Chris O’Shea CEO of Centrica & British Gas Earns £775K Whilst The Vulnerable Suffer.

Centrica CEO Chris O’Shea has a salary of £775,000 per year and waives a £1.1 Million Bonus. His decision came as gas and electricity prices are set to soar by more than 50% for 22 million households across the UK in April.

Centrica said British Gas Energy saw a 44% jump in profits to £118 million last year. Citation.

** (The following is just my opinion and not fact). However one needs to look at the bigger picture if there is a board of directors for argument’s sake there are 12 as the pdf below suggests, and some not all are on a payroll (Non-executive directors are not directly employed), but that is not to say they do not get commissions or donations) and if each one has received £250K (hypothesis) per annum, that would be £2.75M, you have to ask yourself this question who works for nothing...


How can you pay for increased prices if you do not have the money, to begin with?

I first would like to add I actually give this company free advertising space on my useful links page under the heading charities and on this page. (Backlinks Cost Money)!! Advertising was requested by British Gas in May.

I would like to introduce myself, I am the Editor of ‘Disability UK -Disabled Entrepreneur Journal’. I am a Businesswoman and Author. I suffer from Cerebellar Atrophy Cognitive Impairment, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD), and Depression. My Disabilities do not define me and I am not afraid to say I have them. I am also a carer for my daughter who has ‘Multiple Sclerosis’.

I have indeed contacted ‘The British Gas Charity’ which is a joke (application Number 1035904). I filled in the form and submitted my meter reading and documentation. They said it would take 10 days for someone to approve my application (that was on the 31st of May 2022) and it did not surprise me that they never responded.

It is all smoke and mirrors because if the majority of people in Britain with British Gas are in turmoil, I do not think they have endless amounts of money to give away. So their charity is not worth the web space.

I am a genuine case and for them to not even respond says a lot about them. (Try them out for yourself if you are a British Gas Customer, but do not get your hopes up).

In turn, I said I have a donation page on my site, I continued to say how about everyone in British Gas pays £1.00, and that would go to paying off my debt, the woman (Valencia I believe) I spoke to said that will never happen, yet I am supposed to advertise this company to my readers, and get nothing in return? Better still, how about the CEO Chris O’Shea pay off my debt seeing as I am advertising for free and they wasted two and half hours of time where I could have been working and caused me ‘Emotional Distress’!!! 

(Help With Utility Bills)

Now if a company has profits into the millions then they should take into account vulnerable people which they do not.

After being prompted to phone British Gas because I was being spammed 6 times by this number: 03332029470, (this is harassment) I took it upon myself to phone and complain. The phone call today lasted 2hrs 18 mins (see screenshot).

The original number that phoned me was (03332029470) to set up a smart meter and I had to justify why I do not want one which I have written previously about: The customer representative technical department went on to say they would send someone to my home to ask me why I do not want one. Good Luck to anyone visiting as I am not allowing anyone over my threshold. The woman I spoke to said that because I had submitted a meter reading my monthly bill which was at the beginning of the year £65 rose to £90 in April, then rose again to £138 in May, and wait for this rose again today to £190 per month.

£190 Per Month Gas Payments!

I started crying (no word of a lie), I told the operative that the most I can afford is £100 per month and she point blank refused to help spread the costs over 36 months.

She continued to say that my usage is a prediction….well before the meter reading I had my central heating on 24/7 as I have black mold and my daughter who has multiple sclerosis cannot be around the spores, so I need to keep the house warm.

I said my life is not important whilst my daughter is and I said it was unreasonable and unfair to make me pay £190 when I cannot afford to do so right now.

(Obviously, the woman does not know how to count because if I paid £100 already this month and I still owe £333 (1st quarter) and each quarter after that was £400 for argument’s sake that would be £1,600 per annum divided by 12 months = £133 per month and not £190). I am going to bring this up when I submit my new meter reading.

This woman simply did not care what I was saying.

I also said if I cannot afford to heat my home and the black mold spreads I can then sue British Gas if my daughter relapses again. She did not like what I said.

She gave me a complaint reference number: 8013807386

I said, “if I killed myself British Gas would not get a single penny from me”... My point was, do not push people over the edge, not that I was actually going to do it, there is a difference!

My Mental Health.

In my defense, I am NOT feeling suicidal just emotionally distressed, this is why I have an online journal where I can vent my anger and make my opinions known. I have a lot going for me and I feel for people who do not have a strong mind as I have, I see myself as their voice if they cannot defend themselves.

I use this platform to speak on behalf of people like myself or people worse off than me.

With social media, you may be restricted to what you can and can’t say. But on your own platform, you are in full control. Although I use social media to spread the articles I write.

I have a lot to live for, unbeknown to the people that are too ignorant to find out but are too quick to judge.

I mentioned this website multiple times “” which forwards to “” in the phone call as I knew it was being recorded. I did it purposely so that people realize who I am. I will not stand for intimidation from anyone of any kind.

I just wanted British Gas to be empathic which they were not.

Duty Of Care.

What made me laugh was at the end of the call she said it was a duty of care for her to report me to the authorities because I mentioned the dreaded “If I kill myself”. She did not want any repercussions. It was not that she cared. People do not care unless it directly affects them. She did not want ‘British Gas’ to be in the news and I guess they are told if a customer says anything that is a red flag to report it. In other words, she has kicked the can down the road, so nothing happened on her watch.

Bring it on is all I can say because this will cause a domino effect and open up a can of worms.

In fact, I reached out to my GP in a letter over my mental health that was put on the system last year but was never actioned by any doctor.

According to the practice manager, Doctors are too busy to respond to emails or letters even though my daughter’s Neurologist who is also a Professor at Oxford University has the time and decency to respond to my daughter’s emails.

My time does not matter to anyone.

I have another day wasted rather than working, I have had to fart around having to waste nearly two and half hours of my precious time to get nowhere.

Let’s see what the media will say when I send this to every corner of the planet.

British Gas Has Caused Me Emotional & Psychological Distress!

Debt Recovery

Let the fun begin because if ‘British Gas’ decide to try and come after me and they use harassment tactics I am fully armed. Besides I plan to pay them off next month.

This would not be the first time they have been sued and I doubt it will be the last.

I mentioned the National Debt Line: and said that Utility Companies have to adhere to rules such as and the woman said my circumstances do not apply and it would be impossible to give me breathing space:


People can be vulnerable for a wide range of reasons. Vulnerability can be linked to age, physical health, mental health, or going through a difficult time in life. A vulnerability could be temporary or ongoing. You should let your supplier know if there is anything about your circumstances that makes you vulnerable as they may offer you more support if they know this.

You should also check if your supplier has signed up for the Energy UK Vulnerability Commitment. Energy UK is a trade association. Suppliers signed up to the Vulnerability Commitment have said they will provide extra support to vulnerable customers. This includes:

  • Make sure staff have an understanding of vulnerability and can identify that you might be in vulnerable circumstances;
  • Give you an alternative way of contacting them in addition to phone contact;
  • Provide a free phone number if you are in financial difficulty and they think it is appropriate; and
  • Make sure you have paper versions of your bill if this is what you need.

This is a B#ll Sh#t because the woman today did not provide any of the above.

Furthermore, she refused to co-operate by turning the onus on me that I am not co-operating by not agreeing to pay £190 per month.

British Gas is having a laugh.

I said if it means I do not use hot water to bathe and not cook as well as not heating my home although I cannot see it being cold for a few months then that is what I will have to do. (This is degrading and affecting one’s quality of life).

I reiterated that I would be writing about British Gas on this website and “I quote the woman saying “We do not have anything to do with disabilities”.

I had zero support for my daughter and me who both have mental and physical disabilities.

This is what is stated on their website say:

Zero Support.

They have clearly not helped and made matters worse by causing emotional distress which is (tort). Emotional distress can be taken to court.

The moment I can pay this company off I am going to switch providers and will never recommend this company to anyone. They have an affiliate program which means they want help with marketing, so any affiliate marketers should avoid this company. By coincidence ‘British Gas’ are advertisers on Awin who I use for my affiliate marketing projects. Saying this I will never promote this company actively even though I have them listed on my useful links page and mentioned them in my article indirectly.

May I add that they never responded to my letter attachment in the email which had an auto-responder come back that they had in fact received my correspondence on the 28th of May 2022 but chose to ignore it?

Condenscending and Intimidating.

People working for these large blue-chip companies should keep their tone neutral, and opinions to themselves they should not be biased.

The woman (Valencia) I spoke to said I should look at I explained I am fully aware of my rights and she became condescending demanding I tell her what they said.

I am not going to allow you to browbeat me as this woman was trying to do.

My gut feeling is they have calculated my meter reading of what I owed prior to the price hike to the new prices to make more money.

I will be posting my new meter reading on here tomorrow including the one on the 31st and will see if my reading goes up again.

**I have published this page but may update it with more information, as when I get any updates from British Gas who emailed me today and said they had deadlocked my complaint, according to ‘Valencia’. As far as I am concerned it is not over until ‘the fat lady sings, in other words, it is a colloquialism that is often used as a proverb. It means that one should not presume to know the outcome of an event that is still in progress. More specifically, the phrase is used when a situation is nearing its conclusion.

So please come back for more updates.

Meter Reading 31/05/22
Meter Reading 15th June 2022

I am now going to be a thorn in British Gas’s side and every month I will be doing a meter reading.

Will I be pursuing “Emotional Distress Compensation” of course I will, and this is what you should do if you too feel you have become unwell because of any company.

Did yesterday’s (14/06/22) fiasco cause me emotional distress, and did British Gas treat me badly of course they did and this is not over until I say it is regardless of their deadlock narcissistic letter.

If you are in a similar position to me, it is not the end of the world and there is a solution to every problem.

If you feel suicidal call the Samaritans 116 123 (UK) or visit A&E – (UK) / ER – (USA) or call the Emergency Services 999 (UK) / 911 (USA).

On that note, I did get a welfare check from the Police albeit it was seven hours after my initial phone call to British Gas had ended, and guess what the Police said they were on my side and agreed that the CEO needed to be aware of this as they are getting a lot of calls like the one they received about me.

Stay safe and do not let these companies bully you.

It is not your fault that the greedy people blue-chip companies, at the top of the food chain like P#tin, and the Banks, Governments, and Large Corporations want to milk every last penny out of you.

UPDATE 15/06/22

I have received two emails from British Gas and a letter regarding my complaint despite me saying I do not want letters in the post. (How to kill the planet with carbon emissions).

So they have disregarded my new meter reading which is calculated as follows and are not supporting people with mental health or disabilities, let the fun begin because I am going to be messaging the CEO directly:

Below is the email that was sent to me:

Total disregard for my new meter reading and disabilities.

Here are the calculations per unit as per the British Gas Website:


Ironically ‘British Gas’ will report you as “Duty of Care” if you happen to say something out of turn to make them look better but in the next breath disregard your disabilities and worst-case scenario cut off your supply.

People who are vulnerable especially old people may not turn on the heating or cook a hot meal to make sure their energy bills do not increase.

So although ‘British Gas’ may come across as they are helping it is all smoke and mirrors and they do not care about your well-being and would much rather pass the buck.

The other joke is why not reach out to organizations that specialize in financial difficulty? If you already know your financial circumstances and do not have the extra money, to begin with, no amount of juggling will pay off your debt and all you will be left with is to sell your assets if you have any or go bankrupt.

Maybe if everyone were to go bankrupt nationwide the Government would do something about it or maybe this is the end goal where no one owns anything (the great reset).

I am not sure what the hidden agenda is but if vulnerable people do not get the help then unfortunately there is going to become a bigger problem.

Nobody should live in poverty, not in the 21st Century, and not have a good quality of life. People should NOT be killed because of W#rs. W#ars are big business to the people on top of the food chain. If world leaders have no regard for human life by starting w#ars, what chances have the rest of us got? I am sorry but if any country starts a w#r where people will be killed it just shows they do not care about humans in general. Nobody should die to help the 1% richer.

If the cost of living is the cause of the increase in mental health then the powers that be that are responsible for the demise need to be made accountable.


How can you pay for increased prices if you do not have the money, to begin with?

Together we are strong and we can fight this!

#chrisoshea #ceocentrica #vulnerablepeople #mentalhealth #suicide #suicidalthoughts #costofliving #britishgas

Renata MB Selfie
Disabled Entrepreneur - Disability UK | + posts

Renata The Owner & Editor of and Online Journals, suffers From OCD, Cerebellar Atrophy & Rheumatoid Arthritis. She is an Entrepreneur & Published Author, she writes content on a range of topics, including politics, current affairs, health and business. She is an advocate for Mental Health, Human Rights & Disability Discrimination.

Whilst her disabilities can be challenging she has adapted her life around her health and documents her journey online.

Disabled Entrepreneur - Disability UK Online Journal Offers Digital Marketing, Content Writing, Website Creation, SEO, and Domain Brokering. Disabled Entrepreneur - Disability UK is an open platform that invites contributors to write articles and serves as a dynamic marketplace where a diverse range of talents and offerings can converge. This platform acts as a collaborative space where individuals or businesses can share their expertise, creativity, and products with a broader audience.

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