Impact on your health from someone who has COVID -19.

Impact on your health from someone who has COVID -19.

Patient A – My Daughter who is Fully Vaccinated

Patent B – Myself who has not had one Vaccination

I write two examples of two people living under the same roof with two different immune systems.

Just before Covid became world news I remember the Christmas before going to a restaurant on Christmas Eve with my daughter for a pre-booked Christmas Dinner, feeling like I had been hit by a bus with a very high temperature. I remember not having an appetite and could not wait to come home.

I decided after that not to venture out and not come into contact with anyone with the illness. I did not even go for my vaccinations. Because I suffer from OCD I am more vigilant and am an expert on germ awareness.

Germ awareness and cross-contamination should be taught everywhere and it should be in social media advertising and on television, radio, and in periodicals. It should be emphasized until we are sick of hearing about it. People who deliberately go out spreading their germs should be punished by law.

I obviously dodged a bullet until last week, when before my daughter could even speak I blurted out “Don’t tell me so you have COVID”?

She has had all the latest boosters and was due her fifth until she confirmed the dreaded news. She reckons she caught it from someone in university and by coincidence one of her tutors has just emailed her saying they too have become ill and all seminars will be online.

There is absolutely no excuse the moment you feel you are unwell to do a test and if you have Covid do not come to work or school, university, etc, or any public place for that matter. Do not be selfish. Obviously, people who only think about themselves and do not care about people around them would spread germs.

God will punish people who do not care about others. Do not go out without testing yourself first especially if you start to develop any of the symptoms below or on the NHS site.

Literally the same day she told me I started having the symptoms:

  • High Temperature
  • Feeling Freezing Cold even though I had to put the central heating on full blast.
  • Light headiness
  • Pounding Headache
  • A Cough
  • Feeling lethargic without energy
  • Aching Body
  • Loss of Appetite
  • Loss of Taste
  • Loss of Smell.

Coronavirus (COVID-19) symptoms in adults – NHS (

My daughter who has had nearly all her boosters would be entitled to medication as she would be classed as a priority whilst me being the bad egg would not. I am just riding the tide and believe with willpower I can beat this. In fact, she told me last Tuesday, it is Sunday now, and I am feeling 75% better already.

Mind you I felt like I was hit by a truck and dragged down the road backward. I have little energy and am only now slowly coming back online which is unusual for me and it has only happened twice with the Christmas before the Covid announcement and now.

My daughter’s immune system has been suppressed because she finished her multiple sclerosis treatment earlier this year ( and her body would not be reset until January of next year. Suppressed Immune System: What Is It, Causes, and More | Osmosis I was also concerned for her because she is vulnerable. However, we both experienced the same symptoms and we are both on the road to recovery.

I asked her on a scale of 1 being bad and 10 being good how she was feeling and she said 5 whereas I am feeling 7 or 8.

If any of our symptoms change I will document it here.

Am I angry, of course, I am, I have been off work because of the selfish person that decided to come to a public place to spread germs.

#covid #covid19 #germawareness #bacteria #crosscontamination

Renata MB Selfie
Editor - Founder |  + posts

Renata The Editor of - - - Online Journals, suffers From OCD, Cerebellar Atrophy & Rheumatoid Arthritis. She is an Entrepreneur & Published Author, she writes content on a range of topics, including politics, current affairs, health and business. She is an advocate for Mental Health, Human Rights & Disability Discrimination.

She has embarked on studying a Bachelor of Law Degree with the goal of being a human rights lawyer.

Whilst her disabilities can be challenging she has adapted her life around her health and documents her journey online.

Disabled Entrepreneur - Disability UK Online Journal Working in Conjunction With Offers Digital Marketing, Content Writing, Website Creation, SEO, and Domain Brokering.

Disabled Entrepreneur - Disability UK is an open platform that invites contributors to write articles and serves as a dynamic marketplace where a diverse range of talents and offerings can converge. This platform acts as a collaborative space where individuals or businesses can share their expertise, creativity, and products with a broader audience.

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