Depression is complex it is not just about feeling sad it is very dark and feels like you are in hell. It can stop you from functioning properly and may make you feel your life is hopeless. The most common symptoms that people recognize are immense sadness, feeling hopeless like nothing they do or say will make the feeling go away or make the circumstances any better, also feeling numb like no matter what help is offered to you or life throws at you, your despair only makes matter worse and you start to feel numb and start avoiding the root to the problem.
Little things start mounting up and before you know it you have a mountain of things to sort out which may be overwhelming and manifest into a deep dark depression. The manifestation of numbness may lead to you not caring about anything or anyone including yourself.
You may feel life is not worth living and no matter what anyone says or does to try and help, they might as well be talking to a brick wall.
However, if you are experiencing a very dark deep depression you must seek professional help. You could have already gone off the rails and started to self-help by numbing the inner demons with drugs, alcohol, self-harming, or even stop caring about yourself and your surroundings. When this happens we are not making things better we are in fact making things much much worse.
When we stop caring about ourselves we may not care about our appearance or personal hygiene, we stop caring about life and how we live. Our homes become filthy pig styes. We may stop cleaning or taking the rubbish out.
We may start to overeat or undereat. We may start acting out of character and lock ourselves away from society. We may stop caring about our friends, families, and pets.
With deep dark depression, we end up with low self-esteem, and body dysmorphia, and may even self-harm or try to end it all.
When we are manifesting deep dark depression it is like being in a very deep black hole, with no one around that can understand us. Our basic hygiene routines are compromised and we may no longer shower or change our clothes, we may no longer brush out teeth or our hair. This can lead to serious health issues, which must be addressed by a professional. Prolonged isolation is another factor of depression when someone isolates themselves from the outside world.
Depression is like a jug of water the longer you hold it the heavier it will become. The weight of the jug is insignificant but the length of time you are standing holding it will eventually tire you out and debilitate you further.
Just like we can manifest negative thoughts through our subconscious minds, we can also program our minds with positive thoughts through hypnotherapy and neuroscience.
The main causes of depression are:
- Finances (this has to be the number one reason why people are depressed because of money problems).
- Loss of a job
- Going through a Divorce
- A break-up of a relationship
- Loss of health
- Death of a Pet
- Loss of a Business
- Loss of a Friend (breakdown of friendship or death)
- Loss of a Parent through Death
- Loss of a Sibling through Death
- Loss of a Child through Death
- Miscarriage
- Loss of a Spouse, a wife, or husband through death (from a sudden event as well as a serious illness)
- Loss of a family home due to financial issues or divorce
- Loss of your assets because of theft (including sentimental belongings)
- Loss of your pride and dignity, self-worth due to physical and mental abuse
- Loss of a cherished dream, taken away because of an unexpected financial issue
- Loss of your safety net through financial difficulties or mental and physical abuse
- Loss of a working environment (workmates) due to retirement or changing jobs
- Rape. (loss of virginity or loss of self-worth due to rape)
- Loss of self-worth through Physical and Mental Abuse (Domestic Violence)
- Loss of dignity and pride, due to racism and discrimination
- Loss of confidence due to humiliation, trust issues, belittlement, betrayal, and other insecurities
- Loss of freedom due to incarceration
- Fear of Failure
I will talk more about Neuroscience and Hypnotherapy in my up and coming posts.

When life is unbearable you must seek professional help from your GP, do not try to fix your depression yourself, talk to someone that can lessen the burden of your troubles. A problem shared is a problem halved.
Everything can be fixed you just need to find the solution to the problem and you need to rewire your way of thinking.
I have been following www.jakeducey.com check out his videos on youtube and on Facebook, you may be surprised how you can turn your life around.
Further Reading
24/7 Depression Hotline | NationalDepressionHotline.org
What Can Trigger a Depressive Episode? | White Light Behavioral Health (whitelightbh.com)

#depression #clinicaldepression #deepdepression #darkdepression
Renata The Editor of DisabledEntrepreneur.uk - DisabilityUK.co.uk - DisabilityUK.org - CMJUK.com Online Journals, suffers From OCD, Cerebellar Atrophy & Rheumatoid Arthritis. She is an Entrepreneur & Published Author, she writes content on a range of topics, including politics, current affairs, health and business. She is an advocate for Mental Health, Human Rights & Disability Discrimination.
She has embarked on studying a Bachelor of Law Degree with the goal of being a human rights lawyer.
Whilst her disabilities can be challenging she has adapted her life around her health and documents her journey online.
Disabled Entrepreneur - Disability UK Online Journal Working in Conjunction With CMJUK.com Offers Digital Marketing, Content Writing, Website Creation, SEO, and Domain Brokering.
Disabled Entrepreneur - Disability UK is an open platform that invites contributors to write articles and serves as a dynamic marketplace where a diverse range of talents and offerings can converge. This platform acts as a collaborative space where individuals or businesses can share their expertise, creativity, and products with a broader audience.