Mental Health Journey & Cost Of Living.

GP Malpractice.

It has been a year since I wrote the letter to my GP (General Practionioner – Medical Doctor) and a year on, I never had a reply.

I gathered that after sending the ‘letter’, that was addressed to a particular GP that she no longer works at the surgery yet other copies of letters addressed to my daughter from consultants from the hospital still mention this GP as the recipient.

This tells me there is a serious breakdown of communication where a hospital does not know that the GP they are sending a letter to does not actually work at that practice.

Moving on I am about to write another follow-up letter to the Head General Practitioner in the same way as I did a year ago and will cite that my health has progressively worsened because of their lack of care.

I wrote about my ordeal and posted an article last November 2021 on “Cardiff Solicitors’ Website”. It is too long-winded to explain here but I have evidence of Medical Malpractice.

I do not envisage getting a reaction from the Surgery unless I start making waves.

At the moment I am not in a good frame of mind to start anything with anyone as I have more pressing things to contend with (the cost of living crisis).

What concerns me is that there must be other people just like me in similar situations that have been failed by the NHS system and are also worried about the price rises and the cost of living.

NHS Short Staff.

According to “The BMJ Opinion site” General practices nationally are at breaking point. This basically suggests that the problem started because of Covid. Primary care is rightly called the “Bedrock of the NHS”.

GPs are seen as the “gatekeepers” to the NHS. Therefore when patients struggle to see their GP, work spills into unscheduled care settings including the emergency department, leading to inappropriate attendance and use of hospital services.

Yet what is not addressed is the vulnerable, the elderly, and the people with mental health disorders are affected the most, and left untreated can escalate to more serious problems.

How many people are seriously unwell because of the Doctor’s lack of care?

It is ok to blame this on bad management or the demise of health care professionals on red tape but at the end of the day, it is the public that is suffering at the hands of the NHS and our Government.

Not once was I offered an online consultation.

If the practice manager read my letter and logged it on my medical records she should have brought it to a doctor’s attention and flagged it, yet she was arrogant and decided to take things into her own hands by not making any doctor at that practice aware of the letter and I quote “doctors are too busy to reply to emails” yet my daughter’s Neurologist who is a Professor at Rockwood hospital who also lectures at Oxford University makes the time to reply to my daughter’s emails personally and he is far more educated and superior than a normal run of the mill (GP) doctor.

Both the British Medical Association (BMA) and the Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP) recently acknowledged that GPs around the country is exhausted by the increasing pressures from the pandemic, struggling with a toxic combination of increasing patient demands, poor retention, and a depleting workforce.

Yet it is said that GP teams are now more accessible than ever due to digital platforms, and online consultations, (yet I have never once been offered a consultation, only asked to phone at 8 am to discuss one problem but at the time I had five), I was not going to make five separate calls, that would be ridiculous so left my health conditions on the back burner but have definitely noticed a deterioration of my health, not only because of the lack of support from my local (GP) general practitioner but also because of the pandemic and the rise of the cost of living.

Cost of Living Crisis.

I wonder how people can manifest money out of thin air because this is the root of some of my problems, hence am requesting people donate as little as £1.00 to support me and keep this website running.

I mainly rely on advertising and marketing and although I have a lot of visitors to this site that clicks on my affiliate ads, they do not seem to convert into anything, which is frustrating because I am doing everything I can to get business in. Believe it or not, I even went as far as asking our Prime Minister for a job. I figured out that someone would be monitoring his LinkedIn account and would flag my comment. Have I had a reply, well what do you think?

If you were to suggest something to find business, I would most probably have already tried it. People and businesses are not spending because of the rise in the cost of living so I can understand why my affiliate links are not converting.


I have one creditor who is asking the ins and out’s of a cat’s ar#e. I feel humiliated because they do not say their name via email just (the team), and I really do not like sharing too much unless I know who I am talking to.

They did offer to phone me but I declined on the pretense that I am not taking incoming calls. I sent them a letter explaining my circumstances and have not disclosed my true identity or what I actually do.

All I have said is I am a website designer. I have not said I am the editor of this site, I am waiting on their response and it will be interesting what they offer in support of this crisis because it is not my fault the Governments, Banks, the Federal Reserve, and Stockholders have raised inflation because of their deficit spending.

There are hundreds of thousands of people like me in dire straits and I will be documenting my journey here.

I will write about how I have been treated and how it has affected me. I will give credit where credit is due.

We will see how the next couple of months pan out but it looks like my food bill will have to be slashed and I will have to eat the bare minimum to survive.

This is affecting my quality of life.

People of high status such as Royalty, Prime Ministers of this world, are no better than me or you, and I will not bow down to anyone.

They came into this world the same way as me and will leave the same way.

The same goes for people working in organizations and institutions, they are just human beings and should not look down on you as they could be in the same situation as you one day or may have a relative or friend pleading with poverty.

Remember no one on this planet is better than you, although some think that they are. Just because they live in Palaces it is because of history and what their forefathers did in acquiring wealth that makes them sit on their shiny thrones.

The ‘Queen’s Platinum Jubilee’ I am not celebrating although there is going to be a street party on Sunday and although I was invited, I have nothing in common with my neighbors and they do not bother with me all year round so why should I waste my precious time making small talk when I could be busy trying to get business in to pay for my bills?

I have never been patriotic and I am not about to start now. The UK is celebrating the coronation anniversary of a little old lady, whilst in other parts of the world, people are dying. Furthermore, the establishment that bailed Prince Andrew because of his antics is yesterday’s news that people have forgotten.

People are so brainwashed that they cannot see what is going on around them.

Cost of Living Crisis.

It is predicted that businesses will go bust because of inflation.

Rising costs have created a “ticking timebomb” for UK small business owners, the chairman of the Federation of Small Businesses (FSB) has warned, with almost half a million firms at risk of going bust within weeks without a fresh wave of government support.

I have contacted a charity, and I have written to my creditors.

Business On The Brink Of Going Bust Or Have Gone Bust in 2022:

So far, three small energy companies have gone bust in the first two months of 2022, according to Ofgem. Whoop Energy and Xcel Power both announced they were ceasing trading. Whoop Energy supplied 50 households and 212 businesses and Xcel Power had 274 business customers.

The UK retailers that have gone bust in 2022:

My Way Coping

I now have my phone turned off constantly. I cannot handle talking to people over the phone with their condescending attitudes.

I did speak to one of the utility companies last month and when I said I was disabled she automatically assumed I was unemployed and when I said “I cannot work for the rest of the day because I am emotionally distressed” she asked what do I do? and when I said I am the Editor of (Disabled Entrepreneur – Disability UK). There was a big pause after that and she then changed her tune. Or the time before when I spoke to someone from the same company, they were harsh and condescending (but what makes me laugh is the auto-recording states they will not tolerate rude customers, obviously one rule for one and not for the other), making me feel humiliated for sharing my personal details with them. Sometimes people take their jobs too seriously and think by not showing empathy is going to score brownie points with their employer. In reality, people may be kind to a certain degree but they do not care, there is a difference. You should not confuse kindness with caring, kindness is a temporary action whilst caring is long-term.

Now if I were to give feedback on my experience they would most probably defend their corner and say that that is not how their staff treat customers and that it was obviously a one-off encounter and they would try to brush it under the carpet.

Creditors and customer services reps should be understanding, softly spoken, and empathetic, they should not judge you or humiliate you. Because who is to say they may not be in the same situations as you one day. If a customer offers only what they can afford then even if they decided to take legal action to recover all the money the court would see that the customer has made an offer and there would little else that could be done other than to perhaps sell any assets they may have and (in my case I have none). You cannot take blood out of a stone! and pushing people into corners can send them over the edge!

I am trying to stay positive and not let this situation get to me and believe that eventually the tables will be turned for the better.

Nothing can stay in the same place forever and when one door closes another one opens.

I am forever re-inventing myself and starting new projects to drive more business.

I have just had one creditor blank me regarding them giving me some marketing work which just proves a point no one wants to spend and no one cares unless it directly affects them.

I am persistent and will continue fighting.

If you have financial difficulties write your creditors a letter and be honest.

Tell them you are incoming and outgoing and offer to pay them something as this will stand up in a court of law.

Keep copies of all communication, letters, emails, texts, calls, etc.

If you need some advice just drop me a line.

“Do not confuse mental illness or education with stupidity, you can have a bachelor’s degree and still be an idiot” Quote – Elon Musk.

Together We Are Stronger!

#costofliving #povertyandmentalhealth #mentalhealthdeterioration #mentalhealth #poverty #inflation #pricerises #financialtrouble #financialdifficulty

Renata MB Selfie
Disabled Entrepreneur - Disability UK

Renata The Owner & Editor of and Online Journals, suffers From OCD, Cerebellar Atrophy & Rheumatoid Arthritis. She is an Entrepreneur & Published Author, she writes content on a range of topics, including politics, current affairs, health and business. She is an advocate for Mental Health, Human Rights & Disability Discrimination.

Whilst her disabilities can be challenging she has adapted her life around her health and documents her journey online.

Disabled Entrepreneur - Disability UK Online Journal Offers Digital Marketing, Content Writing, Website Creation, SEO, and Domain Brokering. Disabled Entrepreneur - Disability UK is an open platform that invites contributors to write articles and serves as a dynamic marketplace where a diverse range of talents and offerings can converge. This platform acts as a collaborative space where individuals or businesses can share their expertise, creativity, and products with a broader audience.

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