

It will take the creditor a lot longer to get his/her money if he/she has to pay a credit agency or if you agree on an IVA where most of your debt is written off.

Most creditors are reasonable but there are a few that are not.

Explain how the debt is affecting your mental health and if you are unable to function properly or go to work, (after all they want you to continue getting a wage, in order to pay them). Most will be understanding and show empathy but there will be a few that may not care.

Remember to document everything including saving emails/text messages and letters which all count as evidence of your communication.

The Protection from Harassment Act 1997

A creditor that continually phones and texts on your business number causing you to turn it off consequently causing you to lose business is causing a criminal offense.

Debt collecting agencies and creditors, especially credit card companies use multiple telephone and mobile numbers and even if you block them they will still get through, even if you have blocked all notifications and incoming calls.

They after getting their money back by any means possible. Some have no regard for your circumstances or your mental health and may become patronizing, judgemental, and condescending when you finally contact them.

Engaging in harassment during the debt collection process is also deemed a criminal offense.

The harassment may be verbal or written, either via letter, email or text and includes making repeated calls and texts during non-social times or to the workplace of the debtor”.

The Protection from Harassment Act 1997 considers it a criminal offense for a person to take any action that is known or should be known, to be harassing another person.


The Office of Fair Trading (OFT) specifies unfair practices regarding debt collection in its Debt Collection and Debt Management Guidelines. These include accounts in arrears or those having missed payments.

The Guidelines focus on a section about “contacting debtors at unreasonable times and intervals.” 

Hours for contact regarding intervals and times that may be considered unfair are outlined. Making multiple calls during working hours, using the business number, phoning at unsociable hours, contacting neighbors and informing them of the purpose of the call, and contacting a debtor at his or her workplace are included in the whitepaper.


If you think a creditor has violated one of the above laws or is not in compliance with the OFT Guidelines, you should discuss the issue with the creditor or a collection company representing it. Always reach out to the creditor with the initial complaint and then escalate it with the professional body if you feel your complaint is not taken seriously. Tell your creditor how you want to be contacted in the future and ask them to confirm this in writing.

Your letter should state that harassment is a criminal offense and you can take further action if your creditor doesn’t stop. Initially, you could write to them by email, usually, they have autoresponders confirming receipt of your email. Give them a few days to reply. Follow up by a snail mail postal letter and remember to send all letters by recorded delivery and keep copies so that you have a record of your complaint.

Prior to making contact, gather all your evidence including calls/texts (screenshot the message and capture the phone number and date) and visit times, and any emails or letters that you consider threatening or menacing.

The letter should include a request that the party immediately stop the behavior. You should also provide a preferred method of contact and acceptable times to make contact.

Once your complaint have be received and acknowledged, your creditor has 3 business days to respond informally. This could be by phone or email (This depends on your preferred method of communication as outlined in your letter of complaint). A final response letter might take longer. Your creditor also has to report your complaint to the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), even if they respond within 3 business days.

If the creditor fails to change its practices following receipt of this letter, submit a formal complaint to the Citizens Advice Bureau, Trading Standards, or OFT.

If the behavior of a bailiff, creditor, or collection agency ever becomes extremely threatening or violent in nature, notify the police immediately.

Support Making A Complaint

If you need help complaining, writing letters, or phoning your creditors, you can phone the debt helpline on 0300 330 1313. Lines are open between 9 am and 8 pm, Monday to Friday. Calls cost the same as calls to landline numbers. Alternatively, You can also get help by contacting your nearest Citizens Advice.

You could also contact us and we could send you a template letter and you just need to fill in the blanks.

To escalate your complaint you should complain to a professional body too. Your debt collector may belong to a trade association or professional body with a code of practice (FCA) that sets out how they are supposed to behave towards you.

In Northern Ireland, you can contact the Consumer line at: www.consumerline.org.

Trade associations

If you are wondering if your lender belongs to a trade association that has a code of practice, then check out this link for Further Help. The trade association may also take action against its members who break the code of practice.

If your complaint is against a bank, building society, or credit card company, they may belong to the Standards of Lending Practice.

The Standards of Lending Practice have guidance for members which they should follow.

These include:

  1. Avoid putting pressure on a lender and not allowing harassment.
  2. Should advise to consolidate the debt or debt management.
  3. Should provide support if the lender is vulnerable, for example, if you have physical or mental health problems.
  4. Should use trustworthy debt collection agencies who must also follow the Standards of Lending Practice if the debt is passed on or sold.

You should complain to the bank, building society, or credit card company first, using their complaints procedure. If this does not sort out the problem, you can complain to the Financial Ombudsman Service, telling them that a debt collector or creditor has broken the terms of the Standards of Lending Practice. For more information about complaining to the Financial Ombudsman Service, go to the Financial Ombudsman’s website at: www.financial-ombudsman.org.uk.

For more information about the Standards of Lending Practice or to find out if your creditor is a member, go to www.lendingstandardsboard.org.uk.

Complaining about a solicitor acting for a creditor

There may be times when the debt is forwarded to a legal team and initially you get a letter from a solicitor notifying you that you have defaulted and a demand for a payment settlement. If a solicitor then starts to become harassing you on behalf of a creditor, this is considered to be professional misconduct.

To make a complaint about a solicitor, you will first need to use the firm’s internal complaints procedure. What this means is you will have to contact the law firm and lodge a complaint. If the complaint is ignored or handled unsuccessfully, you can then escalate to the Law Society. If this does not resolve the problem, you can complain to one of the professional associations. A bonafide solicitor will be a member of the Law Society and you can find their registration number in the footer section of their website. You can also check the Law Society website if the law firm or solicitor is a member.

If they are registered in England or Wales, you can complain to the Solicitors’ Regulation Authority (SRA) at www.sra.org.uk. If they are registered in Scotland, you can complain to the Scottish Legal Complaints Commission (SLCC) at www.scottishlegalcomplaints.org.uk. If they are registered in Northern Ireland, you can complain to the Law Society. Go to www.lawsoc-ni.org.

Complaining to the Citizens Advice Consumer Service

If you want to complain about a local firm, you can contact the Citizens Advice Consumer Service. They can put you in touch with your local Trading Standards Office, which can investigate whether an offense had been committed.

In Northern Ireland, you can contact the Consumer line at www.consumerline.org.

Complaining to the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA)

The FCA has rules and guidance about debt collection. Although the FCA cannot take up your individual case, they can refuse or revoke the firm’s authorization or, for example, fine the firm. It may be worth reminding the creditor that breaching the rules could affect their FCA authorization.

More about the FCA rules and guidance on debt collection in the FCA’s Consumer Credit Sourcebook at www.fca.org.uk.

Illegal money lending

In desperate times we sometimes do desperate things and we may come across companies offering us money dangling a golden carrot until the day come to pay our loan back, we may get into financial difficulty and this is where we end up in murky waters.

It’s easy to borrow money but it’s not so easy to pay it back.

You may have borrowed money from a moneylender who is not FCA authorized. These lenders are for the better word often called loan sharks and they may physically or verbally threaten you if you can’t pay back the money.

They also charge extremely high rates of interest, which means you may end up owing much more money than you originally borrowed.

It’s important to remember that loan sharks are breaking the law by lending you money in this way. They can’t enforce the high rates of interest they are trying to charge. You can’t be legally made to pay back the money and you have not broken the law if you don’t pay it back.

If you are being harassed or threatened by a loan shark and you think your life is in danger you can phone the police. If loan sharks threaten you or your family they can be prosecuted. You should also report them on the GOV website to find out how to report a loan shark on GOV.UK. 

Reporting Creditors

Reporting a problem to Trade Standards

If you want to report a problem, you should contact the Citizens Advice consumer service, (citizens advice is a community of volunteer solicitors, usually found in every town/city in the UK). The citizen’s advice will then share the information reported with Trading Standards.

Creditors Are People

Some creditors and debt collecting agency may take their jobs too seriously and may become patronizing, judgmental and condescending, and even sometimes intimidating or threatening.

“You should not live in fear of another person or organization. It is not your fault that the powers that be have decided on price hikes and consequently got you into debt”.

Creditors are the people at the end of the day, either owners of businesses or employees trying to do their jobs.

If you owe money to a creditor and stop making payments, they can take action against you to get their money back. Therefore it is best to write to them, that way everything is documented, giving them a proposal on how you plan to pay the debt off.

If you have more overheads than the income coming in tell them this. No one on the planet can get blood out of stone”.

Try to exhaust all avenues of getting extra money to pay your debt off before saying you have no money.

If you have reached out to everyone you know and have contacted organizations that may give you grants and been unsuccessful then by all means be truthful with yourself and with your creditors and do not try to brush the problem under the carpet because it will not go away and will only get worse if you do nothing over time.

You could save yourself money with postage simply by emailing them. Explain your incomings and outgoings and ask them for more time. Ask them to spread the cost of what you owe over a fixed term between 12 – 60 months.

“No One Should Live In Fear and pushing people into a corner may send them over the edge”

How Creditors Are Supposed To Behave.

Creditors are supposed to behave professionally, they should not express their personal opinions, or become, patronizing, judgmental or condescending towards you when they are trying to recover their money.

Harassment is any action that makes you feel emotionally distressed, stressed, anxious, humiliated, or threatened. It makes you live in fear and will consequently damage your mental health.

If you feel you are being harassed and becoming unwell because of a creditor, there are several things you can do to stop them from doing it.

If you need help talking to a creditor about their behavior, you can also phone the trading standards debt helpline on 0300 330 1313 if you are located in the UK. For all other countries find your local debt management agency that can assist you further.

Citizens Advice (UK) is open between 9 am and 8 pm, Monday to Friday. Calls cost the same as calls to landline numbers. 

You can also get help by contacting your nearest Citizens Advice.


 If you’re struggling to pay your debts because of coronavirus.

You can check what to do if you can’t pay because of coronavirus.

What counts as harassment by a creditor

If the creditor tries to do any of the following things to try and get you to pay back the money you owe, this could be considered harassment. They include:

  1. If a creditor or debt collection agency contacts you several times a day (during working hours, whilst you are at work), or early in the morning or late at night.
  2. If a creditor or debt collection agency pursues you on social networking sites such as Twitter and Facebook, LinkedIn.
  3. If a creditor or debt collection agency puts pressure on you to sell your home or take out more credit.
  4. If a creditor or debt collection agency uses more than one debt collector to chase you for payment.
  5. If a creditor or debt collection agency does not inform you that your debt has been passed on to a debt collection agency.
  6. If a creditor or debt collection agency uses paperwork or business logos that appear to be official when they’re not, (this is fraud) for example sending you letters that look like court forms.
  7. If a creditor or debt collection agency puts pressure on you to pay all the money off, or in larger installments when you can’t afford to.
  8. If the creditor or debt collecting agency becomes threatening you physically or verbally abusive to you.
  9. If a creditor or debt collection agency ignores you if you say you don’t owe the money.
  10. If a creditor or debt collection agency tries to embarrass, humiliate or intimidate you in public.
  11. If a creditor or debt collection agency tells someone else about your debts or uses another person to pass on messages, such as a neighbor or family member.
  12. If a creditor or debt collection agency falsely claims to work for the court or be a bailiff in England and Wales or sheriff officer in Scotland (this is deemed as fraud).
  13. If a creditor or debt collection agency implies that legal action can be taken when it can’t. For example, implying that your home can be taken from you without a court order.
  14. If a creditor or debt collection agency gives the impression that court action has been taken against you when it hasn’t.
  15. If a creditor or debt collection agency gives the impression that not paying the debt is a criminal offense. For most debts, it is not a criminal offense if you don’t pay them.

What doesn’t count as harassment by a creditor?

Not all actions that a creditor takes can be called harassment. Creditors are allowed to take reasonable steps to get back the money they owe them. These include:

  1. Sending reminder letters, texts, or emails.
  2. Telephoning you to ask for payment (not during working hours and not on your business phone).
  3. Call at your home, as long as this is at a reasonable time of the day.
  4. Taking court action.

Who is harassing you

If you’re being harassed by a creditor it’s important to know who is chasing you for payment.

You may be surprised that the people in your case may not be the people you originally owed money to. This is because your original creditor may have sold the debt to someone else to collect. If your original creditor does this, they cannot come after you for money, instead, you will have someone else in their place. If your creditor decides to pass the debt on, they must tell you in writing before they do it.

Your debt may be collected by:

  1. Your original creditor
  2. A debt collection agency acting on behalf of your creditor
  3. A third party who has bought the debt from your creditor
  4. Bailiffs in England and Wales or sheriff officers in Scotland.

What can you do about harassment by a creditor?

You first need to find out who is actually collecting the debt. You then need to take the following steps:

  1. collect evidence of the harassment
  2. complain to the creditor
  3. complain to a professional body.

Collecting evidence

Things to consider before making a complaint, gather as much evidence as you can to support your claim.

Depending on the seriousness of the situation this could include (although not all compulsory) It makes sense to gather as much evidence as possible to build your case:

  1. Documenting the number of visits or calls with dates and times. Write down what was said to you each time and who you spoke to.
  2. Has the original correspondence been printed to include letters, documents, emails, and texts you have received?
  3. Witness statements from neighbors or other people who live with you.
  4. Evidence of your circumstances.
  5. Any medical evidence if you suffering from mental health issues.

Further help and information

Trade and professional associations

Your creditor may belong to one of the following trade or professional associations which have a code of practice that its members must follow. You can find a list of members on the organizations’ websites:

The Finance and Leasing Association
Imperial House
15 -19 Kingsway

Tel: 020 7836 6511
Email: info@fla.org.uk
Website: www.fla.org.uk

Credit Services Association
Wingrove House
2nd Floor East
Ponteland Road
Newcastle upon Tyne

Tel: 0191 286 5656
Email: info@csa-uk.com or complaints@csa-org.com
Website: www.csa-uk.com

Consumer Credit Trade Association (CCTA)
Suite 4 The Wave
1 View Croft Road
West Yorkshire
BD17 7DU

Tel: 01274 714959
Email: info@ccta.co.uk
Website: www.ccta.co.uk

Financial Conduct Authority (FCA)

12 Endeavour Square
E20 1JN

Consumer helpline: 0800 111 6768 (freephone), 0300 500 8082
Email: consumer.queries@fca.org.uk
Website: www.fca.org.uk

Other useful information

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