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Category: Famous People With OCD

Understanding and Defining a Recluse

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Brown & Cream Image Depicting Mental Health Awareness Text On Typewriter Paper. Image Created by PhotoFunia.com Category Vintage Typewriter

Understanding Recluses: Famous Figures, Symptoms, and Causes

A recluse is an individual who chooses to live in isolation, often avoiding social interactions and leading a solitary life. While the reasons for this lifestyle choice can vary, recluses are typically characterized by their withdrawal from society and preference for minimal human contact. The definition of a recluse, highlights some famous individuals who have lived as recluses, outlines common symptoms of reclusive behavior, and examines potential reasons why someone might choose this path.

Defining a Recluse

A recluse is someone who intentionally isolates themselves from society. This withdrawal can be partial or total, with some recluses maintaining minimal social interactions while others sever almost all connections. Recluses often prefer solitude and may find comfort and peace in their own company, away from the pressures and complexities of social life.

Famous Recluses

Several well-known individuals throughout history have been recognized for their reclusive lifestyles.

Here are a few notable examples:

  1. Emily Dickinson: The American poet is perhaps one of the most famous recluses. She spent most of her life in her family’s home in Amherst, Massachusetts, rarely leaving her room and communicating primarily through letters.
  2. Howard Hughes: The billionaire aviator and filmmaker became increasingly reclusive in his later years. Hughes withdrew from public life, living in isolation in various hotels, and was known for his obsessive-compulsive behaviors.
  3. J.D. Salinger: The author of “The Catcher in the Rye” is another famous recluse. Salinger retreated from public life after the success of his novel, moving to a secluded home in New Hampshire and avoiding interviews and public appearances.
  4. Greta Garbo: The legendary actress retired from acting at the age of 36 and lived the rest of her life in seclusion, avoiding the public eye and rarely making appearances.
  5. Thomas Pynchon: The American novelist, known for works like “Gravity’s Rainbow,” is famously reclusive, shunning the spotlight and maintaining a private life away from media attention.

Symptoms of Reclusive Behavior

Reclusive behavior can manifest in various ways, including:

  • Social Withdrawal: Avoidance of social interactions, gatherings, and public places.
  • Preference for Solitude: Spending most of the time alone, engaging in solitary activities.
  • Limited Communication: Reduced contact with family, friends, and acquaintances, often communicating only when necessary.
  • Disinterest in Social Norms: Lack of concern for societal expectations or conventional behaviors.
  • Increased Anxiety: Heightened anxiety or discomfort in social situations, leading to further isolation.
  • Engagement in Isolated Hobbies: Pursuit of activities that do not require social interaction, such as reading, writing, or solitary sports.

Reasons for Becoming a Recluse

Several factors can contribute to an individual’s decision to become a recluse:

  1. Mental Health Issues: Conditions such as social anxiety, depression, or agoraphobia can lead to a preference for isolation.
  2. Trauma: Past experiences of trauma or abuse can cause individuals to withdraw from society as a coping mechanism.
  3. Personality Traits: Some people naturally have introverted personalities and prefer solitude over social interactions.
  4. Societal Pressure: The stress and demands of modern life, including the pressures of social media and public scrutiny, can drive individuals to seek seclusion.
  5. Creative Pursuits: Artists, writers, and intellectuals might choose reclusion to focus on their work without distractions.
  6. Health Concerns: Physical health issues or disabilities can make social interactions challenging, leading to a more isolated lifestyle.


While the choice to live as a recluse can be influenced by various factors, it is essential to recognize and respect the personal nature of this decision. Famous recluses like Emily Dickinson and Howard Hughes demonstrate that individuals from all walks of life can choose solitude for their own reasons. Understanding the symptoms and causes of reclusive behavior can help us approach this topic with empathy and insight, acknowledging that a reclusive lifestyle, while uncommon, is a valid personal choice.

Renata, the dedicated editor of DisabilityUK.co.uk and DisabledEntrepreneur.uk, has become a recluse over the past six years. Despite her professional commitments and occasional interactions with contractors and delivery drivers, she has not ventured beyond her front door except to take out the trash. The trauma she has endured has driven her to seek safety within the confines of her home. This self-imposed isolation provides her with a sense of security, shielding her from the outside world that once inflicted pain. Her reclusive lifestyle, while limiting in many ways, allows her to continue her important work from a place where she feels protected and at peace.

Understanding Germ Contamination OCD

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Impact on Daily Life at Home and Work


  • Obsessive Compulsive Disorder – Germ Contamination
  • Therapy & Healing
  • Public Places & Germ Contamination
  • Time Delay
  • Stigma – Judgement & Humiliation
  • Stress, Anxiety & Trauma
  • Intrusive Thoughts
  • Personal Independence Payments (PIP)
  • OCD Does Not Make You Less Intellectual
  • Disability Discrimination
  • Conclusion
  • Further Reading
  • Advertisements

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder -Germ Contamination

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) manifests in various forms, one of the most challenging being germ contamination OCD. One such condition involves an overwhelming fear of germs, leading individuals to engage in compulsive behaviors aimed at avoiding contamination. While it’s common for people to want to stay clean and healthy, those with germ-contamination OCD take these concerns to extreme levels, significantly impacting their daily lives both at home and in the workplace.

At its core, germ contamination OCD revolves around irrational thoughts and fears about being exposed to harmful pathogens. These fears can lead individuals to constantly worry about touching contaminated surfaces, objects, or even other people. As a result, they may engage in repetitive and ritualistic behaviors in an attempt to reduce their anxiety and prevent contamination.

In the home environment, germ contamination OCD can permeate every aspect of daily life. Simple tasks such as cooking, cleaning, and personal hygiene become daunting challenges. Individuals may spend hours excessively cleaning and disinfecting surfaces, often using harsh chemicals that can further exacerbate their anxiety. Basic activities like using the bathroom or handling household items can trigger intense distress, leading to avoidance behaviors or elaborate rituals to neutralize perceived contamination.

Moreover, interpersonal relationships within the household can suffer as a result of germ contamination OCD. Family members may struggle to understand the compulsive behaviors and irrational fears, leading to tension and conflict. Simple gestures of affection, such as hugging or shaking hands, can become sources of distress for both the individual with OCD and their loved ones.

In the workplace, germ contamination OCD can impair productivity and create significant challenges in maintaining professional relationships. Individuals may avoid communal spaces such as break rooms or shared workstations for fear of contamination. Meetings, collaborations, and even casual interactions with colleagues may be perceived as potential sources of germs, leading to isolation and social withdrawal.

Furthermore, the constant need to engage in compulsive behaviors can interfere with job responsibilities and performance. Excessive hand washing, avoiding contact with certain objects or surfaces, and repeatedly sanitizing work areas can consume valuable time and energy, impacting work efficiency and concentration. Employers may struggle to accommodate the needs of employees with germ contamination OCD, leading to feelings of frustration and inadequacy on both sides.

The pervasive nature of germ contamination OCD can also extend beyond the home and workplace, affecting social activities, leisure pursuits, and overall quality of life. Simple pleasures such as dining out, attending events, or traveling may be overshadowed by fear and anxiety. The constant need to maintain control over one’s environment can lead to isolation and withdrawal from social interactions, further exacerbating feelings of loneliness and depression.

Fortunately, there are treatments available for germ-contamination OCD, including cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and medication. CBT helps individuals challenge and reframe irrational thoughts, gradually exposing them to feared situations in a controlled manner to desensitize their anxiety response. Medications such as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) can also help alleviate symptoms of OCD by regulating neurotransmitter levels in the brain. It must be noted

Additionally, creating a supportive and understanding environment at home and in the workplace is crucial for individuals living with germ-contamination OCD. Education about the disorder and its impact can help loved ones and colleagues provide empathy and encouragement, fostering a sense of acceptance and validation for those struggling with OCD.

Therapy & Healing

“Not all sizes fit all” when it comes to therapy. What works for one person may not work for another. Each individual’s experience with mental health conditions, such as OCD, is unique, and finding the right approach to therapy is essential for effective treatment and recovery.

While traditional therapies like cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and medication may be effective for many people, they may not be the best fit for everyone. Factors such as personal preferences, past experiences, and the severity of symptoms can all influence the effectiveness of different therapeutic approaches.

The stigma surrounding mental health issues may deter some individuals from seeking professional help or adhering to traditional treatment methods. In such cases, exploring alternative avenues for self-help therapy can be empowering and beneficial.

Learning about the condition and understanding its underlying mechanisms can be a crucial first step in managing OCD symptoms. Education empowers individuals to recognize their triggers, understand their thought patterns, and develop coping strategies to manage their symptoms effectively.

Self-help therapy options such as journaling, meditation, and hypnosis offer individuals additional tools to complement traditional treatment or serve as standalone approaches for managing OCD symptoms. These techniques provide individuals with a sense of empowerment and control over their mental health, allowing them to explore their emotions, reduce anxiety, and cultivate mindfulness.


Journaling, for example, can help individuals track their thoughts and behaviors, identify patterns, and gain insights into their triggers and coping mechanisms. Writing down their experiences can serve as a form of self-expression and catharsis, allowing individuals to process their emotions and develop a greater sense of self-awareness.


Similarly, meditation and mindfulness practices can help individuals cultivate a sense of inner calm and resilience in the face of obsessive thoughts and compulsive behaviors. By focusing on the present moment and observing their thoughts without judgment, individuals can learn to detach from their OCD symptoms and cultivate a more balanced perspective on their experiences.


Hypnosis, although less commonly used, can also be a helpful tool for managing OCD symptoms. Under the guidance of a qualified therapist, individuals can explore the subconscious roots of their OCD behaviors and work towards reframing negative thought patterns and beliefs.

Ultimately, the key to effective treatment for OCD lies in finding the approach that resonates most with the individual’s needs and preferences. Whether it’s traditional therapy, self-help techniques, or a combination of both, the goal is to empower individuals to take control of their mental health and live fulfilling lives free from the constraints of obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Public Places & Germ Contamination

Germ contamination OCD can significantly affect how individuals perceive and interact with time, as well as their ability to engage in social interactions and navigate public places. For someone struggling with this form of OCD, every moment is consumed by intrusive thoughts about potential contamination, leading to compulsive behaviors that consume valuable time and energy.

Time becomes fragmented and distorted as individuals with germ contamination OCD obsessively engage in rituals to mitigate their fears. Simple tasks that others take for granted, such as leaving the house or going to work, can become lengthy endeavors fraught with anxiety. Every action, from washing hands to touching objects, is scrutinized and repeated excessively to ensure cleanliness and safety.

In public surroundings, individuals with germ-contamination OCD face heightened challenges and discomfort. Places like shopping centres, restaurants, public transportation, and even parks can trigger intense anxiety due to the perceived risk of exposure to germs. Crowded spaces and high-touch surfaces become sources of distress, leading to avoidance behaviors or elaborate rituals to avoid contamination.

Social interactions also become strained and challenging for those with germ-contamination OCD. Simple gestures such as shaking hands or sharing utensils can provoke extreme discomfort and fear of contamination. As a result, individuals may withdraw from social gatherings, preferring the safety and control of solitude over the perceived risks of interacting with others.

The consequences of wasting time dealing with OCD germ contamination can be severe and multifaceted, affecting various aspects of an individual’s life:

  1. Impaired Productivity: Excessive time spent on cleaning and performing rituals to ease compulsions can significantly impair productivity in both personal and professional spheres. Tasks that could be completed efficiently may take much longer or remain unfinished due to the time consumed by OCD behaviors.
  2. Social Isolation: The preoccupation with cleanliness and avoidance of perceived contaminants may lead to social withdrawal and isolation. This can strain relationships with friends, family, and colleagues, as individuals may avoid social gatherings or interactions to prevent exposure to germs.
  3. Negative Impact on Mental Health: The relentless cycle of intrusive thoughts and compulsive behaviors can exacerbate feelings of anxiety, depression, and frustration. The inability to control these thoughts and behaviors may lead to a diminished sense of self-worth and increased stress levels.
  4. Financial Burden: Constantly purchasing cleaning supplies or seeking professional help for OCD treatment can impose a significant financial burden. Additionally, missed work opportunities or reduced earning potential due to impaired productivity may further strain finances.
  5. Physical Consequences: Overzealous cleaning behaviors may result in physical consequences such as skin irritation, respiratory issues from exposure to cleaning chemicals, or repetitive strain injuries from constant scrubbing or sanitizing.
  6. Disruption of Daily Life: The time-consuming nature of OCD rituals can disrupt daily routines and activities, making it challenging to engage in hobbies, pursue personal interests, or attend important events.
  7. Exacerbation of OCD Symptoms: Engaging in compulsive behaviors to alleviate anxiety only serves to reinforce the cycle of OCD symptoms. Over time, this can lead to an escalation of symptoms and an increased need for compulsive rituals to achieve the same level of relief.

Overall, wasting time on OCD-related cleaning rituals not only perpetuates the disorder but also hampers overall well-being, functioning, and quality of life.

Stigma – Judgement & Humiliation

The stigma surrounding OCD and mental illness can exacerbate feelings of shame and isolation, making it even more difficult for individuals to seek support or understanding from others. They may fear being judged or misunderstood, leading to secrecy and further withdrawal from social interactions.

In public places, individuals with germ contamination OCD may exhibit behaviors that appear odd or irrational to others. Constantly sanitizing hands, avoiding physical contact with surfaces or people, and meticulously inspecting objects for signs of contamination are just a few examples of compulsive behaviors that can draw unwanted attention and scrutiny.

The inability to engage in spontaneous activities or enjoy leisure pursuits without fear of contamination can lead to a diminished quality of life. Simple pleasures such as dining out, attending events, or traveling may be avoided altogether, further isolating individuals from social and recreational opportunities.

Overall, germ contamination OCD can profoundly impact how individuals perceive and interact with time, as well as their ability to navigate social interactions and public places. The constant fear of contamination and the need to engage in compulsive behaviors can consume valuable time and energy, leading to isolation, distress, and impaired functioning in various aspects of daily life. However, with support, individuals with germ-contamination OCD can learn to manage their symptoms and reclaim their lives from the grip of obsessive fears.

Stress, Anxiety & Trauma

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) can escalate significantly when individuals are subjected to stress, anxiety, and trauma. These external pressures can exacerbate existing symptoms and trigger new compulsive behaviors, further intensifying the impact of OCD on daily life.

Stress and anxiety act as potent catalysts for OCD symptoms, amplifying obsessive thoughts and prompting compulsive rituals as coping mechanisms. When individuals face high levels of stress or anxiety, their ability to manage intrusive thoughts and impulses diminishes, leading to an escalation of obsessive-compulsive behaviors.

Moreover, traumatic experiences can significantly worsen OCD symptoms, as they often heighten feelings of fear, vulnerability, and helplessness. Individuals who have experienced trauma may develop OCD as a way to regain a sense of control over their environment and alleviate their anxiety. However, this coping mechanism can become maladaptive, further entrenching the cycle of obsessions and compulsions.

The judgment, scrutiny, and humiliation faced by OCD sufferers can exacerbate their symptoms and worsen their overall well-being. When individuals feel judged or misunderstood by others, they may internalize feelings of shame and inadequacy, leading to heightened anxiety and increased reliance on compulsive behaviors as a means of seeking validation or relief.

The fear of being judged or humiliated can also exacerbate avoidance behaviors, leading individuals to withdraw from social interactions and isolate themselves from supportive networks. This isolation only serves to reinforce feelings of loneliness and despair, further fueling the cycle of OCD symptoms.

Overall, the interplay between stress, anxiety, trauma, and social stigma can significantly worsen OCD symptoms and impair individuals’ ability to cope effectively. OCD sufferers need to receive understanding, support, and validation from their loved ones and communities to mitigate the negative impact of external stressors and foster a sense of empowerment in managing their condition.

Intrusive Thoughts

Understanding Intrusive Thoughts and Their Connection with OCD Germ Contamination

Intrusive thoughts are unwelcome, involuntary, and often disturbing thoughts or images that can pop into our minds. They are a common human experience, but for some individuals, these thoughts can become intrusive to the point of causing significant distress and impairment in daily functioning. When these intrusive thoughts centre around fears of contamination and cleanliness, they can be particularly distressing, often manifesting in a condition known as Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) germ contamination subtype.

What are Intrusive Thoughts?

Intrusive thoughts can take many forms, ranging from fleeting worries to vivid, disturbing images. They often involve scenarios that go against one’s moral or ethical values, such as thoughts of harming oneself or others, engaging in taboo sexual behaviors, or committing acts of violence. While these thoughts are distressing, it’s essential to recognize that they are a normal aspect of human cognition and do not necessarily reflect one’s true desires or intentions.

The Connection with OCD Germ Contamination

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder is a mental health condition characterized by recurrent, unwanted thoughts (obsessions) and repetitive behaviors or mental acts (compulsions) aimed at reducing anxiety or preventing perceived harm. In the case of OCD germ contamination subtype, individuals experience obsessive thoughts related to contamination, dirt, or germs. These thoughts lead to compulsive behaviors such as excessive hand washing, cleaning, or avoiding situations perceived as dirty or contaminated.

The intrusive thoughts in OCD germ contamination subtype often revolve around fears of becoming ill or spreading illness to oneself or others through contact with germs or contaminated objects. These thoughts can be persistent and overwhelming, leading individuals to engage in rituals or compulsions to alleviate their anxiety temporarily.

Impact on Daily Life

Living with intrusive thoughts and OCD germ contamination can be highly challenging. The constant fear of contamination can disrupt daily routines, relationships, and overall quality of life. Individuals may spend hours each day performing rituals to neutralize their obsessive thoughts, which can interfere with work, school, or social activities.

Personal Independence Payments (PIP)

When the Personal Independence Payment (PIP) assessment process administered by the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) exacerbates the symptoms of individuals with OCD, appropriate compensation must be provided to the sufferers. The judgment and scrutiny experienced during the assessment process can be akin to mental abuse, further deteriorating the mental health of those already struggling with OCD.

For individuals with OCD, the PIP assessment process can be incredibly distressing and triggering. The stringent criteria and subjective nature of the assessment often fail to adequately account for the unique challenges faced by individuals with mental health conditions. As a result, OCD sufferers may find themselves feeling invalidated, misunderstood, and further distressed by the process.

The judgment and scrutiny faced by OCD sufferers during the PIP assessment can exacerbate their symptoms and contribute to a deterioration in their mental health. Being subjected to probing questions, having their symptoms minimized or dismissed, and facing skepticism about the severity of their condition can all trigger feelings of shame, inadequacy, and anxiety.

In many cases, the stress and anxiety induced by the PIP assessment process can intensify obsessive thoughts and compulsive behaviors, leading to a worsening of OCD symptoms. Individuals may find themselves preoccupied with fears of judgment, obsessively reviewing their responses to assessment questions, or engaging in compulsive rituals to alleviate their anxiety.

Given the significant impact that the PIP assessment process can have on the mental health of OCD sufferers, appropriate compensation must be provided to those who experience a deterioration in their symptoms as a result. This compensation should not only encompass financial support to help individuals access the resources and treatment they need to manage their condition effectively but also acknowledge the harm caused by the assessment process itself.

DWP should take proactive measures to improve the assessment process for individuals with OCD and other mental health conditions. This includes providing training for assessors to better understand the nature of OCD and its impact on daily functioning, as well as ensuring that assessment criteria are inclusive and sensitive to the diverse needs of mental health sufferers.

OCD Does Not Make You Less Intellectual

Having Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) does not inherently affect one’s intellect. Throughout history and into contemporary times, numerous individuals have achieved remarkable success despite living with OCD. Some of the most influential and accomplished figures in various fields have openly discussed their struggles with this condition.

Ten People From The Past Who Suffered With OCD

  1. Albert Einstein – Renowned theoretical physicist known for his theory of relativity and contributions to the development of quantum mechanics.
  2. Nikola Tesla – Inventor and electrical engineer who made significant advancements in electromagnetism and wireless communication.
  3. Ludwig van Beethoven – Iconic composer of classical music who composed some of the most celebrated symphonies, despite struggling with OCD and other mental health issues.
  4. Emily Dickinson – Pioneering poet known for her unique style and exploration of themes such as death, immortality, and nature.
  5. Charles Dickens – Influential author of classic novels such as “Great Expectations” and “A Tale of Two Cities,” whose writing often reflected his struggles with OCD and other mental health challenges.
  6. Michelangelo – Renaissance artist renowned for his masterpieces in sculpture, painting, and architecture, including the Sistine Chapel ceiling.
  7. Howard Hughes – American business magnate, investor, and aviator who achieved great success in various industries, despite his battles with OCD and other mental health issues.
  8. Ludwig Wittgenstein – Influential philosopher known for his contributions to logic, the philosophy of mathematics, and the philosophy of language.
  9. Marcel Proust – French novelist best known for his monumental work “In Search of Lost Time,” which explores themes of memory, time, and identity.
  10. Hans Christian Andersen – Danish author and poet remembered for his fairy tales, including “The Little Mermaid,” “The Ugly Duckling,” and “The Emperor’s New Clothes.”

These individuals, among others, made significant contributions to their respective fields despite facing the challenges associated with OCD. Their accomplishments serve as a testament to the resilience and creativity of individuals living with mental health conditions. Creative geniuses have demonstrated that OCD does not diminish intellectual capacity. Moreover, in modern times, high-profile figures in business, entertainment, and academia have also spoken candidly about their experiences with OCD, challenging stereotypes and stigmas surrounding mental health.

It’s essential to recognize that having OCD does not preclude individuals from achieving their goals or pursuing successful careers. Some people with OCD have leveraged their unique perspectives and coping mechanisms to excel in their chosen fields. By channeling their obsessive tendencies into productive endeavors and developing effective strategies for managing their symptoms, they have demonstrated resilience, creativity, and determination in the face of adversity. In entrepreneurship, for example, some individuals with OCD have found success by building businesses that cater to their specific needs and preferences. By creating environments that accommodate their rituals and routines, they have been able to thrive professionally while managing their OCD effectively. Additionally, the autonomy and flexibility afforded by entrepreneurship can provide individuals with OCD the freedom to structure their workdays in ways that support their mental health.

Moreover, some people with OCD may choose to work for themselves as a means of avoiding public scrutiny and judgment. In traditional employment settings, individuals with OCD may fear being stigmatized or misunderstood by colleagues or supervisors. By establishing their businesses or pursuing freelance opportunities, they can create more comfortable and accommodating work environments where they can focus on their strengths and contributions without fear of discrimination.

Overall, while living with OCD presents unique challenges, it does not diminish one’s intellect or potential for success. By embracing their strengths, seeking support when needed, and leveraging their experiences to their advantage, individuals with OCD can overcome obstacles and achieve their goals in both personal and professional domains.

Disability Discrimination

Some individuals with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) have demonstrated remarkable abilities and accomplishments, proving themselves capable of performing on par with able-bodied individuals. However, despite their capabilities, OCD sufferers may still face discrimination due to ableism and misconceptions surrounding mental health conditions.


Ableism refers to discrimination and prejudice against individuals with disabilities, including those with mental health conditions like OCD. Despite the fact that OCD does not inherently impair cognitive abilities or functional capacity, individuals with this condition may encounter barriers and biases that hinder their full participation in society.

Indirect Discrimination

Indirect discrimination against OCD sufferers can take various forms, such as inaccessible environments, lack of reasonable accommodations, and negative stereotypes perpetuated by societal attitudes. For example, employers may overlook qualified candidates with OCD due to misconceptions about their ability to perform job duties effectively, thereby perpetuating discrimination in hiring practices.

The Equality Act 2010

The Equality Act 2010 in the United Kingdom provides legal protections against discrimination based on disability, including mental health conditions like OCD. Under this legislation, individuals with OCD are entitled to reasonable adjustments and accommodations to ensure equal access to employment, education, and services.

Human Rights

Human rights principles also underscore the importance of recognizing the dignity and autonomy of individuals with OCD, affirming their right to live free from discrimination and prejudice. Upholding human rights values requires challenging ableism and promoting inclusivity, diversity, and respect for individuals with disabilities in all aspects of society.

PIP/DWP Assessment

The Personal Independence Payment (PIP) assessment process administered by the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) may perceive individuals with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) as being able to perform tasks similar to those of an able-bodied person. This perception can stem from misconceptions and stereotypes about OCD, which may lead assessors to underestimate the impact of the condition on an individual’s daily functioning.


Discrimination against individuals with OCD in the context of PIP assessments can take various forms. For example, assessors may overlook the debilitating effects of OCD symptoms, such as intrusive thoughts, compulsive behaviors, and anxiety, and instead focus solely on physical impairments when evaluating an individual’s eligibility for disability benefits. This narrow understanding of disability fails to recognize the complex and multifaceted nature of OCD and its significant impact on an individual’s ability to perform daily activities.

Biased Assessors

Assessors may harbor biases and assumptions about the capabilities of individuals with OCD, influenced by ableism and stereotypes about mental health conditions. These biases may lead assessors to overlook the challenges faced by individuals with OCD and deny them the support and assistance they need to navigate daily life. Indirect discrimination against individuals with OCD in the context of PIP assessments can also occur when assessment criteria and procedures fail to adequately account for the unique experiences and needs of individuals with mental health conditions. For example, the assessment process may rely heavily on standardized measures of disability that do not capture the nuances of OCD symptoms or how they impact an individual’s functioning.

Caregiving Discrimination

Individuals with OCD may face discrimination if they are perceived as unfit to care for another person due to their condition. This form of discrimination, known as caregiving discrimination, occurs when individuals are unfairly judged or excluded from caregiving roles based on characteristics such as disability, race, or gender. Perceiving someone with OCD as incapable of providing care due to their condition perpetuates stereotypes and stigmatization, further marginalizing individuals with mental health conditions.


Germ contamination OCD can have a profound impact on daily life, affecting individuals both at home and in the workplace. The constant fear of contamination and the need to engage in compulsive behaviors can disrupt routines, strain relationships, and impair overall well-being. However, with proper treatment and support, individuals with germ-contamination OCD can learn to manage their symptoms and lead fulfilling lives free from the grip of obsessive fears.

Intrusive thoughts, particularly those related to OCD germ contamination, can have a profound impact on individuals’ lives, causing significant distress and impairment. However, with proper treatment and support, it is possible to manage symptoms and lead fulfilling lives. By breaking the stigma surrounding OCD and promoting understanding and compassion, we can ensure that individuals receive the help and support they need to thrive.

Addressing discrimination against individuals with OCD in the context of PIP assessments requires recognizing the rights of individuals with disabilities, including their right to equal treatment, dignity, and autonomy. Human rights principles underscore the importance of challenging ableism, promoting inclusivity, and ensuring that individuals with disabilities have access to the support and accommodations they need to fully participate in society. By advocating for the rights of individuals with OCD and challenging discriminatory practices, we can work towards a more equitable and inclusive society for all.

Further Reading:

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No great mind has ever existed without a touch of madness

No great mind has ever existed without a touch of madness

Exploring the Relationship Between Genius and Madness: Unveiling the Truth Behind the Quote

The quote, “No great mind has ever existed without a touch of madness,” has echoed through the corridors of history, sparking debates and discussions about the correlation between creativity and mental instability. While the concept that brilliance may be intertwined with madness is alluring, it is essential to examine this idea critically and understand whether there is any empirical basis to support it. In this article, we will delve into the relationship between genius and madness, exploring both the origins of this quote and the statistical evidence that surrounds it.

Origins of the Quote

Attributed to Aristotle, Edgar Allan Poe, and others, the origin of the quote remains elusive. Its essence can be traced back to ancient Greek mythology, where the concept of divine madness, or “enthousiasmos,” was believed to be a source of creativity and insight. Throughout history, various luminaries have echoed sentiments similar to the quote, contributing to its mystique.

Statistical Perspective

While the quote may carry poetic weight, it is essential to distinguish between anecdotal examples and statistical evidence. Numerous studies have attempted to discern whether there is a genuine connection between genius and mental instability. Here, we present some compelling statistical insights:

  1. Historical Anecdotes: Vincent van Gogh: Often cited as an example of a brilliant mind touched by madness, van Gogh’s struggle with mental health issues is well-documented. However, it is essential to note that not all geniuses share his experience.
  2. Prevalence of Mental Illness: A study published in the Journal of Psychiatric Research in 2011 analyzed the prevalence of mental illness among creative professionals. It found that while some creative individuals did exhibit symptoms of mood disorders like depression or bipolar disorder, not all did. The relationship was complex and far from universal.
  3. Intelligence and Mental Health: A comprehensive study published in JAMA Psychiatry in 2018 examined the genetic correlation between intelligence and mental health disorders. The research revealed that while there were some shared genetic factors, the relationship was not strong enough to suggest that every brilliant mind is predisposed to madness.
  4. Nobel Prize Winners: A study published in the British Journal of Psychiatry in 2019 explored the mental health of Nobel Prize winners. The researchers found that while certain laureates did face mental health challenges, there was no consistent pattern across all winners, highlighting the diversity of experiences among geniuses.


The quote, “No great mind has ever existed without a touch of madness,” serves as a captivating testament to the mystique surrounding genius and mental instability. However, when viewed through the lens of statistics and empirical research, it becomes evident that the relationship between genius and madness is complex and not as straightforward as the quote suggests.

While some brilliant minds have struggled with mental health issues, many others have not. The statistical evidence does not support the notion that madness is a prerequisite for greatness. Instead, it underscores the diversity of human experiences and the multifaceted nature of creativity.

In our pursuit of understanding the complexities of the human mind and the origins of genius, it is vital to recognize that the interplay between mental health and creativity is nuanced. Great minds can emerge from a variety of backgrounds and experiences, with or without a touch of madness.

Further Reading

Mental illness and Entrepreneurship: ‘No great mind has ever existed without a touch of madness’ – London Business News | Londonlovesbusiness.com





#entrepreneurship #disableentrepreneur #mentalhealth #selfemployement #selemployed #isolation #socialdisconnection #famouspeoplewithocd

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MPs With Mental Health Disorders

MPs With Mental Health Disorders

Breaking the Stigma: Mental Health Challenges Among MPs

The conversation surrounding mental health has gained significant momentum worldwide, gradually breaking down the barriers of stigma and encouraging individuals to speak openly about their struggles. This shift has not been limited to society at large; it has also permeated the corridors of power, where even elected officials are sharing their experiences with mental health disorders.

Kevan Jones: Challenging the Notion of Weakness

Labour MP Kevan Jones made headlines when he delivered a heartfelt speech in the House of Commons, revealing his battle with deep depression. In a powerful moment, Jones broke down emotional barriers and shattered the stereotype that mental illness should be seen as a weakness in politics.

Jones’s story resonates with many who have faced the burden of mental health issues. His courage in sharing his journey not only highlights the prevalence of mental health challenges but also advocates for a more compassionate and understanding approach within the political arena.

Dr. Sarah Wollaston: A Tory MP and Former GP’s Struggle

Dr. Sarah Wollaston, a former GP, and Conservative MP, shared her own harrowing experience with mental health issues. In a poignant revelation, she disclosed that she had felt suicidal after the birth of her child. Dr. Wollaston’s story serves as a stark reminder that mental health challenges can affect anyone, regardless of their background or profession.

Her courageous admission brings attention to the often-overlooked issue of postpartum depression, showing that even those with medical expertise can grapple with the complexities of mental health. By speaking out, Dr. Wollaston has paved the way for a more open dialogue surrounding mental health issues faced by mothers and parents everywhere.

Charles Walker: A 31-Year Battle with OCD

Tory backbencher Charles Walker revealed his battle with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD), which has persisted for an astonishing 31 years. His condition manifests as a compulsive need to do everything four times. Walker’s candor about his ongoing struggle serves as a testament to the persistence required when managing a mental health disorder.

Walker’s story highlights the importance of long-term mental health care and support. By sharing his experience, he helps to destigmatize OCD and other persistent conditions, making it easier for individuals to seek the assistance they need.

Winston Churchill: Depression

Winston Churchill, the renowned British statesman and Prime Minister during World War II did suffer from bouts of depression throughout his life. Churchill’s struggle with depression is well-documented, and he often referred to it as the “Black Dog” that haunted him.

His depressive episodes were characterized by periods of profound sadness, pessimism, and a sense of hopelessness. Churchill’s depression was not a constant state but rather came and went over the years. It is believed that his bouts of depression were linked to personal and political setbacks, as well as the immense stress and pressure he faced during his long and tumultuous career.

Despite his struggles with depression, Winston Churchill is celebrated for his leadership during World War II and his unwavering determination in the face of adversity. His ability to overcome personal challenges and lead his country through one of its most challenging times is a testament to his resilience and strength of character. Churchill’s openness about his mental health challenges has also contributed to reducing the stigma surrounding mental illness and has inspired others to seek help and support when facing similar issues.

Breaking the Stigma

The stories of MPs like Kevan Jones, Dr. Sarah Wollaston, and Charles Walker have an enduring impact on society. They demonstrate that mental health disorders do not discriminate, affecting individuals from various backgrounds, professions, and political affiliations. Moreover, these MPs challenge the perception that mental illness equates to weakness, emphasizing that courage can be found in sharing one’s vulnerabilities.

Their experiences also underscore the necessity of creating a supportive environment within the political sphere and society as a whole. Acknowledging the prevalence of mental health challenges and fostering empathy are crucial steps toward a more compassionate and inclusive society.


The bravery shown by MPs like Kevan Jones, Dr. Sarah Wollaston, and Charles Walker in sharing their mental health journeys is an essential part of the ongoing effort to destigmatize mental illness. These individuals remind us that mental health issues can affect anyone, regardless of their stature or profession. By breaking the silence and challenging stereotypes, they contribute to a society that is more understanding, empathetic, and compassionate toward those facing mental health challenges. Their stories serve as a beacon of hope, encouraging others to seek help, share their experiences, and work toward a world where mental health is treated with the same gravity as physical health.

This article serves as a lesson for DWP & Personal Independence Payments (PIP) that people with mental health disorders can be intellectual and also have disabilities.


Further Reading:


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Can Someone Have OCD and Still Be Intellectual?

Mental Health Entrepreneurs Banner Ad

“A person can be intelligent and also have a mental health disorder. The heightened sensitivity of your brain can enhance your perceptiveness and creativity, but researchers have discovered that it’s a double-edged sword”.

Can Someone Have OCD and Still Be Intellectual?

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a mental health condition that affects millions of people worldwide. It is characterized by persistent, intrusive thoughts (obsessions) and repetitive behaviors or mental acts (compulsions) performed to alleviate the distress caused by these thoughts. OCD is often misunderstood and misrepresented in popular culture, leading to misconceptions about the individuals who live with it.

One common misconception is that people with OCD are not intellectually capable. However, this stereotype couldn’t be farther from the truth.

Understanding OCD

Before delving into the relationship between OCD and intellect, it’s essential to understand the nature of OCD itself. OCD is a complex and debilitating mental health condition, and it can manifest in various ways. Common obsessions include fears of contamination, unwanted aggressive or taboo thoughts, and the need for symmetry or exactness. To cope with these distressing obsessions, individuals with OCD engage in compulsive behaviors such as excessive hand washing, checking, counting, or repeating certain actions.

OCD and Intelligence: The Stereotype

The stereotype that individuals with OCD lack intellectual abilities likely stems from the portrayal of OCD in popular media, where characters with the condition are often depicted as overly focused on trivial details or consumed by irrational fears. Such portrayals tend to emphasize the outward manifestations of OCD, leading to the misconception that people with OCD are unable to think rationally or logically.

Debunking the Myth

  1. OCD Does Not Define Intelligence: First and foremost, it is crucial to understand that OCD is a mental health condition and does not define a person’s intelligence. People with OCD can be found in all walks of life, and their intellectual capabilities are as diverse as those without the condition. Having OCD does not inherently diminish one’s intellectual prowess.
  2. Many Accomplished Individuals Have OCD: In fact, many highly accomplished individuals have been known to have OCD. These individuals have excelled in various fields, including science, literature, art, and mathematics. For example, famous author Charles Dickens is believed to have had OCD, as did renowned physicist Isaac Newton, and Howard Hughes, Aviator, Entrepreneur, and Filmmaker. Howard Hughes suffered from OCD, became a recluse, and used to obsess over the size of peas. These historical figures certainly do not fit the stereotype of being intellectually deficient.
  3. The Brain of Someone with OCD: Research into OCD has shown that the brains of individuals with the condition can be both hyperactive and hyperconnected in certain areas. This unique neurological makeup does not undermine intellectual abilities; rather, it can lead to intense focus and attention to detail, which can be assets in various intellectual pursuits.
  4. Coping Mechanisms: Moreover, individuals with OCD often develop exceptional coping mechanisms to manage their condition. This includes developing strong problem-solving skills, discipline, and determination. These qualities can enhance intellectual abilities.
  5. Intellectual Variation Amongst Individuals: It is essential to remember that intellectual abilities vary widely among all individuals, regardless of whether they have a mental health condition. People with OCD, just like those without it, can fall anywhere on the intellectual spectrum, from average to highly gifted.

The Surprising Link Between High IQ and Mental Health: Insights from Ruth Karpinski’s Mensa Study

Ruth Karpinski, a researcher at Pitzer College, embarked on a groundbreaking study that explored the intriguing relationship between high intelligence and mental health. Her research focused on members of Mensa, a society whose membership is limited to individuals with an IQ in the top two percent of the population, typically around 132 or higher. The study delved into various aspects of the lives of these exceptionally intelligent individuals, uncovering a surprising and noteworthy link between high IQ and mental health.

The Mensa Study

In a society where intelligence is celebrated, it’s natural to assume that individuals with exceptionally high IQs would lead relatively stress-free lives. However, Ruth Karpinski’s study challenged this assumption by examining the mental health of Mensa members in depth.

The study involved surveying more than 3,700 members of Mensa, offering a comprehensive look into their lives, including their mental health. Karpinski and her team wanted to determine whether the stereotype of the brilliant, but emotionally detached genius held any truth.

Mood Disorders and Anxiety Disorders Among Mensa Members

The findings of Karpinski’s study were both surprising and thought-provoking. One of the most remarkable discoveries was the prevalence of mood disorders and anxiety disorders among Mensa members. Contrary to the assumption that high intelligence is a protective factor against mental health issues, the study found that these disorders were extremely common in this group.

Nearly one in three Mensa members reported having been formally diagnosed with a mood disorder such as depression or bipolar disorder. Anxiety disorders, including generalized anxiety disorder and social anxiety disorder, were also highly prevalent, with approximately one in four members reporting a diagnosis.

Understanding the Link

While the study’s results may seem counterintuitive, there are several potential explanations for the connection between high IQ and mental health challenges among Mensa members:

  1. Overthinking: Highly intelligent individuals often engage in deep thinking and self-reflection, which can sometimes lead to overanalyzing situations, rumination, and heightened anxiety.
  2. Perfectionism: Mensa members may set exceptionally high standards for themselves, which can result in increased stress and anxiety when they fail to meet their expectations.
  3. Social Isolation: The study also found that some Mensa members struggled with social interactions and felt isolated due to their exceptional intelligence, which can contribute to mood and anxiety disorders.
  4. High Expectations: The pressure to excel academically or professionally can be more pronounced for individuals with high IQs, leading to increased stress and mental health challenges.
  5. Lack of Support: Ironically, despite their intelligence, some Mensa members may have difficulty seeking or accessing mental health support due to the stigma surrounding mental health issues.

Implications and Future Research

Ruth Karpinski’s Mensa study challenges our understanding of the relationship between high intelligence and mental health. While this research sheds light on the prevalence of mood and anxiety disorders among Mensa members, it also highlights the need for further investigation into the factors contributing to these issues.

Future research could delve deeper into the specific stressors and coping mechanisms of highly intelligent individuals. Additionally, efforts to reduce the stigma surrounding mental health in high-achieving communities may encourage more Mensa members to seek the support they need.


The notion that someone with OCD cannot also be intellectual is a harmful stereotype that does not hold up to scrutiny. OCD is a complex mental health condition that affects individuals from all walks of life, and it does not determine one’s intellectual capabilities. Many highly accomplished individuals have had OCD, showcasing that intellectual prowess and the presence of OCD are not mutually exclusive. It is crucial to dispel these misconceptions and foster a more accurate and compassionate understanding of OCD and the people who live with it. Instead of making assumptions about someone’s intellectual abilities based on their mental health, it is far more productive to recognize their individual strengths, talents, and potential.

Ruth Karpinski’s study on Mensa members has provided a unique perspective on the mental health challenges faced by highly intelligent individuals. While it may seem counterintuitive that those with exceptional IQs would be more susceptible to mood and anxiety disorders, the study’s findings underscore the complexity of the human mind.

Understanding and addressing the mental health needs of Mensa members and other highly intelligent individuals is essential. By doing so, we can help these individuals thrive, harness their potential, and overcome the unique challenges they face on their path to success. Ruth Karpinski’s research serves as a valuable starting point in this important conversation, reminding us that intelligence and emotional well-being are intricately connected.

Further Reading






Is there an association between full IQ scores and mental health problems in young adults? A study with a convenience sample | BMC Psychology | Full Text (biomedcentral.com)

Can Anxiety Be Linked to a Higher IQ? Research Says Yes (psychcentral.com)


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My OCD, My Story!

My OCD the Story of Renata Entrepreneur

My OCD is germ contamination that started 38 years ago but was diagnosed in 1992.

This surgery has moved and DR Dolben has retired. My medical records including this letter would be on the system. My medical records are now held at Meddygfa Albany Surgery 219-221 City Road Roath Cardiff CF24 3JD and the head Doctor is Dr. Capatana.


In the beginning, I started to adopt unusual habits I did not understand what it was or why I was doing it other than I had to release the impulsive urge otherwise it would torment me. There was no internet back then so could not google it.

Looking back now my mother had similar traits but not as bad as me and some were a little different.

When I tried telling my mother in her later years she was in complete denial. My father was not happy because he did not know what OCD was and did not like me whipping out Dettol Surface Spray every five minutes and simply thought I had a screw loose.

What is OCD

OCD is a common debilitating condition affecting individuals from childhood through adult life. There is good evidence of genetic contribution to its etiology, but environmental risk factors also are likely to be involved. The condition probably has a complex pattern of inheritance. Molecular studies have identified several potentially relevant genes, but much additional research is needed to establish definitive causes of the condition. Genetics of OCD – PMC (nih.gov)

Hereditary OCD.

My mother had OCD, for example, when we came home from school my mother would make us stand in a small area in the kitchen to take our shoes off, we would then have to go upstairs immediately and stand on a newspaper to take our uniform off and get changed.

My mother had a habit of checking the soles of our shoes or even guest shoes as no one could come into the house without taking them off in the corridor. I reckon if anyone caught her doing what she did they would be mortified.

All grocery shopping would have to be washed with detergent before it could go in the cupboards. Some foods such as bakeries would have the outer packaging wiped with a dishcloth.

My mother had problems with newspapers and mail (just like me), she was careful how she opened them, everything had to be in a certain place and could not be touched unless it was in a certain area of the house and we would have to discard the outer envelopes and wash our hands.

My father’s jacket would always be inspected for dirt, especially on the hem and sleeves after he hung it up. I think her OCD put a strain on their marriage, although I think they had problems way before she developed the disorder which I believe was a direct consequence of how my father treated her.

Ongoing studies point to a genetic defect in the way the front area of the brain communicates with deeper areas. These deeper structures use serotonin, a chemical messenger. Images of the brain in some people with OCD show that these defective communication circuits work more normally with serotonin-based medications or cognitive behavior therapy. OCD Causes: Is OCD Genetic, Hereditary? | HealthyPlace

The start of my OCD symptoms.

I was 21 when I started to develop OCD traits, it was whilst I was in a relationship with someone who took advantage of his position in a Bank he worked in, and any attractive-looking female customers he would look for their names, addresses, and phone numbers up and phone them to ask them out for dates (this would never be allowed to happen now because of GDPR but as I got more suspicious that he was playing away I phoned the numbers that he would leave lying around and the women would confirm that they went out with him. Amazingly, no one reported him because he is now a regional bank manager thanks to me finding the job in a job center and applying on his behalf somewhat 38 years ago.

The straw that broke the camel’s back.

I think the straw that broke the camel’s back was when out of the blue with no notice at all he said it was over between us. To be honest I was madly in love with him (he looked like a young version of Tom Cruise a spitting image of Top Gun Movie 1 and now looks more like David Cameron MP (Yes I have looked him up and blocked him). I would have taken a bullet for him (my ex not the MP), regardless of what he did.

In my heart, I forgave him as long as we would stay together, but pressure from his parents especially his mother did not approve of me as the daughter of a working-class immigrant who wanted her precious son to have a more upper-class suitor. His sister was also never a fan because it was her boyfriend who arranged a blind date that got us together and at the last minute bailed only to ask her brother to take his place. I was not aware of how much grief this would cause, and I would have been pissed if the roles were reversed and it happened to me, so did not blame her for being angry. She ended up breaking up with her boyfriend after that.

I knew at the heart of hearts there was something very seriously wrong in our relationship (with my ex) and that he was a player. I started to wash my hands and body in ‘Dettol Antiseptic Disinfectant’ liquid, which either would be undiluted on my hands or mixed in my shower gels and shampoos because I believed I wanted to wash the other women’s scent off me when he was intimate with me.

To this day I will only use Dettol Brand, I use it when I bathe and also when I wash my clothes. It cannot be any other brand other than Dettol.

I think what escalated my OCD was when I found out he was visiting brothels and he caught an STD, by that time we were not having sex but the thought of him having crabs grossed me out. It’s a long story about how I found out and it will be in my autobiography when I publish it.

I then started to be very vigilant about my surroundings, I started to have the shower curtain outside the bath, which would cause the floor to get wet and also get him angry, which in turn caused arguments. I could not stand the shower curtain clinging to me as I was showering and to this day I have not changed this habit. I now have a glass folding door fitted in my bathroom.

After we broke up I think I must have had a nervous breakdown. I thought my life was over and I so desperately wanted him back, I realized why he no longer wanted to be with me because he met someone who worked at the bank (I believe everything happens for a reason, had I not found him that job, things would have maybe turned out differently) but looking at it now he did me a favor. I then decided to move away so that I would never bump into him again. I have since blocked him on all social media so if he was ever to look me up he would never have a hope in hell of ever speaking to me.

Coping with OCD over the years.

Over the years and depending on what was going on in my life I have good days and bad days but I learned to cope and adapt.

I did keep my OCD hidden for many years as I was very embarrassed to admit there was something wrong with me.

It was when people in public places bumped into me (busy towns) I started to have an issue with social connection. When using public transport I hated people sitting next to me. It got to the stage where I would avoid buses altogether and it rattled me when someone would push past me or if they bumped into me (say sorry) my argument would be if I was a car and there was a collision they would be doing more than apologizing.

I would find it hard to go to restaurants and cafes and have my own set of cutlery. I became vigilant about how the server served the drinks and how close to the rim of the glass their fingers would be. I ended up drinking from straws. I have been known to clean the seat before sitting down, this would get people to give me funny looks. Imagine sitting on a seat where the previous person has sat who may have tram lines in his or her undergarments.

My OCD is germ contamination. My impulse is not to touch unsanitized objects and my compulsion is to clean and disinfect whatever I am in contact with.

I have now opted out of socializing, it’s embarrassing to wear latex gloves in public. There is a stigma attached to people who behave differently from the rest of the batteries in the matrix. The chances of being judged or ridiculed are too much for me to bear.

I prefer to live behind a computer screen than interact with the outside world.

Don’t get me wrong I would venture out in a medical emergency but try to avoid going out to avoid the trauma and stress, because of germ contamination. I would take extra precautionary measures and if I could not disinfect anything I would throw it out. I rather avoid any human interaction.

I have all my groceries, prescriptions, and shopping delivered. All statements and invoices are online.

I also have a problem with flies (fruit flies in particular) but flies in general that sit on dog poo and then sit on your surfaces turn my stomach. In the summer months, I am armed with fly spray by the dozen.

My Compulsions

My compulsions, I do try and fight as much as I can, say, for instance, if I have touched something by accident, I will go and change my clothes. However, there have been instances where I have not been able to sanitize expensive things and have had to through them away. I remember when my daughter was little and she stepped in dog poo, I ended up throwing out her shoes.

I cannot share my bath with anyone else other than my daughter. I cannot let anyone touch anything that belongs to me such as a laptop, books, or that kind of thing.

I cannot have someone sit next to me or touch me. Even my daughter’s cat knows not to jump on my seating area, although if he has brushed himself by accident against me I immediately have to take my leggings off to be washed.

I go through about 1000 pairs of gloves per month and use two bottles of 750 ml antiseptic disinfectant a week. I spent about £800 on this alone last year (I know this from doing my tax return).

The more stressed I am the worse my OCD gets. If people put pressure on me and cause me stress and anxiety the more it flares up.

My Triggers

  • Stress
  • Anxiety
  • Reminders of the trauma and grief I endured (negative thoughts)
  • Intrusive Thoughts (I must do this within minutes otherwise something bad will happen to me or my daughter)
  • My Personal Belonging Being Touched
  • Germ Contamination
  • Being Touched (Hugs)
  • Flies (Insects)
  • Dog Poo (cat poo or bird poo is not so bad, it is dog poo that is a trigger for me)
  • Animal Hair (especially dog hair)
  • Shaking Hands (how many people wash their hands when they have gone to the toilet)
  • Kissing
  • Sharing Plates of Food
  • Public Places that are not sanitized
  • Half-finished projects or errors that need correcting (I cannot leave an error for another day I have to correct it there and then)

Different Kinds Of OCD

As the internet evolved I started learning more and more about the different kinds of OCD. https://disabledentrepreneur.uk/different-types-of-ocd/

I was also surprised by how many famous people have OCD (alive and dead)


MPs Charles Walker and Kevan Jones tell of mental health issues – BBC News

Social Disconnection

It is not that unusual for entrepreneurs to socially disconnect: https://disabledentrepreneur.uk/social-disconnection-entrepreneurs/

Keeping grief hidden can be a survival strategy after suffering a bereavement. New research shows that the social disconnection caused by concealing feelings of loss can increase psychological distress.

Social Disconnection is not always about OCD it could relate to other psychological distress disorders.

Every person on this planet will endure grief at some point in their lives. It will depend on how they cope which will determine the outcome.

My Therapy.

I find that scripting in a journal helps (I do it online but you can do it in a book, it’s down to personal preference at the end of the day) to get whatever off my chest. I have also tried meditation and hypnosis and you need to stick to it and do it religiously for it to work.

I have tried psychotherapy and CBT therapy and it only works in the short term. Speaking to shrink every week having to talk about the things you would rather forget is counterproductive. As for CBT, it is a therapy to change your thought process and resist the urge of the compulsion, the only way this kind of therapy works is under hypnosis which the NHS does not provide, and if you try and do it yourself you have to religiously work at it (miracles do not happen overnight).

I have self-hypnotized myself successfully although it is short-lived because I have to do it every day or a few times a week, in which I do not have the time for, considering I am working all day I am too tired and just want to go to sleep.

I also take prescribed medication, not that it helps my OCD all it does is help me fall asleep. I would not mind doing clinical trials of magic mushrooms (Psilocybin) which I have heard can help sufferers with OCD. It is illegal to harvest or use them, without medical supervision. They are considered Class A drugs.

Magic-mushroom drug can treat severe depression, trial suggests – BBC News

How Magic Mushrooms Can Resolve OCD – Happy Herb Company

The campaign to use magic mushrooms in OCD treatment | Psychonaut Care

How Psilocybin Mushrooms Can Treat Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) (sagebrains.com)

Magic mushroom compound performs as well as antidepressant in small study | Imperial News | Imperial College London

I keep myself busy and I am constantly learning about my disease so that I can not only help myself but help others like me.

I try to resist my urges as much as I can.

Germ Contamination

I am very vigilant about germ awareness and cross-contamination.

Motivating & Empowering & Advocate of OCD

I am an advocate for people with OCD. This is one of the reasons why I built this site to help people not only with mental but physical disabilities.

Just because I have OCD does not stop me from doing things inside my home, with PPE.


Just because you have a disability you still can strive to follow your dream even though you may have limitations there is usually a solution to every problem and you can overcome obstacles. There is nothing you cannot do if you put your mind to it.

Final Thoughts

Many neurodevelopmental conditions can often co-exist together, although can be treated in different ways.  


OCD rears its ugly head when you find it difficult to cope with life, OCD can be the onset of trauma and grief.

Stress, Anxiety, and everyday struggles can cause your OCD to get worse especially when people try to undermine, humiliate, and judge you. Try to not let anything get to you and if you want your own space to write your own story, just drop me a line below and I will create a landing page, free of charge. Whatever your disability may be mental or physical you can write to your heart’s content about yourself and your daily struggles. People love reading stories they can relate to.

Since coming out as an OCD sufferer I have been made to feel as if I am bonkers by Personal Independence Payments (PIP). They have made me feel like I have no authority to speak on disabilities even though I am the Editor of this website and have a Diploma in OCD hypnotherapy. I do not practice hypnotherapy and only took the course to help me. As I mentioned previously for hypnotherapy to work it is a process that has to be done religiously regularly. You cannot just hypnotize yourself in one session and expect miracles.

Whilst practicing hypnosis I have got myself into a very relaxed state.

It has helped me to a certain degree to resist my compulsions but has not eradicated my germ contamination obsession problem.

Furthermore, another day comes with more added stress and anxiety and I feel all my hard work has been a waste of time whereby I have just gone back to square one. I really should practice hypnotherapy every day for it to make some difference, yet never seem to find the time. My business comes first, as that is what pays the bills and brings food to the table.

I am not going to let PIP get to me, as a lot of the assessors have fewer qualifications than ‘Greta Thunberg’ who also happens to suffer from OCD.

Discussion of Greta Thunberg, OCD, & Polarization | Dave Armstrong (patheos.com)

Use the contact form below to drop me a line:

#obsessivecompulsivedisorder #ocd #mentalhealth #intrusivethoughts #germawareness #germcontamination #ocdcymru

Renata’s Online Journal – Health Update.

Renata’s Online Journal – Health Update.

I have been doing some research on GP communication as I am concerned about how a letter that I wrote to my GP over a year ago was never answered yet it was confirmed that it had been added to the system.

In comparison, my daughter who has Multiple Sclerosis has a Neurologist Consultant at the “University Hospital Wales” who lectures at Cambridge University, and even on annual leave, had the courtesy of responding to my daughters’ emails.

This shows the consultant’s professionalism and sets him apart from mediocre general practitioners who do not give a monkey about your health, only about how many drugs they can prescribe. https://disabledentrepreneur.uk/what-doctors-wont-tell-you/

I have been let down by the system because for years I have been prescribed the same medication and have never been offeredPsilocybin Mushrooms‘.



I could have easily been treated for my OCD years ago but I guess if that was the case how much money Big Pharma would have missed out on.

I must admit I have never used recreational drugs and if look at the series on Netflix which prompted me to look into this I do not see why I have to poison myself with the medication I am prescribed when there is an alternative. In fact, this has really angered me that not only the local GP do not care about their patients but I could have been potentially cured years ago. I do not see why I have to be a cash cow for the GPs and Pharmaceutical Companies.

Personal Independence Payments (PIP).

So, I have found that the Government has instructed GPs to not respond to PIP and Disability Claims, requested by claimants. GPs in southeast Wales have been told to stop writing letters for patients appealing against decisions to stop benefit payments because it is an “abuse of resources”. (A bit of coinky-dinkle I think). https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-south-east-wales-23353623

The letter I wrote last year had nothing to do with supporting evidence it was to let the Doctor know that I was finding it difficult to do certain things and needed some support or advice.

I do not need my GP fighting my corner because I am more than capable of fighting my own battles.

Unfortunately, even paying for a letter (privately) will be dismissed because the Government has some say for GPs not to support your claim. This is wrong because the GP only knows what the patient tells them and if I write another letter and a link to this site it will corroborate what I am saying.

I did not design this site as clickbait, I designed it as a form of therapy for myself, for my daughter, and for others like us.

When my review comes up for renewal, I will not be jumping through hoops or performing like a circus monkey hopping on one foot, or bending to prove I have disabilities.

Anyone that knows me, knows I have only left my home once in the last 3 years.

Last year I wrote 5 things that were wrong with me and I never had a reply. I then spoke with the practice manager that told me to phone in to book an appointment but with one ailment at a time that would mean I would have had to make five separate calls. Besides, I have anxiety phoning anyone let alone a doctor. https://disabledentrepreneur.uk/anxiety-phoning-your-gp/

My Health Updated 06/07/22

The GP only knows what the patient tells them and although I am self-employed, I know I would never suit an employed environment for the following reasons, although I have built my brand so have no reason to change.

I am the Editor of this site and will continue doing what I am doing and report my findings.

Not everyone is looking for a handout and if there is available money that one is entitled to, one should get what rightfully is owed without jumping through hoops or begging. Don’t offer money and then expect some to hop on one foot whilst touching their nose, it is humiliating and furthermore, the ones that want to swindle the system will perform Oscars. The only way to know for definite if someone is telling the truth is by medical records or published documentation.

“I reiterate I am the Editor of this site, (MON-SAT 9 am – 5 pm) and I am also disabled. I should not have to prove anything that is not already documented or published”. https://disabledentrepreneur.uk/personal-experience-with-claiming-pip/


I suffer from OCD, I have suffered with OCD for the best part of 30 years I am super aware of my surroundings and avoid contact with the outside world (social disconnection) as much as possible. I can deal with the Postman, Courier or Delivery Driver, and Workmen, but that is as far as it will go. I do not have people visiting me and I like it that way. Even at home, I have triggers that cause intrusive thoughts. For example, when the cat brushed past me the other day, it consequently caused me to have a panic attack and anxiety, making me change my clothes and put the contaminated clothes in the wash. I have binned things (some expensive) that I have not managed to disinfect in the past. I cannot be around people, and I prefer my own company anyway. I am fortunate that the job I do has little to no human contact. I am fine online but have problems in the physical world. I use disposable latex gloves to touch things and go through about five hundred pairs a month.

My Bladder.

I have overactive bladder issues and go to the loo every 1.5 hours. It could be from the excess caffeine intake (I need to drink energy drinks to get me through the day). I take Mirtazapine 30mg tablets to help me fall asleep they do jack Sh#t for my OCD.

In a normal work environment needing to go to the bathroom frequently would be difficult because unless the toilet was in proximity, I could potentially have an accident which would then prove embarrassing, and I am not going to take any chances. My bladder gives me little or no warning and when you got to go, you got to go. It is a good job my bathroom is only twenty-five steps away.

Physical Pain.

My pain in my knee is manageable providing I have my meds on hand, and I am in a warm place. The moment it starts to get chilly my knee starts throbbing in dull pain. Getting in and out of the bath is comical because I cannot bend my knee to get in the bath and when I do it is very painful. (But only people who have had their knee kicked seven times purposely would know what I am talking about).

My back pain is concerning because sometimes if I bend to do simple tasks like sort rubbish or feed the cat, I get spasms in my lower back that escalate up my spine to my neck where the feeling that I can describe is like pins and needles or electricity in the nape of my neck. It is not just when I bend it is from standing, washing up for half an hour, or even cooking that I get pain in my lower back. The pain is so bad that it makes me feel sick or lightheaded, but I do not moan and simply endure it. https://disabledentrepreneur.uk/epidural-analgesia/

Swallowing Food.

Swallowing food (Dysphagia) can be a problem at times (not all the time, just occasionally), and even taking small bites and chewing is frightening when food gets stuck. Banging on my breastbone and jumping up and down rarely relieves the issue and I must wait a few antagonizing minutes waiting for it to naturally slither down. I have had to put my fingers down my throat in the past just to dislodge the food, which no longer seems appetizing to continue to finish my meal thereafter.

My Cerebellar Atrophy.

I was diagnosed with Cerebellar Atrophy over ten years ago and have noticed of late that I get dizzy spells and sometimes I need to grab hold of something to stop me from falling. I did fall down the stairs albeit 5 steps over a year ago as I mentioned in my letter and most recently, I lost my balance when I was at the top of the stairs. https://disabledentrepreneur.uk/i-nearly-died-due-to-losing-my-balance-of-cerebellar-atrophy/ I believe my cerebellar atrophy was from the head trauma I endured from my ex.

My Depression.

All I will say is that I had a Police welfare check after British Gas reported me last month. I won’t say I was suicidal as you have to have a lot of guts to go through such a thing and I do have things to live for. But I would be lying if I said I was not sad or depressed. I try to keep myself busy all the time to forget all the bad things that have gone wrong in my life and I do use this online journal to vent my anger and share my thoughts (I see this journal as online therapy, considering I have had little help from the NHS and by coincidence, I told the Police about the letter I wrote, that was not responded to by any Doctor, the PCW rolled her eyes in disbelief).

“I will say one thing though I am a survivor of domestic violence. I do get stressed and very anxious at times and have little patience for people, especially ones that are condescending and judgmental. So, unless you have walked in my shoes you have no right at all the judge me”.

Final Note.

PIP Assessment. The criteria are as follows:

(One needs twelve points to qualify, furthermore how can someone measure pain. Everyone’s pain threshold is different).

I have just done a Self-PIP Test On:

I will use the points system and this online journal as proof of my disability.


I score thirty-one points.

What the points criteria do not mention is:

Do you experience:

  • Stress
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Suicidal Thoughts
  • Intrusive Thoughts
  • Cognitive Impairment (Jumbling Up Words Or Totally Missing Words Out Of Sentences
  • Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
  • Dysphagia
  • Loss of Balance
  • Sitting
  • Bending
  • Insomnia
  • Pain
  • Numbness
  • Experience Light Headiness
  • Confusion
  • Lack of Concentration
  • Social Disconnection
  • Forgetfulness

You should read the reviews about this surgery to understand how unprofessional they are. If you report them you run the risk of being kicked out. https://disabledentrepreneur.uk/doctor-patient-confidentiality/

Both my daughter and I have been told in the past if we do not like how the surgery and staff conduct themselves to find a different doctor, in other words, leave.

When you are ‘DEPENDENT ON MEDICATION’ as both my daughter and I are, imagine having to wait to be assessed by a new doctor’s surgery (it is more hassle than it’s worth and you most probably have to physically come in which I have a problem with social disconnection, which will be out of the question unless it was an emergency).


I am so tempted to give a review for the Doctor https://www.iwantgreatcare.org/doctors/dr-raluca-cristina-capatana/reviews/new?t=origin-profile.

My initial grievance is with the Surgery and the Doctor who does not work there yet her name is still on the website? http://www.wales.nhs.uk/albanyrd/practice-staff

“This online journal serves as evidence of both my daughter and my health condition and anyone else that wishes to participate in the health discussions and get anything off their chest”.

Anyone else that wishes to vent and wants their own space on an exact match searchable keyword domain name should message us below and we will set up a landing page where you too can write to your heart’s content (free of charge).

**Please note if your medical condition is published on our platform, it is not proof you have a disability or illness you must have medical evidence to corroborate your illness, which can be done by visiting your GP, writing a letter, or having an online consultation.

#personalindependencepayments #pip #pipscore #renataonlinejournal #pipselftest

Stress & Cognitive Function.

Photo Credit Pixabay : Geralt
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Stress & Cognitive Function.

Psychological stress can affect a person’s cognitive abilities, in the short term (e.g., when an individual’s thoughts are pre-occupied with an argument or problem that happened earlier in the day resulting in reduced ability to concentrate) as well as over the long term, where the intrusive thoughts creep in and the problem simply does not go away and festers, which in turn can lead to anxiety, depression and other mental health disabilities.

Emotional and cognitive changes

The emotional and cognitive effects are often the greatest challenges. Some of the most common symptoms can be hidden from plain sight. These changes can affect the way people feel about themselves and alter their cognitive functions. For many, the emotional and cognitive effects represent the greatest challenges.

Emotional changes

Uncertainty, stress, and anxiety, depression are the most common disorders a person can experience.

A person with an autoimmune neurological disease such as MS or Cerebellar Atrophy may grieve for their life before they were diagnosed with a disorder. Other emotional changes that may occur include clinical depression, bipolar disorder, and mood swings. All of these are more common among people with MS than in the general population. Depression and bipolar disorder require professional attention and the use of effective treatments.

Emotional lability appears to be more common, and possibly more severe, in people with MS and Mental Health Disorders. This may include frequent mood changes, for example from happy to sad to angry.

It is believed that the causes are the extra stress brought on by MS as well as neurological changes. Uncontrollable laughing and crying is a disorder affecting a small proportion of people with MS, and it is thought to be caused by MS-related changes in the brain.

Low self-esteem

Having MS can affect self-esteem. There may be times when it’s difficult to do everything a person is used to doing, or they may have to do things differently. Focusing too much on the negative aspects can feel overwhelming.

Cognitive changes

Cognition refers to the “higher” brain functions such as memory and reasoning. About half of all people with MS will not experience any cognitive changes, but for others, the most commonly affected aspects of cognition are:


Attention and concentration


Speed of information processing

Abstract reasoning and problem solving

Visual-spatial abilities

Executive functions

Studies have shown according to author Dr. Sudha Seshadri, professor of neurology at UT Health San Antonio explains that higher levels of stress translate into raised levels of the stress hormone cortisol in the blood. A raised level of cortisol in the blood can predict brain size, function, and also the performance of the individual when faced with cognitive tests. She said, “We found memory loss and brain shrinkage in relatively young people long before any symptoms could be seen.” It’s never too early to be mindful of reducing stress,” she added. The lead author, Dr. Justin B. Echouffo-Tcheugui, an assistant professor of medicine at Johns Hopkins also said that symptoms of stress-related memory loss and brain damage may not be evident until much damage has already been done.

Cerebellar Atrophy & Stress.

The cerebellum is connected with stress-related brain areas and expresses the machinery required to process stress-related neurochemical mediators. Surprisingly, it is not regarded as a substrate of stress-related behavioral alterations, despite numerous studies that show cerebellar responsivity to stress.


Notes From The Editor.

“I suffer from cognitive impairment, I lose my balance, jumble my words, and have memory loss. The condition I have is cerebellar atrophy. I was diagnosed with it around 2011”.

The more stressed I am the less I want to do. I sometimes have to force myself to churn the wheel for another day.

I suffer from clinical depression and have been diagnosed with this over 30 years ago. There are days that I have to fight with my thoughts in order to get through the day.

Recently with the price hikes, my depression is getting worse. I have my voice mail turned off and my phone is on airplane mode constantly. I cannot deal with talking to people over the phone. To counteract this I much prefer email correspondence. I am not too good with letters especially forms because of my OCD, this is something else I suffer with.

Having people pity me and say things “Awh Bless” or “Poor You”, really gets my back up. It is condescending. Furthermore, people are quick to judge or assume.

The difference between someone who is self-employed and someone who is employed is that the employed person is a slave to their employer and has a guaranteed wage, whilst the self-employed do not have a guaranteed income stream. A disabled person may choose to work for themselves as they do not have the same amount of pressure or obstacles to overcome.

I spoke with a British Gas customer rep the other day and she started asking questions, such as do I have a carer, and when I said no, I could hear her brain ticking and assuming that I am making things up about my illness. I tried explaining if I get stressed my mental state shuts down and I go into a whirl of depression. I continued to say that yanking my gas bill from £65 per month to £90 and a further hike to £138 was simply unacceptable. I simply cannot get this sort of money out of my a##e. I ended by saying I won’t be able to work because I cannot cope with the stress this is causing me. Now wait for the assuming bit she replied “what do you mean you will not be able to work, what do you do”? I said “I am the editor of “Disability UK Journal”. There was silence and then her attitude changed.

“A person who is self-employed and becomes unwell cannot function or keep their business running. So if they do not work no money comes in”.

“Just because I run this disability journal does not mean I am rolling around in money. Never assume anything”!

I am not a charity and I have no funding, I simply rely on Advertising & Marketing Revenue”.

Never assume because someone is working, they are financially secure or they do not have disabilities, or if they have they must not be all there especially when they have mental health disorders”.

There is so much stigma attached to disabilities with small-minded people judging and assuming things. Just because someone may have a disability does not make them less capable than the next person (depending on certain factors and disabilities of course), they may in fact do a better job.

“A disabled person can be more intelligent than you, so never assume that they are not”.

Elon Musk for example has ADHD and suffers from Asperger’s syndrome and is the richest man in the world.



Further Reading:



#disabilityuk #disabledentrepreneur #multiplesclerosis #mscongintivefunctions #cognitivefunctions #stress #anxiety #judging #assuming #selfemployed #disabledselfemployed #depression

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Famous People With OCD.


Famous People With OCD

What is OCD?

OCD or Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder is a mental health illness whereby the sufferer may have recurring intrusive thoughts and repetitive ritual behaviors that they cannot control.

The main symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder are intrusive thoughts and unnatural repetitive behaviors, which the sufferer finds debilitating. Obsessive-compulsive disorder is usually treated with CBT or Hypnotherapy. Prescribed Medication also may help to relieve some of the symptoms especially if the symptoms are severe.


  1. Leonardo DiCaprio suffers from OCD and says that he allowed his condition to worsen to play Howard Hughes in “Aviator.” His childhood memories were to step on cracks in the pavement and if he missed any he would have started all over again, even as far as a few blocks.
  2. Jessica Alba “Sin City” star Jessica Alba talked about her OCD in an interview with CosmoGirl stating, “It was like a panic come over me and I had to do something, and once I did it, I was OK. … It was really me needing to control something.”
  3. Justin Timberlake Justin Timberlake suffers from OCD which makes him need everything to be organized perfectly.  He also only allows certain foods in his refrigerator.
  4. Katy Perry Pop star Katy Perry suffers from OCD and says that she brushes her teeth 4-6 times a day.
  5. Howie Mandel Howie Mandel has been very open about his OCD.  He calls handrails his enemy.
  6. Cameron Diaz Cameron Diaz’s OCD makes her have a fear of germs.
  7. David Beckham Soccer great David Beckham has admitted to struggling with OCD saying that he has to reorganize hotel rooms to feel comfortable.
  8. Charlize Theron “Young Adult” star Charlize Theron says that her OCD keeps her up at night worrying about messy cabinets and closets.
  9. Albert Einstein Historians believe that Albert Einstein suffered from OCD, as do many individuals with very high levels of intelligence.
  10. Penélope Cruz “Vanilla Sky” actress Penelope Cruz is said to suffer from OCD.
  11. Charlie Sheen Charlie Sheen has OCD and needs things to be in order.  He told Dr. Oz that his OCD even propelled him to fix a stranger’s shirt collar at a restaurant.
  12. Jennifer Love Hewitt “Client List” star Jennifer Love Hewitt thinks that she inherited her OCD from her mother.
  13. Alec Baldwin Alec Baldwin self-diagnosed his OCD.  Baldwin spoke of the frustrating nature of his condition stating, “The thing is, you always feel the need to do it, mostly when there’s something at stake. Like, I will literally be leaving my apartment in New York and I’ve got to go to the airport. The worst possible time is when the bell rings loudest. A voice will say to me, ‘Move the snow globe to the right three inches.”
  14. Michael Jackson Michael Jackson had Body Dysmorphic Disorder which is similar to OCD.
  15. Rose McGowan “Planet Terror” star Rose McGowan suffers from OCD related to agoraphobia.
  16. Harrison Ford “Star Wars” star Harrison Ford says that his OCD is related to his fear of spiders and reptiles.
  17. Donald Trump Donald Trump says that his OCD prevents him from shaking hands with people. (Which is Fake News in my opinion as I have seen him shake hands).
  18. Martin Scorsese Director Martin Scorsese suffers from OCD and he explored the depths of the condition in his film “The Aviator.”
  19. Roseanne Barr Roseanne Barr has struggled with OCD and she talked about her experience with Larry King.
  20. Howard Stern Howard Stern’s OCD developed as a defense mechanism when he was first starting.  Stern stated, “When I was in college and nervous about entering the world of broadcasting and earning a living, the pressure was enormous. … As a defense mechanism, my brain had set up an elaborate maze of rituals that kept me from confronting my fear.”
  21. Woody Allen Filmmaker Woody Allen has OCD and the main subject that he obsesses about is death.
  22. Nikola Tesla Historians believe that Nikola Tesla suffered from OCD in his later years.
  23. Fiona Apple Fiona Apple suffers from OCD and she calls it a problem that can destroy your life.
  24. Dan Aykroyd “Blues Brothers” star Dan Aykroyd suffers from Tourettes, Aspergers, and OCD.
  25. Charles Darwin Researchers believe that Charles Darwin most likely suffered from OCD.
  26. Stanley Kubrick “A Clockwork Orange” director Stanley Kubrick is thought to have had OCD because of the way that he would shoot an excessive amount of takes when filming his movies.
  27. Kathie Lee Gifford Talk show host Kathie Lee Gifford is thought to have OCD.
  28. Billy Bob Thornton “Sling Blade” star Billy Bob Thornton calls suffering from OCD exhausting.
  29. Marc Summers TV show host Marc Summers suffers from OCD.  Who knows how Summers managed to deal with all of the slimy messes on his Nickelodeon show “Double Dare.”
  30. Cole Porter People speculate that composer Cole Porter most likely suffered from OCD.
  31. Michelangelo Historians believe that Michelangelo suffered from OCD.
  32. Ludwig van Beethoven Researchers believe that Ludwig van Beethoven displayed many symptoms of OCD.
  33. Howard Hughes Entrepreneur and filmmaker Howard Hughes suffered from OCD and used to obsess over the size of peas.  Later in his life, Hughes became a recluse and continuously watched movies.
  34. Samuel Johnson Historians believe that Samuel Johnson likely suffered from OCD.
  35. Stonewall Jackson Researchers found that Stonewall Jackson demonstrated many of the symptoms of OCD.
  36. Jeremy Kyle Talk show host Jeremy Kyle suffers from OCD.
  37. Warren Zevon “Werewolves of London” songwriter Warren Zevon suffered from OCD.  He developed a friendship with fellow OCD sufferer Billy Bob Thorton later in his life.
  38. Charles Dickens Historians believe that “A Christmas Carol” author Charles Dickens likely suffered from OCD.
  39. Marcel Proust Historians believe that Marcel Proust suffered from OCD.
  40. Fred Durst Limp Biscuit frontman Fred Durst says that suffering from OCD makes touring tough.
  41. Gerald Kaufman Gerald Kaufman has self-diagnosed his OCD.
  42. Joey Ramone Joey Ramone had a severe case of OCD and low self-esteem.
  43. John Melendez John Melendez, better known as “Stuttering John,” suffers from OCD, just like his good friend and boss Howard Stern.
  44. Natalie Appleton Pop singer Natalie Appleton suffers from a mild case of OCD.
  45. Jane Horrocks British actress/musician Jane Horrocks has been diagnosed with OCD.
  46. Steven Gerrard Soccer star Steven Gerrard’s OCD manifests itself as constant hand washing.
  47. Emily Lloyd British actress Emily Lloyd has gotten treatment for OCD and she blames the disorder for stalling her career.
  48. Paul Gascoigne Soccer star Paul Gascoigne suffers from OCD as well as other mental illnesses.
  49. Tim Howard Soccer player Tim Howard had a tough time in school coping with his OCD.
  50. Ian Puleston-Davies Actor Ian Puleston-Davies has OCD and a fear of germs.
  51. Jim Eisenreich Baseball player Jim Eisenreich was diagnosed with Tourettes and OCD.
  52. Volkert van der Graaf Murderer Volkert van der Graaf has been diagnosed with OCD and Aspergers.

#ocd #obsessivecomplsivedisorder #triggers #intrusivethoughts