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Category: Suicidal Thoughts (Page 3 of 4)

How AI Can Help A Person Overcome Sadness

Artificial intelligence (AI) can potentially help people overcome sadness in several ways:

The future of AI and chatbots will potentially help people with depression and save lives. A person, feeling sad, lonely, and depressed could start an unbiased conversation where AI would be able to guide a person in the right direction. Having a nonhuman friend would help to talk about things that under normal circumstances could be too difficult or embarrassing to share.

  1. Chatbots and virtual assistants: AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants can provide support and assistance to people who are feeling sad. They can engage in conversation, provide coping strategies, and offer resources to help individuals better manage their emotions.
  2. Mental health apps: There are a number of mental health apps that use AI to provide users with personalized insights and recommendations based on their moods and behavior. For example, some apps can use machine learning algorithms to track patterns in users’ behavior and provide personalized tips to help them improve their moods.
  3. Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and exposure therapy: AI can be used to deliver evidence-based therapies, such as CBT and exposure therapy, in a more accessible and convenient way. For example, some mental health apps use AI to deliver CBT-based exercises and activities, or exposure therapy for anxiety disorders, which can help individuals overcome their sadness.
  4. Emotion recognition technology: AI-powered emotion recognition technology can help individuals understand and regulate their emotions more effectively. For example, a person might wear a device that uses AI to detect and analyze their emotional state in real-time, providing them with insights and feedback to help them manage their feelings of sadness.

It’s important to note that AI is not a substitute for professional mental health treatment and should not be used as the sole means of addressing serious mental health concerns. If you are feeling sad and need help, it’s always best to speak with a mental health professional.

#ai #artificialintelligence #aihealth #aimentalhealth #mentalhealth #stress #sadness #loneliness #depression #aichatbot #aihealthapps

How To Deal With Intrusive Thoughts

How To Deal With Intrusive Thoughts


  • What are Intrusive Thoughts
  • Types Of Intrusive Thoughts
  • What You Can Do
  • Related Mental Health Disorders
  • When to Get Help


The majority of us from time to time experience worry, anxiety, stress, depression, grief, and fear. If you are reading this and do not agree that you have never experienced any of the above, you are not being true to yourself.

Sometimes we experience unwanted thoughts like did we shut the door behind us or did we turn off the stove. This annoying thought may get stuck in our heads until we put our minds at ease. Usually, you can ignore it and move on. But sometimes, it just keeps returning.

What are Intrusive Thoughts?

Intrusive thoughts or negative thoughts are thoughts that either lingers on your mind or pop in out of nowhere. They are part of our coping mechanisms. However unwanted lingering thoughts stem from stress, fear, and anxiety. People who have suffered trauma can affect their beliefs about the future via loss of hope, limited expectations about life, fear that life will end abruptly or early, or anticipation that normal life events won’t occur (e.g., access to education, ability to have a significant and committed relationship, good opportunities for work). All these events can manifest intrusive thoughts.

Understanding the Impact of Trauma – Trauma-Informed Care in Behavioral Health Services – NCBI Bookshelf (nih.gov)

Nearly everyone experiences Intrusive Thoughts from time to time”.

So why do these thoughts happen and what causes them?

An intrusive thought is not always related to an underlying condition. It may be caused by:

Intrusive thoughts either linger on one’s mind or simply come in out of nowhere.

These thoughts are unpleasant and unwanted and manifest in our minds, sometimes without warning or other times if we dwell on something for long periods that is worrying us.

These thoughts can sometimes be violent, sexual, or simply harmless worries.

Intrusive thoughts usually heighten when you feel, stressed or distressed, typically having an intrusive once in a while is just part of life.

It only becomes concerning if your thoughts because dangerous and uncontrollable.

In most cases, intrusive thoughts do not have any particular meaning. As long as you recognize that these are only thoughts and are controllable and harmless and that you have no desire to act on them, intrusive thoughts are usually not harmful.

However, if they’re happening often, causing significant concern, or interfering with your daily activities, it’s a good idea to talk with a doctor.

I must admit that I do suffer from intrusive thoughts occasionally, especially when I am stressed or depressed but would never act on them other than if they were related to OCD Germ Contamination. Through my learning journey, I am trying to heal. In fact, I have completed my Diploma in Hypnotherapy, and am studying Neuroplasticity.

Intrusive thoughts can range from random images to disturbing and violent ideas like punching someone in the face or hurting yourself.

(Yes I have had thoughts of punching someone in the face, but I would not go through with such a ludicrous idea because (a) my OCD germ contamination thought would kick in of actually physically touching someone, and secondly (b) it is simply a stupid thought).

Other intrusive thoughts are: did I cross-contaminate (did I touch something by accident) and does my thought warrant me to act on my compulsion such as changing my clothes because my daughter’s cat brushed past me? Usually, I try and fight the urge (CBT). Depending on how stressed I am will depend on how successfully I can resist the thought. Most of the time my germ contamination thoughts overpower me, like I said it all depends on my anxiety and stress levels.

I am aware that with OCD sometimes it is hard to fight your thoughts and you succumb to the urge. Hypnotherapy and meditation help with the process of healing.

Survivor of Domestic Violence

Whilst I was enduring emotional and physical abuse, the thought of harming myself crossed my mind, but again I knew I had to prove to the abuser that I would not be broken, no matter how many times he tried and kept saying to myself what does not kill you make you stronger. I decided no matter how low he made me feel I would not give him the satisfaction and would not give up. I decided to focus on building this site and working really hard. He eventually left with his tail between his legs because he knew he was defeated and no matter what he did or said to me was no longer working. I felt rejoiceful that he had lost his battle to destroy me and I concentrated on moving forward by suppressing all my thoughts and all the bad memories by putting the past behind me.

(I am a survivor of domestic violence, the abuser has left the country).

For anyone else experiencing intrusive thoughts, they are usually harmless as long as they can be under control. But if you obsess about them to the extent that it interrupts your day-to-day life, this can be a sign of an underlying mental health problem.

Intrusive thoughts can be a symptom of grief, stress, anxiety, depression, or obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD).

Types of Intrusive Thoughts

OCD thoughts.

OCD thoughts depending what type of OCD you have. There are Nineteen Characteristics of OCD. With OCD the sufferer that has intrusive thoughts usually actions the compulsions to ease the discomfort of the thought lingering in their head, this could be from checking the door handles and switches to counting or avoiding certain numbers, objects, or people. This is a defense mechanism to protect the sufferer from their fear that if they do not carry out the compulsion something bad might happen.

Sexual thoughts.

Sexual thoughts are usually natural regardless of gender. An Intrusive sexual thought however when it becomes uncomfortable with or shocked by the thoughts and images to the point you are fixated on something, you should talk it over with a professional.

Experts say it’s best to remind yourself that these are just passing, automatic thoughts. They don’t define you in any way.

Violent thoughts.

Violent thoughts of punching someone in the face are harmless as long as you do not act on them.

Sometimes violent thoughts may have dark meanings like harming yourself or someone else. Usually, these thoughts are harmless, even repetitive as long as you have no intention to act on them. These thoughts are very unpleasant and if you feel you cannot cope you should speak with a professional or phone the Samaritans. You can also contact us and keep yourself anonymous if you prefer. These thoughts usually pass in time. But if you find yourself planning to follow your thoughts through, you need to speak with a professional to help to manage your emotions. Talk to a doctor or a therapist.

Negative thoughts.

Negative thoughts can be multiple ideas. An example you have imposter syndrome, you feel like a failure or if you think about something negative will happen because you essentially are manifesting it in your life. The more you think negatively the chances of whatever you are thinking will come true. It is best to rewire my mind. These thoughts should fade as your situation changes. But if they become overwhelming, you could have depression or anxiety. Talk to a mental health professional about how to control your symptoms.

However, science teaches us that In 1949, psychologist Donald Hebb laid out his compelling “assembly theory” of how the brain achieves this feat. It is best summarized by the mantra “neurons that fire together wire together.” Meaning what we reap is what we sow in other words if we continually think negatively eventually what we are thinking will happen. The idea is that neurons responding to the same stimulus connect preferentially to form “neuronal ensembles.”

What You Can Do

The best way to heal is to learn about the brain and our thoughts, learning about our conscious mind and our subconscious mind helps us understand the supercomputers we have (brain), yet, we only use a total of 5% of our entire human mind Keeping ourselves busy and distracting ourselves is a strategy to heal.

At the end of the day, most intrusive thoughts are just thoughts.

The only time they become a red flag or a signal that you actually want to do the disturbing things you’re thinking about is when you feel you are no longer in control.

If they bother you, you can take steps to cut down on their frequency and intensity.

You Can:

  • Evaluate your life and what is troubling you.
  • Recognize your thoughts and label them for what they are.
  • Distract yourself from your thoughts, watch a movie, read a book or do some scripting and write your thoughts down on paper in a journal or online.
  • Release the tension and share your thoughts with others. (There are groups and forums you can join or if your thoughts are overwhelming contact a professional like your doctor or phone the Samaritans.
  • Accept that they will pass eventually.
  • Listen to empowering motivational speakers like Jake Ducey or Dr. Caroline Leaf. Check them out on YouTube.
  • Give yourself time for the intrusive thoughts to fade away.
  • Be prepared for your unwanted thoughts to come back.
  • Learn about your mind and neuroplasticity and how your thoughts can be controlled.

Do Not:

  • Do not act or engage in dangerous thoughts, for example hurting yourself or someone else.
  • Do not be too hard on yourself. Try to question yourself and why you’re having them in the first place.
  • Do not just do nothing in the hope your thoughts will go away. Often distracting yourself from a situation will get your mind occupied with other things and your thoughts become suppressed.

Related Mental Health Disorders.

Sometimes, thoughts go beyond being intrusive.

Related mental health disorders associated with repetitive unwanted intrusive thoughts, could be a sign of OCD. This type of anxiety disorder causes the sufferer to have recurring, unwanted thoughts that they may not be able to control. This may be the compulsion to repeat certain behaviors or actions over and over again.

In contrast, delusional paranoid thoughts, such as thinking someone is always watching you or wants to hurt you, can be a sign of schizophrenia or bipolar disorder.

If you have these thoughts, talk to a psychiatrist for diagnosis and treatment options.

When to Get Help

If your intrusive thoughts become unmanageable and start to take over your life, you need to seek professional help or as I am doing am learning online, keeping myself busy all the time, and doing extensive research. I will not claim to be the next Paul Mckenna of this world and one day I would like to meet him, but I do believe hypnotherapy and meditation play an important part in the healing process. The issue with hypnotherapy and meditation is you have to keep at it, you cannot just do it once and expect miracles it does not work like that.

Although I have completed my Hypnotherapy Diploma and have hypnotized myself I have not done it enough times to actually see much of a difference hence I re-iterate that you need to be consistent with it.

The way I deal with intrusive thoughts is by scripting and using my online journal. I feel much better after I have released my energy and often anger either on paper or mostly online.

If you are finding life too difficult to bear and you are getting contact with intrusive dangerous thoughts, contact your Doctor or Emergency Services.

A doctor may refer you to a behavioral therapist, psychologist, social worker, or psychiatrist for further diagnosis and treatment.

Personally, for me, this is my own process of healing, learning, and passing my knowledge to others.

“An Investment In Knowledge Pays The Best Interest” – by Benjamin Fraklin

Remember we have a useful links page and depending on where you are in the world you have your Doctor you can contact or emergency services (112) this is the international number. In the UK we have (999) and for nonurgent (111).

Further Reading

My Daily Mental and Physical Self-Care Routine & How I Manage My Menta – Dr. Leaf (drleaf.com)

Debunking the Serotonin-Depression Theory (with Psychiatrist & Profess – Dr. Leaf (drleaf.com)

The Difference Between the Nonconscious, Subconscious & Conscious Mind – Dr. Leaf (drleaf.com)

The Great Psychiatry Fraud – Dr. Leaf (drleaf.com)

#intrusivethoughts #ocd #negativethoughts #neuroplasticity #neuroscience #hypnosis #meditation #learning

The UK Is On ‘The Brink Of Starvation’ 2022

“If you have no extra money, to begin with, no amount of financial advice is going to get you out of the debt the governments and big corporations have landed you in”.

The UK Is On ‘The Brink Of Starvation’ 2022.

It was predicted during lockdown 3 million people were on the verge of starvation according to ‘The Financial Times but now we are on a whole new level of people starving due to the price hikes of the cost of living.

My question is: “if you do not have money, to begin with, how are you supposed to pay for the cost of living price rises”?

Vulnerable People Are On The Brink Of Starvation.

If you have no assets to sell how are you supposed to pay off your debts?

This article should be shared everywhere so that the powers that be, realize that people like the elderly, the disabled, and people on low incomes simply cannot manage to survive.

If people who do not have savings and live pay cheque to pay cheque how can the government and the large corporations expect people to pay more than is physically possible when they increase prices? The Bank of England has just announced today they are increasing interest rates to help with inflation. How is increasing further hikes going to help people living on the breadline or below?

The rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer.

It is all very well to say the government is investing £15 Billion into helping with the cost of living, but it is all smoke and mirrors because that does not stop the creditors and utility companies chasing the vulnerable and does give an IMMEDIATE effect on the people that need the help the most.

Something needs to be put in place immediately, not next month or the month after, but it needs to be put in place now!

“People Need Help Today Not Tomorrow”!

A U-turn by the government will see oil and gas firms help pay an additional 25 percent windfall tax on profits to help pay for fresh measures to support households with soaring energy bills. Yet the energy companies such as ‘British Gas’ for example are still charging extortionate prices.

I am not saying this is impacting UK alone this is a global crisis but I have to speak for the people in the UK as this is where I reside.

Six months ago, UN World Food Program President David Beasley issued a “one time appeal to billionaires to help fight famine,” which explained that if the world’s richest people donated a mere $6.6 billion of their collective $13.1 trillion in wealth (or 0.04 percent of the total), world hunger could be eliminated in 2022 and millions of lives could be saved.

So shame on all the rich that do not do enough and I am sure God or Allah or if you believe in any higher power, your fate will be decided for you in your next life and you will reap what you sow!


To all the Politicians, Millionaires, Billionaires & Royalty of this world, why hoard your money when you could be helping society? Afterall we came into this world with nothing and we will leave with nothing. You cannot take your wealth with you. You do not know what happens when you die. You may be reborn and have to live a life in poverty – Karma!

“What person has the right to make another person unhappy? We are all supposed to live in harmony with one another and love thy neighbor but we have made this world a very evil place, and people should not have their mental well-being affected or lose lives through war and famine because of greed”. How can the people responsible for this, be able to sleep soundly at night?


‘It screws with an already vulnerable mind’: How the cost of living crisis is affecting the nation’s mental health. Soaring bills and a lack of support from the government are causing ‘huge pressure’ for people with mental health problems. Socioeconomic disadvantage or living in an area of socioeconomic deprivation increases the risk of suicidal behaviour. https://www.samaritans.org/wales/about-samaritans/research-policy/inequality-suicide/




Here are some top search results of what mainstream media and charities are saying:













If you are finding life is getting too much contact the Samaritans, your Doctor (GP) or visit A&E / ER.

We have a useful links page for most charities and financial advice websites.

Do also contact this charity Mind.org.uk if things are starting to get overwhelming.

** Please note if you are residing outside of the UK please contact local charities in your area. We try to update our list as much as posssible and may have missed charities out. Do contact us if you are one of those charities and we will gladly put you on our list.

#poverty #costofliving #hardship #debt #financialdifficulty #starvation #mentalhealth #utilitycompanies #vulnerablepeople #lowincome #lowincomefamilies

Chris O’Shea CEO of Centrica & British Gas Earns £775K Whilst The Vulnerable Suffer.

Chris O’Shea CEO of Centrica & British Gas Earns £775K Whilst The Vulnerable Suffer.

Centrica CEO Chris O’Shea has a salary of £775,000 per year and waives a £1.1 Million Bonus. His decision came as gas and electricity prices are set to soar by more than 50% for 22 million households across the UK in April.

Centrica said British Gas Energy saw a 44% jump in profits to £118 million last year. Citation.

** (The following is just my opinion and not fact). However one needs to look at the bigger picture if there is a board of directors for argument’s sake there are 12 as the pdf below suggests, and some not all are on a payroll (Non-executive directors are not directly employed), but that is not to say they do not get commissions or donations) and if each one has received £250K (hypothesis) per annum, that would be £2.75M, you have to ask yourself this question who works for nothing... https://boardappointments.co.uk/uk-non-executive-director-remuneration/


How can you pay for increased prices if you do not have the money, to begin with?

I first would like to add I actually give this company free advertising space on my useful links page under the heading charities and on this page. (Backlinks Cost Money)!! Advertising was requested by British Gas in May.

I would like to introduce myself, I am the Editor of ‘Disability UK -Disabled Entrepreneur Journal’. I am a Businesswoman and Author. I suffer from Cerebellar Atrophy Cognitive Impairment, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD), and Depression. My Disabilities do not define me and I am not afraid to say I have them. I am also a carer for my daughter who has ‘Multiple Sclerosis’.

I have indeed contacted ‘The British Gas Charity’ which is a joke (application Number 1035904). I filled in the form and submitted my meter reading and documentation. They said it would take 10 days for someone to approve my application (that was on the 31st of May 2022) and it did not surprise me that they never responded.

It is all smoke and mirrors because if the majority of people in Britain with British Gas are in turmoil, I do not think they have endless amounts of money to give away. So their charity is not worth the web space.

I am a genuine case and for them to not even respond says a lot about them. (Try them out for yourself if you are a British Gas Customer, but do not get your hopes up).

In turn, I said I have a donation page on my site, I continued to say how about everyone in British Gas pays £1.00, and that would go to paying off my debt, the woman (Valencia I believe) I spoke to said that will never happen, yet I am supposed to advertise this company to my readers, and get nothing in return? Better still, how about the CEO Chris O’Shea pay off my debt seeing as I am advertising for free and they wasted two and half hours of time where I could have been working and caused me ‘Emotional Distress’!!!


(Help With Utility Bills)

Now if a company has profits into the millions then they should take into account vulnerable people which they do not.

After being prompted to phone British Gas because I was being spammed 6 times by this number: 03332029470, (this is harassment) I took it upon myself to phone and complain. The phone call today lasted 2hrs 18 mins (see screenshot).

The original number that phoned me was (03332029470) to set up a smart meter and I had to justify why I do not want one which I have written previously about: https://disabledentrepreneur.uk/how-safe-are-smart-meters-for-your-health/ The customer representative technical department went on to say they would send someone to my home to ask me why I do not want one. Good Luck to anyone visiting as I am not allowing anyone over my threshold. The woman I spoke to said that because I had submitted a meter reading my monthly bill which was at the beginning of the year £65 rose to £90 in April, then rose again to £138 in May, and wait for this rose again today to £190 per month.

£190 Per Month Gas Payments!

I started crying (no word of a lie), I told the operative that the most I can afford is £100 per month and she point blank refused to help spread the costs over 36 months.

She continued to say that my usage is a prediction….well before the meter reading I had my central heating on 24/7 as I have black mold and my daughter who has multiple sclerosis cannot be around the spores, so I need to keep the house warm.

I said my life is not important whilst my daughter is and I said it was unreasonable and unfair to make me pay £190 when I cannot afford to do so right now.

(Obviously, the woman does not know how to count because if I paid £100 already this month and I still owe £333 (1st quarter) and each quarter after that was £400 for argument’s sake that would be £1,600 per annum divided by 12 months = £133 per month and not £190). I am going to bring this up when I submit my new meter reading.

This woman simply did not care what I was saying.

I also said if I cannot afford to heat my home and the black mold spreads I can then sue British Gas if my daughter relapses again. She did not like what I said.

She gave me a complaint reference number: 8013807386

I said, “if I killed myself British Gas would not get a single penny from me”... My point was, do not push people over the edge, not that I was actually going to do it, there is a difference!

My Mental Health.

In my defense, I am NOT feeling suicidal just emotionally distressed, this is why I have an online journal where I can vent my anger and make my opinions known. I have a lot going for me and I feel for people who do not have a strong mind as I have, I see myself as their voice if they cannot defend themselves.

I use this platform to speak on behalf of people like myself or people worse off than me.

With social media, you may be restricted to what you can and can’t say. But on your own platform, you are in full control. Although I use social media to spread the articles I write.

I have a lot to live for, unbeknown to the people that are too ignorant to find out but are too quick to judge.

I mentioned this website multiple times “www.disabilityuk.co.uk” which forwards to “www.disabledentrepreneur.uk” in the phone call as I knew it was being recorded. I did it purposely so that people realize who I am. I will not stand for intimidation from anyone of any kind.

I just wanted British Gas to be empathic which they were not.

Duty Of Care.

What made me laugh was at the end of the call she said it was a duty of care for her to report me to the authorities because I mentioned the dreaded “If I kill myself”. She did not want any repercussions. It was not that she cared. People do not care unless it directly affects them. She did not want ‘British Gas’ to be in the news and I guess they are told if a customer says anything that is a red flag to report it. In other words, she has kicked the can down the road, so nothing happened on her watch.

Bring it on is all I can say because this will cause a domino effect and open up a can of worms.

In fact, I reached out to my GP in a letter over my mental health that was put on the system last year but was never actioned by any doctor.

According to the practice manager, Doctors are too busy to respond to emails or letters even though my daughter’s Neurologist who is also a Professor at Oxford University has the time and decency to respond to my daughter’s emails.

My time does not matter to anyone.

I have another day wasted rather than working, I have had to fart around having to waste nearly two and half hours of my precious time to get nowhere.

Let’s see what the media will say when I send this to every corner of the planet.

British Gas Has Caused Me Emotional & Psychological Distress!

Debt Recovery

Let the fun begin because if ‘British Gas’ decide to try and come after me and they use harassment tactics I am fully armed. Besides I plan to pay them off next month.

This would not be the first time they have been sued and I doubt it will be the last.


I mentioned the National Debt Line: https://www.nationaldebtline.org/fact-sheet-library/gas-and-electricity-arrears-ew/ and said that Utility Companies have to adhere to rules such as and the woman said my circumstances do not apply and it would be impossible to give me breathing space:


People can be vulnerable for a wide range of reasons. Vulnerability can be linked to age, physical health, mental health, or going through a difficult time in life. A vulnerability could be temporary or ongoing. You should let your supplier know if there is anything about your circumstances that makes you vulnerable as they may offer you more support if they know this.

You should also check if your supplier has signed up for the Energy UK Vulnerability Commitment. Energy UK is a trade association. Suppliers signed up to the Vulnerability Commitment have said they will provide extra support to vulnerable customers. This includes:

  • Make sure staff have an understanding of vulnerability and can identify that you might be in vulnerable circumstances;
  • Give you an alternative way of contacting them in addition to phone contact;
  • Provide a free phone number if you are in financial difficulty and they think it is appropriate; and
  • Make sure you have paper versions of your bill if this is what you need.

This is a B#ll Sh#t because the woman today did not provide any of the above.

Furthermore, she refused to co-operate by turning the onus on me that I am not co-operating by not agreeing to pay £190 per month.

British Gas is having a laugh.

I said if it means I do not use hot water to bathe and not cook as well as not heating my home although I cannot see it being cold for a few months then that is what I will have to do. (This is degrading and affecting one’s quality of life).

I reiterated that I would be writing about British Gas on this website and “I quote the woman saying “We do not have anything to do with disabilities”.

I had zero support for my daughter and me who both have mental and physical disabilities.

This is what is stated on their website say: https://www.britishgas.co.uk/energy/help-if-youre-struggling-to-pay.html

Zero Support.

They have clearly not helped and made matters worse by causing emotional distress which is (tort). Emotional distress can be taken to court. https://disabledentrepreneur.uk/emotional-distress-compensation/

The moment I can pay this company off I am going to switch providers and will never recommend this company to anyone. They have an affiliate program which means they want help with marketing, so any affiliate marketers should avoid this company. By coincidence ‘British Gas’ are advertisers on Awin who I use for my affiliate marketing projects. Saying this I will never promote this company actively even though I have them listed on my useful links page and mentioned them in my article indirectly.

May I add that they never responded to my letter attachment in the email which had an auto-responder come back that they had in fact received my correspondence on the 28th of May 2022 but chose to ignore it?

Condenscending and Intimidating.

People working for these large blue-chip companies should keep their tone neutral, and opinions to themselves they should not be biased.

The woman (Valencia) I spoke to said I should look at stepchange.org I explained I am fully aware of my rights and she became condescending demanding I tell her what they said.

I am not going to allow you to browbeat me as this woman was trying to do.

My gut feeling is they have calculated my meter reading of what I owed prior to the price hike to the new prices to make more money.

I will be posting my new meter reading on here tomorrow including the one on the 31st and will see if my reading goes up again.

**I have published this page but may update it with more information, as when I get any updates from British Gas who emailed me today and said they had deadlocked my complaint, according to ‘Valencia’. As far as I am concerned it is not over until ‘the fat lady sings, in other words, it is a colloquialism that is often used as a proverb. It means that one should not presume to know the outcome of an event that is still in progress. More specifically, the phrase is used when a situation is nearing its conclusion.

So please come back for more updates.

Meter Reading 31/05/22
Meter Reading 15th June 2022

I am now going to be a thorn in British Gas’s side and every month I will be doing a meter reading.

Will I be pursuing “Emotional Distress Compensation” of course I will, and this is what you should do if you too feel you have become unwell because of any company.

Did yesterday’s (14/06/22) fiasco cause me emotional distress, and did British Gas treat me badly of course they did and this is not over until I say it is regardless of their deadlock narcissistic letter.

If you are in a similar position to me, it is not the end of the world and there is a solution to every problem.

If you feel suicidal call the Samaritans 116 123 (UK) or visit A&E – (UK) / ER – (USA) or call the Emergency Services 999 (UK) / 911 (USA).

On that note, I did get a welfare check from the Police albeit it was seven hours after my initial phone call to British Gas had ended, and guess what the Police said they were on my side and agreed that the CEO needed to be aware of this as they are getting a lot of calls like the one they received about me.

Stay safe and do not let these companies bully you.

It is not your fault that the greedy people blue-chip companies, at the top of the food chain like P#tin, and the Banks, Governments, and Large Corporations want to milk every last penny out of you.

UPDATE 15/06/22

I have received two emails from British Gas and a letter regarding my complaint despite me saying I do not want letters in the post. (How to kill the planet with carbon emissions).

So they have disregarded my new meter reading which is calculated as follows and are not supporting people with mental health or disabilities, let the fun begin because I am going to be messaging the CEO directly:

Below is the email that was sent to me:

Total disregard for my new meter reading and disabilities.

Here are the calculations per unit as per the British Gas Website:


Ironically ‘British Gas’ will report you as “Duty of Care” if you happen to say something out of turn to make them look better but in the next breath disregard your disabilities and worst-case scenario cut off your supply.

People who are vulnerable especially old people may not turn on the heating or cook a hot meal to make sure their energy bills do not increase.

So although ‘British Gas’ may come across as they are helping it is all smoke and mirrors and they do not care about your well-being and would much rather pass the buck.

The other joke is why not reach out to organizations that specialize in financial difficulty? If you already know your financial circumstances and do not have the extra money, to begin with, no amount of juggling will pay off your debt and all you will be left with is to sell your assets if you have any or go bankrupt.

Maybe if everyone were to go bankrupt nationwide the Government would do something about it or maybe this is the end goal where no one owns anything (the great reset).

I am not sure what the hidden agenda is but if vulnerable people do not get the help then unfortunately there is going to become a bigger problem.

Nobody should live in poverty, not in the 21st Century, and not have a good quality of life. People should NOT be killed because of W#rs. W#ars are big business to the people on top of the food chain. If world leaders have no regard for human life by starting w#ars, what chances have the rest of us got? I am sorry but if any country starts a w#r where people will be killed it just shows they do not care about humans in general. Nobody should die to help the 1% richer.

If the cost of living is the cause of the increase in mental health then the powers that be that are responsible for the demise need to be made accountable.


How can you pay for increased prices if you do not have the money, to begin with?

Together we are strong and we can fight this!

#chrisoshea #ceocentrica #vulnerablepeople #mentalhealth #suicide #suicidalthoughts #costofliving #britishgas

Cost Of Living And The Impact On Struggling Low Income Families & Entrepreneurs.

Cost of Living And The Impact On Struggling Low-Income Families & Entrepreneurs.


  • In The News.
  • Average UK Salary & Overheads.
  • Self Employed On A Low Income.
  • Reasons Why Rachel Mclean Minister Does Not Have A Clue.
  • Mental Health & Low-Income Families.
  • Mental Health.
  • Suicide Due to Cost Of Living.
  • The Government, Brexit, Deficit Spending and Debt Ceiling.
  • The Hidden Secrets Of Money – Mike Maloney.
  • Financial Difficulty.
  • Useful Links.
  • Final Thoughts From The Editor.
  • About The Author.
  • Possible Solutions – Start A Business.
  • Start A Second Income – Start a Business.
  • Disability Support.

In The News.

According to Rachel Mclean Minister stated people struggling with bills should ‘work more hours or move to better-paid job’.

Ms. Maclean said: “Over the long term we need to have a plan to grow the economy and make sure that people are able to protect themselves better – whether that is by taking on more hours or moving to a better-paid job and these are long-term actions but that’s what we’re focused on as a government.”



Firstly not all employers have the budgets to give extra hours.

Secondly, if it was so easy to get a job everyone would be doing it and we would not have so many people unemployed.

Thirdly the average salary for the average U.K. full-time worker as reported by the ONS equates to £31,772 over the year. However this may be an average yet there are many jobs that pay the National Minimum Wage based on 40 hours working week at the national minimum wage of for example £9.18, which equates to £17,625 before tax and NI.


23 and over21 to 2218 to 20Under 18Apprentice
April 2022£9.50£9.18£6.83£4.81£4.81
National Minimum Wage.


🏠Rent/mortgage payment – £1,060

⚡️The average energy bill in 2021 was £95 per month but, based on our average family using an average amount of energy, this will rise to £153 per month.

📈Council tax payment – £189

💧 £56 for water.

💻Broadband inc television and landline average £80 per month.

📱Phone bills are £45.00 per month each.

🚝 Average commute would cost them £288 per month.

👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Childcare costs have risen to £1303 with one child in nursery full time and the other in breakfast club.

🥘Feeding the family costs on average £424 a month.

Total Overheads: £3,598 x 12 month = £43,176.

Credit: Claire Wilson Recruitment and Careers Qualified Journalist | Early careers expert at Prospects, the UK’s No 1 graduate careers website|


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The Self-Employed With a Handful of Jobs With Zero Profit:

Incomings (Excluding Business Overheads) Per Month:

£00.00 Business Profit

£590 Housing Benefit

£400 Working Tax Credits

£240 Personal Independence Payment

Total £1230

Outgoings Per Month:

£655 Rent

£262 Utility Bills (Water. Gas Elec)

£80 Telephone & Broadband (Without Broadband I cannot work)

£200 Food

£91 Insurance

Total Per Month £1288 (Do The Maths).

Reasons Why Rachel Mclean Minister Does Not Have A Clue:

  • Getting another job may be in breach of the contract of the current employer.
  • Tax Implications.
  • The unemployed who cannot find work (so how is someone in employment going to find work so easily?
  • People with disabilities who cannot work? How are they supposed to live?
  • Disabled People in Employment? Disabled people find it more difficult to get work because even though we are supposed to live in a non-discrimination society, a person for example with OCD who has to wear latex gloves to touch things won’t be hired to represent a brand on a high street shop or may feel uncomfortable working in an office environment being the odd one out. Ask yourself this question how many people do you see working who have wheelchairs? Businesses with no wheelchair access are not going to go out of their way to build ramps and fit disability equipment unless that person they were hiring was worth more than his/her weight in gold.
  • Self Employed on low incomes as they struggle to get more business?
  • People with children, so are you supposed to get a second job so that you can pay for childcare to look after your kids whilst you are at work? (getting a stranger to bring your child up, I have never got my head around this unless you earn a lot of money and your career is very important to you).
  • Not all households have two incomes some people live on their own and only have one income.

Mental Health and Low-Income Families.

This affects people’s mental health with the Governments and the Banks playing God with your prosperity? Lee Anderson, Conservative MP for Ashfield, said in the House of Commons that meals could be cooked for as little as 30p a day. (You can’t even buy ramen noodles for 30p) I suppose if you had eggs and toast or jam sandwiches every day that may bring the shopping bill down, but who wants to eat toast and eggs every day?

Let’s be hypothetical here:

2 Dozen Eggs: £4.00

2 Loaves of Bread £2.40

Butter or Spread £2.00

Total Price of Groceries: £8.40 divided by 7 days = £1.20 a day

I suppose if you ate one egg a day (after all we can’t be greedy) it would bring the cost down by £2.00 which would mean your daily food bill would be 91p per day.

I am sure health professionals would be falling over themselves saying how unhealthy this would be.

But who on earth wants to live like this? This affects a person’s quality of life never mind their mental state. It’s humiliating and downright cruel. No one should be made to starve to fit in with the Government agenda.

The government needs to get its house in order before palming off its problems on the public.



Mental Health

The cost of living crisis is affecting the nation’s mental health and the already vulnerable mind.

Sarb Bajwa, CEO of the BPS (The British Psychology Society) said:

“The absence of measures to support the most vulnerable is glaring, and many families will be swept into poverty over the coming months, as they struggle to pay their bills and put food on the table. The mental health impacts of this are severe – we know that the stress of raising a family in poverty can have huge ramifications on parents’ and children’s mental health and that poverty is one of the major risk factors for the development of mental and physical health problems“.


Suicide Due To Cost Of Living.

A Sheffield Labour MP said some people in his constituency have attempted suicide in response to the rising cost of living. Paul Blomfield, MP for Sheffield Central, said: “I spent yesterday morning at a crisis meeting in a part of my constituency where incomes are lowest. And we were looking at the way in which the cost-of-living crisis we’re facing was impacting people”.


Approximately 75% of suicides occur in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) where rates of poverty are high.


The Government, Brexit, Debt Ceiling & Deficit Spending.

Debt Ceiling

The debt ceiling is the maximum amount that the U.S. government can borrow by issuing bonds. When the debt ceiling is reached, the Treasury Department must find other ways to pay expenses. Otherwise, there is a risk the U.S. will default on its debt.


Deficit Spending

Deficit spending occurs when purchases exceed income. It happens to individuals and businesses, but it usually refers to governments.



In other words, because the UK left the EU, the Brexit Divorce Bill in July 2021, was estimated at £40.8bn but Downing Street insisted the figure was between £35bn and £39bn. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/51110096 we now have a crisis on our hands. The Government needs to find the money to pay the EU. Goods and services are now subject to tariffs, increasing the cost of raw materials into Britain and finished products out.


Therefore who is paying for this if not the British Public?

You would not allow the public to make decisions about what goes on in your business especially if they had no clue about accounting and budgets?

The same should be said how can you allow a country to vote if they have no clue about economics and have not got an ounce of politics in their body?

If I was in power I would make everyone do an IQ Test and the ones that scored higher could only vote.


You allow uneducated people to vote just so you can win the game of numbers and now look at the state of the country which is now left in turmoil.

The Hidden Secrets of Money – Mike Maloney


Financial Difficulty

Depending on your location Country/Town/City there may be emergency grants available. For Cardiff for example if are experiencing severe financial hardship you may wish to claim the Discretionary Assistance Fund (DAF) Discretionary Assistance Fund (DAF) | GOV.WALES

Useful Links

Final Thoughts From The Editor.

The governments have overspent and people and businesses too. So what does that mean in the long run for the British Public? For starters, the cost of living has to be increased to pay back the debts that have accumulated and forces people to borrow even more money. For every pound/dollar borrowed you have to pay interest which is fiat currency to the banks and that is how the monetary system revolves.

If the Government and Politicians are so quick to give advice why don’t they swap places with people living on the poverty line, if one is born with silver spoons in their mouths they will never grasp how the other half lives and it is easy to dish out advice if you have never experienced life, where you have to worry where your next meal is going to come from.

It is easy to pass judgment whilst hosting wine and cheese parties and decorating walls with gold wallpaper at a cost of £840 per roll?

It’s easy to say find a job when businesses are not hiring and do not want to spend.

All businesses are tightening their reigns on their spending, so the chances of a pay rise or an increase in hours are going to be slim.

What happened to all the money that was confiscated from the Oligarchs and all their assets? (is it all just smoke and mirrors simply to confuse everyone so that they do not find out what is really going on?). Why can’t the assets be sold off to pay off the national debt?

  • Why are the owners at the Federal Reserve getting a 6% commission, why can’t they reduce their cut to 1%; and the rest of the money sent back into the system? (It’s not as if they can take all the money with them when they die).
  • Why are they hoarding this wealth?
  • Why can’t the Millionaires, Billionaires have a wage cap on how much they own, and the rest gets put back to help pay off the national debt.
  • Why do low-income families have to be punished at the expense of the privileged and wealthy politicians?
  • Why can’t we all live in harmony and stop being so God Damm Greedy?
  • What about the people who are disabled are they just thrown to the dogs?
  • Why are people suffering to the point it affects their mental health?
  • How many people have to die at the expense of the powers that be?
  • People who have got themselves into debt due to price hikes of utility bills should have the debt spread over a term of 3-5 years.
  • Utility companies should not make people feel like 💩 and be belittling and humiliating.
  • Creditors should not hound the vulnerable, by phoning or texting several times a day (it is called harassment). If a person has admitted hardship the creditor should put a halt on payments overdue and even come to some arrangement to pay back in affordable monthly payments rather than making a person feel emotionally and mentally unwell. (£40 x 60 months = £2,400) It is better to get something back than nothing at all. The same goes with Utility companies do not force people into corners as you never know what they might do.

About The Author.

  • I am an advocate for mental health and poverty. I write about Disabilities, Business, Politics, and Finance.
  • I have Disabilities.
  • I write in my Online Journals where I share my articles with my network of nearly 11K connections on LinkedIn and on Social Media Platforms, Groups, and Pages.

If I can help just one person, I know I am making a difference one step at a time.

The more people stand up and express their dissatisfaction with how they are being treated eventually something will change.

Possible Solutions – Start a Business.

The Governments instead of throwing spanners in the work with their lame solutions; instead they should encourage people to set up their own businesses and start a second income. Anyone and everyone can start a business and the possibilities are endless.

I can help you start up a second income and offer free advice and support.

domain names IONOS - Official Partner Generate Instant Publicity! 24-7PressRelease.com

Disability Support.

The other thing that has been brought to my attention is how cost-cutting the government is with benefits, robbing Peter to pay Paul so to speak, by taking away simple necessities from the already high risk and vulnerable people to pay for their spending on Wars and their own agendas, they are doing the classic “Daniel Blake” scenario.

My daughter has MS (Multiple Sclerosis) and has a Cardiff Bus Concessionary Travel Card, have now said she will not renew her card even though she already was awarded the card; unless she gets the new updated PIP award letter that is still being processed. She has been given a deadline to produce the letter within the next eight weeks which PIP have said they will not be able to do. If people have a long-term illness they should not be expected to jump through hoops to prove they are ill. They should have evidence from health care professionals and should not be expected to perform like performing seals.

As it happens my daughter is going to have treatment again in the next few weeks because she has relapsed and her MRI scan showed new lesions. The powers that be should not be adding more stress to people who are ill that have corroborating evidence.




If you found this article interesting and useful please take the time to share it with your friends, families, and colleagues. Don’t forget to use the links throughout this article and last but not least please consider buying me a cup of coffee. Some of the National newspapers are using paywalls which is annoying so we will continue providing free content, without forcing people to subscribe to read the full articles.


#costofliving #mentalhealth #disabilities #finiancialdifficulty #pricehikes #poverty #brexit #deficitspending #debtceiling #nationaldebt #suicideduetocostofliving

Blue Butterfly

Natalya Platonova – Serving British Soldier, Talks About Mental Health & Fundraising.

Natalya Platonova – Serving British Soldier, Talks About Mental Health & Fundraising.

Natalya Platonva – Honors & awards – The Commander Field Army Commendation Jan 2020 for outstanding service to the British Army.

On Sunday 8th May 2022 I will be embarking on a 185km trek from Oxford to Buckingham Palace along the Thames path. I will be cuffed to a 3kg medicine ball the whole way. Why? Because this medicine ball signifies the silent weight, torment, and suffering of mental illness that so many of us carry on our own. I will walk on behalf of everyone who is struggling and cannot find their voice to talk through distressing emotions.

This Christmas I too did not have a voice, I too felt like I could not speak and I came to the conclusion that the best way forward for me was to end my life. What brought me back from that dark period was finding the confidence to talk and confide in loved ones about how I was feeling. It is incredibly difficult to let go of that burden without feeling like you will pass it on to someone else. So we lock it away and suffer in silence. There is still a massive stigma in regards to mental wellness. I want to help break that stigma with every mile I cover. I won’t be approached by strangers whilst I walk and for that curiosity to turn into honest conversations. Remember, someone’s smile could be masking something else beneath the surface.

If this resonates with you, please donate, support, and share this far and wide. Thank you 🙏🏼

ABF The Soldiers’ Charity

Combat Stress


British Army

#mentalhealth #charity #medicineballchallenge #army #military

Cost Of Living on a Low Income and Mental Health.

Blood Out Of A Stone!

Cost Of Living on a Low Income and Mental Health.

I need to share this to get it off my chest, yet I prefer to stay anonymous.

I am self-employed and disabled. I have lost a couple of good-paying clients in the last couple of months.

I am getting housing benefits, working tax credits, and pip and have only a few clients that pay me but not enough so that I can live on, the money I get from my business just about covers my outgoings for my business. I was showing a loss last year on my tax return.

Updated 24/05/22

My Incoming Per Month:

£590 Housing Benefit

£400 Working Tax Credits

£240 Personal Independence Payment

Total £1230

My Outgoings Per Month:

£655 Rent

£270 Utility Bills

£80 Telephone & Broadband (Without Broadband I cannot work)

£91 Insurance

Sub Total £1096.00

£165 Debt Repayment/Loans

Total Per Month £1261.00

This means if I was to pay the utility companies what they want and pay back the creditors what I own I still would not have enough money and I would not have any food to buy.

So even if I put the creditors on the back burner I would only be left with £134 to buy food divided by 4 weeks is £33.50 what can I buy for £33.50?

How the hell am I supposed to survive?

Ideally, if I could make another £500 per month I would be in the clear.

I am trying every which way I can to get more business in and with only four clients on my books, I am struggling.

I know what I do works but it is convincing the tire kickers that is the problem. Believe me there any many tire kickers and scavengers about, simply trying to get as much information out of you for free and then going cold on you. I once contacted a whole suburb that only had Facebook pages and not one of them came back to me even though my prices are cheap, but not that cheap that people think it is too good to be true. So I know it’s not me but society in general not wanting to spend.


I need someone to help me. I do not need pep talks I just want to get out of the financial dilemma that I am in. I do not need a friend, I do not need a counselor, I just need more work.

I am fed up with having the same heartache day in and day out.

I am feeling very low right now and fighting my hardest to keep my thoughts at bay.

I have no one that can help me, believe me, I have tried reaching out to my family and they won’t help me. I have asked them to share my business on social media, it is not as if I was asking them for money and it went on deaf ears.

They are just waiting for me to fail, just so that they can say “see I told you so”. Anyone that says they are supporting me or have supported me needs to put their money where their mouth is because otherwise, they are full of 💩. I have not been well for some time now and as the months’ progress so does my depression.

Sympathy – Asking For a Period of Grace.

I emailed the electricity company (EON Next) yesterday 15/04/22 that I would be late paying my £34 (they never had a problem during Covid Lockdown).

It is not that I have defaulted yet at the time this gets published and was told that my account has gone to a debt collection agency. I tried phoning them today but conveniently they only operate Mon-Fri, which is causing me so much anxiety as I now have to wait until Tuesday after the Bank Holiday to contact them.

Even looking at my account I am in debt by – £22.84 so is there any need to be so “God Damn Dramatic” as this person has been to make me feel like 💩?

I hope their fate is worse than mine; so that they can experience depression firsthand like I am feeling.

The person that replied to my email was Anisah Hussain (E.ON Next)


I hope this person reaps what they sow and that goes for any corporation or person in charge reading this.

I am feeling extremely anxious right now and I can feel my heart racing really fast. My stomach well let’s just say I am running to the toilet every few mins.

Nobody should be put in the position to make them unwell or even worse than what they were already feeling.

I do not own anything other than my laptop and my phone which I use for work as I was robbed a few years ago and anything of value was stolen, hence there is nothing anyone can take from me.

I feel so low right now and not sure what to do. My GP is totally useless although I am on medication there is little more they can do for me, to top it all I have a very sick child I am caring for and I am worried about her well being, mental and physical state, so pushing my buttons is only making things worse and causing more anxiety and distress.

You cannot get blood out of a stone!

“I am at the lowest I have been for a long time and it only takes one person to push me over the edge”.

I am not crazy and I do not need to be locked up, I am just feeling really low.

I am not feeling suicidal I am just feeling extremely unhappy right now and I do not want to have any worries. I want people to be understanding and not critical of me or superior to me. I want people to support me.

This email I received just shows that people do not care unless it relates directly to them. I just want to be happy for a change and not have to worry about anything. I want to live a happy carefree life.

Update 19/04/22

Considering they, in theory, were closed yesterday I did get an email from the same agent in relation to my reply and I assume the person is a (she) asked when is a convenient time for her to call me. Why does anyone need to speak to me, do they not understand written English…I replied I would be paying on the 9th of May 2022.

However, my gut feeling told me to phone them today and this is how it played out.

Phone Call No 1. I spoke to an agent that put me on hold and we get cut off

Phone Call No 2. I spoke to a different person who spoke to me as if she was talking to a first-grader. She spoke to me as if she owned the company and kept saying I have never paid my payments on time, blatantly scolding me before putting the phone down on me. She said I did not have a payment plan in place. So what are all my £34 per month payments then?

Phone Call No 3. I told the person I would be paying on the 9th of May 2022 and he said he would put it on the system and I would get a confirmation email, which never transpired.

Two things spring to mind:


What’s the effect of or the intention behind the harassment?

The Equality Act says it’s harassment where the behavior is meant to or has the effect of either:

  • violating your dignity (I felt like I was a nobody with no self worth)
  • creating an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive environment (the agent spoke to me in a way like she was disciplining a child or someone of no importance).

This means it’s harassment even if the person harassing you didn’t mean to offend or intimidate you, as long as the harassment has one of the above effects.

If you go to court, the judge may have to decide if it’s harassment or not. They will look at how the behavior made you feel and whether it’s reasonable for you to feel this way.


Emotional Distress:

The fact is all I owe is £22.84 dated 19/04/21 but has since risen to £75 per month and they tried making a big deal about it. I was spoken to as if I was something someone had stepped in, which is downright disgraceful.

The Damage Has Been Done!

The problem is because people are working from home they will not necessarily have the calls recorded and they literally can speak to you like sh#t, hence I will never be able to prove that the woman I spoke to on my second call spoke to me like I was a nobody. I hope karma pays her a visit and her husband/partner cheats on her or she has a similar fate to what I am going through.

Who the hell did the woman I spoke to think she was talking to? I am not a piece of sh#t to be spoken to this way…

And you wonder why I hate life? when I have to contend with people like this woman this afternoon and then the man that blatantly lied to me about sending me a confirmation email.

I have purposely published this as evidence and compensation for emotional distress which far outweighs the cost of my electricity bill should it ever go down that route, do not tempt me.

#feelingsuicidal #suicide #suicidalthoughts #depression

Feeling Suicidal, Suicidal Thoughts.

Feeling Suicidal, Suicidal Thoughts.

Feeling Suicidal.

“Life is precious, do not waste it”.

Feeling Suicidal is when a person is in a very dark place metaphorically speaking when they have lost the will to live and they see no other way of escaping from the nightmare they are in.

The rise in suicides likely to be linked to austerity – but the story behind each suicide is complex.

When a person has lost all hope and the will to live they cannot see anything else other than dying. They believe that once they die their nightmare will be over and they will not feel anguish, sadness, loneliness, or despair. They do believe the grass is greener on the other side but is it though?.. Some people believe if you commit suicide you go to hell. So if life feels like hell right now, the real hell will be far worse.

When a person falls into this state of feeling hopeless when nothing is working out fine for them and no one understands them or cares or bothers with them it is understandable they may sink deeper into the abyss.

Most of our depression is fueled by fear, loss, and grief. “Disabled Entrepreneur UK” covers all topics in all categories (I have linked some of the topics in this article).

There are many factors that can cause a person to feel so low:

  1. They feel like a failure, they have nothing to show for their life, they fear failure.
  2. They have lost their job.
  3. They have lost their home, through evicition or natual disaster, divorce, seperation or money problems such as bankruptcy or not being able to keep up with the mortgage payments.
  4. They have lost their family through death or family fued.
  5. They have or are going through a divorce and are losing their home, their children and their money.
  6. They have been robbed.
  7. Their business is going under.
  8. They have lost their life partner, through seperation, or death.
  9. They have lost their child through miscarrage, illness or accidental death.
  10. They are discriminated, humiliated or made a mockery of. They have people or institutes that judge them.
  11. The have financial burdens that if their money was taken away how would they cope (benefits).
  12. They feel no one cares or understands them and every time they reach out people do not take them seriously.
  13. They are stuck in a physically and mentally abusive relationship.
  14. They are being bullied in school or in the workplace.
  15. Harrassment because of sexual orientation, religion, skin colour, beliefs, ethnicity.
  16. They have no friends.
  17. They feel lonely.
  18. They feel the world has turned against them.
  19. Their family and friends have turned against them because or their sexual orientation, religion or beliefs.
  20. They are the abuser in a domstic viilent relationship and have they gone too far with their actions and feel worried they will get caught.

Many adults will experience feelings of hopelessness or suicidal thoughts at some point in their lives. 

This could be because they do not have a close support network that understands them (friends/family/co-workers) and they may feel embarrassed to reach anyone in their network for the fear of being laughed at or for the worries they have to be brushed under the carpet so to speak.


  1. Social Withdrawal.
  2. Excessive Quietness,
  3. Irritability.
  4. Uncharacteristic Outbursts.
  5. Crying For No Reason.
  6. Hating Everything and Everyone.
  7. Talking about Death or Suicide.

“If you are feeling suicidal, the most important thing is to talk to someone“.

If authoritarian institutions try to judge or discriminate against a person for their mental health, remind them no one is perfect and everyone could be in the same shoes as a suicidal person one day feeling life is not worth living”.

When you feel sad and lonely and feel you have no one to turn to there are organizations specifically designed to help people going through what you are going through. They are not discriminating or judgemental they actually care about you as they would not be there otherwise. They are there to lend an ear, you do not even have to say your real name. You just need to take the brave steps to reach out that is all you have to do.

If you are going through a difficult time, you may be feeling isolated and disconnected from your friends, family, or other groups. It might it difficult to start a conversation about your feelings, therefore there are organizations such as the Samaritans that can listen to your problems and perhaps steer you in the right direction. But it’s important that you let the people around you know how you are feeling. It’s important to remember that people in these organizations care and will want to help you.

Saying that, be prepared for the people in your immediate circle that may be oblivious to your sadness and may try to back away because they have their own problems.

The best people to start with are the ones that have been professionally trained, such as a GP or Mental Health Organisation. Not everyone in your close network of friends and family will understand or even want to help you, so keep that in mind.

What to do if you are experiencing suicidal thoughts

Your GP should be the first point of contact for any issues affecting your physical and mental health, including suicidal thoughts. They will also be able to diagnose a state of depression or anything in your lifestyle that may be contributing to how you may be feeling. 

If you do not have a GP but need to speak with a doctor urgently, you can call NHS non-emergency number on 111 and they will direct you to the nearest available walk-in centre or doctor’s surgery.

Tips for coping with suicidal feelings:

  • Try not to think about the future, just focus on the present and getting through the day, start by taking baby steps.
  • Avoid drugs or alcohol, these will only add fuel to the fire.
  • Go to a safe place like a friend’s house, family or public area, avoid being stuck at home alone, go somewhere where there are people around.
  • Start a journal, this could be a physical book or online blog.
  • Find a reason to help others through your personal story.
  • Do something you usually enjoy.

If you are about to harm yourself or have already done so, call 999 as soon as possible or go to Accident and Emergency (A&E) at the nearest hospital.

Professional suicide support services

If you’re feeling very low, you can contact any of the professional support services below for free.

  • Samaritans – call 116 123 or email jo@samaritans.co.uk (available 24/7)
  • Sane Line – call 0300 304 7000 (available 4.30pm – 10.30pm every day)
  • Papyrus Hopeline – call 0800 068 4141, text 07786209697 or email pat@papyrus-uk.org (available 10am – 10pm weekdays, 2pm – 10pm weekends and bank holidays)

The Mental Health Foundation is concerned but not surprised by the latest UK suicide figures. They are in line with other evidence of the distress people are feeling, such as rates of self-harm and self-reported feelings of shame.

Some of the rises in the number of suicides may be due to a change in the rules in England and Wales about how coroners should record suicides. However, it is currently too soon to know what difference the change has made.

Whenever a person takes their own life, there is a complex story behind it.

There is also not a single simple explanation for the increase in the number of people taking their own lives, but it is likely to be linked with economic austerity. We know that suicide rates are linked with people’s uncertainty about their financial futures, unemployment, persistent inequality, loneliness, discrimination, and ill-health. (Citation/Credit).



According to The Mental Health Foundation:

Asking “are you having suicidal thoughts?”

  • Asking about suicide does not encourage it, nor does it lead a person to start thinking about it; in fact it may help prevent it, and can start a potentially life-saving conversation

Note From the Editor.

However, I have to agree to disagree, I suffer from Mental Health Issues and on my last PIP assessment I was asked that very question, have I had suicidal thoughts.

  1. Firstly I would not admit to anyone if I had them or not.
  2. Secondly if I did not have those thoughts I basically was given a loaded gun because if I was not thinking about it before, I most certainly was thinking it now and had a seed planted in my head, which I could have easily gone through with it had I have been in that state of mind.

“The difference is I do have everything to live for and can teach people including institutions asking someone directly if they are feeling suicidal can go one of two ways and one has to tread carefully”.

One needs to be subtle and not cause a person to immediately go on the defense and on guard. No one will admit they feel suicidal especially to a stranger unless they actively are looking to get help and are prepared to get the support they need”.

For me personally, this crossed my mind on the odd occasion, but I was not telling a PIP assessor who I did not know and besides my own personal story is complex, it is not one incident but many incidents with many people’s/entities actions that I can blame over many years that have caused me to feel depressed”.

As I walked away with a loaded gun that the PIP Assessor had metaphorically given and had I not found the strength to over-ride my thoughts I very much doubt you would be reading my story today”.

I have since learned that one can over-ride one’s thoughts with neuroscience which I am actively researching. I hope to publish my findings in the near future.

What assessors should ask instead is:

  1. Have you been feeling low?
  2. Do you feel you can talk to someone?
  3. How often do you feel low?
  4. Do you have friends or family you can talk to?
  5. Do you feel hopeless?
  6. Do you feel worthless?
  7. Do you feel the world is against you?
  8. Do you know of any support networks you can reach out to?
  9. Do you turn to alcohol or recreational drugs to surpress your thoughts?
  10. Do you feel your thoughts are very intrusive?
  11. Do you isolate yourself from society?
  12. Can you cope with life?
  13. Do you have any hobbies?
  14. Do you feel proud of yourself?
  15. Has anyone tried to hurt you physically or mentally?

World Health Organisation:

According to “WHO” Nearly 800,000 people die by suicide in the world each year, which is roughly one death every 40 seconds.

Suicide is the 2nd leading cause of death in the world for those aged 15-24 years.

Depression is the leading cause of disability worldwide.



When someone you know looks or behaves not their usual self, ask them if they are ok and that they can talk to you whenever they want with no pressure. Always be kind to people as you do not know what they are going through or feeling.

Never be judgemental or dictate to them what they should or should not do. Everyone has the ability to make their own decisions for their own reasons. If you have an opinion tell it once, it is up to the person to listen, continue bombarding the person with your opinions will eventually make the person withdraw from you. If people do not want to listen or take on board your advice do not force it on them.

If you say you are going to phone someone, stick to it, and never give empty promises as that person could just be waiting for you (CD) as there are consequences to our actions.

Do not be that family member that only reaches out once a year at Christmas. Phone the person regularly throughout the year. Get the distant relative involved in your life, do not disregard them like leftover meat. Phone them if they are not inclined to meet with you.

People battle demons in their heads and it is only right for you as a decent human being to be there for the person that may be going through worse ordeals than yourself.

If you are a good person you will spread awareness that people do not have to go through things alone, share your story so that people can relate to you.

If you do not have a job and no one wants to employ you, then create a job and be your own boss. I can motivate and inspire anyone.

Nothing is so bad that you cannot overcome the problem(s) you are faced with, believe me, I know, I have been there, done that, and got the t-shirt. In fact, it did cross my mind on the odd occasion but found a way to get through it. Besides, I have a family and a business I am grateful for having a roof over my head and food to eat. Find the things you are grateful for and think there is always someone worse off than you. Where there is a will there is a way. Obstacles are there so that we can learn how to overcome them. Life is a lesson to be learned.

So if I can survive with everything I have gone through over the years, so can you.

Suicide is so very final and there is no guarantee what you will be faced with on the other side. It could be as some believe that people who commit suicide go straight to hell and some countries do not give people proper burials just dump their bodies in mass graves. It’s ironic that the actor who played the character Chris Nielsen (Robin Williams) “What Dreams May Come” in a film about suicide, committed suicide. Even famous people have demons and get depressed. (Rich and Depressed).

I have been pushed to my limits many times including when I lost both my parents and my brother but I have also had to deal with domestic violence not to mention losing someone I loved. This is part of the grieving process.

There will always be people who will try to be judgemental and will think they are better than you. Let it all go over your head, no one on this planet is better than you. Just because they may be more educated, have social status, or are some sort of institution or royalty, behind every company, there is a human being doing exactly the same as you, eating, sleeping, and surviving.


Anyone who is reading this and simply wants to talk can set up an anonymous Gmail account and message me using the form below.

“Nothing is unbearable that cannot be conquered”.

For me how I deal with depression other than doing research I use this site to write my mental health problems as an online digital journal specifically designed to help myself and others like me.

I can lend an ear and point you in the right direction, you do not have to give your real name and everything you say will be kept confidential”.

**Please note: messages are answered within 24 hours.

However, you can chat with me using the chatbox, Open Monday to Friday Business Hours.

If you want to speak with someone outside of these hours I recommend getting in touch with the Samaritans.

If you want to write your own story I can create your own page and together we can inspire more people”.

#suicide #suicideprevention #suicideawareness #feelingsuicidal #depression #clinicaldepression #grief #anxiety #humanbehaviour #suicidalthoughts #intrusivethoughts #suicidal #feelingsuicidal

Rich & Depressed

Rich, Disabled & Depressed.

Did you know that rich people get depressed just like the disabled, working-class, and poor? In fact, in our current climate, everyone gets depressed at some point in their lives regardless, of gender, ethnicity, job title, social status, wealth, or physical and mental disabilities?

There is no such thing as a perfect world or perfect lifestyle that most of us try to strive for. The higher we climb the harder we fall and with more wealth, there will be more problems.

There is not one person on this planet that cannot say they have never been depressed. Even babies can be born depressed.

Rich people are prone to depression because a lot of money of their net worth exists in untouchable assets such as home equity and retirement accounts, not only pressures of work can take their toll on a person’s mental state. For rich people some of the time their wealth only exists on paper and they cannot spend it and run the risk of disappearing due to market conditions.

Rich people spend less time with their families and more time at work, this then puts strain on relationships.

Where the working class person can allocate time to spend with their families in the evenings and weekends and middle to high-class entrepreneurs will prioritize their business in order to run a tight ship. with no time wasted and every day is one day closer to striking gold and more gold. Not everyone is born privileged.

However, saying this person is born privileged or is famous and in the public arena may find it difficult to live normal lives. They cannot just pop down to a local cafe or supermarket their every move is documented so they live in a secluded place away from prying eyes.

The upper class and born privileged person may not understand about other classes and with money flowing may take their wealth for granted but again a wealthy person may also experience depression as they cannot walk on Gods earth freely without being followed by paparazzi and may have to have an entourage of security guarding them. They cannot walk into a store or go anywhere public. They are imprisoned in their own surroundings. They may not have the freedom to do things randomly unlike the rest of the world.

Most CEOs, founders, the innovators are prone to depression more so than the average person, possessing subtle psychopathic traits and be more prone to addiction.

Their addiction and obsession with work only fuel the fire to not fail. Rich people may also turn to alcohol and recreational drugs to self-medicate. These tendencies may even help the individual rise to such heights through their insecurities.

Research suggests that CEOs may be depressed at more than double the rate of the general public (which is already about 20%).

It is also suggested that even privileged rich kids are, counter-intuitively, more depressed and anxious than their middle- or low-income peers. This could be because a social group trap is so tight-knit that it would be virtually impossible to make friends out of their social circle, giving rich kids less freedom. Rich kids do not mix with poor kids or vice versa.

People on low incomes have lower expectations and working-class families learn to cope with the bare minimums and are truly grateful for what they have, which high class have more expectations and are not grateful of what they have because they always want more and better things than the Jones’s. Low-class families are more humble and can show more empathy and understand that a less privileged person will be eternally grateful for any help that is given to them.

Hence a lower class family will be eternally grateful compared to a wealthy family. Whilst a wealthy family will expect the best of the best and if they do not get what they desire they may experience anxiety and depression. There is currently not enough research about the prevalence of depression in the upper vs. the lower socioeconomic classes within a country.

Psychologists who have treated the very high-functioning C-suite types over the years have collected data consensus that tells them that people of high social status and enormous wealth are prone to major depression for a variety of reasons than people of other socioeconomic strata.

Todd Essig, a Forbes writer, and psychologist in New York City said “Uber-success can be depressogenic”. “Many C-suite executives are prone to depression, despite their success, maybe even because of it.”

Depression can affect the lives of everyone, in any stratum.

Regardless if you are rich, poor, or with a disability, no one is immune to anxiety and depression.

However, people who have extreme success are more prone to depression because a person who is successful has chased their own dream and is more protective of it causing isolation and the pressures to keep it a success and not to fail can cause a person to isolate.

People of extreme successes are more prone to criticism there will always be competitors and haters and people just watching and waiting for them to fail.

A person in the public eye may not always have people who will believe in their success.

In this not-so-perfect world where most of us want a perfect life, this is virtually impossible as money cannot buy you happiness. It is a constant battle to please people to have people on the same page as you and there will always be people that are jealous and will say things out of context just to hurt you. It is a constant battle to stay on top which triggers depression in those you’d least expect it. People who are successful, wealthy, and with a disability may find even more pressure to not fail and have to work even harder to get around obstacles. In fact, some of the most successful people in history have suffered from relentless, incapacitating depression – some have won their battles, or, at least, continued to battle, yet some, sadly, succumb to them.

Comparing yourself to the Joneses

People who are extremely successful and very wealthy will always want the best of the best and will always compete with one another to have something grander. This could be the best-hosted party in which mingling with other wealthy people only puts more pressure to make their event even more spectacular. Their competitors, neighbor, or friends dripping with jewels then their jewels would have to be bigger and more expensive, this could also be designer clothes, accessories, cars, properties, etc. They constantly compare themselves to the Joneses. Countries that are low-income, on the other hand, have low depression rates. However even countries with low wealth still like to compete, you should see the graves in Poland the bigger and grander reflects the wealth of the family.

Some people habitually measure their self-worth by materialistic items that they own. Even people of low wealth try to portray they are rich by wearing designer clothes and accessories but in reality, they do not have two pennies to rub together. Not everything that glistens is gold.

Quality Time

People of working or low class have time to delegate their free time whilst a person who is an entrepreneur will be more driven in making their business succeed and may neglect family in order to concentrate on making their business a success. Once at the top of the ladder they will constantly be overprotective to make their business stay in the number one spot. This adds further stress and anxiety and eventually depression.

People of the lower class do not have the same expectations and those of the working or middle or higher class. They may be complacent to what they have and will not be driven to improve their lives they will not have the same pressure as working or middle-class people. Entrepreneurs are on the spectrum of the lower, working, middle and upper class but they have a key goal to succeed. They will battle to climb the ladder. To achieve extreme success, a person needs to dedicate an extraordinary amount of time and effort to get there, which can make for a life that feels precipitous and lonely.

People climbing the ladder may find everyday things that people take for granted like spending time with family mundane and not proactive. Going for leisurely walks or taking time out to exercise may be an ordeal and you will be surprised that many successful people have their own Gyms or exercise bikes in their offices. Also engaging in meaningless conversations and socializing with people that do not have the same vision adds even more pressure to socially disconnect.

Privilege People

People who have been born wealthy and do not have to ever worry about putting food on the table may find it hard to cope if they find themselves in uncharted territory. People born into wealth do not understand and may find it harder to cope with life problems as they have always been shielded from it. Arnold Washton, a psychologist at Compass Health Group said that depression may also be more common in people who have only known wealth, since they may not be familiar with bootstrapping themselves through difficult times. However, people who self-made millionaires or billionaires may be more resilient as they have experienced the struggles of getting to the top and they know what to expect. A self-made millionaire, a billionaire has more authority to teach people about wealth than someone who was born with a silver spoon in their mouth.

The higher you rise the harder you fall.

To be always vigilant and be prepared for disasters and knowing from all the mistakes and failures you have had will give you a building block to start again. Having a stepping stone if things go belly up and being able to reinvent yourself is one key factor to making sure you succeed. If something is not working quite right create another building block. When business is bad, it goes without saying that depression would be more likely. In good economic times, even if every milestone is hit at exactly the right point, some may find that they feel they have failed. Rather than let everything come tumbling down have strategies in place for every economic disaster.

Just because someone is super-wealthy does not mean you have to be less empathetic towards them. By helping them get through their depression will encourage them to help you. The super-rich also have bills to pay and have obligations just like you and I. Obviously our bills are nothing compared to the magnitude of theirs but it’s bills all the same. Unless a person is a ruler of the land or oil tycoon even then the laws of the land may forbid their relatives to live normal lives. Even princesses have attempted to escape certain countries because they want to live normal lives. Knowing a person is depressed regardless of their stature one can only offer a helping hand this could be just an anonymous talk or perhaps advice and links to organizations.

Rich Person Insecurities.

  1. Keeping up with the Jones
  2. Health Issues, Mental Health, Physical and Mental Disabilities
  3. Sealing the Next Deal
  4. Finding Funds for the Next Investment
  5. Shopaholic, Wife, Girlfriend, Partner, Mistress (Over Spending)
  6. Infidelity (Not being satisfied)
  7. Balancing Work and Family Life
  8. Pressures to Succeed and maintain No1 spot
  9. Market Conditions
  10. Untouchable Assets

Wealth/Money cannot buy you health or happiness. Wealth? Money is a tool and a monetary exchange for something you desire. Wealth can satisfy your needs and fill in an empty void, it can help secure your future and your family’s future but it cannot buy you health or happiness. Having material things and assets may make you feel more superior but it will never make you happy.

The key to happiness is knowing that what you do helps others. However to be happy you need to be healthy and you have to treat your body like a temple. If you look after your body it will look after you the spiritual being in the physical body.

If someone is suffering from depression and recognizes they have a problem this does not make them weak. By reaching out to someone is the first step to healing.

Sharing your pain, your worries, and anxieties are the first step to alleviating the problem. A person who is suffering should not suffer alone and needs to reach out to someone or seek professional help.

Regardless of the person’s title or wealth status, we are all human at the end of the day.

Regardless of who you are you can drop us a line you do not have to give your real name and you can set up a Gmail email if you simply feel life is unbearable we are here to lend an ear and we can offer suggestions.

Whatever you are going through you do not have to go through it alone. You are not the first or the last person to suffer and you should not suffer in silence.

#stress #depression #clinicaldepression #ocd #mental health #obsessivecompultivedisorder #bipolar #anxiety #worry #worries #loneliness #therapy #hypnosis #talking #chatting #reachingout #suicideprevention #prescriptiondrugs #antidepressants #famouspeoplewithdepression #richanddepressed

Emotional Distress.

Sad Woman
Image Credit

Navigating the Depths of Emotional Distress: Understanding, Coping, and Healing

Emotional distress is a universal aspect of the human experience, impacting individuals from all walks of life. It manifests in various forms, ranging from mild discomfort to profound suffering, and can be triggered by a multitude of factors such as life events, trauma, or mental health conditions.

Understanding Emotional Distress:

Emotional distress encompasses a broad spectrum of feelings and emotions that deviate from one’s usual state of well-being. It can manifest as anxiety, depression, overwhelming sadness, anger, or a sense of emptiness. Unlike physical pain, emotional distress is often intangible, making it challenging for individuals to communicate their internal struggles to others.

Causes of Emotional Distress:

  1. Life Events: Significant life changes such as the loss of a loved one, divorce, job loss, or financial difficulties can trigger emotional distress. The upheaval caused by major life events can disrupt one’s sense of stability and security.
  2. Utility Companies: Utility companies, resorting to threatening bullying tactics.
  3. Financial Institutions: Chasing people when half the time they cannot survive, driving them to despair.
  4. Councils & Governments: Causing people’s mental health to deteriorate by playing God with their lives.
  5. Trauma: Physical, emotional, or psychological trauma from past experiences can leave lasting imprints on an individual’s mental and emotional well-being. Trauma can be a root cause of ongoing emotional distress if left unaddressed.
  6. Mental Health Conditions: Disorders such as anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) are directly associated with emotional distress. These conditions alter the brain’s chemistry and functioning, leading to persistent emotional struggles.

Effects of Emotional Distress:

  1. Physical Health Implications: Prolonged emotional distress can manifest physically, contributing to ailments such as headaches, gastrointestinal issues, and a weakened immune system.
  2. Impaired Cognitive Function: Emotional distress may impact cognitive functions, leading to difficulties in concentration, memory loss, and impaired decision-making.
  3. Strained Relationships: Individuals experiencing emotional distress may struggle to maintain healthy relationships, as their emotional state can affect their ability to communicate effectively and empathize with others.

Coping Mechanisms:

  1. Seeking Professional Help: Mental health professionals, including psychologists, counselors, and therapists, can provide valuable support and guidance. Therapy sessions offer a safe space to explore and process emotions, learn coping strategies, and develop resilience.
  2. Building a Support System: Surrounding oneself with a supportive network of friends and family can alleviate emotional distress. Open communication and the sharing of feelings can foster a sense of connection and understanding.
  3. Mindfulness and Meditation: Practices such as mindfulness and meditation can help individuals cultivate awareness of their emotions and develop tools for managing stress. These techniques promote relaxation and emotional regulation.

Healing from Emotional Distress:

  1. Self-Reflection: Understanding the root causes of emotional distress requires self-reflection. Engaging in activities like journaling or introspection can aid in identifying triggers and developing a deeper understanding of one’s emotions.
  2. Holistic Approaches: Adopting holistic approaches such as maintaining a healthy lifestyle, incorporating regular exercise, and prioritizing self-care can contribute to overall well-being and aid in the healing process.
  3. Setting Realistic Goals: Establishing realistic and achievable goals can provide a sense of purpose and accomplishment, fostering a positive mindset and aiding in the recovery from emotional distress.
  4. Avoid Media: Do not watch anything that can trigger and cause overwhelming sadness, such as the news. Avoid social media.
  5. Education: Learn something, such as a skill or a trade.
  6. Control Incoming Calls: Only have people in your friend list who can contact you (this stops spammers and scammers.
  7. Trust: Be careful what you tell people because some are just waiting in the wings to see you trip up.

Emotional distress is a complex and multifaceted aspect of the human experience, impacting individuals in various ways. Understanding its causes, and effects, and implementing coping mechanisms are crucial steps in navigating the depths of emotional distress. By seeking support, fostering self-awareness, and adopting healthy coping strategies, individuals can embark on a journey toward healing and reclaiming their emotional well-being. Remember, seeking professional help is a sign of strength, and no one has to face emotional distress alone.

What Are The Symptoms Of Emotional Distress?

Emotional distress can manifest in a variety of symptoms, and its effects can vary from person to person. It’s important to note that experiencing occasional feelings of distress is a normal part of life. However, when these feelings become persistent, overwhelming, or significantly impact daily functioning, it may indicate a more serious issue.

Here are some common symptoms associated with emotional distress:

  1. Changes in Mood:
    • Persistent sadness or feelings of emptiness
    • Frequent mood swings
    • Irritability or increased frustration
    • Unexplained anger or hostility
  2. Cognitive Symptoms:
    • Difficulty concentrating or making decisions
    • Memory problems
    • Racing thoughts or constant worrying
    • Negative or intrusive thoughts
  3. Physical Symptoms:
    • Fatigue or low energy levels
    • Changes in appetite, leading to weight loss or gain
    • Insomnia or excessive sleep
    • Headaches or bodily aches and pains
  4. Behavioral Changes:
    • Social withdrawal or isolation
    • Decreased interest in activities once enjoyed
    • Procrastination or neglect of responsibilities
    • Changes in personal hygiene or self-care habits
  5. Relationship Issues:
    • Strained relationships with family, friends, or colleagues
    • Difficulty in expressing emotions or understanding others’ emotions
    • Social anxiety or avoidance of social situations
  6. Physical Health Issues:
    • Weakened immune system, making the individual more susceptible to illness
    • Gastrointestinal problems
    • Increased susceptibility to chronic health conditions due to stress
  7. Sleep Disturbances:
    • Difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep
    • Restless sleep or frequent waking during the night
    • Excessive sleeping, especially during the day
  8. Changes in Substance Use:
    • Increased use of alcohol, drugs, or other substances as a way to cope
    • Substance abuse or dependency issues
  9. Feelings of Hopelessness or Helplessness:
    • A pervasive sense of hopelessness about the future
    • Thoughts of suicide or self-harm (if experiencing suicidal thoughts, it’s crucial to seek immediate professional help)
  10. Decreased Self-Esteem:
    • Negative self-talk
    • Persistent feelings of worthlessness or inadequacy
    • Diminished self-confidence

It’s important to recognize that experiencing some of these symptoms occasionally is a normal part of life. However, when these symptoms become persistent, interfere with daily functioning, or lead to significant distress, it may be indicative of a more serious mental health concern. Seeking support from friends, family, or mental health professionals is crucial for understanding and addressing emotional distress effectively. If you or someone you know is struggling with emotional distress, reaching out for professional help is a proactive step toward healing and well-being.

Emotional Distress Keeping Records

Documenting Emotional Distress: A Guide to Keeping Records for Personal and Organizational Accountability

In the face of emotional distress caused by individuals or organizations, keeping a meticulous record can be a powerful tool for understanding, validating, and addressing the impact on one’s well-being. This documentation not only serves as a personal record but can also be crucial in situations where accountability or legal action may be necessary. This guide explores the importance of keeping records, what to include in your documentation, and how it can empower individuals in seeking resolution and healing.

Why Keep a Record?

  1. Validation of Feelings: Keeping a record of emotional distress helps validate your experiences. It serves as a tangible reminder of the emotions you’ve endured and the specific incidents that contributed to your distress, reinforcing the reality of your feelings.
  2. Facilitates Understanding: Documenting emotional distress allows for a clearer understanding of patterns, triggers, and the cumulative impact of events. It helps individuals identify trends, assess the severity of the distress, and recognize areas that may need intervention or support.
  3. Communication Aid: When discussing your emotional distress with others, whether it be friends, family, or professionals, having a well-documented record provides a comprehensive account. This can be especially valuable when conveying your experiences to mental health professionals or seeking support from loved ones.
  4. Legal and Professional Use: In certain situations, such as workplace harassment or discrimination, maintaining a detailed record can be vital for legal purposes. It serves as evidence that can be used to support claims or actions seeking accountability.

What to Include in Your Documentation:

  1. Date and Time: Record the date and time of each incident to create a chronological account. This helps establish patterns and can be crucial in legal proceedings.
  2. Description of the Incident: Provide a detailed description of each incident that caused emotional distress. Include specifics such as locations, people involved, and any actions or statements that contributed to your distress.
  3. Emotional Responses: Document your emotional responses to each incident. Note feelings of sadness, anger, anxiety, or any other emotions that were triggered.
  4. Impact on Daily Life: Describe how the emotional distress has impacted your daily life, including relationships, work, and overall well-being. This can help illustrate the severity and consequences of the distress.
  5. Witnesses: If there were witnesses to the incidents, document their names and contact information. Their statements may be valuable in corroborating your account.
  6. Correspondence: Keep records of any written communication, such as emails, text messages, or letters, related to the incidents. This includes both those directly causing distress and any responses you provided.
  7. Photographic or Audio Evidence: If applicable, include photographic or audio evidence that supports your account. This can be particularly useful in cases of harassment or abusive behavior.

Taking Action:

  1. Seeking Support: Share your documented experiences with trusted friends, family members, or mental health professionals. Their insights and support can be instrumental in navigating emotional distress.
  2. Addressing the Issue Directly: Depending on the circumstances, consider addressing the issue directly with the individual or organization responsible for the distress. Use your documentation to clearly articulate your concerns and seek resolution.
  3. Legal Consultation: If the emotional distress is a result of unlawful actions, consult with a legal professional to explore your options. Your well-documented records will be valuable in building a case.

What Does The Bible Say About Emotional Distress

The Bible contains numerous verses that offer guidance and comfort to those experiencing emotional distress. While it may not explicitly use the term “emotional distress,” the scriptures address various emotions, challenges, and sources of comfort that are relevant to the human experience. Here are some key passages that provide insights into how the Bible addresses emotional distress:

  1. Psalm 34:17-18 (NIV): “The righteous cry out, and the Lord hears them; he delivers them from all their troubles. The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.”This verse emphasizes the comforting presence of God for those going through difficult times, assuring that He is near to those who are brokenhearted.
  2. Matthew 11:28-30 (NIV): “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.”Jesus invites those burdened with emotional distress to find solace and rest in Him, emphasizing the idea of finding peace in a relationship with God.
  3. Philippians 4:6-7 (NIV): “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”This passage encourages believers to bring their worries and concerns to God through prayer, promising a peace that surpasses understanding as a result.
  4. Isaiah 41:10 (NIV): “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”Isaiah 41:10 reassures believers that God is with them during challenging times, offering strength, help, and support.
  5. 1 Peter 5:7 (NIV): “Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.”This verse encourages believers to release their anxieties to God, emphasizing His care and concern for each individual.

It’s important to note that interpretations of these verses may vary, and individuals may find additional passages that resonate with their experiences of emotional distress. Many people turn to their faith as a source of comfort, strength, and hope during difficult times, finding solace in the spiritual guidance provided by the scriptures. Seeking pastoral guidance or participating in a faith community can also offer additional support for those navigating emotional distress within a religious context.


Emotional distress, a complex and often invisible facet of human suffering, can result from various traumatic experiences, ranging from workplace harassment to personal injury incidents. When the impact of such distress becomes severe and pervasive, individuals may explore legal avenues to seek compensation for the emotional harm they’ve endured.

Documenting emotional distress is a proactive and empowering step toward acknowledging and addressing the impact of negative experiences. Whether for personal growth, seeking support, or potential legal action, keeping a detailed record ensures that your feelings and experiences are validated and provides a foundation for taking necessary steps toward healing and resolution. Remember that seeking professional guidance is crucial in navigating complex emotional distress situations, and your documentation can serve as a valuable resource in that process.

The courts recognize emotional distress as a type of damage that can be recovered through a civil lawsuit. This means you can sue someone for emotional trauma or distress if you can provide evidence to support your claims.

Further Reading:

#mentalhealth #depression #anxiety #discrimination #clinicaldepression #ptsd



Blue Butterfly
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