Christmas Stress Due to Depression and OCD.
As most of you know I suffer from depression and OCD. I have good days and bad days and this last week have made my illnesses skyrocket.
Had the electricians that did Pat Testing the beginning part of the year done their jobs properly and seen that the cooker sockets were inside the hot zone that they should have corrected it.
However because they did not do this, this has created a domino effect when one thing happens after another due to the consequences of people’s actions. Now as you know my cooker arrived which I paid for (more fool me) seeing as I have never had a cooker change in the last 24 years of living at my rented residence, you would have thought the landlord would be happy. I told him I was buying a cooker months ago but conveniently he has forgotten.
So to add insult to injury it has been a week since the cooker was delivered and it is still not been installed.
I was told my landlord would turn up on Saturday then at near enough Midnight he text me to say he would be coming Monday or Tuesday (No Show) so I text him yesterday and asked if he was coming today this was a hours ago and so far he has ignored me.
You have to also know what type of landlord he is, I reported another fault in March of this year and he only had it fixed in December so you can imagine the pace he goes.
The chain reaction of events has caused me to go into severe depression and I am in a very dark place at the moment (This is now my landlord’s fault for making me feel like this as he was the last straw, the straw that broke the camels back to speak).
This is the main factor of my depression at the moment.
But there are additional factors whereby because I am disabled I have a disabled sticker on my wheelie refuse bin, so all the wheelie bins on the street were emptied apart from mine and I checked with the council and there was no reason why my bin was not emptied so my rubbish will pile up for another two weeks in which keeping rubbish in my home is against health and safety and I do not want to attract mice.
I have had problems with mice before and when my neighbor lived downstairs with her cats we had no mice but the moment she left we ended having mice problems.
I took it upon myself to allow my daughter to have a kitten who is now 1 yr 6 months years old it was supposed to be also good for her Multiple Sclerosis therapy and is an eco-friendly mice deterrent.
Now when my landlord came about 6 months ago just before the first lockdown to inspect the property he mentioned nothing about the cat but because I have essentially caused him to lose money because of this cooker installation he has now said he can smell cat urine on the entrance of the flat and up to our staircase and that he will need to buy a new carpet.
This is his way of scamming me as he will buy a cheap carpet and charge me through the roof for changing it. He will have to pay me back for the cooker in that case…..touché.
He scammed me once before by changing the dates of when the rent was due by asking for the rent two weeks after I paid my monthly rent and then moved the rent forward by a month essentially got 6 weeks rent in one month.
“Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me fool me three times I will publically shame you”, (although he fooled me once he won’t be fooling me again).
These are very challenging times for me and only I can get through this, but I still can blame people for making me feel the way I do.
To top it all I phoned the retailer yesterday to see where my refund was seeing as I had waited five working days and they said there was a ‘system error’ and I have to wait a further five working days.
If I treated my customers the way Blue Chip Companies treat theirs, I would most certainly not have any business left.
No consideration for people’s mental health.

Famous People Suffer From Mental Health.
It just shows even famous A-Listers have demons that they fight within their heads.
I wrote a post about why people do not care and now I can prove the point.

For me to be treated by my landlord as a third-rate citizen is unforgivable and downright, ignorant and rude with no apology absolutely nothing.
If he was too ill he could have got his assistant to message me, rather than blank me altogether.
Out of courtesy, I would have if I were in his shoes been more transparent, just shows the difference in class of people we are.
“My landlord has now caused me to sink into a deep well of depression”.
Because he owns the property he thinks he is better than me.
I on the other hand see it as cheap rent and somewhere to sleep.
I certainly would not call it home.
One day the tables will be turned and he will wish he treated me differently.
“Show respect and you will earn respect”
Sorry if I have ranted on about myself but I find writing my thoughts is a bit like therapy, I am releasing the tension and the anger and sharing it with you.
I am not bothering to contact my landlord again and will see how long it takes him to show his face.
As a paying tenant, I have a right to have a cooker and if I was trying to do him a favor I can essentially insist he re-imburses me including all the takeouts and perished food, not to mention PTSD and compensation for work I could essentially lose because I am too ill to work because of his antics and his cowboy contractors.
“On a scale of 1 feeling fine and 20 feelings really low I am 20 plus at the moment and am feeling extremely anxious as to my Landlords next move.
I personally do not know how he can face me again seeing he ruined my Christmas and I am subjected to takeouts every day at an average cost of £30 per day as I have no other means of cooking”.

Renata The Editor of DisabledEntrepreneur.uk - DisabilityUK.co.uk - DisabilityUK.org - CMJUK.com Online Journals, suffers From OCD, Cerebellar Atrophy & Rheumatoid Arthritis. She is an Entrepreneur & Published Author, she writes content on a range of topics, including politics, current affairs, health and business. She is an advocate for Mental Health, Human Rights & Disability Discrimination.
She has embarked on studying a Bachelor of Law Degree with the goal of being a human rights lawyer.
Whilst her disabilities can be challenging she has adapted her life around her health and documents her journey online.
Disabled Entrepreneur - Disability UK Online Journal Working in Conjunction With CMJUK.com Offers Digital Marketing, Content Writing, Website Creation, SEO, and Domain Brokering.
Disabled Entrepreneur - Disability UK is an open platform that invites contributors to write articles and serves as a dynamic marketplace where a diverse range of talents and offerings can converge. This platform acts as a collaborative space where individuals or businesses can share their expertise, creativity, and products with a broader audience.