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Explaining OCD and Social Isolation to Friends and Family

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**Please Note** As much As The Editor Loves This Domain Which Is Generating Traffic, She Is Prepared to Sell it Or Form A Collaboration Paprtnership.This Domain Could Be A Teaching Platform Or Coaching Support Site. It Could Be An E-Commerce Site Selling PPE, The Possibilities Are Endless.

Understanding OCD and Social Isolation

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a mental health condition characterized by intrusive thoughts (obsessions) and repetitive behaviors (compulsions) aimed at reducing the anxiety these thoughts provoke. Social isolation often accompanies OCD, as the condition can make social interactions and leaving one’s comfort zone feel overwhelming and distressing. For those affected, even the thought of being around people can trigger significant anxiety.

Opening the Conversation

Explaining your struggles with OCD and social isolation to friends and family can be challenging, but it is essential for fostering understanding and support.

Here’s a guide on how to approach this sensitive topic:

1. Choose the Right Time and Place

Find a quiet, comfortable environment where you can talk without interruptions, or if you are uncomfortable with face to face meetings write a letter or email. Ensure that both you and your listener/reader have the time and space to discuss this thoroughly.

2. Be Honest and Direct

Start by expressing that you have something important to share.

For example:

“I want to talk to you about something that’s been affecting my life significantly. I have Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, which causes me to experience intense anxiety, especially in social situations.”

3. Explain OCD in Simple Terms

Describe OCD in a way that’s easy to understand.

You might say:

“OCD involves having unwanted thoughts that make me anxious, and to cope, I perform certain actions repeatedly. This condition can make everyday activities and social interactions very difficult for me.

4. Discuss Social Isolation

Explain how OCD leads to social isolation:

“Because of my OCD, being around people or even thinking about leaving my comfort zone can be very overwhelming. This isn’t something I choose; it’s a part of my condition.”

5. Highlight the Anxiety Involved

Emphasize the anxiety caused by social interactions:

“The thought of being in social settings can cause me a lot of stress. Even having visitors can be extremely taxing for me, as it disrupts my sense of safety and routine.”

Strategy for Declining Social Invitations

1. Be Honest and Reassuring

When you need to decline social invitations, honesty paired with reassurance can help prevent hurt feelings:

“I really appreciate the invitation, but right now, social situations are very stressful for me due to my OCD. Please understand that it’s not about you; it’s just something I’m dealing with. I hope you’re not offended.”

2. Suggest Alternative Ways to Connect

Offer other ways to stay connected that are more comfortable for you:

“I’d love to stay in touch, though. Maybe we could chat over the phone or have a video call instead?”

3. Express Gratitude

Thank them for their understanding and support:

“Thank you for understanding. Your support means a lot to me as I work through this.”

Managing Visits

If having people visit is stressful, be upfront about your boundaries:

“Having visitors can be very challenging for me because of my OCD. If you do come over, I might need to take breaks or keep the visit short. I hope you can understand and respect that.”

Emphasize the Importance of Support

Finally, stress how much their understanding and support help you:

“Your support and understanding are incredibly important to me. It makes a big difference knowing that you’re there for me, even if I can’t always participate in social activities.”

Legal Considerations for Reasonable Accommodations in the UK

Communicating with Your Landlord and Contractors

Explaining your OCD to a landlord and contractors is crucial to ensure your living environment remains manageable and to seek their cooperation. Here’s how to approach this:

1. Initiate the Conversation Thoughtfully

Choose a calm and uninterrupted moment to talk:

“I need to discuss an important health matter with you. I have Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, specifically related to germs and contamination.”

2. Clarify the Impact of OCD

Explain how OCD affects your living space:

“OCD causes me severe anxiety about germs. To manage this, I sterilize and quarantine certain items. When these items are touched, it triggers intense anxiety and requires hours of cleaning rituals.”

3. Request Specific Accommodations

Clearly state your needs:

“I am asking for your cooperation in not touching or moving specific items or areas I have marked or communicated as sterilized. This will help me manage my condition and reduce the need for extensive cleaning rituals.”

Legal Rights and Protections in the UK

In the UK, tenants with disabilities, including mental health conditions like OCD, are protected under several pieces of legislation that ensure their rights to reasonable accommodations.

1. Equality Act 2010

The Equality Act 2010 requires landlords to make reasonable adjustments for tenants with disabilities. This includes mental health conditions. The Act aims to ensure that disabled individuals have the same rights to housing and are not disadvantaged due to their condition.

  • Reasonable Adjustments: Landlords must make changes that are reasonable to ensure that tenants with disabilities can live comfortably. This might include respecting requests not to touch sterilized items or designated areas.
  • Non-Discrimination: Landlords must not discriminate against tenants with disabilities. Refusing reasonable adjustments could be considered discrimination.

2. Human Rights Act 1998

The Human Rights Act 1998 can also provide protections for tenants. Under this Act, your right to respect for your private and family life (Article 8) might be infringed upon if your landlord refuses to accommodate your needs, affecting your mental health.

Addressing Potential Refusal

If your landlord refuses to accommodate your request, it’s important to highlight the legal implications:

“It’s important to understand that refusing to accommodate my request could be seen as a violation of the Equality Act 2010, as it fails to provide reasonable adjustments for my disability. This could be considered discriminatory and affect my right to live comfortably in my home.”

Seeking Further Assistance

If you encounter resistance, there are several steps you can take:

  • Document Everything: Keep records of your requests and any communications with your landlord.
  • Seek Advice: Contact organizations like Citizens Advice, Shelter, or Mind for guidance on your rights and how to proceed.
  • Formal Complaint: If necessary, you can make a formal complaint to your landlord or, if unresolved, to a relevant ombudsman or tribunal.

Explaining OCD and the need for specific accommodations to your landlord and contractors involves clear communication about your condition and its impact. Emphasizing the legal requirement for reasonable adjustments under the Equality Act 2010 and the Human Rights Act 1998 can help ensure your needs are met. Understanding and asserting your rights can foster a supportive living environment that accommodates your mental health needs.


Communicating about OCD and social isolation is crucial for building a supportive network. By being honest and explaining your situation clearly, you can help your friends and family understand your experiences and reduce the likelihood of misunderstandings. Remember, it’s okay to set boundaries and prioritize your mental health, and with open communication, your loved ones can better support you on your journey.

A Guide To Running Your Business When You’re Unwell

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Guide for Disabled Entrepreneurs: Sustaining Your Business When You’re Unwell and Unsupported

Running a business as a disabled entrepreneur comes with unique challenges, especially when you face periods of illness. Unlike traditional employees, entrepreneurs cannot simply take sick leave without significant repercussions. The reality is that many disabled entrepreneurs feel pressured to work even when unwell, due to a “sick-not culture” that fails to accommodate their needs.

A classic example: during a PIP (Personal Independence Payment) assessment, the editor was questioned about why she had not undergone an operation for her knee. When she explained that undergoing surgery would cause her business to suffer significantly, the assessor dismissed her response, concluding that her condition could not be serious. This dismissive attitude constitutes ableist discrimination, as it undermines the editor’s lived experience and fails to acknowledge the severe impact that health issues can have on a self-employed individual. Ableist discrimination involves prejudices and discriminatory practices against people with disabilities, particularly by disregarding their challenges and needs, thereby perpetuating systemic biases that devalue their experiences and capabilities.

Supporting oneself as a disabled entrepreneur or freelancer, especially when unwell and unable to work, can be extremely challenging. The pressure of being unable to step away from the business without risking its closure adds significant stress.

This guide explores practical steps to help disabled entrepreneurs support themselves and maintain their businesses during challenging times.

  1. Automate and Delegate Automation Tools: Leverage automation tools like Zapier or IFTTT to handle repetitive tasks such as email responses, social media posts, and invoicing. Automation can significantly reduce your workload.
  2. Virtual Assistants: Hiring a virtual assistant from platforms like Upwork or Fiverr can help manage administrative tasks, emails, and customer service, ensuring your business operations continue smoothly.
  3. Chatbots: Implementing chatbots on your website can provide instant responses to customer inquiries, reducing the need for constant human intervention.
  4. Outsource Critical Tasks Freelancers and Agencies: Outsource essential tasks such as marketing, content creation, and customer service to freelancers or specialized agencies. Websites like Upwork and Fiverr are excellent resources for finding skilled professionals.
  5. Collaborations: Partner with other entrepreneurs or businesses to share responsibilities and resources. Collaboration can help distribute the workload and provide mutual support.
  6. Create Passive Income Streams Digital Products: Develop and sell digital products like e-books, online courses, or downloadable resources. These can generate ongoing income with minimal maintenance.
  7. Membership Sites: Offer exclusive content or services through a subscription-based model. Membership sites can provide a steady stream of revenue.
  8. Affiliate Marketing: Promote products or services that complement your business and earn commissions. Affiliate marketing can be a lucrative source of passive income.
  9. Financial Planning and Support Savings and Emergency Funds: Build a savings plan or emergency fund to cover expenses during periods when you’re unable to work. Financial buffers provide crucial support during illness.
  10. Crowdfunding and Grants: Explore crowdfunding platforms like GoFundMe or grant opportunities specifically for disabled entrepreneurs. These can provide financial relief and support.
  11. Insurance: Consider business interruption insurance or personal disability insurance to safeguard against income loss due to illness.
  12. Project Management Tools: Use tools like Trello, Asana, or Monday.com to keep track of projects, deadlines, and team collaboration. These tools can streamline your workflow.
  13. Communication Tools: Platforms like Slack, Zoom, or Microsoft Teams facilitate efficient communication with clients and collaborators, helping maintain business continuity.
  14. E-commerce Platforms: Utilize platforms like Shopify or WooCommerce to manage sales, inventory, and customer orders with minimal effort.
  15. Mentorship and Networking: Join networks or groups of fellow entrepreneurs for advice, mentorship, and support. These connections can provide invaluable insights and assistance.
  16. Local and Online Communities: Engage with local business communities or online forums such as Reddit’s r/Entrepreneur. Sharing experiences and resources can offer practical help and encouragement.
  17. Family and Friends: Seek support from family and friends who can provide temporary assistance with your business or personal needs.
  18. Health Management: Prioritize regular health check-ups, a balanced diet, and sufficient rest to maintain your well-being. Managing your health effectively is crucial to sustaining your business.
  19. Flexible Working Hours: Adjust your working hours to align with your energy levels, allowing you to work when you feel best and avoid burnout.
  20. Mindfulness and Stress Management: Practice mindfulness, meditation, or other stress-relief techniques to maintain mental health and reduce anxiety.
  21. Legal Documents: Ensure you have legal documents such as a power of attorney to handle business decisions if you become incapacitated.
  22. Business Structure: Consider structuring your business as an LLC or corporation to protect personal assets and simplify management.
  23. Succession Planning: Develop a succession plan outlining how your business will continue in your absence, ensuring its continuity.
  24. Customer Communication Transparency: Communicate openly with customers about any delays or changes due to health issues. Transparency builds trust and understanding.
  25. Automated Responses: Set up automated email responses to manage customer expectations during periods of unavailability.
  26. Loyalty Programs: Create loyalty programs to maintain customer relationships and encourage repeat business, even during challenging times.
  27. Stay Updated: Keep abreast of industry trends and new tools that can make your work easier and more efficient.
  28. Skill Development: Continuously develop new skills that can add value to your business and improve productivity.s.


By implementing these strategies, disabled entrepreneurs can create a more resilient business model capable of withstanding periods of illness. Prioritizing automation, outsourcing, financial planning, and health management can significantly reduce the burden and help maintain business continuity.

Remember, seeking help and leveraging available resources can make a substantial difference in sustaining your business and supporting yourself through challenging time.

Further Reading: How to handle sick days when you’re a freelancer and a parent (freelancersunion.org)

A Guide To Starting a Coaching Business as a Disabled Entrepreneur

“Empowerment through Adaptation: Starting a Coaching Business as a Disabled Entrepreneur”

Starting a coaching business as a disabled entrepreneur can be both rewarding and challenging. However, with determination, creativity, and the right strategies, you can build a successful coaching business that not only serves your clients but also accommodates your unique needs and abilities.

“Embrace Your Potential: The journey of starting a coaching business as a disabled entrepreneur begins with building a powerful personal brand that reflects your unique strengths and expertise. Networking becomes a cornerstone as you connect with like-minded individuals and potential clients, fostering relationships that can fuel your business growth. Through strategic lead generation strategies, such as hosting podcasts and webinars centered around your niche, you position yourself as a thought leader while attracting a dedicated audience. Your website serves as a central hub where visitors can learn about your services, access valuable resources, and engage with your content, solidifying your presence in the digital landscape.”

Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you get started:

  1. Identify Your Niche: Determine what area you want to specialize in as a coach. Consider your passions, expertise, and what sets you apart from others. Your niche could be anything from life coaching to career coaching, wellness coaching, or even niche specialties like disability advocacy coaching.
  2. Develop Your Coaching Skills: Invest in your coaching skills by obtaining relevant certifications, training, or education. While formal credentials are not always necessary, they can provide credibility and enhance your expertise in your chosen niche.
  3. Create a Business Plan: Outline your business goals, target market, pricing structure, marketing strategies, and financial projections in a business plan. This will serve as a roadmap for your coaching business and help you stay focused and organized.
  4. Set Up Your Workspace: Create a comfortable and accessible workspace that accommodates your specific needs as a disabled entrepreneur. Ensure that your workspace is ergonomically designed and equipped with the necessary tools and technology to support your coaching activities.
  5. Build Your Brand: Develop a strong brand identity that reflects your values, personality, and expertise as a coach. This includes designing a professional logo, creating a compelling website, and establishing a strong presence on social media platforms where your target audience is active.
  6. Market Your Services: Utilize various marketing channels to promote your coaching services and attract clients. This may include networking, content marketing, social media marketing, email marketing, speaking engagements, and partnerships with other businesses or organizations.
  7. Offer Flexible Services: Consider offering flexible coaching services that accommodate your disability and schedule. This could include one-on-one coaching sessions, group coaching programs, online courses, workshops, or downloadable resources.
  8. Provide Exceptional Customer Service: Focus on delivering exceptional customer service to your clients to build trust, loyalty, and referrals. Listen actively to your clients’ needs, communicate clearly and effectively, and strive to exceed their expectations in every interaction.
  9. Stay Organized and Efficient: Use tools and systems to help you stay organized and efficient in managing your coaching business. This may include scheduling software, project management tools, accounting software, and accessibility features that accommodate your specific needs.
  10. Seek Support and Resources: Don’t hesitate to seek support and resources from disability-specific organizations, entrepreneurship programs, mentors, and support groups. These resources can provide valuable guidance, assistance, and encouragement as you navigate the challenges of starting and running a coaching business as a disabled entrepreneur.
  11. Adapt and Iterate: Be prepared to adapt and iterate your business strategies based on feedback, market trends, and changing circumstances. Continuously seek ways to improve your coaching services, expand your reach, and overcome any obstacles or limitations you may encounter along the way.

Starting a coaching business as a disabled entrepreneur requires resilience, creativity, and a willingness to embrace your unique strengths and challenges. By following these steps and staying true to your passion for helping others, you can build a thriving coaching business that makes a positive impact on the lives of your clients and your community.

“In addition to networking within your industry, consider partnering with established brands and charities to amplify your brand’s visibility. Collaborating with well-known brands can lend credibility to your business and expose you to a broader audience. By aligning with charities or non-profit organizations that resonate with your values, you not only contribute to meaningful causes but also demonstrate your commitment to social responsibility. These partnerships not only raise awareness about your coaching services but also showcase your dedication to making a positive impact in both the business world and the community.”


“At www.disabledentrepreneur.uk and www.disabilityuk.co.uk, we proudly extend a warm invitation to disabled coaching services looking to thrive in the entrepreneurial landscape. We are committed to fostering inclusivity and empowerment within the disability community, and we wholeheartedly support disabled entrepreneurs in making their mark on the world. As part of our mission, we offer a dedicated landing page where disabled entrepreneurs can showcase their coaching services, connect with potential clients, and access valuable resources tailored to their unique needs. Together, let’s break barriers, defy stereotypes, and pave the way for a more inclusive and vibrant entrepreneurial ecosystem.”

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Disabled Entrepreneur’s Tutorials & Coaching

Personal Brand Site!
www.irenata.com forwards to www.renataentrepreneur.com

Empowering Disabled Entrepreneurs: Renata’s Tutorial and Coaching Platform

There has never been a more opportune moment than now to embark on the journey of starting a business, particularly with initiatives like the DWP sanctions. While entrepreneurship inherently presents obstacles, these challenges can feel particularly daunting for individuals with disabilities. However, Renata, a passionate advocate for disabled entrepreneurs, has made it her mission to break down these barriers and provide invaluable support through her tutorial and coaching platform.

Renata’s dedication to empowering disabled entrepreneurs shines through on her personal brand website, www.irenata.com. Through this platform, she offers a wealth of resources, tutorials, and coaching aimed at fostering success and resilience in the face of adversity. What sets Renata’s platform apart is its comprehensive coverage of all industries, ensuring that entrepreneurs from diverse backgrounds and interests find the support they need to thrive.

The website is not just a hub for resources; it’s a community where disabled entrepreneurs can connect, share experiences, and learn from one another. Renata understands the importance of community support in entrepreneurship, especially for individuals facing unique challenges due to disabilities. Through forums, networking events, she facilitates meaningful connections that foster collaboration and growth.

Moreover, Renata’s commitment to inclusivity extends beyond her brand website. She has established partnerships dedicated to disability entrepreneurship, such as www.disabledentrepreneur.uk and www.disabilityuk.co.uk. These collaborations expand the reach of her resources and ensure that disabled entrepreneurs have access to support wherever they may be.

One of the most remarkable aspects of Renata’s platform is its openness to feedback and suggestions. Renata recognizes that in the world of disability, entrepreneurship is ever-evolving, with new challenges and opportunities emerging regularly. As such, she encourages her community to provide input on topics they feel are not adequately covered. This commitment to continuous improvement ensures that Renata’s platform remains relevant and responsive to the needs of its users.

Whether it’s guidance on accessible business practices, navigating funding opportunities, or overcoming societal stigmas, Renata’s tutorials and coaching cover a wide array of topics crucial to the success of disabled entrepreneurs. Her approach is not just about providing information but about empowering individuals to realize their full potential and turn their entrepreneurial dreams into reality.

Where disabilities are often seen as a limitation, Renata’s platform serves as a beacon of hope and empowerment. Through her tireless advocacy and unwavering dedication, she is breaking down barriers, one entrepreneur at a time. As Renata continues to expand her reach and impact, the future looks brighter for disabled entrepreneurs everywhere.


In light of her health concerns, Renata has made the difficult decision to temporarily step back from her business to prioritize her self-care and well-being. However, her dedication to supporting disabled entrepreneurs remains unwavering. Renata has assembled a capable team of writers ready to create valuable content, as well as advisors and mentors who can offer guidance on various aspects of entrepreneurship. While her library of tutorials may not be updated during this period, Renata’s commitment to empowering disabled entrepreneurs continues, and she looks forward to returning to her mission revitalized and ready to make an even greater impact when she is on the road to recovery.

Top Ten Guides

  1. https://renataentrepreneur.com/irenatas-guide-to-content-creation
  2. https://renataentrepreneur.com/irenatas-guide-to-wordpress
  3. https://renataentrepreneur.com/irenatas-guide-to-becoming-a-book-author
  4. https://renataentrepreneur.com/irenatas-comprehensive-guide-to-verifying-social-media-accounts
  5. https://renataentrepreneur.com/irenatas-guide-getting-your-cv-noticed-tips-for-people-over-50
  6. https://renataentrepreneur.com/irenatas-guide-to-becoming-a-mentor
  7. https://renataentrepreneur.com/irenatas-guide-to-life-coaching
  8. https://renataentrepreneur.com/irenatas-guide-to-public-speaking
  9. https://renataentrepreneur.com/irenatas-guide-to-domain-names
  10. https://renataentrepreneur.com/irenatas-guide-on-setting-up-a-website

Contact Us For Suggestions

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The Secret Struggles of Disabled & Abled Entrepreneurs

The Secret Struggles Behind Being An Entrepreneur

The glamorous image of entrepreneurship often portrayed in the media can be misleading. While success stories and triumphs make headlines, the journey of an entrepreneur is paved with challenges, sacrifices, and hidden struggles that are rarely discussed. Behind the scenes, entrepreneurs grapple with a myriad of issues that can take a toll on their mental, emotional, and physical well-being.

  1. Loneliness and Isolation: Entrepreneurship can be a lonely journey. Entrepreneurs often find themselves isolated, grappling with tough decisions, and facing uncertainties alone. The burden of leadership and the responsibility of steering a company in the right direction can create a sense of isolation that many founders find challenging to overcome.
  2. Financial Pressures: Financial instability is a common struggle for entrepreneurs, especially in the early stages of their ventures. Juggling limited resources, securing funding, and managing cash flow can be stress-inducing. Many entrepreneurs invest their savings into their businesses, putting their financial security on the line.
  3. Work-Life Balance: The myth of the “hustle culture” often glorifies working long hours and sacrificing personal time for the sake of the business. Entrepreneurs frequently find themselves caught in a cycle of endless work, leading to burnout and strained personal relationships. Striking a balance between work and personal life becomes a constant struggle.
  4. Uncertainty and Risk: Entrepreneurship is inherently risky, and uncertainty is a constant companion. Navigating an ever-changing business landscape, dealing with market fluctuations, and making high-stakes decisions can induce stress and anxiety. Entrepreneurs must learn to embrace uncertainty and manage risk effectively to succeed.
  5. Mental Health Challenges: The pressure of entrepreneurship can take a toll on mental health. Anxiety, depression, and feelings of inadequacy are not uncommon among entrepreneurs. The stigma surrounding mental health issues often prevents founders from seeking help, exacerbating the problem.
  6. Balancing Passion and Realism: While passion is a driving force for entrepreneurs, balancing it with realism is a delicate task. Entrepreneurs may find themselves emotionally attached to their ideas, making it challenging to make objective decisions about the viability of their businesses. Learning to pivot and adapt is crucial for long-term success.
  7. Managing Team Dynamics: Building and leading a team comes with its own set of challenges. Entrepreneurs must navigate interpersonal relationships, resolve conflicts, and foster a positive work culture. The responsibility of being a leader and making tough decisions can lead to feelings of guilt or self-doubt.

Disabled Entrepreneur Struggles

Disabled entrepreneurs face unique challenges that stem from both the nature of their disabilities and the societal barriers they encounter. These struggles can significantly impact their entrepreneurial journey. Here are some common challenges faced by disabled entrepreneurs:

  1. Accessibility Issues: Physical barriers, such as inaccessible buildings and lack of adaptive technology, can make it difficult for disabled entrepreneurs to access workspaces and resources. The absence of accommodations can limit their ability to participate fully in business activities.
  2. Societal Stigma: Disabled entrepreneurs may encounter prejudiced attitudes and misconceptions about their capabilities. Overcoming societal stigma and stereotypes can be an ongoing battle, affecting not only business relationships but also self-confidence.
  3. Limited Networking Opportunities: Networking is a crucial aspect of entrepreneurship, but disabled individuals may face challenges in attending events or building connections due to inaccessible venues or transportation limitations. This can impact their ability to access mentors, partners, or potential clients.
  4. Financial Barriers: Acquiring funding for a startup is a common challenge for many entrepreneurs, and disabled individuals may face additional hurdles. Investors or lenders may be hesitant due to unfounded assumptions about the entrepreneur’s ability to manage a business successfully.
  5. Health-related Challenges: Managing health conditions can be time-consuming and unpredictable. Disabilities may require frequent medical appointments or periods of rest, impacting the entrepreneur’s availability and ability to consistently work on their business.
  6. Legal and Regulatory Obstacles: Entrepreneurs with disabilities may encounter legal and regulatory challenges related to accessibility requirements, workplace accommodations, and anti-discrimination laws. Navigating these complexities can be daunting.
  7. Isolation and Lack of Representation: Disabled entrepreneurs may feel isolated due to a lack of representation in the entrepreneurial community. The absence of role models with similar experiences can contribute to a sense of loneliness and make it challenging to find relatable guidance.
  8. Technology Gaps: Some disabilities may require specialized technology or tools for effective communication and work. The cost of adaptive technology and the availability of suitable solutions can be a barrier for disabled entrepreneurs.
  9. Balancing Health and Work Commitments: Managing both health-related commitments and the demands of entrepreneurship can be a delicate balance. Disabled entrepreneurs may need to allocate additional time for self-care, rehabilitation, or other health-related activities.
  10. Educational and Skill Development Barriers: Accessing education and skill development opportunities may be hindered by physical or technological barriers. Disabled entrepreneurs may face challenges in acquiring the necessary knowledge and skills for their business endeavors.

Despite these challenges, many disabled entrepreneurs demonstrate resilience and resourcefulness, contributing valuable perspectives to the business world. Recognizing and addressing these struggles is crucial for creating a more inclusive and supportive environment for disabled individuals pursuing entrepreneurial ventures.


Behind the glitz and glamor of entrepreneurial success stories lies a world of challenges and struggles. Recognizing and addressing these issues is crucial for entrepreneurs to thrive both personally and professionally. By fostering a culture of openness and support, the entrepreneurial community can work towards breaking the silence surrounding these hidden struggles and building a more realistic narrative of what it truly means to be an entrepreneur.

Further Reading

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Blue Butterfly

Forcing Disabled Individuals to Work

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The Controversial Practice of Mandating Disabled Individuals to Work: A Critical Look at DWP Policies

The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) in the United Kingdom has often been at the center of debates surrounding its policies, particularly those related to disability benefits and employment. One contentious issue that has stirred considerable public concern is the alleged practice of forcing disabled individuals to work, even against their will. Critics argue that such policies are inhumane, exacerbate existing challenges faced by disabled individuals, and fail to consider the unique circumstances that may hinder their ability to engage in traditional employment.

The DWP’s Approach to Disability and Work:

The DWP’s primary goal is to promote employment and self-sufficiency among the population, including those with disabilities. However, critics argue that the methods employed to achieve this goal may sometimes be draconian and insensitive to the complex needs of disabled individuals.

One of the key elements of controversy is the Work Capability Assessment (WCA), a test designed to evaluate an individual’s ability to work. Critics claim that the WCA often fails to account for the nuanced and varied nature of disabilities, leading to instances where individuals are deemed fit for work when they may not be.

Forced to Work Against Their Will:

Reports have surfaced suggesting that disabled individuals, based on WCA results, are sometimes pressured or coerced into accepting employment, even if they express reservations about their ability to fulfill job requirements. This has led to claims of individuals being pushed into unsuitable or demanding roles, exacerbating their health conditions and negatively impacting their overall well-being.

Impact on Disabled Individuals:

Forcing disabled individuals into employment without considering their unique needs can have severe consequences. Many disabled individuals require specific accommodations, flexibility in work hours, or job roles that align with their capabilities. When these considerations are overlooked, individuals may struggle to cope, leading to increased stress, exacerbation of health conditions, and a higher likelihood of job loss. Some employers may not employ people who are high risk, deemed as liabilities of insurance claims.

Legal and Ethical Implications:

The alleged practice of forcing disabled individuals to work raises serious ethical and legal questions. Human rights advocates argue that individuals with disabilities should not be subjected to undue pressure or discrimination in the workplace. Moreover, critics contend that such policies may violate the Equality Act, which prohibits discrimination based on disability.

Calls for Reform:

In response to growing concerns, advocacy groups and individuals have called for a reevaluation of DWP policies related to disabled individuals and employment. They argue for a more compassionate and nuanced approach that considers the individual needs and circumstances of each disabled person, ensuring that they are not forced into situations that could compromise their health and well-being.

Empowering Lives: The Impact of Entrepreneurship on the Mental Health of Disabled and Unemployed Individuals

The journey of entrepreneurship holds the power to transform lives, offering a sense of purpose, autonomy, and empowerment. For disabled and unemployed individuals, the path of starting a business not only provides economic opportunities but also catalyzes improved mental well-being.

  1. Fostering a Sense of Purpose: Entrepreneurship can infuse individuals with a renewed sense of purpose. For disabled and unemployed individuals who may feel marginalized or excluded from traditional employment, starting a business allows them to define their own goals, pursue their passions, and make a meaningful impact in their chosen field.
  2. Autonomy and Flexibility: Unlike conventional employment structures that may pose challenges for individuals with disabilities, entrepreneurship provides the flexibility to design work environments that accommodate specific needs. Entrepreneurs can tailor their schedules, workspace, and work processes, promoting a sense of autonomy that is invaluable for mental well-being.
  3. Building Confidence and Self-Esteem: Entrepreneurship inherently involves overcoming challenges and taking risks. For disabled and unemployed individuals, successfully navigating the complexities of running a business can significantly boost confidence and self-esteem. Accomplishing goals, no matter how small, contributes to a positive self-perception and mental resilience.
  4. Creating a Supportive Community: The entrepreneurial journey often involves connecting with like-minded individuals, mentors, and fellow business owners. Building a supportive community provides a valuable network for sharing experiences, gaining advice, and fostering a sense of belonging, combating the isolation that some disabled and unemployed individuals may face.
  5. Economic Contributions and Job Creation: Beyond individual benefits, entrepreneurship plays a vital role in economic growth. Small businesses contribute significantly to job creation and economic development. By empowering disabled and unemployed individuals to start their businesses, there is a direct impact on local economies, promoting financial independence and reducing dependence on social welfare systems.
  6. Addressing Mental Health Stigmas: Entrepreneurship can challenge societal perceptions and stigmas associated with disability and unemployment. As individuals showcase their capabilities and accomplishments through successful businesses, they become ambassadors for breaking down barriers and reshaping public attitudes toward disability.
  7. Adaptive Technologies and Innovation: The entrepreneurial spirit often drives innovation, leading to the development of adaptive technologies and solutions that cater to individuals with disabilities. By actively participating in the business world, entrepreneurs can contribute to creating a more inclusive society where products and services are designed with accessibility in mind.
  8. Stress Reduction through Passion Pursuit: Engaging in a business aligned with personal interests or passions can act as a natural stress reliever. Rather than experiencing the pressures associated with jobs that may not be well-suited to their abilities, individuals find fulfillment in pursuing endeavors that bring them joy, ultimately positively impacting their mental health.

Starting a business has the power to transform the lives of disabled and unemployed individuals, offering a pathway to empowerment, purpose, and improved mental health. As these entrepreneurs contribute to economic growth, job creation, and innovation, their efforts resonate beyond individual success, positively impacting communities and challenging societal norms. It is crucial to recognize and support initiatives that promote entrepreneurship among disabled and unemployed individuals, fostering an environment where everyone has the opportunity to thrive.

Starting a Business to Avoid, Stress, Finding Employment & Sanctions.

Starting a business can be a rewarding path for individuals with physical and mental disabilities, offering autonomy and flexibility while avoiding the potential stress of traditional employment and associated sanctions.

Here is a list of business ideas that cater to diverse abilities and interests:

  1. Freelance Writing or Blogging: Utilize your writing skills to offer content creation services for businesses or start a personal blog.
  2. Graphic Design: Create visually appealing designs for clients, such as logos, social media graphics, or marketing materials.
  3. Online Tutoring or Coaching: Share your expertise in a particular subject or skill through online tutoring or coaching sessions.
  4. Virtual Assistance: Provide administrative support to businesses or entrepreneurs remotely, managing emails, schedules, and other tasks.
  5. Handmade Crafts: Channel your creativity into crafting handmade goods, such as jewelry, candles, or artwork, to sell online or at local markets.
  6. Consulting: Offer consulting services based on your professional background and expertise, providing valuable insights to businesses or individuals.
  7. Social Media Management: Assist businesses in managing their social media presence, including content creation, scheduling, and engagement.
  8. E-commerce Store: Start an online store selling products or services that align with your interests or passions.
  9. Photography: Capture special moments by offering photography services for events, portraits, or stock photos.
  10. Fitness Instruction: Become a certified fitness instructor and offer virtual or in-person fitness classes tailored to various abilities (ideal for people with mental health disabilities).
  11. Coaching for Mental Health: Share your experiences and insights by becoming a life coach or mental health coach, providing support and guidance.
  12. Catering or Baking: Turn your culinary skills into a business by offering catering services or selling baked goods.
  13. Podcasting: Share your thoughts, expertise, or personal experiences through podcasting, building an audience, and potential sponsorship opportunities.
  14. Virtual Bookkeeping: Provide bookkeeping services to small businesses or entrepreneurs remotely, helping them manage their finances.
  15. App or Software Development: Develop apps or software solutions that cater to specific needs or industries.
  16. Pet Services: Offer pet-sitting, dog walking, or pet grooming services for local pet owners.
  17. Language Translation: Utilize your language skills to offer translation services for individuals or businesses operating globally.
  18. Online Reselling: Engage in online reselling by curating and selling vintage or unique items through platforms like eBay or Etsy.
  19. Digital Marketing: Start a digital marketing business and help businesses grow. You could also partner with an established company, whilst you get leads.
  20. Affiliate Marketing: Where you promote other people’s products in exchange for a commission. You will need to have to build an email list, network, and do social media advertising.

Starting a business can empower individuals with disabilities to create a work environment that suits their needs while avoiding the potential stress associated with traditional employment and sanctions. It’s essential to choose a business idea that aligns with your interests, skills, and comfort level, ensuring a fulfilling and sustainable entrepreneurial journey. Another way is to study for a trade and get a degree at a university to help you open doors.

Navigating Higher Education: Support and Financial Assistance for Disabled Students

Access to higher education is a fundamental right, and universities around the world are working towards creating inclusive environments that cater to diverse student populations. For disabled individuals aspiring to pursue university studies, there are various support mechanisms and financial aid options available to ensure equal opportunities and a positive academic experience.

  1. Disability Support Services: Most universities have dedicated Disability Support Services (DSS) that provide assistance and accommodations for students with disabilities. These services may include:
  2. Academic accommodations: Adjustments to learning environments, such as extended exam time, accessible materials, or note-taking assistance.
  3. Accessible facilities: Ensure that classrooms, libraries, and other facilities are accessible to individuals with physical disabilities.
  4. Assistive technology: Access to specialized software, devices, or tools that assist in learning or performing academic tasks.
  5. Financial Aid Programs: There are various financial aid programs specifically designed to support disabled students. These programs can help cover tuition, living expenses, and additional costs related to disability accommodation. Some common sources of financial aid include:
  6. Government grants and scholarships: Many governments offer financial assistance programs for disabled students, providing grants or scholarships based on financial need, academic merit, or a combination of factors.
  7. University-specific scholarships: Some universities offer scholarships or grants specifically for disabled students. These may be merit-based, need-based, or focused on particular fields of study.
  8. Private foundations and organizations: Numerous private foundations and non-profit organizations provide financial support for disabled students pursuing higher education. These can include disability-specific foundations or those with a broader focus on education.
  9. Student Loans and Repayment Assistance: Accessible student loans: Governments often provide student loans with favorable terms for disabled individuals. These loans may have lower interest rates or more flexible repayment options.
  10. Work-Study Programs: Many universities offer work-study programs that allow students, including those with disabilities, to work part-time while studying. These programs can provide valuable work experience and financial support.
  11. Vocational Rehabilitation Agencies: Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) agencies are government entities that assist individuals with disabilities in obtaining and maintaining employment. In some cases, they may provide financial support for education and training, including university studies.
  12. Community Resources and Charities: Local charities and community organizations may offer financial assistance, mentorship, or other support services to disabled students pursuing higher education.

Distance Learning Courses and Adult Education – The Open University (UK).


Disabled individuals have the right to pursue higher education, and universities are increasingly recognizing the importance of creating inclusive environments. With a combination of disability support services, financial aid programs, and community resources, disabled students can access the necessary assistance to thrive academically. It’s essential for aspiring students to explore available options, communicate with university disability support services, and seek guidance from relevant organizations to ensure a smooth and fulfilling educational journey.

While the DWP’s goal of promoting employment and self-sufficiency is commendable, the alleged practice of forcing disabled individuals into work without adequate consideration of their unique needs is a matter of significant concern. Policymakers must strike a balance between promoting employment and ensuring that disabled individuals are not subjected to undue pressure or placed in situations that may compromise their health. Addressing these concerns requires a comprehensive reevaluation of existing policies and a commitment to a more inclusive and compassionate approach to disability and employment.

With the back-to-work policy, what the Government/DWP should do is employ influencers to motivate and empower the unemployed and disabled to follow their dreams, similarly to what we are doing, but not getting paid for it…ouch!

Start by sharing your story, and using your disability as a stepping stone by inspiring others with your achievements. Be an advocate for your disability.

Further Reading

#entrepreneurship #disabledentrepreneurs #disabledentrepreneur #followyourdreams #selfemployment #selfemployed #jobseekers #univeralcredit #pip #taxcredits #backtowork #dwp #disabilitydiscrimination #startups #remoteworking #workfromhome


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Overcoming Obstacles

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Overcoming Obstacles: Career Advice For Disabled Individuals

Individuals with physical disabilities now have access to a diverse range of expanding career opportunities, particularly with the increased prevalence of remote work. Before the COVID-19 pandemic, only a quarter of the workforce operated from home, but this statistic has increased dramatically.

Nevertheless, people with disabilities can explore many roles beyond remote employment. Management, education, business, technology, and healthcare careers provide opportunities with minimal physical agility, stamina, or mobility prerequisites. These professions also extend opportunities to individuals with visual or hearing impairments.

Under the Disabilities Act, employers must provide reasonable accommodation for job candidates and disabled employees. In numerous well-paying careers in office environments, these accommodations can be as simple as ensuring an accessible workplace, incorporating assistive technologies, and offering flexible scheduling.

Explore the rapidly growing careers in business, information technology, medicine, education, and social work — all highly suitable for professionals with disabilities. Additionally, we delve into the educational requirements and typical salaries associated with these roles. Uncover these possibilities with insights from Career Assessment Australia, an organization committed to empowering individuals, including those with disabilities, to pursue fulfilling careers.

The Power of Pause in the Face of Disability:

The experience of living with a disability is deeply personal, and those in your vicinity may not always grasp how their actions or words impact you. If you find yourself in an interaction that makes you uneasy, consider taking a moment to center yourself. Whether stepping outside for fresh air, going for a short walk, or enjoying a cup of tea, these small breaks can be grounding. This isn’t about dismissing or condoning inappropriate behavior; accountability may be necessary. The suggestion here is to pause, allowing yourself to regain composure. By taking this time, you can think more clearly about the most effective and professional course of action moving forward. It’s a moment to prioritize your well-being and navigate situations with thoughtfulness and resilience.

Empowering Change: Turning Challenges into Teachable Moments

When the time is right, transform challenging situations into teachable moments. Explore potential solutions to minimize recurring issues and prevent them from happening again. Clearly and respectfully articulate your needs by communicating the problem and proposing actionable steps for resolution. This may involve explaining to managers how a specific process puts you at a disadvantage or educating your team on the best way to communicate with you, especially if you have a hearing impairment.

Presenting your insights in the spirit of education rather than admonishment often garners respect and appreciation. By guiding others on how to collaborate with you effectively, you contribute to positive interactions and outcomes. This approach addresses immediate concerns and fosters a collaborative environment that values diversity and inclusion.

Leveraging Support Services for Professional Success

Unlocking your full potential often involves tapping into the myriad of support services tailored for individuals with disabilities in the workplace. Don’t hesitate to seek additional training to master new systems, undergo a workplace assessment to identify necessary adjustments, or confidentially seek advice on employment disputes. Take charge of your needs by being your advocate and adopting a proactive approach. These support services are designed to empower you, providing the tools and guidance necessary for a successful and fulfilling professional journey.

The Power of Communication in Navigating Disability Challenges:

Regardless of your preferred mode of communication, sharing your concerns with someone is crucial in addressing the challenges associated with disability. Whether venting to a friend, having a direct conversation with your boss, or seeking professional guidance from a therapist or social worker, talking about your experiences can be immensely beneficial.

Living with a disability can bring about a range of challenges, and at times, it may feel isolating. Addressing these concerns openly provides an outlet for expression and fosters understanding and support. If you find yourself in crisis or in need of mental health support, remember that resources like Lifeline are available to lend a helping hand. Opening up and talking about your experiences is a decisive step towards creating a supportive environment for yourself and those around you.

The Essential Role of Self-Care in Your Professional Journey:

Maintaining a healthy work-life balance is instrumental in preserving mental health and contributing to increased happiness and productivity in the workplace. Regardless of your self-care practices, it’s crucial to incorporate them into your routine consistently, not just during challenging times.

Whether listening to your favorite music, indulging in a good book, socializing with friends, enjoying a massage, engaging in exercise, sharing a hearty laugh, practicing meditation, savoring a relaxing drink, or taking a weekend getaway—these activities contribute to your overall well-being. Make self-care a priority, recognizing that by nurturing yourself, you enhance your ability to navigate personal and professional life aspects. Remember, if you don’t prioritize your well-being, who will?

Highest-Paying Careers: Diverse Opportunities for Individuals with Disabilities

The landscape of high-paying careers has expanded significantly for individuals with disabilities, with numerous options requiring minimal physical demands. Professions in management, business, and information technology, many of which mandate only a bachelor’s degree, exemplify this inclusivity.

While the list provided is not exhaustive, it serves as a starting point for research. People with disabilities can explore lucrative career paths in various fields and industries, showcasing the growing range of available opportunities. The evolving professional landscape and a commitment to inclusivity ensure that individuals with disabilities can thrive in high-paying roles across diverse sectors.

Training and Development Managers: Shaping Organizational Growth

Training and Development Managers are pivotal in enhancing internal effectiveness within organizations. Typically found in office settings across various industries, including professional services, manufacturing, and enterprise management, these professionals require a minimum of a bachelor’s degree in business administration or a related field. Educational backgrounds may vary, with some holding degrees in education or MBAs focusing on training and development management.

HR Managers: Steering Administrative Functions

Human resource managers lead administrative functions across various industries, typically in office settings. A bachelor’s degree in business administration or human resource management is essential, with some employers showing a preference for candidates holding MBAs specializing in human resource management.

Sales Managers: Setting Goals and Driving Success

Sales managers play a crucial role in organizations by establishing sales objectives through sales data analysis. Typically found in office settings, they are commonly employed in wholesale trade, retail trade, or professional services companies. While many sales managers possess bachelor’s degrees in sales management or business administration, accompanied by substantial sales experience, some employers seek candidates with MBAs.


In conclusion, while we’ve explored strategies to overcome challenges, we must recognize that overcoming every hurdle doesn’t solely rest on your shoulders. Instances of deviant behavior should be addressed, sometimes necessitating the intervention of managers or policy changes. Some challenges extend beyond work and are part of the broader process of accepting and navigating disability, and that’s perfectly acceptable. Furthermore, it’s essential to acknowledge that bad days are a natural part of life. For additional guidance and support, consider contacting organizations like Career Assessment Australia. Their expertise can provide valuable insights and assistance as you navigate your professional journey.

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Creating a Holistic Program

Creating a Holistic Program

Creating a holistic program requires understanding and addressing various aspects of an individual’s well-being, including physical, mental, emotional, and social dimensions. Here’s a comprehensive holistic program outline:

1. Physical Well-being:

  • Nutrition: Provide guidance on balanced and nutritious eating, meal planning, portion control, and hydration.
  • Exercise: Design a fitness plan that includes cardiovascular, strength training, flexibility, and balance exercises.
  • Sleep: Educate on the importance of quality sleep, establishing a sleep routine, and improving sleep hygiene.

2. Mental Well-being:

  • Mindfulness and Meditation: Teach techniques to manage stress, improve focus, and cultivate self-awareness.
  • Cognitive Activities: Include puzzles, brain games, and activities that challenge mental agility.
  • Stress Management: Offer strategies to cope with stress, such as deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, and time management.

3. Emotional Well-being:

  • Emotional Awareness: Encourage recognizing and understanding emotions, promoting emotional intelligence.
  • Journaling: Suggest keeping a journal to express feelings, track progress, and reflect on personal growth.
  • Therapeutic Activities: Recommend engaging in hobbies, arts, or crafts that provide emotional release and satisfaction.

4. Social Well-being:

  • Community Engagement: Encourage participation in social groups, clubs, or volunteering to foster a sense of belonging.
  • Communication Skills: Offer guidance on effective communication and active listening in personal and professional relationships.
  • Boundaries: Teach setting healthy boundaries to maintain positive relationships and prevent burnout.

5. Spiritual Well-being:

  • Self-Reflection: Guide individuals in exploring their values, beliefs, and purpose in life.
  • Meditative Practices: Introduce practices like yoga, Tai Chi, or nature walks for spiritual connection and inner peace.
  • Cultivate Gratitude: Promote gratitude practices to enhance overall well-being and positivity.

6. Environmental Well-being:

  • Nature Connection: Advocate spending time outdoors to benefit from nature’s calming and rejuvenating effects.
  • Sustainability: Educate on eco-friendly habits to promote a healthier environment and personal well-being.

7. Intellectual Well-being:

  • Lifelong Learning: Encourage continuous education, reading, attending lectures, and exploring new topics of interest.
  • Skill Development: Support the acquisition of new skills, both personally and professionally.

8. Financial Well-being:

  • Financial Literacy: Provide information on budgeting, saving, investing, and managing debt.
  • Goal Setting: Assist in setting financial goals and creating a plan to achieve them.

Remember, a holistic program should be tailored to individual needs and preferences. Regular assessment and adjustments are crucial to ensure the program remains effective and aligned with the person’s evolving well-being journey. It’s also recommended to involve qualified professionals, such as nutritionists, fitness trainers, therapists, and counselors, when necessary.

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Cost Of Living And The Impact On Struggling Low Income Families & Entrepreneurs.

Cost of Living And The Impact On Struggling Low-Income Families & Entrepreneurs.


  • In The News.
  • Average UK Salary & Overheads.
  • Self Employed On A Low Income.
  • Reasons Why Rachel Mclean Minister Does Not Have A Clue.
  • Mental Health & Low-Income Families.
  • Mental Health.
  • Suicide Due to Cost Of Living.
  • The Government, Brexit, Deficit Spending and Debt Ceiling.
  • The Hidden Secrets Of Money – Mike Maloney.
  • Financial Difficulty.
  • Useful Links.
  • Final Thoughts From The Editor.
  • About The Author.
  • Possible Solutions – Start A Business.
  • Start A Second Income – Start a Business.
  • Disability Support.

In The News.

According to Rachel Mclean Minister stated people struggling with bills should ‘work more hours or move to better-paid job’.

Ms. Maclean said: “Over the long term we need to have a plan to grow the economy and make sure that people are able to protect themselves better – whether that is by taking on more hours or moving to a better-paid job and these are long-term actions but that’s what we’re focused on as a government.”



Firstly not all employers have the budgets to give extra hours.

Secondly, if it was so easy to get a job everyone would be doing it and we would not have so many people unemployed.

Thirdly the average salary for the average U.K. full-time worker as reported by the ONS equates to £31,772 over the year. However this may be an average yet there are many jobs that pay the National Minimum Wage based on 40 hours working week at the national minimum wage of for example £9.18, which equates to £17,625 before tax and NI.


23 and over21 to 2218 to 20Under 18Apprentice
April 2022£9.50£9.18£6.83£4.81£4.81
National Minimum Wage.


🏠Rent/mortgage payment – £1,060

⚡️The average energy bill in 2021 was £95 per month but, based on our average family using an average amount of energy, this will rise to £153 per month.

📈Council tax payment – £189

💧 £56 for water.

💻Broadband inc television and landline average £80 per month.

📱Phone bills are £45.00 per month each.

🚝 Average commute would cost them £288 per month.

👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Childcare costs have risen to £1303 with one child in nursery full time and the other in breakfast club.

🥘Feeding the family costs on average £424 a month.

Total Overheads: £3,598 x 12 month = £43,176.

Credit: Claire Wilson Recruitment and Careers Qualified Journalist | Early careers expert at Prospects, the UK’s No 1 graduate careers website|


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The Self-Employed With a Handful of Jobs With Zero Profit:

Incomings (Excluding Business Overheads) Per Month:

£00.00 Business Profit

£590 Housing Benefit

£400 Working Tax Credits

£240 Personal Independence Payment

Total £1230

Outgoings Per Month:

£655 Rent

£262 Utility Bills (Water. Gas Elec)

£80 Telephone & Broadband (Without Broadband I cannot work)

£200 Food

£91 Insurance

Total Per Month £1288 (Do The Maths).

Reasons Why Rachel Mclean Minister Does Not Have A Clue:

  • Getting another job may be in breach of the contract of the current employer.
  • Tax Implications.
  • The unemployed who cannot find work (so how is someone in employment going to find work so easily?
  • People with disabilities who cannot work? How are they supposed to live?
  • Disabled People in Employment? Disabled people find it more difficult to get work because even though we are supposed to live in a non-discrimination society, a person for example with OCD who has to wear latex gloves to touch things won’t be hired to represent a brand on a high street shop or may feel uncomfortable working in an office environment being the odd one out. Ask yourself this question how many people do you see working who have wheelchairs? Businesses with no wheelchair access are not going to go out of their way to build ramps and fit disability equipment unless that person they were hiring was worth more than his/her weight in gold.
  • Self Employed on low incomes as they struggle to get more business?
  • People with children, so are you supposed to get a second job so that you can pay for childcare to look after your kids whilst you are at work? (getting a stranger to bring your child up, I have never got my head around this unless you earn a lot of money and your career is very important to you).
  • Not all households have two incomes some people live on their own and only have one income.

Mental Health and Low-Income Families.

This affects people’s mental health with the Governments and the Banks playing God with your prosperity? Lee Anderson, Conservative MP for Ashfield, said in the House of Commons that meals could be cooked for as little as 30p a day. (You can’t even buy ramen noodles for 30p) I suppose if you had eggs and toast or jam sandwiches every day that may bring the shopping bill down, but who wants to eat toast and eggs every day?

Let’s be hypothetical here:

2 Dozen Eggs: £4.00

2 Loaves of Bread £2.40

Butter or Spread £2.00

Total Price of Groceries: £8.40 divided by 7 days = £1.20 a day

I suppose if you ate one egg a day (after all we can’t be greedy) it would bring the cost down by £2.00 which would mean your daily food bill would be 91p per day.

I am sure health professionals would be falling over themselves saying how unhealthy this would be.

But who on earth wants to live like this? This affects a person’s quality of life never mind their mental state. It’s humiliating and downright cruel. No one should be made to starve to fit in with the Government agenda.

The government needs to get its house in order before palming off its problems on the public.



Mental Health

The cost of living crisis is affecting the nation’s mental health and the already vulnerable mind.

Sarb Bajwa, CEO of the BPS (The British Psychology Society) said:

“The absence of measures to support the most vulnerable is glaring, and many families will be swept into poverty over the coming months, as they struggle to pay their bills and put food on the table. The mental health impacts of this are severe – we know that the stress of raising a family in poverty can have huge ramifications on parents’ and children’s mental health and that poverty is one of the major risk factors for the development of mental and physical health problems“.


Suicide Due To Cost Of Living.

A Sheffield Labour MP said some people in his constituency have attempted suicide in response to the rising cost of living. Paul Blomfield, MP for Sheffield Central, said: “I spent yesterday morning at a crisis meeting in a part of my constituency where incomes are lowest. And we were looking at the way in which the cost-of-living crisis we’re facing was impacting people”.


Approximately 75% of suicides occur in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) where rates of poverty are high.


The Government, Brexit, Debt Ceiling & Deficit Spending.

Debt Ceiling

The debt ceiling is the maximum amount that the U.S. government can borrow by issuing bonds. When the debt ceiling is reached, the Treasury Department must find other ways to pay expenses. Otherwise, there is a risk the U.S. will default on its debt.


Deficit Spending

Deficit spending occurs when purchases exceed income. It happens to individuals and businesses, but it usually refers to governments.



In other words, because the UK left the EU, the Brexit Divorce Bill in July 2021, was estimated at £40.8bn but Downing Street insisted the figure was between £35bn and £39bn. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/51110096 we now have a crisis on our hands. The Government needs to find the money to pay the EU. Goods and services are now subject to tariffs, increasing the cost of raw materials into Britain and finished products out.


Therefore who is paying for this if not the British Public?

You would not allow the public to make decisions about what goes on in your business especially if they had no clue about accounting and budgets?

The same should be said how can you allow a country to vote if they have no clue about economics and have not got an ounce of politics in their body?

If I was in power I would make everyone do an IQ Test and the ones that scored higher could only vote.


You allow uneducated people to vote just so you can win the game of numbers and now look at the state of the country which is now left in turmoil.

The Hidden Secrets of Money – Mike Maloney


Financial Difficulty

Depending on your location Country/Town/City there may be emergency grants available. For Cardiff for example if are experiencing severe financial hardship you may wish to claim the Discretionary Assistance Fund (DAF) Discretionary Assistance Fund (DAF) | GOV.WALES

Useful Links

Final Thoughts From The Editor.

The governments have overspent and people and businesses too. So what does that mean in the long run for the British Public? For starters, the cost of living has to be increased to pay back the debts that have accumulated and forces people to borrow even more money. For every pound/dollar borrowed you have to pay interest which is fiat currency to the banks and that is how the monetary system revolves.

If the Government and Politicians are so quick to give advice why don’t they swap places with people living on the poverty line, if one is born with silver spoons in their mouths they will never grasp how the other half lives and it is easy to dish out advice if you have never experienced life, where you have to worry where your next meal is going to come from.

It is easy to pass judgment whilst hosting wine and cheese parties and decorating walls with gold wallpaper at a cost of £840 per roll?

It’s easy to say find a job when businesses are not hiring and do not want to spend.

All businesses are tightening their reigns on their spending, so the chances of a pay rise or an increase in hours are going to be slim.

What happened to all the money that was confiscated from the Oligarchs and all their assets? (is it all just smoke and mirrors simply to confuse everyone so that they do not find out what is really going on?). Why can’t the assets be sold off to pay off the national debt?

  • Why are the owners at the Federal Reserve getting a 6% commission, why can’t they reduce their cut to 1%; and the rest of the money sent back into the system? (It’s not as if they can take all the money with them when they die).
  • Why are they hoarding this wealth?
  • Why can’t the Millionaires, Billionaires have a wage cap on how much they own, and the rest gets put back to help pay off the national debt.
  • Why do low-income families have to be punished at the expense of the privileged and wealthy politicians?
  • Why can’t we all live in harmony and stop being so God Damm Greedy?
  • What about the people who are disabled are they just thrown to the dogs?
  • Why are people suffering to the point it affects their mental health?
  • How many people have to die at the expense of the powers that be?
  • People who have got themselves into debt due to price hikes of utility bills should have the debt spread over a term of 3-5 years.
  • Utility companies should not make people feel like 💩 and be belittling and humiliating.
  • Creditors should not hound the vulnerable, by phoning or texting several times a day (it is called harassment). If a person has admitted hardship the creditor should put a halt on payments overdue and even come to some arrangement to pay back in affordable monthly payments rather than making a person feel emotionally and mentally unwell. (£40 x 60 months = £2,400) It is better to get something back than nothing at all. The same goes with Utility companies do not force people into corners as you never know what they might do.

About The Author.

  • I am an advocate for mental health and poverty. I write about Disabilities, Business, Politics, and Finance.
  • I have Disabilities.
  • I write in my Online Journals where I share my articles with my network of nearly 11K connections on LinkedIn and on Social Media Platforms, Groups, and Pages.

If I can help just one person, I know I am making a difference one step at a time.

The more people stand up and express their dissatisfaction with how they are being treated eventually something will change.

Possible Solutions – Start a Business.

The Governments instead of throwing spanners in the work with their lame solutions; instead they should encourage people to set up their own businesses and start a second income. Anyone and everyone can start a business and the possibilities are endless.

I can help you start up a second income and offer free advice and support.

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Disability Support.

The other thing that has been brought to my attention is how cost-cutting the government is with benefits, robbing Peter to pay Paul so to speak, by taking away simple necessities from the already high risk and vulnerable people to pay for their spending on Wars and their own agendas, they are doing the classic “Daniel Blake” scenario.

My daughter has MS (Multiple Sclerosis) and has a Cardiff Bus Concessionary Travel Card, have now said she will not renew her card even though she already was awarded the card; unless she gets the new updated PIP award letter that is still being processed. She has been given a deadline to produce the letter within the next eight weeks which PIP have said they will not be able to do. If people have a long-term illness they should not be expected to jump through hoops to prove they are ill. They should have evidence from health care professionals and should not be expected to perform like performing seals.

As it happens my daughter is going to have treatment again in the next few weeks because she has relapsed and her MRI scan showed new lesions. The powers that be should not be adding more stress to people who are ill that have corroborating evidence.




If you found this article interesting and useful please take the time to share it with your friends, families, and colleagues. Don’t forget to use the links throughout this article and last but not least please consider buying me a cup of coffee. Some of the National newspapers are using paywalls which is annoying so we will continue providing free content, without forcing people to subscribe to read the full articles.


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Renata’s Online Journal 11/05/22

Renata’s Online Journal.

My Online Journal is my safe space where I can share my stories and vent. I do not always write negatively but of late I have noticed blue-chip corporations treating people badly so not only is this my online therapy it also is a voice for people who cannot or do not know how to stand up for themselves.

Dear Diary,

I have not made an entry here for a while and yesterday was the ideal time to do some journaling and spill the beans.

The morning started out with me phoning all my insurance providers as I had deleted some direct debits in error. I suffer from cognitive impairment caused by cerebellum atrophy and sometimes muddle my words up. The words can be very overwhelming for me at times. Being stressed does not help and where I should have canceled one insurance policy, I actually canceled three. As it turns out the other two direct debits were obsolete, but still having to phone all nine companies was challenging.

The other problem I have is dreading talking over the phone so when I tried to rectify the problem via email I was point-blank declined and was told to call. The calling is not so bad but it listening to the prompts Press #1 for what you had for breakfast Press #2 for what you had for lunch and #Press #3 just to annoy you more (just kidding) although I have been subjected to up to 4 minutes of this from various companies before the annoying music starts playing. God forbid if your call drops and you have to start all the BS all over again.

Insurers do not make it easy, so although you may take out insurance by a said insurer the underwriters a separate company collect payment. So there could be the same underwriter for multiple insurers which can make it difficult when trying to find out who is who. I have done a spreadsheet so that I do not get caught out again, but by the 9th insurer I had enough, yet my day was only starting.

I then got an email from British Gas that they needed me to phone them to set up a direct debit. I have anxiety about talking over the phone to people. The term used is Telephobia, but I bit the bullet and phoned them. I got to speak to someone who at first came across as slightly condescending when she thought I was unemployed with mental disabilities, (people confuse mental disabilities with stupidity on the contrary Albert Einstien, Nikola Tesla, and Charles Darwin to name a few all had mental disabilities (OCD – Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) ) so it was a shock to her when I mentioned this site. She then changed her tune and was more understanding and helpful going as far as giving me some links and recommending that I contact some of the links she had provided.

What rattled me was, that I was paying £65 at the beginning of the year then it went up to £90, and yesterday she wanted £138 per month. I was told I use more gas than the average household. The way I see it regardless if I did not use any gas at all, I still would have to pay for the service. I am not going to reduce the quality of my life and sit at home freezing cold. or only cook once a week. If a person is struggling to pay £90 then how the hell are they supposed to find the money to pay £138?

A little bit of maths and common sense would not go a miss.

“What are people supposed to do, do they have to rob banks or starve”?

Our PM is allegedly dragging his heels at helping the UK with the rise in the cost of living yet he is quick to give support to Sweden and Finland. Yet coming from a privileged upbringing he has never had any worries about where his next paycheck is going to come from or about putting food on the table. Living in a home that was decorated from private donations and wallpaper at £840 per roll he will never understand how the other half lives. His wallpaper is ugly just saying and I would not pay £1 per roll let alone £840.


Someone on LinkedIn commented “that charity starts a home”, but what she failed to comprehend was the support in the event of a military attack on these countries will be money in BJs / Chancellor of the Exchequers Pockets so to speak. W#ar is big business at the expense of the people. How do you accumulate wealth if you do not lend money or charge interest on the money you lend out? This is how the money system works. If you lone out jets, sell ballistic and nuclear missiles you have to get paid and it’s one big game of the winner takes it all.

I do not support the funding of the lavish lifestyles of the 1% that think they own us and rob us blind. I never agreed to slave away, did you?

No one owns me. I have a voice and I am not afraid to use it!

I am a spiritual being in a physical body and we are here for a reason and it is to teach others, empower and motivate and not steal, abuse, or kill, we are supposed to be intelligent human beings, not animals.

We should be able to distinguish right from wrong and if the likes of P#tin who orders the mass killings then he is no better than something that has just crawled out of a sewer. These people are vermin.

In fact, any person in power that has done wrong should be punished the same way as a member of the public and should also be kicked out of office, I refer to certain politicians, that got a slap on the wrist and fines, for their publicized antics.

There is a Scottish MP trending at the moment that allegedly had £25 Million in Funding For PPE that supposedly ended up being used due to it not being of high quality and was returned. This MP is now being investigated.

Just imagine if this was the average entrepreneur that had done this, they would be facing a custodial sentence for fraud, but I guess if you own 6 houses (one in Belgravia in London) you have enough money to pay for a jail-free card on the monopoly board.

I spoke about a previous post about why people do not care and the customer representative said that people do care and that she cared (no they don’t unless it directly affects them). She then asked if could she help me with anything else and I said “Help me bring in more clients”, the call then ended without any feedback on my remark…I rest my case!

Reference the money she expected me to agree to I said I will pay, but will not be able to eat and the CEO of British Gas would certainly not have a problem bringing food to the table whilst I will and this is where she started to be sympathetic.


I got my frustration out, if nothing else, and told her she was professional and had a calming voice, I just did not mention the fact she made me feel bad at the beginning of the conversation as what would have been the point. I felt had I not mentioned I am self-employed the conversation would have been slightly different.

If you have watched the video “The Hidden Secrets Of Money” By Mike Maloney”, you will start to realize this is one big game of monopoly with the Blue Chip Companies at the top of the food chain STEALING our prosperity.

“The is a Great Reset Looming on the Horizon”.

Do you think it is by chance this P#tin W#ar has broken out or is it something to do with the deficit spending and all the price rises? Have you forgotten about Brexit and how much money the UK is in debt by and how much money they have to pay back, never mind the trade w#ar in China and the USA? Putting the jigsaw pieces together can you not see a picture emerging?

These blue-chip companies get a 6% commission for our sweat, labor, and hardship. Do you think that the dictator started the w#ar himself or was it pre-arranged at the round table, by a selected few?

People at the top of the food chain seem to think they own and control you and in a way they do.

An example of a battery in the matrix was Virgin Media which I have for months had an ongoing dispute again I have communicated by email and have told them not to phone me and what do they do? they only phone even though I specifically requested not to. What was interesting though my phone was on “do not disturb” but they managed to get through and the phone rang. I re-iterated how much emotional distress they put me through and I am still no closer to a resolution as the email I was promised I would have, never materialized.

So you can imagine the poor sod on the other end of the line receiving my wrath and me saying “if you read my email do you not understand English”, his reply was he was ordered by someone above him to phone me and my final reply was that he obviously did not have the balls to stand up to the person. Most people are afraid of speaking up in the workplace for fear of being fired. People go to work like sheep to get their paychecks the majority do not go to work because they love the company that employs them they are solely there to do a job and get paid. They are human robots being told what to do. Their “VOICE” in the metaphorical sense of the word is taken away, they are slaves to the employer for the hours they work.

Anxiety & Panic Attack.

The day continued with my brother telling me that he is coming over to the UK at Christmas. Under normal circumstances, I should be ecstatic but I am having a panic attack simply thinking about it.

I have not left my home for three years due to social disconnection and OCD, actually, tell a lie I went out once to meet him last year for the day and I felt so ill after that but he was oblivious to my disability. He told me that I have to arrange my schedule and my work around him. He told me we will be talking this weekend coming.

Notice how my disability and my work are of no significance to him and I have to just get over myself.

The icing on the cake was the final straw that broke the camel’s back so to speak with my neighbor announcing she is moving within the month. she without a doubt had to be the nicest neighbor I have ever had, she was always kind, and caring and never did me wrong. I will miss her.

I do believe nothing standstills and when one door closes another one opens so although I felt very depressed yesterday with low self-esteem. That was yesterday though and your mood can change if you stay occupied and not dwell on what is bothering you. I am hopeful about tomorrow and about brighter things to come. I am fortunate I have an online journal to vent my anger which I can share with whoever wants to read my challenges. I did come across a website called (www.storiboard.co.uk) not mine may I add but a portal to share your stories.

Telling Your Story.

Anyone reading this who wants a platform to share their stories is more than welcome to subscribe here and I will make you a contributor or will manually upload your stories for you. It won’t cost you a penny only your time, it is completely free.

Domestic Violence.

I have gone through a lot over the last two decades (I won’t go into it all here but I am a ‘survivor of domestic violence‘ and this is what drives me to tell my story) I won’t say I am strong all the time. I have good days and bad days and yesterday was a bad day for me but I know I will get over it. I am still standing and I won’t let anyone break me, sure they can try but when they knock me down and I get back up again so help me God.

I will be writing my biography soon and I will be calling out all the people that have done me wrong. Don’t misunderstand me, I am not awkward or vengeful, I just think some people deserve their five minutes of fame.


No one on this planet is better than you, we all do the same things, we eat, sleep, and go to the bathroom, and we all cannot survive without water or air. We all have red blood and if Adam and Eve were the first people, then their children would have been inbred so we are all brothers and sisters. The world is an evil place with evil people living in it trying to suck the last ounce of happiness out of you. They should be very worried about what happens to them after they die. Just because some use 24kt Gold WCs does not make them any better than you. We all have the right to live on this planet in harmony and without having to worry about where the next paycheck is going to come from and if we can put food on the table. No one should fear for their lives or be killed for some political agenda. No one should lose their life for the sake of debt ceilings and deficit spending.

Invisible Disability.

I have an invisible disability and I expect to be acknowledged as a human being and not be judged, I expect people to give me the respect I deserve. I do not need anyone giving me advice, or being patronizing, after all when it comes to mental health I specialize in the subject hence why I built this site.

Never assume anything with me without asking me first.

I know if my finances improved so would my mental health. My cerebellum atrophy is incurable but with new drugs coming on the market, anything is possible. I am staying positive; hopefully, someone reading this will invest in me.

One day soon you will learn what one particular “evil animal” did to me and how I am recovering.

I have audio recordings of all the death threats he made to me.

He is no longer residing in the UK, he left last December for Germany however within a month of him starting work he was fired due to an altercation with a woman at his place of work, why does that not surprise me?

Unfortunately, because he does not speak fluent English he was unable to set up an email address so I did it for him and forwarded all his emails to me for translation purposes with his consent, however, I have no access to his settings anymore, and cannot un-forward myself hence I get his emails and all the antics he is getting up to.

I use Outlook and have blocked his email but people sending emails to him still come into my inbox. I have started marking them as spam as I have no other way of stopping any communication.

Remember not all that glitters is gold and that was my mistake and I have learned the hard way.

One day I will rise from the ashes and tell my full story.

Staying Positive.

Tomorrow is another day and I aim for a brighter future!

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Blue Butterfly
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