Showing 13 Result(s)
Disability Travel wheelchair

Border Control Horror Stories: The Degrading Treatment of People with Disabilities

Crossing international borders can be an anxiety-inducing experience for anyone. For individuals with disabilities, however, the process often escalates into a distressing ordeal that infringes upon dignity, induces humiliation, and highlights systemic inequities. Across the globe, people with visible and invisible disabilities encounter discriminatory practices, racism, and unwarranted assumptions at border controls, transforming an already challenging process into a deeply degrading experience.

Liz Kendell’s New DWP Jobcentre Rules

The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) has recently introduced new rules for Jobcentre interactions, sparking widespread concern among claimants of Universal Credit (UC), Jobseeker’s Allowance (JSA), and Personal Independence Payment (PIP). These changes, which aim to streamline processes and increase claimant engagement, have left many feeling anxious about their financial security and the additional burdens imposed by these policies.

Universal Credit Monthly Reporting: Challenges for Self-Employed

Assuming that a disabled person is capable of performing certain tasks or stepping outside their comfort zone without considering their individual limitations can lead to significant legal breaches. Such assumptions may violate the Equality Act 2010, particularly the duty to make reasonable adjustments, as forcing someone to undertake activities beyond their capacity disregards their health and well-being.

How Your Universal Credit Application Is Affected

If you’re juggling caregiving responsibilities, part-time work, self-employment, and/or part-time study, applying for Universal Credit (UC) can seem daunting. Each of these situations comes with its own set of rules and considerations, and combining any of them can make the process more complex.

DWP Treating People Like Criminals

In legal contexts, implying that someone is not telling the truth can involve a variety of terms and concepts beyond the straightforward accusation of “lying.” These terms encompass a range of behaviors and implications, each with specific legal connotations and consequences.

DWP Complaints

If you encounter issues with the services provided by the Department for Work and Pensions, there is a well-defined complaints procedure in place to help you address your concerns.

British Gas Inaccurate Estimated Usage Forecast.

In a statement, Centrica said: “An independent analysis of the billing system has concluded that Accenture was responsible for fundamental errors in the design and implementation of the system. Unfortunately, British Gas has been left with no option but to pursue legal redress against Accenture to compensate for its losses.”