Why Do People Assume or Presume?

Why Do People Assume or Presume?

Taking People For Granted, Assuming, Presuming and Mental Health.

People make assumptions as an efficient way to process the world. It is a shortcut to knowing the facts. As one Yale neurobiology professor explained, the brain’s vast neural network requires huge amounts of energy to keep it running: … One way our brain saves energy is by making assumptions. Making assumptions can ruin people’s lives.

Assume vs Presume

Presume is a verb that means to suppose, to take for granted, or to dare. Assume is a verb that means to suppose, to take for granted, to take upon, to do, or to undertake.

Assume and presume both mean “to take something for granted” or “to take something as true.” The difference between the words lies in the degree of confidence held by the speaker or writer. … ‘Presume‘ is the word to use if you’re making an informed guess based on reasonable evidence.

Therefore as an example I ask you some questions.

These are all hypothetical questions.

  1. Would you assume for example someone could find nearly $100 per month only by giving them one month’s notice for an increase in rent? Would you presume they could afford to find the $100?
  2. The second question would you assume someone who is self-employed to drop everything because you were arriving without even asking them if the date of your arrival was suitable for them? or would you presume they would just find the time because you snapped your fingers?
  3. The third question would you message a VIP and assume they have time to chat with you or that they will phone you when what you could say could have been written in an email that would take a minute or two to read, or would you expect that person to take time out of their busy schedule to hear you waffle on about something that could have been put in writing? or would you presume they would drop what they are doing to casually chat with you?
  4. Would you assume or presume that whoever you asked to call you or meet you could afford to do so? Would you assume or presume that their finances can meet the budget of an excursion for example or meeting up to go to a fancy restaurant? A self-employed person has more commitments than the average person, they have to pay the overheads of their business not just their own personal expenses.

These are all hypothetical questions that a disabled entrepreneur is faced with and I want to teach people to consider others before making rash decisions. It is unfair to put anyone on the spot regardless of their status, disability or situation.

Always discuss things and be very understanding and be respectful of someone’s wishes. Never judge based on a person’s choices.

Always find out the facts first and understand people’s circumstances before making plans or assumptions.

A self-employed person may not have the time to meet and maybe 100% dedicated to their work. Just because you have free time or work for someone else, there is a difference. If you work for someone else your wage is guaranteed, however, if you work for yourself your income is not”.

Do take off your rose-colored tinted glasses before making plans. There is a saying “put your brain in gear before putting your mouth in motion”.

People with Rosecolored tinted glasses tend to be optimistic and have a cheerful way of looking at life. … Someone who looks at things through rose-colored tinted glasses looks on the bright side, sees the glass half full, and looks for a silver lining in all things. So their way of thinking maybe if you lose work because of a casual meet-up to not to worry as another job will come along, having a go-lucky attitude. They also may think that life is too short to worry about finances and just go with the flow and live for the moment. Their excuses will always override your thinking and you cannot win.


  1. Do not assume or presume that people can talk to you when they are working 24/7.
  2. Do not assume or presume people can meet you even for five minutes if they have a busy schedule or a critical time path and manage other people’s businesses.
  3. Do not assume or presume people can pull money out of their a##es just because you are demanding. Think about what this will do to a person’s mental state of mind if you go on your high horse and be expectant.
  4. You would not expect, assume or presume the likes of say, someone like “Elon Musk” to drop everything for you so do not think you are so special that anyone will drop everything for you.
  5. Consider the other person’s circumstances before assuming or presuming they can travel. They may have health issues and may find it difficult to travel. Do not assume or presume that someone with a physical or mental disability will recover miraculously within a short space of time of your arrival, never assume or presume anything.
  6. Never assume or presume that within a month someone can find an extra $100 per month for a rent increase when they could have lost business because of the pandemic or their job.
  7. Never invite yourself to anyone’s home without asking them first if it is convenient, do not assume or presume that you turning up someone will drop everything for you.

It really rattles me when people are so narrow-minded and do not care about anything apart from themselves”.

People simply do not care: https://disabledentrepreneur.uk/why-people-do-not-care

I am venting my anger because not only do I have time wasters trying to waste my precious time, attempting me to do work but refusing to sign contracts, I also have those that think they can waste my precious money.

If you cannot support me, why bother talking to me? If you are just wanting to meet up to be nosey and judgemental, you can read about me online and do not have to see me? https://renataentrepreneur.com/irenata-my-sites

Do take people’s circumstances into consideration especially if they are running a business and have health issues.

If you want to see someone but they are not comfortable meeting you consider Facetime, Skype, Zoom, Teams to name a few, I personally do not have to see you in person.

Do not assume or presume that I for one will drop everything for you because you are arriving, you should never put anyone on the spot and expect to meet if you know they have health issues.

Do not assume or presume that my health issues will miraculously go away within a short space of time when I personally have battled my illness for 30 years. Do not put people on the spot and force them into a situation they do not want to be in.

Do not be selfish.

Do not assume or presume because you are turning up on a weekend that someone such as myself does not work weekends. Always find out the facts and give the other person plenty of time to make adjustments if at all possible and discuss a happy medium where both parties can agree to something, consider the person’s disabilities, and do not expect too much from that person if you care about them.

Ask in advance if that particular date is suitable for both parties concerned, do not assume or presume that they can take time off work, and be aware that may lose business because of your selfish, careless thinking.

Life lesson does not matter how old you are, if you want something from someone be prepared to compensate them for their time, service, and resources.

Never assume or presume people’s financial circumstances or their health and never assume or presume to take up people’s time.

Assumption can lead to resentment and animosity. Always communicate properly and understand that people that run small businesses may not have free time especially if they are trying to build their empires. Always consider other people’s circumstances first before being selfish.

There are so many self-centered people in this world, that simply only care about themselves but live a lie pretending they care about others, do not be one of them!

Note From the Editor.

Putting my health issues aside for a moment, I run several businesses www.irenata.com, and manage over 100 websites. I support startups that may not have the money to pay for a website upfront but want a helping hand to get them started. In return, they recommend me to other businesses. Just because I have over 100 websites they may not all be payable until the end of the trial period. Where I have to dedicate at least 2-4 hours of work a month to each website, so do the maths, that is 2-4 x hours per website x 100 websites = 200 – 400 hours per month divided by 4 weeks is 50 -100 hours a week which divided by 7 days is 7-14 hours per day without me doing anything else, so where have I find the time to meet up for a casual chit chat? I don’t and I can’t. I am not going to jeopardize my business for anyone.

This Is How My Critical Time Path Should Look Like below:

However, I cannot keep to my plan and most certainly cannot take time off work.

This is just an example CTP.

“So before assuming or presuming I can take time off work, take into consideration that I run several businesses of my own and manage other people’s businesses also”, so do the maths.

So before being judgemental and labeling me, I will protect my business with my life and will put it before anyone and anything else. I know there are people who are just watching and waiting for me to fail but I will not let that happen.

“Just because I have a disability does not make me crazy”.

If I choose not to waste my time walking around a park aimlessly for 10 minutes a day that’s my business. If I want fresh air I can step outside or if I want to do exercise I can do it in the comfort of my home.

I can manage my disabilities using my own methodology and do not like people trying to change my way of thinking unless I specifically ask them to.

If you have not walked in my shoes you have no right to make opinions, assumptions, or presumptions.

#assume #assuming #presume #presuming #takingforgranted

Renata MB Selfie
Editor - Founder |  + posts

Renata The Editor of DisabledEntrepreneur.uk - DisabilityUK.co.uk - DisabilityUK.org - CMJUK.com Online Journals, suffers From OCD, Cerebellar Atrophy & Rheumatoid Arthritis. She is an Entrepreneur & Published Author, she writes content on a range of topics, including politics, current affairs, health and business. She is an advocate for Mental Health, Human Rights & Disability Discrimination.

She has embarked on studying a Bachelor of Law Degree with the goal of being a human rights lawyer.

Whilst her disabilities can be challenging she has adapted her life around her health and documents her journey online.

Disabled Entrepreneur - Disability UK Online Journal Working in Conjunction With CMJUK.com Offers Digital Marketing, Content Writing, Website Creation, SEO, and Domain Brokering.

Disabled Entrepreneur - Disability UK is an open platform that invites contributors to write articles and serves as a dynamic marketplace where a diverse range of talents and offerings can converge. This platform acts as a collaborative space where individuals or businesses can share their expertise, creativity, and products with a broader audience.

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