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PIP £437 Monthly Payments for Certain Eye Conditions

PIP Eligibility Text on Typewriter Paper. Image Credit: PhotoFunia.com
A brown and cream image of the wording “PIP Eligibility” text typed on typewriter paper on a typewriter. Image Credit: PhotoFunia.com Category Vintage Typewriter.

DWP Launches £437 Monthly Payment Scheme for Those with Certain Eye Conditions

The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) has announced an initiative that will significantly benefit individuals suffering from specific eye conditions. This new policy ensures a monthly payment of £437 to those diagnosed with qualifying eye problems, providing much-needed financial support to help them manage their daily lives and medical needs.

To qualify for the higher rate of Personal Independence Payment (PIP) if you have an illness or disability, you must provide a comprehensive medical history, concrete medical evidence, and a detailed letter from your doctor outlining how your condition impacts your daily life. The more thorough and specific the information you present about your disorder, the more challenging it will be for the DWP/PIP to dispute your claim.

Individuals with eyesight impairments may use more energy, such as electricity, gas, and water, compared to able-bodied persons due to the additional resources required to navigate and manage their daily activities. They often need brighter and more consistent lighting throughout their home to ensure safety and improve visibility, leading to higher electricity consumption. Additionally, they may rely on assistive technologies and devices that consume power. Tasks that require careful attention and time, such as cooking or cleaning, might take longer, resulting in increased use of gas and water. These additional needs collectively contribute to higher energy usage, emphasizing the importance of tailored support for those with visual impairments.

Comprehensive List of Qualifying Eyesight Disorders for PIP

To be eligible for this benefit, individuals must have one of the following common eye conditions:

  1. Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD):
    • AMD is a prevalent condition among older adults, causing a loss of central vision, which is crucial for activities such as reading and recognizing faces. There are two types of AMD: dry and wet. Both types can significantly impact a person’s quality of life.
  2. Cataracts:
    • Cataracts are characterized by clouding of the eye’s lens, leading to blurred vision and, if untreated, eventual blindness. This condition is particularly common in older adults and can be managed with surgery. However, the costs associated with treatment can be burdensome.
  3. Glaucoma:
    • Glaucoma is a group of eye conditions that damage the optic nerve, essential for good vision. This damage is often caused by abnormally high pressure in the eye. Glaucoma is a leading cause of blindness for people over 60 years old.
  4. Diabetic Retinopathy:
    • Diabetic retinopathy is a complication of diabetes that affects the eyes. It’s caused by damage to the blood vessels of the light-sensitive tissue at the back of the eye (retina). Early detection and treatment are crucial to prevent severe vision loss.
  5. Retinal Detachment:
    • This serious condition occurs when the retina pulls away from its normal position. Retinal detachment separates the retinal cells from the layer of blood vessels that provides oxygen and nourishment. If left untreated, it can cause permanent vision loss.
  6. Retinitis Pigmentosa:
    • A genetic disorder causing the breakdown of the retina, leading to night blindness and peripheral vision loss.
  7. Keratoconus:
    • The cornea thins and bulges outward, distorting vision.
  8. Optic Neuritis:
    • Inflammation of the optic nerve, causing vision loss and pain.
  9. Uveitis:
    • Inflammation of the uvea, leading to eye redness, pain, and vision problems.
  10. Corneal Dystrophy:
    • Genetic conditions affecting the cornea, leading to vision impairment.
  11. Amblyopia (Lazy Eye):
    • Reduced vision in one eye due to abnormal visual development.
  12. Strabismus (Crossed Eyes):
    • Misalignment of the eyes, affecting binocular vision.
  13. Albinism:
    • Genetic condition reducing pigmentation in the eyes, leading to vision problems.
  14. Stargardt Disease:
    • A form of macular degeneration in young people, leading to vision loss.
  15. Leber Congenital Amaurosis:
    • A genetic disorder causing severe vision loss or blindness at birth.
  16. Bardet-Biedl Syndrome:
    • A genetic condition causing rod-cone dystrophy, leading to vision loss.
  17. Cone-Rod Dystrophy:
    • Progressive loss of cone and rod photoreceptors, affecting color and night vision.
  18. Choroideremia:
    • Genetic disorder causing progressive vision loss due to choroid and retina degeneration.
  19. Best Disease:
    • Inherited form of macular degeneration affecting central vision.
  20. Usher Syndrome:
    • A genetic condition causing both hearing and vision loss, due to retinitis pigmentosa.
  21. Aniridia:
    • Absence of the iris, leading to vision problems and light sensitivity.
  22. Coloboma:
    • Missing pieces of tissue in structures that form the eye, affecting vision.
  23. Retinopathy of Prematurity (ROP):
    • Abnormal blood vessel growth in the retina of premature infants, potentially leading to blindness.
  24. Hemianopia:
    • Loss of half the field of vision in one or both eyes, often due to brain injury.
  25. Ocular Albinism:
    • A form of albinism affecting only the eyes, causing vision impairment.
  26. Achromatopsia:
    • Complete color blindness and light sensitivity due to cone cell dysfunction.
  27. Myopic Degeneration:
    • Progressive vision loss associated with severe myopia (nearsightedness).
  28. Crystalline Retinopathy:
    • Accumulation of crystalline deposits in the retina, affecting vision.
  29. Vitreoretinal Degeneration:
    • Degenerative changes in the vitreous and retina, leading to vision loss.
  30. X-Linked Juvenile Retinoschisis:

Application Process

To receive the £437 monthly payment, individuals must go through a detailed application process, which includes:

  1. Medical Assessment:
    • Applicants must provide medical evidence of their condition. This may involve a thorough examination by an ophthalmologist or other eye care professional to confirm the diagnosis and the severity of the condition.
  2. Personal Independence Payment (PIP) Form:
    • Eligible individuals need to complete the Personal Independence Payment (PIP) form, which assesses how the condition affects their daily living and mobility. This form is crucial for the DWP to determine the level of financial support needed.
  3. Face-to-Face Consultation:
    • In some cases, applicants may be required to attend a face-to-face consultation. This allows the DWP to better understand the individual’s specific needs and challenges.

Impact on Individuals

The monthly payment of £437 aims to alleviate the financial burden associated with managing chronic eye conditions. These funds can be used for various purposes, including:

  • Medical Treatments:
    • Covering the costs of medications, surgeries, and regular check-ups that are often necessary to manage eye conditions effectively. (Opticians and glasses are not cheap especially if you have regular checkups and your eyesight changes).
  • Assistive Devices:
    • Purchasing devices such as glasses, magnifiers, or even more advanced technologies like screen readers and braille displays that can aid in daily living.
  • Personal Care:
    • Hiring personal care assistants to help with daily tasks that may be challenging due to impaired vision.
  • Mobility Aids:
    • Investing in mobility aids such as canes, guide dogs, or modifications to vehicles and homes to ensure safety and independence.


The DWP’s initiative to provide £437 a month to individuals with certain eye conditions is a significant step towards supporting those with visual impairments. By recognizing the impact of these common eye problems and offering financial assistance, the DWP is helping individuals maintain a better quality of life and manage their conditions more effectively. This program not only addresses the medical needs but also supports the independence and well-being of those affected.

You must be prepared for the possibility that your PIP claim may be stopped following an assessment. Do not be discouraged by this, as nearly all PIP claims are halted after the initial assessment. Make sure you get a private letter from the doctor, outlining your health and how it affects you on a daily basis. To ensure your claim is thoroughly investigated during a mandatory reconsideration, and potentially a tribunal, you must prepare for changes in your financial circumstances. Create a monthly expenses planner to manage your budget effectively and write to your utility companies to request a grace period (this has been tried and tested), explaining that your PIP has been stopped and you are in the process of appealing the decision.

Further Reading (Much of the content available on the internet consists of regurgitated news, lacking original insights or substantial depth):

Our Comprehensive Articles Which Are A Must Read:

(Remember to get a private letter from your doctor, stating how your disorder affects you on a daily basis. List all the things you can and can’t do and explain how you go about doing things in your life, then give this information to the doctor and ask them to write about it on the basis of what you have told them.

Tax Plan Sparks Concerns for Special Needs Children In Private Schools

Taxation & Tariffs Text On Typewriter Paper. Image Credit: Photofunia.com

Labour’s Private School Tax Plan Sparks Concerns for Children with Special Needs

As Labour pushes forward with its plans to levy taxes on private schools, parents of children with special needs are raising alarms. They argue that such a policy could force their children out of the specialized, supportive environments they rely on. These parents emphasize that mainstream schools often lack the necessary resources and expertise to adequately support students with special needs, making private institutions a critical option.

Families of children with disabilities face a myriad of challenges that often necessitate tailored educational settings. These environments provide not just academic instruction, but also specialized therapies, support services, and individualized attention that mainstream schools typically cannot offer. Transitioning to public schools could disrupt the stability and progress these children have achieved, potentially leading to setbacks in their development and well-being.

To address these concerns, a differentiated approach to taxation and utility tariffs for disabled individuals should be considered.

  1. Exemptions for Families with Special Needs:
    • Education: Children with special needs should be exempt from any additional taxes imposed on private schooling. This would ensure they continue to receive the necessary support without imposing financial hardship on their families.
    • Utilities and Energy Bills: Families with disabled members should benefit from reduced tariffs on utility and energy bills. Given the higher consumption often required due to medical equipment and comfort needs, this relief is crucial.
  2. Means-Testing for Wealthy Households:
    • Taxation on Wealth: The proposed taxation plan should focus primarily on wealthy households, ensuring those with greater financial means contribute more while safeguarding middle and lower-income families, especially those with special needs dependents.
  3. Increased Public Funding for Special Needs Education:
    • Investing more in public schools to enhance their capability to support special needs students can create a more inclusive educational system. This includes hiring specialized staff, providing adequate training for teachers, and ensuring the necessary resources and infrastructure are in place.

Supporting All Disabled Individuals

This proposed framework can extend beyond education to encompass all disabled individuals, both young and old.

  • Utility and Energy Tariffs: Introduce a discounted tariff structure for all disabled individuals, recognizing the higher living costs they incur.
  • Healthcare and Support Services: Ensure that additional costs associated with healthcare and daily living supports are mitigated through targeted financial assistance and subsidies.

By focusing on the wealthiest households for increased taxation and offering specific exemptions and support for families with special needs, Labour’s policy can achieve a fairer distribution of resources. This approach not only protects vulnerable groups from financial strain but also upholds the principles of equity and inclusion.

How Paying Upfront Can Help Parents Dodge Labour’s VAT Plan

Parents sending their children to private boarding schools might consider paying school fees upfront to avoid Labour’s proposed VAT plan. For example, a parent sending their child to an average boarding school starting in Year 6 could save approximately £60,364 over their child’s education by paying all fees in one lump sum. Typically, this would cost around £302,000. However, under Labour’s plan, with VAT applied, the cost would rise to about £362,000.

To help parents capitalize on these savings, many private schools offer “fee in advance” schemes. These schemes allow parents to pay fees upfront, with the schools then investing the money. Several leading institutions have recently alerted parents to these schemes, enabling them to make significant savings before the potential implementation of the new tax.

For instance, St Dunstan’s College in south-east London, where annual fees are nearly £20,000, and Merchant Taylors’ School in Hertfordshire, which charges parents £25,000 a year, have both contacted parents regarding the potential fee increases. These communications aim to give families the chance to lock in current rates and avoid future financial strain under the new VAT policy.


As Labour’s private school tax plans evolve, it is imperative to consider the unique needs of children with disabilities and their families. Implementing a differentiated tariff system and ensuring that the taxation burden falls on the wealthiest can create a balanced, fair, and inclusive society. This way, we can protect the educational and everyday needs of those most vulnerable while fostering a more equitable distribution of resources.

It’s important to note that these policies are not set in stone and may take a considerable amount of time before they are fully implemented. Parents of children with special needs should not overly concern themselves at this stage, as there will be opportunities for public consultation and potential modifications to the proposals. If you want to see changes that prioritize the needs of disabled individuals as outlined in this article, please consider sharing it on all social media channels. By doing so, you can help ensure that policymakers are aware of these concerns and the importance of creating fair and inclusive policies.

Disabled Entrepreneur Business Card.

Energy Prices and Poverty

Utility Bills Text On Typewriter Paper. Image Credit Photofunia.com

Energy Prices and Poverty: A Growing Crisis for the Vulnerable

Energy prices have exacerbated poverty and inequality, particularly affecting those who are already vulnerable, among the most impacted are disabled individuals and people with chronic illnesses, who often face higher energy consumption due to their unique needs. This situation underscores the urgent necessity for targeted support and policy interventions to prevent these populations from slipping further into energy poverty.

Energy poverty has far-reaching consequences that extend into the realm of child poverty, creating a devastating cycle. When families cannot afford their energy bills, they often face the harsh reality of having to choose between heating their homes and buying food. This dire situation leaves children cold and hungry, undermining their health, well-being, and ability to thrive. Exposure to cold environments can lead to respiratory issues and other health problems, while inadequate nutrition hampers growth and cognitive development. The stress and instability caused by energy poverty can also affect children’s emotional and psychological health, perpetuating a cycle of poverty that is difficult to break.

The Disproportionate Impact on Disabled and Chronically Ill Individuals

Disabled individuals and those with chronic illnesses often rely heavily on energy-intensive medical equipment and environmental controls to maintain their health and well-being. For instance, they may require:

  • Medical Devices: Ventilators, oxygen concentrators, and dialysis machines, which are vital for survival but consume significant amounts of electricity.
  • Heating and Cooling: To manage symptoms exacerbated by temperature extremes, these individuals may need to keep their homes warmer in winter and cooler in summer.
  • Mobility Aids: Electric wheelchairs and mobility scooters need regular charging.
  • Extended Home Stays: Many disabled individuals spend more time at home, increasing their overall energy consumption for lighting, cooking, and other daily activities.

Mental Health and Energy Poverty: A Vicious Cycle

The intersection of mental health and energy poverty represents a critical yet often overlooked aspect of the broader poverty landscape. Individuals struggling with mental health disorders frequently face unique challenges that lead to increased energy consumption, exacerbating their financial burdens. Understanding this connection is vital to developing effective interventions and support mechanisms.

The Impact of Mental Health on Energy Consumption

Mental health disorders can significantly influence daily living patterns and energy usage. For example, individuals with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) may engage in repetitive behaviors that increase their energy consumption. A person with OCD might repeatedly wash their hands, clean their living spaces, or check locks and appliances, all of which contribute to higher utility bills. Similarly, other mental health conditions can lead to behaviors and needs that drive up energy use:

  • Anxiety and Depression: Individuals may spend more time at home, leading to increased use of lighting, heating, or cooling. They might also leave lights and electronics on as a comfort mechanism or due to a lack of motivation to turn them off.
  • Insomnia: Those who struggle with sleep disorders may stay up late or wake up frequently during the night, using more energy for lighting, heating, or entertainment like TV and computers.
  • Bipolar Disorder: During manic phases, individuals may engage in more activities that consume energy, such as excessive cleaning, cooking, or running electrical appliances.
  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD): People with PTSD might need to maintain certain environmental conditions, like keeping lights on at night, to feel safe, thus increasing their energy use.

These behaviors are often necessary for managing symptoms and maintaining a sense of control and comfort, but they also result in higher energy costs.

Example: OCD and Increased Energy Use

Addressing the Issue

To support individuals with mental health disorders and mitigate the risk of energy poverty, several strategies can be implemented:

  1. Specialized Tariffs: Energy providers should offer tariffs that cater to the specific needs of individuals with mental health conditions, similar to those proposed for disabled individuals.
  2. Financial Assistance: Enhanced subsidies or grants can help cover the increased costs associated with higher energy consumption.
  3. Energy Efficiency Programs: Providing resources and support for energy-efficient appliances and home modifications can help reduce overall consumption without compromising the individual’s comfort and safety.
  4. Mental Health Support Services: Integrating energy management into mental health care plans can help individuals find balance and identify ways to reduce unnecessary energy use without exacerbating their conditions.

Energy poverty and mental health are deeply interconnected, creating a cycle that can be challenging to break.

Recognizing and addressing the unique energy needs of individuals with mental health disorders is crucial for developing comprehensive solutions that ensure no one has to choose between managing their mental health and affording their energy bills. By fostering a more inclusive approach, society can better support these vulnerable populations, promoting both mental and financial well-being.

Despite these increased needs, current energy tariffs do not reflect the additional costs incurred by disabled households. This has led to calls for energy providers to introduce specialized tariffs that consider the higher energy usage of disabled people, ensuring they are not disproportionately penalized by rising energy prices.

The Role of the Fuel Bank Foundation

Amidst this crisis, the Fuel Bank Foundation has emerged as a crucial lifeline for those struggling with energy costs. This charity provides emergency financial assistance to families and individuals who are unable to afford their energy bills, preventing them from having to make impossible choices between heating their homes and other essential needs. The foundation’s support extends beyond immediate financial relief, offering guidance and advocacy to help people manage their energy usage more effectively and access additional resources.

The Limitations of Current Complaints Processes

When facing unjust energy bills or service issues, consumers can lodge complaints with Ofgem, the UK’s energy regulator. However, many find this process to be unsatisfactory. Often, the resolution provided by Ofgem, if any, may only include a modest financial compensation, typically capped at £200, along with an apology from the energy provider. This outcome does little to address the ongoing financial strain faced by disabled individuals, who continue to struggle with high energy costs without meaningful relief.

Advocacy for Policy Change

There is a pressing need for the government to recognize and address the unique energy challenges faced by disabled people and disabled entrepreneurs. Given their higher energy consumption, policy measures should include:

  • Specialized Tariffs: Introduction of energy tariffs that account for higher usage by disabled households.
  • Increased Financial Support: Enhanced subsidies and grants to help cover the cost of essential energy consumption.
  • Regulatory Reforms: Strengthening Ofgem’s mandate to ensure fairer outcomes for vulnerable consumers and more substantial penalties for energy providers who fail to meet their needs.

The government must take proactive steps to ensure that the energy market operates fairly for all citizens, particularly those who are most vulnerable. By acknowledging the specific needs of disabled individuals and implementing targeted support measures, we can work towards a more equitable and just energy system. The Fuel Bank Foundation’s efforts highlight the critical role of charity in bridging the gap, but sustainable, systemic change is essential for long-term solutions.

In conclusion, it is imperative that we prioritize the needs of those most affected, through collaborative efforts between charities, regulators, and policymakers, we can mitigate the impact of energy poverty and ensure that every household can afford to stay warm and healthy.

Citation: Mum’s cost of living warning as energy meter poverty hits record high (msn.com)

Disabled Individuals Consume More Energy and Water

Utility Bills Text On Typewriter Paper. Image Credit Photofunia.com

Understanding Why Disabled Individuals May Consume More Energy and Water and How They Can Be Affected By Cold Weather

It’s crucial to recognize the unique challenges faced by individuals with disabilities and vulnerable populations during cold weather. While plummeting temperatures and harsh conditions pose difficulties for everyone, they disproportionately impact those already navigating physical, mental, or socioeconomic barriers. From increased health risks to accessibility challenges, the cold weather presents a range of concerns that demand attention and proactive solutions.

Health Risks Amplified

The plummeting temperatures of winter can exacerbate existing health conditions among individuals with disabilities. For those with mobility impairments or chronic illnesses, the cold weather can intensify symptoms and lead to heightened discomfort or pain. Conditions such as arthritis, multiple sclerosis, and fibromyalgia often worsen in colder climates, as the cold can cause muscles to stiffen and joints to ache, limiting mobility and exacerbating pain.

Moreover, individuals with respiratory conditions, such as asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), face increased risks during cold weather. Cold air can trigger bronchospasms and exacerbate symptoms, leading to difficulty breathing and heightened respiratory distress. Similarly, those with circulatory issues, such as Raynaud’s disease, may experience exacerbated symptoms due to reduced blood flow and increased sensitivity to cold temperatures.

Accessibility Challenges

Winter weather presents significant accessibility challenges for individuals with disabilities, particularly those reliant on mobility aids such as wheelchairs, walkers, or crutches. Snow and ice accumulation can render sidewalks and pathways impassable, creating barriers to mobility and limiting access to essential services, healthcare facilities, and community resources. Moreover, inaccessible public transportation systems and poorly maintained infrastructure further compound the challenges faced by individuals with disabilities during winter months.

For individuals living with sensory impairments, such as visual or hearing impairments, navigating wintry conditions can pose additional risks and obstacles. Reduced visibility due to snow and ice accumulation can increase the likelihood of accidents and falls, while limited auditory cues may hinder individuals’ ability to perceive potential hazards or warnings, such as approaching vehicles or emergency alerts.

Socioeconomic Impact

The cold weather disproportionately affects vulnerable populations, including those experiencing homelessness, poverty, or housing insecurity. For individuals without stable housing or adequate shelter, exposure to harsh winter conditions poses life-threatening risks, including hypothermia, frostbite, and cold-related illnesses. Limited access to warm clothing, heating facilities, and hot meals further exacerbates the vulnerability of these individuals during winter months.

Additionally, economic hardships can exacerbate the challenges faced by individuals with disabilities and vulnerable populations during cold weather. High heating costs, coupled with limited financial resources, may force individuals to choose between essential utilities and other basic needs, such as food, medication, or healthcare services. This financial strain can contribute to heightened stress, anxiety, and social isolation, further impacting individuals’ well-being and quality of life.

Proactive Solutions and Support

Addressing the challenges posed by cold weather for individuals with disabilities and vulnerable populations requires collaborative efforts and proactive solutions. Community organizations, government agencies, and healthcare providers must work together to ensure access to essential resources, services, and support systems during winter months.

  1. Accessibility Measures: Implementing measures to enhance accessibility during winter, such as snow removal and de-icing programs, accessible transportation options, and emergency evacuation plans tailored to individuals with disabilities.
  2. Healthcare Support: Providing specialized healthcare services and support to individuals with disabilities, including access to medical supplies, assistive devices, and preventive care measures to manage cold-related health risks.
  3. Housing Assistance: Offering housing assistance programs, shelters, and emergency accommodation options for individuals experiencing homelessness or housing insecurity during cold weather.
  4. Financial Assistance: Providing financial assistance, utility bill subsidies, and energy efficiency programs to alleviate the financial burden of heating costs for individuals with disabilities and low-income households.
  5. Community Outreach and Education: Conducting outreach initiatives and educational campaigns to raise awareness about cold weather safety, risk mitigation strategies, and available support services for individuals with disabilities and vulnerable populations.

By prioritizing inclusivity, accessibility, and support, we can ensure that individuals with disabilities and vulnerable populations receive the assistance and resources needed to navigate the challenges of cold weather with dignity, resilience, and security. Together, we can create a more equitable and compassionate society where everyone can thrive, regardless of the weather conditions.

Energy and water consumption are essential facets of modern living, yet they are often overlooked when considering the challenges faced by disabled individuals. It’s a reality that people with disabilities often consume more electricity and gas than the average person. This consumption discrepancy arises from various factors inherent to their daily lives, necessitating a closer examination of utility billing practices to ensure fairness and accessibility.

Here are several reasons why disabled individuals may utilize more energy and water:

  1. Medical Equipment: Many disabled individuals rely on medical equipment such as ventilators, oxygen concentrators, and electric wheelchairs, which require continuous energy supply. These devices are vital for their health and mobility but contribute significantly to their overall energy consumption.
  2. Temperature Control Needs: Certain disabilities, such as mobility impairments or conditions like multiple sclerosis, can affect an individual’s ability to regulate body temperature. As a result, they may need to use heating or cooling systems more frequently, leading to higher energy usage.
  3. Accessibility Modifications: Making living spaces accessible often involves installing equipment like stairlifts, elevators, or adjustable beds, all of which consume additional energy. These modifications are essential for ensuring the independence and safety of disabled individuals but come with increased energy demands.
  4. Increased Time Spent at Home: Disabilities can limit individuals’ ability to work outside the home or engage in outdoor activities, leading to more time spent indoors. Consequently, disabled individuals may use more energy for lighting, heating, cooking, and entertainment compared to those with greater mobility.
  5. Assistive Technologies: Assistive devices such as communication aids, computers with accessibility features, and specialized appliances contribute to higher energy consumption. While these technologies enhance the quality of life for disabled individuals, they also add to their energy usage.
  6. Personal Care Needs: Disabled individuals may require additional water and energy for personal care activities such as bathing, using specialized hygiene equipment, or laundering adaptive clothing and medical supplies. These essential tasks often consume more resources compared to those without disabilities.
  7. Transportation Limitations: For individuals with disabilities who rely on vehicles for transportation, electric or hybrid vehicles may be their only viable option. While these vehicles offer environmental benefits, they require electricity for charging, adding to household energy consumption.

Considering these factors, it’s evident that disabled individuals have valid reasons for higher energy and water consumption. However, the existing utility billing structure often fails to account for these circumstances, leading to financial strain and inequity.

One proposed solution is to consider utility bills as part of the payment for Personal Independence Payment (PIP) or similar disability benefits. PIP is a UK government welfare scheme designed to provide financial assistance to individuals with long-term health conditions or disabilities. Including utility costs in PIP assessments acknowledges the extra expenses incurred due to disability-related energy and water consumption, ensuring that disabled individuals receive adequate support to meet their basic needs.

Moreover, utility companies and policymakers should explore options for fairer billing practices that take into account the unique circumstances of disabled households. This could involve implementing tiered pricing structures based on household size and disability-related energy needs, providing subsidies or discounts for energy-efficient appliances and home modifications, or offering flexible payment plans tailored to individual requirements.

“77 Illnesses & Disabilities Benefiting from Warm Temperatures in Winter or Cold Weather”

  1. Rheumatoid Arthritis
  2. Raynaud’s disease
  3. Fibromyalgia
  4. Multiple sclerosis
  5. Scleroderma
  6. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
  7. Lupus
  8. Peripheral neuropathy
  9. Osteoarthritis
  10. Chronic bronchitis
  11. Chronic back pain
  12. Diabetes (to prevent complications like frostbite)
  13. Hypothyroidism
  14. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS)
  15. Asthma
  16. Chronic migraine
  17. Spondylitis
  18. Ankylosing spondylitis
  19. Vasculitis
  20. Myasthenia gravis
  21. Polymyalgia rheumatica
  22. Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS)
  23. Post-polio syndrome
  24. Pernio (chilblains)
  25. Psoriatic arthritis
  26. Frozen shoulder
  27. Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS)
  28. Muscular dystrophy
  29. Neuropathy
  30. Thoracic outlet syndrome
  31. Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS)
  32. Hypertension
  33. Chronic kidney disease
  34. Interstitial cystitis
  35. Chronic pelvic pain syndrome
  36. Polymyositis
  37. Neurofibromatosis
  38. Meningitis
  39. Chronic sinusitis
  40. Endometriosis
  41. Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
  42. Spinal stenosis
  43. Osteoporosis
  44. Guillain-Barré syndrome
  45. Crohn’s disease
  46. Spinal cord injury
  47. Muscular dystrophy
  48. Paraplegia
  49. Quadriplegia
  50. Amputation
  51. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (germ contamination- water and heating & light switch checking)
  52. Arthrogryposis
  53. Scoliosis
  54. Fibromyalgia
  55. Osteogenesis imperfecta
  56. Parkinson’s disease
  57. Huntington’s disease
  58. Epilepsy
  59. Neurological disorders
  60. Myasthenia gravis
  61. Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS)
  62. Spina bifida
  63. Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE)
  64. Sjögren’s syndrome
  65. Guillain-Barré syndrome
  66. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)
  67. Cerebral palsy
  68. Autism spectrum disorder
  69. Myasthenia gravis
  70. Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA)
  71. Traumatic brain injury (TBI)
  72. Bell’s palsy
  73. Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease
  74. Dystonia
  75. Restless legs syndrome (RLS)
  76. Narcolepsy
  77. Essential tremor


Recognizing and addressing the heightened energy and water consumption among disabled individuals is crucial for promoting equity and inclusivity in our society. By acknowledging these challenges and implementing appropriate solutions, we can ensure that all members of our community have access to essential utilities without facing undue financial burden.

It’s essential to recognize that the need for warmth extends beyond individuals with disabilities and illnesses; it encompasses vulnerable demographics such as the elderly and families with children. Maintaining a warm home isn’t just a matter of comfort; it’s a fundamental aspect of health and well-being. Cold indoor temperatures can exacerbate existing health conditions, increase the risk of respiratory infections, and contribute to overall discomfort and distress. The notion of offering a mere £150 or £300 to vulnerable individuals by governments, when utility bills can soar into the thousands, is not just inadequate; it’s insulting. It underscores a disconnect between the reality of financial strain faced by many and the support provided by authorities, highlighting the urgent need for more comprehensive and equitable assistance measures.

The proposed PIP reform green paper presents an opportune moment to address the pressing issue of exorbitant energy bills faced by vulnerable individuals. As discussions surrounding disability benefits unfold, it’s imperative to recognize the substantial financial burden imposed by skyrocketing utility costs on those with disabilities and other vulnerable populations. Providing financial support tailored to cover these disproportionately high energy bills is not just a matter of convenience; it’s a matter of basic necessity and dignity. By incorporating provisions for such assistance within the PIP reform framework, policymakers have the chance to alleviate the financial strain experienced by countless individuals and families, ensuring that they can access the essential warmth and comfort they need without undue hardship or sacrifice.

British Gas treating people unfairly and getting away with it.

British Gas treating people unfairly and getting away with it. Ombudsman’s Response To My Complaint. KICK IN THE TEETH!

After reporting British Gas to the Ombudsman over my first incident, I had the final decision and they asked me to fill in a survey today to see how well they did. My argument was the British are treating people unfairly and getting away with this with no concern for people’s mental health.

My Original Complaint

My first complaint is for the duration of February 2022 and August 2022 and has been ongoing with the Ombudsman since September 2022.

You can read the entire thread of my articles here from the most recent which does not apply to this article to the oldest relating to everything I have gone through and the mental health that this has caused me.

You can also read my complaint overview below:


Here was my response:

Random Charges!

On top of months’ worth of distress from British Gas, the Ombudsman who does not care about Mental Health has kicked me in the teeth. I regret not accepting the first decision, at least I would have had an apology from someone but now I do not get an apology at all. It is absolutely disgusting that an organization such as yourselves have basically let British Gas off with a gesture of goodwill of £75 (It was never about the money, it was however most importantly about the emotional distress, I endured and how they pushed me to nearly breaking point) How many people have they pushed to breaking point? To think they then carried on their antics further by scamming me £86 (https://disabledentrepreneur.uk/arguing-with-british-gas-is-exhausing-cancelling-accounts-in-error/) never mind the two times before which you were aware of £9 .64 + £3.84 random charges, NOTHING HAS BEEN RESOLVED. British Gas is now LAUGHING because they can do pretty much anything to a consumer with their BULLYING and you as an organization let them. Will I be reporting British Gas again to the Ombudsman with my recent incident, what is the point, I highly doubt it, but instead I will let mainstream media know because you do nothing to help the consumer. Furthermore, I said they damaged my credit score which I sent in my appeal and that was not addressed either by you. So in all thanks for “KICKING ME IN THE TEETH”!

The response from them is in the PDF below, which tells me that British Gas is part of the Government and they work hand in hand, hence that is why they have taken no action.

The whole appeal I have copied and pasted from their website and part of it is mentioned in the PDF below:

Appeal – Original Decision Maintained

The consumer has appealed the decision

Reason: incorrect decision

What was the factual error?

1) You state that I said that I am on direct debit (this is incorrect, I am not on a direct debt). 

I was on direct debit in February. Had you read my letter properly and also cross-referenced the online publications you would have read I was put on a direct debt in February which I then canceled and tried to then get on a payment plan, which is now been set up but it took 6 months of arguing to get to this stage. 

2) I also stated in order for the energy cap British Gas insists only people on Direct Debits will have that privilege (photo of letter attached).

3) You failed to mention that I was asked to advertise British Gas Trust on my website https://disabledentrepreneur.uk/useful-links-2/ Under the heading 'Charities' & Energy & Utility Support (I am not a charity even though I have been advertising them from the time I was asked to do so). 

4) You have played done the seriousness of the emotional distress I have endured. By stating you will not enforce companies such as British Gas to change the ways how they handle vulnerable people with mental health disorders, you are essentially giving these companies a  license to basically treat people the same way I have been treated or worse. I wonder what mind.org.uk would have to say about that? How would you like it if a company treated you or someone close to you the same way? My point was I was close to breaking point that day and British Gas did push my buttons. I was fortunate to have found the strength to retaliate, maybe the next person that has to deal with companies like British Gas may not be so lucky. Had I not found the strength and the Police arrived 5 hours later things could have turned out differently. British Gas caused me a lot of anguish and despair and caused me to have intrusive thoughts that day. If I owned a company like British Gas and I found out that my staff caused my customers so much distress I would fire them on the spot. 

4) You failed to mention I was overcharged for a fictitious meter reading in one of my articles and screenshots, which I have attached again, so your gesture of goodwill has now been reduced to £55. 

5) You state you do not give monetary compensation, but you give gestures of goodwill.

6) I want a personal apology from Chris O'Shea, I was not worried ever about not paying off the debt, I just need more time which British Gas refused to give me even though in February I was a plan on the pretense I set up a direct debit and the moment I canceled that's when everything went haywire. I needed more time because I am a small business and cannot magically get money out of thin air. I have not had a problem with my electricity and water just British Gas. I was very anxious and concerned that the "computer was saying no" (Little Britain) and that I had to pay £190 pm when my usage is about £40 per month and then was threatened to have my debt passed to a debt collection agency. I have clients that owe me much more than what I owed British Gas at the time and I do not hound them or behave the way British Gas treats their customers.

7) I reiterate when did I ever mention that British Gas would not give me phone recordings?, what I said was I had half a phone recording in February and British Gas's response was they do not always record the full length of the calls. 

8) I have attached a recent letter Brish Gas sent me recently estimating my past usage again. But my past usage is nowhere near my present or future usage and should NOT be based on my past because I am using as little gas as possible. So they are still intimidating with the past usage (BS). Granted my usage was high up until April because I had the central heating on day and night as I have a daughter that suffers from multiple sclerosis. I do not plan to turn my central heating on at all this winter. I will be using electric heaters, so once again I am back to the same argument again and will NOT be intimidated into paying British Gas a penny more than what I use. I will not be paying for their estimated calculations. I know how much I use it. In fact, seeing as I am in credit I will be looking for another provider, providing I can access the British Gas website, perhaps they could do some help from www.ukwebsitedesigners.co.uk which I happen to own. 

9) I have attached my credit score proof of marker put on my credit file, with an incorrect balance I could not access  British Gas to do a screenshot of my balance, which by coincidence the website is down. 

10) I need you to look at the attachments I am submitting now to see where  I am coming from.

Yours Truly
Renata Maziak Barnes

Why does the factual error make a difference?

The factual error proves that my complaint was not thoroughly addressed. I argued with British Gas that my past usage will not reflect my future or present usage but they are insistent to make as much money as they can by intimidating people to pay based on past usage. (What I used last winter is not going to be anywhere near how much I going to use this winter). Vulnerable people will be afraid to turn their heating on and the elderly will die. I want an apology from Chris O'Shea himself. I will not be intimidated. 

Appeal rejection reason

Good afternoon 

Thank you for your appeal to our decision 

i can confirm that after reviewing the points you have made, this would not warrant a change to our previous decision. We appreciate that the issues with British gas have caused you a great deal of upset and distress. I am satisfied that this has been addressed, however if you feel that you need to take this further, you will need to contact a further third party such as Citizen's advice.

you have advised that you require an apology from a named person at British gas, unfortunately we can't require this as this is outside of our remit.

Therefore, after revisiting your complaint, I have maintained our original decision, however as advised you are able to pursue other avenues should you wish to take this further.

Kind regards


Investigation officer


I have come to the conclusion reporting British Gas to the Ombudsman can add some weight to your litigation claim should you go down the route of taking them to court. This applies to every organization. By reporting them, you are creating a carbon footprint of evidence that can work in your favor. Writing about the entity online also creates bad press. Naming and shaming a company especially if they rely on investors does not look good. However, it just shows that mental health is not a priority, and organizations can do practically what they want and get away with it. To think I will not even get an apology is utterly shameful.

The ombudsman has advised me to take them to court.

The apology was redacted by the appeal officer, name redacted.

“I feel very disappointed with the outcome of the Ombudsman’s decision but I should not have expected anything different. I WON’T EVEN GET AN APOLOGY!, which is disgusting in my eyes. This is not how organizations should treat people, especially if they have mental health issues. I am mentally exhausted from it all and I still have another issue to contend with over the closed account (which I did not close) which has now been reinstated. I am just waiting for British Gas to get back in touch with me, although I am not holding my breath”.

Meet the 77-year-old ‘sleuth’ who’s taken British Gas, BT and even her council to court… and WON: ‘They thought I was a little old lady they could squash into the ground’ (msn.com)

#britishgas #ombudsman #ofgem #utilityproviders #gesturesofgoodwill #monetarycompensation #emotionaldistress

Arguing With British Gas is Exhausting

Arguing With British Gas Is Exhausting – I Do Not Have The Energy To Fight With British Gas – Cancelling Accounts in Error.

I have had enough of British Gas and its antics.

British Gas is most definitely affecting my mental health!

I reported British Gas to the Ombudsman over another matter which is still ongoing and was recently notified my account has been closed by British Gas.

I never closed my account, and they are insinuating that I moved out of my property in September of this year.

I have since been given a complaint reference number and a task number. Complaint Reference Number: 8014408673
Task Number: 7023097367

My Complaint 26/10/22.

I phoned on 26/10/22 and spoke to someone for 1.5 hours (screenshot below). I asked her to send me an email which the agent tried to do 3 times and each time it bounced. I asked her for a copy of the audio recording and she said that was impossible. She then told me that the Move Home Team would contact me in 12 days (deadline 7th November 2022).

Phone calls totaling 3 hours and 29 minutes.


Not trusting British Gas as far as I can throw them I phoned back again on 27/10/22 and spoke to a woman that said she would put me through to the Moving Home Team and that is when the call got disconnected. She did not phone me back.

So I phoned again (screenshot above) and this time had to update the agent again as there were no notes in relation to my complaint that my account had been closed in error because another tenant from the (Ground Floor Flat) said I had moved out (This is according to the first agent I spoke to).

I have never resided in a Ground Floor Flat. I have lived since 1998 in Flat 2, (First Floor Flat). According to British Gas, there is no property listed on the national database for a “First Floor Flat” yet there is a “Ground Floor Flat”, strange don’t you think?

I have since been given a reference number but have been told British Gas has closed the complaint as there is nothing they can do. We will see about them when I invoice them for my time.

I am going to be invoicing British Gas for all my time wasted when I could have been working but instead had to make 3 phone calls which disrupted my business and lasted nearly 3.5 hours. I am self-employed and my time costs money.

But I am not stopping there I will also be sending an invoice for my previous complaint that the Ombudsman advised I should take British Gas to court.


I read that someone took them to court and won.



Not Adding Up.

According to the text message from British Gas and the final bill with a meter reading I never submitted there is something definitely fishy going on. I have since spoken to the new tenant that confirmed they never submitted a meter reading, so who did?

Previous Tenant Text Message To Me!

I have redacted the previous tenant’s name for the privacy of the Ground Floor Flat which she sent me on the 2nd June 2022.

Upon further investigation, I had a text from the previous tenant prior to the new tenants moving in stating they were handing in their keys beginning on 2nd June 2022.

So from the time June to September, the property downstairs was empty, with contractors coming in and out whilst it was being refurbished.

So the text message from British Gas has the dates wrong because the tenant moved out on 02/06/22 and not 18/09/22 as they claim I did even though I never resided in the Ground Floor Flat. The mind boggles. For legal reasons, I will not publish the previous tenant’s name.

British Gas Text Message To Me!

I have redacted the new tenant’s name of the Ground Floor Flat, as quoted in the text message from British Gas and I actually moved into the First Floor Flat in 1998 and not 2007 as British Gas claims. I believe the old tenant that moved out on 02/06/22 moved in on 13/01/07.

Move Home Team

I have been told to wait for the Move Home Team to contact me in the next 12 days. (Deadline 07/11/22). I am not holding my breath. I also spoke with the new people that moved in and they have not submitted a meter reading on my behalf.

If I do not hear from them by the 7th of November 2022 let the fireworks begin.

The last meter reading I did was on the 29th of September 2022.

My Last Meter Reading 29/09/22.

Meter Reading After I moved out presumingly (according to British Gas)!

According to my final bill, the last meter reading was 2860 (24/10/22) which I never submitted. How could I submit a meter reading after moving out? If I moved out presumingly on the 18th of September 2022 how could I then possibly submit a meter reading on the 29th of September 2022 and then another on the 24th of October 2022? Explain that to me.

Questionable Meter Reading 2860

So whoever submitted a meter reading was not me, and was not for my meter. Because how could the usage be fewer units on the 29th (2837) and more units on the 18th September 2022 (2860) when I supposedly moved out?, it just does not make sense and I have a witness when I had my meter reading read because I asked a friend who sent me the photo of my meter via text.

A text message from my friend and images of my meter on 29/09/22
Photographic Evidence, I have redacted the sender’s name.


Not only did I receive money back into my bank account today (03/11/22), which I was under the impression they are not allowed to store your bank details but as I have proven again they obviously do, considering I canceled my direct debit in February I have obviously caught them out red-handed again because how else would they have refunded me if I did not give them my bank details?

According to my last bill, it clearly says Ground Floor Flat but every letter and bill previously has never mentioned the ground floor or first floor. I have never resided in a ground-floor flat. I do not want to say it out loud but reading between the lines someone has purposely thrown a spanner in the works at my expense.


So had I not intervened, would I have had free gas?

It is as if history is repeating itself. It is not the first time this has ever happened.

When I first moved in 24 years ago I tried to set up an account with British Gas and when no bills arrived I phoned them and for a year they were adamant they were not supplying my gas. Finally, they realized the error and ended up sending me a bill for £900. I do not want to be in the same position again. I will take this to mainstream media if I have to.

British Gas Muppets!

I have evidence and date stamp screenshots of text messages above redacting the sender’s name when I last submitted a meter reading (29/09/22).

How could I have submitted a meter reading on 29/09/22 when I supposedly had moved out on 18/09/22?

I am going to report this to the ombudsman again.

Companies like British Gas cannot go around playing God and messing with people’s mental health.

If I was in charge I would fire the people responsible. This should never have happened.

I even have a screenshot of my past meter readings to show I submitted a meter reading on the 29th of September 2022

Past Readings

Ironically when I tried to access this information again it no longer is appearing on the dashboard.

I suspect my account will disappear any day now, seeing as my account is closed and I have had a refund, which means British Gas has tampered with past readings to cover their backs as there is obviously an error in plain sight.

Therefore if I submitted a meter reading on the 29th of September 2022 where I was billed followed by a mysterious reading on 24/10/22 if I supposedly had moved out of the property on the 18th (Muppets). I should not have been billed again after that date seeing I supposedly had moved out on the 18th.

British Gas then generated another meter reading on the 24th of October 2022 (unknown person) according to my payment history. How could this amount be applied after they claim I moved out on the 18th?

Either way, there is something definitely wrong!

Payment History

There is no reversal of the bank charge on the 24th of £86.32 which would have made the balance £107.13, not £53.68 which was refunded which means I got scammed £53.45

Payment Reversal

If my balance was £107.13 in credit on the 4th of October 2022 and they refunded me £53.68 that would leave a balance of £53.45 in credit. They then charged me £86.32 for a meter reading I did not submit and then reversed it which would still leave a balance of £53.45 in credit but the same charge of £86.32 has been reapplied again on the 8th November 2022 (what for may I ask and I need proof of the charges, such as meter readings). British Gas is cooking the books.

Complaint Procedure.

  • First phone British Gas and ask for a complaint reference number, do not trust them to log anything on the system.
  • With the complaint reference number write a formal complaint to British Gas via email with all the evidence you have collated.
  • Take screenshots of the duration of the phone calls and the dates.
  • Take screenshots of text messages and any other correspondence.
  • Give British Gas 14 days to respond and if you hear nothing report them to the ombudsman, link below.

Useful Links:

British Gas emails:



(send to both just copy and paste your original or cc the second email address).




#britishgas #meterreadings #britishgascomplaints #britishgasaccounts #ofgem #ombudsman

Final Thoughts & My Health

I simply have not got the energy to fight any longer with anyone. I feel so deflated. I will be so grateful when the universe helps me out. I am tired and lack motivation, I struggle with work and everything is just getting to me, especially when companies play GOD with your mental health. I persevere because I have to. I am done with people testing me, pushing my buttons, and getting away with it. I need to find the strength to fight back, I am just taking each day as it comes. I cannot deal with stress and anxiety. I am trying to stay focused but it’s hard. I will be grateful when tomorrow comes with positive news.

UPDATE 08/11/2022

I decided to have a go one last time and phoned them again. I raised the points:

  • How are they storing bank details without the customer’s permission? I never gave permission for them to store my bank details. This is a breach of GDPR. The agent could not or would not answer me.
  • I asked for the audio recording and the agent said I would have to send a postal letter to the ‘Privacy Team in Centrica. Why was this not done on my previous phone calls on the 26th and 27th of October 2022.? I turned around and said if the agent did not sort this out here and now I would report it to the Ombudsman.
  • I asked for another complaint reference number: 8014474220 and was told the task would take 12 working days for someone to get back in touch with me. The Move Home Team never came back to me previously which also took 12 days, so for me to expect any response is going to be slim, hence I am sending them an email today.

Seeing as I have been a loyal customer for 24 years at the property and have not moved out, it is absolutely shocking to have been treated this way”.

What I believe has happened is that between 02/06/2022 to 19/09/2022 someone stated that the previous tenant moved in on 13/01/07 and moved out on 18/09/22 when in reality the property for the ground floor was empty between 02/06/22 and 18/09/22.

The entity whoever they may be, falsified information stating I moved in on 13th January 2007 when in reality the old tenant moved in (13/01/07) and moved out (02/06/22) and the entity used my name causing me to have my account closed.

It would be interesting to know who submitted the meter reading on the 24th of October 2022. However they could have used the new tenants’ name that recently moved in, rather than giving their real name, so I cannot prove who did this, although I can second guess. This is a low blow by any means. There is only one ENTITY that would have known the moving-in date of both tenants, that’s all I am saying.

My phone call today (08/11/22) took two hours and twenty-two minutes.

Call Date 08/11/22


I told the agent that I have spent nearly six hours in total trying to resolve this issue and that I would expect to be compensated for my time. As published on my website terms and conditions in the footer of www.ukwebsitedesigners.co.uk there is a section on page 20 that says anyone disrupting me from doing my work will be invoiced for my time:

Terms & Conditions


Arguing With British Gas Is Exhausting.

I am glad my account has been reinstated and a payment plan put in place, but with the amount of distress, I have endured no one should go through what I have had to go through.

British Gas Inaccurate Estimated Usage Forecast.

Meter Reading 29th September 2022

British Gas Meter Estimated Usage Forcast.

I have recently received a letter from British Gas about the new prices on the 1st of October 2022 with their incorrect estimated usage of £2015.92 Again they are basing their calculations on past usage. My past usage is going to be nothing like my present or future. Whereby I had the central heating on full blast last year I would rather freeze than put the central heating on this time round.

I have today submitted a meter reading and it showed I had used £37 pounds worth since my last reading. More is a pity I did not screenshot the price even though I have proof I submitted a reading online (screenshot below) which should reflect the current prices and anyone reading this would be able to agree on the current price of Gas as of the 29th of September 2022. Under the current energy price cap of £1,971, a typical UK household pays 7p per kilowatt hour for gas and 28p per kWh for electricity

Energy price cap: How much is electricity and gas per kwh? | Metro News

So if they try to scam me as they have done before, (Yes I have documented evidence of that) I will report them once again to the ombudsman where my case is still ongoing. I do not trust British Gas as far as I can through them and will NEVER RECOMMEND them to anyone.

Here is their estimated usage forecast which equates to a 45% increase:

Now let’s do the maths if my current usage as of 29/09/22 is about £40 per month x 12 months = £480 x 45% increase (£216) = £696 per annum, not £2015.92

I will be damned if they try to bully me into increasing my monthly payment plan and as I spoke to someone today advised me to contact my local MP Jo. Stevens.

Accenture Billing System

There is obviously a fault with the billing system: “Accenture system could have performed at 101 percent efficiency. “British Gas uses bullying and is a threatening company whose call center staff is among the most unpleasant and downright offensive, not to mention seemingly willfully ignorant and obtuse, in the market, and who wouldn’t know the meaning of customer management if you were to spell it out on their reply prompt screens“. Citation – https://www.mycustomer.com/marketing/technology/british-gas-what-difference-would-a-working-billing-system-have-made











I feel for the people on direct debit who will be paying for over-estimated prices. Imagine how much interest the British Gas bank account will accumulate from their inaccurate estimations. It will be interesting how quickly they will refund you the money when they realize their error. Will they refund the interest they have earned and you have lost where the money could have been in your bank account, rather than in theirs? You will not see a penny extra mark my words.

There is another post coming shortly regarding the ombudsman which I have appealed their decision. How they responded will shock you and I plan to share my proof and findings with mind.org.uk

I will interlink once the article has been published here.

Final Notes From the Editor.

The billing system should not be based on the previous usage, the world is changing and so is our energy usage, with most of us using as little energy as we can. Companies should be fined for being heavy-handed with customers.

#britishgas #costofliving #energyprices #pricehikes #directdebits #stress #intimidation #directdebits

Impact of Energy Prices On Vulnerable People

Cardiff Gas Engineers Banner Ad
Domain Name For Sale!

Impact of Energy Prices On Vulnerable People.

Vulnerable people are being hospitalized because their energy supplies are being cut off because of nonpayment and arrears.

Some vulnerable people need energy supplies more so than the normal healthy person, this could be oxygen tanks, to mobility equipment.

Vulnerable people are being hospitalized after having gas and electric cut off (msn.com)

I have always known that large corporations do not care about people. If you look at the bigger picture, if you or I murdered someone we would go to jail regardless if we did it ourselves or hired someone to do it for us. So why is it that world leaders can start wars and get away with murder?

The whole point of wars is to raise inflation, people tend to panic buy, by worrying about price rises. But for organizations such as utility providers that are on a gravy train getting compensated by the federal reserve, they do not care about your well-being either.

It is all about the sheer greed for money and power.


Hidden Secrets of Money – Mike Maloney. – CYMRU DIGITAL MARKETING BUSINESS JOURNAL (cymrumarketing.com)

Politicians kicking the can down the road: Liz Truss: No more sticking plasters to fix the energy crisis (msn.com)

Liz Truss vows to act ‘immediately’ and will help millions ‘within a week’ with their ‘energy bills’ if she is elected as PM – London Business News | Londonlovesbusiness.com

OFGEM the ombudsman for energy suppliers is the government. The energy suppliers and the governments work hand in hand. Ofgem is supposed to work with people and not against them: However, Samantha Allen, chief executive of the NHS in the North East and Cumbria, hit out at Ofgem for halting energy supplies for vulnerable people who haven’t paid. Risks to clinically vulnerable people (northeastnorthcumbria.nhs.uk) Do you see that OFGEM is on the side of the energy supplier and not the people?

It will be interesting to see if what I say is true, because I have reported British Gas to OFGEM and I have until October 14th, 2022 to get a response.

The MPs are getting richer and the rest of us are getting poorer.

So it is no surprise there is an investigation going on how MPs have claimed taxpayer’s money to pay for the energy bills.

Ministers’ claims for gas, electricity, and water came to just over £195,000 in 2021–’22, according to an analysis of data from IPSA.

It also showed since 2019 that MPs have claimed just over £692,000 to cover these utility costs, with £538,000 alone going on heating bills.

Suella Braverman, favorite to be named home secretary if Ms. Truss wins the leadership contest, has claimed £7,160 for household utilities since the 2019-’ 20 financial period.

Education secretary James Cleverly, predicted to become foreign secretary, billed taxpayers £4,142 in energy and water bills at the same time.

Among senior Labour MPs making the claims was the party’s deputy leader Angela Rayner, who has been handed £2,318 to cover energy and water bills since 2019.

MPs claimed almost £200,000 from taxpayer to heat second homes (msn.com)

You have to bear in mind that these people in power have never experienced poverty for themselves, they have never had to worry about keeping a roof over their heads or putting food on the table let alone finding money to pay bills.

It is ironic that the same people go around preaching how someone should budget their money and send you to places like stepchange .org when you already have a clear picture that you do not have enough money coming in to cover your bills. So how can these charities help other than to give donations?

It really rattles me that the people at the top preach to the rest of us about money yet they are the ones causing us to get into debt.

Note From The Editor

Think of it this way the world is overpopulated, and the governments are forking a shed load for vulnerable people and people with disabilities. The governments (UK are in trillions of debt to the EU for Brexit, so where is the money going to come from to clear the UK debt?

I am now on par with managing my money after months of sheer heartache with British Gas. This cost of living, British Gas, and my creditors have caused me to dive into a deep state of depression and some days find it hard to function properly. If Covid was not bad enough and I lost a lot of business now I am having clients dropping like flies because they cannot afford to run their websites any longer. I do not see the government helping small businesses, do you?

I do try to keep myself busy and I try to learn something new every day. Talking to people does not help (not for me anyway), what advice can someone give, if they are not more qualified than me, or know my personal circumstances?

Knowledge is Power“.

I am not saying do not talk to someone, in fact, I advise you to talk to a friend, family, or colleague, especially if life is becoming unbearable. Even go as far as talking to your GP (Doctor) but if it can’t wait phone A&E or ER.

What I find is venting my thoughts on this site helps. It not only helps me but can help someone else like me.

You do not have to use your real name just set up a Gmail email and register on here to also vent. In fact, I have even got categories called “Online Journal General” and “I Need To Vent”.

My final recommendation is not to stop paying your bills altogether, but instead, pay what you can afford while at the same time reducing your energy usage. This will hurt the energy suppliers’ profits. I have elected to pay monthly by bank transfer rather than direct debit, this gives me greater control over my bank and does not give energy suppliers a license to help themselves.

How To Reduce Your Energy Usage Home & Business – CYMRU DIGITAL MARKETING BUSINESS JOURNAL (cymrumarketing.com)

#energyprices #vulnerablepeople #mentalhealth #ofgem #enerysupply #energyproviders #vulnerabledeaths

British Gas Have Pushed An Editor Of ‘Disability UK’ To Breaking Point.

British Gas Have Pushed An Editor Of ‘Disability UK’ To Breaking Point.

The Editor Has Been Subjected To And Is Suffering From The Following:

  • Humiliation
  • Patronization
  • Torment
  • Emotional Distress
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Stress
  • Panic Attacks
  • PTSD

I wrote previously about how British Gas treats its customers. Today with a heavy heart I am writing about them again.

Emotional Distress Compensation | DISABLED ENTREPRENEUR – DISABILITY UK

British Gas Customer Intimidation & Treating Customers Badly. | DISABLED ENTREPRENEUR – DISABILITY UK

So to recap on the 27th of July 2022 I was put on a payment plan.

You have to bear in mind when the price rose earlier this year I tried to move my payment date and that is when the problems started in February although I did have a payment plan in place at the time but was told the only way I could move the date was if I set up a Direct Debit with the increased tariff. I wanted to move the date inline when my inbound payments were coming in. (The original payment plan which was at the time £65 and then rose to £90). Soon after I canceled the direct debit because I was not comfortable giving British Gas access to my bank account, this is when they refused to put me on a payment plan where I manually could pay by bank transfer, standing order, or directly on their website.

This has been going on for the best part of six months (Feb -August 2022).

I eventually was put on a payment plan after several phone calls and meter readings proving I was not using much Gas, somewhat five months later.

On the 4th of August 2022, some bright spark (woman) stopped my payment plan because she said I would not be able to pay online if I had a magnetic card, I told her I would pay by bank transfer and she said it was not possible even though I have the bank details to do that or simply pay on their website. There have been many agents that have said this causing contradictions to what other agents say, that I am able to pay online.

I phoned back on the 5th of August and was put back on the payment plan yet AGAIN.

I then got a letter yesterday dated 6th August that British Gas has not heard from me even though I am phoning practically every day.

In the letter, British Gas states my account has been passed to the debt collection team, threatening me with a smart meter which I refuse to have installed. Smart Meters | DISABLED ENTREPRENEUR – DISABILITY UK

I proceeded yesterday to go on their chat and set the transcript to email me at the end of the chat. You can guess I never received an email.

So today I phone up and I was met with a hostile agent who spoke to me in a very controlling manner. I told her about the letter and I said that I did not cancel the payment plan on the 4th, no sooner I had said this she put the phone down on me.

I then decided to have another go with the chat and not trusting British Gas as far as I can throw them, I started the chat again but remembered what my daughter said and that was to screenshot the chat just in case I did not get a copy of the transcript. The agent assured me I would get an email (as per the screenshot)…wrong I had no such email but I did do the screenshots that confirmed I am on a payment plan and that my account has not been passed to debt collections.

When the agent asked me if I have happy with British Gas I was not going to go into an in-depth conversation about why I was not happy with British Gas, so I simply said yes to end the chat.

Technically speaking I should be working but this company has made me so unwell I barely respond to emails and do the occasional update. The amount of time I have wasted with this company is beyond unbelievable.

Moving Forward and My Usage.

I eat sandwiches and salads maybe use the cooker 10 times a month. Come winter I am going to buy oil-filled radiators.

I would rather pay a little bit extra to the electricity supplier EON Next than give a penny more to British Gas.

“British Gas needs to have empathetic agents, not people that think they are so high and mighty and above you. They should be held accountable for their actions”.

This has been going on for six months and the number of calls I have had to make, emails I have sent, and chats are enough to test anyone’s mental health strength and state of mind.

I have reported this to the ombudsman and will be sending them another update today.

In my opinion it absolutely disgusting how they treat people.

#britishgas #humilation #emotionaldistress #anxiety #panicattacks #depression

British Gas Meter Readings.

British Gas Meter Readings.

Warning: Reality Check for Utility Providers, the whole of the UK is not going to be using the same amount of Gas or Electricity prior to the Price Hikes and therefore do not go by past usage and only go by current usage moving forward. British Gas is purposely putting people in debt.

As a lot of our loyal readers already know I had a bit of a ding dong with British Gas the other day, so bravely today I decided to give them another call. https://disabledentrepreneur.uk/chris-oshea-ceo-of-centrica-and-british-gas-earns-775k-whilst-the-vulnerable-suffer/

Excited at the fact that I had only used 8 units in the last two weeks which equates to £20.07, according to the customer service advisor I spoke to today, yet my payment plan has not changed and is still asking for £190 per month even though I am going to be using £40 worth of Gas moving forward. (See screenshots of my meter readings below).

According to ‘British Gas’, they calculate past data of usage and I have said in the past I had my central heating on 24/7 other than the summer months, but I am going to be using the bare minimum moving forward.

It was like talking to a brick wall and I have been told that perhaps the payment plan would be adjusted in 6 months but not before. This is forcing people to go into debt.

So hypothetically speaking, if my predicted usage will be £40 per month moving forward x 6 months left of this year which would equate to £240 but British Gas wants me to pay £190 per month x 6 months which equates to £1,140, minus what I owe = £368 & usage £240 gives a final total of £532 overpayment.

I suppose the surplus money in their bank making interest is better than it is in yours.

Now the way my plan has been calculated is for the past years’ usage rather than usage in the future even though I have proved it will be lower as I do not plan to cook, use hot water or turn the central heating on.

So today I am still nowhere near closure and it is causing me considerable distress. https://disabledentrepreneur.uk/emotional-distress-compensation/

If what I owe is £368 and say next month’s bill comes to £40 per month based on my new meter reading on the (15/06/22) x 3 months = £120 + £368 = £488 that I would owe and if British Gas wants £190 x 3 months = £570, that would mean I would overpay £82.00

Yet they are saying “the computer says no” scenario ‘Little Britain’ quote.

I also asked the question today about what support they have for mental health and the vulnerable and this is what I was told:

  • A payment plan (which we cannot agree on and they refuse to spread over 36 months but in the past they have). This is intimidation.
  • A pre-payment meter (that is for people who cannot pay on time and I refuse to have one for health reasons – read the following: https://disabledentrepreneur.uk/how-safe-are-smart-meters-for-your-health/
  • The Charity ‘British Gas Trust’ is a joke and I would not waste time donating or asking for donations because British Gas does not support the vulnerable, (notice I am not giving this company a backlink in this article).
  • Contact Stepchange which is a third-party charity and is not exactly supported by British Gas, they give financial advice because I advertise Stepchange.org on my useful links page.

So their support for me personally is as useful as a chocolate fireguard.

It was further confirmed that British Gas does not support people with Mental Health other than what has been mentioned above.

This is how condescending companies are because I did not agree to the £190, British Gas expects me to get financial advice “hello, is anyone listening? I do not need financial advice”. I know what my usage is going to be moving forward.

This is what Citizens Advice says: https://www.citizensadvice.org.uk/consumer/energy/energy-supply/get-help-paying-your-bills/getting-extra-support-from-your-energy-supplier/ May I also add nothing in the following PDF was offered to me other than what I have listed above.


I also stated I need to keep my home warm in the winter months to prevent black mold from growing as my daughter has Multiple Sclerosis (MS) and if I cannot afford to pay the astronomical prices British Gas’ is charging and I fail to turn my heating on which would cause a domino effect and my daughter relapsed from the ‘Black Mold Spores’, then someone would have to be held accountable.

Like I said in my article yesterday “if you do not have the extra money, to begin with, how are you supposed to find the extra money to pay the greedy corporate companies that make a profit on the back of your vulnerabilities”?

Below are screenshots of the meter readings.

Meter Reading 31/05/22

Meter Reading 15/06/22

When I pay this company off I am going to switch providers and not recommend this provider to anyone. If any utility company refuses to spread the costs with affordable payment plans and is unreasonable with zero support for your disabilities then you should take action.

They should at least offer you breathing space to give you the time to find the money. I have proven with photographic evidence that my usage is now going to be lower.

I begrudge helping a company that makes money off me or anyone else in a vulnerable position and who is disabled. If I thought any company was worth a good review and marketing I would consider partnering with them, but I do not in this case because they have caused emotional distress which in turn has made my mental health worse.

#britishgas #britishgasmeterreadings #paymentplans #mentalhealth #mentalhealthsupport

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