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The Ubiquity of Illness and Disability: A Shared Human Experience

Brown and Cream Landscape Image Of A Typewriter With Wording Typed On Paper "Disabilities & Illnesses". Image Credit: PhotoFunia.com. Category: Vintage/Typewriter.
Brown and Cream Landscape Image Of A Typewriter With Wording Typed On Paper “Disabilities & Illnesses”. Image Credit: PhotoFunia.com. Category: Vintage/Typewriter.

Embracing the Inevitable: Illness and Disability as a Universal Human Experience

Illness and disability are universal experiences, that affect the lives of people across all ages and socioeconomic statuses. Despite advances in medicine and healthcare, it is an undeniable fact that everyone, at some point in their lives, will face some form of illness or disability and will encounter grief. Understanding the most common ailments and their underlying causes can help demystify these experiences, fostering empathy and support within our communities.

DisabledEntrepreneur.uk and DisabilityUK.co.uk aim to support individuals from all walks of life, recognizing that everyone will be affected by health issues at some point. These platforms provide comprehensive resources and guidance for managing various disabilities and chronic conditions, emphasizing empowerment and inclusion. By offering practical advice, inspiring success stories, and valuable links to support services, we strive to create a community where individuals can find the information and encouragement needed to navigate their health challenges. Their mission is to ensure that everyone, regardless of their circumstances, has access to the tools and support necessary to lead fulfilling lives.

At some point in their lives, everyone will be touched by disabilityuk.co.uk and disabledentrepreneur.uk, whether directly or indirectly. These invaluable resources provide a wealth of information and support for individuals facing various disabilities and illnesses. From practical advice on managing specific conditions to inspiring stories of entrepreneurial success despite physical challenges, these websites offer comprehensive content to help navigate the complexities of living with a disability. Visitors can find useful links to support groups, legal advice, financial assistance, and adaptive technologies, making these platforms essential for anyone seeking guidance and community in the realm of disability and chronic illness.

Common Illnesses and Their Causes

  1. Respiratory Infections
    • Common Cold and Influenza: These viral infections are ubiquitous, affecting millions annually. Their prevalence is due to their highly contagious nature, spreading through droplets when an infected person coughs or sneezes.
    • Pneumonia: Often a complication of the flu, pneumonia can affect individuals of all ages but is particularly severe in the very young, elderly, and those with compromised immune systems.
  2. Chronic Diseases
    • Cardiovascular Diseases: Heart disease and stroke are leading causes of death globally. Risk factors include poor diet, lack of exercise, smoking, and genetic predisposition.
    • Diabetes: Type 2 diabetes, in particular, is on the rise, largely attributed to lifestyle factors such as obesity and sedentary behavior. Statistics for Type 2 Diabetes in the UK, Approximately 4.7 million people in the UK have diabetes, with around 90% of these cases being Type 2 diabetes. This translates to about 6.8% of the UK’s population. Europe: it is estimated that around 60 million people have diabetes, with Type 2 diabetes making up the majority of cases, on average, about 8.5% of the adult population in Europe. United States: In the USA, approximately 37.3 million people have diabetes, with 90-95% of these cases being Type 2 diabetes.
  3. Mental Health Disorders
    • Depression and Anxiety: Mental health issues are incredibly common, with one in four people expected to experience some form of mental illness in their lifetime. Stress, trauma, genetic factors, and biochemical imbalances are significant contributors.
    • Stress: Stress, in itself, is not typically classified as a disability. However, chronic stress can lead to or exacerbate conditions that may be considered disabilities, such as anxiety disorders, depression, and other mental health conditions. When stress results in a significant impairment of an individual’s ability to perform daily activities or work, and is documented and diagnosed by a healthcare professional, it may then be recognized as a contributing factor to a disability.
    • Grief: Grief, while a profound emotional response to loss, is not typically classified as a disability. It is a natural process that individuals experience after the loss of a loved one, involving a range of emotions such as sadness, anger, and guilt. However, if grief becomes prolonged and severe, leading to significant impairment in daily functioning, it may develop into a condition known as complicated grief or persistent complex bereavement disorder. In such cases, this condition might be recognized as a mental health disorder and could potentially be considered a disability under certain legal definitions, depending on the jurisdiction and the impact on the individual’s ability to work or perform daily activities.
    • Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD): OCD is a mental health condition characterized by persistent, unwanted thoughts (obsessions) and repetitive behaviors (compulsions) that individuals feel driven to perform to alleviate stress and anxiety. In the United Kingdom, it is estimated that around 1.2% of the population suffers from Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD), which equates to approximately 750,000 people. In the United States, the prevalence of OCD is similar, affecting about 1.2% of the adult population, which translates to roughly 2.3 million people. These statistics highlight the widespread nature of OCD and underscore the importance of accessible mental health resources and support for those affected.
  4. Musculoskeletal Disorders
    • Arthritis: This condition, causing pain and inflammation in the joints, is prevalent among older adults but can also affect younger individuals, particularly athletes or those with repetitive strain injuries.
    • Back Pain: A leading cause of disability, back pain affects people of all ages and is often due to poor posture, lack of exercise, or occupational hazards.
  5. Cancer
    • Various Types: Cancer does not discriminate, affecting people regardless of age, gender, or status. Risk factors vary widely, including genetic predisposition, environmental exposures, lifestyle choices, and sometimes unknown causes.
  6. Neurological Disorders
    • Alzheimer’s Disease: Primarily affecting older adults, Alzheimer’s and other dementias are increasing as life expectancy rises.
    • Epilepsy: A neurological condition causing recurrent seizures, epilepsy can develop at any age.
    • Multiple sclerosis: is a chronic neurological condition in which the immune system mistakenly attacks the protective covering of nerve fibers, leading to communication problems between the brain and the rest of the body.
    • Autoimmune diseases: occur when the immune system mistakenly targets and attacks the body’s tissues, causing inflammation and damage to various organs and systems.

The Non-Discriminatory Nature of Illness and Disability

Illness and disability do not discriminate. They affect the young and old, rich and poor, and individuals from all walks of life. This universality underscores the importance of healthcare access and the need for societal support systems.

  1. Children and Adolescents: Conditions like asthma, ADHD, and congenital disabilities are common among the young, affecting their development and daily lives.
  2. Adults: Working-age adults often contend with stress-related illnesses, chronic pain, and lifestyle diseases, balancing their health with professional and personal responsibilities.
  3. Elderly: Aging brings its own set of challenges, including increased susceptibility to chronic diseases, cognitive decline, and physical disabilities.

Embracing a Supportive Community

Recognizing that illness and disability are shared human experiences can promote compassion and solidarity. It is essential to create inclusive environments that accommodate individuals with varying health needs. This involves:

  • Accessible Healthcare: Ensuring that everyone has access to affordable and quality healthcare services.
  • Education and Awareness: Raising awareness about common illnesses and disabilities to reduce stigma and encourage early intervention.
  • Support Networks: Building strong support networks, including family, friends, and community resources, to provide emotional and practical assistance.


Illness and disability are inescapable aspects of the human condition. By acknowledging their prevalence and understanding their causes, we can better prepare to support one another through these inevitable challenges. Fostering a culture of empathy and support ensures that when illness or disability touches our lives, we are not alone, but rather surrounded by a caring community ready to help.

Disability UK: Empowering the Disabled Community

Disability UK Logo
A round logo of a blue butterfly surrounded by a black border with white text Disability UK: www.disabilityuk.co.uk

Disability UK: Empowering the Disabled Community through Digital Innovation

Accessibility and inclusivity have become paramount. Disability UK (www.disabilityuk.co.uk) stands as a beacon of support, advocacy, and resources for the disabled community in the United Kingdom. Owned by the pioneering UK Website Designers (www.ukwebsitedesigners.co.uk), Disability UK is part of a broader initiative that includes the recent acquisitions of www.disableduk.co.uk and www.disbleduk.com.

The Vision of Disability UK

Disability UK was created with a clear mission: to provide a comprehensive, user-friendly platform that caters to the needs of individuals with disabilities. The website serves as a hub for information on disability rights, accessible services, adaptive technologies, and community support. By consolidating a wide range of resources, Disability UK ensures that users can easily find the information they need to navigate the challenges they face.

Comprehensive Resources and Support

The content on Disability UK is meticulously curated to address the diverse needs of the disabled community. The website offers:

  • News and Updates: Keeping users informed about the latest developments in disability rights, legislation, and advocacy.
  • Resource Directory: A comprehensive listing of organizations, services, and products designed to support people with disabilities.
  • Personal Stories: Inspirational accounts from individuals who share their experiences and triumphs, fostering a sense of community and solidarity.
  • Accessibility Guides: Practical advice on making homes, workplaces, and public spaces more accessible.

The Role of UK Website Designers

UK Website Designers, the company behind Disability UK, is renowned for its expertise in creating accessible, user-centric websites. Their commitment to inclusivity is evident in their design philosophy, which prioritizes ease of navigation, readability, and compatibility with assistive technologies. This ensures that Disability UK is not only a repository of valuable information but also a model of accessible web design.

Expanding the Reach: Acquisitions of Disabled UK and Disabled UK

In a strategic move to broaden their impact, UK Website Designers recently acquired www.disableduk.co.uk and www.disbaleduk.com. These acquisitions are more than just expansions; they represent a consolidation of resources that will enhance the accessibility and usability of information for people with disabilities. By integrating these platforms, Disability UK aims to create a unified network that can better serve its audience through:

  • Unified Content: Merging the content from all three websites to provide a more comprehensive resource pool.
  • Improved Accessibility: Utilizing the latest in web design to ensure all sites meet high accessibility standards.
  • Greater Community Engagement: Expanding forums, support groups, and interactive features to foster a more robust online community.

Looking Ahead

The future for Disability UK and its sister sites looks promising. With the backing of UK Website Designers, these platforms are set to continue evolving, driven by the needs and feedback of the disabled community. Upcoming features will include more interactive tools, enhanced support services, and continued advocacy for disability rights.


Disability UK, supported by UK Website Designers and bolstered by its recent acquisitions, is not just a website; it is a movement towards greater inclusivity and support for people with disabilities. By leveraging digital innovation, Disability UK is paving the way for a more accessible and empowered future for all.

Guide To Claiming PIP For Depression and Anxiety

Cream & Brown Coloured Image Depicting Wording Typed On A Typewriter With the Words 'Depression Disability'. Image Credit: PhotoFunia.com Category Vintage Typewriter.
Cream & Brown Coloured Image Depicting Wording Typed On A Typewriter With the Words ‘Depression Disability’. Image Credit: PhotoFunia.com Category Vintage Typewriter.

The Impact of Depression and Anxiety on Daily Functionality

Depression and anxiety are pervasive mental health issues that can significantly disrupt a person’s daily life. These conditions can affect one’s ability to function in various aspects, including personal, social, and professional domains. Understanding their impact is crucial for both sufferers and those supporting them, as it can lead to more effective coping strategies and interventions.

The Nature of Depression and Anxiety

Depression is characterized by persistent sadness, loss of interest in previously enjoyable activities, and a range of emotional and physical problems. Common symptoms include fatigue, changes in appetite and sleep patterns, and difficulty concentrating. Anxiety, on the other hand, involves excessive worry and fear, often accompanied by physical symptoms such as increased heart rate, sweating, and trembling. Both conditions can occur separately or together, compounding their impact.

Cognitive Impairments

One of the most significant effects of depression and anxiety is on cognitive functions. These impairments can include:

  1. Difficulty Concentrating: Individuals may find it hard to focus on tasks, leading to decreased productivity and efficiency. Simple tasks can become overwhelming, and completing work on time may seem impossible.
  2. Memory Problems: Both short-term and long-term memory can be affected. Forgetfulness can strain personal and professional relationships and lead to mistakes in work or daily tasks.
  3. Decision-Making Difficulties: Depression and anxiety can cloud judgment and make decision-making a strenuous process. This can result in procrastination and missed opportunities, further exacerbating feelings of inadequacy.

Physical Symptoms and Fatigue

Physical symptoms of depression and anxiety can be debilitating. These include:

  1. Chronic Fatigue: Persistent tiredness can make getting out of bed a daunting task. This fatigue is not relieved by rest and can significantly hinder daily activities and responsibilities.
  2. Sleep Disturbances: Insomnia or hypersomnia (excessive sleeping) can disrupt the body’s natural rhythms, leading to further fatigue and cognitive impairments.
  3. Somatic Complaints: Physical symptoms like headaches, stomachaches, and muscle tension are common. These symptoms can lead to frequent absenteeism from work or school and avoidance of social activities.

Emotional and Behavioral Changes

Depression and anxiety can cause significant emotional and behavioral changes that affect daily life:

  1. Irritability and Mood Swings: Increased irritability and frequent mood swings can strain relationships with family, friends, and colleagues.
  2. Social Withdrawal: A person may avoid social interactions, leading to isolation and further exacerbating feelings of loneliness and despair.
  3. Reduced Motivation: Lack of interest and motivation can lead to neglect of personal hygiene, household chores, and other daily responsibilities.

Impact on Professional Life

In the workplace, depression and anxiety can lead to:

  1. Decreased Productivity: Cognitive impairments and lack of motivation can reduce work output and quality.
  2. Increased Absenteeism: Frequent sick days due to mental and physical symptoms can affect job performance and career progression.
  3. Interpersonal Conflicts: Mood swings and irritability can lead to misunderstandings and conflicts with colleagues and supervisors.

Social and Personal Life

In personal and social contexts, these conditions can result in:

  1. Strained Relationships: Loved ones may struggle to understand the changes in behavior and mood, leading to conflicts and misunderstandings.
  2. Reduced Participation in Activities: Hobbies and social gatherings may be abandoned, leading to a loss of pleasure and social support.
  3. Parenting Challenges: Parents with depression or anxiety may find it difficult to engage with their children, impacting the family dynamic and the children’s well-being.

Coping Strategies and Support

Addressing the impact of depression and anxiety on daily functionality involves a combination of strategies:

  1. Professional Help: Therapy, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), and medication can be effective treatments. Regular consultations with healthcare providers are essential for managing symptoms.
  2. Support Systems: Strong support from family, friends, and support groups can provide emotional comfort and practical assistance.
  3. Self-Care: Regular exercise, a balanced diet, adequate sleep, and mindfulness practices can help manage symptoms.
  4. Time Management: Breaking tasks into smaller, manageable steps can reduce overwhelm and improve productivity.
  5. Communication: Openly discussing challenges with employers and loved ones can foster understanding and support.

30 Ways Depression and Anxiety Can Affect Daily Life

  1. Avoid washing and personal hygiene
  2. Increase in alcohol consumption
  3. Use of drugs for self-medication
  4. Neglecting household chores
  5. Isolating from friends and family
  6. Missing work or school frequently
  7. Sleeping too much or too little
  8. Overeating or loss of appetite
  9. Lack of interest in hobbies or activities
  10. Difficulty making decisions
  11. Procrastination on important tasks
  12. Persistent feelings of sadness or hopelessness
  13. Increased irritability and anger
  14. Decreased productivity at work
  15. Trouble focusing or concentrating
  16. Forgetting important appointments or tasks
  17. Financial irresponsibility or neglecting bills
  18. Avoiding social gatherings and events
  19. Withdrawing from relationships
  20. Chronic fatigue and lack of energy
  21. Physical symptoms like headaches or stomachaches
  22. Avoiding exercise or physical activity
  23. Engaging in risky behaviors
  24. Difficulty maintaining a regular routine
  25. Decline in personal appearance
  26. Avoiding seeking medical or mental health care
  27. Negative self-talk and low self-esteem
  28. Feeling overwhelmed by simple tasks
  29. Emotional numbness or detachment
  30. Increased dependency on others for support

The Urgent Need to Address Depression and Grief: A Call to Policymakers and Stakeholders

Depression and grief are universal experiences that can strike anyone, regardless of their background, socioeconomic status, or personal achievements. Policymakers and stakeholders must recognize the profound impact these conditions can have on individuals and society as a whole. By taking these issues seriously and implementing comprehensive support systems, we can foster a more compassionate and resilient community.

The Ubiquity of Depression and Grief

Depression is a debilitating mental health condition characterized by persistent sadness, loss of interest in activities, and a range of physical and emotional symptoms. Grief, often triggered by the loss of a loved one, significant life changes, or traumatic events, shares many of these symptoms. Both can affect anyone, from successful business executives to stay-at-home parents, highlighting the indiscriminate nature of these afflictions.

The Profound Impact of Loss

Imagine the harrowing experience of losing a loved one, watching your business collapse, your home burgled, or recovering from domestic violence. Such events can be profoundly traumatic, leaving individuals grappling with intense emotions and a sense of helplessness. These experiences can trigger severe depression, making it difficult to carry out daily activities, maintain relationships, and engage in work or leisure.

The Consequences of Ignoring Mental Health

Failing to address depression and grief can have far-reaching consequences. Individuals suffering from these conditions often face:

  1. Deteriorating Physical Health: Chronic depression can lead to a host of physical issues, including heart disease, weakened immune function, and chronic pain.
  2. Reduced Productivity: Depression can significantly impair cognitive function, reducing productivity and efficiency in the workplace.
  3. Strained Relationships: The emotional toll of depression and grief can lead to conflicts and distancing in personal relationships.
  4. Increased Healthcare Costs: Untreated mental health issues often result in higher healthcare costs due to frequent doctor visits and long-term treatment needs.
  5. Social Isolation: The stigma surrounding mental health can cause individuals to withdraw from social interactions, exacerbating their condition.

The Role of Policymakers and Stakeholders

Policymakers and stakeholders have a crucial role in addressing these issues by implementing effective strategies and policies. Here are some key areas of focus:

  1. Mental Health Education: Raising awareness about depression and grief, their symptoms, and the importance of seeking help is vital. Educational campaigns can reduce stigma and encourage early intervention.
  2. Accessible Mental Health Services: Ensuring that mental health services are accessible and affordable for everyone is essential. This includes funding for counseling, therapy, and support groups.
  3. Workplace Support: Employers should be encouraged to create supportive work environments that recognize the impact of mental health on productivity and provide resources for employees in need.
  4. Crisis Intervention: Establishing robust crisis intervention programs can provide immediate support for individuals experiencing acute mental health crises.
  5. Research and Funding: Investing in mental health research can lead to better understanding and treatment of depression and grief. Increased funding for mental health programs is also crucial.

Building a Compassionate Society

Addressing depression and grief requires a collective effort. By acknowledging the seriousness of these conditions and taking proactive measures, we can create a society that supports mental well-being. Policymakers and stakeholders must lead the way in fostering an environment where individuals feel safe to seek help and are provided with the necessary resources to recover and thrive.

Disability Does Not Discriminate, Nor Should Policymakers or PIP Assessors

Disability can affect anyone, regardless of their age, gender, socioeconomic status, or background. It is an equal-opportunity condition that does not choose its victims, striking individuals from all walks of life. Given this reality, it is imperative that policymakers and Personal Independence Payment (PIP) assessors approach their roles with fairness, empathy, and an unwavering commitment to equality.

The Reality of Disability

Disabilities come in many forms—physical, mental, sensory, and intellectual—and can result from a variety of causes, including genetic conditions, accidents, illnesses, and aging. No demographic is immune. An affluent professional is just as likely to become disabled as a person from a lower socioeconomic background. This universality underscores the need for policies and assessments that are equitable and devoid of bias.

The Role of Policymakers

Policymakers have the power to shape the lives of disabled individuals through legislation and resource allocation. They must ensure that laws and policies recognize the diverse experiences of people with disabilities and provide adequate support. This includes:

  1. Comprehensive Legislation: Enacting laws that protect the rights of disabled individuals and ensure equal access to opportunities and resources.
  2. Funding for Services: Allocating sufficient funding for healthcare, rehabilitation, assistive technologies, and social services.
  3. Public Awareness Campaigns: Promoting understanding and acceptance of disabilities to combat stigma and discrimination.

The Responsibilities of PIP Assessors

PIP assessors play a critical role in determining the support that individuals with disabilities receive. Their assessments must be:

  1. Objective and Unbiased: Ensuring that personal prejudices do not influence the evaluation process. An assessor’s role is to accurately and fairly assess an individual’s needs based on their condition, not superficial judgments.
  2. Comprehensive: Recognizing the full impact of a disability, including invisible and episodic conditions such as mental health issues. Seeing someone smile should not lead to the assumption that they are not struggling.
  3. Empathetic: Conducting assessments with sensitivity and respect, acknowledging the individual’s lived experience and the challenges they face.

Combatting Discrimination

To combat discrimination, both policymakers and PIP assessors must be trained to understand the nuances of disability. This includes:

  1. Ongoing Education: Regular training on the latest developments in disability research and best practices in assessment and support.
  2. Stakeholder Engagement: Consulting with disabled individuals and advocacy groups to ensure that policies and assessment processes reflect their needs and experiences.
  3. Transparency and Accountability: Implementing clear guidelines and accountability measures to prevent and address discriminatory practices.


Depression and grief are profound challenges that can affect anyone, at any time. Policymakers and stakeholders must never take these conditions for granted. By implementing comprehensive mental health strategies, we can ensure that those suffering receive the support they need, ultimately building a more compassionate, understanding, and resilient society. Recognizing and addressing the impacts of depression and grief is not only a moral imperative but also a crucial step toward a healthier and more productive community.

Depression and anxiety can profoundly affect a person’s daily functionality, impacting cognitive abilities, physical health, emotional well-being, and social interactions. Recognizing these effects and implementing coping strategies are crucial steps toward improving quality of life and managing these conditions effectively. With appropriate treatment and support, individuals can regain control and lead fulfilling lives despite the challenges posed by depression and anxiety.

Personal Independence Payment (PIP) assessments should not confuse the symptoms of depression with a person’s intelligence, as doing so perpetuates a form of discrimination known as ableism. Depression is a serious mental health condition that can significantly impair daily functioning, regardless of an individual’s cognitive abilities. It’s crucial for PIP assessors to understand that outward expressions, such as smiling, do not necessarily reflect one’s internal emotional state. Mistaking a brief moment of apparent happiness for an overall assessment of well-being undermines the complexity of mental health issues and can lead to unjust decisions regarding support and benefits. This approach not only dismisses the severity of depression but also reinforces stereotypes and biases that contribute to the marginalization of those with mental health conditions.

Depression does not discriminate, and neither should those responsible for shaping and implementing policies and support systems. Policymakers and PIP assessors must uphold principles of fairness, empathy, and inclusivity, ensuring that all individuals with disabilities receive the respect, support, and opportunities they deserve. By doing so, we move closer to a society where everyone, regardless of their abilities, can lead fulfilling and dignified lives.

Further Reading

Princess of Wales Announces Cancer Diagnosis: A Royal Family in Crisis

In a deeply shocking revelation, Buckingham Palace has disclosed that Princess of Wales, Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge, is undergoing treatment for cancer. The news has sent shockwaves through the royal family and beyond, prompting an outpouring of support and concern from people around the world.

The announcement, made through official channels, has stunned many who have admired Princess Catherine for her grace, poise, and dedication to her royal duties. While specific details about the type and stage of her cancer have not been disclosed, the seriousness of the diagnosis has underscored the indiscriminate nature of the disease and its ability to affect individuals from all walks of life.

Princess Catherine, known for her philanthropic work, commitment to mental health advocacy, and role as a devoted wife and mother, has long been regarded as a pillar of strength within the royal family. Her battle with cancer represents a new and formidable challenge, one that will undoubtedly test her resilience and courage.

Adding to the gravity of the situation is the revelation that King Charles, the heir to the throne and Princess Catherine’s father-in-law, has also been diagnosed with cancer. The dual diagnoses have cast a shadow over the royal family, raising questions about the future of the monarchy and the health of its key members.

As Princess Catherine and King Charles embark on their respective journeys of treatment and recovery, the royal family finds itself facing an unprecedented period of uncertainty and concern. The health of two of its most prominent members has brought into sharp focus the fragility of life and the importance of cherishing each moment.

Despite the challenges they face, both Princess Catherine and King Charles have shown remarkable resilience and determination in confronting their diagnoses. Their courage in the face of adversity serves as an inspiration to millions, offering hope and encouragement to those who may find themselves in similar circumstances.

As the royal family rallies around Princess Catherine and King Charles, offering their unwavering support and love, the world watches with bated breath, hoping for positive outcomes and a swift recovery for both individuals. In times of crisis, it is the strength of community and the bonds of family that provide solace and support, and nowhere is this more evident than within the close-knit circle of the monarchy.

In the days and weeks ahead, the focus will remain on supporting Princess Catherine and King Charles as they navigate the challenges of their respective treatments. The outpouring of support and well-wishes from around the world is a testament to the enduring respect and admiration that both individuals command, and a reminder of the power of unity and compassion in the face of adversity.

Cancer Support Groups and Charities

Support groups and charities play a crucial role in providing assistance, guidance, and solace to individuals and families affected by cancer in the UK. These organizations offer a wide range of services, including emotional support, practical advice, financial assistance, and access to resources for treatment and recovery. Here are some prominent support groups and charities dedicated to supporting those affected by cancer:

  1. Macmillan Cancer Support: Website: https://www.macmillan.org.uk/ Macmillan Cancer Support is one of the largest cancer support charities in the UK. They offer a comprehensive range of services, including information and support centers, financial guidance, counseling services, and practical assistance such as help at home and transport to appointments.
  2. Cancer Research UK: Website: https://www.cancerresearchuk.org/ Cancer Research UK is a leading charity dedicated to funding research, providing information, and offering support to those affected by cancer. Their website provides valuable resources on cancer prevention, diagnosis, and treatment, as well as information on how to get involved in fundraising and volunteering.
  3. Maggie’s: Website: https://www.maggies.org/ Maggie’s offers practical, emotional, and social support to people with cancer and their families and friends. They provide a network of centers across the UK where people can access support from healthcare professionals, join support groups, and take part in various activities and workshops.
  4. Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation: Website: https://www.roycastle.org/ The Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation is dedicated to supporting those affected by lung cancer. They offer information and support services, fund research into the disease, and campaign for better awareness and treatment options for lung cancer patients.
  5. Breast Cancer Now: Website: https://breastcancernow.org/ Breast Cancer Now is the UK’s largest breast cancer charity, providing support services, funding research, and campaigning for improved care and treatment for breast cancer patients. They offer a range of support services, including a helpline, online community, and information resources.
  6. Teenage Cancer Trust: Website: https://www.teenagecancertrust.org/ The Teenage Cancer Trust is dedicated to improving the lives of young people with cancer aged 13 to 24. They provide specialist cancer units within hospitals, support services tailored to young people’s needs, and opportunities for social interaction and peer support.

These organizations, along with many others across the UK, work tirelessly to provide vital support and assistance to individuals and families affected by cancer. Whether through fundraising, volunteering, or accessing their services, those facing cancer can find comfort and guidance in the compassionate care provided by these charities.

Further Reading:

#princessofwales #princesscatherine #kingcharles #cancer #cancersupport #chemotheraphy

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PIP Horrific Self-Harm Questions

Mental Health Monitor

Disclaimer – This article is of a sensitive nature and mentions trigger words.

“PIP Horrific Self-Harm Questions: The Unsettling Inquiry That Claimants Face”

The Personal Independence Payment (PIP) system is designed to provide financial support to people with disabilities or long-term health conditions in the United Kingdom. While the intention behind PIP is to assist those in need, there have been growing concerns regarding the assessment process and the intrusive nature of certain questions asked during assessments. One particularly distressing issue is the inclusion of questions about self-harm, which some claimants find deeply triggering and distressing.

The PIP Assessment Process:

The PIP assessment process involves a thorough examination of an individual’s physical and mental health to determine their eligibility for financial support. Claimants are required to attend an assessment interview where they are asked a series of questions designed to evaluate their ability to carry out daily activities. These questions cover various aspects of daily life, such as mobility, personal care, and cognitive function.

The Triggering Self-Harm Questions:

One aspect of the PIP assessment process that has drawn significant criticism is the inclusion of questions related to self-harm. Claimants have reported being asked about self-harm, including questions about the frequency, severity, and methods used. For individuals who have a history of self-harm, these questions can be deeply distressing and triggering.

The Impact on Claimants:

Claimants who have a history of self-harm have expressed their concerns and distress regarding these questions. Many have reported feeling forced to answer questions about self-harm despite asserting that it is a highly sensitive and triggering topic for them. This has led to feelings of anxiety, shame, and humiliation during the assessment process, causing additional emotional distress to already vulnerable individuals.

Advocacy and Concerns:

Advocacy groups and mental health organizations have raised concerns about the inclusion of self-harm questions in the PIP assessment process. They argue that these questions are inappropriate and that they can retraumatize individuals who have already experienced significant emotional pain. Many claimants and their advocates argue that these questions do not contribute to a fair assessment of an individual’s eligibility for PIP and should be removed from the process.

The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) Response:

The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) has acknowledged the concerns raised by claimants and advocates regarding the self-harm questions. In response, the DWP has stated that they are committed to improving the assessment process and ensuring that it is fair and respectful. They have pledged to work with advocacy groups and individuals with lived experience to make necessary changes.

“Compassionate Assessments: The Importance of Empathy in Disability Evaluation”

The process of assessing individuals for disability benefits is an essential part of ensuring that those in need receive the support they require. However, it’s equally crucial that this assessment process is conducted with empathy, respect, and sensitivity. One key aspect of this is training assessors to gauge the emotional well-being of claimants and to approach sensitive topics with care, such as by asking about their emotional state and ensuring questions do not trigger intrusive thoughts.

The Role of Assessors:

Assessors play a pivotal role in the disability evaluation process. They are tasked with understanding the complex needs and challenges that individuals with disabilities face in their daily lives. While gathering essential information is part of their job, it is equally vital that they approach their role with empathy and mindfulness, recognizing the emotional toll that the assessment process can have on claimants.

Emotional Well-being Assessment:

One way to introduce compassion into the assessment process is by having assessors ask a simple yet powerful question: “How are you feeling today?” This question not only acknowledges the claimant’s emotional state but also opens the door for them to express their feelings and concerns. This can help create a more supportive and empathetic atmosphere during the assessment.

Additionally, using a scale of 1-10 to gauge a claimant’s emotional state can be a valuable tool. It allows claimants to provide a snapshot of their emotional well-being on that particular day, helping assessors understand the context in which the assessment is taking place. This approach recognizes that emotional states can vary, and it provides an opportunity to adjust the assessment process accordingly.

Avoiding Triggering Questions:

Assessors should also receive training on recognizing and avoiding questions that can trigger intrusive thoughts or emotional distress in claimants. This is particularly important when dealing with self-harm, trauma, or mental health issues. Instead of asking probing or potentially distressing questions, assessors should take a more holistic approach, focusing on understanding how the claimant’s condition affects their daily life and functionality.

The Impact of Empathetic Assessments:

Empathetic assessments can have a profound impact on the well-being of claimants. When individuals feel heard, respected, and understood during the assessment process, they are more likely to engage openly and honestly with assessors. This, in turn, leads to a more accurate evaluation of their needs and a higher likelihood of receiving the appropriate support.

“Recovering from a Distressing PIP Assessment: What to Do When Emotional Distress Takes a Toll”

The process of applying for Personal Independence Payment (PIP) can be a challenging and emotionally charged experience for individuals with disabilities or long-term health conditions. In some cases, the PIP assessment itself can cause emotional distress and adversely affect a claimant’s health, potentially undoing the progress they have made. If you find yourself in this situation, it’s essential to know what steps you can take to address the emotional impact and regain control of your well-being.

Recognize the Impact:

It’s crucial to acknowledge that a distressing PIP assessment can take a significant toll on your emotional and mental well-being. The intrusive nature of some questions and the anxiety associated with the assessment process can lead to emotional distress, exacerbating existing health issues. Recognizing the emotional impact is the first step in addressing it.

Seek Support:

You don’t have to go through this challenging experience alone. Reach out to a trusted friend, family member, or mental health professional who can provide emotional support and guidance. Talking about your feelings and experiences can be therapeutic and help you process the distress you’ve endured.

Document Your Experience:

Keeping a record of your PIP assessment experience can be valuable if you need to appeal or make a formal complaint. Document the questions that caused distress, how they made you feel, and any physical or emotional symptoms you experienced afterward. This documentation can serve as evidence of the impact on your health.

Contact the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP):

If the PIP assessment has caused you emotional distress, consider reaching out to the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) to express your concerns. While the DWP may not be able to reverse the assessment, they should take your feedback seriously. Providing them with feedback on the distressing aspects of the assessment process may contribute to improving the system for future claimants.

Appeal the Decision (if necessary):

If the PIP assessment results in an unfavorable decision, and you believe it doesn’t accurately reflect your needs or capabilities, you have the right to appeal. Seek assistance from a benefits adviser or advocate who can guide you through the appeals process. Presenting your case with appropriate evidence and documentation can increase your chances of a successful appeal.

Focus on Self-Care:

Emotional distress can take a toll on your overall health. Prioritize self-care by engaging in activities that promote relaxation and well-being. This could include meditation, exercise, spending time with loved ones, or seeking counseling or therapy to address any lingering emotional trauma.

Consider Legal Assistance:

In extreme cases where the emotional distress and health deterioration are severe, seeking legal assistance may be necessary. Consult with a solicitor or legal aid service experienced in disability benefit cases to explore your options for taking legal action against an unfair or unjust assessment.

A distressing PIP assessment can be a challenging experience, but it’s essential to remember that you have options and avenues for seeking help and redress. Your emotional well-being is paramount, and by taking proactive steps to address the distress and seek support, you can work towards regaining control over your health and your life. Don’t hesitate to reach out to trusted individuals, professionals, or advocacy organizations to guide you through the process of recovery and, if necessary, appeal.


The inclusion of self-harm questions in the PIP assessment process has caused distress and discomfort for many claimants who are already dealing with challenging physical and mental health conditions. It is crucial for the DWP to consider the emotional well-being of claimants and work toward a more empathetic and respectful assessment process. Advocacy groups and mental health organizations continue to press for change, urging the removal of these distressing questions to create a more compassionate system that supports those in need without causing further harm.

Empathy and compassion should be at the forefront of disability assessments. Assessors play a crucial role in creating a supportive and respectful environment for claimants. By asking about a claimant’s emotional state and avoiding triggering questions, assessors can ensure that the assessment process is fair, accurate, empathetic, and considerate of the emotional well-being of those seeking support. Ultimately, a compassionate approach benefits everyone involved, leading to better outcomes for individuals with disabilities and a more just system of disability evaluation.

Personal Experience

I have recently had a PIP Assessment and the assessor started asking about self-harm. I immediately said it was a a trigger for me and not to ask the questions but she insisted saying she had to ask. I told her several times that I did not want to have negative thoughts and that her line of questioning was making me feel uncomfortable but she persisted.

My mental health as a consequence has deteriorated and all the progress I was making with my self-help therapy has been destroyed in one fell swoop.

I haven’t been able to work and I am extremely angry that I was humiliated and degraded. I was asked irrelevant questions such as do I eat vegetables and how often. Perhaps the assessor did not know what to ask and most definitely was not trained properly.

One should never ask about self-harm or suicide directly but should ask in a more sensitive manner. If the claimant says they are not comfortable the assessor should not press further, yet in this case, she did which has caused irreparable damage. Now I have to start my healing all over again.

DWP takes a dim view of you recording calls, however, there is nothing stopping you from making notes. If the call was recorded on the PIP side and they failed to inform you they have essentially broken the law. The people involved in the call must have given consent to be recorded. You can request a transcription of the call recording, as I have done but it has fallen on deaf ears.

It remains to be seen what the outcome of the assessment will be.

#pip #pipassessment#selfharm #suicide #suicidalthoughts #intrusivethoughts #triggerquestions #tiggerwords #negativethoughts #duress #mentalhealth #invisibledisabilities #humiliation #degrading #dwp

Further Reading


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Impact of Energy Prices On Vulnerable People

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Impact of Energy Prices On Vulnerable People.

Vulnerable people are being hospitalized because their energy supplies are being cut off because of nonpayment and arrears.

Some vulnerable people need energy supplies more so than the normal healthy person, this could be oxygen tanks, to mobility equipment.

Vulnerable people are being hospitalized after having gas and electric cut off (msn.com)

I have always known that large corporations do not care about people. If you look at the bigger picture, if you or I murdered someone we would go to jail regardless if we did it ourselves or hired someone to do it for us. So why is it that world leaders can start wars and get away with murder?

The whole point of wars is to raise inflation, people tend to panic buy, by worrying about price rises. But for organizations such as utility providers that are on a gravy train getting compensated by the federal reserve, they do not care about your well-being either.

It is all about the sheer greed for money and power.


Hidden Secrets of Money – Mike Maloney. – CYMRU DIGITAL MARKETING BUSINESS JOURNAL (cymrumarketing.com)

Politicians kicking the can down the road: Liz Truss: No more sticking plasters to fix the energy crisis (msn.com)

Liz Truss vows to act ‘immediately’ and will help millions ‘within a week’ with their ‘energy bills’ if she is elected as PM – London Business News | Londonlovesbusiness.com

OFGEM the ombudsman for energy suppliers is the government. The energy suppliers and the governments work hand in hand. Ofgem is supposed to work with people and not against them: However, Samantha Allen, chief executive of the NHS in the North East and Cumbria, hit out at Ofgem for halting energy supplies for vulnerable people who haven’t paid. Risks to clinically vulnerable people (northeastnorthcumbria.nhs.uk) Do you see that OFGEM is on the side of the energy supplier and not the people?

It will be interesting to see if what I say is true, because I have reported British Gas to OFGEM and I have until October 14th, 2022 to get a response.

The MPs are getting richer and the rest of us are getting poorer.

So it is no surprise there is an investigation going on how MPs have claimed taxpayer’s money to pay for the energy bills.

Ministers’ claims for gas, electricity, and water came to just over £195,000 in 2021–’22, according to an analysis of data from IPSA.

It also showed since 2019 that MPs have claimed just over £692,000 to cover these utility costs, with £538,000 alone going on heating bills.

Suella Braverman, favorite to be named home secretary if Ms. Truss wins the leadership contest, has claimed £7,160 for household utilities since the 2019-’ 20 financial period.

Education secretary James Cleverly, predicted to become foreign secretary, billed taxpayers £4,142 in energy and water bills at the same time.

Among senior Labour MPs making the claims was the party’s deputy leader Angela Rayner, who has been handed £2,318 to cover energy and water bills since 2019.

MPs claimed almost £200,000 from taxpayer to heat second homes (msn.com)

You have to bear in mind that these people in power have never experienced poverty for themselves, they have never had to worry about keeping a roof over their heads or putting food on the table let alone finding money to pay bills.

It is ironic that the same people go around preaching how someone should budget their money and send you to places like stepchange .org when you already have a clear picture that you do not have enough money coming in to cover your bills. So how can these charities help other than to give donations?

It really rattles me that the people at the top preach to the rest of us about money yet they are the ones causing us to get into debt.

Note From The Editor

Think of it this way the world is overpopulated, and the governments are forking a shed load for vulnerable people and people with disabilities. The governments (UK are in trillions of debt to the EU for Brexit, so where is the money going to come from to clear the UK debt?

I am now on par with managing my money after months of sheer heartache with British Gas. This cost of living, British Gas, and my creditors have caused me to dive into a deep state of depression and some days find it hard to function properly. If Covid was not bad enough and I lost a lot of business now I am having clients dropping like flies because they cannot afford to run their websites any longer. I do not see the government helping small businesses, do you?

I do try to keep myself busy and I try to learn something new every day. Talking to people does not help (not for me anyway), what advice can someone give, if they are not more qualified than me, or know my personal circumstances?

Knowledge is Power“.

I am not saying do not talk to someone, in fact, I advise you to talk to a friend, family, or colleague, especially if life is becoming unbearable. Even go as far as talking to your GP (Doctor) but if it can’t wait phone A&E or ER.

What I find is venting my thoughts on this site helps. It not only helps me but can help someone else like me.

You do not have to use your real name just set up a Gmail email and register on here to also vent. In fact, I have even got categories called “Online Journal General” and “I Need To Vent”.

My final recommendation is not to stop paying your bills altogether, but instead, pay what you can afford while at the same time reducing your energy usage. This will hurt the energy suppliers’ profits. I have elected to pay monthly by bank transfer rather than direct debit, this gives me greater control over my bank and does not give energy suppliers a license to help themselves.

How To Reduce Your Energy Usage Home & Business – CYMRU DIGITAL MARKETING BUSINESS JOURNAL (cymrumarketing.com)

#energyprices #vulnerablepeople #mentalhealth #ofgem #enerysupply #energyproviders #vulnerabledeaths

British Gas Meter Readings.

British Gas Meter Readings.

Warning: Reality Check for Utility Providers, the whole of the UK is not going to be using the same amount of Gas or Electricity prior to the Price Hikes and therefore do not go by past usage and only go by current usage moving forward. British Gas is purposely putting people in debt.

As a lot of our loyal readers already know I had a bit of a ding dong with British Gas the other day, so bravely today I decided to give them another call. https://disabledentrepreneur.uk/chris-oshea-ceo-of-centrica-and-british-gas-earns-775k-whilst-the-vulnerable-suffer/

Excited at the fact that I had only used 8 units in the last two weeks which equates to £20.07, according to the customer service advisor I spoke to today, yet my payment plan has not changed and is still asking for £190 per month even though I am going to be using £40 worth of Gas moving forward. (See screenshots of my meter readings below).

According to ‘British Gas’, they calculate past data of usage and I have said in the past I had my central heating on 24/7 other than the summer months, but I am going to be using the bare minimum moving forward.

It was like talking to a brick wall and I have been told that perhaps the payment plan would be adjusted in 6 months but not before. This is forcing people to go into debt.

So hypothetically speaking, if my predicted usage will be £40 per month moving forward x 6 months left of this year which would equate to £240 but British Gas wants me to pay £190 per month x 6 months which equates to £1,140, minus what I owe = £368 & usage £240 gives a final total of £532 overpayment.

I suppose the surplus money in their bank making interest is better than it is in yours.

Now the way my plan has been calculated is for the past years’ usage rather than usage in the future even though I have proved it will be lower as I do not plan to cook, use hot water or turn the central heating on.

So today I am still nowhere near closure and it is causing me considerable distress. https://disabledentrepreneur.uk/emotional-distress-compensation/

If what I owe is £368 and say next month’s bill comes to £40 per month based on my new meter reading on the (15/06/22) x 3 months = £120 + £368 = £488 that I would owe and if British Gas wants £190 x 3 months = £570, that would mean I would overpay £82.00

Yet they are saying “the computer says no” scenario ‘Little Britain’ quote.

I also asked the question today about what support they have for mental health and the vulnerable and this is what I was told:

  • A payment plan (which we cannot agree on and they refuse to spread over 36 months but in the past they have). This is intimidation.
  • A pre-payment meter (that is for people who cannot pay on time and I refuse to have one for health reasons – read the following: https://disabledentrepreneur.uk/how-safe-are-smart-meters-for-your-health/
  • The Charity ‘British Gas Trust’ is a joke and I would not waste time donating or asking for donations because British Gas does not support the vulnerable, (notice I am not giving this company a backlink in this article).
  • Contact Stepchange which is a third-party charity and is not exactly supported by British Gas, they give financial advice because I advertise Stepchange.org on my useful links page.

So their support for me personally is as useful as a chocolate fireguard.

It was further confirmed that British Gas does not support people with Mental Health other than what has been mentioned above.

This is how condescending companies are because I did not agree to the £190, British Gas expects me to get financial advice “hello, is anyone listening? I do not need financial advice”. I know what my usage is going to be moving forward.

This is what Citizens Advice says: https://www.citizensadvice.org.uk/consumer/energy/energy-supply/get-help-paying-your-bills/getting-extra-support-from-your-energy-supplier/ May I also add nothing in the following PDF was offered to me other than what I have listed above.


I also stated I need to keep my home warm in the winter months to prevent black mold from growing as my daughter has Multiple Sclerosis (MS) and if I cannot afford to pay the astronomical prices British Gas’ is charging and I fail to turn my heating on which would cause a domino effect and my daughter relapsed from the ‘Black Mold Spores’, then someone would have to be held accountable.

Like I said in my article yesterday “if you do not have the extra money, to begin with, how are you supposed to find the extra money to pay the greedy corporate companies that make a profit on the back of your vulnerabilities”?

Below are screenshots of the meter readings.

Meter Reading 31/05/22

Meter Reading 15/06/22

When I pay this company off I am going to switch providers and not recommend this provider to anyone. If any utility company refuses to spread the costs with affordable payment plans and is unreasonable with zero support for your disabilities then you should take action.

They should at least offer you breathing space to give you the time to find the money. I have proven with photographic evidence that my usage is now going to be lower.

I begrudge helping a company that makes money off me or anyone else in a vulnerable position and who is disabled. If I thought any company was worth a good review and marketing I would consider partnering with them, but I do not in this case because they have caused emotional distress which in turn has made my mental health worse.

#britishgas #britishgasmeterreadings #paymentplans #mentalhealth #mentalhealthsupport

Cost Of Living And The Impact On Struggling Low Income Families & Entrepreneurs.

Cost of Living And The Impact On Struggling Low-Income Families & Entrepreneurs.


  • In The News.
  • Average UK Salary & Overheads.
  • Self Employed On A Low Income.
  • Reasons Why Rachel Mclean Minister Does Not Have A Clue.
  • Mental Health & Low-Income Families.
  • Mental Health.
  • Suicide Due to Cost Of Living.
  • The Government, Brexit, Deficit Spending and Debt Ceiling.
  • The Hidden Secrets Of Money – Mike Maloney.
  • Financial Difficulty.
  • Useful Links.
  • Final Thoughts From The Editor.
  • About The Author.
  • Possible Solutions – Start A Business.
  • Start A Second Income – Start a Business.
  • Disability Support.

In The News.

According to Rachel Mclean Minister stated people struggling with bills should ‘work more hours or move to better-paid job’.

Ms. Maclean said: “Over the long term we need to have a plan to grow the economy and make sure that people are able to protect themselves better – whether that is by taking on more hours or moving to a better-paid job and these are long-term actions but that’s what we’re focused on as a government.”



Firstly not all employers have the budgets to give extra hours.

Secondly, if it was so easy to get a job everyone would be doing it and we would not have so many people unemployed.

Thirdly the average salary for the average U.K. full-time worker as reported by the ONS equates to £31,772 over the year. However this may be an average yet there are many jobs that pay the National Minimum Wage based on 40 hours working week at the national minimum wage of for example £9.18, which equates to £17,625 before tax and NI.


23 and over21 to 2218 to 20Under 18Apprentice
April 2022£9.50£9.18£6.83£4.81£4.81
National Minimum Wage.


🏠Rent/mortgage payment – £1,060

⚡️The average energy bill in 2021 was £95 per month but, based on our average family using an average amount of energy, this will rise to £153 per month.

📈Council tax payment – £189

💧 £56 for water.

💻Broadband inc television and landline average £80 per month.

📱Phone bills are £45.00 per month each.

🚝 Average commute would cost them £288 per month.

👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Childcare costs have risen to £1303 with one child in nursery full time and the other in breakfast club.

🥘Feeding the family costs on average £424 a month.

Total Overheads: £3,598 x 12 month = £43,176.

Credit: Claire Wilson Recruitment and Careers Qualified Journalist | Early careers expert at Prospects, the UK’s No 1 graduate careers website|


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The Self-Employed With a Handful of Jobs With Zero Profit:

Incomings (Excluding Business Overheads) Per Month:

£00.00 Business Profit

£590 Housing Benefit

£400 Working Tax Credits

£240 Personal Independence Payment

Total £1230

Outgoings Per Month:

£655 Rent

£262 Utility Bills (Water. Gas Elec)

£80 Telephone & Broadband (Without Broadband I cannot work)

£200 Food

£91 Insurance

Total Per Month £1288 (Do The Maths).

Reasons Why Rachel Mclean Minister Does Not Have A Clue:

  • Getting another job may be in breach of the contract of the current employer.
  • Tax Implications.
  • The unemployed who cannot find work (so how is someone in employment going to find work so easily?
  • People with disabilities who cannot work? How are they supposed to live?
  • Disabled People in Employment? Disabled people find it more difficult to get work because even though we are supposed to live in a non-discrimination society, a person for example with OCD who has to wear latex gloves to touch things won’t be hired to represent a brand on a high street shop or may feel uncomfortable working in an office environment being the odd one out. Ask yourself this question how many people do you see working who have wheelchairs? Businesses with no wheelchair access are not going to go out of their way to build ramps and fit disability equipment unless that person they were hiring was worth more than his/her weight in gold.
  • Self Employed on low incomes as they struggle to get more business?
  • People with children, so are you supposed to get a second job so that you can pay for childcare to look after your kids whilst you are at work? (getting a stranger to bring your child up, I have never got my head around this unless you earn a lot of money and your career is very important to you).
  • Not all households have two incomes some people live on their own and only have one income.

Mental Health and Low-Income Families.

This affects people’s mental health with the Governments and the Banks playing God with your prosperity? Lee Anderson, Conservative MP for Ashfield, said in the House of Commons that meals could be cooked for as little as 30p a day. (You can’t even buy ramen noodles for 30p) I suppose if you had eggs and toast or jam sandwiches every day that may bring the shopping bill down, but who wants to eat toast and eggs every day?

Let’s be hypothetical here:

2 Dozen Eggs: £4.00

2 Loaves of Bread £2.40

Butter or Spread £2.00

Total Price of Groceries: £8.40 divided by 7 days = £1.20 a day

I suppose if you ate one egg a day (after all we can’t be greedy) it would bring the cost down by £2.00 which would mean your daily food bill would be 91p per day.

I am sure health professionals would be falling over themselves saying how unhealthy this would be.

But who on earth wants to live like this? This affects a person’s quality of life never mind their mental state. It’s humiliating and downright cruel. No one should be made to starve to fit in with the Government agenda.

The government needs to get its house in order before palming off its problems on the public.



Mental Health

The cost of living crisis is affecting the nation’s mental health and the already vulnerable mind.

Sarb Bajwa, CEO of the BPS (The British Psychology Society) said:

“The absence of measures to support the most vulnerable is glaring, and many families will be swept into poverty over the coming months, as they struggle to pay their bills and put food on the table. The mental health impacts of this are severe – we know that the stress of raising a family in poverty can have huge ramifications on parents’ and children’s mental health and that poverty is one of the major risk factors for the development of mental and physical health problems“.


Suicide Due To Cost Of Living.

A Sheffield Labour MP said some people in his constituency have attempted suicide in response to the rising cost of living. Paul Blomfield, MP for Sheffield Central, said: “I spent yesterday morning at a crisis meeting in a part of my constituency where incomes are lowest. And we were looking at the way in which the cost-of-living crisis we’re facing was impacting people”.


Approximately 75% of suicides occur in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) where rates of poverty are high.


The Government, Brexit, Debt Ceiling & Deficit Spending.

Debt Ceiling

The debt ceiling is the maximum amount that the U.S. government can borrow by issuing bonds. When the debt ceiling is reached, the Treasury Department must find other ways to pay expenses. Otherwise, there is a risk the U.S. will default on its debt.


Deficit Spending

Deficit spending occurs when purchases exceed income. It happens to individuals and businesses, but it usually refers to governments.



In other words, because the UK left the EU, the Brexit Divorce Bill in July 2021, was estimated at £40.8bn but Downing Street insisted the figure was between £35bn and £39bn. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/51110096 we now have a crisis on our hands. The Government needs to find the money to pay the EU. Goods and services are now subject to tariffs, increasing the cost of raw materials into Britain and finished products out.


Therefore who is paying for this if not the British Public?

You would not allow the public to make decisions about what goes on in your business especially if they had no clue about accounting and budgets?

The same should be said how can you allow a country to vote if they have no clue about economics and have not got an ounce of politics in their body?

If I was in power I would make everyone do an IQ Test and the ones that scored higher could only vote.


You allow uneducated people to vote just so you can win the game of numbers and now look at the state of the country which is now left in turmoil.

The Hidden Secrets of Money – Mike Maloney


Financial Difficulty

Depending on your location Country/Town/City there may be emergency grants available. For Cardiff for example if are experiencing severe financial hardship you may wish to claim the Discretionary Assistance Fund (DAF) Discretionary Assistance Fund (DAF) | GOV.WALES

Useful Links

Final Thoughts From The Editor.

The governments have overspent and people and businesses too. So what does that mean in the long run for the British Public? For starters, the cost of living has to be increased to pay back the debts that have accumulated and forces people to borrow even more money. For every pound/dollar borrowed you have to pay interest which is fiat currency to the banks and that is how the monetary system revolves.

If the Government and Politicians are so quick to give advice why don’t they swap places with people living on the poverty line, if one is born with silver spoons in their mouths they will never grasp how the other half lives and it is easy to dish out advice if you have never experienced life, where you have to worry where your next meal is going to come from.

It is easy to pass judgment whilst hosting wine and cheese parties and decorating walls with gold wallpaper at a cost of £840 per roll?

It’s easy to say find a job when businesses are not hiring and do not want to spend.

All businesses are tightening their reigns on their spending, so the chances of a pay rise or an increase in hours are going to be slim.

What happened to all the money that was confiscated from the Oligarchs and all their assets? (is it all just smoke and mirrors simply to confuse everyone so that they do not find out what is really going on?). Why can’t the assets be sold off to pay off the national debt?

  • Why are the owners at the Federal Reserve getting a 6% commission, why can’t they reduce their cut to 1%; and the rest of the money sent back into the system? (It’s not as if they can take all the money with them when they die).
  • Why are they hoarding this wealth?
  • Why can’t the Millionaires, Billionaires have a wage cap on how much they own, and the rest gets put back to help pay off the national debt.
  • Why do low-income families have to be punished at the expense of the privileged and wealthy politicians?
  • Why can’t we all live in harmony and stop being so God Damm Greedy?
  • What about the people who are disabled are they just thrown to the dogs?
  • Why are people suffering to the point it affects their mental health?
  • How many people have to die at the expense of the powers that be?
  • People who have got themselves into debt due to price hikes of utility bills should have the debt spread over a term of 3-5 years.
  • Utility companies should not make people feel like 💩 and be belittling and humiliating.
  • Creditors should not hound the vulnerable, by phoning or texting several times a day (it is called harassment). If a person has admitted hardship the creditor should put a halt on payments overdue and even come to some arrangement to pay back in affordable monthly payments rather than making a person feel emotionally and mentally unwell. (£40 x 60 months = £2,400) It is better to get something back than nothing at all. The same goes with Utility companies do not force people into corners as you never know what they might do.

About The Author.

  • I am an advocate for mental health and poverty. I write about Disabilities, Business, Politics, and Finance.
  • I have Disabilities.
  • I write in my Online Journals where I share my articles with my network of nearly 11K connections on LinkedIn and on Social Media Platforms, Groups, and Pages.

If I can help just one person, I know I am making a difference one step at a time.

The more people stand up and express their dissatisfaction with how they are being treated eventually something will change.

Possible Solutions – Start a Business.

The Governments instead of throwing spanners in the work with their lame solutions; instead they should encourage people to set up their own businesses and start a second income. Anyone and everyone can start a business and the possibilities are endless.

I can help you start up a second income and offer free advice and support.

domain names IONOS - Official Partner Generate Instant Publicity! 24-7PressRelease.com

Disability Support.

The other thing that has been brought to my attention is how cost-cutting the government is with benefits, robbing Peter to pay Paul so to speak, by taking away simple necessities from the already high risk and vulnerable people to pay for their spending on Wars and their own agendas, they are doing the classic “Daniel Blake” scenario.

My daughter has MS (Multiple Sclerosis) and has a Cardiff Bus Concessionary Travel Card, have now said she will not renew her card even though she already was awarded the card; unless she gets the new updated PIP award letter that is still being processed. She has been given a deadline to produce the letter within the next eight weeks which PIP have said they will not be able to do. If people have a long-term illness they should not be expected to jump through hoops to prove they are ill. They should have evidence from health care professionals and should not be expected to perform like performing seals.

As it happens my daughter is going to have treatment again in the next few weeks because she has relapsed and her MRI scan showed new lesions. The powers that be should not be adding more stress to people who are ill that have corroborating evidence.




If you found this article interesting and useful please take the time to share it with your friends, families, and colleagues. Don’t forget to use the links throughout this article and last but not least please consider buying me a cup of coffee. Some of the National newspapers are using paywalls which is annoying so we will continue providing free content, without forcing people to subscribe to read the full articles.


#costofliving #mentalhealth #disabilities #finiancialdifficulty #pricehikes #poverty #brexit #deficitspending #debtceiling #nationaldebt #suicideduetocostofliving

Blue Butterfly

Feeling Suicidal, Suicidal Thoughts.

Feeling Suicidal, Suicidal Thoughts.

Feeling Suicidal.

“Life is precious, do not waste it”.

Feeling Suicidal is when a person is in a very dark place metaphorically speaking when they have lost the will to live and they see no other way of escaping from the nightmare they are in.

The rise in suicides likely to be linked to austerity – but the story behind each suicide is complex.

When a person has lost all hope and the will to live they cannot see anything else other than dying. They believe that once they die their nightmare will be over and they will not feel anguish, sadness, loneliness, or despair. They do believe the grass is greener on the other side but is it though?.. Some people believe if you commit suicide you go to hell. So if life feels like hell right now, the real hell will be far worse.

When a person falls into this state of feeling hopeless when nothing is working out fine for them and no one understands them or cares or bothers with them it is understandable they may sink deeper into the abyss.

Most of our depression is fueled by fear, loss, and grief. “Disabled Entrepreneur UK” covers all topics in all categories (I have linked some of the topics in this article).

There are many factors that can cause a person to feel so low:

  1. They feel like a failure, they have nothing to show for their life, they fear failure.
  2. They have lost their job.
  3. They have lost their home, through evicition or natual disaster, divorce, seperation or money problems such as bankruptcy or not being able to keep up with the mortgage payments.
  4. They have lost their family through death or family fued.
  5. They have or are going through a divorce and are losing their home, their children and their money.
  6. They have been robbed.
  7. Their business is going under.
  8. They have lost their life partner, through seperation, or death.
  9. They have lost their child through miscarrage, illness or accidental death.
  10. They are discriminated, humiliated or made a mockery of. They have people or institutes that judge them.
  11. The have financial burdens that if their money was taken away how would they cope (benefits).
  12. They feel no one cares or understands them and every time they reach out people do not take them seriously.
  13. They are stuck in a physically and mentally abusive relationship.
  14. They are being bullied in school or in the workplace.
  15. Harrassment because of sexual orientation, religion, skin colour, beliefs, ethnicity.
  16. They have no friends.
  17. They feel lonely.
  18. They feel the world has turned against them.
  19. Their family and friends have turned against them because or their sexual orientation, religion or beliefs.
  20. They are the abuser in a domstic viilent relationship and have they gone too far with their actions and feel worried they will get caught.

Many adults will experience feelings of hopelessness or suicidal thoughts at some point in their lives. 

This could be because they do not have a close support network that understands them (friends/family/co-workers) and they may feel embarrassed to reach anyone in their network for the fear of being laughed at or for the worries they have to be brushed under the carpet so to speak.


  1. Social Withdrawal.
  2. Excessive Quietness,
  3. Irritability.
  4. Uncharacteristic Outbursts.
  5. Crying For No Reason.
  6. Hating Everything and Everyone.
  7. Talking about Death or Suicide.

“If you are feeling suicidal, the most important thing is to talk to someone“.

If authoritarian institutions try to judge or discriminate against a person for their mental health, remind them no one is perfect and everyone could be in the same shoes as a suicidal person one day feeling life is not worth living”.

When you feel sad and lonely and feel you have no one to turn to there are organizations specifically designed to help people going through what you are going through. They are not discriminating or judgemental they actually care about you as they would not be there otherwise. They are there to lend an ear, you do not even have to say your real name. You just need to take the brave steps to reach out that is all you have to do.

If you are going through a difficult time, you may be feeling isolated and disconnected from your friends, family, or other groups. It might it difficult to start a conversation about your feelings, therefore there are organizations such as the Samaritans that can listen to your problems and perhaps steer you in the right direction. But it’s important that you let the people around you know how you are feeling. It’s important to remember that people in these organizations care and will want to help you.

Saying that, be prepared for the people in your immediate circle that may be oblivious to your sadness and may try to back away because they have their own problems.

The best people to start with are the ones that have been professionally trained, such as a GP or Mental Health Organisation. Not everyone in your close network of friends and family will understand or even want to help you, so keep that in mind.

What to do if you are experiencing suicidal thoughts

Your GP should be the first point of contact for any issues affecting your physical and mental health, including suicidal thoughts. They will also be able to diagnose a state of depression or anything in your lifestyle that may be contributing to how you may be feeling. 

If you do not have a GP but need to speak with a doctor urgently, you can call NHS non-emergency number on 111 and they will direct you to the nearest available walk-in centre or doctor’s surgery.

Tips for coping with suicidal feelings:

  • Try not to think about the future, just focus on the present and getting through the day, start by taking baby steps.
  • Avoid drugs or alcohol, these will only add fuel to the fire.
  • Go to a safe place like a friend’s house, family or public area, avoid being stuck at home alone, go somewhere where there are people around.
  • Start a journal, this could be a physical book or online blog.
  • Find a reason to help others through your personal story.
  • Do something you usually enjoy.

If you are about to harm yourself or have already done so, call 999 as soon as possible or go to Accident and Emergency (A&E) at the nearest hospital.

Professional suicide support services

If you’re feeling very low, you can contact any of the professional support services below for free.

  • Samaritans – call 116 123 or email jo@samaritans.co.uk (available 24/7)
  • Sane Line – call 0300 304 7000 (available 4.30pm – 10.30pm every day)
  • Papyrus Hopeline – call 0800 068 4141, text 07786209697 or email pat@papyrus-uk.org (available 10am – 10pm weekdays, 2pm – 10pm weekends and bank holidays)

The Mental Health Foundation is concerned but not surprised by the latest UK suicide figures. They are in line with other evidence of the distress people are feeling, such as rates of self-harm and self-reported feelings of shame.

Some of the rises in the number of suicides may be due to a change in the rules in England and Wales about how coroners should record suicides. However, it is currently too soon to know what difference the change has made.

Whenever a person takes their own life, there is a complex story behind it.

There is also not a single simple explanation for the increase in the number of people taking their own lives, but it is likely to be linked with economic austerity. We know that suicide rates are linked with people’s uncertainty about their financial futures, unemployment, persistent inequality, loneliness, discrimination, and ill-health. (Citation/Credit).



According to The Mental Health Foundation:

Asking “are you having suicidal thoughts?”

  • Asking about suicide does not encourage it, nor does it lead a person to start thinking about it; in fact it may help prevent it, and can start a potentially life-saving conversation

Note From the Editor.

However, I have to agree to disagree, I suffer from Mental Health Issues and on my last PIP assessment I was asked that very question, have I had suicidal thoughts.

  1. Firstly I would not admit to anyone if I had them or not.
  2. Secondly if I did not have those thoughts I basically was given a loaded gun because if I was not thinking about it before, I most certainly was thinking it now and had a seed planted in my head, which I could have easily gone through with it had I have been in that state of mind.

“The difference is I do have everything to live for and can teach people including institutions asking someone directly if they are feeling suicidal can go one of two ways and one has to tread carefully”.

One needs to be subtle and not cause a person to immediately go on the defense and on guard. No one will admit they feel suicidal especially to a stranger unless they actively are looking to get help and are prepared to get the support they need”.

For me personally, this crossed my mind on the odd occasion, but I was not telling a PIP assessor who I did not know and besides my own personal story is complex, it is not one incident but many incidents with many people’s/entities actions that I can blame over many years that have caused me to feel depressed”.

As I walked away with a loaded gun that the PIP Assessor had metaphorically given and had I not found the strength to over-ride my thoughts I very much doubt you would be reading my story today”.

I have since learned that one can over-ride one’s thoughts with neuroscience which I am actively researching. I hope to publish my findings in the near future.

What assessors should ask instead is:

  1. Have you been feeling low?
  2. Do you feel you can talk to someone?
  3. How often do you feel low?
  4. Do you have friends or family you can talk to?
  5. Do you feel hopeless?
  6. Do you feel worthless?
  7. Do you feel the world is against you?
  8. Do you know of any support networks you can reach out to?
  9. Do you turn to alcohol or recreational drugs to surpress your thoughts?
  10. Do you feel your thoughts are very intrusive?
  11. Do you isolate yourself from society?
  12. Can you cope with life?
  13. Do you have any hobbies?
  14. Do you feel proud of yourself?
  15. Has anyone tried to hurt you physically or mentally?

World Health Organisation:

According to “WHO” Nearly 800,000 people die by suicide in the world each year, which is roughly one death every 40 seconds.

Suicide is the 2nd leading cause of death in the world for those aged 15-24 years.

Depression is the leading cause of disability worldwide.



When someone you know looks or behaves not their usual self, ask them if they are ok and that they can talk to you whenever they want with no pressure. Always be kind to people as you do not know what they are going through or feeling.

Never be judgemental or dictate to them what they should or should not do. Everyone has the ability to make their own decisions for their own reasons. If you have an opinion tell it once, it is up to the person to listen, continue bombarding the person with your opinions will eventually make the person withdraw from you. If people do not want to listen or take on board your advice do not force it on them.

If you say you are going to phone someone, stick to it, and never give empty promises as that person could just be waiting for you (CD) as there are consequences to our actions.

Do not be that family member that only reaches out once a year at Christmas. Phone the person regularly throughout the year. Get the distant relative involved in your life, do not disregard them like leftover meat. Phone them if they are not inclined to meet with you.

People battle demons in their heads and it is only right for you as a decent human being to be there for the person that may be going through worse ordeals than yourself.

If you are a good person you will spread awareness that people do not have to go through things alone, share your story so that people can relate to you.

If you do not have a job and no one wants to employ you, then create a job and be your own boss. I can motivate and inspire anyone.

Nothing is so bad that you cannot overcome the problem(s) you are faced with, believe me, I know, I have been there, done that, and got the t-shirt. In fact, it did cross my mind on the odd occasion but found a way to get through it. Besides, I have a family and a business I am grateful for having a roof over my head and food to eat. Find the things you are grateful for and think there is always someone worse off than you. Where there is a will there is a way. Obstacles are there so that we can learn how to overcome them. Life is a lesson to be learned.

So if I can survive with everything I have gone through over the years, so can you.

Suicide is so very final and there is no guarantee what you will be faced with on the other side. It could be as some believe that people who commit suicide go straight to hell and some countries do not give people proper burials just dump their bodies in mass graves. It’s ironic that the actor who played the character Chris Nielsen (Robin Williams) “What Dreams May Come” in a film about suicide, committed suicide. Even famous people have demons and get depressed. (Rich and Depressed).

I have been pushed to my limits many times including when I lost both my parents and my brother but I have also had to deal with domestic violence not to mention losing someone I loved. This is part of the grieving process.

There will always be people who will try to be judgemental and will think they are better than you. Let it all go over your head, no one on this planet is better than you. Just because they may be more educated, have social status, or are some sort of institution or royalty, behind every company, there is a human being doing exactly the same as you, eating, sleeping, and surviving.


Anyone who is reading this and simply wants to talk can set up an anonymous Gmail account and message me using the form below.

“Nothing is unbearable that cannot be conquered”.

For me how I deal with depression other than doing research I use this site to write my mental health problems as an online digital journal specifically designed to help myself and others like me.

I can lend an ear and point you in the right direction, you do not have to give your real name and everything you say will be kept confidential”.

**Please note: messages are answered within 24 hours.

However, you can chat with me using the chatbox, Open Monday to Friday Business Hours.

If you want to speak with someone outside of these hours I recommend getting in touch with the Samaritans.

If you want to write your own story I can create your own page and together we can inspire more people”.

#suicide #suicideprevention #suicideawareness #feelingsuicidal #depression #clinicaldepression #grief #anxiety #humanbehaviour #suicidalthoughts #intrusivethoughts #suicidal #feelingsuicidal

Doctor-Patient Confidentiality



Good practice in handling patient information

I am starting off on a rant.

It used to be whatever you said to your GP would not be repeated to anyone else, unless it warranted it, such as if the person was in some way in danger of harming themselves or if they needed medical care and support.

However as times have changed with information being passed around on the internet and emails being hacked, there was no secure way of sending an email to this particular surgery which is concerning in itself.

Apparently and this in particular aimed at my own GP, so cannot vouch for any other surgeries, that whatever you told your doctor, could also be accessed by other staff at the surgery. But in my case, my data was accessed by the adjoining pharmacy inside the building of the surgery.

I am all for data security and privacy and what I choose to share online about my illnesses may not be necessarily be everything I want to divulge publicly, hence may keep some information private, but obviously, as I have found out two people have now gained access to my letter and I have not had a response back from the doctor, which is very alarming.

So my question is does the Doctor actually know the letter exists or do I just have the word from the practice manager? What if my letter was printed off and passed around I have no guarantee that it wasn’t?

However, I was due a medication follow-up review today and although I had emailed the Doctor directly on the 25th of May 2021 I later found out this particular doctor is no longer at the practice and I had to forward my email to the practice manager on the 27th.

The practice manager acknowledged the email and said that I needed to make an appointment with my GP over certain things I had written in the letter. The practice manager also told me over the phone that my medical data can be accessed by all the staff in the surgery but to not worry as they had all signed non-disclosure agreements. 🤢

What a 🐊 of💩 so you are telling me that someone could read this information and then go home and repeat it to their friends/partner or spouse? A nondisclosure agreement is not worth the paper it is written on as there are no guarantees that your information will not be shared. A person could simply say I read this about a certain individual and there would be absolutely no proof that the said person did or did not share the information. There are absolutely no guarantees whats so ever that what is written would not be repeated or talked about during the lunch breaks or pillow talk.

To think that the surgery thinks people are stupid or gullible is beyond belief that they would be sucked into their garbage of an excuse that all staff at the surgery can gain access to your medical records, but cannot disclose any information because of non-disclosure agreement they had signed.🤬😡 Talk to the hand ✋.

What if a patient had some embarrassing ailment (I am not talking about myself btw) 😂🤣 (seriously though it is not a laughing matter) and was riddled with STD’s and everyone in the surgery including the pharmacist got to read their medical notes?

The principle of the matter is unprofessional and unethical. The patient should not have to be forced to tell the receptionist what is wrong with them as in the case of this particular surgery.

According to best practices but this is for England and not Wales only the bare minimum should be accessed but the pharmacist today confirmed she had read my letter which I quote her saying “it was very thorough and detailed and that is what they prefer”.

She asked about my medication and told me to take it at regular intervals. One of the prescription drugs is a sleeping tablet and within 30 minutes I am zonked out, so if I took it at regular times it would interfere with my life because I cannot go to sleep every night at an exact time.

This was going over her head and she was not interested in anything I had to say. She was trying to teach me to how to suck eggs as if I needed a 30-year-old to tell me what to do and in the ideal world where I did not have such an unpredictable job, I would possibly be a good girl and go to sleep the same time every night, but my lifestyle does not permit me. I even told her my job is not a 9 to 5 and sometimes I could be working at 3 am in the morning.

Now wait for this, I said, considering she had read my letter what did she suggest about this one problem I had and this is laughable by her response, she only told me to phone the GP. 😡

Although my time could be better spent than phoning and then waiting on someone to get back to me, I will be phoning the GP just so that I can speak to them for comment and get to the bottom of how my medical records have been shared.

So tell me if I had written a letter nearly a month ago to the GP you would think the Doctor(s) would have the decency to reply. Their lame excuse will be they are too busy to respond to emails.

I get a thousand plus emails a day and still find time to respond.

I think it is downright rude and unprofessional to ignore a letter that every tom dick and harry has read but does not get a response from the doctor to which the letter was addressed in the first place.

So what the hell was the reason for the pharmacist to access my medical records to ask if me if I smoke or take alcohol and then not give me any advice at all, what a waste of time and resources and my time (which not relevant in the eyes of the NHS, they can waste your time but you cannot waste theirs).

She then said she would book me in for another annual review, why though? If they get email updates from me why speak to me?

I responded unless there was anything I needed I would be perfectly capable to email or phone the GP myself and did not need an annual review (omitting the part that her phone call was a waste of my precious time).

I am fuming how my medical file has no privacy protection. 🤬😡



I have mentioned this surgery before on a marketing blog I also run and have been told if I make waves I could be struck off their register yet I depend on my medication.

They also have said to me that they (the NHS) quote “do not have an obligation to help me if they do not want to”.

So if you are savvy to know about my other blog just search for GP Surgery Cardiff. Sorry, no links given.

Confidentiality is not absolute

Confidentiality is an important ethical and legal duty for doctors, however, it is not guaranteed and is not absolute. Your doctor may be able to disclose personal information without breaching his/her duties of confidentiality under certain circumstances, such as when the disclosure is of overall benefit to a patient who lacks the capacity to consent.



Breaking Confidentiality.

Patient confidentiality can be defined as: ‘The law whereby a doctor or medical practitioner cannot reveal anything said to them by their patients during consultation or treatment.”

Confidentiality is something that is protected, by law, by a myriad of legislation including the Data Protection Act 1998, The Computer Misuse Act 1990and The NHS Confidentiality Code of Practice.

Protecting Your Information Your Choice

(This is applicable for England NOT Wales).



Further Reading.







How to Complain

Your first port of call should be to complain to the GP practice, you should send them a recorded signed for formal letter or email, failing that you have three options as in the links below, but in my experience of other things I have complained about in the past you run the risk of being removed from the surgery and their response is very biased as they will protect themselves, so do take this into consideration and always have another surgery lined up just in case of the worst-case scenario, remember also if you get kicked out of your surgery another surgery may not accept you based on how much trouble you make, as surgery (a) may put notes for surgery (b) to read, hence it is good practice to also request all your data from surgery (a) before approaching surgery (b).


https://www.nhs.uk/service-search/other-services/Patient-advice-and-liaison-services-(PALS)/LocationSearch/363 (Recommended)


#patient #patientdoctorconfidentiality #medicalrecords #gdpr #ico #medicalrecordsbreach

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